Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Speed


I winced as I saw the Carvanha, Izumi, get hit by all our attacks-
"Okay, switch-" I drew in the same energy as before into my claw, aiming another Scratch-
Ken: Larvitar
Hearing somebody coming towards me, I turn to see Ven rolling towards me rapidly. I hold very little confidence in dodging naturally against someone who fights a lot more than me, so I do the next thing that comes to mind.

I instinctively try to kick anything on the ground up to distract/blind them to try and get them to miss instead while dodging...and it does more than just kick a bit of dust or dirt...

Action: Ken is using Sandstorm...Indoors
-"What the!?" Okay, seriously, a Sandstorm!? "Rrrgh-fine!!" I still shoot forwards, barely being able to aim properly in all this sand around us, but hey that Yanma was there! Lots of Yanma..

Pick target
Scratch on Twitch the Yanma
You roll...straight out of the guild, and into a nearby tree. Thankfully hitting it wasn't especially painful. Judging by the dent, the tree might've taken more damage actually.
'I'm terrible at this.' I thought to myself as I slumped against the tree, not even trying to get up and rejoin the spar. Honestly what was I expecting? I'm no fighter and for all the talk about Pokemon instincts I had felt no such thing, there was no point in me even trying to do any of the combat things around here....I'd just get in the way...so I might as well just sit here....

"Kyukyukyu" came a sound that took be a moment to realize was coming from me, right as I realized I was crying...on my own.
Guild Entrance
Sandstorm! Indoors?! Why!!!!!

"That's good n...ew..." Izumi falls asleep mid-speech.
Success! I actually managed to put her to sleep~ Everyone also seems to be beating the stuffings out of her as well...
Looking towards the multiple copies of Twitch, I develop a tick in my left eye.
"Oh come on! I hate Double Team! I HATE IT!"
To ensure that twitch understood how much I hated double team, I sprayed the area Twitch was in with Powdersnow.
This is probably not gonna work...

Use Powdersnow on the Twitch Copies/Twitch
Ken: Larvitar
Hearing somebody coming towards me, I turn to see Ven rolling towards me rapidly. I hold very little confidence in dodging naturally against someone who fights a lot more than me, so I do the next thing that comes to mind.

I instinctively try to kick anything on the ground up to distract/blind them to try and get them to miss instead while dodging...and it does more than just kick a bit of dust or dirt...

Action: Ken is using Sandstorm...Indoors
Meeping, I try to get as far away from Ken as possible. I don't want to have to shake sand out of my fur. That stuff feels horrible and it gets everywhere! "Nope!" Was all I had to say.
Mab answers, before looking at Jefe. "Hi there!"

"Hello again, Miss Guildmistress." The Hawlucha says to the Gengar, before looking back at the pokemon "Could I ask a question? Are there any sort of trainers available?" He gestured at the rapidly departing Mimikyu that had rolled out of the guild. "We do seem to need some assistance in that area it appears." he stated blandly with a concerned look.

I probably had better go check on Mimi after I get my question answered, Jefe thought as he waited to hear Mabs' response.
Amber [Paras] - Guild Hall
"Um, okay!" Amy replies, a little shocked, she takes a few seconds to catch her breath before continuing, "I haven't had a Paras as a patient before, but I think I remember reading about them. One moment."

She turns and walks back to a small cabinet, and then quickly returns with a cleaver-like knife in hand. With one swift motion, she slices the withered mushroom clean off. A gentle purple pulse then covers the area, dried, skin covering where the mushroom once sprouted. Amy gives you a hesitant smile, as if asking if that was right.
"Thank you." Amber said, relaxing a little after the withered shroom was removed. She couldn't be sure it was completely over, but at least for now she'd made sure to do everything she could to avoid the other presence's resurgence in their mental scape again.
It all happened so fast, I didn't have time to react. All I can do is stare, wide eyed after the fact. "Amber! Are you okay?"
She turned to the Goomy, Rex, and gave him a nod as she prodded the lingering tiny presence to stretch their limbs. "I think so. As good as I can be in this state anyway."

Now she just needed to figure out what she would be doing from here on.
Ken: Larvitar
Hearing somebody coming towards me, I turn to see Ven rolling towards me rapidly. I hold very little confidence in dodging naturally against someone who fights a lot more than me, so I do the next thing that comes to mind.

