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Oh I am slain!


Hi y'all! I wanted to create a place for Pokémon Quest & Fic discussions, along with recommendations. Want to praise and share a fic found elsewhere? Ran into writer's block halfway through a post? Unsure about the mechanics for your quest? This is the place to post. :)

If you would like to add or remove anything, please leave a comment! Summaries and recs would be much appreciated too. Right now, this is all just an outline.

SV Pokémon Quests:

Ongoing (2 Recs, 3 Total)
1. PokéSoul by @wdango
- Rebooted May 17, 2017. 8 updates. Last updated: June 6, 2017.
- Note: wdango rebooted the quest within an old thread. Make sure to follow the threadmarks instead!
wdango wdangos the setting and mixes it with magical Chinese martial arts genres. Start out as Red training under the tutelage of his grandfather Fuji. A quest of colorful visuals, fresh world-building, and a fairly minimalist writing style.

2. Lillie's Z-Powered Adventure! (SM Post-Game Quest) by @Arkanian
11 updates, started on 1/1. Lillie, of Sun & Moon fame, begins her journey in Kanto. This is not quite the Kanto we remember. A number of years have passed since Red took the region by storm, and life has moved on. Meanwhile, Lillie and her mother still retain some lingering problems from Sun & Moon.

Slain's note: My favorite new Pokemon quest, due to quality of content, update rate, and progress. :)

3. Hamasa the Harmless by @Oh I am slain!
- Will be updating in next two days. Stay tuned.

Inactive (Uncertain Status, 4 Recs, 7 Total)
1. Orange Chapter [Pokemon Adventures] by @Coshiua, long-running
141 updates, 100k words. Follow Heather Pierpont on her Pokemon journey through the Orange Islands! Wilderness exploration, fossils, gyms, criminal gangs, and more. A battle is about to begin, so join in! Coshiua recently made a new thread to keep things organized, and the new thread has 6 updates thus far.

This is currently the longest running Pokemon quest, I believe, and it just updated after a brief hiatus. Coshiua has done a fantastic job writing an adventure that thoroughly feels like a better version of the anime and games. Bildungsromans seem to be his thing. And Heather's entire team is adorable.

Original thread with the first 135 updates here: Pokemon Orange Version

This quest deserves more attention. Admittedly, there are a lot of updates to read through from the old thread. But I'm sure Coshiua would be happy to answer any questions. :)

2. Décoloré by @Coshiua
Coshiua's much newer project, only a dozen updates in. It seems more mystery-based, but the core of it follows Marian Stoll and her Corphish as she begins her own Pokemon journey in the Decolore Islands.

Follow along as Coshiua builds up the Decolore Islands and its inhabitants into a legitimate Pokémon Region. Has a once-a-week update, but is sometimes delayed by Coshiua's hectic life.

3. Pokemon: The Runaway Quest by @Shadow
8 updates, begun 4 months ago. Jordan leaves home to begin her Pokemon journey in Sinnoh, along with her Gible, Eevee, and Mawile.

I admit I'm not quite sure where Shadow is going with this quest, but I keep getting surprised that new updates arrive every few weeks.

4. Deserter by @Markala
8 updates, begun almost 4 months ago. Sam has to strike it alone without her family, and enters the local Orre military training. She does what she can to cope, and--OH GODS WHY ARE SAND HIPPOS TRYING TO EAT ME.

Writing is fun, pacing is enjoyable, and visual aesthetics are great. Check it out! Updates are also quite sporadic, though.

5. Of Astora [Dark Souls/Pokemon] by @Pandemonious Ivy - 2 updates, started on Feb 2, 2017. Concept: Gothic medieval bildungsroman? That's my assumption. Seems to have jumped straight into an opening fight with an undead suit of armor. Ping me with a blurb to put up.

6. Pokemon Nephri by @rkyeun
Rec: @pantherasapiens, @Pandemonious Ivy, @EvilPorygon, @Oh I am slain!
Still young, but excellently written and planned. @rkyeun shows good worldbuilding in explaining lore and how the economies, gyms, etc. function, and this story has one of the best ways to deal with Pokemon affinities that I've seen. The characters are entertaining and well differentiated, the voting system is unusual but very functional, and while the story started out fairly generically it's gone quickly into unexpected and entertaining new directions.
By which I mean: the MC has no badges, two Pokemon, and FACED A SENTIENT WALKING FOREST.
Oh, and the last wonderful thing: the Pokemon are all original, which enables masses of guessing and discussion about them. It's a great quest all around.

@Pandemonious Ivy
There are several reasons that this quest has hit a beautiful winning stride even though it's such a new quest, aside from the fact that it's a popular IP.

1. Every single character has their own motivations and background and interests, making every interaction meaningful and fun to see play out. Everyone feels like they have momentum and inertia, and so they aren't just paused in time whenever the MC isn't interacting with them. Reading through the updates, you can see everyone's quirks as well as how they respond to changing circumstances, so there's organic character development showing up nonstop. The GM has put in a lot of effort to making everyone have a unique voice and it shows.

