I've been debating mashing together two of my ideas and I'm wondering how you guys would think it'd work.

I'm thinking of having my Accidental Black Belt trainer be the one to stumble upon Team Oath and gets dragged into their crazy. His motivation for stopping them? The last time some idiot group woke up the local legionaries his home town, and countless others, were devastated and that was only for a few hours of awakening.

Idea was brought on because the original evil team I was going to put him against was going to use the Regi pokemon for a similar reason, pull off chunks of land to create an Holy land where only man and man-made pokemon would live. Though the original Evil Team gave him a type advantage, Team Oath on the other hand...

I've been debating mashing together two of my ideas and I'm wondering how you guys would think it'd work.

I'm thinking of having my Accidental Black Belt trainer be the one to stumble upon Team Oath and gets dragged into their crazy. His motivation for stopping them? The last time some idiot group woke up the local legionaries his home town, and countless others, were devastated and that was only for a few hours of awakening.

Idea was brought on because the original evil team I was going to put him against was going to use the Regi pokemon for a similar reason, pull off chunks of land to create an Holy land where only man and man-made pokemon would live. Though the original Evil Team gave him a type advantage, Team Oath on the other hand...

Hmm. Initial two questions:

What makes you interested in writing this?

How do the themes and tone from the first idea overlap with the themes and the tone from the second?

At first glance, it just looks like two completely separate ideas that you would be combining merely because they're your ideas, and they are set in a Pokemon world.
What makes you interested in writing this?
Mostly cause why not? The Oath idea needed opposition and there we go. If I'm honest I mostly want to give the OC s chance.

How do the themes and tone from the first idea overlap with the themes and the tone from the second?
Honestly the idea of smashing them together came about because, as I said, the original Team I was going to have was also trying to build a Holy Land. though each with a different method. No real theme mixture, I guess... dissappointing.

At first glance, it just looks like two completely separate ideas that you would be combining merely because they're your ideas, and they are set in a Pokemon world.
It is, boredom is a horrible thing.
For some reason the idea of an unnatural, not nessarly artificial, Pokemon has come to my mind.

There are 3 steel types that need more of their sources to evolve and reach their full potential. But for some reason these three were very isolated from the rest of their species, so they gravitated towards each other.

A Magnemite, a Beldum, and a Honedge.

Through perhaps loneliness and desperation the three us each other to evolve into some thing new.

The left arm is like a Metangs, it's left arm like a Ageislash along with its lower body appaering to be a very large blade, and it's upper body/head like a magnezone. The most disturbing thing about this Pokemon are the independently moving mismatched eyes.

It's secondary type Electric/Psychic/Ghost is likely always fluctuating.

So in recent news I actually managed to push out around 2000 words over the last few weeks after almost literally 6-10 months of fuck all.

Thanks to @IronyOwl, and the wager he made with me. (That being, he makes his CK2 quest be about gnomes and I have to 'Do something creative'. "Did I just say I would make an entire quest in exchange for you updating your fanfic?" Yes. Yes you did.) I finally got off my ass and had two sessions of writing.

I also need to have it beta'd and damn if that nervewracking instinctual 'Oh god everyone will hate it and throw tomatoes at my soft, unprotected face oh the humanity' feeling is just fantastic. (It isn't. It's awful.)

So! To any who still care about Hyphen, who wants to take a critical look at this thing before it goes up?
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Got a random idea for an OC Trainer fic:
Once upon a time two trainers crossed paths as they traveled on their journey. Bored and in the need of a little human interaction decide to strike up a conversation. They find that while they don't have all that much in common their Teams were near identical.

They had a laughed over the coincidence, until their teams met.

Two Honedges became a Doublade

Two Beldum became a Metang

Three Magnetite became a Magneton

And a Sheldor latched onto a Slow to

With their Pokemon now fused together the two trainers must now figure out what to do.
Reporting back in after playing through all of Pokemon Reborn over the past three weeks. I'll tentatively recommend it for people who enjoy Pokemon Romhacks and RMXP games.

