Project Black Reach Recruitment + OOC

I'm certainly interested, although I'm more for Engels than Tager play. Are there anything else you'll tell us about the campaign? And are we using any modifications to the rules? Cthulutech rules are notoriously unwieldy.

Aside from the little backstory in the first post, here's some more.

You're engaging in a long-time deployment in the arcology (mega-cities) of New Osaka, rebuilt with contributions of Chrysalis Corp (a corporation run by an elder god) after its destruction by the Migou (bug aliens that created the Nazzadi) 5 years ago. However, the founding has been used to cover up some kind of research with Dhohanoids (once-human shapeshifters that are the soldiers of Chrysalis Corp), which the Eldritch Society wants shut down. However, the NEG is even more tense then ever about the presence of cults in Asia, so you're going to have to go in with minimal equipment and get yourselves the equipment and cash needed to bring down the governor, Satellite Reign style.

As for house rules, I tend to find problems midway through campaigns, propose fixes, and move on. However, since I get triggered by the lack of an XP system, here's what I have in mind:

- 1 XP for completing a mission
- 1 XP for every 10 mortals killed, 1 for each Dhohanoid killed, Dhohanoids in mortal form count as Dhohanoids.
- If you play into your drawbacks at any time, 1 XP
- To learn a new skill, 1 XP per level, just like in character creation. Still have to do some kind of training IC to get it
- Takes 2 XP to remove an drawback or get an asset, and you have to actually do something in character to do it - IE, to get connections you have to go out into the underground and start blackmailing people.
- 5 XP to gain a new profession, as long as you meet the requirements. Tagers still can't be para-psychics or engel pilots.

Also, actions that are considered extremely routine (such as opening a door, or peering around a corner) don't give you penalties.
shit, um, I'm not sure if I'll join in; I'm trying to put together a solo Scion game & it's quite time-consuming.
Just read the premise and rules, and this looks really interesting. Are you still open to new players? I could whip up a character sheet.
Yup, so far we only have unconfirmed, so technically still looks like all 6 spots are still open, though it looks like Sablonus is committing.
Alright, coolio. I'll post a character sheet within an hour or so. Is there anywhere you want us to write up appearance, personality, and backstory? I don't see places for them on the template.
I assume those are just for below the actual stats, hopefully separated by a line

like this.
Awesome. One more question: are we starting with 20 or 30 skill points? The rulebook you linked to says 20, but your example sheet uses 30.
I'm waiting to see some sheets. I want to know what types of Tagers the others are taking, so I can "fill" roles.

I've never played or seen a Vampire or Nightmare before, so I'm leaning to one of those.
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Name: Isaac Mahmid
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Allegiance: Eldritch Society
Profession: Tager
Race: Human
Virtue: Adaptable
Flaw: Avaricious

Stats (35 points over the 6 primaries, which in turn affect the 5 secondaries)
Agility - 8 (11)
Intellect - 5
Perception - 9 (12)
Presence - 5
Strength - 6 (9)
Tenacity - 8 (10)

Actions - 2 (3)
Movement - 13 mph (32 running/7 cautious yards per turn) [19 mph (46 running/11 cautious yards per turn)]
Orgone - 11 (12)
Reflex - 7 (9)
Vitality - 12 (14)
Drama Points 10/10

Spectre Symbiont
UT-9 Stinger

Skills (0/30, nothing greater than Level 3 except language)
Language Expert (4) (Racial Language)
Literacy Novice (2)
Regional Knowledge Novice (2)
Fighting Adept (3)
Marksman Novice (2)
Observation Adept (3)
Dodge Novice (2)
Stealth Student (1)
Athletics Novice (2)

Assets and Drawbacks (-1/20, negative points can't go past -10)
Tager (4)
Tager Variant (0)
Authority (0)
Duty (-3)
Fanatical (-2)
Innovative (2)
Wary (2)
High Pain Threshold (3)
Luck (3)
Acute Sight (2)
Acute Hearing (2)
Big Ego (-1)
Damaged (-2)
Habit (Tobacco) (-2)

Tager form weapons: Phasing Touch, Gravewind

[Appearance/Personality/Backstory pending]

Edited for skill points
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Name: Aria
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Allegiance: Eldritch Society
Profession: Tager
Race: Human
Virtue: Intelligent
Flaw: Arrogant