2. Similar effort has been expended to make each pokemon (or yokai) feel unique while also feeling like a plausible piece of the greater Pokemon universe. With such unique fixtures as the Grass/Electric "Spritten" that have an interesting solar-powered bioelectric physiology or the Legendary "Yokai" who actively resent being called Pokemon and are capable of being the size of lesser mountains, the world doesn't feel like it was half-assed, some genuine thought has been put into making sure each creature has its place.

3. The level of care and attention to detail that's packed into each update means that you can puzzle out all sorts of interesting conclusions about the setting with enough research and guesswork. So far we've had a few revelations in thread regarding things such as: Affinities, Origin of Pokemon, and Elephant Sized Birds.

4. This story has only been around since February 3rd and already has 24 updates, meaning that there's almost 1 every day for an entire month. They aren't short half-assed posts either. They're just as full of detail and content consistently while averaging around 1.5k words each.

5. The author themselves aren't shy about chiming in with additional info or letting us know if we're onto something with our inane Wild Mass Guessing. Plus they're a pretty cool sort so nobody's particularly shy about engaging in conversation with them.


In conclusion, I've been consistently impressed by the quality of the worldbuilding and updates, the quantity with which we're getting them in such a short time, as well as the content therein. Pokemon Nephri is A1 and if you love the Pokemon universe, you're highly unlikely to be disappointed by this.

7. Pokemon Gijinka Randomizer Nuzlocke by @rkyeun - 6 updates, started on Feb 3, 2017. Concept: This AU world has no trainers. The wilderness is filled with dangerous Pokemon. Gijinka--surgical human-Pokemon hybrids--defend the pockets of civilization. We play as a new Mantyke gijinka, enlisted into the military. (I admit I was a bit leery at first. Before this, I had most commonly heard about gijinka as something sketchy. Apparently it just means "anthropomorphism"?)

Some of you may know rkyeun as the QM of the delightful Pokemon Nephri quest. The first arc is already moving along at a good pace. (And already has fanart. *jealous*)

Discontinued (25 Recs, 60 Total)
Rivals by @75% Certain
Rec: @Oh I am slain!

Rise by @Pandemonious Ivy
Rec: @Oh I am slain!

Ghost Trainer by @Aubergine
Rec: @Oh I am slain!

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Quest for [Redacted] by @Nanimani
Rec: @Oh I am slain!

LIBRA by @wdango
Rec: @Oh I am slain!

LIBRA - a wdango Quest reboot by @Mecrazyfang
Rec: @Oh I am slain!

Palette Swap by @wdango
Rec: @Oh I am slain!

Rebuilding the Rocket by @NMS
Rec: @Oh I am slain!

Attack on Dunsparce by @Pandemonious Ivy
Rec: @Oh I am slain!

Aftermath by @Pandemonious Ivy
Rec: @Oh I am slain!

The Hatchling by @Pandemonious Ivy
Rec: @Oh I am slain!

A Land Apart From Time by @Oh I am slain!
Rec: @Oh I am slain!

LIBRA: Equilibrium by @wdango
Rec: @Oh I am slain!

Catching Victory by @MData
Rec: @Oh I am slain!

Retired by the QM. 'Twas a fun quest, and one of the longest running ones here. Around 150 updates over the course of 15 months, following the journeys of Bard in the Vesryn Region of Pokemon Zeta/Omicron. The quest format itself was a fairly conventional gyms + criminal gang plotline. The writing usually was sparse, with a few typos. But the QM added in many bits of entertainment, much-expanded game events, and fun characters (Moondust sweeps, Eva snark) to make the quest quite enjoyable. And the quest actually went on long enough to get the plot and characterizations going, unlike most of the quest 'round here. :)

Burning Heart (Pokemon Johto Quest) by @TheDivineDemon
Rec: @Oh I am slain!

Emerald by @EvilPorygon
Rec: @Oh I am slain!

Tales of the Infinite Labyrinth (Pokemon AU) by @Skarmory
Rec: @Oh I am slain!

This was a very well-written and innovative PMD quest following the adventures of Enya the lost Cyndaquil. It seems abandoned due to the low level of player participation--5 months, 50 high-quality updates, yet only 12 pages. The writing is good, and the characters are distinct and memorable. Also, the QM did some neat things with both quest mechanics and formatting. POV changes, toggle-able passive skills, boxes that reminded players of the current goals, etc.

3:10 to Chandara (Pokémon AU) by @Oh I am slain!
Rec: @Oh I am slain!

I'll rec my old quest since I thought it had some good ideas in it. A trio of Pteros League Aces flying off to snowy mountains for a mission. But I never got beyond their trip across the desert, since I started despairing about my writing choices in earlier posts of the quest.

The Sleuth of Cinnabar - Murder on the Island of Desire by @One Classy Hydra
Recs: @Oh I am slain!
Rec: @Oh I am slain!

