Yah know, seems like on a path of having close relations with both RobCo and the CIA such as how in Eve of Destruction it was a close relations with ACME. Seems interesting.

Granted would like working with General Atomics as well...

[] Focusing on infrastructure
-[] - ACME, HPP on the Mississippi.
-[] - RobCo, Laser Swords.
-[] - Yellowstone complex.

I like this plan.
[X] Focusing on infrastructure
-[X] - ACME, HPP on the Mississippi.
-[X] - RobCo, Laser Swords.
-[X] - Yellowstone complex.
[X] Focusing on infrastructure
-[X] - ACME, HPP on the Mississippi.
-[X] - RobCo, Laser Swords.
-[X] - Yellowstone complex.
[X] Focusing on infrastructure
-[X] - ACME, HPP on the Mississippi.
-[X] - RobCo, Laser Swords.
-[X] - Yellowstone complex.
[X] Plenty of Water
-[X] - ACME, HPP on the Mississippi.
-[X] - RobCo, Laser Swords.
-[X] - Cooperation with the CIA.
[X] Plan simple goals.
-[X] - ACME, HPP on the Mississippi.
Having these dams survive would be great
-[X] - Military bunkers.
only a single 250 point project but one that gets unlocked to be build anywhere
Also provides 50 funding per turn for each phase completed
-[X] - Yellowstone complex.
Easy to do while completing other goals in this region

and of the two leading plans i prefer:
[X] Focusing on infrastructure
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Karlov on Aug 22, 2022 at 10:18 AM, finished with 14 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Focusing on infrastructure
    -[X] - ACME, HPP on the Mississippi.
    -[X] - RobCo, Laser Swords.
    -[X] - Yellowstone complex.
    [X] Plenty of Water
    -[X] - ACME, HPP on the Mississippi.
    -[X] - RobCo, Laser Swords.
    -[X] - Cooperation with the CIA.
    [X] Plan simple goals.
    -[X] - ACME, HPP on the Mississippi.
    -[X] - Military bunkers.
    -[X] - Yellowstone complex.
    [X] Plenty of Water
    [X] Focusing on infrastructure
Turn 3 - Q3 2269
Winning vote:
[X] Focusing on infrastructure
-[X] - ACME, HPP on the Mississippi.
-[X] - RobCo, Laser Swords.
-[X] - Yellowstone complex.


Water: -5
Food: -10
Industry: -5
Medicine: -5
Knowledge: -10
Population: -10
Security: -5

Missile Defense: 2

Expected outcome: Despite the large number of military installations, California is likely to become one of the centers of the restoration of civilization in the Wasteland. The soils of the California valley will be relatively fertile, and the major cities will retain a large amount of advanced equipment that will be used to restore civilization.


Water: 1
Food: -15
Industry: -5
Medicine: -4
Knowledge: -5
Population: -18
Security: -4

Missile Defense: 1

Expected outcome: The colossal amount of rainfall brought by the Alaska current will slowly kill the region, bringing in radioactive water. Over time, the concentration of radiation decreases below the lethal level, but the region will need to be recolonized.

Population training (Phase Two - Complete) (Phase Three 20/250) [Knowledge]
Short-term Bunkers (Phase One - Complete) (Phase Two 46/250) [Population]
Bunkers of the National Guard (Phase One - Complete) (Phase Two 64/350) [Population] [Military]


Four States
Water: -20
Food: -15
Industry: -10
Medicine: -10
Knowledge: -15
Population: -10
Security: 0

Missile Defense: 0

Expected outcome: Total degradation of the population due to the break in technological chains. A return to the primitive communal form of society for several centuries, until the region is conquered, or more advanced social formations from the surrounding regions inhabit it.


Water: -15
Food: -0
Industry: -15
Medicine: -5
Knowledge: -10
Population: -15
Security: -10

Missile Defense: 2

Expected outcome: Further desertification and the transformation of once fertile soils into a desert will lead to the destruction of a settled civilization on the territory of the Great Plains. Instead, a nomadic society will form here with rare towns on the tributaries of the Mississippi and Missouri.


Water: -10
Food: -10
Industry: 0
Medicine: -10
Knowledge: -5
Population: -10
Security: -10

Missile Defense: 2

Expected outcome: The region will go through a difficult period, but will be able to survive thanks to significant anti-missile systems, however, the region is not logistically connected to a single whole, because of which it will not act like California as a unifying force in America, each large city will become the center for its own community.


