Powder, Gears, and Blessed Steam - A WHF Engineering Quest

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You are Margaret, a former engineer of the Empire, kicked out of the Imperial Engineers School and banned from all known establishments throughout its borders. Now, you seek to advance the wonders of steam and spread them to the world!
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Character Creation - Origins


Possibly Terrible Writer
Trapped with a Keyboard
You stare at the half empty mug in your hand with pure apathy. Days now you have spent inconsolable, trying to drown reality out at the bottom of each bottle placed on the table, and for days has it failed. You snort as you down the last of the absolute sludge that passes for ale, it is the best you can still afford after all, and slam the mug back onto the table. Years of your life dedicated to your passion. Uncountable hours toiling away in workshops, forges, armories, and classrooms to refine your skill and knowledge…

"And it was… all for naught…"

Words too coherent for someone as deep in their cups as you leave your throat as your mind wanders back to what would surely be the glory days of your life…

Which school did you once belong to?
[] Imperial Gunnery School: Once you called yourself a student of Nuln, your days spent in the forges, smelters, and firing ranges of the Gunnery School while your nights toiled away in libraries. You were taught of the smoldering heart of the Imperial army, the tried and tested forms of firearms and artillery that gave the Empire even a chance against the foes battering from every side. However, that was what feels like a lifetime ago as you now find yourself stripped of position and home…
  • Gives Student of Nuln (Additional die when working with standard engineering creations of the Empire)
  • Gives Inflexible (Lose a die when working with anything unknown or experimental)
  • +1 to Engineering, Metallurgy, and Industry
  • +1 to Mind and +1 to Body
[] Imperial Engineers School: It was a place of innovation, unrestricted thought, and hope for advancement. It was also a madhouse where genius found, and more often than not crossed, the boundary between intellect and insanity. Perhaps you should be happy to be free of the place where you struggled to sleep for the rooms blowing up at night. However, even now you find yourself yearning for the chaos of it all…
  • Gives Student of Innovation (Gain an additional die when working on any engineering that is odd, experimental, or cutting edge.)
  • Gives Accidents Happen (On failing an engineering test with something new or experimental there is a 50% chance of an accident occurring)
  • +1 to Engineering, Inventing, and Alchemy
  • +1 to Mind and +1 to Soul
[] Engineer School of Talabheim: Your legacy lay in Talabheim, in the shadow of the Great Forest and the ever poor conditions of a province being squeezed for every penny it can give to fight a never ending war. Innovation? Consistency? Bah, those are for bastards who know the comfort of a warm bed more days than the dark of the forest floor. You were taught survival. To make things work when they rightfully shouldn't, to eke out a living as you always had… Maybe it's not so bad to be gone from there.
  • Gives Student of Survival (Can work on Tier 1 engineering projects even without any Wealth, reduces Wealth cost of all other projects by 1 to a minimum of 1.)
  • Gives Unsociable (Reduce all social dice pools by 1 die to a minimum of 1)
  • +1 to Engineering, Riflery, and Construction
  • +1 to Mind and +1 to Body
Character Creation - Birth
You only stumble a half dozen times making it back up to your room and only two of them into your fellow patrons who shove you aside with an understandable level of disgust. Hands clench on the edge of the nightstand until the wood creaks, the light of the moon outside and the candle burning in front of you more than enough for your purposes. Have you done this each night before today?

In the bowl of water before you the face starring back softens as your grip lightens… It is hard to accept it. An unwashed, half maddened mess looks back in place of the once bright and driven student. Powder burns still marr the edge of your tunic. Soot from some experiment long ago eating at the hem of your shirt. If you were to turn your hand you'd find the callusses of a craftsman just starting to form… Another sign of a dream cut down in front of you.

Staring into those almost lifeless eyes it takes you a moment again to recognize them as your own, a slight tremble of your body distorting the reflection in the water. Again you find yourself remembering your past, this time of those earliest years and the place you came from…

Who are you?
[] Luther Von Brak - A young man barely into his twenties. A once finely kept beard and well trimmed mustache framing a slightly tanned face with harsh green eyes. Short black hair that even now seems surprisingly well maintained. You are a Burgomeister's only son, your parents pride and joy once upon a time. Rare were the days that you truly knew hunger. Few were the things that could not be given to you when asked. A life of luxury unlike much of the Empire that has instilled in you a taste for the finer things in life and…

Left a burning patriotism for your nation in your breast. It is by the armies of the Empire, the will of Emperor Luitpold, and the aid of the Elector Counts that humanity still finds itself in some semblance of peace. You had meant to act as a pillar of the Empire by pursuing your passion…
  • Gives Patriotic Fervor (You are a staunch supporter of the Empire and will gladly work for its betterment. Gain an additional die when your actions would inspire this patriotism.)
  • +10 Starting Wealth
  • +1 Mind
[] Adela Helmuth - A woman in her youth with hair the golden color of wheat, brilliant eyes the shade of rubies, freckles dotting her cheeks… It is hard to see that supposed brilliance now. Caked in grime and weighed down by your failures. They were simpler and kinder days back then, of that you were certain. Your days spent running through the village fields. Your nights spent helping clean the temple and studying the tenets of your Mother's faith.

It was those days that taught you the importance of faith, even if right now it withers and flounders in the back of your mind. Faith and belief can drag one through their darkest days and through them invite the workings of the divine.
  • Gives Child of … (A second set of options will be given next turn for which deity of the Old World pantheon your worship)
  • +5 Starting Wealth
  • +1 Soul

[] Margaret - Just Margaret. No last name. Heavily tanned skin bearing years of calluses, light grey pupils, and hair kept short and tied back so it was out of way. An orphan, a girl that grew up fighting for scraps on the street and performed a miracle: Getting accepted to a school backed by the Empire itself. After years and years of struggling it was a difficult task to adapt, but her sponsor and teacher was always there to help. Or, at least they were until that final day where they booted you out the door.

You've been further down than this before. It hurts. It feels cruel and occasionally things seem hopeless, but… You'll get through it.
  • Gives Brilliant Mind (Provides an additional die when learning any new skill, halves chance of accidents)
  • +2 Starting Wealth
  • +1 Body
Name: ???
Age: ???

Attributes and Skills:
Body -
Mind - 2
  • Engineering 1
  • Alchemy 1
  • Inventing 1
Soul - 2

Student of Innovation -
Gain an additional die when working on any engineering that is odd, experimental, or cutting edge.
Accidents Happen - On failing an engineering test with something new or experimental there is a 50% chance of an accident occurring.

Note: After this we'll have two more parts of character creation: Choosing our main characters Dream that gave them a passion for engineering, machinery, and technology before finally deciding on their Fall which got them kicked from the school as well as banned from all others in the Empire.
Character Creation - Dream
Callused palms pull the rough blanket up over your frame, your eyes tracing the few scars on your clenched fingers as you recall how every last one of them was made. One between your thumb and index finger had been from a knife grabbed just before it could plant itself in your side. Another that runs from the tip of a middle finger to the palm was from a failed experiment, you still flinch at the thought of how close you'd come to a shard of iron buried in your throat…

Fist fights over scraps a kindly baker had thrown out their window for the urchins each week. Shouting matches over the correct amount of powder a flintlock could handle before the barrel started to sustain damage. Your arms swinging down a particularly sturdy stick as the other street rats like yourself finally cornered a particularly vicious stray hound. Clawing back exhaustion as your eyes felt heavy at Professor Rodrik's seemingly life draining lectures.

Just recalling those dry lectures on the intersection of engineering and one's 'obvious duty to Sigmar and His glorious Empire' steals away what little alertness you have left.

A trick of the light.

Your mind imagining things in its half asleep state.

A cruel joke from some tormenting God perhaps.

Whatever it might be you are certain you see the disappointed glower of the stout Dwarf who had held out his hand a life time ago.

"Its not hard… Just copied… What the soldiers did… Ya see... Gramps?"

Snoring soon follows as your inebriated mind summons forth dreams of that which rages even now, keeping you from truly disappearing into your cups…

What is your Dream?
[] To Fly - Not to ride upon the backs of griffons like the legendary knights of the Empire, or the backs of dragons like the Elves of myth. Not to simply hitch a ride upon the marvels of Dwarf creation known as gyrocopters… No, what you wish for is to give the world the gift of flight. Not born from the hands of Wizards or the wings of beasts but true mastery of the skies taken by mortal hands and bright minds

You yearn to view the world from far above. To journey along the Reik like a bird might. To look down upon the wonder of Altdorf and Nuln and Marienburg and… Gods grant you the strength, even the most distant of lands like Lustria and Ulthuan from a contraption born of your mind. It is a dream that has consumed you and even in these terrible days you find time between mugs to look up at the sky and dream.
  • Gives Eyes Ever Upwards (Gain an additional die when working on engineering projects, ideas, and contraptions that have to do with flight or great heights. Lose a die when working on anything meant for use underground. Find prolonged times without view of the open sky unbearable.)
  • +1 Engineering
  • +1 Knowledge: Avians and Meteorology
[] Immortality - Among alchemists there are whispers are a countless Great Works, solutions to that which humanity has ever hounded after: Eternal Youth, Immortality, a life akin to that of the Elves or even at the least the Dwarfs. The Elixir of Life, the Philospher's Stone, the Squared Circle, the Water of the World, and so so much more. It is a truth that only the most insane or foolish of alchemists hound after and the one you dream of realizing.