Inactive, likely discontinued. Not much player participation despite the high quality of the initial updates. I'm recommending it because I really liked how it presented its Pokemon murder mystery concept.

Pokemon: The Pretender (N Mode Kanto Quest) by @Iceblocks, long-running
Rec: @Oh I am slain!

Play as Cyan, a new trainer with the ability to call wild Pokemon to form temporary teams. This was a favorite quest of mine. 122 updates, 75k words. It's quite a fun quest, and the team recruitment mechanics keeps the gameplay quite fresh. Basically, a new team has to be called up wherever we go. Also, the gyms are legitimately challenging and the aura guardians are utter dicks. Now discontinued. Thanks for a great run, Iceblocks. :)

Other SV Pokemon Quests
(Note: Nearly none of these went beyond 4-5 story posts)

False Swipe by @Sydney Sand
Returning Home - (A Pokemon Nuzlocke Quest) by @Aeraxis
Changing Tides: A Pokemon Ranger Quest by @LupineVolt
A Legend is You by @Aeraxis
Ash Quest:To Truly Be a Champion by @Dead-Not
House of the Rising Sun (A Pokemon Western) by @GilliamYaeger
To Be Elite by @Frakir's brother
Cynthia Quest - It's The Thrill Of The Fight! by @Mortifer
Oaken Measures by @Oh I am slain!
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest by @bobbananaville
Predormitum by @Noka
Trouble Comes in Threes by @Dark as Silver
Pokémon Quest Thread: ROB Dropped You In...You Think? by @Dead-Not
HUNTER by @wdango
Chromatic by @wdango
Stoic: No Way Home [Game/Anime] by @wdango
Pokémon Rancher Quest [Pokémon/Monster Rancher] by @wdango
HUNTER (v2) by @wdango
Legendary Falls by @wdango
Jabberwocky [Pokémon/Monster Rancher] by @wdango
HUNTER Riot Quest by @wdango
Stoic: c by @wdango
Infection by @wdango
Aberrant Path by @Pensive Rumination - Didn't leave chargen.
Pokemon Archipelago: A Trainer's Journey Through A Non-Standard Region by @Krika
Quest for Legendary Status v2.0 by @zero_traveler
The Geode Islands by @Slytherclaw
Stoic by @wdango
Re: Pokémon by @wdango
'Mon quest: A B&W thingy by @Nathaniel Wolff
Replay Value by @wdango - Discontinued.
A Pokemon Tale in the Merivas Region by @Novus Ordo Mundi and @Xalgeon. 2 updates, started on 2016/12/06. Seems discontinued halfway through chargen.

Partially Trapped by @Oh I am slain!
4 story posts thus far, though I haven't updated it since November. Whoops.

Anyway, it's a short treasure hunt quest in underground ruins, featuring the lady diplomat Ritha and the helioptile guide Bolt. Adventure and mishaps await!

A Grunt of Effort by @Virgo with cheer -
6 updates, started on 12/08. Play as a kid who decides to start his own evil organization. Soon got swindled despite his efforts, but fortunately, he now has a Magikarp.

Like No One Ever Was! (One Piece/Pokemon Quest) by @shepsquared - 4 updates, started on 12/28. I haven't checked this one yet. Seems active. Ping me if you have a blurb.

Pokemon Tribe: Into the (grim) Dark [WH40K Crossover] by @lordchaos99 - 3 updates, started on Jan 25, 2017. Concept: A tribe of Ghost Pokemon has to survive in on a WH40K world. The goal is to slowly spread and take over an Ork Planet, then eventually head off into Space to become a real Faction in Warhammer. The tribe will meet other PokeFactions on the planet and in space. Wipe them out or integrate them!

SV Pokémon Stories:

Ongoing (2 Rec, 7 Total)
Hyphen by @Dermonster
- Started September 28, 2014. 9 updates. Last updated: May 19, 2017.
- Summary: "After evading capture on Hoenn route 102, a curious Ralts picks up a discarded pokeball. Curiosity is a dangerous beast indeed, and infiltrating the human world is no less risky. But for the sake of her home and her inquisitiveness, she will do whatever it takes to rise above the stars."
- Also, features gorgeous custom art by @Dexexe1234!
- Rec: @Oh I am slain!
Very adorable story and fairly popular. One of my favorites already. :)

Learnset by @Flintlock; Rewrite of OverUsed; Learnset - SB Link
Rec: @Oh I am slain!

Noblesse Oblige by @Ziel

Exploring the Cloud (PMD Explorers of Sky) by @EXNativo - I think he's reposting from FFN and making edits as he goes.

