[X] Try sneaking away before it notices you.
[X] Keep trying to go around Mt Wheedle through to Laurelheath in the west.
Votes closed, with a fairly clear lead. I've also been filling in the Town Map at the start of this thread, though I have changed a couple of names (Olivius was changed to Laurelheath for instance, since I forgot about Olivine and Olivia when naming it, and Cherrish used to be Blossom).
Adhoc vote count started by Lapin Lune on Dec 3, 2019 at 1:19 AM, finished with 11 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] try sneaking away before it notices you.
    [X] Keep trying to go around Mt Wheedle through to Laurelheath in the west.
    [X] Try running in towards any equally strong Pokemon you may see, and hope the two will take each other out.
    [X] Keep trying to go around Mt Wheedle through to Laurelheath in the west.
    [X] Try rallying the nearby weaker Pokémon to all team up against it.
    [X] Attempt the journey south to Discovery Gorge and Tudorose.
    [X] Try running in towards any equally strong Pokemon you may see, and hope the two will take each other out.
    -[X] Throw a Pokeball first, to stall it.
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5. Leader Ophelia
QM's Note: Sorry to make people wait for a slightly shorter update. Part of it was just me getting distracted and having appointments elsewhere, and part of it I admit was a bit of writer's block. I guess I could've asked IJW for help, but I can't but help feel a little guilty asking people to write stuff for me. I've been thinking of starting up another Pokémon story, just a fanfic this time, to run alongside this so that I won't be stuck on just a single project at one time, help get the creative juices flowing. Anyway...

You moved over to a nearby cluster of trees, hoping to avoid the eyes of the Mosferatu as its gleaming yellow slits slowly panned from side to side. In the process though, you soon almost gave yourself away when you unknowingly trod on a loose pile of twigs, striking yourself still with fear and tension. This was such a junior mistake in the wild that you could just about hear the Elder chiding you in your head on your amateur mistake.

It soon turned out though that there was little reason to be scared, as it appeared that large mosquito had barely noticed the crunching of twigs at all, as it'd only briefly glanced your way before turning back elsewhere, looking for something else maybe to drain like an unsuspecting Olymot. With it gone, you breathed a sigh of relief and began to slowly step out of the trees, and indeed saw that the Mosferatu had found itself an entirely different opponent.

"Go, Mawile!" came the young yet raspy voice of a girl from somewhere in the distance. Hiding behind a large enough rock, you could see the Trainer in question was a girl with wavy lilac hair, tanned skin and decked out in a deep blue trenchcoat, with her arms outside its sleeves, over torn clothes and fishnet stockings.

Out of her Ultra Ball came the jaw-haired fairy Mawile, who was immediately covered by a blazing orb of rainbow light, which she soon broke out of and bared her fangs at the mosquito. The sight of the twin maws growing out of this creature's hair caught the Mosferatu off-guard, yet it tried to swoop in with its proboscis producing to suck away the Mawile's life force. Yet after its Leech Life could do no more than barely pierce the Mawile, as the attack aimed at her straw-like centre was blocked by her iron hair, the wild Mosferatu found itself stumbling in mid-air, trying to reorient itself.

"Alright, Play Rough!" the Trainer commanded her Mawile, her Pokemon then leaping forth with her hair-jaws facing frontwards, steel fangs bared, and colliding with the Mosferatu in an almost cartoon-like cloud of dust. At the end the enemy mosquito, completely covered in bite marks, ended up falling to the ground in a motionless heap.

The Mosferatu gone, you slowly moved out from behind the lone rock, but it seemed like the Trainer already knew you were here. "Okay, you can come out now" she said as she spotted you from the corner of her eye.

As you walked up to her, she extended a hand and said to you, "Take it the 'mons around you were a bit out of your level range, huh?", she couldn't help but stifle a laugh "Ah, sorry about that. So, guess I should introduce myself, name's Ophelia, and I'm no less than Panowe's Attack Gym Leader".
You took her hand but still hesitated before shaking it but went ahead when you saw her smiling back. "You're called Tera then, and you're from the Reservation down the valley you say? Huh, not often the League gets challengers from there, even though what little I remember of my history classes said that Native Vision Quests were the start of what'd become our League. That's when I wasn't skipping Trainers' School, anyway".

