Turn 2 Results
[X] you and your gang decide to do some scouting missions around Goodsprings. 80%/60%/40% chance of success, Reward= ??amount of caps, loot of varying value. knowledge of surrounding area
rolled d100 = 77, At the start of the week you gathered your men and and scouted and looted the areas directly surrounding Goodsprings. The most noteworthy places you saw were two powder gang camps to the east and another a little to the south of you. The eastern most camp had three powder gangers and a few make shift mines, the other contained 2 more Gangers but many more mines. North-west of the town was a large memorial of some sorts, and lastly to the north following the main road was a small town known as sloan. Rewards= 140 caps, a cap with a star, two possible enemy/lootable camps, and a path to expand later Via sloan
[X] Try asking around again for any information, you could profit from they're bad luck. Maybe even after you could get them to 'hire' your gang for 'protection', Yes that sounds quite nice to you. 50% chance of success, Reward= Large payout, Better equipment for the gang, establish Goodsprings as your territory
Rolled d100 = 96 crit?!
You once again tried to find out what that argument was all about, to your surprise not only did they explain the Powder gangers were after a men named ringo, who was indeed hiding in the town in the building a bit behind doc Mitchell's house (would the know what a gas station is?). They also offered to hire to pay you and more for defending the town Reward for success fully fighting back the Powder gangers will be 500 caps, all the gangers have on them and ownership of the old school house(actual base before this you were staying at the saloon)
[X] work on an special attribute alone.60% chance of success +1
-[X] C
Rolled d100 = 71
By reading a few old world magazines you picked up a few pointers on how to get people to like you
Reward= +1 the Charisma
you paid your Gang this week, This apparently Showed them that you were some what trustworthy or at least that they would actually make money. Gang is less likely to abandon you