I instinctively try to kick anything on the ground up to distract/blind them to try and get them to miss instead while dodging...and it does more than just kick a bit of dust or dirt...

Action: Ken is using Sandstorm...Indoors
As a mass of sand begins rapidly whirling around the room, I limp away from the fighting. Ven's rollout hurt more than I thought it did, and I don't really want to get whipped at with sand on top of that.
Guild Entrance
A spike of sorrow

Amber [Paras] - Guild Hall

"Don't!" Amber forced the insect body's mouth to say in alarm to Amy. She seemed to vaguely recognize the creature, though the specifics were eluding her once more. "I need that one removed as best you can. Don't touch the other one, I think that's me far as I can tell."

She somehow managed to force her insect body to shiver without nudging the tiny presence, potentially a symptom of the mushroom that made up her current being doing the actual motion instead this time. "I have to be sure it's gone, or it might be able to regain control again." She concluded.

Worry... upstairs... I can feel it, and it's from the Paras... Hopefully Rex can handle it...

"That's good n...ew..." Izumi falls asleep mid-speech.

Your swipe hits the sleeping Izumi directly, she doesn't wake up despite the blow. On the other hand, she makes a noise of pain.

Your chomp hits the sleeping fish perfectly, and she lets out another sleeping-groan, more loudly this time.

You roll...straight out of the guild, and into a nearby tree. Thankfully hitting it wasn't especially painful. Judging by the dent, the tree might've taken more damage actually.

Twitch gives Jefe a nod and an apologetic look as he leaves the fighting.

"Oh, yeah, Team Speed isn't going to do anything that'll hurt them too badly, they'll get better after sleeping it off," Mab answers, before looking at Jefe. "Hi there!"

That's a good tactic, putting a foe to sleep and then focusing on it, and wait, where's the Mimikyu going? Why is she rolling outside? The targets are right there!

"That's good," I say to Mab. It's really just a spar, then, if a bit more intense than a mundane one.

With anther blow, the Savage Pokemon's breathing becomes more laboured, the multitude of blows taking their toll.

"If you haven't fought before, you're doing pretty good," Twitch answers, "Your teamwork could've used some work before, but you're adapting well!"

Twitch's fluttering speeds up, before she suddenly vanished from sight, and several copies of her appear around where she disappeared. Ven's rolling, meanwhile, picks up speed and rams into Ken, the blow not dealing as much damage as it would against a neutral type, but still being decently powerful.

The battle continues on. Something tells me I'd confuse at least one of them before going to town with Confusion, like maybe throwing one guy at the other, or just using what amounts to a telekinetic punch.

Ken: Larvitar
Hearing somebody coming towards me, I turn to see Ven rolling towards me rapidly. I hold very little confidence in dodging naturally against someone who fights a lot more than me, so I do the next thing that comes to mind.

I instinctively try to kick anything on the ground up to distract/blind them to try and get them to miss instead while dodging...and it does more than just kick a bit of dust or dirt...

Action: Ken is using Sandstorm...Indoors

I turn away, my hand coming up to shield my wincing face as a sandstorm suddenly spawns. Ugh, I don't like this coarse, rough and irritating feeling, and it's starting to get everywhere on me...

'I'm terrible at this.' I thought to myself as I slumped against the tree, not even trying to get up and rejoin the spar. Honestly what was I expecting? I'm no fighter and for all the talk about Pokemon instincts I had felt no such thing, there was no point in me even trying to do any of the combat things around here....I'd just get in the way...so I might as well just sit here....

"Kyukyukyu" came a sound that took be a moment to realize was coming from me, right as I realized I was crying...on my own.

Oh... goodness... why is she so sad...? I almost feel like I want to cry...

"I'll check up on the Mimikyu," I inform Mab, waddling outside to do just that. At the very least, it's a good excuse to get out of the sand.

I winced as I saw the Carvanha, Izumi, get hit by all our attacks-
"Okay, switch-" I drew in the same energy as before into my claw, aiming another Scratch-

-"What the!?" Okay, seriously, a Sandstorm!? "Rrrgh-fine!!" I still shoot forwards, barely being able to aim properly in all this sand around us, but hey that Yanma was there! Lots of Yanma..

