Power Rangers: Sidereal Force (Exalted vs. the World of Darkness / Power Rangers)

I still say that we go for having the Green PoV since it looks like Supernatural Relation is gonna win, but I also think that someone else should be the leader, personally.
CC1 Vote Period Warning
Since the deadline is already coming up and most (read: Not the Yellow Ranger) of the categories have clear winners, I'm going to be shortening the voting period to 8:00 PM PST tonight. So, in about 6 hours from now. I have the next update for the most part ready to be posted once that deadline is reached. In the meantime, if there IS a change in votes, well at least I won't have to rewrite very much for it. :p
Is there anyway I can convince people to at least change Violet to Ill Child?
So if we do go Green PoV, any thoughts on what kind of supernatural we would want a connection to?

Vampire: On the one hand the Dead are by definition Outside of Fate which means we will have some issue dealing with them, on the other hand this is the US, most vampires we are likely to face aren't the hoary old monsters of the Old World, the Methuselahs or the Antediluvians, which is an insane thought for WoD, but we are playing the Princes of the Earth, a newly Exalted Celestial is about equal in power to a vampire of the Fifth generation and it does not take them long to match the Fourth, give them enough experience and even the horrors that are the Grandchildren of Cain had best be ware. It is just funny to imagine being friends with some fledgling and they are worried for our safety, we get cornered by the local sherif and delete them from the census of the undead. On a less personal and more mission oriented scale vampires are not likely to be fans of the Infernal Exalted, not even the Sabat are fans of hell, much less the Camarilla and just in general the Green Sun Princes are 'loud', they are a lot worse for the masquerade than say our party of Rangers are likely to be. If we can get our foot in the door somehow we should be able to work with most vampires, assuming our friends are willing to cut deals with the blood-drinking undead

Werewolves: On the one hand they are a lot closer to being the good guys than the last bunch (assuming we do not get a really obnoxious tribe like the Get of Fenrir), on the other hand they do all run on rage. Even if we have some kind of direct blood connection to them many septs do not reat their Kinfolk very well. Again the Get tend to act like it's still the middle ages, but even someone like the Shadow Lords are likely to be annoying. Generally speaking the powers of the Chosen of the Maidens with their weird and esoteric bent are not really made for making werewolf friends. We would have to do a lot of proving to be seen as equals and even if we do they are still going to try to drag all of us into fighting Pentex. Not that Pentex doesn't deserve to be fought mind, but most of the Garou are very bad at it and they are worse at taking advice. Basically hope for a Glasswalker or a Child of Gaia

Mages: The nature of the connection is so distinct that I have to break it down into subparagraphs
a) The Tradition: On the one hand they are the designated good guys and the most likely to take us in at our word as just wierd magcians, on the other they are also losing, we get in bed with them and we can expect to fight 'the system' in the most visceral and soul-crushing sense in the world. Not really something any teenager who wants to maintain a social life outside of Exalt business would want.
b) The Technocracy: Assuming we come to the attention of one of the more clever technocrats and they do not panic and send Hit Marks after us (which is I think a given if they are even an option) I think we would be a oddly good fit for them. We have subtle powers, we do not fuck with the Consensus and generally speaking we are in this to protect humanity. I know the technocracy are the designated bad guys in mage, and Critian Caceorte may want to play them that way, but they actually did start out with good intentions and there are quite a few people in the low to mid ranks of the organization who still hold to those oaths. It would be kind of interesting to start with a connection to some idealistic technocrat who slowly peels back the horror of say the NWO or the Syndicate and their relations with Pentex

Changelings: I think it very much depends on if we are dealing with members of the returned Arcadian Nobility or some of the Changelings who toughed it out on earth, the latter are more likely to be sympathetic and generally humane. The former are more likely to remember things... the kind of things that might make them rather hostile. The Chosen weren't exactly friends of the Fair Folk in those long ago ages

Wraiths: This could be a newly dead family member trying to navigate the Shadowlands and the underworld as they also try to keep an eye on their living descendants. It would give us a chance to spread our wings and visit the underworld early. There are a lot of secrets in there and also a lot of things that need (re-)killing. On the other hand it would not connect as much to the main plot.
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On a less personal and more mission oriented scale vampires are not likely to be fans of the Infernal Exalted, not even the Sabat are fans of hell, much less the Camarilla and just in general the Green Sun Princes are 'loud', they are a lot worse for the masquerade than say our party of Rangers are likely to be.
Why are you assuming any and all Infernals would be our enemies?