Pokemon Reborn is kinda addictive. The game sucked up almost 90 hours of my time, since I was a silly completionist. It probably would have taken even longer if I hadn't started out with a cheated-in team of max-EV Cottonee, Yanma, Helioptile, Skrelp, Staryu, and Sandile. >_>

The plot itself was pretty lame; character moral decisions didn't matter either. But the complicated plotline was a step above most RMXP games, and the dialogue was occasionally legit funny. The main highlights for me were the unconventional puzzles, the new in-battle field effects, and the relatively difficult gym battles.

'Oh god everyone will hate it and throw tomatoes at my soft, unprotected face oh the humanity'
*throws tomatoes anyway* :p

I've enjoyed every update thus far, by the way. I'd love to see more frequent updates, but obviously something is going right if I've liked the updates so much.
Got a random idea for an OC Trainer fic:
Once upon a time two trainers crossed paths as they traveled on their journey. Bored and in the need of a little human interaction decide to strike up a conversation. They find that while they don't have all that much in common their Teams were near identical.

They had a laughed over the coincidence, until their teams met.

Two Honedges became a Doublade

Two Beldum became a Metang

Three Magnetite became a Magneton

And a Sheldor latched onto a Slow to

With their Pokemon now fused together the two trainers must now figure out what to do.
+1 This is one of my favorite ideas of yours thus far, since it automatically integrates the gimmick concept with a main conflict of the potential story. It sounds like a very strong foundation to build on. If you flesh this out, you'd probably find even more ways to double-down on themes like coincidences, proximity, and coexistence. ^_^

One new Pokemon quest on SV:

The Sleuth of Cinnabar - Murder on the Island of Desire by @One Classy Hydra

Both the concept and the writing are lots of fun, and it's obvious that the QM has much planned. Though, I think I'm the only one who has voted there. That might have sapped the QM's motivation a bit. :(

@Markala updated Deserter! Hungryhungry hippos indeed. :)

Discontinued Quests:

The fantastic Pokemon Nephri by @rkyeun has been discontinued. 'Twas fun while it lasted over the past year--one of my favorite SV quests. It's worth a read for anyone who hasn't done so yet.

3 new Pokemon fics on SV:

Exploring the Cloud (PMD Explorers of Sky) by @EXNativo - I think he's reposting from FFN and making edits as he goes.

"TSoK, Book I: Hero" - Pokemon fanfic, and a personal voyage by @Vile Slanders - A repost from QQ (I think?) plus retrospective self-critique

TSoK: The Sins of My Father by @Vile Slanders - Same as the above

Not quite sure what to think of these fics yet, but their authors could explain more.

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In a Game of Thrones/A Song of Fire and Ice crossover what Pokemon would be in what Kingdoms? And what Legendaries would likely roam/inhabit the Seven Kingdoms?
Exploring the Cloud (PMD Explorers of Sky) by @EXNativo - I think he's reposting from FFN and making edits as he goes.

Not quite sure what to think of these fics yet, but their authors could explain more.

EtC is basically a time waster.

I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but I'm not really bringing anything to the table that requires all that much puzzling over, or at least, not yet. It's being written to take advantage of the ridiculous rules the PMD universe has to offer, which is of essence building a character until he is bullshit levels of strong and pitting him against equally broken enemies, all the while finding ways to cheat the system and typically make the smart decisions that the game doesn't allow you because plot. Oh, and definitely no 'silent protagonist' stuff. He can be quite... vocal.

Overall, it's a comedy. It's there to make you laugh. Don't go in expecting romance, because the main character is still human beneath the Riolu fur, and don't expect all that much drama, because I hate writing and reading drama on the best of days. A course language warning is probably required, as well.
In a Game of Thrones/A Song of Fire and Ice crossover what Pokemon would be in what Kingdoms? And what Legendaries would likely roam/inhabit the Seven Kingdoms?
Hmm. In my mind, I could see a mix of mostly canon Pokemon and a few specialty fakemon like Direwolves (ice-type Arcanine?) and ASOIAF dragons. The ASOIAF deities would be new Legendaries too--the mythos of most canon Legendaries don't really fit.

