Results 2
Continue clean up and organizing efforts by tracking down all documentation left in the warehouse by the dead scientist for review.

Zero sat at a desk looking at the sorted out documents left by Dr Zalavius, turns out it was mainly stuff Zero couldn't comprehend, mainly the cloning stuff and the operation of most of the tech in here, he couldn't find documents on the superpower stuff since apparently that got burnt in the blast
The rest was just the Doctor's scrapped monologues which they would tell some lady called "The Blessed-Twilight" after taking over the world using his super-clone army, also a list of what he would to other people who bothered him even slightly
Like having you guys wedgie everyone who called him gay in high school
Finding then beating up their absent dad
Forcefully taking over Mcdonalds for free burgers everyday
And not much else, you were born for very petty endeavours

Guy didn't even write down what he wanted to do with the world, he probably

The Z Docs
- Papers containing some stuff about the cloning vats, how to operate them, and tidbits of other inventions
- Also a lot of scrapped monologues, and petty plans of conquest

Feline-Face supplies cat-dna for Scraps' cloning experiments
Rolled a 36 + 7 + 10 = 53

Lanky saw Scraps sitting there staring at the vats in an office chair, back facing everyone else
"Hey Scrap, you doing go-" Lanky was silenced with a slow "Sssssshhhhhhhh......."

The chair turned slowly Scrap was trying their best to sit still with Feline-Face curled up on their lap napping, with a smaller newly cloned 3-headed kitten curled up and napping on F.F. too
"I can't move them, they're too adorable"
"I'll come back with snacks, to keep you from starving until they get up"
"Thank you"


- A 3-headed mutant kitten made in some clone vats using the dna of Feline-Face
- Notably stronger than the average kitten
- Also mischievous

Zero attempts to find/make/do something to make cleaning easier
Rolled a 63 + 13 = 76

Zero stole cleaning equipment from the cruddy apartment next door while they weren't looking, they weren't using it since Zero saw greasy parents watching tv while ignoring their children eating a pile of roaches, at least five stains on every surface, and an actual dead dog at the front desk
Zero almost had a stroke from how messy it all was

Cleaning Equipment
- A bunch of mundane cleaning products, never been used

The Messy Apartment
- Possibly the dirtiest building in the universe
- Right next door to the Z Lab

Have a Power-Man try hitting their head against a wall to unlock their abilities
Rolled a 73 = 73

Tanky kept on doing that, though not inside the Z Lab because Zero didn't want him bleeding all over the recently mopped floors, Lanky cheered him on as he kept doing that, but then a person showed up, annoyed at the racket they were making in the downtown back alleys

Tanky and Lanky saw a young man with a kendo training sword approach them, and say "I'm the newest t-tough guy in town, you guys seem to be strong, so I'll use you both as stepping stones to show how strong I am, and hopefully become strong enough to be notable" he was visibly nervous and shaking
Lanky stepped forward, looking concerned "Kid I think you need to go home, I don't know much about the subject but I think your parents would be worr-"

At the mention of parents the kid prepped to swing, and did so
Lanky Dodge Shade-Slash Check: Rolled a 35 - 11 - 9 = 15

The kid swung his sword, and Lanky stepped back a bit, the wooden blade's tip only scraped his stomach "Okay touchy subject, I'm sorry, just please put down the weapOOOOHHHN!" the training sword's tip left a trail of darkness behind it and that trail opened to reveal a bunch of shadowy fists from another realm, which pummelled his stomach and sent him flying into a trash can

Tanky ran over worried for his friend's safety "Lanky! Are you okay? If you're dead you gotta tell me!" Lanky shakily grasped their bff's hand "Don- *AACK* -t w-worry bout it bro, It's just a tummy ache"
"Oh god, is it terminal!?"

The kid just watched awkwardly from the sidelines as Tanky picked up Lanky and placed him on a more comfy looking trashcan, it was equally as horrible to rest one's broken body on but Lanky didn't really feel like complaining, the gesture was nice enough as is
"Still alive, but I appreciate it dude"

Tanky raised his arms and started yelling, his body crackled with energy, and he transformed with a bright flash of pink light and love hearts, he now stood there in a battle pose, in pink metal armour resembling a fighter jet, with a heart-motif
"I AM JET-LOVING, prepare for the power of BROOOOOMAAAAANCE!"
"What the actual fuck?"