"TSoK, Book I: Hero" - Pokemon fanfic, and a personal voyage by @Vile Slanders - A repost from QQ (I think?) plus retrospective self-critique

TSoK: The Sins of My Father by @Vile Slanders - Same as the above

Small Medium at Large (A Pokemon SI) by @midnightmissiles - 12 updates, started on 12/14. The author grows up as Sabrina, and gleefully spreads her brand of strangely adorable yet maniacal craziness.
Slain's note: Part of me still resents the author for the choice of title. (Ok, maybe I'm just envious. >_>)

Completed (1 Rec, 1 Total)

Inactive (14 Total)

SV Pokémon Let's Plays:

Ongoing (3)

Completed (2)

Inactive (5)

Pokémon Quests Elsewhere:

Inactive (1 Rec, 1 Total)

Pokémon Garnet and Turquoise: A Pokémon Quest [Original Region and Pokémon] by @Kaleidophoenix
Welcome to Pokémon Garnet and Pokémon Turquoise Versions. My sister and I have been working on this for a while as a regular game, but to help spur us on to actually complete the game, I decided to create this quest. The goal is simple:

Complete the Pokédex.

We have created all of the material for this quest. Every Pokémon you meet will be our original designs. I designed the region. My sister designed each character. But we use all of Pokémon's internal structure, from moves to abilities and base stats and damage formulas. Thanks for Game Freak for creating such an amazing world.
Recs: @Oh I am slain!
Unfortunately, the quest was discontinued. @Kaleidoscope's announcement post here. 166 updates, 99k words, daily updates. This quest really was a delight. It explored the new region and new 'mon created by Kaleidophoenix, all tied together with deft writing. The artwork for the original Pokemon was a neat touch too. Thank you, Kaleidophoenix, for a great run. :)

Pokémon Stories Elsewhere:

(26 Recs, 27 Total)
The Game of Champions by Lamora
Recs: @EvilPorygon, @Pandemonious Ivy, @Faith, @Oh I am slain!,
@EvilPorygon: Perhaps the best story you'll ever read in the Pokemon fandom. After reading it, almost every other fic paled in comparison; the sheer worldbuilding and intrigue in this story blew my mind.

Traveler by Straight Elf
Recs: @Pandemonious Ivy, @Oh I am slain!,
@Pandemonious Ivy: My #1 Pokemon fic of all time, only barely beating out Game of Champions. Finished the first book/arc, second book/arc ongoing. Fairly lengthy.

Pedestal by Digital Skitty
Recs: @TheDivineDemon, @Pandemonious Ivy, @Faith, @Oh I am slain!,

The Sun Soul by 50caliberchaos
Recs: @EvilPorygon, @Oh I am slain!,
@EvilPorygon: A rather grim setting with excellent worldbuilding.

Soul Ablaze by Victory3114
Recs: @EvilPorygon
@EvilPorygon: It's a crossover of Sword Art Online and Pokemon. The solo playing pokemon has meshed quite well with the fantasy medieval mmorpg here.

The 35th Annual Hunger League by Steele S. Publishing Company
Recs: @Pandemonious Ivy
@Pandemonious Ivy: My #3 Pokemon fic of all time, only barely behind Game of Champions because it's so short. Complete.

Clouded Sky by Negrek
Recs: @Faith
@Faith: OC centric, somewhat on the dark side, but hella interesting, with a fair bit of neat world building and a few cool fanmons scattered throughout. That said, it's been a while since I read it so maybe it's not as good as I recall. Either way, I did enjoy it when I first read it, so that counts I guess?

A Game of Gods by Quantumcat
Recs: @EvilPorygon
@EvilPorygon: A wild spin on Unova, told through Black. The plot changes direction so fast it might as well know extremespeed.

Pallet Boys by WillowBlueJay17
Recs: @Oh I am slain!
@Oh I am slain!: It's a series of snippets featuring interactions between Ash and his big bro Red. Well-executed fluff. 53,000 words, last updated November 2014.

Regret by Crukix
Recs: @Marla
Blurb: Death. War. Destruction. The world of the future lies in ruins. I got the chance to go back and stop it from ever happening, only to discover that I was the cause. This is how I destroyed the world.
@Marla: It's a pretty grimdark view of Pokemon world from the perspective of an OC. The MC isn't exactly the most humane of human but the most interesting aspect of this story is the pokemon. The MC's pokemons are so diverse in personality, and each and every one of them is as broken as their trainer with their own histories. There is some mindfuck involved, but that's Psychic pokemon for you. TBH I prefer this story over The Sun of Soul maybe because I'm not fond of Ash Ketchum. Complete.

Pokemon: The Origin of Species by DaystarEld
Recs: @Marla, @Oh I am slain!
Blurb: Enter the world of Pokémon from a rational perspective. Instead of starting his journey in ignorance, Red has spent his years studying the creatures so central to his world... and he doesn't quite agree with all the information in his books. No time for rookie mistakes here: he's on a quest to discover the true nature of Pokémon, and maybe even find out where they really come from.
@Marla: This is a story I read some months ago before I lost interest in Pokemon fandom. It's Pokescientist!Red with Blue and Green(some girl from other region, I don't remember what region) adventuring together to become the best Pokemon Master. Except that was Blue's intention, Red just wants to uncover the secrets of Pokemon while Green wants to learn the history of the region (she's more of a historian). It's still ongoing.

