Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Speed (Open)

You're on the waitlist now! Big movepools is why you're limited to 40 pp :p

yeah, at least it gives me options if i can research what kind of dungeon i am heading into. how we gonna treat Pressure, since idoubt outside of bosses with low PP moves the enemy is ever going to run out of PP before it gets taken out.
how we gonna treat Pressure, since idoubt outside of bosses with low PP moves the enemy is ever going to run out of PP before it gets taken out.
Pressure is largely an ability for fighting bosses/mini-bosses actually. Unless you also wanna use it in a non-combat way like Noob used Guts.
Lapras (Lash)
So I see there's a good size on the wait list but I figured I'd toss my hat in anyways if that's cool :)

Username: GideonBurkheart
Alias: Lash
Species: Lapras
Level: 5
Type: Water/Ice
Weakness: x2 = Fighting,Rock,Grass,Elec.
Resistance: 1/2 = Water & Ice
Ability: Shell Armor
Gender: Male
Appearance: He usually accentuates his long neck with a scarf of some sort that clashes with his Icy Blue and Tan exterior.

Moves Learned:
•Sing 55%Accuracy
•Water Gun 100%Accuracy
•Sleep Talk --%Accuracy
•Growl 100%Accuracy
•Mist --%Accuracy
Moveset (40 PP):
•Sing (10)
•Water Gun (20)
•Sleep Talk (5)
•Mist (5)
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So I see there's a good size on the wait list but I figured I'd toss my hat in anyways if that's cool :)

Username: GideonBurkheart
Alias: Lash
Species: Lapras
Level: 5
Type: Water/Ice
Weakness: x2 = Fighting,Rock,Grass,Elec.
Resistance: 1/2 = Water & Ice
Ability: Shell Armor
Gender: Male
Appearance: He usually accentuates his long neck with a scarf of some sort that clashes with his Icy Blue and Tan exterior.

Moves Learned:
•Sing 55%Accuracy
•Water Gun 100%Accuracy
•Sleep Talk --%Accuracy
Moveset (40 PP):
•Sing (15)
•Water Gun (20)
•Sleep Talk (5)[
You have an extra /SPOILER at the end of your moveset. Lapras should also have Growl and Mist available (in Moves Learned, but not necessarily in Moveset). Fix those two and you should be good.
so yeah, it was either areodactlye ofr versatility, or relecanth for recoiless head smash at lvl 1.

not sure how that second one would have gon with being able to spam some as strong as rock wreaker 5 times in a row with no downsides lmao.
User: rgalydondon
Alias: leman
Species: jangmo-o
Level 5
Type: dragon
Ability: bulletproof
Gender: male

25pp Tackle
5 pp Leer
Egg move
10 pp Dragon breath
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