I think the details would vary a lot based on 1) the tone (light-dark), and 2) how much 'magic' you want in the setting (just a few rare Pokemon, or Pokemon everywhere).
EtC is basically a time waster.

I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but I'm not really bringing anything to the table that requires all that much puzzling over, or at least, not yet. It's being written to take advantage of the ridiculous rules the PMD universe has to offer, which is of essence building a character until he is bullshit levels of strong and pitting him against equally broken enemies, all the while finding ways to cheat the system and typically make the smart decisions that the game doesn't allow you because plot. Oh, and definitely no 'silent protagonist' stuff. He can be quite... vocal.

Overall, it's a comedy. It's there to make you laugh. Don't go in expecting romance, because the main character is still human beneath the Riolu fur, and don't expect all that much drama, because I hate writing and reading drama on the best of days. A course language warning is probably required, as well.
Ah, gotcha. I'll keep those points in mind as I read the new updates. :)
+1 random idea


Long, long ago, longer than the oldest Ninetails... humans and Pokemon lived together in peace and harmony. The two worked together, lived together, and grew stronger together.

The the Beasts came.

Unfathomable and uncountable, they came in waves endless, swamping the world in their power. Few could resist, even for a short time, and for a while all semed lost.

Then a hero from Unova arose. A boy with green hair and a Zorua on his shoulder, he claimed the allegiance of the First Dragon and led an army against them. For years, the army of the King waged war against the Beasts.

But as time went on, the King became tired, and a will that guided the Beasts made contact with him. With dissembling words, he showed him worlds unknown, and caused him to believe that the bonds of humanity and Pokemon would bring only destruction. In despair, the King struck a deal with the will.

None could stand against his rampage. With the power of the First Dragon at his complete command, he shattered his army and drove the remnants of humanity underground. To this day, his armies of Pokemon roam the Surface, destroying all who would seek to live their per the deal.

And so, man toils underground, wishing to someday see the light...


Loosely inspired by this:
you know knowing Pokemon Game Protagonist have different personality compare to manga and anime counterpart i just wonder what happen if Leaf ( Game Version ) meet her Counterpart , Green ( Pokemon Adventure ) or Blue ?
2017/01/17 Updates

Lots of updates! Forgot to do this last month. :ninja:

5 New Quests:

1. A Grunt of Effort by @Virgo with cheer - 6 updates, started on 12/08. Play as a kid who decides to start his own evil organization. Soon got swindled despite his efforts, but fortunately, he now has a Magikarp.

2. Like No One Ever Was! (One Piece/Pokemon Quest) by @shepsquared - 4 updates, started on 12/28. I haven't checked this one yet. Seems active. Ping me if you have a blurb.

3. PokéSoul by @wdango - 5 updates, started on 1/07. wdango wdangos the setting and mixes it with magical Chinese martial arts genres. Start out as Red training under the tutelage of his grandfather Fuji. He is preparing to head to Chancellor Oak's university. A quest of colorful visuals, fresh world-building, and a fairly minimalist writing style.
-Slain approved. wdango is good at this. Seriously.

4. Lillie's Z-Powered Adventure! (SM Post-Game Quest) by @Arkanian - 11 updates, started on 1/1. Lillie, of Sun & Moon fame, begins her journey in Kanto. This is not quite the Kanto we remember. A number of years have passed since Red took the region by storm, and life has moved on. Meanwhile, Lillie and her mother still retain some lingering problems from Sun & Moon.
- Slain approved. My favorite new Pokemon quest, due to quality of content, update rate, and progress. :)

5. A Pokemon Tale in the Merivas Region by @Novus Ordo Mundi and @Xalgeon. 2 updates, started on 12/06. Seems discontinued halfway through chargen. (I hope my write-in wasn't what killed it. If so, apologies. =/)

1 New Story:

Small Medium at Large (A Pokemon SI) by @midnightmissiles - 12 updates, started on 12/14. The author grows up as Sabrina, and gleefully spreads her brand of strangely adorable yet maniacal craziness. Part of me still resents the author for the choice of title. (Ok, maybe I'm just envious. >_>)

5 Ongoing Old Quests:

1. Pokemon: The Runaway Quest by @Shadow - 8 updates, begun 4 months ago. Jordan leaves home to begin her Pokemon journey in Sinnoh, along with her Gible, Eevee, and Mawile.