"Well, think I ought to be getting back to Laurelheath for now, since I've got in a good bit of training and, y'know, the Opening Ceremony's about to start", Ophelia went on to say but promptly chuckled "Hah, though it wouldn't be the first time I've skipped out on it. Though hey Tera, maybe I could offer you a shortcut down to Laurelheath? I mean no offence, but it looks like you haven't had the easiest time wandering around up here…".

[ ] Not just yet, you'd like to try catching a Pokemon first (You can select up to 5).
- [ ] Olymot (Normal, evolves into Normal/Fighting).
- [ ] Coyoteeth (Dark, evolves into Dark/Psychic).
- [ ] Nosquito (Bug/Dark).
- [ ] Hoppip (Ground/Flying).
- [ ] Budew (Grass/Poison).
- [ ] Kricketot (Bug).
- [ ] Temto (Fairy).
- [ ] Roggenrola (Rock).
- [ ] Snover (Ice/Electric).
- [ ] Magby (Fire/Water).
- [ ] Salandit (Fire/Poison).
- [ ] Risk searching for something rarer.
[ ] Go with Ophelia straight to Laurelheath.
[ ] Ask Ophelia if she could instead drop you off in Daffodale along the way.
[ ] Write-in.
[ ] Not just yet, you'd like to try catching a Pokemon first (You can select up to 5).
- [ ] Magby (Fire/Water).

That magby variant is tempting.

Think we can swing a Fire focused team?
[X] Not just yet, you'd like to try catching a Pokemon first (You can select up to 5).
- [X] Coyoteeth (Dark, evolves into Dark/Psychic).
- [X] Hoppip (Ground/Flying).
- [X] Snover (Ice/Electric).
- [X] Salandit (Fire/Poison).
--[X] Female Salandit ONLY
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[X] Not just yet, you'd like to try catching a Pokemon first (You can select up to 5).
- [X] Hoppip (Ground/Flying).
- [X] Snover (Ice/Electric).
- [X ] Magby (Fire/Water).

Variants!!! <3
Okay, so we got a Fire/Steel Cosmouse. Our weaknesses that need covering are Ground types(4x) which will trash us, followed by Water and Fighting(2x)

So lets see how these rack up:
- [ ] Olymot (Normal, evolves into Normal/Fighting).

Weak to our counters.

- [ ] Coyoteeth (Dark, evolves into Dark/Psychic).

Neutral to our counters, though a Dark/Psychic has the offensive advantage against Fighting.

- [ ] Nosquito (Bug/Dark).

Resists Ground, neutral to Fighting.

- [ ] Hoppip (Ground/Flying).

Immune to Ground, wonder what happened to the normally Grass type.
On the other hand trying to catch something that's 4x effective on your starter is...bold.

- [ ] Budew (Grass/Poison).

Weak to us, strong vs Fighting, Ground AND Water.

- [ ] Kricketot (Bug).

Strong vs Fighting and Ground.

- [ ] Temto (Fairy).

Neutral to both, but its hard to guage how Fairies do.

- [ ] Roggenrola (Rock).

Weak to our weaks.

- [ ] Snover (Ice/Electric).

Weak to our weaks.

- [ ] Magby (Fire/Water).

Ooo, a hot spring Magby. The type combination leaves it neutral to our weaknesses.

- [ ] Salandit (Fire/Poison).

Strong against Fighting, weak to the rest.

So in terms of hole filling:

[X] Not just yet, you'd like to try catching a Pokemon first (You can select up to 5).
- [X] Budew (Grass/Poison).
- [X] Temto (Fairy).
- [X] Magby (Fire/Water).

Picking type coverage first, then whatever else I found interesting second.
[X] Not just yet, you'd like to try catching a Pokemon first (You can select up to 5).
- [X] Roggenrola (Rock).

What? I like Roggenrola.
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[X] Not just yet, you'd like to try catching a Pokemon first (You can select up to 5).
- [X] Budew (Grass/Poison).
- [X] Temto (Fairy).
- [X] Magby (Fire/Water).