If mankind can create such wonders as they do with a mere fifty or more years then what could they achieve with two hundred? A thousand? Tens of thousands? You've asked yourself this thousands of times, the question hounding you from your first discovery of alchemy and driving you to reclusive, secret research for few are those who view it as anything more than Dark Magic.
  • Gives To Live Eternal (Gain an additional die when working on projects that bring you closer to discovering the Great Work. Prolonged periods of time without progress towards the Great Work drive you to mania.)
  • +1 Alchemy
  • +1 Forbidden Knowledge: Great Works and Forbidden Knowledge: Hedgecraft
[] To Delve the Depths - If one an travel far into the heavens upon griffons, delve deep beneath the earth in Dwarfen tunnels, and sail the seas upon elven galleys then why can we not plumb the depths? What strange creatures, unknown landscapes, and mysterious things wait down there in the darkest blue where surely the Krakens call home… Or perhaps is there somewhere even deeper?

Your heart thumps in excitement at the thought of an ocean so deep even the most ferocious of sea beasts fear to drift there. In all the known world could even one person in existence claim to have gone there? What glory awaits someone who achieves what no one else had?
  • Gives Heart Beneath the Sea (Gain an additional die when working on projects related to delving into and exploring the depths of the oceans. Being away from significant bodies of water fills you with a growing frustration.)
  • +1 Engineering
  • +1 Navigation and +1 Knowledge: Sea Beasts
[] To Challenge the Dawi - Foolishness beyond foolishness. Stupidity so extreme they called you mad. A human wants to bestow the world with skills, knowledge, and technology capable of building underground wonders to rival- No, to surpass the Dwarfs!? Even for a student of the Imperial Engineers School you were ostracized for the outlandishness of your dream.

However, it didn't matter to you. Why was it mad to aim for excellence? To dream that something better might be possible? You would show them that it was possible for another to wield a mastery of the subterranean! You will make even the Dawi look upon your achievements with something approaching awe for their kind! You are unaware of the way your fists clench in your sleep and miss the muttered requests for praise that escape your lips...
  • Gives To the World Below (Gives a bonus die when working on projects meant for subterranean works. Inherently reduced opinion with all Dawi as you find yourself driven to challenge their mastery of the underground world. You feel uncomfortable beneath the open sky.)
  • +1 Engineering
  • +1 Knowledge: Geology and Construction
[] Innovation Itself - It might seem simple at first, a desire to advance the Empire, the world's understanding of engineering, and industry. It seems practically mundane. And yet your mind burns with thousands of half formed ideas, a million motes of inspiration… You wish to feel the world over with your creations. Not by the adaptation of one, but through the creation of dozens…

No hundreds of new inventions. Each and every one a wonder of civilization, and each again a point of inspiration for those to come after. Your dream is to be known to every race and by near every person for the wonders you've forged.
  • Gives Oooooh! A Shiny New Toy (Gives a bonus die when working on new or highly experimental projects. Lose a bonus die when working on already existing designs. Your drive to create new things may well drive you to madness should it ever cease.)
  • +1 Inventing
  • +1 Mind
[] A World of Steam - You have beheld a marvel in the Steam Tanks of the Empire. You've read records describing the wonders of machinery the Dawi have achieved in the gyrocopter, trains, and great underground drills. You have learned of the brilliance the simple boiler can achieve in the right hands with an inquisitive mind to drive it.

In your mind you envision a world completely changed by the might of steam power and you find yourself driven to recreate even a fraction of that imagined landscape. All hail the glory of Steam.
  • Gives Steam Obsessed (Gain a bonus die on any project involving the creation or use of steam power. Lose a bonus die when working with alternative power sources for what could compare to the marvel of a boiler? You are unsettled by the absence of steam powered machinery.)
  • +1 Engineering and Inventing

Name: Margaret
Age: (12 + 1d10 = 4) 16

Wealth: 2

Attributes and Skills:
Body -
Mind - 2
  • Engineering 1
  • Alchemy 1
  • Inventing 1
Soul - 2

Student of Innovation -
Gain an additional die when working on any engineering that is odd, experimental, or cutting edge.
Accidents Happen - On failing an engineering test with something new or experimental there is a 50% chance of an accident occurring.
Brilliant Mind - Provides an additional die when learning any new skill, halves chance of accidents.
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Character Creation - Fall
Otherworldly contraptions pumping steam through pipes to every inch of Altdorf ensuring not a single person remained cold even in the worst winter nights. Unsightly machines that look akin to an artist's understanding of what would happen if a wagon and a steam tank were to be blended roar through streets. Great steam whistles ring from atop cathedrals to announce the time of worship and time for work shifts to change.

Bizarre blending of machinery and ship tear through the Reik at a pace far beyond any human ship. Soldiers stalk the street with odd contraptions of metal that hiss steam giving every citizen that passes an inherent sense of comfort. Clocks whose hands are turned by the ceaseless flow of steam. Tools from the mind of a madman attempting to harness the power of boilers to ease the workload of the common man.

All were things you have dreamed a thousand times before, few of them grounded in the realities of your understanding of Engineering but still the glint of possibilities imagined made even your sleeping form smile. However, as the joyous dream begins to reach a peak the whole thing seems to crumble around you turning a smile to a frown as your mind conjures forth yet again the thing that brought you low…

What was your Fall?
[] An Impatient Profit - You knew there were proper channels for that sort of thing. Correct roads to follow, forms to fill out, and professors approval to seek that would've been guaranteed if a work of months… But you were impatient. You needed funding now for your dream projects floundered under the burden of being a poor scholar. Merchants, mercenaries, soldiers, and Gods even the Roadwardens had came under your questioning.

In a mere few weeks you had a dozen deals running where you would supply them gunpowder and firearms for the coin you so desperately desired. It was an obscene profit for one from the streets like you, but before you got the chance to use it to further your research they had stormed your chambers. In truth disaster had been closely averted but your foolishness had endangered Imperial citizens and the college's interest both…
  • Gives Unsavory Merchant (Lose a die for any tests involving trade with reputable sources as you put forth an air of some kind of shady backstreet salesman. Any reputable major force in the Empire who knows who you are will refuse to buy from you entirely lest they anger the Imperial Engineers School. May attract a much more questionable clientele when selling goods.)
  • +15 Starting Wealth
  • +1 Business and Alchemy
  • +Expertise in Gunpowder, Matchlock, and Flintlock Crafting (Provides an additional die when making them)
[] An Insatiable Curiousity - It is a reasonable thing to segment the knowledge students of this craft can learn for who in their right mind would give someone in their first year the ability to make gunpowder? Such a thing sat poorly with you back then though. How could your intelligence compare to that of those around you? When they struggled to understand the basics of geometry you had already mastered it and gone beyond!

And so began that which would damn you: Nightly forays into the various restricted places throughout the college. You snuck into the restricted sections of libraries, broke into professor's personal offices, and even (the act that got you caught) into the most secure vaults beneath the school grounds in your pursuit of knowledge.
  • Gives Curiousity Killed the Cat (Your mind compels you to discover ever more knowledge whenever confronted with them thus putting you into dangerous situations. Require Soul tests to resist automatically locking in actions to acquire new knowledge.)
  • +1 to Stealth, Alchemy, Construction, Metallurgy, and Industry
[] Rightful Suspicion - (Unique Fall from your Origin) So much knowledge. So much that could be or needed to be made. Here where the Dawi could be seen intermixed with humans in a place of learning you have been confronted with a singular fact. Humans are fleeting existences. Fragile and easily broken, one wrong illness and a brilliant mind can be snuffed out while one failed experiment can erase another that might have changed the world.

Was it out of desperation? Or do you simply say that to soothe what little remains of a conscience after your decision? Whichever it was the Witch Hunters had been right when they stormed your lab, bound you, and burned it to the ground. You're not quite sure why they found no evidence… Even found proof to the contrary, but your presence was a stain upon the Sigmarite leaning college…
  • Gives The Price of Your Soul (Unlocks a vote next update to determine what boon exactly you've sold your soul to a Daemon for and the impact that will have. You are already on the Witch Hunters list to watch closely.)
  • +???
[] A Slayer's Oath - (Unique Fall from your Birth) Arrogance. Gramps had cautioned against it nearly every day for the years you found yourself in his care and yet, what child listens to their parents… Even adoptive ones? No one would know you assured yourself as you stole the craft of a Dawi once of Zhufbar. No one would notice you swore as you hid behind bookshelves and listened to some of the Dawi discuss Guild secrets. No one would care you promised as you stole blueprints and notes.

All in the name of furthering your dream and your desires until at last your growing understanding of things you should not have caused it all to click into place. It was only weeks after you were discovered that they kicked you from the school and only as you sat on the street in confusion that they told you… In a bid that saved you from the Grudges of all Dawi present Gramps had swore before all present you were Godrisdottir and swore the Slayer Oath for failing to raise you well.

