Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Speed (Open)

Jhin Lemon

Lawful Cute
Trapped in the interwebs, please send help
Hello there! Welcome to the world of Pokemon! My name is Jhin! People don't call me The Pokemon Prof!

Now that I've butchered your nostalgia, hi! Welcome to an RP based off Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, here you'll be inserted into any unevolved Pokemon of your choice, starting at level 5. You can pick anything, except legendaries. You'll be beginning any moves you have at level 5, along with one non-damaging egg move. If you have no damaging moves at level 5 (looking at you Cubone), you can instead choose an egg move that does an amount of damage close to tackle. You can also choose any ability for your Pokemon insert that they can have, even hidden ones (note that some automatic abilities are going to be allowed to be activated at will instead).

Combat's going to be slightly fancy because PP is a thing. Rather than the usual way of just having four moves and nothing else, before entering a dungeon, you can select up to 40 PP worth of any move you've unlocked (up to the maximum PP allowed in the games). So for example, one could have anywhere between 0 and 35 PP worth of Tackle if they know the move. Obviously using a move means that PP for it is lost. In battle you can pause for two actions (which basically just means don't attack anyone) to regain your PP. Outside of combat you need to rest for an hour to regain PP. Otherwise combat will be freeform, use your best judgement and try not to dodge all the moves when they have sub-100% accuracy.

Additionally, during combat you'll dictate your action, roll a d24 to see if you crit, and then write the prose for the result. You can also 'boost' attack by expending more than 1 PP, though the damage is less than just using the move that many times. Using 2 PP makes it around 1.5 times stronger, while using 3 PP makes it twice as strong. You can't use more than 3 PP on a single move. Priority moves will be resolved first during the GM post for a combat round's results, regardless of when you post the attack.

You'll level up over the course of the RP, and be able to gain exp both from fighting and more peaceful solutions.

Additionally, the awesome person known as @UbeOne will be co-GMing this RP and we will both be inserting ourselves as a Ralts (Ube) and Nidoran (me). We'll likely end up limiting the number of players (if we get a bunch), so if that happens being approved doesn't necessarily guarantee you'll get in.


Moves Learned:
  • Move 1
  • Move 2
  • Move 3 (egg move)

Moveset (40 PP):
  • Move 1 (25/25 PP)
  • Move 3 (15/15 PP)

Player Roster:
@Jhin Lemon - Nidoran (M)
@UbeOne - Ralts
@Miho_Chan - Alolan Vulpix
@Noob5674 - Larvitar
@Sinsystems - Mimikyu
@RexHeller - Goomy
@ForgottonFuture - Zorua
@Semi-Autogyro - Hawlucha
@TheFanficAddict - Charmander
@~NGD OMEGA~ - Paras

@always_confused - Bagon
@Sablonus - Pawniard
@Hybrid - Grimer
@Xalgeon - Tyrogue
@Roland27 - Misdreavus
@AlphaD - Starly
@Crawkid - Tangela
@Dancelord - Litwick
@shinkiro - Aerodactyl
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Ralts (Rae)
Username: UbeOne
Alias: Rae
Species: Ralts
Level: 5
Type: Psychic/Fairy
Ability: Trace
Gender: Female
Height: 1'4" (0.4 m)
Weight: 14.6 lbs (6.6 kg)

Moves Learned:
- Growl
- Confusion
- Confuse Ray (egg move)

Moveset: 40 PP
- Confusion (25/25)
- Confuse Ray (10/10)
- Growl (5/5)
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NIdoran (Nid)
Username: Jhin Lemon
Alias: Nid
Species: Nidoran ♂
Level: 5
Type: Poison
Ability: Poison Point
Gender: Male

Moves Learned:
  • Leer
  • Peck
  • Supersonic (egg move)

Moveset (40 PP):
  • Leer (7/7 PP)
  • Peck (19/20 PP)
  • Supersonic (13/13 PP)
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Alolan Vulpix (Rin)
Username: Miho_Chan
Alias: Rin
Species: Alolan Vulpix
Level: 5
Type: Ice
Ability: Snow Warning
Gender: Female

Moves Learned:
  • Powder Snow
  • Tail Whip
  • Hypnosis
Moveset (40PP):
  • Powder Snow 17
  • Hyponosis 15
  • Tail Whip 8
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Hmm I'm interested, going to have to think on what Pokemon I want to be. My first instinct is a Stuffel but I'm not too sure...this might take a few minutes.
Mimikyu (Mimi)
Username: Sinsystems
Alias: Mimi
Species: Mimikyu
Level: 5
Type: Ghost/Fairy
Ability: Disguise
Gender: Female