I dislike insta pick of a Fairy. There are probably better choices. Budew is nice though, and that Magby is interesting enough. Imagine if Magby has Water Absorb? Or the fire version of it?

Edit: re-added Temto to highlight our Tribal background. Might as well lean on the sterotype right?
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Fairy pick is less type coverage and more that I'm curious what a Tento IS.

Guess I didn't describe them enough, but a Temto is supposed to be a more basic, almost Gen 1-ish Totem Pokémon, it's name being Totem's syllables switched around, and it being Fairy type for the same reason the Tapus are.

The Ground/Flying Hoppip line is supposed to be based on a tumbleweed, while the Fire/Water Magmar line was inspired by the Wheedle on the Needle, a Seattle-based children's book character/mascot.
... Ok, guess I can fit a Tento in my vote. Might as well lean hard on the Tribal background huh?
Guess I didn't describe them enough, but a Temto is supposed to be a more basic, almost Gen 1-ish Totem Pokémon, it's name being Totem's syllables switched around, and it being Fairy type for the same reason the Tapus are.

The Ground/Flying Hoppip line is supposed to be based on a tumbleweed, while the Fire/Water Magmar line was inspired by the Wheedle on the Needle, a Seattle-based children's book character/mascot.
Huh, figured Tumbleweeds to be Ground-Grass instead, but that sort of works?
And a totem mon is dead cool next to our space cadet science mouse
[X] Not just yet, you'd like to try catching a Pokemon first (You can select up to 5).
- [X] Budew (Grass/Poison).
- [X] Temto (Fairy).
- [X] Magby (Fire/Water).
[X] Not just yet, you'd like to try catching a Pokemon first (You can select up to 5).
- [X] Budew (Grass/Poison).
- [X] Salandit (Fire/Poison).
--[X] Salandit must be female.
- [X] Magby (Fire/Water).

Roserade is a badass with hellebores for arms, and covers Lula's weaknesses. Salazzle can give Poison and Steel types a Toxic time. (Lousy pun, but the only one I could think of.) And Magby is a regional variant, my experience with Raichu in Moon has taught me how those can be better than the originals.

Plus, if we catch these Pokemon, it could give the team an interesting dynamic.
[X] Not just yet, you'd like to try catching a Pokemon first (You can select up to 5).
- [X] Budew (Grass/Poison).
- [X] Temto (Fairy).
- [X] Hoppip (Ground/Flying).
- [X] Snover (Ice/Electric).
- [X] Magby (Fire/Water).

Full slot, mix between tactics and variants.

Fire/Steel Cosmouse goes after Budew, win.
Budew or Cosmouse (if accidental KO) goes after Temto, win.
Budew or Temto goes after Hoppip, win?
Cosmouse goes after Snover/Temto goes after Magby

If we're trying to catch things, Temto does seem to be a solid core to most capture teams, but those variants are just sitting there...

E: Also, if we're trying to cover weaknesses, then more offensive counters are also necessary.
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[X] Not just yet, you'd like to try catching a Pokemon first (You can select up to 5).
- [X] Budew (Grass/Poison).
- [X] Temto (Fairy).
- [X] Magby (Fire/Water).
Ophelia's design was something I've seriously gone back and forth on, my first thought was that she'd look something like RWBY's Pyrrha back when my first thought was an Amazon theme, but then I started thinking more 'schoolgirl delinquent' (even if Ophelia's now a bit older than that) only a delinquent with red hair in a ponytail I felt was a bit too close to another Pokémon OC idea I had (Megan from Pokémon Summer & Winter, a Quest that admittedly hasn't updated in forever).