Sasha's Story by @Vinylshadow
Blurb: In which Mewtwo takes an interesting Eevee in as a roommate and random fluff/slice of life ensues. Not to be taken seriously by any stretch of the imagination.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Silver Resistance by ScytheRider
Recs: @Lithos Alto
@Lithos Alto: It's never boring, and the writer loves making crazy twists that mess with your emotions. The characters have histories that affect the story in ways you may not expect, as well as distinct personalities (and plenty of heel face turns). It's ongoing but well worth reading.

Tearing the Heavens
Recs: @Frostiel rain
A young soldier from a once great family is thrust into the future and ends up in an unfamiliar and bizarre world, where his presence can cause complications both ancient and modern. He inadvertently becomes a trainer through mere misunderstanding and sets off in a journey to discover his own self and where he stands in a world that isn't his own.
[AU, OC centric, Realistic Pokemon]

秘密はどこにでも (Himitsu wa doko ni demo)
Recs: @Frostiel rain
Keeping secrets has been the life Natsu's led for the longest time, but when that secret comes close to being discovered, he'd do anything to keep that from happening. Even if it meant going to some place where that secret would become no more than a distant dream. Chances are, though, he'll end up coming out with something much more valuable gained.
[AU, Multi POV, Multi OC, School Life]

Bizarre Misadventures
Recs: @Frostiel rain
A boy wakes up in a Pokemon Center without his voice and memories. Despite that, and like many Amnesia prone folks before him, the boy sets off in an adventure to find his lost past. It's just too bad that he's accidentally going to burn Unova to the ground while trying to find them. [Game/Manga/Anime AU]

Heart of the Trainer: Ranger
Recs: @Frostiel rain
A case of misunderstanding puts one trainer in the middle of a clash between the light and dark sides of the pokemon universe. Will the bond between her pokemon be enough to survive or will blood be shed? The misfortune she finds provides the answer. [AU, OC, Complete]

A more realistic approach to the pokemon world. - Frostiel

Triumvirate (Kanto) --> Elephant Graveyard (Johto) --> Clash of Crowns (Unova) --> Into the Mirror (Sinnoh)
Recs: @Frostiel rain
In an untamed world filled with monsters and beasts, four young people discover that true horror lies not between gnashing jaws, but within the hearts of men and women just like them. [Realistic Pokemon AU] [Mangaverse w/ some anime and game influences]

Recs: @Frostiel rain
Disgraced and ashamed, Alain drifts in self-imposed exile in the wake of a personal failure. But not all those who wander are lost, and those who listen may find something they never knew they were searching for. [Realistic Pokemon AU, post-Mega Evolution Specials]

(Same author as Triumvirate, but can be read without reading Triumvirate, same universe. -Frostiel)

The Lost Master
Recs: @Frostiel rain
Seven years after Ashs defeat in Sinnoh, the Champion Cynthia is ruthlessly crushed in a battle for the title of Pokémon Master. The new Champion refuses to release his name to the press, but his cold attitude soon shocks the Pokémon world as he begins to rebuild the Pokémon League. [Complete]

Sacrifice and Subjugation
Recs: @Frostiel rain
Not just anyone can be the Champion. But what determines whether or not someone has the potential? How does one truly prepare? In a world fraught with danger both near and far, a boy pursues the answers to those questions. But the Pokemon League is a brutal institution, pushing trainers to their mental and physical limits . Only the strongest succeed...

Recs: @Frostiel rain, @Oh I am slain!
In a different life Ash Ketchum looks upon his world from an unique perspective.

(Ash is raised by a badass weedle. Though, it's now under rewrite. -Frostiel)

Pokemon Reset Bloodlines
Recs: @Frostiel rain
Going back to save the world is tough; it's tougher when the process ends up radically altering your reality. When the new world Ash wakes up in differs from the old one in many ways, Ash will have to adapt his battle experience to a new world, and what are these mysterious Bloodlines that everyone fears? AshX Harem, Anime world with some Adventures and Game canon. Now beta'd.

Locked Away
Recs: @Frostiel rain
Follows coma theory: Ash wakes up from a ten year coma to realize that all of his adventures were only a figment of his imagination; but he questions if they were more than that. Everything has changed in ten years, and he must put back all the shattered pieces while he embarks on a new journey to save the world and himself. Pokeshipping.

Recs: @Frostiel rain
Following up their loss at the Sinnoh League, a growing Ash and Pikachu take time off at Oak's Lab to reflect on their lives and re-think their lifestyle. But after a calamity spurs these two lost partners to investigate the isolated region of Unova, they will now define their beings into the personification of a pokémon master who inspires all - as a rainbow of hope reborn.

Fleur Noir
Recs: @Frostiel rain
Glitter and shine lovely Kalos/Show me your dark and bloody heart. A retelling of Pokemon X and Y, with magic and a black flower involved.
(The concept of magic is interesting and the whole Asari bloodline aka assassin. This could have been great, sadly lacking in execution and exploration. On another note, the author's actually quite a good writer from his other works Rune Breaker for rune factory fan out there, seriously, you have to check it out.)

