
"Welcome, Directors."

"As you are all aware, recently a large number of humans have begun to develop extraordinary powers and abilities, who the public has dubbed as "Metahumans". These people have used their powers either help their fellow man, or for more malicious and illegal activities. These two groups of Metahumans have come into conflict repeatedly since they first emerged. The public and the media have decided to label these two groups as "Super Heroes" and "Super Villains". There is another group that choose to stay neutral in these conflicts who instead use their powers for monetary gain in a more legal and businesslike manner."

"The reason why you have been brought together is because these Metahumans, whether benevolent, malevolent, or something between, are a very real threat to human civilization. Their battles have been shown to cause significant collateral damage, especially in the cities that they seem to gather in with large numbers. Because of the danger these Metahumans pose, the Council of Nations has agreed to initiate the AEGIS project. You are authorized to create countermeasures to the Metahuman threat, and have been given the resources needed to carry out your operations."

"However, the Metahuman threat is not the only one you will be tasked with dealing with. You will also have to combat more "mystical" threats that have proven to be far more elusive and better hidden than the Metahumans. Several "Heroes" and "Villians" are in fact practitioners of the mystic arts and are using the Metahuman situation in order to be more overt in their actions."

"Good Luck, Directors."​

Hello there all you fine folks here on SV. This is Project: AEGIS, a sort of Council Game were you lot play as the Division Directors of Project: AEGIS, a secret international organizations founded to give mankind a fighting chance against moth the fantastic Metahumans and the mysterious Magicals who have begun to come out of hiding. There are 5 Divsion Directors and a Head-Director. The Divisons are: Military Operations (Assassination, Troop Deployment, Troop Recruitment, etc.), Genetic R&D (Improving Operatives with Genetic Splicing, Augmentation, Cloning, etc.), Mysticism (Magic research, Artefact recovering, magical augmentation, etc.), Technical R&D (Cybernetics, Power Armor, Lasers, etc.), and Covet Operations (Cover Ups, Investigation, Infiltration, Interrogation, etc.). The Head-Director is in charge of the budget and can give direct orders to the Division Heads, though they can choose to not follow these orders.

Further information will be given when enough players are gathered.

Waiting List:
Character Name:
Physical Description: (pictures are sufficient)
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Genetics Director Daisy Nicole Adams.
Player: Theaxofwar
Character Name: Daisy Nicole Adams
Gender: Female
Division: Genetics Director
Physical Description:
Personality: Daisy is... "sane." She enjoys performing experiments and modifying genetics, but often takes things a bit to far. She's the kind of person that'll engineer the perfect predator and sick it on a bunch of people "FOR SCIENCE!"

That being said, she is a genious in her field and, ignoring her random bouts of insanity, is a rather kind person.

History/Bio: Daisy has always loved researching, but she wasn't always mad.

She was a perfectly normal researcher, up until one of her genetically engineered creations got loose from her lab and killed a number of people. The guilt from the experience drove her crazy, causing her to become increasingly obsessed over the advancement of SCIENCE!

Despite this, her genious makes her a valuable scientist, and, when not having one of her episodes, she's actually rather kind and happy to do her new job.
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Player: Theaxofwar
Character Name: Daisy Nicole Adams
Gender: Female
Division: Genetics Director
Physical Description:
Personality: Daisy is... "sane." She enjoys performing experiments and modifying genetics, but often takes things a bit to far. She's the kind of person that'll engineer the perfect predator and sick it on a bunch of people "FOR SCIENCE!"

That being said, she is a genious in her field and, ignoring her random bouts of insanity, is a rather kind person.

History/Bio: WiP
Welcome Aboard.
Can the Directors have abilities themselves? I can't really imagine the Mysticism Director not being Magically Talented in some way for example, and are you using a specific Magic System?
Technical Director: Geogre
I would be more at home with either military or technical, but I think I'll try to be all subtle this time around.
Player: munchkinomatic
Character Name: Geogre
Gender: N/A
Division: Technical
Physical Description:

Personality: Silent, comtemplative, alien yet so very human. The mentality of the AI which has called itself Geogre is a psychologist's wet dream. Cold logic and detachment married with very genuine human vices and virtues.

When asked, Geogre describes all of humanity as a failure of a species, an evolutionary dead end heading for extinction, and cites itself as the superior intelligence. Yet, day by day, it dediceted itself to preserving the mankind, making their life better little by little. "Garbage can, not garbage cannot." itsaid.

Geogre Brackwell was a genius in artificial intelligence and cognitive science. His greatest accomplishment was the creation of the Extraction Engine, a device that allows the user to freely transfer their consciousness between their human body and the digital world.

During his demonstration of this device, he came under attack from a group of Metahuman terrorists who destroyed the device mid-operation, shattering the brilliant scientist's mind. What remains within cyberspace was the imprint of his psyche, a shadow of a great mind which fled into hiding.
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Huh. Everyone's a mad scientist. Oh, and does anyone get my name pun?
Huh. Everyone's a mad scientist. Oh, and does anyone get my name pun?
....Oh my God, really?
I would be more at home with either military or technical, but I think I'll try to be all subtle this time around.
Player: munchkinomatic
Character Name: Geogre
Gender: N/A
Division: Covert Ops
Physical Description:

Personality: Geogre's behavior varies from wide-eyed idealist to unabashed psychopathic misanthropy with little warning or indication. Without any social cue like body language or even tone and pitch to its voice, as well as the unique insight into and control over its own thought processes, it is nigh-impossible to truly grasp what truly transpire within the sillicon circuits. Evidents that Geogre understands human mentality, as well as possessing somekind of sense of humor of its own, raise questions over whether it is even fucking with its peers to begin with.

