Pokemon Master Yuudachi, Poi! (Pokemon/Kancolle)

Huh... Maybe, but I don't think I stated anywhere that Yuudachi has to fight all out to win (if I did, that's my mistake). And clean strikes from Machop's Karate Chop will leave her with bruises, but not broken/cracked bones. She's a ship, and flesh bag as well.

Just don't expect any gore because I'm not big on that kind of stuff, especially when I don't want to turn this into serious kind of fic.
Well, it is your story. I'm just saying that she won't bruise that easily.
Well, it is your story. I'm just saying that she won't bruise that easily.
I... wouldn't be so sure. Fighting type Pokémon are physically strong and I do believe strikes from Machop can actually leave dents on steel beam (Machamp can easily breaks concrete wall), let alone hull plating that tends to be around 1 inch (or even less) thick.

Yuudachi is a destroyer, she doesn't have the 20-28cm belt armour like the Kongou-class enjoyed and there is a reason why destroyers are called as tin cans. For all the speed, power and agility, destroyers just don't have the durability to resist serious attacks, and that translates into Yuudachi's "soft" skin.

In anime, Razor Leaves from Bellsprout can slice through boulders like they're made of butter. But let's agree to disagree.
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Part 6
Part 6

"Welcome…" a store clerk greeted with tired voice when Yuudachi entered an item shop. While the ship itself was not the largest one she been into, it was still a fairly decent one in terms of its size. To her pleasant surprise, the shop offered wide range of items from Pokéballs and trainer supplies to clothing and camping equipment.

While not exactly a shopping heaven, it was more than enough for her immediate needs.


Two hours later, Yuudachi walked away from the shopping district of Port Vista with satisfaction. Pokéball, checked. Pokémon food, checked. She even made some extra spending and acquired herself a backpack, some camping supplies, maps, as well as a change of clothes. Last but not least, a pocket guide for beginners so she could identify any Pokémon she would encounter while she was stuck in this intriguing world, and a red hat to complement the colour of her eyes.

Even with those purchases, she still had about half of her total money felt in the pocket.

While she was yet to have a proper meal, Yuudachi decided to go back to the pier and collect the Magikarp first. Because of its look and size, she nicknamed it as Koiking.

Still, she was half expecting the Magikarp already swam away rather than listened to her instruction to stay put and stay out of attention. Because of that, Yuudachi was mildly surprised when she saw Koiking broke to the surface shortly after she arrived.

'Well, at least the fish Pokémon is like no longer in danger of drowning in its own habitat', Yuudachi silently mused.

She picked out one of the newly bought Pokéball and pressed the only button on its front side once. It grew from the size of table tennis ball to roughly the size of a baseball. Then, with a deliberate motion, she threw the Pokéball towards Koiking.

The fish Pokémon did not run away, it simply stared at the incoming Pokéball all the way until the ball hit it. Predictably, the Pokéball opened up and took Koiking in. It shook several times on the surface of the water for several seconds before the red glow on the button died down.

Magikarp, get!

With that done, Yuudachi plucked the ball out of the water and went for the nearest restaurant.


"Have you heard, Kanto League just announced an increase in prize money for this year's Indigo Plateau Conference?"

"Ehhh? Really, how much?"


"Yep, twenty five millions for the champion, fifteen for second place."

A whistling sound was heard.

"Damn… that's five million more than the last year."

"I know right? Think we have a shot?"


"Naah… I don't think I want to make a round trip through Kanto just get into it."

Yuudachi paused from her meal, curious about what the boys behind her were talking about.

She turned around, and found herself looking at two boys who appeared to be no older than fifteen years old. "Em… can you two like excuse me for a moment?"

"Hahh? What do you want?"

And thus Yuudchi asked about the Pokémon League, much to the boys' bemusement as Pokémon's League was supposed to be a common knowledge. Nevertheless, they were kind enough to explain the basics for her. Yuudachi soon learned there were several regions and each of them had its own Pokémon tournament.

The qualification needed for each of the tournament though, largely the same. If a trainer wanted to enter the tournament in a particular region, he or she had to defeat all the gyms sanctioned by the Pokémon League in said region and collect all the Gym Badges as proves of victory.

