Power Rangers: Quantum Odyssey - HQ Quest

Voting is open
Adhoc vote count started by GAWR on Sep 30, 2021 at 7:43 PM, finished with 16 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan: If you want peace...
    -[X] Scanners - Sometimes information is the ultimate weapon. Develop handheld scanners for the Rangers to use on their travels. Will unlock additional opportunities and rewards on missions.. Progress: 0/10.
    --[X] 1 Basic Resource
    -[X] Proving Ground - Your testing facilities for Ranger equipment pretty much involving going into the basement and trying it out. A more sophisticated setup with scanners to evaluate performance, ballistics dummies instead of cardboard cutout targets, and so on might help your future projects. Progress: 0/10.
    --[X] 2 Basic Resources
    -[X] Training Ground - Your Rangers need places to train their combat and other skills. A basic training ground is little more than a fancy gym, but it can make your training actions more effective. Progress: 0/10
    --[X] 2 Basic Resource
    -[X] Sidearms - Currently, your Rangers have only their exploration suits, with no weaponry that can be carried through the Quantum Tunnel. Developing some basic weapons powered by the Morphing Grid is well within your capability
    --[X] Melee: Progress: 0/10. 1 Rare Resource required
    ---[X] 1 Rare Resource
    ---[X] 2 Basic Resources
    -[X] Analyze the Carrionoid Remains - Your Rangers brought back… pieces. They appear to have once been part of the footsoldiers commanded by Harlequin. Dr. Nzara is very interested in what they may reveal about alien life. Progress: 0/5. Requires Carrionoid Parts.
    --[X] 1 Monster Resource
    [X] Plan: More POWER!
    -[X] Scanners; 2 Basic Resource
    -[X] Training Ground; 2 Basic Resource
    -[X] Sidearms
    --[X] Ranged; 1 Rare Resource, 3 Basic Resources
    -[X] Analyze the Carrionoid Remains; 1 Monster Part
    [X] Plan Mighty Morphin Pink
    -[X] Training Ground 3 Basic Resources.
    -[X] Extra Morpher 3 Basic Resource 1 Rare Resource 1 Monster Resource

Plan: "If you want peace" it is. Will try to get a post up over the weekend.
Science, it Works
Scanners: 8/10
Proving Ground: 4, 10 = 14/10 - Success!
Melee Sidearms: 2, 9, 10 21/10. Great success!
Analyze the Carrionoid Remains: 7/5 - Success!
Training Ground: 14/10, Success!

"Thank you, Connors." You sip the warm coffee gratefully, and watch Dr. Nzara carefully. "Alright. It's almost time to send out the second expedition. Tell me, where are we?"

Dr. Nzara clears his throat. "Well, I can report that the proving ground project was successful. Given that the Rangers will need extensive equipment to deal with-"

"Monsters," interrupts his research aide, a young woman with glasses and Asian features. Choi, you think?

"Anything." Dr. Nzara corrects. "It's amazing, really. With just the first trip, we know that we're not alone in the universe. There were stories… legends, but… the Rangers have done more for science in a few hours than has been done in my entire lifetime. It will shake the foundations of our understanding of our place-"

"The proving ground, Doctor?" You remind him, gently. Not that he's wrong, but a philosophical discussion wasn't what you were here for today.

"Yes. I'm confident it will greatly improve our ability to create personal equipment for the Rangers in the future, and could be expanded to include other equipment, like vehicles."

: This facility helps with the testing and design of personal Ranger equipment, including weapons, morphers, Battleizers and more. Gain a +2 bonus to completion per die assigned to the project.

"Vehicles? I thought the Zord project had been mothballed?"

"Hmm." Dr. Nzara shrugs. "It's true that the initial prototypes never functioned properly, but… I've been getting some odd readings. It's something to consider for another time."

"How about Andon's request?" You grin slightly, remembering your Blue Ranger's immediate demand for weapons. You couldn't blame him, after they'd run into that… whatever it was.

The monster.

"Yes. Per your direction, I focused on creating handheld weapons for the Rangers. They run off of energy from the Morphers, drawn from the bioelectric energy field." He lays a case on the table and opens it.

Each is a blade about two feet long, made of steel, with circuitry in the Ranger colors running along the edges.

"How effective are they?"

Dr. Nzara exchanges a glance with Choi. "It's… difficult to explain, Commander."

You cross your arms and fix him with a look. "Didn't you just say you had a proving ground for just this purpose?"

