Prophet Quest

We have a three way tie here guys. Care to vote some more, or would you like for me to go with my personal choice, the HRE?
Hey, having our character potentially be a one-eyed wizard guy walking around Scandinavia should be pretty cool.
Hey, having our character potentially be a one-eyed wizard guy walking around Scandinavia should be pretty cool.
It's also really overdone, I guess I'm just sick of norse stuff after all the exposure it's gotten in CK2
I've never read anything where someone actually tried to continue the hellenic faith.
It's also really overdone, I guess I'm just sick of norse stuff after all the exposure it's gotten in CK2
I've never read anything where someone actually tried to continue the hellenic faith.
Sorry if i knew that i would go for another one this is my first time with something nordic :(
Sorry if i knew that i would go for another one this is my first time with something nordic :(
Yeah well it's only the hundreth time I've read/watched/played this.
Hell I wouldn't mind so much if people who complained that medieval europe would be too easy hadn't chosen the easiest option...
I'm more annoyed by the fact that scandinavia at this point is literally easy mode, the norse faith is at the height of it's power.
Really? Because I haven't read a single thread dealing with the actual Norse. Bastardizations in fantasy worlds, maybe, but not anything that even comes close, or even tries, to historically accurate norsemen. In fact, the only quest I know of that actually is based on the Norse is Norsca Quest, and that is a far cry from the actual Norse
At some point in the quest we MUST say "I find your lack of faith disturbing". Also why is there no option for our true Lord and Savior, The Flying Spaghetti Monster? Heck I won't mind being a prophet of C'thulhu and the rest of the Great Ones.
Uh, I'm sorry. I just realized there is very little distinction between traditional religion and classical religions. Therefore, unless anyone has any objections, I'm going to rule that you are going to be a prophet for all new gods.
Beginnings Pt.1
Your name is Eyvald Tokisson. You are 15 Years Old. And you are about to change the world.

The year is 1025. As of late Christianity is starting to replace the old gods your people have worshiped since time immemorial. Some people continue to worship the gods that your grandfathers worshiped with but the seed of doubt is rapidly spreading into their minds. As for you and your parents, you have decided to honor both Jesus Christ as well as Odin and Thor. However, you sense that soon all of your neighbors will have converted to Christianity, and eventually the old gods will eventually be regarded as myths in all households.

Feeling a measure of despair, you head over to "The Cave."

"The Cave" as it is called, has always produced a measure of fear in children and adults alike. It is a cave, as the name implies, but it is unique among caves for being indescribably dark just 10 minutes into exploring its depths, which are very unique. You have traveled far with your parents to trade your wares, and have never seen a cave with such bizarre patterns as the one back home. The creepiest part about "The Cave" however, is the fact that there are no animals living in it, and have never been in the entirety of the town's history. You think the longest anyone has ever explored it was thirty minutes. The man who did this exploring ran out of the cave screaming his head off, and was never quite right in the head again.

You have always felt at peace in its presence though, and decide to spend the day exploring it. You are done with all of your chores after all. To be safe, you bring along 10 torches, and vow to head back when you lose 4. The torches last about 30 minutes each, so you should be able to spend two hours exploring.

Two hours later, your fourth torch has been exhausted, and you decide to head back. At least, that's what your mind decides to do. Your body on the other hand, starts to move forward. You're confused, and rapidly starting to get scared.

Then you feel warmth. And light.

A light more brilliant than the sun that, somehow, does not blind you.

A voice speaks: "Eyvald Tokisson, the Light Gods have seen fit to grant you knowledge of the divine."

At once you know who the Light Gods are. Benevolent Gods, kind Gods, but not all-powerful Gods. And there is a threat to them: The Dark Gods: Beings of poor evil, who can feel joy only by the suffering of all living things. And currently, they are gaining power.

In order to stop the Dark Gods, you must increase the Light God's strength, which can be done by the use of spreading wisdom and knowledge of the Light Gods in equal measure. You will be assisted on your Quest by three other parcels of knowledge you ask for. What will you ask for?

[] Knowledge of the world
[] Knowledge of the future
[] Knowledge of the past
[] Knowledge of miracles
[] Knowledge of the hearts of men
[] Knowledge of true goodness
[] Knowledge of true evil
[] Knowledge of conflict
[] Knowledge of happiness
[] Knowledge of emotions
[] Knowledge of (Write-in)

AN: Well? How was i? For those of you who are authors already, feel free to tell me where I went wrong.
[X] Knowledge of true goodness
[X] Knowledge of miracles
[X] Knowledge of the hearts of men

Let's go full norse Jesus.