Portal Man: A Rational Quest (Original)

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As you sat browsing the web on your computer, a door-sized portal randomly and suddenly opened...
Chapter 1.1: In the beginning...
As you sat browsing the web on your computer, a door-sized portal randomly and suddenly opened up in your bedroom. It shimmered with sunlight, almost blocked by tall corn stalks, inviting you to cross over.

What will you do?

This is a rational quest. Your decisions affect the world, and action has consequences. This is mediated by your characterization.

Plans are free-form. Please indicate your plan via [X] Plan: _name_, with description below.

Voting is done by approval voting.
@Kiba How long do we have for voting?

Long enough to have a reasonable plan in place. I'll give you until midnight and then reassess, or earlier if I felt that there's a consensus.

It doesn't have to be detailed and long. I'll write mini-chapters then stop if necessary, so I won't be throwing you out at the deep end.
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[x] Plan: baby steps
-[x] write a note describing what happened, set it to post in a few days in case portal eats you or something
--[x] add a picture of portal to message
-[x] poke edges of portal with a stick/rolled paper/whatever's on hand that's not our hands
-[x] throw some stuff in the portal, see what happens
--[x] crumpled paper
--[x] a lit match eh probably best not to just yet
-[x] try to pull some cornstalks in (use a hook of some sort. Wire/Curved umbrella handle/hanger/something else that's not our hands)
-[x] shine a light inside?

To get things started.


[x] female character

Just to be contrary.
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I want to make a note that we don't have a gender currently or any other characterization set. I'll be doing this by 'feel' of the plan unless there's a proposal.
Agender works for me.

Besides, we have a portal to poke. Who's going to stop to think "oh bee-tee-dubs, imma gurl/guy" in the middle of that?
[X] Action Plan: Talk To A Professor
We need to survive, figure out who we are, and contact the local authorities of the impending biological shitstorm caused by a spontaneous interdimensional portal containing god-knows how many pathogens.

  1. Survive.
  2. Grab our stuff.
  3. Contact the local government authorities.
  4. Follow their orders.
  1. Survive.
    1. Do not, under any circumstances, go through the portal. RUN THE FUCK AWAY IF THE PORTAL SO MUCH AS FLICKERS.
    2. Remove ourselves from the premises after completing other steps.
    3. Ensure that other people (people being defined as sentient beings) are removed from the premises.
  2. Grab our stuff.
    1. Make sure we have our clothes on. Put them on if we don't have them on. Do not put on a green jumpsuit.
    2. Locate our wallet, purse, or other container used to hold money and forms of identification. Take it with us.
    3. Locate our car keys, bus pass, or other method used to secure transportation. Take it with us.
    4. Locate our cell phone, iPhone, Android, or other communication device. Take it with us.
  3. Contact the local government authorities.
    1. Since we have internet access we can find the phone number of the CDC, or whatever fast-acting government response is available in our current location.
    2. Contact said government authority and inform them of a bioterrorism threat in –our location–, and request their assistance.
  4. Follow their orders.
    1. Should be pretty self-explanatory.
    2. Don't kill ourselves, though.
[X] Baby Steps
[X] Male character

When you say "any other proposal", you mean a vote on it like the above? Or you're looking for characterization pitches?
I thought about calling an adult, but we probably count as one, and I kind of don't want to?

Ooh, maybe take a picture of the portal and add it to our note.

Suggestions are welcome.
[X] Baby Steps
[X] Male character

When you say "any other proposal", you mean a vote on it like the above? Or you're looking for characterization pitches?

You can do your characterization pitch via a plan or part of a larger plan. Either way, it doesn't matter too much to me.

Otherwise, I will make up whatever happens to fit the current plan and characterize that way.

Right now, I am seeing a panicky person and an overly curious personality belonging to two different plans.
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I am doing this manually until I get ahold of vote counting software.

3 Votes for Baby Steps so far, and almost everyone wants an undefined male character.
His is open source. It's more of the matter of actually learning how to use the software.
Ahhh, that might be more of a problem.

If you're lazy you could make the voters do it themselves, like:

Baby steps: Muer'ci, Citrus, will408914 (3)
Talk to a Professor: faflec (1)

or something.
Ahhh, that might be more of a problem.

If you're lazy you could make the voters do it themselves, like:

Baby steps: Muer'ci, Citrus, will408914 (3)
Talk to a Professor: faflec (1)

or something.

Yes, I am lazy, but right now, I basically know which plan is going to win.

I am still allowing for more time to see if any other players show up.

Too soon?

[X] Baby Steps
[X] Male Character
-[X] Reasonably athletic, no obvious drawbacks like poor eyesight etc.
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