Your mistakes and his would be washed away only in a glorious death…
  • Gives Godrisdottir (Gain an additional die when crafting or inventing anything. You are haunted by an Oath sworn. Any dwarf who discovers your past will view you with contempt and distrust.)
  • +Last name: Godrisdottir
  • +1 to Engineering, Inventing, and Metallurgy
  • +Begin with Guild Secrets about a random piece of advanced dwarfen engineering
[] The Nearly Heretical - (Unique Fall from your Dream) Is it the obsession or do you simply see what others don't? You remember the first time you saw a Steam Tank in action, sure Gramps had grumbled about the clumsy craft of Umgi hands, but even you could see the slight sparkle in his eyes. Only now do you realize you were looking at different things when yours sparkled just the same. Gramps had seen a promising weapon of war, and you?

You saw the gush of steam from pressure valves. You saw and something clicked into place as you realized the might of steam is something that approaches the Divine. Not simply destruction but heat and force in a deceptive but deadly force. It was the might of Gods unharnessed and as years passed you became more certain… And more vocal of this. Until at last you were drug before a tribunal at the hands of Sigmarites. Ultimately even the Witch Hunters cleared you of suspicion but the damage was done.
  • Gives Believer of Steam (Steam Obsessed is upgraded to this. Bonus and penalty increase to two dice. You are fanatical about the wonders of Steam and certain that it touches upon the realm of Gods as you gladly try to spread your beliefs. Will cause tension with many religious groups.)
  • Start with the ability to create Aeolipiles
  • +1 Engineering, Alchemy, Oration, and Construction
Name: Margaret
Age: 16

Wealth: 2

Attributes and Skills:
Body -
Mind - 2
  • Engineering 2
  • Alchemy 1
  • Inventing 2
Soul - 2

Student of Innovation -
Gain an additional die when working on any engineering that is odd, experimental, or cutting edge.
Steam Obsessed - Gain a bonus die on any project involving the creation or use of steam power. Lose a bonus die when working with alternative power sources for what could compare to the marvel of a boiler? You are unsettled by the absence of steam powered machinery.

Accidents Happen - On failing an engineering test with something new or experimental there is a 50% chance of an accident occurring.
Brilliant Mind - Provides an additional die when learning any new skill, halves chance of accidents.
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A Rekindled Drive - 2490 IC, Nachhexen
You awake with a start, sweat pouring down your face and your blanket tossed to the floor at some point during the night as your eyes dart around the room expecting the glowering visage of an angry Sigmarite clenching their hammer. A sigh of relief as it hits you that neither a murderous priest nor that disappointed glare of Gramps' greets you, your body crumpling to the bed again as the tension leaves you. Your face twists into a frown as you recall the fragmented dream where the priests and witch hunters had warped into giant figures towering over the college...

"Did... Did I dream that Gramps was a massive stone statue beating them all down with a hammer?"

Your question goes unanswered of course but after a few seconds you find yourself bursting into laughter as you recall the stoic dwarf quite literally beating a witch hunter to the ground with his fists. Some tirade in Khazalid had tore through the tribunal as a few of those in the stands recoiled in horror. Any attempt by the witch hunter to claim justice after he was beaten was swiftly strangled by the harsh glare of a dozen Dawi glaring at them.

Shakily pulling yourself from the bed as the laughter dies down, you splash some bitingly cold water onto your face to drive away the last vestiges of sleep and walk to the window. Below the streets of Altdorf have already come to life, people hurrying to work mingling with patrols moving to change shifts with the night watch and wagons carrying goods to some distant portion of the city.

"Enough feeling sorry for myself. Libraries? Classrooms? Scholarships? Bah. Most of it was Umgi craft anyway. I'll buy, find, and make everything I need even without you lot!"

You snort, stepping away from the window to change into a cleaner set of clothes for there was a lot to do today. And all the days to come.

Feel free to use that time to discuss the available options and the new information you've gotten below.

What do you do?
(You have five AP to distribute each month. We'll be using plan voting going forward.)
[] Search for a personal workshop in Altdorf - If you want to continue your work you'll nee a proper place to work. Chances are it'll be expensive and remaining under the eye of those that blacklisted you might not be the best idea at the end of the day…
Difficulty 2

[] Seeking Patrons - You may have been cast out of the school, but that does not wipe away what knowledge you've learned over the years. It might not make for the most glorious of clientele but there are surely some few more… desperate nobles or merchants willing to invest.
Difficulty 2/4

[] Search for work with a mercenary band - Mercenaries are, most at least, are organizations outside the bounds of the Empire and so as likely to recruit a graduate from the Engineers School as they are one booted from it. At least, that's what you tell yourself as you go in search of coin.
Difficulty 1

[] Investigate the criminal side of Altdorf - Gangs, smugglers, and such also have their own need for some of the things you can craft and surely they'd be willing to pay a premium for it as well. It calls for a great deal of caution, but it is one avenue of funding your experiments…
Difficulty ?, Potentially dangerous

[] An eye for bounties - Bandits, traitors, sesscionists… The Empire has a lot of that sort and quite a few call the mess of the Reikwald forests their home. You're no soldier sure, but one of the more sizable bounties could line your pockets for quite a while. Just a question of which…
Difficulty 0, unlocks sub-turn to try and hunt down a chosen bounty.

[] Meeting with Gramps, the Attempt - Traversing the rather delicate situation of your eviction from the College, the wary eye of Sigmarites, and the general air of politics you're certain has settled between you and Godri will likely be a difficult affair. However, he was the one who took you in eight years ago, taught you, and helped you find your dream for all he grumbles over it.

No matter how hard it is worth it.
Difficulty ?

[] Travel to Marienburg - A traitor state, a people of secessionists, incorigble and (some might say) stuck so far up their own arse they have forgotten common sense. For as much as the people of the empire cry out against this city-state you find yourself looking upon it as favorably as any other… At least you haven't been banned from study there. Maybe it holds a future for you.
Cost 1
Difficulty 0, Automatic Success, Potential Danger along the roads

[] Look to Bretonnia - A land of knights and chivalry that by and large rejects any and everything to do with you. However, you've lived much of your life being denied or rejected in some form and so long as a chance exists to find a patron perhaps it would be worth it? You do remember records of Bretonnian ships carrying cannons and firearms so a coastal territory may hold the answer.
Difficulty 1, Will unlock options for traveling to Bretonnia

[] Looking to the East - While the hold of the Imperial Engineers School is strong here at the heart of the Empire it is also true that the further east you go the more distant the three great institutes become. Perhaps you can find a place to ply your craft on the eastern borders of the Empire along Ostland or Ostermark… Or, going even further, just maybe in the distant lands of Kislev?
Difficulty 1, Will unlock options for traveling to areas to the east

[] Look to Sylvania - A land of death and undeath in equal measure. Of reclusive hamlets, distrustful towns, and dangerous cities where even now the Witch Hunters and the Empire do battle with countless vampires masquerading as lords. Dangerous, foolhardy, moronic… You could call it a thousand things but you yourself must admit that such a place could use something even as simple as a smattering of guns in the hands of those oppressed by darkness.
Difficulty 1, Will unlock options for traveling to Sylvania

[] Look to the fragmented Border Princes - A land of constant war far beyond anything in the Empire where nobles are crowned one day and beheaded the next. A place of scarcity and disorder where one such as yourself could gain perhaps more freedom than anywhere else if you can learn to counter the dangers and get a steady flow of the myriad materials you will need.
Difficulty 1, Will unlock options for traveling to the Border Princes

Actions below can be taken multiple times.

[] Crafting - Even without a workshop there's some simpler things you know that you can piece together if you comission a few smiths and carpenters…
  • [] Matchlocks - Difficulty 2, Cost 1, Will create three.
[] Inventing - While working from the confines of an inn room greatly limits what you're capable of there's a handful of things in your mind you can start working on at least. Whether it is worth risking that is the real question…
  • [] Seeing Farther - You've seen some great overwrought examples of your idea upon Hochland Rifles back in the college, and have proof of their effectiveness both from it and the simple magnifying lens used by some of the colleges older professors. While a flintlock or matchlock wouldn't properly benefit from it just the ability to more accurately see at a distance could be quite handy in many situations. Difficulty 3, Cost 1, Progress [0/???]
  • [] A Better Crossbow - For all the power of firearms and cannons you have also looked to the more uncommon ranged companion of the flintlock and found it rather poorly tended to. Surely hidden in all the knowledge of engineering you have theres a path forward for this humble weapon? Difficulty 3, Cost 1, Progress [0/???]
  • [] Voice Enloudening - You have been to more than one sermon in the various cathedrals, chapels, and temples spread throughout Altdorf and there you've witnessed clergy screaming to be heard even as the very buildings are designed to carry their words to the crowd. You listened to Godri grumble about how much you could learn from a room just by the way your voice carried through it... Could something not be made to help a speaker be heard louder and clearer?
    Difficulty 2, Cost 1, Progress [0/???]
  • [] Oh, the Wonders of Soap - Your former colleagues might look down upon you for the act, but you're certain with your grasp of alchemy the creation of passable soaps should be simple enough if you can find the trick. Black listed or not, rich folk are always in need of fine smelling soaps to clean themselves with and it is a surefire way of lining your pockets at the end of the day.
    Difficulty 2, Cost 1, Progress [0/???]
[] Physical Training - You are certainly not unhealthy but looking upon your reflection in the washing basin each morning you know you can do better. Early morning sprinting, a few exercises borrowed from State soldier training regimes taught at the school, and a prodigious amount of sweat should help get you closer. Difficulty 2, Provides experience towards the next point of Body

Name: Margaret
Age: 16

Wealth: 2

Attributes and Skills:
Body -
Mind - 2
  • Engineering 3
  • Alchemy 2
  • Inventing 2
  • Construction 1
Soul - 2
  • Oration 1

Believer of Steam -
Gain two bonus dice on any project involving the creation or use of steam power. Lose two dice when working with alternative power sources for what could compare to the marvel of a boiler? You are deeply unsettled by the absence of steam powered machinery and have a desire to explain to anyone who will listen the greatness of steam.
Student of Innovation - Gain an additional die when working on any engineering that is odd, experimental, or cutting edge.
Accidents Happen - On failing an engineering test with something new or experimental there is a 50% chance of an accident occurring.
Brilliant Mind - Provides an additional die when learning any new skill, halves chance of accidents.

