Precious Acceptance

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You know how it goes. Magical girls assemble to fight an Great Evil. At least that's how would have been if there hadn't been transformation Glitches. Now a Lone Ward Witch had stood as the Bulwark against multiple invasions for 3 years. Grand is the name! And Grand is Tired.
Prologue: System Glitch
Grant looked down at himself. He didn't feel any different? Wasn't he supposed to have transformed into a cute magical girl? Not that he wanted to or anything. It was what he had to do for Justice. Before he could finish his rationalizations though he got overwhelmed with the spells that made up his supposed transformation sequence coming into his head.

"Huh? Don't I already...?" The young Ward Witch wondered why the transformation sequence failed if it's most of it's component were versions of spells he already knew. He shook his head. Now wasn't the time for this! A monster was rampaging. Grant cast one of the new spells he didn't know and summoning what looked like a 9 foot long Green Staff. As Grant took a step forward he wrapped himself in his new Glamour spell. He may not have been able to transform fully but he'd do what he can!

3 years later.

Grant was tired. He's been fighting alone for three years. He'd have thought he would have back up. But apparently the other magical girls from his generation also glitched out like he did but in completely different ways. So he's been at this for three years and two invasions alone and he still couldn't transform properly. Sure he's gotten stronger and can resolve most conflicts without fighting now. And Sure sometimes the Thorn Fleet and Subsurface Empire take care of each other. But he still has to stop both and he can only be so many places at once!

Suddenly Grant heard a voice in his head

"Umm Grand...I know you just wrapped up a battle but..." His companion Blossom Tiger said.

"Tell me where!" Grant growled turning away from his apartment door and wrapping himself and Glamour and materializing his Long coat. He summoned his Giant Lily Staff and climbed atop it. "Let's get this over with!"

"Yes!" Blossom Tiger gave the location in a cheery tone and he was on his way.

Grant felt a little bad. He knew Blossom Tiger was just as tired as he was. Blossom Tiger was out patrolling all over the city looking for the monsters, Generals, Admirals, and victims. She insisted that she do her part so lately they only ever met at the site of an invasion or incursion. He was also frustrated that his friend wouldn't come home. With all his heart he wished he had back-up so he could get this over with.

When Grant arrived to where Blossom Tiger gad indicated he found a girl in full Magical girl Regalia with her eyes clouded over. What's more she had the same emblem on her long coat as he did. This blew away his exhaustion. Finally Back-up!! No wonder Blossom Tiger was cheery even though he growled at her.

The Magical Girl of his generation looked at him and her eyes cleared for a moment. "I can see you? Who are you?"

"Hi! I'm Precious Grand!" Grand introduced himself. "What's your name?"

"I don't remember..." She said and alarm bells rang in Grand's head, "I know.... I've been stuck for a while.... I know I transformed....I know I glitched.... I can't remember anything else. I can't remember how to go back...."

Grand's heart broke. So there was a victim. A victim of her own transformation. Grand took her hands in his . "Don't you worry, sweetie. I'll help you."

The girl looked at him quizzically. "How?"

Grand smiled happy that he got to use this spell outside of battle for once, "Grand Dispel"

A magic erasing wave washed over the Glitched magical girl and undid her transformation. When it was over he caught the girl who had fainted and frowned. He had finally met another girl of his generation but it looked like he wasn't getting back up after all.

To be continued.
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Episode 5: The Empowered that Stands with Giants. Ardent like a Lily: Precious Grand takes the stage!
Blossom Tiger was tired. She was hungry as well She had used up practically all of her stored energy. The energy she got from photosynthesis was already used up and it was night. It would have been easier if she could Hunt some Prey but she didn't know whose territory she was in so she couldn't ask for permission. She had to soldier on. She had to find her Partner before the Thorn Fleet found her and discovered that she was currently powerless in this alien world. Luckily she had a couple of spells compatible with this world's magic. She could still Empower someone. But she hadn't met anyone compatible with her yet. Regardless she would soldier on or she'd try to anyways it was at this moment the Blossom Tiger ran out of energy and collapsed. How very Fortunate then that this was also the moment she met her Destiny.

"Oh! You poor thing!" A husky voice called out and Blossom Tiger found herself lifted up in gentle arms. "You must be absolutely exhausted and famished." Blossom Tiger felt a hand stroking her head. "Well Don't you worry! I'll take care of you!"

Blossom Tiger lifted her head to at least get a look at her potential savior and when her gaze met warm purple eyes with the distinct glow of active magic she felt a Flower of Connection Bloom in her heart. Her Savior apparently felt it too judging by their expression. This was it! This Gentle person was her Partner! Blossom Tiger was so relieved that she let her guard down and her exhaustion caught up with her. As she passed out she heard her Partner mumble, "My Companion? Huh? This little cutie is? What—" Blossom Tiger didn't get to hear the rest because her consciousness cut off here.

Blossom Tiger woke up to the delightful scent of meat. She stared at it. Could she eat this?

"Go ahead," a familiar husky voice said. "You can eat that meat, you know? Don't be shy, Darling."

Receiving permission Blossom Tiger dived in. O was so good! It has been so long since she had
proper meat.

After the delicious meal Blossom Tiger had to thank her benefactor so she looked up and locked eyes with her Partner. "...!"

"Was it good?" Her Partner said Prompting her to get it together.

"Don't be alarmed, please. I am most grateful for the sustenance."

"I'm not alarmed or anything. After all you're my Companion aren't you?" Her Partner said. "I've been waiting for you. I'm a little surprised you're an alien though~"

"! You have?" Blossom Tiger was shocked and then suspicious. The only ones who should know she was on this planet were the Thorn Fleet and her Ambush. And they had been captured shortly after their Partners had Transformation Glitches. Was her Partner part of the Enemy's forces. She assumed a defensive posture.

"Yes. It's a bit embarrassing for a Ward Witch to be at my age and not have a Companion. But I kept believing you would appear some day!" Her Partner exclaimed cheerfully. "And you appeared not even a month past my 23rd Birthday! How fortunate!" Her Partner clapped once and beamed at Blossom Tiger Beautifically.

So Sincere was the Smile that Blossom Tiger felt like a fool for doubting this Person.
"My name translates to Blossom Tiger and my enemy, The Thorn Fleet, chased me and my Ambush to this planet. We would usually fight back but our magic reset after we crashed to the surface. I can still feel my magic but I don't quite know how to use the Source of this Planet. The only spell I can use right now is my Bestow spell and I need someone compatible for this that. But I don't want to Burden someone unprepared with my fight." Blossom admitted.