Stats (35 points over the 6 primaries, which in turn affect the 5 secondaries)
Agility - 7 (11)
Intellect - 4
Perception - 6 (9)
Presence - 9
Strength - 9 (14)
Tenacity - 8 (11)

Actions - 2 (3)
Movement - 13 mph (21 mph)
Orgone - 11 (13)
Reflex - 6 (8)
Vitality - 14 (16)
Drama Points 10/10

Vampire Symbiote
UT-7 Hornet

Skills (15)
Language Expert (4) (Racial Language)
Literacy Novice (2)
Regional Knowledge Novice (2)
Fighting Adept (3)
Observation Adept (3)
Dodge Adept (3)
Athletics Adept (3)
Seduction Adept (3)

Assets and Drawbacks (7)
Tager (4)
Tager: Variant (0)
Tager: Exceptional Asset (2)
Alluring (3)
Sexy Voice (3)
Fast (2)
Acute Sight (2)
Peripheral Vision (1)
Authority (0)
Big Ego (-1)
Prejudice (Sex Workers, Customers) (-2)
Habit (Blood) (-2)
Fanatical (-2)
Duty (-3)

Bio WIP.


Never done a style of character like this before; a little insane, combat heavy with some social fu. I've done social-fu with intellect before, but not like this.

Also, character is built as if we have 20 skill points to use baseline.
Edited my character for 20 skill points instead of 30, and changed Tager weapons due to the conventional weaponry thing.
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Sidearm (unsure which, is there a list?)

You have the options of :
Midnight Spec, a Small Autopistol (RNG 15/30/50, 0 extra damage dice, 3 shots/turn, 15 rounds/clip)
Hornet, a Small Autoneedler (RNG 15/35/55, 0 extra damage dice, 3 shots/turn, 20 needles/clip)
Defender, a Medium Autopistol, (RNG 15/30/50, 1 extra damage dice, 2 shots/turn, 15 rounds/clip)
Stinger, a Medium Autoneedler (RNG 15/35/55, 1 extra damage dice, 3 shots/turn, 18 needles/clip)
Peacemaker, a Large Autopistol (RNG 10/20/40, 2 extra damage dice, 1 shots/turn, 15 rounds/clip)
Enforcer, a Large Autopistol (RNG 12/25/45, 2 extra damage dice, 2 shots/turn, 15 rounds/clip)

It should be noted that the larger the weapon, the harder it is to get a permit to fire them legally. You get a permit to use small and medium sidearms at first.
Coolio, edited for sidearm. Will we have the opportunity to get heavier weaponry over the course of the game?
Name: Seth Anderson
Gender: Male
Allegiance: Eldritch Society
Profession: Tager
Race: Human
Virtue: Courageous
Flaw: Vengeful

Stats (35 points over the 6 primaries, which in turn affect the 5 secondaries)
Agility - 6 (8)
Intellect - 5
Perception - 5 (6)
Presence - 7
Strength - 8 (14)
Tenacity - 11 (13)

Actions - 1 (2)
Movement - 13mph/32/8ypt (21mph/52/12ypt)
Orgone - 0
Reflex - 5 (6)
Vitality - 14 (18)
Drama Points 10/10

Efreet Symbiote (Spiked Fists, Searing Filaments, Dragonsbreath, More Armor 3/3 Less Regen 1/3)
CS-44 Enforcer

Skills (22)
Language Expert (4) (English)
Literacy Novice (2)
Regional Knowledge Novice (2)
Athletics (2)
Fighting (3) Specialization: Eldritch Society Ninjitsu (Focused)
Dodge (3)
Marksman (3) Specialization: Handgun Gunplay (Focused)
Support Weapons (2)
Armorer (2)
Munitions (2)
Demolitions (3)
Observation (2)

Assets and Drawbacks (3)
Tager (4)
Tager: Exceptional (2)
Tager: Rare (1)
Tager Variant (0)
Authority (0)
Ambidextrous (2)
High Pain Threshold (3)
Wealth (1)
Duty (-3)
Fanatical (-2)
Short Fuse (-2)
Impetuous (-2)
Big Ego (-1)

Seth kinda just wants to blow shit up...
[Appearance/Personality/Backstory pending]

Also, round down for secondaries, right?
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