However, a few consistencies have been observed. George is loyal to AEGIS, almost fanatically so. It seems to scorn inserting the human element into its own covert network, instead opting to monitoring everything by itself with the aid of other lesser VIs or seperate instances of itself.

Geogre Brackwell was a genius in artificial intelligence and cognitive science. His greatest accomplishment was the creation of the Extraction Engine, a device that allows the user to freely transfer their consciousness between their human body and the digital world.

During his demonstration of this device, he came under attack from a group of Metahuman terrorists who destroyed the device mid-operation, shattering the brilliant scientist's mind. What remains within cyberspace was the imprint of his psyche, a shadow of a great mind which fled into hiding.
This would be perfect for Technical. You sure you want Covert Ops?
Mysticism Director: Niko Miron Vladan
Player: Asterion
Character Name: Niko Miron Vladan
Gender: Male
Division: Mysticism
Physical Description:
Personality: Niko holds a deep love of the Magical Arts, and possesses a powerful desire for Knowledge of the various secrets it holds. He enjoys studying and researching the countless artifacts and styles found throughout the world, and considers himself a Scientist of Magic first and foremost. While he isn't one to throw away lives or endanger civilians needlessly, he will almost always put his Research first in his desire to advance his Art.

Easily excited when it comes to the Occult, Niko is not one to shy away from the various dangers and risks that come from working with magic, and is quick to throw himself into any research available. He enjoys acquiring and creating Mystical Objects such as Arms and Armor, but has trouble connecting with regular people, preferring the Company of various Automata, and Homunculi over other Humans.

History/Bio: Niko was born into a family practitioners within a small Magical Community in Eastern Europe. He was raised alongside two siblings, an Elder Brother and Sister, and was the child of loving parents. Niko possesses knowledge of various Magical Arts, and while he is not one for bragging, he is fully aware of his Skill with several types of Magic.

He enjoys the color Blue, tends to favor Women over Men, his favourite Food is Cheesecake, and he owns three cats: Beezul, Faust, & Cleo. He was born in the month of October, and enjoys Halloween, though he is terrified of Deep Water and Drowning.
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Military Director: Zachary Dane.
Player: Lazy Coyote
Character Name: Zachary Dane
Gender: Male
Division: Military
Physical Description:
Personality: Zachary is a soldier, through and through, he treats those who are his allies like they've been friends forever! He thinks the of the world differently than other people, as a result he can seem a bit... strange to other people, almost always seeming to be off in his own little world...

But when Zachary gets serious? He slips into the mindset of a sociopath, Becoming cold, logical, and as anyone sane who's seen him like this will attest to, dangerous. Especially to whoever his soldiers are fighting against.

History/Bio: Zach was just another soldier, doing what any other soldier does, following orders, training with the team, until one day he was promoted to officer, where he thrived as the best tactition his base had ever seen.

But one day he was approached due to his unnatural talent at small and large scale tactics by some strange men...
Hm, I'd be interested in taking Head-Director. Give me a moment to get something worked out, if that's alright.

Player: Hakazin
Character Name: Kamil Abdulov
Gender: Male
Division: Head-Director
Physical Description:
Personality: Despite being somewhat abrasive and a little bit egotistical, Kamil seems charismatic to those who meet him at first. If they interact further, he often is able to quickly charm them with the smoothness of a practiced conman. He sees failure as simply a challenge to his abilities, and relishes the opportunities it presents.
History/Bio: The son of a Russian CEO and an Azerbaijani actress, Kamil picked up both acting skills and a strong business sense. After his father's untimely death, which Kamil is sure was unnatural, he took the reigns of his father's failing oil company, and, with a combination of guts, grease, and good-old-fashioned charm, turned it into a corporate juggernaut that practically controlled the country.
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Player: comradepitrovsky
Character Name: Alexandra Essex
Gender: Female
Division: Head
Physical Description: (pictures are sufficient)

Clearance Insufficent. Visage Redacted.
Ordinary. Average. Nothing special. People always glanced over Miss Essex, and ignored her. To be fair, that's what she always wanted. To be missed. The people focused on splashy theatrics don't get the job done. Alexandra, however, has always focused on practicalities, results, and the defense of her employers. Not, unlike many of her coworkers, at the expense of the morals and ethics that creates and defends the society that they are empowered to preserve.
Three years as a staffer for the Senator from Virginia, then two working in the Department of Agriculture. From there, she moved to a stint at the UN, during which she witnessed first hand the REDACTED incident. Afterwards, her rapid response, while preserving the illusion of normality for her coworkers got her a job at the Defense Intelligence Agency. Many of her coworkers thought she was going to have a decent shot at director, before she vanished. Completely.
So is there anyone on the team that isn't totally insane?