"So your only way to fight is to Empower me so I can translate your spells to the Magic of this World?" Her Partner hummed. "Well Blossom Tiger! It sounds like this is the opportunity you needed!" Her Partner said cheerfully and held out a hand. "You can Bestow your spells on me. I'll even teach you how to use the magic of this World. My name is Grant."

"Thank you." Blossom Tiger put her paw atop her Partner's hand and cast the Bestowal Spell.
It was at this moment that their Destinies would be forevermore entwined.

Blossom Tiger was incredibly nervous.

What if her Partner Glitched and was unable to fight? She'd be captured by the Thorn Fleet for sure while her Partner suffered from an awful fate.

"It's so odd that your magic requires keywords?" Her Partner mused heedless of Blossom Tiger's worries.

"It usually doesn't but I guess your planet sees me as a .... what did you call it? A Magical Girl Mascot and made adjustments."

"I see." Her Partner's eyes indicated understanding. Speaking of which Blossom Tiger should Probably get used to calling he Partner Grant.

Just as she had tat thought there was an explosion that could be heard. "What was that?" she asked startled

"Welp! No time like the Present!" Grant Spun in place and declared, "Grand Lilium! Tigris Solensis!"

A wave of magic Exploded under Grant leaving Blossom Tiger's Partner Empowered but... untransformed. Was this another Transformation Glitch?

Grant looked surprised but had apparently come to the decision to fight anyways. So Blossom Tiger was hot on her Partners's heels running to the explosion together.

When they got to the sight there was some kind of biped that Blossom Tiger had no reference for. What was it? Regardless she knew what had happened. "It looks like that person has been Pricked. The Thorn Fleet Pricks people with Thorns that make their insecurities into shells and they go on a rampage. I don't know why they're doing this but people will get hurt if we do nothing!"

".... it's a bipedal armadillo so...." Grant mumbled. "I've got it!" Grant stepped forward and to Blossom Tiger's astonishment started giving a Speech. "Ardent like a Lily! Clever like a Tiger! I stand with Giants! I am Precious Grand!" Grant stopped in front of the ....armwadeeyo? "I'll rip your shell away!"

"Hah?!" The creature exclaimed. "You think you're Stronger than me?!"

Grant's answer was a sharp and succinct slash with hands formed into claws and a roar of "Rend!!

And suddenly the bipedal Armwadeeyo was gone and a person in a dress was caught in Grants arms.

Blossom Tiger had to admit that she was super lucky her partner was so strong!

to be continued.

A/n: Well nobody expected this chapter to turn out this way. But like also there's a reason why Grant isn't referred to by pronouns in this chapter. It's because Blossom Tiger.... doesn't know what the difference is between human males, females, neutrals, and non-labels. She hasn't had time to learn. This is important for later. Although astoundingly the fashion terms on her homeworld are similar to Earth's.
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Episode 7: The Flourishing Fleur de Lis! The Supreme Ward Blooms!
"You see, Blossom Tiger," Grant explained, "in my system of magic, symbols and words are important. The spells you bestowed upon me were Lily and Tiger Spells. There was also a transformation spell that glitched but that was...." Grant hesitated then spat out the words, "That was on me, I'm figuring some things out and overcoming some things. Transformation spells don't work in my system until you accept yourself. Which translates to them not working in this new system that's a mix of mine and yours."

Blossom Tiger nodded at her Partner, "That makes sense. So because claws are used to tear off flesh among other things, you can tear off those Insecurity Shells from the Pricking victims."

"That's exactly right, My Companion! But there are other things I can do with the spells you gave me as well!" Grant clicked the remote and a Slide displaying different colors of Lilies appeared on the Power Point Blossom Tiger was viewing. "On this planet Lilies are also symbols which means with a little imagination there's no end to the spells I can come up with! But Wait There's more!" Grant twirled in place twice and displayed the next slide which showed different species of tigers. "Tigers are symbols as well on this planet! That combined with the Lily symbology and my own ward magic means that as long as I'm creative and Clever enough it doesn't matter if I can't transform!" Grant said carelessly, even though a Ward Witch of all things should know better than tempting fate like that. "I mean the extra enchantments and armor would be great but I should be able to come up with alternatives."

"I see." Blossom Tiger's tail stood upright in pleasure, "So we might be able to push back the Thorn Fleet after all."

"Well...." Grant paused nervously, "I can stall them for a time. I'll need back up eventually. I'm only one person." Grant said. "Which leads me to this!" Grant clicked a button on the remote with what was honestly far too much enthusiasm, and displayed a slide that had all the meanings of Grant. "Name magic! I have an answer to your Bestowal Spell! I can Grant you spells compatible with Earth's Magic. Essentially I'll be translating your spells back to you. Although it will take a while until you're able to fight against the Fleet or save the victims. It takes a lot of power and we.... have to build up your repertoire slowly because of that. It may not be as efficient as yours but it works!" Grant insisted.

Blossom Tiger gave Grant a Look and sniffed, "I suppose I'll have to be patient then. Not that I have any other choice. Any power is better than no power at all. I'm ready to get back into the fight. What's the first Spell that I'll be granted?"

Grant took a long pause ".... Discernment."

Blossom Tiger was stunned. "Discernment?!"

"I worked really hard on this, Blossom Tiger!" Grant's hands went up Placatingly. " This is the Groundwork Spell that does the most! It's within my current capacity for Granting as well!"

Blossom Tiger rolled her eyes, " Oh very well. Go ahead and Translate the Spell to me, Grant."

Grant smiled beautifully. " With Pleasure!" Grant started glowing in a distinctly green to white gradient." Oh! I should mention that I won't be able to cast any spells for about 6 hours after this!"

"You what?!" Blossom Tiger was appalled. "Wait! You're leaving yourself defenseless?! Are you insane?!"

Grant's answer was to complete the Granting Spell and collapse from exhaustion.