"Hmm, yes. I assure you they *work*, but…" Seeing your impatience, Dr. Nzara clarifies. "The amount of power they draw depends on the strength of the bio-electric field energy they can draw. And that depends on the Ranger."

"The Sabers draw on the wearer's courage." Choi notes.

"Their emotional state, yes." Dr. Nzara seems somewhat uncomfortable here.

"I thought they were powered by this… Morphing Grid?" You prod.

Dr. Nzara pulls out a series of test results, and shows you. "The Sabers draw on the Rangers Morphers, pullin on the energy of the bio-electrical field. But the Rangers are the ones that are the… conduit, for the energy. Their emotional state-"

"Courage." Choi repeats with a smile.

"Emotions, willpower, focus. Everything. It all depends."

"Break it down for me. What's this mean for operations?"

"The Sabers are powerful, but they take something from the Rangers to use. They won't be able to use them for every fight."

The Quantum Sabers are powerful melee weapons. They can be used for one fight on each mission, and give a +2 equipment bonus. They also do an extra success of damage in the first round of combat they're used.

Ranger Nico's Request fulfilled! Nico gains +25 experience!

"I see. Did you make any progress on these "Carrionoids?"

"I did." Dr. Nzara brings out another file, this one thick with photographs and diagrams.

"Break it down for me. Are the Rangers fighting zombies?"

Dr. Nzara shook his head. "Harlequin termed these creatures 'Carrionoids', and they have been classified as such in our database. Thankfully, it appears that these creatures are not animated corpses, nor were they ever human beings, dead or otherwise." You let out a small sigh of relief. You really hadn't wanted to deal with that.

"Indeed, it is questionable whether they are "beings" at all, or more properly classified as artificial. They appear organic but more like…"

"Fungus, or algae." Choi adds.

"Though some aspects appear insectoid." Dr. Nzara confirms. There's no identifiable central nervous system, nor traditional organs. However, there is a system of fibers and nodes running through their bodies. Given that the Rangers rendered them unable to function with gross physical damage which correlated to damage to these nodes, it seems they fill some sort of vital function."

"So, how should the Rangers kill them?"

"The Quantum Sabers should be effective." Dr. Nzara confirms.

Choi snorts. "Or you can punch them really hard."


Carrionoid Parts Consumed. Future Carrionoid encounters may produce usable resources!

The other projects apparently are well on track, but not quite done yet.

You have some time before the next embarkation. What do you attend to, personally?

You have three Personal actions. What do you do with them?

[] Hustle Command or Additional Resources. (DC 3, can be taken multiple times, but each additional attempt increases the DC by 2. Rare Resources increase the DC by +2)

[] Meet with One of the Rangers
-[] Write-in the purpose of the meeting - discuss performance, have a social call, etc

[] Arrange Training for One of the Rangers
-[] Choose a Ranger and a Skill. DC is 3 for level 1, 5 for level 2. Ranger Skills are capped at (Level/2 round up). Progress is kept if Training Check is failed

[] Scout Additional Ranger Candidates
-[] Specify parameters for the search - please stick to one of Background, Personality or Skills.[/spoiler]
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It's... training time? Hell if I know. We were ok on resources last time, I think it was the number of dice that was the issue. We're rolling d10s on this as well, right?

[x] It's Training Time
-[x] Arrange Training for One of the Rangers
--[x] Talia, Endurance
--[x] Lewis, Boxing
--[x] Nico, Street Fighting

Between the weapons and a decent chance of at least one of these guys getting a +1 in combat skills, I think we have a good shot at getting our people to a point where they can get into a fight without getting de-morphed. And since we're talking power rangers, we're not talking peaceful negotiation with the monster of the day to discover points of common interest on which we can work together, we're talking punching it in the face until it explodes or runs away.

Although I guess we theoretically could have taken Harlequin's side on that last one? lol. Not very power ranger like, but I like that it was obviously an option.
It's... training time? Hell if I know. We were ok on resources last time, I think it was the number of dice that was the issue. We're rolling d10s on this as well, right?
Yep, still d10s.

Note that Resources *are* your number of dice. It's just that some projects need Rare resources to complete because they need special parts. It's abstracted for simplicity's sake. Some unusual finds - Zord parts, crystals with powers of lost Rangers, etc. will unlock projects that only can be completed with Unique Resources.