I do mostly agree with the rest of your analysis, but I do want to point out that not all non-technocracy Mages would be gung-ho about dragging friends into the war against the technocracy.
Why are you assuming any and all Infernals would be our enemies?

I do mostly agree with the rest of your analysis, but I do want to point out that not all non-technocracy Mages would be gung-ho about dragging friends into the war against the technocracy.

In absolute terms not all Infernals would want to fight us, but this isn't absolute terms, it's one circle vs another. If most of the Infernals want to fight (which they have to be for the premise to work) any more hesitant members will likely be dragged along

As for mages that part is true, but the thing is the Technocracy is hunting them as a general rule, even if they want nothing to do with the fight it will find them, probably in the form of Hit Marks attempting to vaporize the 'reality deviants'.
In absolute terms not all Infernals would want to fight us, but this isn't absolute terms, it's one circle vs another. If most of the Infernals want to fight (which they have to be for the premise to work) any more hesitant members will likely be dragged along

As for mages that part is true, but the thing is the Technocracy is hunting them as a general rule, even if they want nothing to do with the fight it will find them, probably in the form of Hit Marks attempting to vaporize the 'reality deviants'.
In Exalted Vs World of Darkness, Infernals don't even have Castes, let alone any kind of organization. The majority of them won't even know what an Exalt is, just knowing they have weird demon powers, so assuming any Infernal we meet is going to have a full goddamn circle is absurd.

Your point about mages is valid, though.
a newly Exalted Celestial is about equal in power to a vampire of the Fifth generation and it does not take them long to match the Fourth,
I'm assuming you mean "metaphorically" because literally that is not true. The equivalent for a newly Exalted Celestial is 8th gen, not 5th. They don't get to that level until they reach Essence 4.
[X][Yellow] Military Brat
[X][Blue] Poetry Club President
[X][Red] Student Reporter
[X][Green] Class Clown
[X][Violet] Essential Worker
CC1 Vote Period Ends
Alright, we have our results... kind of. We have a Tie for the Yellow Ranger (Street Kid and Military Brat), so I'm going to use my QM authority to choose the winner. We have 3 Physicals and 1 Mental focused character already, so I'm picking Street Kid to get a social specialist on the squad.

So, for our ranger team, we have:

Yellow Ranger - Street Kid (Social+, Physical-)
Blue Ranger - Poetry Club President (Mental+, Social -)
Red Ranger - Sports Team Captain (Physical+, Mental-)
Green Ranger - Supernatural Relation (Physical+, Social-)
Violet Ranger - Teen Parent (Physical+, Social-)

I'll post the next update within the hour since it's not very long on my end, but first, I need to do some rolls. Admittedly, I've already rolled for this mysterious thing, but not in thread, so I figured that doing so here would be more honest. If it's bad enough, I'll just replace it with what I have already. You'll see in Update 3 what these are for.
Scheduled vote count started by Critian Caceorte on Dec 8, 2024 at 1:34 AM, finished with 33 posts and 11 votes.

EDIT: Welp, guess I'm going with these then, because they're definitely on average better than what I had already.
Critian Caceorte threw 5 10-faced dice. Reason: !!! with ??? Total: 34
6 6 5 5 9 9 6 6 8 8
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In Which We Find Out WHO the Team Is
Vote Results:
[X][Yellow] Street Kid
[X][Blue] Poetry Club President
[X][Red] Sports Team Captain
[X][Green] Supernatural Relation
[X][Violet] Teen Parent

It was a quirk of these particular Exaltations to choose younger hosts and in as close of an area as possible. The reason for the first was unknown, but likely originated all the way in the Divine Revolution, as the ancients slaughtered waves upon waves of soldiers led by Exalted officers. In those days, the able-bodied adults were the first to fall, and eventually even those still growing had to be brought in to fight the titans. The second had a more clear point of origin: When an interaction of this Circle fell all at once after a disastrous infiltration of Malfeas. Ever since that point, those they Exalted tended to die together… and be uplifted together as well.