Exactly 4 hours and 55 minutes Grant was wondering why he had been so cocky as he dodged the lash of a whip. According to Blossom Tiger this latest Pricking Victim's shell was connected to both her leather working calling and her search for a suitable partner with compatible tastes. He would very much have preferred not to know about that facet of the Victim whose Shell was in the shape of a buff cow woman with a rather supple brown hide using excellently crafted whips to toy with him. The fact that the Victim seemed to enjoy seeing him run around and playing with her prey was buying him some time. He still couldn't cast any spells and he didn't know if the Supreme Ward stored in his Fleur de Lis shaped pendant was strong enough to defend him from her attacks. So his only choice was to keep dodging until he could cast spells again. But he was getting tired, damn it! It was at this moment when a thong of a whip wrapped around his waist. "Shi-!" He exclaimed as he was pulled towards the cow woman.

"Very well done running, Sweetie." The Pricking Victim praised. "But your running has gone on too long~." She mooed sweetly. "It's time for your Punishment." She said.

'Huh.' Grant thought as the fall of the second whip fell towards him. ' No choice but to have faith in my amulet then.'

As soon as Grant made that decision the whips abruptly dropped away from him. Grant sighed in relief as he dropped to the ground. Looks like his his stored Supreme Ward was strong enough after all. Now that that was verified Grant had faith that the Supreme Ward would also avert unwanted recognition so he charged at the cow woman, who was confused by his actions and attempted to lash at him with her whips. All the lashes missed Grant by a wide margin. Once Grant was within range he gave her a manic smile, grabbed the handles of the Cow Woman's whips and pulled. The Pricking Victim was so flabbergasted by this series of actions that her grip loosened and her whips were taken and tossed away. "Let's talk about it!" Grant insisted.

"Huh? What?" The Cow Woman looked at her hand to Grant's face and back. "What happened?"

Grant grabbed her hand and asked, "What's troubling you?"

The Cow Woman felt all her fighting spirit drain away, "My skills aren't up to par I guess."
Thankfully for Grant she went into detail.

Surprisingly by the end of the the conversation the Victim's she'll had merged with her body. She wasn't a buff cow woman anymore but had a set of spiral horns and an antelope tail of all things. Grant wondered if this method of letting the Victims come to terms and accept their insecurities was viable. He looked at the destruction around him. Well, that was no. He looked back to the woman with spiral horns. 'Is she an Antelope...? I suppose it doesn't matter. I should get her away from the humans for now.'

Grant smiled at her, "What's your name by the way?" Grant said as he stood and offered his hand.

"It's Alzena." She answered taking his hand and standing up as well.

"Nice to meet you, Alzena." It looked like there was no need for the Supreme Ward to be active anymore and thus it returned to Grant's Fleur de Lis pendant, "My name is Grant. I need you to come with me before you get sued for property damage."

"Huh?" Alzena looked around and saw the destruction she had wrought. ".... let's go."

With that they left the scene hurriedly. It was impeccable timing because not 8 minutes later the City Police showed up.

Once they were safely ensconced in Grant's home the cooldown time for his magic use came to an end. Which was a good thing because he had to analyze Alzena. He made a fascinating discovery about it, "It looks like your changes aren't permanent. It looks like you were in the middle of an Eldritch Awakening when you got Pricked. So the after-effects are dragging are dragging your True Form to your physical form."

"My True Form is an Antelope...?" Alzena asked, "And what's an Eldritch Awakening?"

" In order, we don't know if it actually is, and an Eldritch Awakening is when you're suddenly able to perceive and manipulate mana. Like those genes that gives you superpowers from comic books, but for magic." Grant explained.

"Okay. Next Question," Alzena pointed to Blossom Tiger, "Is that a Savannah Kitty?"

"Blossom Tiger?" Grant shook his head "No, she's my Companion She's Alien Tiger who's also a mage."

Blossom Tiger continued staring at Alzena.

"Okay," Alzena accepted that explanation. "So what does this mean for me?"

" means we'll have to go to the Subsurface City. So the experts can examine you properly; and so you can be added to the Eldritch Registry." Grant explained.

".... There's a Subsurface City?"

To be continued.

A/N: Hi everyone! Meet Alzena. She's important! I'm going to reveal this world properly! Grant will become a magical girl eventually but there's a long journey ahead of "him".
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Episode 8: Bad News! The Thorn Admiral descends!
Grant was stunned. He had actually caught the person responsible for the Prickings on the act. There Pricking itself was.... needlessly erotic but more importantly..... what was he supposed to do about it?

"Ah. Containment." Grant cast the spell as soon as it came to mind. He wondered if the ward would hold up against the incredibly handsome Alien. He briefly wondered why the captured alien was just looking at him in bemusement. But Grant didn't have time to worry about that as the victim, a humanoid fox with Goggles and holding a chain, charged at him. Grant mumbled his transformation phrase and Precious Grand caught the relatively heavy chain as it was launched at him and sighed as the fox humanoid struggled to pull it back. "I stand with Giants," Precious Grand offered in explanation and pulled. The fox humanoid came flying at him as her reeled the chain in. Just as the fox humanoid reached him Grant brought out his claws and Rent their Insecurity Shell away.

After checking that The Victim was fine Precious Grand turned to the Handsome Alien. They had, green skin, four arms, what looked like a beard and a buff muscular physique. Grant Briefly wondered what sex they were before deciding it didn't matter and walked up to the Containment Ward. "Can you understand me?"

"Yes, of course I can Young Lady." The alien said. "Do think I'd come somewhere without speaking the language of the locals?"

Precious Grand wondered why being mistaken for a Young Lady made him feel elation briefly and put it aside. It was unimportant right now. " why are you going around making people rampage?"

"That's just what happens at the beginning stage of creating a Power Source. Our Fleet would very much like to get off this planet but we must refuel. The local populationvof this Inferior Planet should be grateful for having the chance to be of use to The Almighty Thorn Fleet. Now that I've encountered someone capable of Magecraft, the refueling should go much quicker."

Well that sounds suitably villainous," I must implore you to find an alternative energy source. Otherwise I will have to oppose you." Precious Grand stated.

The alien directed what was definitely a smirk at him. "And what can you do about it, little Shield Mistress?" Suddenly the containment ward holding the Alien popped, as if it had been pierced from inside. "It's not as if your sub-par magecraft is a match for mine."

"Hmm...." Precious Grand was intrigued. "So you didn't lose your spells upon Landing. How interesting. You must be compatible with our mana."

"Hoh~.You don't seem concerned about my Superior Magecraft and my freedom , Little Shield Mistress. Why so unconcerned?" The alien mage asked stroking their beard with their upper right arm.