Pick target
Scratch on Twitch the Yanma
One of the Yanma's buzzing around vanishes from sight as soon as your attack touches it. Seems that one wasn't Twitch. The remaining Yanmas look a little more smug than before.

Guild Entrance
Sandstorm! Indoors?! Why!!!!!

Success! I actually managed to put her to sleep~ Everyone also seems to be beating the stuffings out of her as well...
Looking towards the multiple copies of Twitch, I develop a tick in my left eye.
"Oh come on! I hate Double Team! I HATE IT!"
To ensure that twitch understood how much I hated double team, I sprayed the area Twitch was in with Powdersnow.
This is probably not gonna work...

Use Powdersnow on the Twitch Copies/Twitch
Your ice-cold wind envelops one of the Yanmas, who doesn't vanish, and instead shivers. Shortly after, the images all fly around each other faster than the eye can follow, hiding the real Twitch again. The images rear back in preparation to attack, but...

Ken: Larvitar
Hearing somebody coming towards me, I turn to see Ven rolling towards me rapidly. I hold very little confidence in dodging naturally against someone who fights a lot more than me, so I do the next thing that comes to mind.

I instinctively try to kick anything on the ground up to distract/blind them to try and get them to miss instead while dodging...and it does more than just kick a bit of dust or dirt...

Action: Ken is using Sandstorm...Indoors
"Time out! Time out!" Twitch calls, "Other Pokemon still need to be able to walk here later."

"One of your friends rolled outside too," Ven notes, having exited his ball-shape.

"Hello again, Miss Guildmistress." The Hawlucha says to the Gengar, before looking back at the pokemon "Could I ask a question? Are there any sort of trainers available?" He gestured at the rapidly departing Mimikyu that had rolled out of the guild. "We do seem to need some assistance in that area it appears." he stated blandly with a concerned look.

I probably had better go check on Mimi after I get my question answered, Jefe thought as he waited to hear Mabs' response.
"Well, we do have a gym in town, you could probably ask the owners for some help." Mab answers. Her smile fades ever so briefly at the usage of sandstorm, only to return when Twitch breaks up the fight.
"I'll check up on the Mimikyu," I inform Mab, waddling outside to do just that. At the very least, it's a good excuse to get out of the sand.
"Good luck!" she responds.

Amber [Paras] - Guild Hall

"Thank you." Amber said, relaxing a little after the withered shroom was removed. She couldn't be sure it was completely over, but at least for now she'd made sure to do everything she could to avoid the other presence's resurgence in their mental scape again.

She turned to the Goomy, Rex, and gave him a nod as she prodded the lingering tiny presence to stretch their limbs. "I think so. As good as I can be in this state anyway."

Now she just needed to figure out what she would be doing from here on.
"Great!" Amy says, still awkward.

"D'you need anything else, or can we head back?" Jay asks.
"Time out! Time out!" Twitch calls, "Other Pokemon still need to be able to walk here later."

"One of your friends rolled outside too," Ven notes, having exited his ball-shape.
In the middle of the fight, I am just staring blankly at the sandstorm going on around me. Luckily, seeing how it was mostly by accident, it was more like a small dust storm at that... And then Twitch basically called me out to stop with the Sandstorm...

"I don't know how to freaking stop this! And whadda ya mean someone rolled out-" I feel a small pebble hit the back of my head, but it doesn't really hurt despite being large enough to knock my head forward a bit. However, it does more or less help me clear up my head.

Focus. These moves work off of instincts right? Maybe just...idk, focus on calming this storm that ya made and let instincts do the rest. Taking a deep breath, not being affected by breathing a lung full of sand and dirt, I try to calm and disperse the Sandstorm, sort of 'feeling' how to do so.

Action: Attempting to disperse Sandstorm
Action: Attempting to disperse Sandstorm
The wildly swirling sands around you shift as you concentrate, not enough to control where it goes, but enough that you can slow it. After a few seconds, the storm calms down and ultimately stops.

Twitch breathes a sigh of relief at the guild's entrance not being made completely messy as a result.
Oh... goodness... why is she so sad...? I almost feel like I want to cry...