Tanky/Jet-Loving Rolled a 89 + 15 + 19 = 123
Shade-Slash Rolled a 6 + 11 = 17

Shade-Slash was kicked in the groin, amateur karate-chopped 17 times, thrown into a brick wall, and almost barraged by small missiles covered in love hearts, the battle ended with him bruised and utterly defeated, he stood up shakily, watching Tanky for anymore moves, once he saw there was no more attacks he picked up his training sword and said
"You're pre-pretty tough I'm sure if I learn how to beat you, they'll surely notice m-me" Shade-Slashed limped away as Tanky transformed back, picked up his friend and carried them home

- Has the ability to conjure a suit of pink battle armour resembling a fighter jet, with thrusters, tiny missiles, and for the love theme, hearts all over it, the ability is powered by intimacy and love, the transformation duration and it's power scaling to the amount of affection the user receives from someone they care about, whether platonic, romantic, or familial

- A 17 year old boy
- Wields a wooden kendo training sword and knows how to use it
- Looks like they're constantly on the verge of a nervous breakdown
- Has the ability to cut holes in reality to the DARKNESS REALM, but only with wooden training swords
- Trying to get someone or something's attention by beating tough looking folks up in downtown Kulkin
[X] One of the Power-Men decides to create their own criminal organization. Currently she just dresses as a Victorian lady and tries to get others to join her though.

Scheduled vote count started by Donald Darf on Dec 4, 2023 at 8:16 AM, finished with 5 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] One of the Power-Men decides to create their own criminal organization. Currently she just dresses as a Victorian lady and tries to get others to join her though.
    [X] Zero goes looking for a way to gain income
    [X] One of the Power-Men starts working on personalized outfits for the crew.
Results 3
Scraps messes with the super-science equipment and uses the aide of the notes.
Rolled a 76 + 4 + 6 + 8 = 94

"Hey Zero look what I made!"
Zero replied while not bothering to look "Is it gonna make a mess?"
Scraps looked at the Laser-Rifle they made and said "No............."
Zero immediately turned around and pulled out a spray bottle "Put down the mess maker or you get the water squirts again!"

"NEVER!" She fired off a couple shots into the ceiling and jumped out the window, Zero gave chase

- A retro-futuristic laser-gun
- Can fire off a couple automatic bursts before needing to be rewound, just turn the handle on the side for a minute to do that
- Scraps won't let anyone else have it

One of the Power-Men decides to create their own criminal organization. Currently she just dresses as a Victorian lady and tries to get others to join her though.
Rolled a 92 = 92

Zero arrived back at the Z Lab holding Scraps by the scruff of their neck like a baby animal, a baby animal armed with advanced weaponry, and he witnessed a bunch of goons gathered around a Power-Woman, as she explained a potential plan "Okay first we gotta find a seamstress, and then we gotta kidnap them and then gotta threaten them to make a Victorian dress for me, oh hey Zero"
"Your chosen name, now"
"Uuuhhhh, why?"
"I already can tell you're doing something stupid so I want to know what title I should chastise you with"
"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? Noo.." She looked behind her at the whiteboard that said "Crime Plans" on it in big black marker
"Okay okay, it's Criminella"

- A Power-Woman, thus has notable strength and the chance of gaining superpowers
- Devious, with plans of having a criminal empire
- Leader of the CRIME GANG
- Also likes fancy dresses

- Just a couple Power-Men that agreed to join Criminella's pursuit for illegal dominance
- Like the idea of CRIMING
- Also like fancy dresses

Zero goes looking for a way to gain income
Rolled a 87 - 20 = 67

Zero saw someone stick their head out of a trash can right outside the employment office he got kicked out of since he didn't have any experience credentials or proper clothes, Zero began to speed walk away, but the person in the trash can shuffled faster and caught, leaving Zero in the awkward position of having to talk with them, it was some dude in a cubey blue helmet with green visor, in a dark jumpsuit with green pixels on it
"Names Armada, super freak mercenary, and from your attire I guess you're also a super powered weirdo or at least associated with some"
Zero nodded, eyes darting, looking for an escape from this freak
"Heres some directions to a place where you can get a couple little opportunities, folks like us gotta stick together, difficult to make it the honest way when you only got superpowers on your resume, adios!" A bunch of tiny pixelated space-ships flew down, picked him up, and carried him away, Zero looked down at the paper and saw directions scribbled on it