Water: 5
Food: -5
Industry: -20
Medicine: -15
Knowledge: -15
Population: 0
Security: -15

Missile Defense: 1

Expected outcome: Total degradation of society with a return to agrarian communities and perhaps even feudalism. More accurate calculations depend on the specific forms of mutation in the biosphere.


Steel Belt
Water: -15
Food: -20
Industry: 5
Medicine: -5
Knowledge: 0
Population: -10
Security: -20

Missile Defense: 2

Expected outcome: Another potential region that could act as a unifying force in the new America. The Great Lakes represent a transport system, while the cities of the Steel Belt, despite the general degradation, will be able to maintain part of their production.


Great Virginia
Water: -5
Food: -5
Industry: -15
Medicine: -10
Knowledge: -15
Population: -20
Security: -10

Missile Defense: 0

Expected outcome: The level of radiation in the early years will wipe out most of the local population, but the radiation will subside quickly enough, opening up the possibility for re-colonization of the region by survivors from neighboring territories. The biosphere is well enough preserved in the Appalachians, which is why the region is unlikely to face famine.


Old America
Water: -15
Food: -20
Industry: 5
Medicine: -10
Knowledge: -5
Population: -20
Security: -14

Missile Defense: 2

Expected outcome: Despite a fairly strong anti-missile defense, this is where China's main strike will be delivered, due to which most of the population will die. The rest will die due to the devastation of the aquifers, as well as the disruption of the all-American clean water transportation system. Mortality will be about 97% in the first year.


New England
Water: -5
Food: -10
Industry: -10
Medicine: 0
Knowledge: -10
Population: -15
Security: -10

Missile Defense: 2

Expected outcome: The region will survive, but due to the lack of a centralizing factor and Boston's proximity to the edge of the region, it will not become a unifying force in American territory. Probably the formation of a series of communities and city-states.


Financing: 10525 + 2800 per turn
Political Support: 60 (-5)
Suspicious: 1

5 FREE Dice
Special dices:

2 Dice for projects in Cascadia and California

Amelia Lockhart: +15 to [Bureaucracy] Projects.

Technology: Pulowski construction experience - +5 bonus to Construction dice
Technology: Open Source OS - +1 Post-War Knowledge to regions with projects that increase knowledge.

Task: Maximize political support within a year and a half. Reward: 1 Free dice for 5 turns.
Task: Within two years, you must increase [Population] in the United States as a whole by at least +10. Reward: 10 Political Support
Task Complete 2 Bio-Dome. Reward: + 1 Research Dice, +5 to [GENETIC] and [AGRARIAN] projects
Task: Complete Second stage of HPP on Mississippi. Reward: +2 Construction Dice after second phase
Task: Complete Laser Swords. Reward: +5 [ELECTRONIC] project, +300 Financing per turn, +1 Military dice
Task: Compfinish three projects in Cascadia region. Reward: +1 Dice that you can spend only for California and Cascadia, +10 Political Support

Complication: Each time you gain additional political support, this number is halved.
Complication: You gain +1 point of Suspicion each time you gain one.

4 Dice

Surplus Weapons [Security] [Military]: We cannot prevent that after the end of a nuclear war, a certain part of the Chinese intelligence networks will survive, or the remnants of their fleet will not try to land on the American coast. To protect against them, the remnants of the American Society will undoubtedly need additional stocks of weapons.
Phase one: (0/150) - One region gains +2 Post-War security.
Cost: 200 per dice

Early Warning Systems [Security] [Military]: To support the state's missile defense system, we could bolster these systems with additional early warning systems that would give early warning of, for example, Chinese bombers approaching with their deadly payload.
Phase one: (0/600) - One region gains +1 Missile Defense.
Cost: 500 per dice

Bunkers of the National Guard [Population] [Military]: One of the main centers for population recovery after a nuclear war should be the National Guard as that part of American society that has at least a semblance of organization, as well as basic training for such conditions. We will place additional bunkers under the National Guard bases so that additional personnel will survive the first strikes.
-SPECIFY REGION: Cascadia (Phase Two 64/350)
Phase one: (0/300) - One region gains +1 Post-War security and population.
Phase two: (0/350) - One region gains +2 Post-War population.
Cost: 400 per dice

Laser Swords [Security] [Military]: The ambitious idea of Mr. House, which proposes the creation of a laser gun complex, which will have to protect Mojave and the surrounding area from a possible nuclear strike, as well as prevent the appearance of enemy aircraft in the area.
Progress: (0/900) - +1 Missile Defense to California and Four States.
Cost: 500 per dice, you can spend both Military and Construction Dices