For those who did not want to travel around a region, the alternative option was by taking courses and graduating from Pokémon Seminar. Yuudachi quickly dismissed it out of her mind. If she wanted to enter such competition, she would never choose the Seminar. In fact, studying bore her mind to no end.

Moreover, the first option sounded much more exciting than the second. She could explore the world, discover new thing and basically have an adventure of her life. It was not like she did not have experience with sleeping outdoors, week long sorties were normal things for her after all.

Yuudachi started to give it a serious thought.

"Well, if you're thinking about joining it then I'll wish you the best of luck. But do you have any Pokémon with you?" one of the boys asked.

Yuudchi pulled out a Pokéball and held it out with a proud grin. "Sure, I caught one like just now, it's a Magikarp, poi!"

The boys stared at Yuudachi with utter disbelief.

The response she received was different than what she had anticipated. She learned that Magikarp was considered to be a weak Pokémon, but it just could not be that weak, right?

The snerk, and following laugh told her that she was wrong.
Half waiting for someone to show up on the next chappie and send out a reminder on what a Magikarp turns into.
Gyarados's vengeance will be swift and terrible, all he needs is teammates who can keep up with him.

What pokemon showed up wild in Port Vista?
What pokemon showed up wild in Port Vista?
....Oh heck, Porta Vista's the place that got attacked by the hundred-foot Tentacruel. Assuming the missing a isn't intentional (this could just be a similarly named place), things might be about to get very interesting....
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....Oh heck, Porta Vista's the place that got attacked by the hundred-foot Tentacruel. Assuming the missing a isn't intentional (this could just be a similarly named place), things might be about to get very interesting....
I was going to put the a on but then I had a crisis of memory and went back to check the chapter. So, either it is Porta Vista and it got mispelled this time or we have no clue where Yuudachi is on the map.
I was going to put the a on but then I had a crisis of memory and went back to check the chapter. So, either it is Porta Vista and it got mispelled this time or we have no clue where Yuudachi is on the map.
It's the same. Argh, I spelled the place wrong! Sorry, my bad
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Finally! Magikarp evolved into gyarados. He would have turned around to snarl at his trainer and body slam her to freedom before remembering that his trainer can bench press an onyx, can out eat a snorlax if she wants, and ignore pikachu's electric discharge.

He settled instead for a pout.

And Yuudachi was known as the 'Girl with a Gyarados'
Finally! Magikarp evolved into gyarados. He would have turned around to snarl at his trainer and body slam her to freedom before remembering that his trainer can bench press an onyx, can out eat a snorlax if she wants, and ignore pikachu's electric discharge.
@Amancai can we please get a scene where Yuudachi bench presses an Onyx? This sounds amazing.
Part 7
Part 7

It was already night time. Yuudachi walked along the beach, listening to the sound of the waves to calm her head down. The laughter she was subjected by the two boys during her meal time left her with soured mood. In between their laugh, they boys basically told her that Magikap was considered to be trash Pokémon and totally useless for Pokémon battle.

But rather than challenging the boys just to prove them wrong, Yuudachi refrained herself from making a scene and let them be.

"Koiking can't be that bad isn't it?" she mumbled to herself. However, without other Pokémon to compare Koiking with, she couldn't know whether her Magikarp was as terrible as they had claimed.

'Maybe she should have challenged them after all,' she added in her mind.

Yuudachi blew a huff and quickly shook the thought away. It was no use to cry over a spilt milk, and she would find another chance anyway.

Apparently, the chance appeared not long after that when Yuudachi saw something burrowed out from the sand right in front of her. She took a careful look and quickly recognized the shape of the creature. It was essentially a crab. But standing at approximately a foot tall, it was easily one of the largest she had ever personally seen on land.

Unlike normal crabs however, it possessed only four legs. Its eyes were on the upper shell rather than the eyestalks, there were horns on the upper shell and to top it all, a pair of fangs protruding from its lower shell. The most prominent feature however, was the pair of pincers, and Yuudachi was amazed by their size.

"Those are really big pincers, poi…" she commented, a little too loudly.

Consequently, it was overheard by the Krabby. It paused its stride and sifted it body to face the ship girl and for a few seconds, Yuudachi and the Krabby stared at each other.