Technology Tier One
(Difficulty 2, Cost 1, Creates three) - Matchlocks are the earliest form of firearms created by the Empire shortly after the Dawi taught them the wonders of black powder and though they've since been largely phased out they still find use in more rural reaches. They utilize flammable cords attached to triggers to set off the powder needed to propel lead at lethal velocity.

Aeolipile (Difficulty 3, Cost 1) - An incredible rudimentary form of boiler that utilizes the generated steam from the boiler to spin a radial engine of sorts thus creating small amounts of power. You doubt it could pull even a child with the created force, but... Some tweaks here, refinements there. Experiments are coiling endlessly in your mind.

Simple Architecture (Difficulty Variable, Cost Variable) - In the process of learning engineering you have learned how to properly build single story houses, simple shops, drainage trenches, shallow basements, and much more. You certainly won't create marvels of the world like the Imperial Palace but you could oversee the creation of hamlets and small towns at the very least.

Technology Tier Two

Gunpowder (Difficulty 3, Cost 1, Dangerous, Creates a barrel) - Gunpowder. The lifeblood of Imperial regiments. One of humanity's greatest weapons handed to them by the Dwarfs and since spread across almost the entirety of the Old World. It is the product of alchemy, at least by human hands, made by mixing saltpeter, charcoal, and sulfur in a process that is likely to destroy the room its in by unskilled hands. 'Treat it with respect and you'll live to see your twenties' Godri had said.

Flintlocks (Difficulty 3, Cost 1, Creates three) - Flintlocks are the next step in the advancement of firearms. While the modifications are fairly extensive over matchlocks the core change between the two is the use of flint as an ignition source providing far greater reliability, making them easier to deploy in various forms of weather, and simply faster to use in an emergency.

Basic Sewage Architecture (Difficulty Variable, Cost Variable) - One of the things the College teaches extensively to those willing to learn is the creation and maintenance of complex sewer systems, a necessary feat to keep a city as expansive as Altdorf from being a disease ridden hell scape. You know only a portion of that knowledge: Various methods for digging drainage trenches, the use of stone to line them to create more permanent infrastructure, the occasional use of reinforced tunnels to allow passage beneath roads, and more.
Seeing Farther - You've seen some great overwrought examples of your idea upon Hochland Rifles back in the college, and have proof of their effectiveness both from it and the simple magnifying lens used by some of the colleges older professors. While a flintlock or matchlock wouldn't properly benefit from it just the ability to more accurately see at a distance could be quite handy in many situations.
Difficulty 3, Cost 1, Progress [0/???]

A Better Crossbow - For all the power of firearms and cannons you have also looked to the more uncommon ranged companion of the flintlock and found it rather poorly tended to. Surely hidden in all the knowledge of engineering you have theres a path forward for this humble weapon?
Difficulty 3, Cost 1, Progress [0/???]

Steam Force Application - While the actual output of this truly simple device is minimal it could perhaps be used for small, repetitive movements. Clothes lines, hauling up fishing lines, perhaps even to move a small platform carrying light goods like coins across gaps?
Difficulty 4, Progress [0/???], Requires an existing Aeolipile to work on

Steamed Potions - Alchemists create a great many concoctions many of which are capable of some astounding effects ranging from the healing of small wounds to revitalizing tired soldiers and more. As you watched an alchemist at the Engineers School concocting one such tonic your mind wondered if the self same liquid could not be converted into steam for widespread use.
Difficulty 5, Cost 2, Progress [0/???], Requires an Alchemy Lab

Voice Enloudening -
You have been to more than one sermon in the various cathedrals, chapels, and temples spread throughout Altdorf and there you've witnessed clergy screaming to be heard even as the very buildings are designed to carry their words to the crowd. You listened to Godri grumble about how much you could learn from a room just by the way your voice carried through it... Could something not be made to help a speaker be heard louder and clearer?
Difficulty 2, Cost 1, Progress [0/???]

Bigger, Grander Structures -
In all you've learned over the years and through beholding the widespread architecture of Altdorf you are certain you can figure out how to build even better buildings. Two or even three story homes?
Difficulty 4, Cost 2, Progress [0/???], Requires an entire crew to assist with construction

Oh, the Wonders of Soap -
Your former colleagues might look down upon you for the act, but you're certain with your grasp of alchemy the creation of passable soaps should be simple enough if you can find the trick. Black listed or not, rich folk are always in need of fine smelling soaps to clean themselves with and it is a surefire way of lining your pockets at the end of the day.
Difficulty 2, Cost 1, Progress [0/???]

QM Note: And here we have it! Your completed character sheet alongside a list of your known feats of engineering and your current list of potential inventions to pursue, though some are currently closed off to you for various reasons. Let me know if you've got questions about anything, I know it is quite a bit to take in compared to our rather contained updates so far.

Edit: Seems I left in some of my notes so y'all get a freebie reveal on one of the mystery difficulties. Woops.
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2490 IC, Nachhexen - Results
[X] Meeting with Gramps, the Attempt
Rolling ??? = 2d6 (5, 3) = 1 Success
Revealed as Difficulty 2

Godri Assistance
Rolling Mind/Diplomacy + Elder Dawi + ??? = 13d6 (6, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1) (QM Note: Oof…) = 1 Success
Combined 2 Successes vs Difficulty 2, Success

Rolling 1d6 (2)

Gained 2 Wealth.
Will routinely keep in touch with Godri while in Altdorf via letters and unlock actions in the future to establish correspondence in more distant lands.

"What do you mean, no? I was banned from the grounds not from talking to the members there?"

Your voice is tinged with the all too familiar sound of frustration and anger as you stare down the soldier clad in familiar shades of blue and red, a scowl growing on their face. You notice the way their hand gravitates towards the bandolier across their chest where a trio of pistols are kept and snort,

"Ai, that'd be a smart move. Draw a gun and kill someone declared innocent not a month ago. In the street at that! Unbaraki."

Despite your harsh curse you refrain from the desire to spit at the guard's feet though you do feel some satisfaction as he seems to be shifting between confused and as frustrated as you,

"Look, girl, we have better things to do than deal with the requests of a failed scholar. I might not be able to shoot you, but keep it up and we'll be within rights to let you spend a night or two in a ce-"

His words are cut off by the sound of a throat being cleared, the soldier turning to see a woman who apparently makes him look like he's seen the ratmen of local myth… You will grudgingly admit you understand why as the way she looks at the two of you feels like you're staring down something beastly. A pair of swords on either side of her, a brace of pistols across her chest, the fancy feathers in her cap,

"You their boss? Mind telling Gramps Godri you lot have been denying him letters?"

Her eyes narrow in response and for a brief moment you wonder if you've pushed things too far only for her to hold out a leather puch and a sealed letter,

"Take them and stop causing a scene. Permission for your letters to enter school grounds has been given."

You barely pay her a second glance as you turn triumphantly to the guard you'd been arguing with and wink before leaving with your head held high.

"... it was more trouble than I'd have liked, but I talked some sense into those fools after a few days of barging into the Headmaster's office till they listened. You can send as many letters as you'd like and they won't stop a single one, plaitling. But don't go taking that as a reason to send me hundreds of the blasted things!

Bah! I figure you'll get into some trouble without it and I didn't feel like dealing with some fool Umgi again so I sent a bit of coin to help things along.

- Godri."

You throw a side glance at the purse filled with shillings and snort, "Sure, Gramps, sure."

You sleep soundly that night knowing you can at least keep Gramps in the loop for now.

[X] Looking to the East
Rolling Mind/Diplomacy + Brilliant Mind = 3d6 (5, 3, 2) = 1 Success vs Difficulty 1 = Success
Rolling 1d100 for luck = 88, Good luck

Three travel options unlocked: One to Ostland, one to Ostermark, and one to Kislev.
Diplomacy 0 unlocked.
Gain 1 Experience towards Diplomacy 1.