Although I guess we theoretically could have taken Harlequin's side on that last one? lol. Not very power ranger like, but I like that it was obviously an option.
I thought quite a bit about that, to be honest. Ultimately, I decided it was best to give the choice to stand up and be heroes to the voters, even if the choice was straightforward.
[X] Team meeting and traning
-[X] Talia
--[X] How does she feel about her preformance in the last mission and how does she think could she can improve.
-[X] Arrange Training for One of the Rangers
--[X] Talia, let her choose
-[X] Arrange Training for One of the Rangers
--[X] Lewis boxing
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I like that this series is a mix of mutant and baseline humans. Most power ranger series go one way or the other with that.
it is nice.

I am hyped up for the zoids, whether they are the more cool vehicle type in some series, or fun rainbow zoo team like in the first and others.
[X] Plan: ...Prepare for war
-[X] Arrange Training for One of the Rangers
--[X] Talia
---[X] Whatever fighting discipline she'd like to learn.
--[X] Lewis
---[X] Boxing
--[X] Nico
---[X] Street Fighting

@KreenWarrior Are we still rolling D20 for these? Those DC are super generous if so.
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So anyone else want to vote?

It's fine, if the vote's locked when Kreen wants to make a decision the tiebreaker falls to me, a man with no knowledge of Power Rangers, and an even poorer grasp of grammar that fell into the role of his beta. So keep it tied and let the magic happen. 👈👈

That's just for future reference, I doubt there'll ever be one though
[X] Plan: ...Prepare for war
-[X] Arrange Training for One of the Rangers
--[X] Talia
---[X] Whatever fighting discipline she'd like to learn.
--[X] Lewis
---[X] Boxing
--[X] Nico
---[X] Street Fighting

@KreenWarrior Are we still rolling D20 for these? Those DC are super generous if so.
Nope. It's all a D10 as far as I know. Makes sense too, as it uses a slightly similar system to The Path Unending in terms of successes and DCs I believe.

So keep it tied and let the magic happen.
I approve this messsage.
[x] It's Training Time
-[x] Arrange Training for One of the Rangers
--[x] Talia, Endurance
--[x] Lewis, Boxing
--[x] Nico, Street Fighting
Nope. It's all a D10 as far as I know. Makes sense too, as it uses a slightly similar system to The Path Unending in terms of successes and DCs I believe.

I approve this messsage.
Yep, it's d10s. Though not so much Path where you roll multiple dice with a set DC and counting successes. Rather, each die adds its result. The inspiration is closer to the various PlanQuests than the vaguely Storyteller inspired Path.

The DCs are easy to start, but I'm trying to leave room to grow before the inevitable system collapse and redesign. :V
Yep, it's d10s. Though not so much Path where you roll multiple dice with a set DC and counting successes. Rather, each die adds its result. The inspiration is closer to the various PlanQuests than the vaguely Storyteller inspired Path.
Well that makes sense. IT does remind me of what planquests go like, especially with the 'resources' and 'operations' and the fact we roll for them, and that they have DCs. Though I would like to know, what do you mean by the eventual collapse?
Well that makes sense. IT does remind me of what planquests go like, especially with the 'resources' and 'operations' and the fact we roll for them, and that they have DCs. Though I would like to know, what do you mean by the eventual collapse?
I'm joking, mostly. Several threads I've been in have had to abandon the initial mechanics because as quests go on, things tend to escalate and accumulate and the initial system didn't stretch enough to cover higher level stuff.

I added a brief mechanics post on the front page. Hopefully it clarifies things a little.
[X] Plan: ...Prepare for war

I like Training Time but we should give Talia a better fighting skill than Endurance.
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current tally
Adhoc vote count started by WhoTheHeckity on Oct 4, 2021 at 12:10 PM, finished with 16 posts and 5 votes.

  • [x] It's Training Time
    -[x] Arrange Training for One of the Rangers
    --[x] Talia, Endurance
    --[x] Lewis, Boxing
    --[x] Nico, Street Fighting
    [X] Plan: ...Prepare for war
    -[x] Arrange Training for One of the Rangers
    --[X] Talia
    ---[X] Whatever fighting discipline she'd like to learn.
    --[X] Lewis
    ---[X] Boxing
    --[X] Nico
    ---[X] Street Fighting
    [X] Team meeting and traning
    -[X] Talia
    --[X] How does she feel about her preformance in the last mission and how does she think could she can improve.
    -[x] Arrange Training for One of the Rangers
    --[X] Talia, let her choose
    --[x] Lewis, Boxing
Since we have a medic, getting him trained better in that is an idea for latter.

If we need more names for stuff, Epyllion means a short but epic poem. Like a smaller version of an Odyssey but just as dramatic.
Voting is open