Power Rangers: Quantum Odyssey - HQ Quest

Voting is open
Holy crap! Ranger gets speraed from the group, finds prophecy, and has to find the other two rangers!? This is a gold mine for original Super Sentai content. Infact, I'm nintey percent srue this is the plot for an epsiode in at least 40% of the Ranger's series.

[X] The people of this planet need help. There's clearly a monster on the loose, and the previous Rangers left a job undone, even if it wasn't intentional. Besides, the resources of an ancient battlefield could be very valuable for the Project. It's time to hunt.
-[X] Have Talia look for any trail left by the monster to figure out it's path and identify a sutable ambush spot (preferably a under a cliff).
-[X] Have Nico help the locals move some boulders into place to set up a artifical avalance to crush the monster.
-[X] Have Lewis help any injured locals.

@GAWR Would you consider '-[X] Have Lewis be comic relief to the Nik Niks' in your plan?
We always need a comic relief guy.
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[] The people of this planet need help. There's clearly a monster on the loose, and the previous Rangers left a job undone, even if it wasn't intentional. Besides, the resources of an ancient battlefield could be very valuable for the Project. It's time to hunt.
[] Power Rangers have fought giant monsters before. The Odyssey fighting vehicle program was mothballed and in Dr. Nzara's opinion isn't ready for deployment, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Ready the Zords for deployment.
not sure why both these can not be done but i`ll likely pick the first rather then that later.
just because.
not sure why both these can not be done but i`ll likely pick the first rather then that later.
just because.
It's basically whether you want to fight the monster in Ranger suits or bring the prototype Zords in. It's a pretty serious difference of approach. I'm not 100% opposed to allowing a write-in on the Zord option but there's enough about that which you guys don't know that it seems simplest not to allow it. You can assume the I will have the Rangers take reasonable precautions and employ reasonable tactics, though.
Truly, I'd rather have the Rangers use the suits. It makes more sense for them to, and instead of just relying on brute force Zords
they can choose to be suave fighters who can beatdown any monster due to superior intellect, tactics, and just general coolness.
It's basically whether you want to fight the monster in Ranger suits or bring the prototype Zords in. It's a pretty serious difference of approach. I'm not 100% opposed to allowing a write-in on the Zord option but there's enough about that which you guys don't know that it seems simplest not to allow it. You can assume the I will have the Rangers take reasonable precautions and employ reasonable tactics, though.
Thank you for that. I'm gonna update my plan to include the zord. Just in case.
can we not start hunting what ever monster there is while back at base the start preping the zords best they can.
if we can take it as Power rangers then good, if not then there is a back up option.
No "have your cake and eat it too" write-in, sorry. Either Dorsett feels it's worth deploying the prototypes (which is dangerous, as they're not tested) or she doesn't. If you guys go hunting in Ranger suits and get beat up, she'll order the Rangers to withdraw, and you can come back later with bigger guns.
No "have your cake and eat it too" write-in, sorry. Either Dorsett feels it's worth deploying the prototypes (which is dangerous, as they're not tested) or she doesn't. If you guys go hunting in Ranger suits and get beat up, she'll order the Rangers to withdraw, and you can come back later with bigger guns.
From hearing this, I really think it's better if we jsut try it with the ranger suits first, then if we somehow are unable to deter or stop the beast, contact Big D for the Zords (ugh). It's better from a tactical and economic perspective, as the massive mega mechs are untested and we need approval to access them.

And I just don't want to fuse all the votes together. Seems a little mean.
Sorry to break it to you OP but plan failed bring in the Zords is like the premies of 1/3 of early power rangers episodes.
I appreciate that's the normal pattern. And I'm aware I have to thread a fine needle with this quest - how much to play into tropes, how much to let you guys be smarter than what's often a very dumb show, how often to let the game format/dice rolls dictate things, and so on. Part of the quest format means there needs to be vote points, and those votes need to be meaningful. Nothing makes a vote lose meaning as quick as trying to accomplish things from multiple votes at once.

The crux of this vote is three options - A) Be cautious and conserve resources. Retreat until you're better armed. B) Go in with strategy and tactics and try to even the odds that way (with you guys providing said tactics). C) Use the powerful but untested Zords, which brings its own form of risk. All three options are valid, though I won't give you exact numbers.

Either Dorsett thinks it's worth bringing in the Zords for this threat, or she doesn't, considering the protoypes may be more dangerous to use than not. In this case, she's not going to change her mind once that decision is made.
Either Dorsett thinks it's worth bringing in the Zords for this threat, or she doesn't, considering the protoypes may be more dangerous to use than not. In this case, she's not going to change her mind once that decision is made.
Well with my current plan Dorsett trusts the rangers will previal against the kaiju but she's keeping the zords on standby if things gets dire.