"I'll check up on the Mimikyu," I inform Mab, waddling outside to do just that. At the very least, it's a good excuse to get out of the sand.
I cried, the world around me not mattering as all I cared about were my tears and my own sense of failure.....and in general the shock of the situation if I was being honest with myself...but it didn't matter anyway, I was useless to everyone and would just spend my time being useless sweeping floors or something while they were out saving people and likely figuring out what happened.

"Useless idiot, useless, useless!" I growled at myself even as the tears soaked into my costume, "uselessuselessuselessuseless" I was angry, sad and a whole slew of emotions that I didn't want to think about.
"I'll check up on the Mimikyu," I inform Mab, waddling outside to do just that. At the very least, it's a good excuse to get out of the sand.

Jefe called out to the departing Ralts. "Thank you for checking in on Mimi. Please holler if you require any assistance," the Hawlucha said to her as he lightly shook the light layer of sand from his plumage before turning his attention back to Mab.

"Well, we do have a gym in town, you could probably ask the owners for some help." Mab answers.

"Hmm. That would probably be a good idea." Jefe said in response, idly scratching his beak in thought as he watched the fracas down below. "Would you mind pointing out any other local points of interest that we should know about? Due to our situation I figure it would be better to get a flyers view of our situation before poking our beaks into things and needlessly ruffling feathers, as it were."
Amber [Paras] - Guild Hall
"Great!" Amy says, still awkward.

"D'you need anything else, or can we head back?" Jay asks.
"Sure." Amber said, turning around and preparing to head back. She wasn't sure if she wanted to spar or not at the moment, but at the very least watching the others do so would likely be helpful in her deciding how to proceed from here on.
"Yeah, let's head back down." I was hopeful that we wouldn't be to late. I wanted to see what this new body of mine could do. Goomy was a pseudo-Legendary after all, even if it wasn't the most badass and I was probably low level. I knew that I could be powerful eventually, Goomy had the potential. The only thing holding me back was my own laziness, and I was getting better about that. Plus, hopefully the opportunity to be an actual superhero (because, honestly, that's what the Pokemon on rescue teams were) would help me get over my tendency to procrastinate.

Although, I hopefully wouldn't have to do this on my own. "Hey, Amber? What do you think about all this? The... rescue teams and stuff?"
Guild Entrance
Spar's End
Oh, hello there sandstorm!

"Time out! Time out!" Twitch calls, "Other Pokemon still need to be able to walk here later."

"One of your friends rolled outside too," Ven notes, having exited his ball-shape.
"Agreed! I hate sand! I hate it!
The wildly swirling sands around you shift as you concentrate, not enough to control where it goes, but enough that you can slow it. After a few seconds, the storm calms down and ultimately stops.

Twitch breathes a sigh of relief at the guild's entrance not being made completely messy as a result.
As I breath a sigh of relief, I turn to glare at the culprit of the sandstorm.
"Please don't do that again! I really, really hate sand..." Turning towards Twitch, I ask, "I guess the spar is done then? How'd we do?

I growled a bit, not at missing, this was Double Team after all I should've expected it, no it was my opponent's smug look.
"Really? Well-!"

But before I can do anything a Time Out..?
"O..kay..." I sag a bit, the urge to fight from before gone as I saw the Larvitar try and stop their Sanstorm-it worked.

"So....what now?"

@Jhin Lemon
Guild Entrance
A spike of sorrow 2

I cried, the world around me not mattering as all I cared about were my tears and my own sense of failure.....and in general the shock of the situation if I was being honest with myself...but it didn't matter anyway, I was useless to everyone and would just spend my time being useless sweeping floors or something while they were out saving people and likely figuring out what happened.

"Useless idiot, useless, useless!" I growled at myself even as the tears soaked into my costume, "uselessuselessuselessuseless" I was angry, sad and a whole slew of emotions that I didn't want to think about.
Jefe called out to the departing Ralts. "Thank you for checking in on Mimi. Please holler if you require any assistance," the Hawlucha said to her as he lightly shook the light layer of sand from his plumage before turning his attention back to Mab.

I nodded at the fighting avian.

Later, I could see the ghost by the tree, the one who rolled outside, and hear her, but feeling what she feels is even worse. I... is that a tear from my eye? What am I crying about? I instinctively adopt a close, guarded posture. Why do I almost feel like I'm angry, doubtful, afraid, and all-around slumped?