Precious Grand beamed brightly at the 8 foot tall alien. "I'm quite happy to have a dialogue with you. Besides it's quite cute that you're gloating over piercing one of my lower level wards with one of your basic spells. That ward made to train rowdy children."

"I see. Well then Little Shield Mistress." The Alien smiled widely. "I am the Man-mage called Admiral A'thussen. You went by Precious Grand if I recall?"

"Indeed," Precious Grand nodded. "How unfortunate that I won't be able to convince you to cease your procedures. I guess you're stuck here on this 'Inferior planet.' Truly, my condolences."

A'thussen smirked at Precious Grand, "Stranded here, Little Shield Mistress? Surely you don't think you can...." His smirk faltered as Precious Grand took off his pendant. "Surely you wouldn't, even if you were capable. That kind of spell will render you infirm, regardless!" As he felt the mana building it hit him. "That's the reckless conduct of a Colussus! No!"

"It appears that you didn't hear me before, Admiral A'thussen." Precious Grand drew a circle above his head with his Fleur de Lis pendant. The circle rapidly expanded as it filled in with a multitude of glyphs and sigils. "I stand with Giants." Precious Grand's face was warped in a terror inducing smile as his magic circle covered the skies of the Surface City of Luxion.

A'thussen was stunned at the inactive magic circle. It was something no mage on his fleet was capable of maintaining or activating. "Surely you don't think I'll fall for this hoax." There was a note of panic in A'thussen's voice.

"I'm afraid you're mistaken." Precious Grand stated simply as he glowed with magic. "I stand before you, Overwhelming. Grand Binding!"

A'thussen watched on horror as the magic circle activated and suddenly he felt bound to this specific city and surface. He analyzed the spell that bound him and is horror and rage grew deeper. He turned back to the perpetrator and roared, "YOU SPITEFUL LITTLE SHIELD MISTRESS!!"

"Now Now, Admiral." Precious Grand's smile was no less terrifying through his exhaustion. "It's not as if you can't return to your ship. But as you have surely noticed, the only place your Fleet can come to is this city of Luxion. You'll be more.... manageable this way." A'thussen tried to grab Precious Grand with all four arms only for a barrier to bloom into place. "Goodness, Admiral. Where's your composure?"

A'thussen visibly calmed himself down. "You won't last very long like this. I'll just wait until you burn out. Then collection can resume as planned." And with a flash, Admiral A'thussen was gone.

Precious Grand's Smile disappeared as he felt the strain of the Grand Binding Spell on his core. Admiral A'thussen was right. He couldn't maintain this spell for long on his own. Thankfully he had options. He walked down an Alley and came out the other side back to as Grant. He took out his phone and called Alzena, "Do you have time, right now?" He listened to her affirmation. "You do? Great! Let's get you into the Eldritch Registry, today. Could you meet me at my house? I'll need to guide you from there" Grant asked seeing his domicile come into view. Grant listened to Alzena's inquiry as he unlocked his door. "Yeah. I'll tell you about it when you get here. Let yourself in. See you." Grant hung up.

"Welcome back, Grant." Blossom Tiger greeted.

Grant's answer was to pass out.

To be continued.
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Episode 9: What Lies Beneath! The Subsurface City and the Turning point!
Ranathra was thoroughly exasperated. Her older children were very much out of control and she needed a break. She came up to the Surface to visit her youngest child and deliver some bread she had baked. Hopefully her more pacifistic child would ease her heart by doing her the favor of not doing something reckless. She looked up at the sky at the exact moment Grand Binding was cast and sighed. "Stars save me from Brilliant and Reckless children!" She exclaimed and started making her way over to her youngest child's surface residence. It looked like she needed to mete out some discipline.

Alzena the door to Grant's house to the sound of an unfamiliar voice giving a stern lecture.

"What were you thinking, aina?! Using a Grand spell like that when your magic is still immature! You could have burnt out your core! I can see you're exhausted! What if that continuous city wide spell affects you physically as well! No, it's sure to! You're the most brilliant and clever Ward Witch in the history of our Clan and Tribe! What would compel you to be so foolish?!" It seems the lecturer had come to a point where a response was demanded.

"Umm... about that, Mama....I was going to tell you and Daddy on my next visit but....I have a Companion now. So it wasn't quite as reckless as you think ....?" Grant's answer did not quell the woman's, his mother apparently, rage. If anything it made it worse.

"BUT THE FACT THAT IT WAS RECKLESS REMAINS, YOU FOOLISH CHILD!" Grant's mother exploded. Alzena peeked around the corner and saw a four foot tall woman start to wobble on her feet and put her left palm to her forehead and scrunch her face in pain. "Why must you and your siblings choose to be like this within three days of each other. Your poor Mama is stressed, aina."

"I'm sorry, Mama. I promise I'll be more careful....if circumstances allow it," Grant said earnestly.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that second part. Now show me your companion and introduce me to the eavesdropper. The woman sat down on the loveseat that was facing Alzena and looked at her appraisingly.

"Um hi?" Alzena introduced herself, "I could come back at another time...." She ventured.

"No. This is actually perfect, Alzena. Mama is exactly who you need to see for the Eldritch Registry."

"About that, aina. Your brother has been up to things. He abolished the Registry and put his Mama out of a job." Grant's mother said.

"What?! He's in a position to do that?!" Grant's shock was apparent.

"I know I'm the cause of your distraction but I rather think you should focus. I would very much like to be introduced to your guest."

"....right," Grant blinked. " Alzena, this is my mother, Ranathra Grant." Grant kneeled and spread his arms framing Ranathra between them. Ranathra rolled her eyes good naturedly. Grant continued, "Mama. This is Alzena. She just had her Eldritch Awakening and I was hoping you could help her."

"How nice to meet you, Ms Grant." Alzena said reaching out for a handshake. As Ranathra Topher hand on a rather firm grip and shook it, " I had thought Grant was your child's given name.

"Oh that? There's a whole bunch of customs, aina is under obligation to. But suffice to say a Magic wielder of the Grant Clan of the Giant Tribe Decides two names when or after they reach maturity. The Parents instead grant meaning for the child's future first name." Ranathra glared at Grant who turned away blushing. "I was not aware my aina had reached maturity until today."

" do you navigate up here. It must be rather hard without a first name."

