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Pokémon Evergreen invites you to the region of Panowe, where you'll traverse forests, rivers, coasts, mountains, volcanoes and deserts to become the region's first Indigenous Champion. But you'll have to face off with Team Genome, mad biologists mutating Pokémon and humans alike, and Team Transistor, separatists using advanced technology to force humans to become independent of Pokémon. Featuring I Just Write as Co-QM, and based on the Let's Make A Pokémon Region worldbuilding thread (Warning: Said thread contains major spoilers). With thanks to 753398445a, Ziel, Cataquack, GravitysMomentum, Coshiua and Xalgeon.
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1. The Night before the Adventure.


The future's now, old man!
SV's Only Complete Persona Quest
Pokémon Evergreen

Now, who might you be?
[ ] Write-in name.

[ ] Female.
[ ] Male.
[ ] Two-Spirit/Non-Binary.

"Is this thing on? Ah yes, ahem" came a muffled voice in an unlit studio.

Professor Redwood's Pokémon Talk, a bright sign flashed these words behind a tall, labcoat-wearing man with his shaggy brown hair tucked beneath a white brimmed hat.
"Ah, sorry to keep you waiting. Hello, and welcome to the world of Pokémon. My name is Abner Redwood, but already people are beginning to call me Panowe's Pokémon Professor, and I'll be your host for the evening" this Professor begins, letting a cough out but seeming to handle being on live TV well enough.

"But what are Pokémon, you may ask? Well, er, you probably don't ask, they're all around us after all- oh, but I'm getting off script. Pokémon are the wondrous creatures that inhabit every nook and cranny of our world" he said as he threw out three Pokeballs.

The first released a green stegosaurus with ferns like sails running along its back and a thick-looking tail, with an expression that looked cheerful and relaxed if not especially engaged. The second released a tiny black mouse that fidgeted as it glanced around its surroundings, its body largely overshadowed by the jetpack it wore which looked like an old-school rocketship. The last ball released a small squid with big eyes, a pale, almost see-through body and little lightning shapes on the end of its tendrils, who then chirped to itself and started trying to draw all over the studio floor.

Redwood, seeing that the situation was getting a little out of control, summoned the three post-haste back into their balls before resuming his talk. "Yes, truly Pokemon are something else, but what I've just shown you is but a small sample of their abilities. To soar through the skies, control the elements, and flitter between this world and the next, all things man could only dream, Pokémon can accomplish with ease".

"Yet there is still much we do not know about Pokémon-"
Redwood would've continued saying, but that's when old, rickety TV you sat in front of started crackling loudly, its picture devolving into static in front of you, a Rufflet and three others, who'd gathered to watch in the rusting old shack you called home.

"What the-?" Emerick, the hunched, fortysomething man who ran your village's Game Corner and probably the only person for miles around with a decent technological know-how, got up off the tattered, springy couch your Mom and the village Elder also sat on to inspect just what was going on with the TV and video player. "Thought I fixed this thing just yesterday". His little inspection was made harder when the Rufflet flapped up to start pecking at the screen.

"Hah" the Elder could only laugh "Now do you see why I doubt the white man's technology?".

"Emerick, please" your mother then stood up "It's okay, don't push yourself. I'm pretty sure we got the general idea of just who this Professor Redwood is, and which Pokémon he'll be offering my young one".

"Er yeah, 'bout Professor Redwood," Emerick gritted his teeth as he admitted "This busted tape's pretty old, like from twenty years back now. An old recording of some local access show Redwood hosted way back when, reason I gave it to you was because it was all I had on the guy that wasn't just word-of-mouth" he shrugged. "Do hear he's come a long way since though, like Professor of Pokémon Biology at ah, some college or another, so pretty respectable".

The Elder still couldn't restrain a snarl at that "Shame though that we have to go to a League-sponsored Professor so that the young one can receive their first Pokemon. When this land was ours, the young would be initiated into their journey through the Rite of Connection with their first Pokemon, now a League we had no hand in controls everything".

"Yeah well," Emerick knelt and said to you "Hey, you've got a pretty good hand with Pokemon, so I reckon you may be the one to show the League what one of the Natives can do. Heh, imagine the look on their faces if you became Champion-".

But then your mom cut him off "Really Emerick, don't you think that's too much pressure you're putting? A Pokemon Journey isn't simply about winning, let alone so much as a Championship. It's so the young ones can form a bond with the creatures and spirits of this land".

Emerick gave a stifled laugh "Woah now, you're starting to sound like one of the tour guides we have around here. Well hey kid," he turned one last time to you and yawned "Reckon it's about time we all got some shut-eye, Old Mon Moon's getting high in the sky and it's a big day tomorrow".