Edit: here's my current plan by the way

[X] The people of this planet need help. There's clearly a monster on the loose, and the previous Rangers left a job undone, even if it wasn't intentional. Besides, the resources of an ancient battlefield could be very valuable for the Project. It's time to hunt.
-[X] Have Talia look for any trail left by the monster to figure out it's path and identify a sutable ambush spot (preferably a under a cliff).
-[X] Have Nico help the locals move some boulders into place to set up a artifical avalance to crush the monster.
-[X] Have Lewis help any injured locals.
-[X] Have Dr. Nzara put the zords on stand by anyway just in case.
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A giant robo-snake sounds like it is either a monster of the week or a new zord in the future.

But either way, the nik-niks do need help.
Plus the things we fought before might find and make use of the serpent if we don't do something.
A giant robo-snake sounds like it is either a monster of the week or a new zord in the future.

But either way, the nik-niks do need help.
Plus the things we fought before might find and make use of the serpent if we don't do something.
The guys we fought before? I'm 85% sure they don't have anything to do with this, since they're wayyyy out somewhere else. On the otherhand....it would make for a good twist. But nah, I think this is marginally seperate. (Fight with suits first. If we lose and have to retreat, then tell Big D we need Zords (boo) and she'll probably give them)
[X] The people of this planet need help. There's clearly a monster on the loose, and the previous Rangers left a job undone, even if it wasn't intentional. Besides, the resources of an ancient battlefield could be very valuable for the Project. It's time to hunt.
-[X] Have Talia look for any trail left by the monster to figure out it's path and identify a sutable ambush spot (preferably a under a cliff).
-[X] Have Nico help the locals move some boulders into place to set up a artifical avalance to crush the monster.
-[X] Have Lewis help any injured locals.
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I'm declaring this an invalid plan, sorry, for the reasons outlined above.
Well you have to let us have some digree of flexbillty for our votes and not lock out opitons due to an arbitrary concern of "loseing meaning".

At least give the zords a debuff and being unable to merge into the megazord an penlty if they deployed with the narrtive jastfaction that they aren't complety prepared when sent.
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Well you have to let us have some digree of flexbillty for our votes and not lock out opitons due to an arbitrary concern of "loseing meaning".

At least give the zords and unable to merge into the megazord an penlty if they deployed with the narrtive jastfaction that they aren't complety prepared when sent.
I'm giving you flexibility, but "combine two options" is a no-go, sorry. If you want to think of something not on the list, go for it.

Please consider this my final word on this subject.

Same to you, @RandyTrevelyan. It's a good plan save for the last part!
changing my vote to
[X] Power Rangers have fought giant monsters before. The Odyssey fighting vehicle program was mothballed and in Dr. Nzara's opinion isn't ready for deployment, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Ready the Zords for deployment.

In light of recent events.

You should have given us a write in if your so conrncerd about votes "loseing meaning"
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[X] Power Rangers have fought giant monsters before. The Odyssey fighting vehicle program was mothballed and in Dr. Nzara's opinion isn't ready for deployment, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Ready the Zords for deployment.


Take the L.

It's fine.

Quit trying to game the system.

[X] Power Rangers have fought giant monsters before. The Odyssey fighting vehicle program was mothballed and in Dr. Nzara's opinion isn't ready for deployment, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Ready the Zords for deployment.
You should have given us a write in if your so conrncerd about votes "loseing meaning"
GAWR, think of it this way. If we were able to just make a write-in that combined every choice, everytime, what's the point in even giving us choices then? Write ins are usually meant to expand upon what an option gives, not plain out allow you to fuse multiple options together. That being said, I can understand your fear and wnating to use zords.

But KreenWarrior has already said, if we fight normally with the suits and we lose, we can just retreat and call Big D (Dorsett) that we need the Zords. So technically, your plan would have worked either way.

Snip? Poke? Whatever the cool kids say.
Snip? Poke? Whatever the cool kids say.
Nooooo! Not the badass rangers that don't need zords OC!
I will admit, giant mecha-animals and the like have their own charm by themselves,
in the show, the Rangers abilities are always undermined by the fact they have giant mecha-animals and the like. No point in using human abillities if right off the bat you can use a large beatstick.

Not only that, but if we truly put time and research into it, we can have rangers that are able to fight monsters bigger than themselves with sheer skill, suaveness, and the randomness of dice rolls.
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