Grant turned to Alzena to explain, "Well I just—

"Welcome to Duration, Alzena! I'm afraid we can only stay so long. People are starting to put together that my children are the ones who caused the Incidents and me and my husband will have to sojourn to the Gargantuan Realm to lay low for a year or three!" Ranathra bustled them about as soon as they got off the Subsurface elevator. I'll have to call my other troublemakers for the Maturity Ceremony, cook up the feast, pack and make the 2:00 am portal ship. We only have 8 hours to get everything done! Aina! You've been living for quite a bit in Luxion ! People won't recognize you right away. Take Alzena on a shop and study date! If you're not at The Atrium in 2 and a half hours relaxed and ready to celebrate, we will have words!" Ranathra ordered holding Blossom Tiger. The Green Felinoid Alien swished her thorn tipped tail on Resignation. "I'll get Blossom Tiger ready. Now shoo!" Ranathra dismissed them with a wave and dashed off.

"Well," Grant extended his hand. "Duration is rather easy to get lost in. If you would, Alzena?"

Alzena took his hand, "Yes. That makes it easier. So that was your mother huh? Did she marry in to the Giant Tribe?"

"You know, I'm not sure? Once you become part of the Giant Tribe, you've always been part of the Giant Tribe." Grant put his left index finger to his lip and tilted his head tho the left. "So I really have no idea."

Alzena was briefly stunned by Grant's cuteness. She shook it off. "So tell me about magic! You're a Ward Witch, correct? What is that?"

Grant beamed at her." I'm glad you asked! Magic users are named by certain aptitudes, how mana flows through them, and how they use their Magic. For example, I'm a witch because while my primary source of magic is is generated in my body, I can take in magic from the outside as well. The surrounding mana, my family's ancestral pool of mana, other people, etc. Now normally that would make me a mage but there are some major differences. I can imbue spells into objects, I create spells by delving deeper into the meanings of the spells I was already given and thinking exponentially, whereas mages learn new spells once they reach a power threshold. Speaking of which they gain power the longer they use magic. I can make spells I imbue into objects gain more power if I cast the same spell onto it over a period of time. However I, myself, cannot gain new spells or power without a companion thus I cannot grow. Thus I am immature. Thankfully that's not a problem anymore. The other difference is that mages' magic is rather tied to the material world. A witch's magic can be used that way but is usually not. In both cases casting beyond your limits can lead tho physical side effects which get worse the further beyond your limits the spell is. That's why mama was so mad." Grant finished his rambling explanation

Alzena found excitement rather cute, "So why are you a Ward Witch, specifically."

"Oh!" Grant realized he had explained magic but not his magic. "It's because my magic is generally given to protective and non-violent purposes. My first spells were, prevent, stop, calm, and communicate." Grant explained, "Daddy also says it's because I don't understand the concept of violence as a solution? But I don't know? " Grant blinked at the shop they stopped at. "Oh! They have larvae!" Grant shook his head, "No. This trip is for you, Alzena. Regardless of the results of Mama's examination you should have a grimoire!" Grant turned around and they went across the street.

"Do I get a wand and broom too?" Alzena asked half-jokingly.

Grant looked at Alzena and blushed, "Um....I think you should talk to Mama about those before she leaves. That's not....." Grant trailed off incoherently.

Alzena wondered if she had said something inappropriate so she changed the subject. "So! You like bugs?"

"Yes!" Grant wiped his suddenly drooling mouth with a handkerchief. "They're delicious!"

It was here that Alzena truly felt the difference in cultures.

3 hours later

Grant sat on a marble throne with Blossom Tiger playing Lap Cat explaining the Power levels of spells and the significance o fverbal incantations and how they're important.." It goes up in this order, minor, basic, intermediary, Advanced, Excel, Major, Superior, Overwhelming, Absolute, and Supreme. The wording of vocal spells from basic to Supreme says a lot about who is casting them. About their morals, their pride and what gives them strength. For example, the Grant Clan creed is: Stand and Overcome. My stronger spells have Stand in it because I treasure my family."

"I see." Blossom Tiger tilted her head. "That sounds similar to my system. You see—" she was interrupted by someone rudely squishing her against Grant. She calmly lightly stabbed the offender in the stomach with the tip of her tail. Or she would have of the person hadn't danced away.

"Oops! Sorry kitten, but what kind of big sister would aina have if we didn't hug and gossip?"

Blossom Tiger's response was to lay down and glare.

"I'm happy to see you, susu. What did you and jena do? Mama was livid." Grant said.

"You know how the government actively contributes to discrimination and classism and the mayor is making everything worse? Which essentially put you in the unenviable position of having absolutely no power? Since you were a Surface-born immature witch of the Giant Tribe not given to violence?" Grant's sister bit out.

"Yes....?" Grant acknowledged.

"And how when you discovered and created the your spells that could prevent people from talking about anything you wished and you were sent to the surface for the majority of your schooling to keep you safe? Which gave you weird ideas about gender and sexuality?" She asked while patting Grant's head.

"Yes. And I'm working on it, okay?" Grant admitted.

"Good. So a lot of people were unsatisfied with being ruled by those pieces of waste. And you know how charismatic jena is. So he overthrew the government.

"He what?!" Grant exclaimed.

"Now Now, aina, we both know he handles eventual and long-term danger to both of us and I handle immediate danger." Grant's sister put her hands behind her back.

Grant's eyes narrowed, "Susu. What did you do?"

"So I overheard the mayor and his cronies talking about how they'd found you and were going to make sure no secret could leak out of Duration again once they got a hold of you. They went over a rather sloppy and ineffectual plan to abduct you but they had someone who could suppress your magic specifically. They were gloating that no one would care what you did or who made you do it." Grant's sister put her hand to her youngest sibling's cheek. " They said no one would care even if they disposed of you in public. You were in danger, aina. No one puts you in danger."

Grant wasn't looking forward to where this conversation was going but moved it forward anyways, "So what happened?"

"Well... your susu is the best marksman in all of Duration. I made sure they could never endanger you again." she answered.

"... Did you take away their mobility?" Grant asked hopefully.

"Oh no. They're quite assassinated." She clarified.

Grant slumped back, "Well thanks, I guess, susu. For protecting me."

"You're welcome, aina. I know you'd rather a peaceful option was available but alas...." Grant's sister trailed off.

Grant nodded, "I understand."

"By sheer coincidence this helped jena as well!" She enthused.

Grant looked at her rather unconvinced, "Sure, susu. Coincidence."

"Anyways, Happy Maturity, aina." Grant's sister smiled.