I quietly approach her, making sure that she can see me. "You're not useless. You're not."

If she doesn't respond, I would gently pat her on the shoulder.

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"Hmm. That would probably be a good idea." Jefe said in response, idly scratching his beak in thought as he watched the fracas down below. "Would you mind pointing out any other local points of interest that we should know about? Due to our situation I figure it would be better to get a flyers view of our situation before poking our beaks into things and needlessly ruffling feathers, as it were."
"Oh sure!" Mab says cheerfully, "Let's see, there's the Keleon shopkeepers...I keep forgetting their names though. Rosa runs the Blissey hospital in town. Bruce the Arcanine runs a police station, we work closely with him to catch escapees and stuff sometimes. Clarence the Peliper stores your items, if you don't have space in your bags. Who else...Oh! There's a great restaurant in town run by a Mr Mime, and a cinema opened up recently, I dunno who runs it though."

Her explanation of the various locations in town is almost supersonic. Just barely slow enough to follow. It's kinda surprising she isn't out of breath...assuming ghosts breathe.
"Sure." Amber said, turning around and preparing to head back. She wasn't sure if she wanted to spar or not at the moment, but at the very least watching the others do so would likely be helpful in her deciding how to proceed from here on.
"Yeah, let's head back down." I was hopeful that we wouldn't be to late. I wanted to see what this new body of mine could do. Goomy was a pseudo-Legendary after all, even if it wasn't the most badass and I was probably low level. I knew that I could be powerful eventually, Goomy had the potential. The only thing holding me back was my own laziness, and I was getting better about that. Plus, hopefully the opportunity to be an actual superhero (because, honestly, that's what the Pokemon on rescue teams were) would help me get over my tendency to procrastinate.

Although, I hopefully wouldn't have to do this on my own. "Hey, Amber? What do you think about all this? The... rescue teams and stuff?"
With a nod, Jay leads you all back down to the main area, where it seems the fighting has stopped.

"That was fast," Jay comments.
Guild Entrance
Spar's End
Oh, hello there sandstorm!

"Agreed! I hate sand! I hate it!

As I breath a sigh of relief, I turn to glare at the culprit of the sandstorm.
"Please don't do that again! I really, really hate sand..." Turning towards Twitch, I ask, "I guess the spar is done then? How'd we do?
"You guys did goo- Hey Jay!" Twitch begins to answer before getting distracted.

I growled a bit, not at missing, this was Double Team after all I should've expected it, no it was my opponent's smug look.
"Really? Well-!"

But before I can do anything a Time Out..?
"O..kay..." I sag a bit, the urge to fight from before gone as I saw the Larvitar try and stop their Sanstorm-it worked.

"So....what now?"

@Jhin Lemon
"Well, if the spar's over and everyone's here, I guess we sign you all up as a rescue team," Jay suggests, hopping slightly from excitement.

"One of them accidentally launched themselves outside, Rae, I think, went to find them," Ven notes.

"Oh...I guess we wait then, or go looking," replies Jay, lowering himself slightly.
"Well, if the spar's over and everyone's here, I guess we sign you all up as a rescue team," Jay suggests, hopping slightly from excitement.

"One of them accidentally launched themselves outside, Rae, I think, went to find them," Ven notes.

"Oh...I guess we wait then, or go looking," replies Jay, lowering himself slightly.
Ken: Larvitar
Shrugging, Ken just says, "Well that's fine...wait..."

He looks around at everybody else before counting the vague amount of Pokemon here that were with them back at the entrance. "Is...this the normal number for a 'Rescue Team'?"
Amber [Paras] - Guild Hall
"Yeah, let's head back down." I was hopeful that we wouldn't be to late. I wanted to see what this new body of mine could do. Goomy was a pseudo-Legendary after all, even if it wasn't the most badass and I was probably low level. I knew that I could be powerful eventually, Goomy had the potential. The only thing holding me back was my own laziness, and I was getting better about that. Plus, hopefully the opportunity to be an actual superhero (because, honestly, that's what the Pokemon on rescue teams were) would help me get over my tendency to procrastinate.

Although, I hopefully wouldn't have to do this on my own. "Hey, Amber? What do you think about all this? The... rescue teams and stuff?"
Amber gave it a once over in her mind as she considered it all. It wasn't long before she realized she didn't really have that strong an opinion on any of it really, so she jolted the tiny presence again to allow her to speak through their insect body.