One thing I should note about the Temto line is that their design was based on a comment by GravitysMomentum over in the Worldbuilding thread, if not for them I would've just stuck with my Xatu variant idea for Totem-based Pokemon here.
Votes Closed. I had a bunch of appointments this week, along with facing worsening weather conditions, so sorry for being a little late to react here. i guess I wanted to see if Snover and Hoppip would get any mopre votes, but since they didn't we'll be going with Budew, Temto and Magby.
Adhoc vote count started by Lapin Lune on Dec 11, 2019 at 2:12 AM, finished with 18 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Not just yet, you'd like to try catching a Pokemon first (You can select up to 5).
    - [X] Budew (Grass/Poison).
    - [X] Temto (Fairy).
    - [X] Magby (Fire/Water).
    [X] Go with Ophelia straight to Laurelheath.
    [X] Not just yet, you'd like to try catching a Pokemon first (You can select up to 5).
    - [X] Coyoteeth (Dark, evolves into Dark/Psychic).
    - [X] Hoppip (Ground/Flying).
    - [X] Snover (Ice/Electric).
    - [X] Salandit (Fire/Poison).
    --[X] Female Salandit ONLY
    [X] Not just yet, you'd like to try catching a Pokemon first (You can select up to 5).
    - [X] Hoppip (Ground/Flying).
    - [X] Snover (Ice/Electric).
    [X] Not just yet, you'd like to try catching a Pokemon first (You can select up to 5).
    - [X] Roggenrola (Rock).
    [X] Not just yet, you'd like to try catching a Pokemon first (You can select up to 5).
    - [X] Budew (Grass/Poison).
    - [X] Salandit (Fire/Poison).
    --[X] Salandit must be female.
    - [X] Magby (Fire/Water).
    [X] Not just yet, you'd like to try catching a Pokemon first (You can select up to 5).
    - [X] Budew (Grass/Poison).
    - [X] Temto (Fairy).
    - [X] Hoppip (Ground/Flying).
    - [X] Snover (Ice/Electric).
    - [X] Magby (Fire/Water).
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6. Reaching Laurelheath.
"You haven't finished catching Pokemon here?" Ophelia picked up on "Okay, I get ya, even if most of the Mons on Mt Wheedle are suited for more experienced Trainers, far as I know, but hey I'm sure you'll be able to find something".

First up was Budew the young rose sproutling, an easy enough capture with Lula resisting both Grass and Poison. Even though your Cosmouse didn't know even the most basic of Fire moves yet, a couple of pounces was enough to get a nearby Budew, loitering right by some rose-bushes, down to a modest enough health total for you to land an easy first capture.

Nickname Budew(M)?
[ ] Write-in.

Pokedex said:
Budew, the Bud Pokémon
Type: Grass/Poison
Ability: Natural Cure, Poison Point, Leaf Guard
When this Pokémon opens its bud, it's a sign that spring is near. Don't get too close though, as the bud can also spread toxic spores.

In fact, that Budew's health was still enough that you could battle with them right away, against your next eyed capture, a Temto. The first stage Fairy Pokemon was only a single stumpy head 'carved' from dead wood, its large eyes seeming to have been painted on. Its arms made of little twigs and slabs jutting out for a nose and eyes. Little magic sparkles were coming out of the top of its head and slowly pouring out of its 'eyes', while a couple of feathers sticking up were attached to its back.

Testing out your newly caught Budew, you told them to launch a series of Poison Stings at the Temto, the Totem Mon only sending out a light breeze of Fairy Wind in between. You could then see from the seeping purple bubbles now emerging from the Temto that your Budew had managed to inflict it with Poison, so you wasted no time in tossing out another PokeBall before your intended catch could faint.

Nickname Temto(A)?
[ ] Write-in.

Pokedex said:
Temto, the Single Totem Pokémon
Type: Fairy
Ability: Telepathy, Synchronize, Magic Bounce
A little stump on its own, when it stacks three of itself on top, it evolves into Triotem.

The last Pokemon you had in mind, even though you already had a Fire Type, was a Magby. There didn't appear to be any of them around at first, but a quick climb over a mound of pebbles revealed a couple of them splashing around a little heated pool, more a puddle of steam really. You weren't sure which of your three Mons would match up the best battling a Fire/Water Magby, so you sent out Lula by default, having the most trust in your Starter.
Lula started at the closest Magby with a Scratch attack, however this Magby soon steadied themselves and shot back with a blasted-out Bubble. Being hit Lula let out a shrill squeak, before scurrying right back to your side, still dripping wet from that super-effective attack.