Grant's smile conveyed genuine happiness and Gratitude. "Thank you, susu."

"I saw it!" A boisterous voice boomed, and drew closer as it spoke, "your first Enemy, aina. I'm so proud!" Grant's brother stopped in front of their sister and smiled at both of them and they both craned their neck to make eye contact with the ten foot tall man. "Did you see, susu?"

"I did not! What's all this about, aina?" Grant's sister was excited. "You have an Enemy now?"

"Never mind that, you naughty children!" Ranathra called from across the room. "Now that you're all here we can get started. Falasoen! Lehesini! Get over here!" She demanded.

"Yes!" Grant's siblings responded in Unison and obeyed.

"If you're ready, darling." Ranathra moved aside for her cyclops husband.

Grant's father's voice resounded clearly throughout the room. "Everyone. We're gathered here because our beloved aina has reached maturity. No longer does aina stand with Giants. No! Aina stands Giant! Not only do we celebrate my youngest child, we also celebrate the person who made it possible for our aina to grow! Here's to Blossom Tiger and the hope that our aina can be what you need as well!"

Cheers resounded throughout the Atrium.

Grant's house the next day.

It was 9 am and Alzena had woken up with the worse hangover of her life. She should have heed Grant's warnings that the alcohol was far more potent than Surface fare. In her defense, it was far tastier too.

"You okay, Alzena?" Grant asked in amusement handing her a cup."

As Alzena drained the drought her headache went away. When she finished the cup her headache was gone. "Your family knows how to party."

Grant smiled in satisfaction, "We are rather good at it. Did mama have a chance to give you the results of her examination?"

Alzena nodded "She said I was a mage and that I'd find out what type I was when I cast the aptitude spell. Although I'm not exactly sure how to do that."

"I'll show you." Grant suddenly sat straight and sighed, "After I deal with this. Make yourself at home Alzena." He said as he stood up to deal with the latest Pricking Victim

to be continued

Incidentally some here are the meanings

aina: this is the Cyclopeon word for Precious.

susu: this word is an abbreviation of the word the Giant Tribe uses for Treasure. This abbreviation tends to be used by a sister's siblings.

jena: this is an abbreviation of the Gargantuan word for Cherishment. This abbreviation tends used by a brother's siblings.
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Episode 10: A Troubling weakness? A staunch refusal to succumb!
Precious Grand wondered briefly, as he dodged the Overloaded lightning spell hurled at him, if the Victim had come up to escape whatever the situation in Duration was when they got Pricked. Grant dove behind a car just in time as another a another bolt of electricity slagged where he was standing. It just had to be electricity didn't it?! Precious Grand's ward's didn't work against electricity! Electricity bypassed his Eldritch principles. Precious Grand needed a plan and fast. Also: a new catchphrase. He was a Mature Giant now, after all. The Victim wasn't as far along on their transformation as Alzena was but there was no way to.... wait. Precious Grand had new spells, more importantly he had a companion. More importantly Blossom Tiger was a symbol. Specifically of Regality. And the new Lily spells...

"Purple is the Lily of Majesty...." He whispered in wonder. It was coming together and.....why did the bolts of electricity stop coming for him? He peeked around the will and saw that instead of becoming electricity they were going a different direction. They were using their electricity to build....was that Power Armor?! No! It was cooler! It was.... It was... It was a Giant Robot! Well that kept them from causing property damage and gave him time to craft a spell to deal with the Victim. Precious Grand looked down at his hands and thought about his claws. Usually he'd just use them to peel the Victim's Insecurity Shell away but there was something there. Suddenly the exact way to make a Portal spell with his claws came into his head. Well that would make things easier. Oh! the Lily of Water meant to Overcome adversity! He could use that for a catchphrase! Actually Yellow is the Lily of Illusions. The Lily of Illusions is the Lily of Air. Did he have the components for a a flying spell and an intangibility spell? He Did! Ooh! He had an illusion spell too now! That would make this much more fun!

Unbeknownst to Precious Grand who was immersed in spell crafting and watching the Victim build the Giant Robot, Grant's uniform had became more complete as a diadem formed on his head. The diadem's centerpiece was a tiger curling around a Lily shaped purple gem And clear lily shaped earrings dangled down from his ears. Precious Grand would not notice this change until this Victim had been secured.

By the time Erix came to their senses they were in the rather roomy cockpit of a Mecha. How did they get here...? Erix looked around. They knew this place. It was built according the designs they had made after watching some Surface Shows. Did they build it? But how? Their electric and magnetic magic wasn't nearly powerful enough for this. Erix had the distinct feeling that was no longer the case. That was nice. Actually it was more than nice! Erix looked at the view screens that were suddenly flashing red with a warning of a security breech.

Suddenly a very pretty person emerged from the pilot's console. As soon as the person's feet emerged they became solid and sat down on the pilot's console and looked around in wonder. Erix noticed that the person's clothing had stains that you could only get from frantic dodging and rolling.

"This is very very clever!" The pretty person said with a smile and their eyes caught on Erix's and they smiled. "Oh! Your eyes are clear! That makes things easier!"

Erix shook their head. That voice sounded familiar. Which made him suspicious. "Who are you?" Erix asked.

The Pretty person smiled in a way that was far too distinct to be anyone else. "Hello~."

"Ah. The Precious of the Grant Clan." Erix said.

The Precious of the Grant Clan looked startled and pouted, "Come on, Erix. At least let me have a little fun before you see through my wards." The Precious of the Grant Clan shook their head and looked at Erix in concern. "Speaking of which, are you okay? You went on a bit of a rampage before you started building."

Erix looked at the youngest child of the Grant Clan caustically. "In the state your siblings left Duration?"

The Precious of the Grant Clan ignored Erix's sarcasm and stroked the pilot's console. "You're so very creative, what's troubling you?"

"Hah! I can be as creative as I wish! An Artificer without the power to make most of their own designs may as well be useless!" Erix retorted.

"Erix...." The Precious of the Grant Clan's voice was low, "How dare you speak of my friend that way?"

"It's the truth isn't it?" Erix sniped

Their friend took offense to that apparently, "Look at what wonderful things you've designed! All of pthe very useful small things! Like the communication implants, the Detection rings, and the Portal Doors! For Creativity's sake Erix you made the small parts that made better baking possible! Who put it in your head that you were useless?! Was it the Ungrateful Dead?!"