7 Dice
+5 bonus

Seed Storage [Agriculture]: These are large underground storages where automation will maintain low temperatures for the best possible preservation of seeds, allowing them to survive for several centuries in automatic mode. Such a system will undoubtedly help the population with the restoration of agriculture, if they are discovered.
Phase one: (0/150) - One region gains +2 Post-War food.
Cost: 200 per dice

Data Storage [Knowledge]: Another storage facility in case of a Nuclear War, which will have to house a huge mainframe with the Library of Congress stored on it, as well as many spare parts, which will allow the mainframe or other computer networks to be restored to working order, which will be indispensable when civilization begins to recover.
Phase one: (0/150) - One region gains +1 Post-War Knowledge.
Cost: 200 per dice

Water Purifier [Agriculture]: One of the most likely problems after a nuclear war would be a lack of clean water due to fall of radioactive dust. The only likely sources that will remain are the lower layers of mountain glaciers, as well as the few aquifers that are isolated from surface contact. We can help the population by creating a network of purification and desalination stations that will be located near large reservoirs.
Phase one: (0/100) - One region gains +1 Post-War water.
Cost: 100 per dice

Underground Workshops [Industry]: One of the practically guaranteed effects of a nuclear war will be the reduction of technology and the destruction of production chains. The most optimal calculations speak of degradation to the level of the nineteenth century in the long term, until at least continental trade is restored.
Phase one: (0/150) - One region gains +1 Post-War industry.
Cost: 200 per dice

Short term Bunkers [Population]: The death of most of the population is inevitable, but we could help civil defense systems by creating additional facilities that are not intended for long-term habitation, but will help to survive the first days after a nuclear war, until the remnants of emergency services begin to operate .
-SPECIFY REGION - Cascdia (Phase One - 46/250)
Phase one: (0/200) - One region gains +1 Post-War population.
Phase one: (0/250) - One region gains +1 Post-War population and + 1 population if another project in the region increases its population.
Cost: 150 per dice

Project Paradise [Agriculture]: One of the most ambitious projects you have been approached is the creation of several domes that will create a biosphere, albeit a local one, but almost completely self-sustaining, which can help preserve not only the most hardy and useful for the post-war civilization samples of the biosphere, but also less useful, in order to preserve biodiversity.
Progress: (0/400) - One region gains +1 Post-War Food and Water.
Cost: 250 per dice

HPP on Mississippi [Industry]: Creating proper emergency systems at hydroelectric power plants that can withstand not only wear and tear, but also the damaging factors of a nuclear attack will be a difficult task for us, which, however, we are quite capable of accomplishing. This will ensure the safety of the Mississippi Valley.
Phase one: (0/300) - ???
Cost: 300 per dice

Pulowski Product Repairs: Along with acquiring many of Pulowski's technologies, we can now also repair the shelters they've already built. They are distributed throughout America, and repairing such shelters would allow us to prevent the death of people who could be locked inside.
Progress: (0/150) - Gain 5 Political Support.
Cost: 150 per dice

Strengthening the subway structure [Population]: Hiding in the subway in the event of a nuclear attack is an understandable decision for most Americans, given that the subway provides at least minimal protection. However, in reality, it has a high chance of becoming a grave for American citizens due to the risks of collapse. We must prevent this.
Progress: (0/325) - One region gains +1 Post-War population and +1 Random Stat.
Cost: 200 per dice

Nuka-Cola Storage: As a thank you for our help with the amusement park, as well as trying to gain popularity with the population by their imaginary concern for them, the company offered us a deal. They want to make a network of large storage facilities for their famous soda all over America so that the people of America will always have access to it even in the event of a nuclear war! You don't even know how to comment on this...
Progress: (0/400) - One region gains +1 Post-War Food and Water.
Cost: 250 per dice

4 Dice

Superstims [Chem]: Stims are an indispensable piece of equipment for the modern soldier, given the way they activate the body's regenerative properties. However, some people want an improved version that can save a person's life even in case of arterial bleeding. However, such tension does not pass without a trace for the body.
Progress: (137/600) - Gain technology Superstims that altering some projects and add 1 Medicine to all regions
Cost: 300 per dice