The Final Battle
Recs: @Frostiel rain
After the death of Pikachu, Ash is left in ruins, but many of his friends have been murdered as well. When the blame falls on Ash, and Charizard's life is in danger, Ash knows that he only has one choice. Ash escapes with his Pokemon and disappears. Three years later, a tournament is held, and Ash sees his only chance to unmask the true killer. No Ash-ships.
(Angst, angst and drama everywhere -Frostiel)


Pokémon Tabletop & Other Fangames:

Pokémon Digital Fangames (RPGMaker, ROMHacks):

Check out this page for more: List of fangames

Pokémon Zeta & Omicron (Complete)
Recs: @Oh I am slain!
This is perhaps my favorite, since it got me hooked on Pokemon RMXP games. The UI is leagues ahead of ROMhacks, and I haven't played a ROMhack since playing Zeta & Omicron.

2 Regions, almost every Pokemon including Gen VI is available, custom Mega Evolutions, and feels like a complete Nintendo game.
Pokémon Insurgence (In Progress, Active Updates)
Recs: @Oh I am slain!
The newer project from the makers of Zeta & Omicron. Just as good, though the novelty of RMXP games has worn off slightly for me.
Pokémon Rebalanced: Red (In Progress) by @wootius
Recs: @Oh I am slain!
Just as the title says: A rebalancing of Pokemon Red. Seriously, the rebalanced stats and occasional typing changes were a delight, even if the plotlines themselves were mostly unchanged. Check out the thread for more info; it's made by SV's own wootius. Updates are sporadic, though.
Pokémon Reborn (In Progress, 15 Episodes, Active Updates)
Recs: @Oh I am slain!
I'll tentatively recommend it for people who enjoy Pokemon Romhacks and RMXP games.

It's kinda addictive. The game sucked up almost 90 hours of my time, since I was a silly completionist. It probably would have taken even longer if I hadn't started out with a cheated-in team of max-EV Cottonee, Yanma, Helioptile, Skrelp, Staryu, and Sandile. >_>

Plot itself was pretty lame; character moral decisions didn't matter either. But the complicated plotline was a step above most RMXP games, and the dialogue was occasionally legit funny. The main highlights for me were the unconventional puzzles, the new in-battle field effects, and the relatively difficult gym battles.
Pokémon: Legends of the Arena (In Progress)
Recs: @Oh I am slain!
I remember I enjoyed this. Fairly short, hasn't updated in over a year.
Pokémon Rejuvenation (In Progress, 7 Episodes, Active Updates)
Recs: @Oh I am slain!
Decent game that adopts a similar tone and playstyle as Pokemon Reborn.
Pokémon: Full Moon Version (In Progress, 8 Episodes, Active Updates)
Recs: @Oh I am slain!
Decent game that adopts a similar tone and playstyle as Pokemon Reborn.
Pokémon Sage (Inactive)
Recs: @Oh I am slain!
Amazingly polished fakemon, but the demo only goes for 3 or so routes. This was the game developed by people on 4chan's Pokemon forum. Has a thorough Wiki.
Pokémon Ethereal Gates (In Progress)
Recs: @Oh I am slain!
Pretty cool fakemon, but only around a third of the game is complete. Has a decent Wiki.
Pokémon Dusk (Complete, 10 minutes long)
Recs: @Oh I am slain!
Pretty straightforward, just a nifty thing that shows the potential for Pokemon RMXP games.

1. Pokémon Sacred Gold & Storm Silver (Complete)
2. Pokémon Blaze Black & Pokémon Volt White (Complete)
3. Pokémon Blaze Black 2 & Pokémon Volt White 2 (Complete)
Recs: @Nanimani
Anyways, Drayano (the creator of these Rom Hacks) does a number of things, generally:
  1. Makes all Pokemon obtainable, so you might find a Starly early on in Blaze Black.
  2. Ups the level curve, so Mons like Dragonite/Salamence/etc. are actually practical to raise. You'll have them by the sixth or seventh gym.
  3. Buffs some less-powerful Pokemon. Beware the Farfetch'd.
  4. Ups the difficulty like holy shit Burgh calm down with that Yanmega.
I find them vastly more entertaining than the base games they're made off.

4. Pokemon Rebalanced: HeartGold by @wootius

Pokémon Fan Art:

Pokémon World-Building:

Advice and Examples (1)
Pokedex by Birdboy

Pokémon Questmaster Advice and Quest Mechanics Archive:

General QMing Advice
Pokémon QMing Advice
Pokémon Quest Mechanics Advice

Pokémon Fanfiction Advice Archive:

Authors can also check out SB's fairly active thread at Pokémon Fanfiction Ideas & Discussion.

General Writing Advice
- No Writing Excuse podcasts. Best single resource for novice creative writers.

Pokémon Fanfiction Writing Advice

Last edited:
This wasn't a bad idea. Especially since I was planning on ignoring my past mistakes and starting yet another Pokemon quest!