Erix looked away, "Regardless, they're right."

The Precious of the Grant Clan stood and stomped their left foot once, "They are not right! Those Damn Ungrateful Dead! You listen to me, Erix! Designs are important! And so is delegation. The only reason those Ungrateful Dead tore down your confidence was so you'd think that you needed them more than they need you! Which isn't the case!"

That made a lot of sense to Erix but.... suddenly he looked around. He built this which means he had enough power to make the rest of his designs. Especially the ones he'd been refining for years! "You're right!"

"Of course I am!"

Erix concentrated on his creation. Huh. There was a compaction switch on his pilot armor. He pressed it and said off-handedly. "Incidentally Precious. You'll almost definitely want to get out now. How did you get in here in the first place?"

The Precious of the Grant Clan smiled and sank back into the Pilot's console.

Alzena looked from Grant to the cute person he'd brought to her house all of a sudden. Apparently this cutie was their friend from Duration. Alzena wondered if all the people from Duration were attractive. Well she may as well introduce herself. "Hello. My name is Alzena."

The very cute person blushed as they responded. "I'm Erix. They/them."

"Oh! She/her!" Alzena responded with a smile.

As one they turned to Grant who was suddenly quite adorably flustered.

"" With eyes wide Grant stuttered " It's...."

Well, apparently Grant wasn't ready for pronouns. Alzena took Grant's hand and squeezed it. Now she understood Grant's family had only referred to Grant neutrally or by name meaning. "Are you not ready?"

Grant's answer was a rather fretful headshake. "I want to... work on something else first...."

Alzena nodded and turned back to Erix with a smile. The enby was very cute maybe..."would you mind helping me with one of my projects?"

Apparently that was the right thing to say as Erix's face lit up. "I would like that very much!"

Alzena led them to her workshop room, noticing but not commenting on the fact that Grant hadn't let go of her hand. It felt nice and she wanted it to last a bit longer. She turned to talk to Grant only to find her friend staring at a dress she had finished with yearning. She filed that away for later and instead turned to Erix. "Do you have any opposition to any types of clothes, Erix?"

"Only Robes and shorts." Erix answered.

Alzena nodded and turned back to Grant. "Grant?"

Apparently Alzena had interrupted Grant's reverie. "Yes?"

"Do you have anything you'd like to try on? I have all sorts of outfits."

Grant's eyes left the dress and landed on a smaller piece of clothing. "That headband...."

Alzena didn't have the heart to tell Grant that it was not a headband. "Okay. Let's have you try it on."

Grant took a deep breath and released it. And said in a voice Alzena wasn't meant to hear, "It's okay. I can start slow. I shan't be overcome." Grant faced Alzena a shy smile.

'Oh~! I just want to eat you up and adore you!' Alzena's heart was swooning.

The moment was interrupted by Erix asking, So what is the project you need help with?"

Admiral A'thussen stalked through the halls to the Battery Station. Why Did that Little Shield Mistress insist on standing in their way?! And where did she take the two Power Sources that were complete? They had all disappeared off of the Thorn Fleet's sensors. As the door to the Power Chamber opened he wondered if the Little Shield Mistress truly didn't understand that they'd keep the Power sources happy in their stasis and that they would feel honored to serve the Almighty Thorn Fleet as a Power Source as all populations of Inferior Planets should. He certainly felt honored by his contribution time in stasis. And when he had been released he had worked his way up to Admiral. No matter. There's no way the Thorn Fleet could be overcome by one Little Shield Mistress. He looked at the little saboteurs in Stasis and smiled. And it's not as if back up would suddenly arrive since they had captured all but one of them. They simply had to bide their time.

To be continued.
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Episode 11: Prelude 1
18 years ago

Ranathra was walking around the market district with her newest child. She'd discovered the little darling had wandered into a Subsurface elevator on the way home. She'd tried to take the sweetheart back but had discovered that the child had no parents. The darling had lived in an orphanage for the entirety of their life and had stopped responding to their given name at the same time for some reason a collective decision was made not to touch them a month ago. Nobody seemed to know why and it wasn't like the caretaker's at the facility didn't do their level best not to be affectionate without touching the child but they were a little confused on how this situation came to be. Ranathra had seen the situation for what it was. A little Eldritch Child Awakening to Wards. Ranathra was a little concerned about the child as she had been filled in on the situation by the Caretaker in-charge. But then the child took her hand and asked if they could adopt Ranathra as a Mom. Ranathra found this incredibly precious and had told the little cutie that she didn't see why not. Ranathra had thought the process would take around 6 months or so but apparently there was a special expedited process when someone was going from a facility in Luxion to a family in Duration. So by the end of the week she had become a mother of three. So as they walked she had explained to the child that they were of the Grant Clan of the Giant Tribe now. Her newest child was thrilled that they were a Giant now.

Ranathra wondered how she could explain the discrimination in Duration as she bought a small crystal ball from a stall. She'd explain it when they were home. In the meantime it was time to introduce her youngest child to all the fun things kids could do and eat in Duration!

2 years later.

Hunbaron was upset. As if it wasn't bad enough that ExtraPlanar residents had barely gained recognition because of that whole Lich Stupidity. Even then they and their kin couldn't do as much in Duration as the people born in this Plane. But apparently the Surface-born had had some of their rights taken away. Not only that witches had restrictions placed on their rights. In addition apparently there was a Prophecy about a Purple eyed Surface-born Witch with an ExtraPlanar connection becoming a Horror that would Topple the Balance of Duration. Hah! What Balance? It was just the Undead, the Drow, and the Shifters trying to oppress everyone not like them(and often succeeding) and the Dwarves and Lizardmen trying to make the lives of the other citizens easier. And the Necromancer's just enjoying their positions of authority.

But that was just the government. What really angered HunBaron was the fact that the prophecy clearly pertained to their aina and he just knew that if word got out that his darling youngest would be in danger. So they had to send aina up to one of those secret magical schools on the Surface. Which meant that there was a good chance aina would fall behind! Somehow that society level was behind even Mundane Surface Society. Hunbaron wondered if their were any Surface Schools aina could commute to. He'd be even angrier if there weren't.

Hunbaron's eye glinted with hope. Maybe being educated on in the surface would be good for aina. Aina would be spared the majority of the discrimination if educated on the surface. Not to mention aina's Secrecy spell was something that.... couldn't fall into the ruling class's hands for the good of all of Duration. It was seeming like sending their aina to s surface school would be for the best. Little did Hunbaron know that the school they chose would mess up their youngest's perceptions.