Regardless, the preference for a singular location meant that these five pieces of divine power traveled to one city in particular, surveying its youth for hosts. And this particular city happened to be-

[][City] Seattle, Washington
  • Seattle is a battleground city for the supernatural, being the home of many a Kindred (particularly those of Clan Toreador) and Garou, as well as the western branch location for Pentex. The Technocracy meanwhile maintain their hold over all of the tech companies staying in and around the city, with a division of Boeing secretly sequestered away for Void Engineer purposes. With so many supernaturals present and plenty of fuel for tensions, it's no wonder that some consider the Emerald City to be a lit match away from exploding.
[][City] Salt Lake City, Utah
  • Salt Lake City is a religious stronghold, filled with a much higher degree of True Faith than most other cities save the truly spectacular like Jerusalem, Mecca or Lumbini. Still, vampires are present even here, though only of Clans Tremere and Nosferatu. The former reside in this location in order to profit off of the genealogical work being done by the Mormons, while the latter… well, nobody knows why. There also exists a group of sorcerers at this locale who believe their magic to be the miracles of God, but they are soon to be destroyed by the arrival of something terrible if nothing is done to prevent their destruction.
[][City] Dansborough, Indiana
  • You have never heard of Dansborough, Indiana. Most people, in fact, have never heard of Dansborough, Indiana, and its residents prefer it that way. Dansborough, Indiana, is a perfectly fine small town in the middle of Nnowhere where ordinary American things happen, just like it should be. There is no magic in the town of Dansborough, Indiana, and to believe in such is just rubbish. There are certainly, undoubtedly, no such things as Faeries and Wizards in Dansborough, Indiana.
[][City] Seraphim Glade, Florida
  • An oil town on Florida's west coast, Seraphim Glade would otherwise be an unremarkable place to go. Known mostly for its university and local flavor of sarsaparilla, Seraphim Glade has seen some interesting changes in the last few years. Some reports talk of strange military movements in the region, not recognizable as any US army detachment. Others claim to have seen monsters of the strangest types in the abandoned quarry south of town… but with no corroborating evidence of such. What could possibly be the cause of all of these reports?
[][City] Charleston, Maine
  • No, not the city in South Carolina. Up in the northeastern coast of Maine, there is a small town whose only major source of income is its port which receives the occasional cargo ship from Canada or Greenland. It's a pretty nice place to retire or raise your kids in… well, if you discount the whispers of fishpeople among the homeless. Of course, such rumors are nonsense, but the rumors persist. And, some say, that for a town that receives so few imports of goods, it still manages to make quite a lot of money each year, though nobody's really sure as to why.

In this city, the Exaltations searched high and low for those who would best suit their role as Agents of Destiny. Whoever they chose had to not only fit their purview, they had to be individuals with great destinies ahead of them. Destinies which, sadly, would serve as fuel for the Exaltation process, for the Sidereals make their own fate. Anything grand these individuals would have gotten up to in the future, they could now only rely on their own divine strength to accomplish.

Unexpectedly, or perhaps to be expected from a certain point of view, it was the blue piece of power which found a worthy host first. A mortal poet and literature enthusiast, who did their best to spread their love of the medium despite their middling talent in socialization. For a fragment of a deity over the arts, who better a choice for it to merge with? And this person in particular was-

[][Blue] Write-in Blue Ranger's name
-[] Gender
-[] Brief Description or interesting facts
-[] What Destiny was lost to secure this person's Exaltation?
-[] Who is their favorite author (poet or literature writer) who they 'kin', 'stan' and other such terms to an annoying degree (Please no real world authors, though parodies of such are fine.)

Next was the green piece of power, which found its home in a person stuck in two worlds. This individual was not blinded by the veils guarding the supernatural, having known of its existence for several years now. Their unique insight into the world, having eyes gazing at both the mundane and the magical, was exactly the viewpoint needed to dig deeper into the greater mysteries. This person was-

[][Green] Write-in Green Ranger's name
-[] Gender
-[] Brief Description or interesting facts
-[] What Destiny was lost to secure this person's Exaltation?
-[] Who was the one who introduced this person to the supernatural? Can be a friend, family member or love interest, but should be someone important to the ranger AND should be a supernatural creature themselves.