"To Ostland? We have some groups that head that way every month. I wouldn't mind you tagging along with one of them, you said you learned a bit at that Engineers school, right? Hmmm… Geri did mention they were having some issues with a few of their guns."

A rather portly man covered in rather fine clothes, purple as a dye is rather expensive at least, looks over at you with a gleam in his eyes.

"Think you could look them over if you head that way? Might be a shilling or ten in the works for you if'n you can."

Sweat pours down the man's face only to gather into the rather oversized black moustache that seems to frame his mouth and chin, "Da, we head back to the Motherland next month. Be glad to see the snow again."

With a grunt he throws the crate in his hands into the back of a wagon before turning to give you a once over.

"It'll cost, but you're welcome to come along when we leave."

You frown as the woman in front of you tips back the bottle in her hand while motioning for you to wait, almost a minute passing before she slams it back onto the table with a sigh. A wide grin on her face, she spreads her arms wide,

"Aye, we would be glad to play host to another traveler marching to their death. Coin, barter, or brew are welcome as payment."

From out the door you hear someone shout, "Bartering and paying in beer are the same thing, Boss!"

You barely dodge out of the way of the bottle the woman hurls through the doorway in response.

[X] Crafting
-[X] Matchlocks

Rolling Mind/Engineering = 5d6 (5, 4, 3, 2, 2) = 1 Success vs Difficulty 2

Gain 3 terrible quality matchlocks.
Gain 1 Experience towards Expertise in Matchlocks.

Running down carpenters to create bodies based on your specifications. Finding blacksmiths capable of making barrels and serpentines to match. Buying a spoil of cord and the few odds and ends you'd need to treat it. For several days everything seems like a flurry of activity until you're met with near a week of silence as the craftsmen hired need time to finish their work.

And then comes the act of assembling, a relatively simple process all told that still proves a challenge to you despite everything. A part of you wants to blame the people you'd hired but the other half, backed by the idea of Gramps glaring at you, knows the fault rests more on your shoulder. Fine changes to the carved stocks are quite hard with only a knife and simple files, correcting a slight bend in one barrel challenging with only a hammer meant for powdering alchemical ingredients…

You make it work in the end, sure enough, but glowering down at the three poorly made firearms all you can do is glower and angrily spit out an umgak. Strangling a desire to pitch them from your window, you flop onto the bed to stew in the feeling of a job done but done poorly.

[X] Physical Training x2
Rolling Body + Brilliant Mind = 3d6 (6, 5, 2) = 2 Successes vs Difficulty 2 = Success
Rolling Body + Brilliant Mind = 3d6 (6, 6, 1) = 2 Successes vs Difficulty 2 = Success

Gain 2 Experience towards Body 3.
Unlock Athletics 0.
Gain 2 Experience towards Athletics 1.
Gain Athletics 1.
Gain 1 Experience towards Body 3 for the new skill under that attribute.
Gain 1 Inspiration.

"Bah! Fool fucking Umgi! "Just run from your inn to the Reik every morning, it'll do you good," I said like it was someone else's bloody problem."

You curse and groan as you lay in bed having awoke to the first rays of the sun, though the sounds of the city coming alive certainly helped. Scowling, you contemplate giving up and rolling back over. You're a scholar. An engineer/ You create things with your hands and your mind not go sprinting across cities or fighting hours long battles…

Even as that last part crosses your mind you're already heading out the door. You must admit that for all you grumble about the act it has gotten far easier with each passing week as your body starts to adapt to more intense bursts of activity and you yourself learn how to better apply yourself.

'If Gramps had been watching he'd have muttered something about how he'd climbed ten thousand steps every morning just to fetch breakfast back in his day…'

Name: Margaret
Age: 16

Wealth: 3
Inspiration: 1

Attributes and Skills:
Body -
2 [3/6]
  • Athletics 1
Mind - 2
  • Engineering 3
  • Alchemy 2
  • Inventing 2
  • Construction 1
  • Diplomacy 0 [1/2]
Soul - 2
  • Oration 1

Believer of Steam -
Gain two bonus dice on any project involving the creation or use of steam power. Lose two dice when working with alternative power sources for what could compare to the marvel of a boiler? You are deeply unsettled by the absence of steam powered machinery and have a desire to explain to anyone who will listen the greatness of steam.
Student of Innovation - Gain an additional die when working on any engineering that is odd, experimental, or cutting edge.
Accidents Happen - On failing an engineering test with something new or experimental there is a 50% chance of an accident occurring.
Brilliant Mind - Provides an additional die when learning any new skill, halves chance of accidents.

Simple set of tools
Several sets of clothes
3 Matchlocks
(Prone to misfires, Unreliable in even wet conditions, Godri would disapprove)

Technology Tier One
(Difficulty 2, Cost 1, Creates three) [1/4 to Expertise] - Matchlocks are the earliest form of firearms created by the Empire shortly after the Dawi taught them the wonders of black powder and though they've since been largely phased out they still find use in more rural reaches. They utilize flammable cords attached to triggers to set off the powder needed to propel lead at lethal velocity.

Aeolipile (Difficulty 3, Cost 1) - An incredible rudimentary form of boiler that utilizes the generated steam from the boiler to spin a radial engine of sorts thus creating small amounts of power. You doubt it could pull even a child with the created force, but... Some tweaks here, refinements there. Experiments are coiling endlessly in your mind.

Simple Architecture (Difficulty Variable, Cost Variable) - In the process of learning engineering you have learned how to properly build single story houses, simple shops, drainage trenches, shallow basements, and much more. You certainly won't create marvels of the world like the Imperial Palace but you could oversee the creation of hamlets and small towns at the very least.

Technology Tier Two

Gunpowder (Difficulty 3, Cost 1, Dangerous, Creates a barrel) - Gunpowder. The lifeblood of Imperial regiments. One of humanity's greatest weapons handed to them by the Dwarfs and since spread across almost the entirety of the Old World. It is the product of alchemy, at least by human hands, made by mixing saltpeter, charcoal, and sulfur in a process that is likely to destroy the room its in by unskilled hands. 'Treat it with respect and you'll live to see your twenties' Godri had said.

Flintlocks (Difficulty 3, Cost 1, Creates three) - Flintlocks are the next step in the advancement of firearms. While the modifications are fairly extensive over matchlocks the core change between the two is the use of flint as an ignition source providing far greater reliability, making them easier to deploy in various forms of weather, and simply faster to use in an emergency.

Basic Sewage Architecture (Difficulty Variable, Cost Variable) - One of the things the College teaches extensively to those willing to learn is the creation and maintenance of complex sewer systems, a necessary feat to keep a city as expansive as Altdorf from being a disease ridden hell scape. You know only a portion of that knowledge: Various methods for digging drainage trenches, the use of stone to line them to create more permanent infrastructure, the occasional use of reinforced tunnels to allow passage beneath roads, and more.
Seeing Farther - You've seen some great overwrought examples of your idea upon Hochland Rifles back in the college, and have proof of their effectiveness both from it and the simple magnifying lens used by some of the colleges older professors. While a flintlock or matchlock wouldn't properly benefit from it just the ability to more accurately see at a distance could be quite handy in many situations.
Difficulty 3, Cost 1, Progress [0/???]

A Better Crossbow - For all the power of firearms and cannons you have also looked to the more uncommon ranged companion of the flintlock and found it rather poorly tended to. Surely hidden in all the knowledge of engineering you have theres a path forward for this humble weapon?
Difficulty 3, Cost 1, Progress [0/???]

Steam Force Application - While the actual output of this truly simple device is minimal it could perhaps be used for small, repetitive movements. Clothes lines, hauling up fishing lines, perhaps even to move a small platform carrying light goods like coins across gaps?
Difficulty 4, Progress [0/???], Requires an existing Aeolipile to work on

Steamed Potions - Alchemists create a great many concoctions many of which are capable of some astounding effects ranging from the healing of small wounds to revitalizing tired soldiers and more. As you watched an alchemist at the Engineers School concocting one such tonic your mind wondered if the self same liquid could not be converted into steam for widespread use.
Difficulty 5, Cost 2, Progress [0/???], Requires an Alchemy Lab

Voice Enloudening -
You have been to more than one sermon in the various cathedrals, chapels, and temples spread throughout Altdorf and there you've witnessed clergy screaming to be heard even as the very buildings are designed to carry their words to the crowd. You listened to Godri grumble about how much you could learn from a room just by the way your voice carried through it... Could something not be made to help a speaker be heard louder and clearer?
Difficulty 2, Cost 1, Progress [0/???]

Bigger, Grander Structures -
In all you've learned over the years and through beholding the widespread architecture of Altdorf you are certain you can figure out how to build even better buildings. Two or even three story homes?
Difficulty 4, Cost 2, Progress [0/???], Requires an entire crew to assist with construction

Oh, the Wonders of Soap -
Your former colleagues might look down upon you for the act, but you're certain with your grasp of alchemy the creation of passable soaps should be simple enough if you can find the trick. Black listed or not, rich folk are always in need of fine smelling soaps to clean themselves with and it is a surefire way of lining your pockets at the end of the day.
Difficulty 2, Cost 1, Progress [0/???]