That was at least something everyone there could agree on. The Elder and Emerick then bidding you goodnight, you got up and headed down the stairs to the basement that doubled as the one bedroom in your house.

Other than the two mattresses for your Mom and you to sleep on, the only other features were a scooter propped up against a wall, an old games console of some past era that Emerick had managed to scrounge together for you, and a tattered poster of the very Pokemon you'd had your eye on:

[ ] The Grass-Dragon Steglas.
[ ] The Fire-Steel Cosmouse.
[ ] The Water-Electric Squark.

After a somewhat restless night, thoughts of adventure keeping you tossing and turning, you got up at first light, quickly got dressed and headed out into the unpaved streets of your reservation hometown Dust Valley. Already you could some of the other youths were trying to sneak into Emerick's still shut Game Corner, who he at least was very strict on insisting that no one your age could play there. Still weren't many Pokemon out yet, couple of Hoothoots returning to nest and a stray Deerling nibbling at the scrub was about all.

Dust Valley was in:
[ ] Roughly the middle of Panowe, in an outdoors-y area a bit southeast of Mt Robin.
[ ] In Panowe's southwest, with a deep and sacred lake a little bit to the north.
[ ] In the fertile Lumberry Valley, a bit west of Blossom City.
[ ] At the very southeast point of Panowe, at the edge of its vast, deserted Wild Area.
[ ] Between the mountains in northern Panowe, with the volcano Mt Wheedle to one side and the forbidden Darkstar Complex to the other.
[ ] In the northeast, Solilac being nearest City and the Golemite Mountains behind you.
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Trainer IDs
Main Characters

Gender: Female
Race: First Nation Panowen
Badges: 0/8
Starter: Cosmouse
Current Team: Lula the Cosmouse, Budew, Temto, Magby
Reserve Team: -

Gender: Male.
Race: Caucasian, some East Asian
Badges: 0/8
Starter: Unknown
Current Team: Squark, ???
Reserve Team: ???

Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian, some Latinx
Badges: 0/8
Starter: Steglas
Current Team: Steggy the Steglas
Reserve Team: -

The League

Leader Ophelia
Gender: Female
Race: Caucasian
Hometown: Laurelheath City
Gym: Physical Attack
Starter: Mawile.
Current Team: Mawile, Gyarados, unknown others

Leader #2

Leader #3

Leader #4

Leader #5

Leader #6

Leader #7

Leader #8

Panowe Populace

Professor Abner Redwood
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Starter: Unknown
Current Team: Unknown, presumably has Steglas, Cosmouse and Squark back-ups
Reserve Team: Unknown

Sitka Elder

Game Corner's Emerick

Returning Characters

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Panowe Town Map
Sitka Reservation

Your dusty, dry hometown, situated in a valley dotted with petroglyph and in recent times murals.

Mt Wheedle

The tallest volcano in Panowe, just west of your hometown. Like most of Panowe's mountains it has great spiritual significance to the native population, though it can be dangerous enough that anyone without a Pokémon is forbidden from climbing it. Its lower slopes are covered in tress and wildflowers, but the higher slopes are blanketed in snow and molten rock.

Great Panowe Wilderness

A great, open area that takes up much of eastern Panowe. While mostly taken up by dry and dusty plains, a closer look shows it to be littered with tiny ghost towns, hidden valleys and fossil-hiding rocks. Though it is more than navigable, one wrong step can put unsuspecting Trainers into the path of the strongest of Pokémon.

Laurelheath City

A town with elegant, classical-style architecture, much of it strewn with vines. The stark white columns here contrast with a very verdant town, as the Regional City Forest sits entirely within its borders. Just to the north is the Whulj Estuary, and northwest the Ambrosia Mountains, gateway to the Pokémon League.

Daffodale Town

A small town at the end of Wildflora Valley, squeezed in between Starflower, Laurelheath and Mt Wheedle, it is nevertheless famed throughout the region and beyond for its festivities and carnival.

Starflower City

Possibly the largest city in Panowe, though challenged by Noblefir City in the far north. Starflower is famed as a hub for technology, music, monorail transport, sea life and cuisine and, most of all nowadays, space travel, with its recently completed Space Elevator.

Cloudtree City

Once a hub for air travel and airplane manufacturing in Panowe, in recent years it has been grudgingly eclipsed by Starflower's Space Elevator. The entire city floats in the sky, though it was originally located in-between the two competing cities of Starflower and Noblefir.

Hemlock Town

A town on Panowe's northwest coast, seen as a dark and shady place with a long history of crime, from pirates to gangsters. Many youths long to escape this place for the big cities.