Moves Learned:
  • Wood Hammer
  • Splash
  • Scratch
  • Astonish
  • Copy cat
  • Double team
  • Curse (Egg Move)

Moveset (40 PP):
  • Wood Hammer (10)
  • Scratch (6)
  • Astonish (6)
  • Copy Cat (5)
  • Double Team (10)
  • Curse (3)
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Username: Miho_Chan
Alias: Rin
Species: Alolan Vulpix
Level: 5
Type: Ice
Ability: Snow Warning
Gender: Female

Moves Learned:
  • Powder Snow
  • Tail Whip
  • Hypnosis
Moveset (40PP):
  • Powder Snow 17
  • Hyponosis 15
  • Tail Whip 8
Approved. Snow Warning can be activated at will by the way.

Username: Dancelord
Alias: Layor
Species: Litwick
Level: 5
Type: Fire/Ghost
Ability: Flash Fire
Gender: Male
Moves Learned:
Captivate (egg move)
Moveset (40 PP):
Ember (10/10)
astonish (8/8)
Minimize (6/6)
Smog (10/10)
Captivate (6/6)

Username: Sinsystems
Alias: Mimi
Species: Mimikyu
Level: 5
Type: Ghost/Fairy
Ability: Disguise
Gender: Female

Moves Learned:
  • Wood Hammer
  • Splash
  • Scratch
  • Astonish
  • Copy cat
  • Double team

Moveset (40 PP):
  • Wood Hammer (10)
  • Scratch (7)
  • Astonish (8)
  • Copy Cat (5)
  • Double Team (10)
Approved, though you can pick out an egg move too if you want.

One question. How are Pokemon that evolve when traded having their evolution handled?
The Mystery Dungeon games actually have an item called the Link Cable that you can use to evolve those Pokemon.

So quick question, with my Disguise ability will it only work once in a dungeon or will it reset after enough time?
It'll reset after some time between fights.

On account of the activity so far I'm not going to put anyone on the roster just yet, depending on how many people end up applying we might have to limit the roster size and put some people on the waitlist.
Meanwhile, Rin is sad because she's totally a much better steed than Jhin.
Rin: "Can't you see that I'm better for that than him!? I'm the one that's going to be fast; and able to charge; when I evolve!"
Mimi: "Yes, but no offense your rather chilly to sit on. Plus I have to protect Jhin from those mean Dragons."
Larvitar (Ken)
Username: Noob5674
Alias: Ken
Species: Larvitar
Level: 5
Type:Rock, Ground
Ability: Guts
Gender: Male

Moves Learned:
Leer: 30pp max
Bite: 25pp max
Sandstorm: 10pp max
Dragon Dance(egg move): 20pp max
Moveset (40 PP):
Dragon Dance: 10pp
Sandstorm: 5pp
Leer: 5pp
Bite: 20pp
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One last question, how unfortunately detailed are we going with measuring Pokemon Abilities? Are...jesus h christ...are IVs/EVs and stuff like STABs a thing?

EDIT: FUUUUUUUUUUUU- Was going for a Larvitar as well.
Larvitar doesn't actually have access to Huge Power. Mistake on my part for not clarifying that you need to pick from abilities your Pokemon has access to.

One last question, how unfortunately detailed are we going with measuring Pokemon Abilities? Are...jesus h christ...are IVs/EVs and stuff like STABs a thing?

EDIT: FUUUUUUUUUUUU- Was going for a Larvitar as well.
Not too detailed, no IVs, EVs or stats. This is narrative based combat. Also, you can have the same Pokemon as someone else. This'll also be my last answer for a few hours, seeya guys.
Username: Noob5674
Alias: Ken
Species: Larvitar
Level: 5
Type:Rock, Ground
Ability: Guts
Gender: Male

Moves Learned:
Leer: 30pp max
Bite: 25pp max
Sandstorm: 10pp max
Dragon Dance(egg move): 20pp max
Moveset (40 PP):
Dragon Dance: 10pp
Sandstorm: 5pp
Leer: 5pp
Bite: 20pp
Mimi: *Jumps onto Tyranitar's head* Onward Godzilla!!