QM Note:
I forgot to include Expertise and Mastery in the rules post, it is a system to reward you for actually creating the various products you invent wherein every time you successfully make something you'll gain 1 Experience for it. At two times its Difficulty you'll earn Expertise which gives you an additional die when Crafting it. Fill that experience bar again and you'll achieve Mastery which will lower the success threshold to 4+ and give two bonus dice instead.

Also, Inspiration will be given each time Margaret learns an entirely skill and under some other circumstances I will let you all discover throughout the quest. It is an expendable resource you can use where you can convert one point of it into one bonus die on any action.
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2490 IC, Jahrdrung
You frown and stuff a piece of bread into your mouth while reading the most recent letter Gramps has sent,

"Don't leave without telling me. I swear on the Ancestors I'll cross the blasted Wastes just for the chance to grab you by the ear again if you do.

- Godri"

Admittedly you should be rather happy that he cares so much, but as you stare at the eerily perfect handwriting ... You can't help but recall the last time Godri had dragged you by the ear from one wing of the school to the other. Truthfully you had stolen Professor Galileo's model ship and broken the entire thing trying to figure out how she got it in there,

"But that's no damned reason to rip my ear off old man..."

Feel free to use that time to discuss the available options and the new information you've gotten below.

What do you do?
(You have five AP to distribute each month. We'll be using plan voting.)
[] Search for a personal workshop in Altdorf - If you want to continue your work you'll nee a proper place to work. Chances are it'll be expensive and remaining under the eye of those that blacklisted you might not be the best idea at the end of the day…
Difficulty 2

[] Acquire a proper set of tools - Your eviction from the school left you, while not completely bereft of them, rather underequipped when it comes to your various tools of the trade. Hammers, files, chisels, a small saw, and even a screwdriver. Simple enough to find and get though it'll dig a spot out of your purse in the process.
Cost 1 Wealth
Difficulty None, acquire the tools needed to move up to working on flintlocks and to equip a basic workshop once found

[] Seeking Patrons - You may have been cast out of the school, but that does not wipe away what knowledge you've learned over the years. It might not make for the most glorious of clientele but there are surely some few more… desperate nobles or merchants willing to invest.
Difficulty 2/4

[] Search for work with a mercenary band - Mercenaries are, most at least, are organizations outside the bounds of the Empire and so as likely to recruit a graduate from the Engineers School as they are one booted from it. At least, that's what you tell yourself as you go in search of coin.
Difficulty 1

[] Investigate the criminal side of Altdorf - Gangs, smugglers, and such also have their own need for some of the things you can craft and surely they'd be willing to pay a premium for it as well. It calls for a great deal of caution, but it is one avenue of funding your experiments…
Difficulty ?, Potentially dangerous

[] An eye for bounties - Bandits, traitors, secessionists… The Empire has a lot of that sort and quite a few call the mess of the Reikwald forests their home. You're no soldier sure, but one of the more sizable bounties could line your pockets for quite a while. Just a question of which…
Difficulty 0, unlocks sub-turn to try and hunt down a chosen bounty.

[] Travel to Marienburg - A traitor state, a people of secessionists, incorigble and (some might say) stuck so far up their own arse they have forgotten common sense. For as much as the people of the empire cry out against this city-state you find yourself looking upon it as favorably as any other… At least you haven't been banned from study there. Maybe it holds a future for you.
Cost 1
Difficulty 0, Automatic Success, Potential Danger along the roads

[] Look to Bretonnia - A land of knights and chivalry that by and large rejects any and everything to do with you. However, you've lived much of your life being denied or rejected in some form and so long as a chance exists to find a patron perhaps it would be worth it? You do remember records of Bretonnian ships carrying cannons and firearms so a coastal territory may hold the answer.
Difficulty 1, Will unlock options for traveling to Bretonnia

[] Fixing Guns all the way to Ostland - A ride among a caravan heading for Wolfenburg will take you far to east into Ostland proper. From there it is just a matter of choice, finding a place of your own in Wolfenburg or making it just the first stop. Of course, the trip won't be entirely boring or a hole being burnt into your coinpurse as the head of the caravans heading out that way has some work lined up for you. Something about some mercenaries having issues with their rifles?
Costs 2 AP instead of 1.
Travel occurs automatically. From Altdorf to Wolfenburg will take several weeks.
Gain ? Wealth
Difficulty 2, Slight Danger

[] Passage to Ostermark - Despite the woman's rather unreliable appearance and the fact that she smells more like a brewery than even Gramps she is supposedly quite reliable. Much of those involved in the caravan heading there seem rather martially inclined. Mercenaries, soldiers, witch hunters… Well, at least its safe though it does require a spot of coin.
Can only be taken this turn.
Costs 1 Wealth
Travel occurs automatically. From Altdorf to Bechafen will take a month. Lose 1 AP next turn.
Difficulty None, Relatively Safe

  • [] Offer two matchlocks in place of 1 Wealth.
[] Follow Me to the Motherland - A Kislevite ran caravan intends to leave this month heading for the city of Kislev and they've offered a place among their caravan for a handful of coin. It promises to be a long journey with the better part of nearly two months on the road or rivers between there and Altdorf.
Can only be taken this turn.
Costs 2 AP instead of 1.
Costs 1 Wealth
Next turn will be spent predominantly traveling, AP will be reduced to 3 and choices limited.
Difficulty None, Slight Danger

[] Look to Sylvania - A land of death and undeath in equal measure. Of reclusive hamlets, distrustful towns, and dangerous cities where even now the Witch Hunters and the Empire do battle with countless vampires masquerading as lords. Dangerous, foolhardy, moronic… You could call it a thousand things but you yourself must admit that such a place could use something even as simple as a smattering of guns in the hands of those oppressed by darkness.
Difficulty 1, Will unlock options for traveling to Sylvania

[] Look to the fragmented Border Princes - A land of constant war far beyond anything in the Empire where nobles are crowned one day and beheaded the next. A place of scarcity and disorder where one such as yourself could gain perhaps more freedom than anywhere else if you can learn to counter the dangers and get a steady flow of the myriad materials you will need.
Difficulty 1, Will unlock options for traveling to the Border Princes

Actions below can be taken multiple times.

[] Crafting - Even without a workshop there's some simpler things you know that you can piece together if you comission a few smiths and carpenters…
  • [] Matchlocks - Difficulty 2, Cost 1, Will create three.
[] Inventing - While working from the confines of an inn room greatly limits what you're capable of there's a handful of things in your mind you can start working on at least. Whether it is worth risking that is the real question…
  • [] Seeing Farther - You've seen some great overwrought examples of your idea upon Hochland Rifles back in the college, and have proof of their effectiveness both from it and the simple magnifying lens used by some of the colleges older professors. While a flintlock or matchlock wouldn't properly benefit from it just the ability to more accurately see at a distance could be quite handy in many situations. Difficulty 3, Cost 1, Progress [0/???]
  • [] A Better Crossbow - For all the power of firearms and cannons you have also looked to the more uncommon ranged companion of the flintlock and found it rather poorly tended to. Surely hidden in all the knowledge of engineering you have there is a path forward for this humble weapon? Difficulty 3, Cost 1, Progress [0/???]
  • [] Voice Enloudening - You have been to more than one sermon in the various cathedrals, chapels, and temples spread throughout Altdorf and there you've witnessed clergy screaming to be heard even as the very buildings are designed to carry their words to the crowd. You listened to Godri grumble about how much you could learn from a room just by the way your voice carried through it... Could something not be made to help a speaker be heard louder and clearer?
    Difficulty 2, Cost 1, Progress [0/???]
  • [] Oh, the Wonders of Soap - Your former colleagues might look down upon you for the act, but you're certain with your grasp of alchemy the creation of passable soaps should be simple enough if you can find the trick. Black listed or not, rich folk are always in need of fine smelling soaps to clean themselves with and it is a surefire way of lining your pockets at the end of the day.
    Difficulty 2, Cost 1, Progress [0/???]
[] Physical Training - You are certainly not unhealthy but looking upon your reflection in the washing basin each morning you know you can do better. Early morning sprinting, a few exercises borrowed from State soldier training regimes taught at the school, and a prodigious amount of sweat should help get you closer. Difficulty 2, Provides experience towards the next point of Body, trains Athletics

[] Eureka! - You use your brilliance to gain a bonus die on an action! Costs 1 Inspiration and 0 AP.

Name: Margaret
Age: 16

Wealth: 3
Inspiration: 1

Attributes and Skills:
Body -
2 [3/6]
  • Athletics 1
Mind - 2
  • Engineering 3
  • Alchemy 2
  • Inventing 2
  • Construction 1
  • Diplomacy 0 [1/2]
Soul - 2
  • Oration 1

Believer of Steam -
Gain two bonus dice on any project involving the creation or use of steam power. Lose two dice when working with alternative power sources for what could compare to the marvel of a boiler? You are deeply unsettled by the absence of steam powered machinery and have a desire to explain to anyone who will listen the greatness of steam.
Student of Innovation - Gain an additional die when working on any engineering that is odd, experimental, or cutting edge.
Accidents Happen - On failing an engineering test with something new or experimental there is a 50% chance of an accident occurring.
Brilliant Mind - Provides an additional die when learning any new skill, halves chance of accidents.