"Pokémon?" Yuudachi wondered out loud. "He~ you're big for a crab, but kind of small compared to like Magikarp don't you think?"

The comment immediately drew a reaction from Krabby. It narrowed its eyes and angrily snapped it pincer several times, its mouth began to foam.

Yuudachi blinked.

Don't tell me this thing is offended of getting itself compared to Magikarp, poi.

Before Yuudachi could decide on what to do next, the Krabby skittered towards her, its right pincer wide open. She immediately dodged to the side and then took several quick steps back, putting some distance between her and the Krabby.

Well, if you want to fight so much…

Reaching into the front pocket of her backpack, Yuudachi picked out the only Pokéball on her with an occupant inside. "Go, Koiking!" Yuudachi declared as she threw the Pokéball forward.

In her eagerness to see whether Magikarp truly a bad as its reputation implied, Yuudachi had forgotten one little fact: solid ground was not a conducive environment for a fish to move on.

Krabby switched its target and went after the Magikarp. Before Yuudachi could recall her only Pokémon, the Krabby struck first and clamp on the base of Magikarp's tail in a Vice Grip.

Magikarp yowled when pain shot through it body. Koiking immediately flailed and trashed, but Krabby held on like a seasoned rodeo.

Yuudachi winced. Ouch, that's gotta hurt.

Nevertheless, Yudachi saw the chance to turn the table back. "Koiking, flail harder and smack it against the ground!"

Koiking complied and swung its tail as hard as it could. The repeated impacts against the wet send eventually wore the Krabby out and it lost its grip while Koiking was still flailing. The Krabby landed some distance away to the side with a soft thud, belly side up.


@Amancai can we please get a scene where Yuudachi bench presses an Onyx? This sounds amazing.
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Welp, Poi just made Magikarp useful. If it ever evolves, it will be a tactical ragebeast.

He's really going to kill them all.
I often forgot to ask this of you. But there is a certain unique variant of gyarados that my school mates a decade or so ago would talk about. And they called it as the 'Dark Red Gyarados'. I'm not sure if it exists or not as I've never played Pokemon before but what are the chances that Yuudachi's magikarp will evolve into one?

Also I wonder if Yuyudachi might count as the Missing No of pokemon. Their versions of the game always points to the beaches or the sea where the missing no would appear and since Yuudachi appeared from the sea...

Wait ... I already asked the second question. But with no answer.
I often forgot to ask this of you. But there is a certain unique variant of gyarados that my school mates a decade or so ago would talk about. And they called it as the 'Dark Red Gyarados'. I'm not sure if it exists or not as I've never played Pokemon before but what are the chances that Yuudachi's magikarp will evolve into one?
In the second generation, there were experiments on forcing Magikarp to evolve artificially. Which is stated in game to have caused tremendous pain to them and the one success proceeded to destroy the lab it happened in to the point there is no evidence of a building having been there. That success is the only known Red Gyarados. It is not explicitly stated, but given how common Magikarp are, and the general attitude of the experimenters towards Pokémon, it is heavily implied the failures died.
I often forgot to ask this of you. But there is a certain unique variant of gyarados that my school mates a decade or so ago would talk about. And they called it as the 'Dark Red Gyarados'. I'm not sure if it exists or not as I've never played Pokemon before but what are the chances that Yuudachi's magikarp will evolve into one?

Also I wonder if Yuyudachi might count as the Missing No of pokemon. Their versions of the game always points to the beaches or the sea where the missing no would appear and since Yuudachi appeared from the sea...

Wait ... I already asked the second question. But with no answer.
beowolf already gave the Watsonian answer, but the Doylist answer is that a red Gyarados is a shiny Gyarados. If the Magikarp is not shiny, the Gyarados won't be shiny.

Also, probably not. Missingno. is a glitch, not an actual Pokèmon.
beowolf already gave the Watsonian answer, but the Doylist answer is that a red Gyarados is a shiny Gyarados. If the Magikarp is not shiny, the Gyarados won't be shiny.

Also, probably not. Missingno. is a glitch, not an actual Pokèmon.
I know that the missing no is a glitch. But I only just hinted that other people in story 'might' think that she might be some sort of an unknown pokemon. Especially if she decides to travel by water.