After that came the red piece, which after only a short delay made its decision. Its target was both an athlete and a captain, a peacetime incarnation of physical contests between physique-equipped groups. Their talent in the realm of sports was excellent for a mortal, and would only become more so with divine power at their fingertips. This person had got to be-

[][Red] Write-in Red Ranger's name
-[] Gender
-[] Brief Description or interesting facts
-[] What Destiny was lost to secure this person's Exaltation?
-[] What is the sport which they are so amazing at? (Should be something relatively popular enough to attract large crowds of people, so no bowling, as much as it breaks my heart to say that.)

The last two Exaltations on the other hand spent a considerable amount of time deliberating on who they would choose. Not because of poor prospects, but rather the opposite: So many individuals met their requirements that choosing who should be honored was quite an ordeal. Still, it was the violet piece of power that made its decision first, floating down to a young parent cradling their child in their arms. This person had their child at a fairly young age, and though they could take care of the babe without fear for resources, it still devoured a great deal of their time. Only time would prove whether this blessing from Heaven would help them protect the REAL blessing in their lives. This parent was-

[][Violet] Write-in Violet Ranger's name
-[] Gender
-[] Brief Description or interesting facts
-[] What Destiny was lost to secure this person's Exaltation?
-[] Who is the baby's other parent, and are they in the picture? If not, why?

It took so many more picoseconds for the yellow piece of power to make its decision. It waffled, as much as an Exaltation can do so, over its three best prospects for quite a while. Eventually though, a decision had to be made, and it went with the option it just barely preferred over the other two: A homeless child. Never knowing a true place of rest, this person would need the love and support of their Circle in order to truly prosper, yet their own experiences, so different from the others, would help them find their niche in the days to come. This lucky child was-

[][Yellow] Write-in Yellow Ranger's name
-[] Gender
-[] Brief Description or interesting facts
-[] What Destiny was lost to secure this person's Exaltation?
-[] What is their "street name," and how did they earn it?

With the choices having been made, the Exaltations waited inside of their hosts, counting down the days until the true depths of their power could be unleashed. Until then, life… was about to get just a tad strange for all of them.

The Vote will end on December 16th, 4:00 PM PST. It may end earlier if necessary.
Please vote by plan for this update. It'll probably be easier on everyone else.

Author's Note: Initially, I was going to include an option in the vote for whether Power Rangers (or a WoD equivalent) exists here, but I think ultimately its a bit too meta for my tastes, so it was scrapped.

For each character's bio, while I would prefer individual answers in order to let people pick and choose, I also recognize that it might be easier for some people to come up with plans, and then have the rest of the thread just use those instead of doing lots of quotes. Hence why I'm allowing plan voting for this section.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the first vote, and I hope you stick around for what's to come!
[][City] Charleston, Maine
This is literally just that one Lovecraft story that got adapted into a movie called Cithulu despite not containing Cithulu

[][City] Dansborough, Indiana
This is my preferred option, because Ketchup Carjack being very wrong about fae sounds funny to me.