Simple set of tools
Several sets of clothes
3 Matchlocks
(Prone to misfires, Unreliable in even wet conditions, Godri would disapprove)

QM Note: Going forward I will keep your Invention and Products list in the informational post to not clutter each update.
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2490 IC, Jahrdrung - Results
[X] Fixing Guns all the way to Ostland
Rolling Mind/Engineering = 5d6 (6, 6, 4, 4, 1) = 2 Successes vs Difficulty 2 = Success
Rolling 1d2 (2)

Rolling for Danger = 1d100 (50), nothing dangerous.

Gain 2 Wealth.
Relations with the Ostland Road Walkers increases by 1.
Unlocked new actions involving the Road Walkers.

You peer down the barrel of the rifle, weak light from the lantern above you managing to flicker into it thanks to the awkward angle it is being held. Across from you is one of the most nervous youths you have ever seen, blonde hair looking something akin to a rat's nest as his eyes dart around the room for anything other than you to focus on,

"Barrel's cracked. Hairline fractures in the metal, could've been from constant use or some idiot using the thing like a club until the thing finally started to give. Get the barrel replaced before you shoot it again."

Despite your stern tone the guy shoots up straight as he fires back with a stutter to start it off,

"B-bu-but what am I supposed to do if we get into a bat-"

You expertly cut him off with a glare and a snort, "Shoot it then fool Umgi, but don't blame me when you're being carried into one of Morr's gardens. Out."

Shoving the gun into the boy's hands, you force him out of the room and call for the next person to come inside. It had become something of a routine at this point.

"Fine morning to you, Miss."

A rough voice marred by what was certainly decades of smoking and drinking calls out to you one morning, one you recognize from the early days of your journey so far. Turning around you find a deeply tanned man with a well groomed mustache, balding black hair, and an eyepatch over one eye whose every step creates an absurd clatter for all the pistols strapped across him. Alric Lanz, Commander of the Ostland Road Walkers.

"Good morning, Captain. Any problem with my work?"

Your brows furrow as a hint of concern tints your thoughts. You were fairly certain you hadn't messed up on anything, but you couldn't be su-

"None at all, at least not any you need concern yourself with," You watch as he opens a flask at his hip and gives it a small sniff before continuing with a reluctant glance at it, "One of the lads did charge into my tent the other night clamoring about you telling him to die. Ah. Don't fret. He saw sense after I knocked him on his arse."

"Fool Umgi don't listen to good sense till it kills them," You grumble on pure instinct.

"Ay, true enough," Alric's hand reaches up to gingerly touch his eye patch at your words, "But enough of that. You've done right by us girl. Another week and we'll be in Wolfenburg. Wanted to let you know: If you ever need some work look for the Rickety Wagon on Round Mill Street."

He turns and gives you a wave, hands once again bringing a flask to his nose.

[X] Acquire a proper set of tools
Lose 1 Wealth
Simple set of tools upgraded to Engineer's tools of the trade

It is something of a mad dash to hunt down every tool you are going to need before the caravan for Wolfenburg departs, but in the end you manage. It takes fifteen blacksmiths, a smattering of carpenters, and (weirdly) even a tailor but here you are. A sense of satisfaction runs through you as you stare down at the wooden toolbox you had bought to store the tools that now threaten to spill out over the edges of it.

"Now I can do some proper work."

You mutter before catching yourself standing exactly like Gramps always does when he finishes something, arms crossed and chest puffed out ready to grumble at anyone,

"... I can't let him see me do that. 'A plaitling acting like a Longbeard? BAH!'."

A laugh escapes you as you do your best Godri impression before double checking you are safely alone in your room.

[X] Physical Training x2
Rolling Body/Athletics = 3d6 (5, 4, 4) = 1 Success vs Difficulty 2 = Fail, Difficulty reduced by 1
Rolling Body/Athletics = 3d6 (6, 5, 4) = 2 Success vs Difficulty 1 = Critical Success

Gain 2 Experience towards Body 3
Gain 2 Experience towards Athletics 2

Finishing off the set with a slight groan, you let your body collapse onto the blissfully soft grass even as you ignore the mix of stares shooting your way. Well, all besides the respectful glances from some of the more veteran members of the Road Walkers who you shakily give a weak nod before stumbling back into the inn.

In spite of having fewer chances to finish your routine on the road you can feel yourself making solid progress as your body takes longer and longer to grow tired.

"At this rate I might be able to keep pace with them on foot before too long…"

Half tossing yourself onto the scratchy pile of straw this establishment calls a bed, you find your eyes drawn to a delicately carved box that has traveled with you all the way from Altdorf. A smile appears on your face as you remember Godri showing up the day you departed-

Standing across from that stony wall of non-expression you feel somehow like a child waiting to be scolded once again as you squirm under that unwavering glare. However, it is not scolding or cursing or the grumbling of a Dawi well into his later years that reaches your ears but a simple question,

"So, Ostland it is then plaitling? Not a bad choice. More than a few there could use a gun in their hands and the place is far enough away you aren't like to deal with the school meddling in things," He snorts and waves a hand at that, "Like I'd let those fool Umgi mess around after things done been made clear. No one respects an Unbaraki. Bah!"

You resist an impulse to laugh at the roundabout way Gramps has always shown his care as the tension turns to a warm smile and a sudden ache in your chest. He had given you a place to call home. Safety from the streets. Ensured you never went hungry. Taught you with a care you had never seen him give another in his classes…

'And here I am leaving it all behind…'

Tears well in your eyes as you realize all you leave behind in looking for a new life and for the first time in all your years you see Godri's face soften. He is almost nervous as he digs a box from the bag at his side and holds it between you two,

"None of that now, girl. It won't be the last time we meet. Here, take it, a gift for one setting out to Journey."

You forget the sadness for a moment as the contents of the box come into sight.

A bed of soft red cloth holds a repeater pistol of excellent craftsmanship. Designs made in gold adorn the pistol's grip while the metal used to forge the rest of its body is a clean white grey without any visible flaws. Driven by instinct your hands wraps around the hilt and finds it fits your palm perfectly even as a strange blue glow begins to leak from between your fingers.

Quickly taking it in both hands, you turn the weapon till you discover a rune in Khazalid outlined in gold and silver.

"Gromdottir. The name that is."

Listening to Godri you start sifting through your limited knowledge of Khazalid for the meaning, but find you only know the second half to mean daughter. Whatever the first means Gramps proves relatively tight lipped as he waves at you in annoyance and crams the box into your hands,

"A friend of mine sent along an amulet as well. Be sure to wear it at all times, understood girl?"

Your smile returns even larger than before at the old dwarf's behavior.

Gain Gromdottir, an uncommon Repeater Pistol.
Gain unknown Raven Amulet.
See following Interlude - Parting Gift.

Name: Margaret
Age: 16

Wealth: 4
Inspiration: 1

Attributes and Skills:
Body -
2 [5/6]
  • Athletics 1 [2/4]
Mind - 2
  • Engineering 3
  • Alchemy 2
  • Inventing 2
  • Construction 1
  • Diplomacy 0 [1/2]
Soul - 2
  • Oration 1

Believer of Steam -
Gain two bonus dice on any project involving the creation or use of steam power. Lose two dice when working with alternative power sources for what could compare to the marvel of a boiler? You are deeply unsettled by the absence of steam powered machinery and have a desire to explain to anyone who will listen the greatness of steam.
Student of Innovation - Gain an additional die when working on any engineering that is odd, experimental, or cutting edge.
Accidents Happen - On failing an engineering test with something new or experimental there is a 50% chance of an accident occurring.
Brilliant Mind - Provides an additional die when learning any new skill, halves chance of accidents.

Engineer's tools of the trade
Several sets of clothes
3 Matchlocks
(Prone to misfires, Unreliable in even wet conditions, Godri would disapprove)
Gromdottir (+4 bonus dice when used for combat, ???, ???)
Raven Amulet (???, ???, ???)
Interlude - Parting Gift
Metal sings as the hammer strikes down. Sweat drips from his brow but evaporates long before it can touch the white hot metal being shaped upon the anvil. Again and again the hammer falls as the elderly figure works without break, every bar of steel quickly being forged into slim tubes that are set aside. Eight times is one forged and eight times is the act the same, the metalwork joining a pile of parts.

A masterfully carved pistol grip cut from the finest walnut he could fine. Detailed carvings had been made before being slowly filled with molten gold mixed with the blood of some magical beast. Unknown words spoken in Khazalid echo through the workshop as the dwarf carefully puts each piece in the proper place… And with every step closer to completion the entire weapon seems to glow with an ever stronger blue light as the craftsman can feel the surge of power welling from below.

Smoldering blue eyes glare down at the work as if daring it to fail. As if daring what may perhaps be his final gift to be anything other than his best.

A thrum vibrates through the workshop. The air hums with an unseen power. An unchanging face changes at last as it seems to take on years in mere seconds.

And yet a brilliant smile escapes him. Hands carefully lowering it into a deceptively simple wooden box lined with soft cloth.

"May you travel far and leave a mark upon every land you grace… Gromdottir…"

From behind him comes a woman's voice, "Even now you won't ask her?"