Fusion: One of the most impressive, but not fully developed technologies, is thermonuclear fusion. Although we have prototypes, this technology is far from commercial implementation. however, this does not negate the fact that such reactors will be a useful source of energy for our projects.
Phase One: (0/600) - Nothing?
Cost: 400 per dice

Our own Water Chips [Agriculture]: As mentioned, after a nuclear war, there will always be a shortage of water. In such a situation, our own water chips, which we can distribute throughout America, invariably help the population survive the worst effects of water shortages.
Phase One: (0/1000) - Each Region gains +1 Water, you gain Watech Chips V.1 tech.
Cost: 300 per dice

Transistor Electronics [Knowledge]: Transistor electronics is a marvel in terms of computational efficiency and reliability. After the inevitable nuclear war, they will have to become the basis of the electronics of the future. We just need to help spread them.
Progress: 0/500 - gain technology: Transistor Electronics, increasing every region that you invest in Knowledge by 1. Lower Data Storage project cost by 50.
Cost: 400 per dice

6 Dice

Vault Tec Investments: We could get in touch with Vault-Tec and offer them our assistance in obtaining additional funding to further expand the Vault project.
Each dice spent on this project provides this faction with an additional Development Dice for this faction and a random amount (max 200) of financing.

ACME Investments: We could contact ACME and offer them our assistance in obtaining additional funding for their various infrastructure projects. While the quality of their projects is dubious and their motivation self-serving, there is hardly more to it than that.
Each dice spent on this project provides this faction with an additional Development Dice for this faction and a random amount (max 200) of financing.

RobCo Investments: We could get in touch with Mr. House and offer him our help in obtaining additional funding for his very eccentric but consistently brilliant projects. We will get an additional ally, and he will continue to carry out his activities for the development of Vegas.
Each dice spent on this project provides this faction with an additional Development Dice for this faction and a random amount (max 200) of financing.

General Atomics Investments: We could contact General Atomics and offer them our assistance in obtaining additional funding for their projects, both military and civilian.
Each dice spent on this project provides this faction with an additional Development Dice for this faction and a random amount (max 200) of financing.

Bulk Purchases of Water Chips: This is America, and many, many problems here can still be solved by simply throwing in a colossal amount of money as kindling. We can just stock up on Vault-Tec chips.
Progress: 0/100 - gain technology: Vault-Tec Water Chips, increasing water in every region by 5.
Cost: 1000

Water Chips licensing [Business]: Instead of trying to nationalize this technology or buy off-the-shelf chips on the market, we can negotiate with Vault-Tech to license us to produce a virtually unlimited amount of these chips. This is a kind of intermediate solution to the problem.
Progress: 0/600 - gain technology: Vault-Tec Water Chips, increasing water in every region by 5.
Cost: 300

5 Dice

Lobby (Financing) [Bureaucracy]: It's quite simple. We need additional funding, and we will get it, even if it comes at a price.
Progress: (0/200) - +500 Financing per turn
Cost: 300, 5 political support per dice

Lobby (Support): You would like to stop talking about your department in a negative way. To do this, you need to do a few favors for important people and create a general feeling that you do not forget about the leadership of America.
Progress: (0/200) - 10 Political Support, Stop decreasing of Political Support on this turn.
Cost: 300

Lobby (People) [Bureaucracy]: To start a full-fledged work of the department, you will need additional qualified personnel who could help you in matters where you yourself are not a qualified specialist.
Check: 60/80/90/100/110 - You gain a post with a choice of additional personnel. Counts only your highest dice result
Cost: 300, 5 political support per dice

Nationalize (Diamond, Inc): This company has been unable to keep up with the fierce competition in the era of proliferation of electronics and robotics, and now the once large company is close to closing. We could use their resources and patents, given the need to preserve information in a post-war world.
Progress: (0/400) - +200 Financing per turn, + 1 [Electronic] dice, + 3 [Electronic] projects
Cost: 150 per dice.

Nationalize (Abraxodyne Chemical): RobCo decided to get rid of one of their chemical businesses. The basis of his business is the production of detergents, but we are interested in something else. Namely, their developments in the sterilization of food from bacteria in order to increase the service life. This will be useful in post-nuclear war conditions.
Progress: (0/400) - +250 Financing per turn, + 1 [Chem] dice, + 3 [Chem] projects
Cost: 150 per dice.

Nationalize (Water Chip technology) [Bureaucracy]: We can't nationalize a corporation as large as Vault-Tec just yet, especially given its huge finances and political backing. However, we can look for… a good reason to nationalize one particular technology.
Progress: 0/1000 - gain technology: Vault-Tec Water Chips, increasing water in every region by 5.
Cost: 200, 5 political support per dice.