- Guy in a cubey blue helmet with a green visor, wearing a dark jumpsuit covered in green pixels
- Can summon tiny pixelated space-ships
- Has a pretty easy-going attitude

Armada's Directions
- Will lead to job opportunities for superfreaks

One of the Power-Men starts working on personalized outfits for the crew.
Rolled a 77 - 20 = 57

Lanky was sitting on the office chair, wearing a little hat made of mismatched pieces of cloth, Tanky approached with some of the healthy looking expired snacks
"Hey dude whats on your head?"
"A hat, Patchy made it for me, hi Patchy!"
An old looking Power-Man messing with a bunch of stolen sheets, curtains, and clothing from next door waved back, then returned to their work of perfecting their sewing craft
Tanky was confused "Wh- why did Dr Z make him old?"
"I think he just came out of the vat like that"
"We're literally the same chronological age dude" Replied Tanky
"I know......." He looked down dejected
"Aawww, now I feel bad"

- An old looking Power-Man, thus has notable strength and a chance of getting superpowers
- Gets tired easily
- Has a talent and love for making clothes

Makeshift Sewing Gear
- Made with materials stolen from the messy apartment by Patchy
- Mainly sheets, curtains, abandoned clothing, stuff like that
- The sewing needle was snapped off the tip of a heroine syringe
[X] Patchy gains powers after somebody messed with his supplies (The mew trio decided to do a bit of mischief)

I also personally hope that Criminella just calls Zero "The cleaner" and he is just having none of it
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Donald Darf on Dec 5, 2023 at 10:12 PM, finished with 4 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Criminella and the CRIME GANG go out to start collecting "Protection" money
    [X] Patchy gains powers after somebody messed with his supplies (The mew trio decided to do a bit of mischief)
    [X] Zero follows Armada's direction and tries out this "Opportunity" taking scraps with him
Results 4
Criminella and the CRIME GANG go out to start collecting "Protection" money
Rolled a 51 + 4 + 9 = (Mario) 64

That family from the Messy Apartment (Yknow, the one with the kids that eat roaches) were just sitting around minding their own business, until a knock came from their door, the father got up, leaving an imprint of body grease on the couch as he went to answer it, with a creak it slowly revealed Criminella and her goons "Okay from now on you're going to pay a protection fee to me and my associates here, or do things have to get difficu-"
"I- well that was easy, okay cough it up"

The father literally coughed up a wad of pennies into Criminella's outstretched much to her horror, she and her gang just walked away from that horrid place, they managed to fare better with the other apartments though

- Currently running a "Protection" ring, kinda like being a land lord but slightly more honest

- Most of it procured from the CRIME GANG'S protection scheme

The Messy Apartment
- The CRIME GANG are running a "Protection" ring here, with the apartments being "Clients" (except 1)

Patchy gains powers after somebody messed with his supplies (The mew trio decided to do a bit of mischief)
Rolled a 96 = 96

Mew-Trio scampered around, being chased by a pissed off Patchy cause the mutant kitten stole and hid the make-shift sewing supplies, he failed repeatedly to catch the little scamper, then in a moment of frustration, his ability activated "COME FORTH, FLASHY-FAIRIES!"
5 small figures of sparkling light, humanoid with butterfly wings, each a different colour, he can summon fairies now

Mew-Trio almost brushed this off, then a Flashy-Fairy flew forth (Say that 10 times fast) and entered the cloth carried in the kitten's mouth, the clothing started to shine and sparkle so brightly it blinded them for a moment, forcing them to drop the supplies to continue running safely, victoriously Patchy picked up his sewing supplies and flipped off Mew-Trio as they entered the vents
Mew-Trio went through the complicated ventilation system and arrived at the little secret hideout they had with Feline-Face, who picked up their little mutant baby clone
"Awww, don't worry little guy, you did a great job in my book"
Mew-Trio meowed in joy

- Can summon up to 5 fairies, red, yellow, orange, blue and green, if they possess clothing or materials regularly used for clothes they'll cause those clothes to become sparkly and shiny enough to make it impossible to see for even those with incredibly powerful eyes

The Z Lab
- Has maze-like vents where Feline-Face and Mew-Trio have a hideout

Zero follows Armada's direction and tries out this "Opportunity" taking Scraps with him