1 year later in the Principal's office of Wonder Witch Academy

Grant's eyebrows knit together in confusion at the Principal's words. Personal pronouns..? Those were a thing? Also apparently Grant was a common family name and given name on the Surface? And what was this about wearing appropriate clothes? Why couldn't Grant wear an a cute dress, stockings, and shoes? Grant's susu had picked this out. Grant's current outfit only enhanced Grant 's cuteness. So what was the problem? It couldn't be that Grant would be hard to identify. Grant was far to cute for anyone to mistake as anyone else. Speaking of though, maybe the Principal was Jealous because they weren't as Cute or as Precious as Grant was. Grant nodded. That made sense. For the Principal's sake maybe Grant could tone the cuteness. Grant would feel bad otherwise. Oh right the personal pronouns thing.

"....Are you sure um.... what's the English word.... Precious isn't a pronoun?" That couldn't be right.

The Principal smiled at Grant condescendingly "Not in English I'm afraid. There's only she or he*"

".... that's stupid. What if someone isn't an or? What if someone is just a name?" Grant asked

The principal was flabbergasted. Half a minute later the principal pieced together what Grant was asking, "There aren't people like that on the Surface. Everyone has to be one or the other**"

Grant didn't buy it but decided to play along. "So... which one are you?"

"I'm a lady so you call me she." The Principal said.

Grant's face took on a distinctly annoyed countenance, "You're one of the Ungrateful Dead? Those are the only Ladies I know."

"On the surface, in this country, we use it for people who go by she and her." The principal explained.

Grant's head tilted cutely, "That must be confusing."

The principal shook her head, "Now getting on topic. We have come to the point where we need a first name for you. Think of it a a Shield name."

Grant latched on to the Shield name concept, "Grant's a first name here, right? So just Double it," Grant's legs were swinging in the chair.

"Grant, sweetie. That's a boy's first name." The principal said gently.

"Then I'll be that," Grant said focus wandering. "Boys are the ones with He and him, right?"

"Grant," the principal said kindly "boys don't wear dresses."

".... that's stupid." Grant turned back to the principal and looked at her with wide eyes "Will this make you feel better?"

The Principal smiled, pleased to have gotten through, "Yes. Yes it will."

It was on this day that Grant stopped wearing dresses to Ranathra and the rest of the family's disappointment. Grant would not remember this conversation for quite a while. By the time he did the consequences were difficult to undo.

3 years later

"Gigi. Gigi, please. You can't just refuse puberty." Grant's homeroom teacher said. Somehow the "name"Grant Grant had become G.G. which went on to be Gigi.

"Well, not with that attitude!" Grant chirped cheerfully.

Grant's homeroom teacher massaged his temples. "Listen Gigi. We're not like mundanes. Even if your puberty is wrong you can redo it later."

"No thank you." Grant refused cheerfully.

Grant's homeroom teacher tried a different tactic that had proven to work on stubborn students from the Giant Tribe. "If you don't go through puberty you won't grow. And you'll be a Tiny."

Grant gasped, "A Tiny?! But I don't want to have to marry back into the Giant Tribe!"

Do you want to be small, Grant?" His homeroom teacher asked.

"....I don't think it matters. 'We Giants are not our heights.'" Grant quoted his father, "'We're our scale and culture,' Daddy says. But I don't want to be all hairy and muscly like him and jena. Hm.... I know! I'll decide after I do something that will make no one question I'm a Giant!" With that Grant ran out of the room.

Grant's homeroom teacher has a bad feeling and rushed after him.

1 year later in Inscription class

Grant looked at strzyga that sat across from him. The strzyga held his gaze. Grant smiled, "I like you. Want to bake together?"

"Sure," she smiled shyly.

"Great. I'm Grant But people call me Gigi here. What's your name?"

"I'm Maja. Oh but the other one is Magdalena." Maja said.


6 months later.

Their homeroom teacher was stressed. "You're all such sweet kids. Why are you three so good at making trouble?" He groaned.

Grant tilted his head, "Its not our fault that people make things more complicated than needed. Right Magda?"

"I agree. Things would be easier for people if they were honest, Gigi."

"So you enveloped the school in a magic that made lying impossible?!" He asked incredulously.

"Not the whole school." Grant corrected, "just most of the classrooms and hallways. And the gym. Not the Auditorium or here, though."

"Not the Dorms either. We did do the bathrooms though." Magdalena said before her pendant flashed and she switched places with Maja.

Their homeroom teacher let out a sigh. "So how long will this last?"

"We were thinking Three months...." The teacher sighed in relief, "But a year is Gigi's shortest spell limit right now and it's based off of her, sorry, his magic. So we'll have fun crafting counter amulets!" Maja answered with a smile.

"Do you even have the materials?"

Grant nodded, "Uh-huh! My susu gave me a whole bunch when I told her the plan! Here you go!" Grant placed a pocket watch enchanted with a bypass to the honesty spell onto his desk. "We made this for our favorite teacher!"

"..." He sighed and accepted the amulet.

"Oh! Mr Holas! I've decided!" Grant said suddenly.

"....yes Gigi?" Mr. Holas asked in trepidation.

"I'll go through puberty until I get to the part in my magic that requires my companion! I'll refuse facial and body hair though."

"I'm glad you decided to grow, Gigi." Mr. Holas said.

"Yes! No one will question my belonging to the Giant Tribe now, so I'll see how it goes!"

Maja turned to Grant I'm shock, "People questioned that?! But it's so obvious!"

Grant pet Maja's hand, "People are silly."

2 years later Grant glared at Mr. Holas. He had grown to 5'7 and stopped. That wasn't why he was upset. His voice had started dropping and he didn't like it. He was very firmly opposed to the it getting any deeper. His throat had gotten scratchy too. Not only that people had started making weird assumptions about him, Maja, and Magdalena. "This has been terrible." Grant said in a hoarse whisper.

"I'm sorry you feel that that way, Gigi." Mr. Holas said.

"Puberty isn't for me. I'm done with it." Grant declared firmly.

"If that's the best. But what specifically bothers you about Puberty?" Mr. Holas asked.

"Is there a thing to like about Puberty besides my height?"

"I see." Mr. Holas said understandingly.

To be continued

*This is incorrect.

**They, in fact, don't.
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