He snorts as he moves to close the box only for a flash of purple to deposit within an amulet of bone carved into the shape of a raven. After a moments hesitation he leaves it there and closes the lid, "It is not something for you to worry about zhufokri. My choices are my own. I need no Umgi council."

What comes in answer are pale slender arms that wrap around him from behind, "Don't lie to me, I know you to well for that you stone headed fool. You know I speak true when I say better to soon than to late."

Resting his own hand gently on the arms hugging him, the dwarf can merely huff in response… But they both know his thoughts on the matter won't change.
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2490 IC, Pflugzeit
You see the walls long before the city proper. Great works of stone jutting out over the crown of the seemingly endless forest all around you as the road winds around terrain that would've taken far too long to cut through. It is only as the trees begin to give way that you see it all in full, a massive curtain wall of stone reaching far out to either side surrounding which is sparse farmland mingling with a forest that even now woodsmen are working to cut back further away from the city. In fact, as you watch one the closer groups of loggers at work you are met by the sight of the bushes coming alive.

Roots surge forward to drag them down even as their cry sends every woodsmen in reach charging at the strange, living undergrowth trying to claim their comrade's life.

"Bloodsedge. Nasty things they are. Roots drag you in and then the plant eats you alive. Not the only thing in Ostland's forests that come to life either."

You look towards the voice to find a familiar teenager walking beside the wagon you were allowed to rest on.

'He has a different gun,' You note as you give him a once over only for him to sheepishly scratch the back of his head.

"Sorry for not trusting ya, if the veterans did I shoulda known better. Commander sent me to recommend an inn for ya, called the Twin Boar. He said ya can find it if you go down-"


You settle into the Twin Boar just as the sun begins to set with a few extra coin purses lining your pack and curiosity warring against a need for sleep in your head. For all you'd heard the stories of Ostland being a sullen, poverty stricken province there is little of that to be seen in what little of Wolfenburg you have. Multi story buildings line the streets, strange crenelated rooftops connected by walkways appearing every so often, and throngs of people from seemingly all across the Empire walk the streets.

Reiklanders, Middenheimers, halflings from the Moot, Dawi, and even Kislevites mill along the roads or rush towards destination carrying, or guiding trade goods. Patrols stalk the street all hours of the day and you have seen quite a few groups of archers keeping an eye out from the fortified rooftops dotting the city...

"It might not be Altdorf, but it certainly is impressive in its own right..."

You fall asleep that night with countless ideas for what to do in the morning running through your mind.

Feel free to use that time to discuss the available options and the new information you've gotten below.

What do you do?
(You have five AP to distribute each month. We'll be using plan voting.)
[] Looking for a Workshop - Maybe all the way to Ostland is far enough for you to be out of the eye of the college and the Sigmarites back in Altdorf. Finding somewhere you can get things setup for all your future work might be a good idea though it would force you to settle down for a little while to really be worth it...
Difficulty ???

[] Seeking Patrons, Ostland Edition - A wealthy patron can fund an Engineers research for years if one is lucky enough to draw their interest. Finding on in a foreign land where you know little of the people or culture there might be rather challenging, but this certainly seems a place that could use a steady supply of guns at the very least. Might as well start asking anyone that looks well off and see where it gets you.
Difficulty ???

[] The Rickety Wagon - You were told to head to the place if you needed work and looking at your wallet it certainly wouldn't hurt to have a job lined up for you. Now, the question is if you can find the damned place.
Difficulty ???

[] Search for work with Mercenaries - While you have an in with the Road Walkers it never hurts to shop around, even if the idea does make you think of Gramps' grumbling disapproval. A place like Ostland is bound to be swarming with mercenaries so its just a question of who looks worth working with.
Difficulty ???

[] Getting to know Wolfenburg - A new city, a new culture. A childish part of you wants to explore every nook and cranny of the city you can find while a more tempered adult part of you recognizes some places are not worth sticking your nose into. Still, there's a lot one can learn by spending some time on the streets!
Difficulty ???, ???

[] Eyes towards Kislev - With Wolfenburg being far closer to Kislev and one of the main channels of trade between it and the Empire it should be far easier to find a group heading that way. Asking around the marketplaces and checking with the head of the caravan that brought you here would be good places to start.
Difficulty ???

[] South to Ostermark - Just like Ostland the province of Ostermark is constantly dragged into one conflict or another. Such a place would make a decent enough home for an ostracized engineer looking to make a living off what little of their trade they know though the question is how willing you are to stare down a vampire one day, an orc the next, and a beastman the day after.
Difficulty ???

[] North to the Sea of Claws - A frontline against the never ending threat of Norscan raiders with beastmen at its back. A crucial trade route infested with piracy. If there was one thing you could be sure of it is the love every sea merchant and sailor has for the might of gunpowder, one that can likely act as an easy in for any long term work in the area be it from one of the ports along the coast or the belly of a ship.
Difficulty ???

[] Studying Gromdottir - A repeater pistol crafted by a Dwarf. By Gramps himself. It doesn't quite enter into the territory of being a work of art in its own right, but to you it is a thing of beauty utilizing knowledge well beyond your own and tying in something entirely unknown to you. At the very least nothing you've ever made has glowed blue! You want to know more about it. How repeater pistols work. How it was made. How the golden engravings were made. Why does it glow blue? What does the light do?
Difficulty ???

[] A Gifted Raven - Alongside Gromdottir was an amulet carved in the shape of a raven, the sign of Morr. His eyes in the mortal world, and His voice in dreams... Or so the priests say. Whatever it is, you were told to always keep it on you and while you have... Well, you are rather curious what exactly the thing is?
Difficulty ???

Actions below can be taken multiple times.

[] Crafting - Even without a workshop there's some simpler things you know that you can piece together if you comission a few smiths and carpenters…
  • [] Matchlocks - Difficulty 2, Cost 1, Will create three.
  • [] Flintlocks - Difficulty 3, Cost 1, Will create three.
[] Inventing - While working from the confines of an inn room greatly limits what you're capable of there's a handful of things in your mind you can start working on at least. Whether it is worth risking that is the real question…
  • [] Seeing Farther - You've seen some great overwrought examples of your idea upon Hochland Rifles back in the college, and have proof of their effectiveness both from it and the simple magnifying lens used by some of the colleges older professors. While a flintlock or matchlock wouldn't properly benefit from it just the ability to more accurately see at a distance could be quite handy in many situations. Difficulty 3, Cost 1, Progress [0/???]
  • [] A Better Crossbow - For all the power of firearms and cannons you have also looked to the more uncommon ranged companion of the flintlock and found it rather poorly tended to. Surely hidden in all the knowledge of engineering you have there is a path forward for this humble weapon? Difficulty 3, Cost 1, Progress [0/???]
  • [] Voice Enloudening - You have been to more than one sermon in the various cathedrals, chapels, and temples spread throughout Altdorf and there you've witnessed clergy screaming to be heard even as the very buildings are designed to carry their words to the crowd. You listened to Godri grumble about how much you could learn from a room just by the way your voice carried through it... Could something not be made to help a speaker be heard louder and clearer?
    Difficulty 2, Cost 1, Progress [0/???]
  • [] Oh, the Wonders of Soap - Your former colleagues might look down upon you for the act, but you're certain with your grasp of alchemy the creation of passable soaps should be simple enough if you can find the trick. Black listed or not, rich folk are always in need of fine smelling soaps to clean themselves with and it is a surefire way of lining your pockets at the end of the day.
    Difficulty 2, Cost 1, Progress [0/???]
[] Physical Training - You are certainly not unhealthy but looking upon your reflection in the washing basin each morning you know you can do better. Early morning sprinting, a few exercises borrowed from State soldier training regimes taught at the school, and a prodigious amount of sweat should help get you closer. Difficulty 2, Provides experience towards the next point of Body, trains Athletics

[] Eureka! - You use your brilliance to gain a bonus die on an action! Costs 1 Inspiration and 0 AP.

Name: Margaret
Age: 16

Wealth: 4
Inspiration: 1

Attributes and Skills:
Body -
2 [5/6]
  • Athletics 1 [2/4]
Mind - 2
  • Engineering 3
  • Alchemy 2
  • Inventing 2
  • Construction 1
  • Diplomacy 0 [1/2]
Soul - 2
  • Oration 1

Believer of Steam -
Gain two bonus dice on any project involving the creation or use of steam power. Lose two dice when working with alternative power sources for what could compare to the marvel of a boiler? You are deeply unsettled by the absence of steam powered machinery and have a desire to explain to anyone who will listen the greatness of steam.
Student of Innovation - Gain an additional die when working on any engineering that is odd, experimental, or cutting edge.
Accidents Happen - On failing an engineering test with something new or experimental there is a 50% chance of an accident occurring.
Brilliant Mind - Provides an additional die when learning any new skill, halves chance of accidents.

Engineer's tools of the trade
Several sets of clothes
3 Matchlocks
(Prone to misfires, Unreliable in even wet conditions, Godri would disapprove)
Gromdottir (+4 bonus dice when used for combat, ???, ???)
Raven Amulet (???, ???, ???)
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Voting is open