Police Girl (Worm/Hellsing)

If she participates in any endbringer fight that would cause her a tremendous amount of carnage since it is so powerful.
Now I'm wondering what would happen if she ate GU. Would she get a summon for each of GU's ghosts or would she just summon GU with all the ghosts?
On one hand, I feel sorry for Taylor, since she's less prepared for this than Seras and has to deal with the powers and cravings of Alucard (albeit toned down due to lack of people eaten). On the other hand, True Nosferatu in Worm, with Taylor being said No Life Queen, soooo:
Comments on the story so far:

It is kind of interesting that some laws of physics apply to her (apparently inertia given the whole "tentacles are not useful in a fight" idea given how she apparently is not affected much be volume or mass (where she she can apparently absorb any amount of blood without it being apparent after wards, or presumably show that mass when making her tentacles). Maybe she could try it and get those effects (perhaps even flying).

For where she apparently can make clothing, maybe she could try to see what extent that ability works. Does it create true materials or just temporary emulation from her substance? What limits of materials and form is there? Does she need to study the material/equipment first? Can she make a fully functional steel knife? Can she make a working computer? Can she make a working gun? Can she make a high-power air gun (which might be equipped with real ammo)? Can she make armor (even if she would not normally need it, it can help some of her false identities appear human and could be used to help protect others if she wants to at that time)? This could be rather useful for some false identities for providing clothing, tools, equipment, identification, jewelry, personal belongings, etc.

An experiment could be to see whether an amorphous/liquid part of herself can rapidly project a spike(s) out and how fast it can be done and how strong the spike material can be made.

If she can fully control separated pieces of herself, maybe she could make full use of the shape changing power as well. Maybe fire a piece of herself like a projectile from a gun that splashes onto the target on impact that then projects spikes in all the weak points/soft parts in the target and suck out all the blood and other fluids, or even project along all the internal tubing of the target and removing all the fluids as the pieces grow in the target's body/equipment (fuel/hydraulics/lubricants).

I wonder if the report that E88 stole from the PRT is the actual report or a false counter-intelligence one (while not covered in canon, presumably anti-Thinker/Master/Stranger procedures would include having false information placed including "honeypots" for computer security and where encrypted files can provide several different results with only one being the correct one. The reason for that consideration is that Taylor currently relies more of acting like bait to lure attackers to isolated areas rather than pouncing on them directly. Then again maybe Shadow Stalker just made up all kinds of stuff in her report.

A possible experiment is whether Taylor can and how fast she can run over a manhole cover and change herself to a liquid form and flow through the holes in the manhole cover. If it is easy for her do so, she could also use it travel along underground utility lines (maybe phone/ electrical ducts / sewer lines) to make it hard to potential people to track her (always a potential danger given the variety of parahumans and some who might not be known about).

I wonder if the "ghouls"/zombies can be permanently killed with GU's touch given that they apparently exist in some state between alive and dead ("undead"?). It is interesting that Taylor can supposedly be affected by GU's touch given how most portrayals of undead in role playing games make the undead immune to anti-life/death-energy effects.

In the comments about the "ghouls" they are said to be infectious, but did not actually say what was the actual infectious agent was. Possibly they did not find anything (no bacteria, virus, nano tech, energy projections, etc.). Which might further explain why the higher ups at PRT did not want to have anything to do with it (aside from the apparent undead factor). Maybe one of the Directors could say they do not want any Herbert West around as an allusion to the Re-Animator movies (presumably from Earth Alpha).

Since there was apparently only about 12 E-88 members that ended as vampire food, presumably just about a month has passed since the locker situation?

As alternative theme music for the story could be (if others keep forcing her to fight parahumans) (this is the Morrigan Aesland remix from "Dance Revolution Vol.1 : Vampire Hunter):