Gritting your teeth, you recalled Lula to instead send out your Temto, who was able to bounce back at the wild Magby with a Fairy Wind, and despite being made of wood promptly shrugged off an Ember from the Magby fine. You then chanced throwing out a Ball at the Magby, before you risked it running away or calling in a stronger, tougher Pokemon, like a full-grown Magmar. Luckily for you a bright, soothing click from your Ball told you your capture had been a success.

Nickname Magby(M)?
[ ] Write-in.

Pokedex said:
Magby, the Live Coal Pokémon
Panowean Form
Type: Fire/Water
Ability: Water Absorb, Flash Fire, Vital Sprit
Living in hot springs, this Pokémon's control of both fire and hot water can make it a little unpredictable for new Trainers to face.

"Wow, doing pretty good for a newbie Trainer," a smiling Ophelia said walking up to you "Though keep in mind it's only gonna get harder from here. So how 'bout you take these, might help ya out?" She then handed out four extra PokeBalls for you.

You got x2 Heal Balls, x2 Nest Balls.

"Anyway, both of us got that opening ceremony to attend, so lemme show you how a serious Trainer travels" Ophelia beckoned you towards a nearby waterfall that led to a long and winding river headed west. She then threw out one of her own PokeBalls, which from is tiny sphere unleashed a massive, monstrous Gyarados at the top of the falls. The sheer sight of the beast made you step back, glad at Lula was firmly in her Ball lest a single glance of the water serpent send her panicking.

Ophelia however hopped right out the Gyarados as simply as anyone else would mount a bike. "Come on up Tera, there's more than enough room," she called down to you, though only after you'd scrambled your way on, nudged between two of the serpents' fins, that Ophelia then added "Oh yeah, might wanna hold on tight, the ride can be real bumpy".

Clenching your teeth and closing your eyes, the Gyarados shot off downstream in a gigantic burst of water. Several times during the trip down to Laurelheath, most of which zoomed by so fast that you could barely see any of it, you thought for sure you'd be sent flying off into the treetops, and yet that moment never came.

"Hey Tera, we're here," you heard Ophelia's voice again, as she recalled her Gyarados beneath you, leaving you to drop down onto a conveniently placed bridge.

You found yourself where the river flowed into the great Whirl Estuary, which was currently covered in vast swathes of mist for you to make out anything but the outlines of some islands. Turning left you found yourself at the edge of a town of ancient marble, the biggest of its buildings propped up by stone pillars, though a few wooden cottages were sprinkled in between them. Not that the town was all one mass of faded white stone and grey clouds above, in fact the place had almost every niche filled by trees and flowers, with most of the marble monuments also being criss-crossed with vines.

Looking roughly to the south-east, you could still make out, even through the clouds, the peak of Mt Wheedle silhouetted by the sun, which was no surprise as you'd bet your Ancestor was tall enough to be seen from anywhere in Panowe. Making a 180 turn to the northwest, you could also spot another looming chain of mountains, which from what you knew of geography you figured were the Ambrosia Ranges. Yet the most impressive sight of all, and made by man and mon too, was in the northeast, where on the very distant shore of the Whirl Estuary stood a tower that reach past any mountain and right up to the heavens: the Starflower Space Elevator.

But for now, you turned your gaze back to Laurelheath. "Ah, home sweet home," Ophelia couldn't help but chuckle as she said. "Still got a little bit further to go to my Gym, just past of grove of trees and a little hut for a foyer and Bam, you'll come across a gaping amphitheatre. Eh, there's a little bit of time left though, so I take it you may wanna heal up and see the sights here in Laurelheath first?"

[ ] Casually stroll around town to see what's here.
[ ] Check out the PokeMart.
-[ ] Potion.
- [ ] PokeBalls.
- [ ] Antidote.
- [ ] Paralyse Heal.
- [ ] Awakening.
- [ ] Burn Heal.
- [ ] Repel.
- [ ] Lure.
[ ] Head straight to the Gym, after the PokeCentre of course.
[ ] Write-in.

QM's Note: Been a slight bit busy playing through Breath of the Wild on a Zelda kick, which heads up I'll say may likely affect future updates.
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[X] Casually stroll around town to see what's here.