I am not at all up to making a plan, so here's my argument to try to convince anyone who is to make the green ranger know a Mage (even though I want this purely for esthetic purposes): if our group's mecha gets damaged, a Mage is the only kind of World of Darkness supernatural with any chance of being able to help repair it!
[X] Go Go Power Exalts
-[X][City] Seattle, Washington
-[X] Blue Seth Anderson
-[X] Male
-[X] Seth was born to a family in decline, once they might have been considered part of the city's old money, but now they are rather more 'old' than 'money', his father obsessed with the kind of get rich quick schemes that were amusing when Seth was a wide eyed kid and just worrying now. His mother meanwhile encourages him to get a good education in law like his paternal grandfather (deceased) and vaguely tolerates his interest in poetry as 'a good hobby to attract the right sort'
-[X] High powered civil rights lawyer, even in the World of Darkness some people try to use the law to protect others
-[X] H. G. Lovelace: Yes, he is aware of the racism, yes and the sexism, yes he still likes it, cosmic horror is cool, not to mention he has a certain affinity to the young Lovelace who was born under similar circumstances of faded fortunes as himself
[X][Green] Jiu Lee
-[X] Female
-[X] The daughter of first generation Korean immigrants Jiu has always felt trapped between two worlds, though she sometimes jokes about parental expectations in truth she struggles more with a pervasive feeling that the world is fake, a facade over some hidden rot, that every smiling face hides some dark secret or unspoken shame. When her best friend Sofia vanished two years ago people just seemed to forget about her with terrifying speed, they told Jiu 'don't bring up bad memories', 'they are just processing', but it didn't look to her like they were processing at all... it looked like they were scared.
-[X] Supernatural detective, though she would not have lived long in this line of work it would have been long enough to unveil some trully terrifying secrets of the Powers that Be, vampiric and otherwise
-[X] Sofia Rossellini wasn't dead... well she was, but she wasn't gone, she was a vampire now or Kindred, she had been selected to serve the patron of her family in a more 'exalted' position, that's right patron. Her family have vampire blood in them, something called 'revenants' of 'Clan Giovanni'. You would think awakening to phenomenal cosamic power and a supernatural mentor in a crystal would come with answers, but he doesn't know what any of those names mean either. Fine, fine, she'll find the truth herself.
[X][Red] Alex Green
-[X] Male
-[X] The son of blue collar parents who love both him and his siblings dearely but have little time to spend with their family due to late hours and heavy debts Alex is outgoing with teens his own age, but shy in any sort of official setting like class
-[X] Olimpic Fencer
-[X] Feencing
[X][Violet] Amanda Hawkins
-[X] Female
-[X] Adopted at a young age her parents never hid the fact from her, though she has never felt less loved for it she does wonder who her birth parents are
-[X] A brilliant career in medicine crowned with the cloneing of the first artificial organs
-[X] Amanda was not, as people insisted over and over again, the kind of person one would expect to be a teenage mother. A band kid with few friends and not a whsiper of a boyfriend until last year she fell hard for the captain of the fencing team and for a while things seemed to go swimingly. Until things went a little too well... Her decision to keep the baby was that ended the relationship as her boyfriend told her in no uncertain terms that he wasn't ready to be a father and she certainly wasn't ready to be a mother. Privately Amanda worried that she might be right, though at least her parents support her
[X][Yellow] Tommy
-[X] Non-Binary
-[X] Tommy vaguely remebers their parents getting shot, or what might have been their parents, there was a lot of blood. Being dropped into the foster-care system at four years old taught them what people expected to hear and so they said the words over and over, different for each person. They got called a liar... then a theif... then they just decided it was better to leave than stick around for 'the consequences' which invariably had more to do with their foster parents issues than anything they had done
-[X] Crime Boss, turns out when you are good with people and just a little lucky you can go quite far
-[X] Slick, when she stummbled into the middle of a drug deal (or really the drug deal stumbled over his corner of abandoned tunnels) he managed to convince the very twitchy gang members to not just refrain from shooting them but to pass them a 100 dollar bill from their newly exchanged rolls of money