"Not sure. Right now it seems like there's no obvious solution to any of our bigger problems so we have to just make do with the first and simplest solution we're presented with at the moment to take care of all our ancillary problems." Amber said. "Food, shelter, money, the kind of stuff we need to give us more time to get around to figuring out how to fix our real problems with the current situation. How to get our real bodies back and get home. With nothing better at the moment there's not much to think, it's just something to do right now."

She paused as she felt that strange sense of deja vu once more as she looked over the others as the returned to the main area. "And not helping matters is how familiar this all feels, even though I can't place it. Though given my situation, that might just be a problem specific to me..."
"Well, if the spar's over and everyone's here, I guess we sign you all up as a rescue team," Jay suggests, hopping slightly from excitement.

"One of them accidentally launched themselves outside, Rae, I think, went to find them," Ven notes.

"Oh...I guess we wait then, or go looking," replies Jay, lowering himself slightly.
Amber squirmed as she saw the shining sun outside, remembering the burning sensation she constantly felt under it. "I think I'll wait here at least..."
Jefe nodded along to show that he was listening as Mab gave him the rundown of the town.

"Oh sure!" Mab says cheerfully, "Let's see, there's the Keleon shopkeepers...I keep forgetting their names though. Rosa runs the Blissey hospital in town. Bruce the Arcanine runs a police station, we work closely with him to catch escapees and stuff sometimes. Clarence the Peliper stores your items, if you don't have space in your bags. Who else...Oh! There's a great restaurant in town run by a Mr Mime, and a cinema opened up recently, I dunno who runs it though."

He waited for her to stop before speaking, idly stroking his beak in thought. "I see. Thank you, again. Do you have any suggestions on how we should best get started? Just walking into the dungeon seems a bit foolhardy without proper gear or preparation."
Guild Entrance
A spike of sorrow 2

I nodded at the fighting avian.

Later, I could see the ghost by the tree, the one who rolled outside, and hear her, but feeling what she feels is even worse. I... is that a tear from my eye? What am I crying about? I instinctively adopt a close, guarded posture. Why do I almost feel like I'm angry, doubtful, afraid, and all-around slumped?

I quietly approach her, making sure that she can see me. "You're not useless. You're not."

If she doesn't respond, I would gently pat her on the shoulder.

I barely heard the comforting words from the Ralt's, my mind a storm of negative emotions that just fed back in on each other over and over again. It became more than just sorrow at how useless I was, it was how I was even more than useless. I was a problem for the others, a useless load who will just slow them down as they actually went out and tried to solve this situation.....

Then I felt the pat on my shoulder, the kind hand of Rae. I didn't care, I shrugged it off and mumbled "Leave me alone."
Guild Entrance
Signing up for the Rescue Team
Are we really all going to be in one team?!?

"You guys did goo- Hey Jay!" Twitch begins to answer before getting distracted.
"Thank you kindly. I'd ask that you finish your sentence before you get distracted next time though..."
"Is...this the normal number for a 'Rescue Team'?"
I raise my paw
"I also would like to question this. The numbers we have seem to be a bit much for a single rescue team..."
Jefe nodded along to show that he was listening as Mab gave him the rundown of the town.

He waited for her to stop before speaking, idly stroking his beak in thought. "I see. Thank you, again. Do you have any suggestions on how we should best get started? Just walking into the dungeon seems a bit foolhardy without proper gear or preparation."
"The smaller dungeons should be pretty easy for you guys," Mab explains, "even beginners don't usually have much trouble with them."
Ken: Larvitar
Shrugging, Ken just says, "Well that's fine...wait..."

He looks around at everybody else before counting the vague amount of Pokemon here that were with them back at the entrance. "Is...this the normal number for a 'Rescue Team'?"
Guild Entrance
Signing up for the Rescue Team
Are we really all going to be in one team?!?

"Thank you kindly. I'd ask that you finish your sentence before you get distracted next time though..."

I raise my paw
"I also would like to question this. The numbers we have seem to be a bit much for a single rescue team..."
"Oh, don't worry about that," Mab waves a hand. "Most teams are smaller to make it easier to move through dungeons, but you can make a big one if you want."