After following the on paper directions they arrived, at what seems to be an entrance to an underground section of Kulkin City, and carefully they went down the stairs, Scraps gripping their laser rifle, soon they arrived at the Underplace, walking past a couple other weirdos hanging out down here, they continued following the directions till they arrived at an old building, guarded by a trio of Youthful Freak Shinobi Rabbits, in the corner of Scraps' eye they noticed one of the rabbits hop up, slightly blur for a moment, and land again
The duo entered, seeing notes pinned to the walls, mainly odd jobs requiring superhuman abilities
Sitting in the room was a masked man in full spandex, his suit was purple but the colour scheme around his head differed, there was a grey line around the neck and a grey spot on the top, connected to each other with lines of the same shade, in between these lines were depictions of masses of wrinkled green meat, all evoking the image of a cage with a green brain inside it

"Greetings, my name is Conscious-Catcher, nice to meet you, an associate of mine said he invited you over, said you were most likely looking for a way to get some income, and since you bothered coming, I assume he was correct, come here have a seat"
Zero looked sceptical "How are you okay with Scraps bringing in a laser-rifle?"
"We aren't, my guards turned on the safety while you were walking in, ninja techniques, I barely understand it myself, but I think they did the whole district you with a blur while another messes with you thing this time, my personal favourite"
Scraps looked down at their gun, and yep, safety on
"So are you some kind of fixer?"
"Indeed, I promise to get you some lucrative employment in exchange for a small cut for getting you introduced, got a lot of contacts, could get you a couple quick gigs"
"We'll think about it, but why aren't you worried about getting found out? We got here pretty easy on a recommendation"
C.C. lifted up their mask slightly, took a sip of a water bottle he had on the desk, and continued "I have the loyalty of a multitude of individuals who without my aide would be penniless and starving, in this town my protection is almost guaranteed unless my killer also wants to die to 50 other superhumans"
Zero & Scraps felt 4 pairs of rabbit eyes bore into the backs of their heads

"Okay guys calm down, the newbies didn't do anything they're just asking questions"
The intense aura of menace lessened after that was said

Zero and Scraps began to leave and C.C. said to them on their way out "Hope to have your patronage next time!" waving goodbye, before pulling out his phone to play some games on his phone, his Shinobi Rabbits appearing in the room to do some backseat gaming
"I know! I know the strategy, but I can't use it immediately for this level"

Kulkin City
- Has a section called the Underplace, failed experimental low income housing and or factory district, now superhumans occasionally squat down here

C.C.s Jobs
- Underground gig agency for superhumans
- Very influential in Kulkin City
- Run by Conscious-Catcher

Abandoned Job Agency
- Where C.C.s Jobs usually holds meetings
- Old and the inner walls are covered in notes, gigs, and the rare pizza coupon C.C. pinned by accident, that happens

- A masked man in full spandex, his suit was purple but the colour scheme around his head differed, there was a grey line around the neck and a grey spot on the top, connected to each other with lines of the same shade, in between these lines were depictions of masses of wrinkled green meat, all evoking the image of a cage with a green brain inside it
- Head of C.C.s Jobs
- A respected individual among the more lower-class and neutral superhumans of Kulkin City

Have one of the Power-Men scream for 10 hours to try and gain superpowers
Rolled a 28 = 28

Lanky and Tanky were cheering on the Power-Man Hiro as he was screaming very loudly to unlock his ability, louder and louder UNTIL! He fell over from lack of breath, the duo immediately ran over to give their friend CPR

- A young looking Power-Man, thus has notable strength and the chance of getting superpowers
- Likes speaking about the power of friendship and never giving up, believes it too
- Has weirdly coloured spiky hair
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[X] Scraps decides to hold a fashion show with the mew trio getting roped in to be a model "Because they seemed to like his supplies much".

Scheduled vote count started by Donald Darf on Dec 9, 2023 at 10:59 AM, finished with 4 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Criminella goes to recruit Scrapa as her organization's mad scientist since every evil master mind needs one.
    [X] Scraps decides to hold a fashion show with the mew trio getting roped in to be a model "Because they seemed to like his supplies much".
    [X] Hiro tries again, but this time brings a friend along with it
Results 5
Criminella tries to unlock an ability
Rolled a 92 = 92
Criminella stood before Tanky, questioning him on the matter of gaining an ability
"So do I have to become best friends forever with someone?"
"And they gotta be punched but shadow demons so hard they crash into the garbage"
"That seems needlessly specific"
"That's how it worked for me"
"You're fucking with me"
"Don't wanna offend ya dude, but I don't think this is what sex is, I think, IS this what sex?"