Now we can record my failure for posterity!
This wasn't a bad idea. Especially since I was planning on ignoring my past mistakes and starting yet another Pokemon quest!

Now we can record my failure for posterity!
*evil cackle*

Ah yes, none shall escape my sight! Lemme go add in some of your untagged quests: Aftermath, The Hatchling (which isn't even in your sig), and Attack on Dunsparce (36 Hour Quest).
Ah, a treasure trove of pokemon goodness! Must've taken you some effort to collect all this, quartermaster Wobuffet. Many thanks!
Can we use this thread to attempt to gain a CO-GM for a pkmn related quest because said individual might be too shit at finishing a quest without external motivation?

I'm asking for a friend who is rolling around a pretty solid Pokemon/Dark Souls idea that they fear not completing... my friend, not me.
Ayy I finally made it onto a list!
Here, lemme halp:

List of stories named "Hyphen" that feature a Ralts
Hyphen by @Dermonster

Now you're on a second list! ^_^

In seriousness though, I've gotten a lot of enjoyment from following SV Pokémon stories and quests over the past two years. Even for threads with few posts, y'all have put in hours and days and weeks of effort. I wanted to make an index to keep track, and I thought, why not maintain a thread instead?1​ :)

1 ​Lies. I'm just coming up with posthoc justifications for this bit of procrastination.

Can we use this thread to attempt to gain a CO-GM for a pkmn related quest because said individual might be too shit at finishing a quest without external motivation?

I'm asking for a friend who is rolling around a pretty solid Pokemon/Dark Souls idea that they fear not completing... my friend, not me.
I look forward to this post from your friend!

At the least, your friend could get feedback here on both the overall idea and for each post as he writes them. :)
Last edited:
... I still feel bad about Master of the Unown [Worm/Pokémon]. I wanted to continue working on it, but it got to the point where I didn't feel like I could continue with all of the issues it had.

I could attempt to rewrite it, but I think that I might need a little help to more thoroughly mesh the Unown into the Worm Universe.
Can we use this thread to attempt to gain a CO-GM for a pkmn related quest because said individual might be too shit at finishing a quest without external motivation?

I'm asking for a friend who is rolling around a pretty solid Pokemon/Dark Souls idea that they fear not completing... my friend, not me.

I don't know all that much about Dark Souls, but I'd be willing to serve as a sounding board for ideas until the quest launches. I'd have to hear the idea before I committed to co-GMing, though.
Oh, romhacks too?
Well, in that case...

Pokémon Sacred Gold & Storm Silver
Pokémon Blaze Black & Pokémon Volt White
Pokémon Blaze Black 2 & Pokémon Volt White 2 - The PokéCommunity Forums

Just patches, not ROMs, find that yourself.

Anyways, Drayano does a number of things, generally:

  1. Makes all Pokemon obtainable, so you might find a Starly early on in Blaze Black.
  2. Ups the level curve, so Mons like Dragonite/Salamence/etc. are actually practical to raise. You'll have them by the sixth or seventh gym.
  3. Buffs some less-powerful Pokemon. Beware the Farfetch'd.
  4. Ups the difficulty like holy shit Burgh calm down with that Yanmega.

I find them vastly more entertaining than the base games they're made off.
The Game of Champions, by Lamora, is perhaps the best story you'll ever read in the Pokemon fandom. After reading it, almost every other fic paled in comparision; the sheer worldbuilding and intrigue in this story blew my mind.

Lamora goes by Lamora on darklordpotter, L. Lamora on Fanfiction, and as @Lammen Gorthaur on SV. Only his dlp account is somewhat active.
The Game of Champions, by Lamora, is perhaps the best story you'll ever read in the Pokemon fandom. After reading it, almost every other fic paled in comparision; the sheer worldbuilding and intrigue in this story blew my mind.

Lamora goes by Lamora on darklordpotter, L. Lamora on Fanfiction, and as @Lammen Gorthaur on SV. Only his dlp account is somewhat active.

I support this recommendation, and critique, but would put forward Traveler by The Straight Elf as the number one if only for length in comparison.

Can't link because I'm on the phone, but while not of the quality of GoC, it easily beats out nearly all other Pokemon fics and has a hefty backlog to boot.
Oh, sweet, SV has one of these threads now. I don't have to crosspost to SB anymore! Hurrah!

A Trainer's Guide to the Johto Gym Circuit - Reignite 1.1

It's not an easy thing to be a professional Trainer. The hours are long, the work is hard, and if you want to get anywhere you've got to be willing to absolutely pour in hours. To get a single pokémon to a tournament-ready state can take anywhere from a few weeks to a couple of months. To get an entire team ready? With battle strategies, combat tactics, specially devised techniques?

It's a lot of effort.

Of course, professional Training has benefits, too. The Gym Circuits involve lots of travelling - seeing new places, meeting new people. Beating the tar out of new critters. It's all part and parcel. And the competitive battling scene, whilst significantly more effort than the Gym Circuits, is both a source of fame and a source of income, if you're good enough.