I admit I'm not quite sure where Shadow is going with this quest, but I keep getting surprised that new updates arrive every few weeks.

2. Deserter by @Markala - 8 updates, begun almost 4 months ago. Sam has to strike it alone without her family, and enters the local Orre military training. She does what she can to cope, and--OH GODS WHY ARE SAND HIPPOS TRYING TO EAT ME.

Writing is fun, pacing is enjoyable, and visual aesthetics are great. Check it out! Updates are also quite sporadic, though.

3. Partially Trapped by @Oh I am slain! - 4 story posts thus far, though I haven't updated it since November. Whoops. Anyway, it's a short treasure hunt quest in underground ruins, featuring the lady diplomat Ritha and the helioptile guide Bolt. Neither have done any treasure hunting before. Adventure and mishaps await! I'll be posting up a new update in a few days to gauge interest.

4. Décoloré by @Coshiua - Coshiua's much newer project, only a dozen updates in. It seems more mystery-based, but the core of it follows Marian Stoll as she begins her own Pokemon journey in the Decolore Islands.

5. Orange Chapter by @Coshiua - 141 updates, 100k words. Follow Heather Pierpont on her Pokemon journey through the Orange Islands! A battle is about to begin, so join in! Coshiua recently made a new thread to keep things organized, and the new thread has 6 updates thus far.

The longest running Pokemon quest, I believe, and it just updated after a brief hiatus. Coshiua has done a fantastic job writing an adventure that thoroughly feels like a better version of the anime and games. Bildungsromans seem to be his thing. And Heather's entire team is adorable.

Original thread with the first 135 updates here: Pokemon Orange Version

This quest deserves more attention. Admittedly, there are a lot of updates to read through from the old thread. But I'm sure Coshiua would be happy to answer any questions. :)

4 Discontinued or Inactive Quests:

1. The Sleuth of Cinnabar - Murder on the Island of Desire by @One Classy Hydra - Inactive, likely discontinued. Not much player participation despite the high quality of the initial updates. Neat Pokemon murder mystery concept, though.

2. Replay Value by @wdango - Discontinued. But he does have a new quest, see [new quest section].

3. Pokemon: The Pretender (N Mode Kanto Quest) by @Iceblocks - Inactive, likely discontinued. 120 updates, 70k words. It was quite a fun quest, and the team recruitment mechanics kept gameplay quite fresh. Basically, a new team had to be called up wherever we went. Also, the gyms were legitimately challenging and the aura guardians were utter dicks. Thanks for a great run, Iceblocks. :)

4. Pokémon Turquoise: A Pokémon Quest [Original Region and Pokémon] by @Kaleidophoenix on SB - Discontinued. Announcement post here. 166 updates, 99k words, daily updates. This quest really was a delight. It explored the new region and new 'mon created by Kaleidophoenix, all tied together with deft writing. The artwork for the original Pokemon was a neat touch too. Thank you to you too, Kaleidophoenix, for a great run. :)

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Why, thank you kind Slain! I shall of course keep up this update rate, for the fans demand it! Also, I'm looking for names for Aidan's Pokermans, both current and future! I can't keep calling Magikarp a Pile of Karp!
Goddamn it. Now I have to make sure I get in on the next list.

~"Of Astora" by @Pandemonious Ivy, a Dark Souls/Pokemon Quest. 2 million updates and it hasn't lost steam or seemed remotely like it'll die like the rest of his quests!
-Slain approved and I'm madly in love with it.~

*looks into the distance longingly*
Souls 2 or bust :V

Work on Hyphen goes glacially slow. Still mostly in part of my continued insistance of not writing more than once every two months. Still, 4.1k and it's only 2/3rds done.

But at least this chapter's art is done. :V