Triclover City

Three smaller towns that practically merged into one big city, many of the scientists working at the nearby Hadron Complex have their homes or lodgings here.

Hadron Complex

A controversial site built to conduct research into all types of energy, from Atomic to Infinity to Cosmic, having built a far-seeing observatory for the latter. Not seen as a particularly stable place, with worries common about pollution leaking out from within.

Lindenbaum Town

A snowy little town in Panowe's northern mountains famous for its ski resorts and quaint, old-world houses straight out of southern Deuto.

Icy Trek

A great glacier northwest of Lindenbaum, its the main attraction many come to that town to see.

Solilac City

In the northeast at the other end of the Wilderness, this is the largest city in inland Panowe. It is dotted with Victorian era houses and criss-crossed by centuries-old railway tracks

Grand Guthrie Dam

The largest dam in Panowe, this hydro-electric construct is the region's prime water provider. Many songs were sung and even written during its construction, and many of its migrant builders' descendants now live in Solilac.

The Golemites

The tall, grey mountains that form the eastern edge of Panowe, running up from Basoak to Solilac, and even further north and south.

Discovery Gorge

A river valley cutting through Panowe's Drizzle Ranges, in the past this was the last leg of many settlers' journeys to reach Tudorose in the west. A short detour north will take you to a series of Abandoned Mines, whose collapse Natives say they warned the Settlers of.

Tudorose City

At the northern tip of the Lumberry Valley lies one of the three major cities in Panowe incredibly verdant thanks in part to its famed roses and Kantonian Garden. The city has a more old-timey, antiquated air in contrast to the hi-tech Starflower, even with its own past not being the rosiest, due to an endemic of pirate-led kidnappings way back when.

Mt Alph

One of Panowe's many icy and fiery mountains, it forms the northern edge of Discovery Gorge and is viewable from Tudorose by looking northeast. Its name comes from it being a gathering place for the Unown.

Mt Robin

A densely forested mountain to Tudorose's southwest, which naturally forms the southern edge of Discovery Gorge. A grand old hotel was built on its slopes for hikers and explorers, but nowadays has acquired a strong reputation of being haunted.

Giganta Valley

West of Tudorose, this is a towering forests whose trees grow higher than possibly anywhere else in Panowe.

Blastoise Beach

An all-too popular beach west of Tudorose, this place can easily get swarmed with Trainers.

Anemone Town

The oldest non-Native town in Panowe, with the first ever non-Natives having concluded their journey west from Unova here. Nowadays its largely known as Panowe's most used filming location whenever directors need a 'small town' location that Noblefir can't provide.

Cherrish City

South of Tudorose and often overshadowed by that town, despite playing more of an administrative role. Cherrish is blanketed with cherry blossom tress, with many coming to watch the petals fall in spring. Fittingly, the town has become adorned with architecture reminiscent of Johto. The city is also home to a historic but long abandoned Pokemon Centre, which has become yet another haunted building in Panowe.

Sequoisia Town

South of Blossom, an artistic market town with many picturesque crafted houses, wedged in-between mountains and forests on either side. Though in the past it was considered a town of hardworking lumberjacks, these days it has a much more kooky, 'alternative' reputation, largely due to many (still unverified) Cryptid sightings in the area. (Created by Ziel)

Spice Dunes

Southwest of Sequoisia but northwest of Jeffreypine, a series of towering coastal dunes which, quite unlike Blastoise Beach, are largely avoided by humans, due to the dangerous and equally towering wild Pokémon that live there.

Jeffreypine City

An old-school, fifties-themed place in the very south of Panowe, tucked within its own valley whose river rapids can get quite intense.

Lake of Legend

A water-filled crater in Panowe's south has rivals Mt Wheedle in spiritual significance to Native tribes. It is said itused to be a mountain until it was destroyed in a clash between two titans.

Pricklypear Town

On the more southwest edge of the High Wilderness, Pricklypear has a strong reputation as an outdoors-y town, with many hikers and mountain bikers making their bases here, as well as archaeologists headed west into the deserts. Curiously, it's also home to the last

Basoak City

One of the more isolated major cities in Panowe, located all the way at the southeast end of the sprawling Wilderness. Located at the foothills of the Golemites in a valley fabled for its gold, jewels and opportunity in centuries past.