Criminella had such a powerful migraine from this conversation that she unlocked her ability, summoning a 5 by 5 squire grid around her, 4 squares Tanky stood in turned red, the sound of his voice muted until he said "Hey what's happening? Weird.... couldn't hear myself for a sec"
"It appears your help was indeed beneficial, my apologies, now I must go before The Cleaner figures out I unlocked this and gives me a lecture on responsibility"

The grid disappeared, leaving a confused Tanky, who then said "Wait! Was this sex or not? I need to know if I'm still a virgin! Has my innocence been tainted!?"

- Can expend her energy to summon a 5 by 5 square grid around herself, if she wills it she can turn up to 5 of the grids red and have them interchange red status, negating a specific thing or action within the coloured squares by simply making it not happen (If a cat gets negated it will probably be a dog till it leaves the square), the more simple the negated effect and the more red squares, the more tired she becomes, example simply saying "No attacks" will probably knock her out within a minute, but "Hits from Daryl with a wooden baseball bat with intent to break her nose" will last awhile, she is also not immune to her own ability

Criminella goes to recruit Scraps as her organization's mad scientist since every evil master mind needs one
Rolled a 25 + 10 = 35

Criminella confronted Scraps at a desk in the back of the Z Lab, looking over the young super-scientist clone with great attention, trying to discern potential avenues for manipulation
"In my organization we will offer you a variety of services, resources for your work, almost no restrictions on side projects with only minor supervision such as not harming the business, and even free dresses"
Criminella smiled, noticing Scraps' rapidly growing attention
"So is it a deal Ms Scra- oh shit"

There was silence, Criminella had felt as if she made a grave mistake, Lanky rolled in on his chair with a look of horror and worry for Criminella, and from the vents came the giggling of the feline mutants Feline-Face and Mew-Trio, Scraps cocked their laser rifle
Criminella began to run

Also fun fact, everyone else thought it was because of the misgendering thing, but in truth Scraps just got the rifle out cause they saw a fly near on Criminella

Scraps decides to hold a fashion show with Mew-Trio getting roped in to be a model "Because they seemed to like his supplies much"
After almost blasting a couple holes into Criminella, Scraps decided to hold a little fashion show for silly fun, cause if they weren't gonna wear dresses with the CRIME GANG since they almost shot their boss, they would wear dresses on their own time, and also with Mew-Trio into adorable little dresses was hilarious

Scraps was gushing at the little patchwork princess gown that a smug Patches made for the mutated kitten
"Aaawww, you're so cute!"
Mew-Trio looked on in pure rage at their tormentors, one of the grates fell to the floor with Feline-Face along with it, she was laughing her ass off at the sight so much she accidentally broke the vent

Hiro tries again, but this time brings a friend along with it
Rolled a 69 = 69
Rolled a 32 = 32

"Why the hell are you screaming?" Kurai said, watching as his friend Hiro posed and screamed VERY loudly
"That is dumb, and why are, they, here?"

Kurai pointed to the Tanky and Lanky duo cheering them on

Kurai sighed, and was about to leave, but then, in a bright flash of light Hiro unlocked his ability, his hair become orange and yellow and spiky, locks of it crackling like electricity, cause apparently his hair BECAME electricity, and a couple nearby pods powered down since he accidentally absorbed their energy, and an angry Zero hopped out "Okay, who did this?"

Everyone involved with Hiro's awakening scampered off like roaches when Zero pulled out the squirt bottle full of water

X - A young looking Power-Man, thus has notable strength and the chance of getting superpowers
X - Has weirdly coloured spiky hair
- A young looking Power-Man, thus has notable strength
- Has weirdly coloured spiky hair, orange and yellow, made of electricity, it can shock whoever touches it and absorbs nearby electricity at Hiro's command
- Think's he is Kurai's best friend

- A young looking Power-Man, thus has notable strength and the chance of getting superpowers
- Dark hair and constant "Brood face"
- Cynical and edgy loner
- Hiro for some reason believes they're friends
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Actions 6
Choose a single course of action each

[] Tanky & Lanky go exploring Kulkin City

[] Zero goes and accepts a low risk odd job from C.C. he brings along Feline-Face as back-up

[] Criminella tries to get acquainted with the local Criminal Underworld, her gang come along as back-up

[] Why is there a monochrome portion of the alley behind the Z Lab?

[] Write-in