  1. Nothing quite like throwing a hand grenade full of Exalts in the middle of several supernatural wars. There is a lot of profit and fun to be had here and a lot of connections the Green Ranger could have to the locals
  2. Having someone who is into cosmic horror in the world of darkness should lead to some entertaining reactions and maybe a few insights here and there
  3. I intentionally chose a Clan that Chejop Kejak knows nothing about which is also one of the magical bloodlines. Should be fun dealing withe the elders, freeing their enslaved ghosts etc...
  4. This is probably the least well formed of the bunch since I don't know much about high school sports in the US, but you know swords are cool
  5. Being a teenage mother feels like a solid enough hook for the earely game, but I also made her adopted in case the GM wants to do something with that
  6. Since we havea socially focused street kind I figured someone who uses their words as a shield to manage shitty situations fits
[X] Plan: Dansborough Irregulars
-[X][City] Dansborough, Indiana
-[X][Blue] Daphne Jones
--[X] Female
--[X] Daphne wants to be a writer, more than that she wants to inspire others to write, seeing it as the ultimate expression of self and one of the best forms of creation.
--[X] She would go on to write a Pretty Decent Book of poetry that would be sold to schools all over the country. It wouldn't be the outreach she would've wanted to have but she's glad that at the very least her works are reaching students.
--[X] J.T. Smith: the Author of her favorite set of books as a child the Records of Nostella, even if in hindsight the Lion Jesus was a bit out there.
-[X][Green] Antony Smith
--[X] Male
--[X] Antony grew up in a pretty normal household by his own standards, a hard working dad who tries his best to be there a strict mom who pushes him to be the best he can be and a Little Brother who he cherishes despite being a brat. Despite that, or maybe even because of it Antony has always had this...sensation for the weird and wild, Something that has been compared to his Uncle's own eye for it.
--[X] He would've been a well known Environmental Chemist, at least in the circles that are known to saving the Environment with his eye for oddness and his ways to try and help restore equilibrium. He would do this as an Extraordinary Citizen.
--[X] Antony has an Uncle who one would call a respectable Engineer with Big dreams and bigger expectations of how technology should work. He's supposedly working with the government to help advance the space race and humanity's reach into the stars. In reality and only know to Antony, His Uncle Nick is a Mage or as he prefers to be called an Enlightened Scientist. One of the Void Engineers of the technocracy tasked with shoring up the defenses of Dansborough to prevent VERY hostile and alarmingly alien presence from doing much damage. The only reason Antony even knows half of this, that Nick is an Enlightened Scientist and his job is called Void Engineers, is because his Uncle thinks he would make a good Extraordinary Citizen planning on slowly inducting him into the world of Sorcery whenever he's around.
-[X][Red] Howard Atlas
--[X] Male
--[X] Howard Atlas was an orphan, who was adopted by a loving if a bit absent Mother. Finding that the only way for him to have the attention he wants to have actually Stick with him he had to find something that would well naturally draw people's attention. And he Found it and Enjoyment in being the Star of his school's Soccer Team.
--[X] He would've actually been able to go pro and make it to the big leagues. Not the best of the best by far, but definitely in better than rest tier, and besides when people would remember him his personality would speak louder than Skills.
--[X] Soccer
-[X][Violet] Jenny McAlister
-[X] Female
-[X] To be honest for most of her life Jenny has just been a face in the crowd, a nobody in a horde of nobodies, sure she had a bit of talent for music but she doubted it would lead anywhere. Up until she met her boyfriend. Markus Kent or just Mark, is without a doubt a believer, someone who is passionate about life and wants to spread this passion to Jenny as well. and he did! maybe a bit too well...leading up to this situation. Well at least he and her parents are helping her out with this.
-[X] Her child would be her muse to write her own songs, feeling emotions that could only be expressed through song at least for her. This would lead to her becoming a musician of prestige.
-[X] Mark Kent, he's there, he's struggling with being a father and his own studies, but he's doing his best to be the man Jenny needs right dad and the Dad the child needs as well.
-[X][Yellow] Tommy
--[X] Non-Binary
--[X] Tommy vaguely remebers their parents getting shot, or what might have been their parents, there was a lot of blood. Being dropped into the foster-care system at four years old taught them what people expected to hear and so they said the words over and over, different for each person. They got called a liar... then a theif... then they just decided it was better to leave than stick around for 'the consequences' which invariably had more to do with their foster parents issues than anything they had done
--[X] Crime Boss, turns out when you are good with people and just a little lucky you can go quite far
--[X] Slick, when she stummbled into the middle of a drug deal (or really the drug deal stumbled over his corner of abandoned tunnels) he managed to convince the very twitchy gang members to not just refrain from shooting them but to pass them a 100 dollar bill from their newly exchanged rolls of money

Okay, I like tommy but i have my own opinions for the other Rangers. Mainly I want our contact with the supernatural to be a Void Engineer, one of the more free Agents of the Technocracy, and his future as an Extraordinary Citizen Chemist meant to help the environment. Which is essentially a Sorcerer with a scientific can of paint over it.
she fell hard for the captain of the fencing team and for a while things seemed to go swimingly. Until things went a little too well...
Oooooh boy, that's some inter-team drama potential there. Which is great, having opportunities for interaction between team members can only be a good thing, though I don't know if Power Rangers ever had an estranged couple as team members before :p
This is probably the least well formed of the bunch since I don't know much about high school sports in the US, but you know swords are cool
On the one hand, you very rarely have fencing as a school sport here. Typically it would be something the kid would do independently in some organization or whatever rather than the school itself take care of things. And the publicity factor for it is probably not very high compared to Europe.