5 Dice
+10 bonus

Population training (Phase One) [Knowledge]: We could start a series of training sessions that would focus on educating the population about emergencies and how to respond to them. This will certainly increase the readiness of the population for the inevitable future.
-SPECIFY REGION - Cascadia (Phase Three 20/225)
Phase One: (0/200) - One region gains +1 Random Stat.
Phase Two: (0/225) - One region gains +1 Random Stat.
Phase Three: (0/250) - One region gains +2 Random Stats.
Cost: 150 per dice

Population Draft: You can find new talented subordinates not only in the state apparatus of the United States, but also in many other places. Talented individuals, small companies, professors at universities - all of them can contribute to your activities.
Check: 55/70/85/95/105 - You gain a post with a choice of additional personnel. Counts only your highest dice result
Cost: 250, 5 political support per dice

Government Scholarships: Another way to increase the education of the population after the Great War would be to generally increase the level of education of the American population so that at least some of the newly educated people survived the consequences of the Great War and could contribute to the restoration of civilization after a future war.
Phase One: (0/600) - All regions gains +1 Post-War Knowledge.
Cost: 500 per dice

4 Dice

Find compromising evidence (Phase Two) [Black Ops] [Bureaucracy]: You can use it to find the dirty secrets of other powerful people in America for your work. It's not such a difficult task, considering what a fucking nightmare modern America is.
Progress: 12/400 - +20 Political Support.
Cost: 100 Financing, +10 Suspicion upon completion.

Money laundering (Phase One) [Business] [Bureaucracy]: You could do such a wonderful thing as creating shell companies, one-day businesses and other wonderful things that are solely for the purpose of stealing funds for your own needs. It won't be that hard, as long as you don't do it too hard.
Progress: 0/100 - +150 Funding per Turn for every phase completed.
Cost: 300 Financing, +5 Suspicion for every phase completed.

Corporate Espionage (Phase One) [Business]: Currently, a huge amount of experimental technologies are in private laboratories of corporations, and they cannot help anyone in any way. We could "borrow" these technologies, especially since they are not formally protected in any way until they are patented.
Progress: 0/400 - Gain a random Technology.
Cost: 200, +2 Suspicion for every Dice spent on this project.
[X] Plan: Try to do some good
-[X] Bunkers of the National Guard [Population] [Military]
--[X] Cascadia: 3D [Military]
-[X] Early Warning Systems [Security]
--[X] Cascadia: 1D [Military]
-[X] Short term Bunkers [Population]
--[X] Cascadia: 3D [Construction], 1D [Cascadia]
-[X] HPP on Mississippi [Industry]
--[X] 3D [Construction]
-[X] Superstims [Chem]
--[X] 4D
-[X] Water Chips licensing [Business]
--[X] 6D [Business]
-[X] Nationalize (Diamond, Inc)
--[X] 5D [Politics], 6 [Free]
-[X] Population training (Phase One) [Information]
--[X] Casicadia: 4D [Public]
-[X] Find compromising evidence (Phase Two) [Black Ops] [Bureaucracy]
--[X] 4D [Intrigue][Information][/Information][/Information]
[X] Plan: Working with mandates

MILITARY 4/4 Dice 1600 R
-[x]Bunkers of the National Guard (Phase Two: Cascadia) [Population] [Military] (64/350) 4 dice 1600 R
CONSTRUCTION 12(7+5 free)/7 Dice 4600 R
-[x]Laser Swords [Security] [Military]: (0/900) 8 (7+1 free dice) 4000 R
-[x]Short term Bunkers Cascadia [Population]: 46/250 4 free dice 600 R
RESEARCH 4/4 Dice 1200 R
-[x]Superstims [Chem]: 137/600 4 dice 1200 R
-[x]RobCo Investments: 6 dice
POLITICS 5/5 750 R
-[x]Nationalize (Abraxodyne Chemical): (0/400) 5 dice 750R
-[x]Population training (Phase Three: Cascadia) [Information] 20/225 6 (5+2 Cascadia) dice 1050R
INTRIGUE 4/4 Dice 400 R
-[x]Find compromising evidence (Phase Two) [Black Ops] [Bureaucracy]: 12/400 4 dice 400R

9650/10525 Resources

5/5 Free dice
2/2 Cascadia and California[/Information]
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