Sitka Reservation = Yakama Reservation
Mt Wheedle = Mt Rainier
Wilderness = Oregon High Desert/Columbia Plateau
Laurelheath = Olympia
Whulj Estuary = Puget Sound
Ambrosia Mountains = Olympic Mountains
Daffodale = Puyallup
Wildflora Valley = Puyallup Valley
Starflower = Seattle
Space Elevator = Space Needle
Cloudtree = Everett, Boeing Factory
Hemlock = Aberdeen
Triclover = Kennewick
Hadron Complex = Hanford Complex
Lindenbaum = Leavenworth
Icy Trek - Glacier Park
Solilac = Spokane
Grand Guthrie Dam = Grand Coulee Dam
Golemites = Rocky Mountains
Discovery Gorge = Columbia Gorge
Abandoned Mines = Mt Adams
Tudorose = Portland
Lumberry Valley = Willamette Valley
Mt Alph = Mt St Helens
Mt Robin = Mt Hood
Giganta Valley = Valley of the Giants
Blastoise Beach = Cannon Beach
Anemone = Astoria
Cherrish = Salem
Sequoisia = Eugene/Springfield
Spice Dunes = Pacific Dunes
Jeffreypine = Grants' Pass/Ashland/Medford
Lake of Legend = Crater Lake
Pricklypear = Bend
Basoak = Boise
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Hello, I am one of the co-GMs for this Quest and also its resident supervillain, on account of being the person to dream up the region's evil Team(s). I will neither confirm nor deny any particular number or combination of Teams as being active.
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[X] Tera
[X] Female
[X] The Fire-Steel Cosmouse
[X] Between the mountains in northern Panowe, with the volcano Mt Wheedle to one side and the forbidden Darkstar Complex to the other.

Not really sure why I'm being credited since lap doesn't seem to be going with my idea, but hey, free brand advertising eh? :V
[X] Tera
[X] Female
[X] The Fire-Steel Cosmouse
[X] Between the mountains in northern Panowe, with the volcano Mt Wheedle to one side and the forbidden Darkstar Complex to the other.

Sword and Shield were disappointing. Time for fan regions.
[X] Tera
[X] Female
[X] The Water-Electric Squark
[X] In Panowe's southwest, with a deep and sacred lake a little bit to the north

Did you think I wouldn't chose the water starter?

Edit: Sometimes I hate autocorrect.
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Get a? for a name? that doesn't even sound like a tribal name
Plan Flower Power
[X] Cheri
[X} Non-binary
[X] The Grass-Dragon Steglas
[X] In the fertile Lumberry Valley, a bit west of Blossom City.
[X] Tera
[X] Female
[X] The Fire-Steel Cosmouse
[X] Between the mountains in northern Panowe, with the volcano Mt Wheedle to one side and the forbidden Darkstar Complex to the other.
Is it plan voting or individual approval voting or...?
In my experience plan voting's simpler to track off, unless I just write has a good reason for using individual voting.
Basically, plan voting works EXCEPT in the edge case where the plan with a plurality of votes is massively outweighed by a bunch of mostly similar other plans that don't meet the criteria due to fragmentation. In that case, try and blend the majority plan cluster together into a cohesive whole with as few incompatibilities as possible, so as to still follow the majority will.
I cannot respect this name.

[X] The Grass-Dragon Steglas.

Squark is an admittedly simple name, just a mashup of Squid and Spark. I did wonder a little if something had already used it, and then I found this:

Wikipedia article on Sfermion said:
Squarks are the superpartners of quarks. These include the sup squark, sdown squark, scharm squark, sstrange squark, stop squark, and sbottom squark.

The funny thing is I did briefly consider 'Squantum' as a name for an evolution, even though the line doesn't really have anything to do with quantum physics.
[X] Tera
[X] Female
[X] The Fire-Steel Cosmouse
[X] Between the mountains in northern Panowe, with the volcano Mt Wheedle to one side and the forbidden Darkstar Complex to the other.
[X] Tera
[X] Female
[X] The Fire-Steel Cosmouse
[X] Between the mountains in northern Panowe, with the volcano Mt Wheedle to one side and the forbidden Darkstar Complex to the other.
[X] Cheri
[X] Two-Spirit/Non-binary
[X] The Grass-Dragon Steglas
[X] In the fertile Lumberry Valley, a bit west of Blossom City.
[X] Cheri
[X] Two-Spirit/Non-binary
[X] The Grass-Dragon Steglas
[X] In the fertile Lumberry Valley, a bit west of Blossom City.
[X] Tera
[X] Female
[X] The Water-Electric Squark
[X] In Panowe's southwest, with a deep and sacred lake a little bit to the north

I want to name them Squantum, obviously.
[X] Cheri
[X] Two-Spirit/Non-binary
[X] The Grass-Dragon Steglas
[X] In the fertile Lumberry Valley, a bit west of Blossom City.
[X] Tera
[X] Female
[X] The Fire-Steel Cosmouse
[X] Between the mountains in northern Panowe, with the volcano Mt Wheedle to one side and the forbidden Darkstar Complex to the other.