On the other hand, swords ARE cool, so I'll accept it, though it's kind of funny that his stat distribution means that he actually starts out better at unarmed combat than armed. Maybe his Sidereal instincts are stronger than normal.

Regardless, I see no problem with your plans @DragonParadox and @MedievalParadox (wow, two plans by people with Paradox in the name for a Sidereal quest, it's almost like it's Destiny or something), so go ahead with them.
Oooooh boy, that's some inter-team drama potential there. Which is great, having opportunities for interaction between team members can only be a good thing, though I don't know if Power Rangers ever had an estranged couple as team members before :p

I mean they never had teenage parents before either so that feels fair. Mostly I just did not know what to do with the Red Ranger so I slotted him in there so as not to make him too much of a generic sword guy.
Hm, I would prefer Seattle, simply because I like the city. If not, then I might select Charleston, Maine to reenact "The Shadow over Innsmouth".

Still, I will settle for the Dansborough plan.

[X] Plan: Dansborough Irregulars

As to my reasons, I like the choice for the Chosen of Jupiter. In the Ascension War, I was, am, and will forever be a staunch Technocrat, we of the Technocratic Union who began as the Order of Reason. A member of the Utopian faction but a loyal and devoted Technocrat to the core, nonetheless. I prefer the Progenitors and Iteration X, but the Void Engineers are a worthy Convention, just as integral as any of the other four. All 5 Conventions are crucial.

For the Chosen of Mars, I love association football. Well, soccer to those in the States, but it is football to the rest of the world. Football is the beautiful game, after all. This Chosen of Mars would already be used to working in a team with experience in football.
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[X][City] Seraphim Glade, Florida
  • An oil town on Florida's west coast, Seraphim Glade would otherwise be an unremarkable place to go. Known mostly for its university and local flavor of sarsaparilla, Seraphim Glade has seen some interesting changes in the last few years. Some reports talk of strange military movements in the region, not recognizable as any US army detachment. Others claim to have seen monsters of the strangest types in the abandoned quarry south of town… but with no corroborating evidence of such. What could possibly be the cause of all of these reports?
My vote for location, but I'm very biased.

For the Chosen of Mars, I love association football. Well, soccer to those in the States, but it is football to the rest of the world. Football is the beautiful game, after all. This Chosen of Mars would already be used to working in a team with experience in football.
Depending on the Red Ranger's socio-economic factors and location, lacrosse would be a popular choice as well. It's a team, contact sport. By that I mean Lacrosse is typically seen as a rich kid's sport, is all.
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One thing we may want to consider is how we plan to deal with the technocracy. This is pretty much their terminal phase, the technocracy is always getting worse, between the defections, the Nephandi poising them, the Syndicate dealing with Pentex. Generally speaking they are going to look at our fate-weaving band that works off motonic physics four ages of the world out of date and decide we are reality deviants. Sure Vampires will all want to kill us as well, for being very scary 'kine' but we can make friends with their lower ranks more easily since they are not as indoctrinated. The most diligent and skilled propagandist of the Camarila cannot hold a candle to the NWO on its worst day.
Honestly the premiere two choices for me are either Technocratic Uncle trying to draw his nephew safely into the fold as a Sorcerer/Extraordinary Citizen or a Changeling/Fae little Brother.

I chose the Technocrat because I figured Threat Null would be the better Plot Hook, hence why I also made him a Void Engineer someone who is from the one Convention who is the most liberal about the Supernatural/Other Mages.

Aside from Changeling and mage, I'd also be fine with Werewolf.
As a loyal Technocrat to the core, one who is of the Utopian faction, the answer seems clear enough.

The Technocratic Union stands at a crossroads. Either it will fall utterly into the abyss, or it could be on the verge of rebirth into what it originally was as the Order of Reason.

The answer would be to help the Utopians usher in the rebirth of the Technocratic Union towards that new dawn.
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[X] DragonParadox

I wasn't a fan of Teen Parent, but I love that team drama.

Slick, when she stummbled into the middle of a drug deal (or really the drug deal stumbled over his corner of abandoned tunnels) he managed to convince the very twitchy gang members to not just refrain from shooting them but to pass them a 100 dollar bill from their newly exchanged rolls of money
Also love that their pronouns are as shifty as they are lmao
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