And, most importantly, it's entertaining. For some people, the planning, the training, and the nail-biting battles are fun.

Until two years ago, I was one of those people.

And therein lies the biggest problem facing the modern concept of professional Trainers. Burnout. I'd travelled around the world. Hoenn, Sinnoh, Orre, Johto, Kanto, Fiore, Almia… even as far afield as Holon, Unova and Kalos. I'd earned so many badges, ribbons, and other prizes that I had an entire room in my 'base' dedicated to them.

And after all that, I started getting bored. That's why I moved to the competitive scene. I started strong - getting my Gym Circuit team up to tournament scratch and running in a few of the more low-key events to get my head in the game, - but after that… well, I was holding steady. But that's all I was doing. My matches tended to either be my entire team getting flattened, or their entire team getting flattened.

Rarely did I face an opponent who didn't break like paper mache when their first pokémon went down - a side effect, I suppose, of playing in the lower leagues, - and whenever I did it generally resulted in a swift metaphorical kick to the teeth for me.

But I persisted. I improved. And after a while, I started moving up. Bigger events, better placement, more intense fights. Escalating further and further, creeping up to the top of the Sinnoh leaderboards until eventually, at my peak, there was even a brief period where people would mention in hushed tones that I was a serious candidate for the Top 100. Top 100 Internationals, that is.

Nothing ever came of it, to my disappointment, but most of the unofficial lists I looked at online had me in the mid-120s range, world wide, and I stayed there for the rest of my two-year competitive career.

I'd been lucky, I suppose, to last as long as I did - all the way up to eighteen. Even before you counted my two years as a competitive battler, I'd managed a solid six or so years of travelling, nabbed a fair few badges - most of the ones from every region I'd passed through, give or take a couple here and there, and caught… some thirty odd pokémon?

That's how long it took until I became bored. I stopped battling. I stopped training. I spent most of my time in north-east Hoenn, renovating one of the old Ranger Outposts on Route 120, and leaving my pokémon to their own devices almost entirely.

In the past two years, I'd battled so little I could count the times on my fingers. I wasted away my days doing nothing.

I don't know how long I might have been stuck like that, how many months my melancholy may have lingered, if one afternoon I hadn't received a very convenient phone call.


I was lounging in the Cove Café, chowing down on my usual order - a bowl of fries, because healthy eating was overrated, - and watching two amatuer trainers duking it out in the arena when a buzzing from my waist drew my attention.

I lifted the PokéNav with a lazy sigh and flipped it open, holding it to my ear as I munched down on another fry.


"Hello, Abigail, dear," the familiar old voice croaked through the speaker. "It's Maggie, Maggie Thetcher? I was wondering if you'd be able to drop by Olivine City at some point in the future… if it's not inconvenient for you, that is…"

I took the 'Nav away from my ear and restrained the urge to sigh.

Typical Aunt Maggie. Puts me up for two months, cleans my clothes, cooks my dinner, and still worries about inconveniencing me.

Replacing the 'Nav to my ear, I nodded, knowing full well she wouldn't see it, and replied smoothly, "I've nothing planned for the future. I'll start making my way to Johto now, if you'd like."

The old woman seemed incredibly excited to hear that. "Oh, dear, that's delightful! Could you? I have a favour to ask, but it's best done in person!"

I almost couldn't help but grin - Aunt Maggie's good cheer was infectious, and she always seemed to know exactly when I needed cheering up. If I hadn't known better, I might have gone so far as to say she was an empath of some kind, but… nah.

Besides, no empath could read emotions from across continents… right?

"Alright, that's no problem. Uh… lemme see, if I swing by…" I did a few mental calculations, scribbling some numbers on a nearby napkin. "Hm, yeah, that should work. Uh, I'm looking at arriving in Johto in maybe two weeks? Is there abouts a good time for you?"

There was a moment of silence and for a moment I wondered if the PokéNav had just lost connection, before her voice echoed through the speakers again. "Yes, yes, that's perfect. Just in time. Well, I'll see you soon then."

Just in time? For what?

"Yeah, I guess so. Bye."

"Goodbye, dear."

As I flipped the PokéNav closed, I couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding, deep in my gut.

Huh. Wonder what she wants?


The worst part about the trip between Lilycove and Olivine was, by far, the damned waiting. It was a long trip and almost entirely across open ocean - there were no other ports along the coast, so most ships didn't bother to hug it, instead just making a beeline for the opposite port.

I lay back on one of the collapsible chairs set out on the cruise liner's deck, soaking in the sunlight as I'd been doing almost the entire trip. Unfortunately, the temperature in Johto was a little more reasonable than Hoenn's, and, combined with the ocean breeze, it was starting to get a little cold for comfort.

I sighed and sat up, taking a quick headcount of my team. Missy was lurking around off to my right, an ominous presence more felt than seen, and Volt was curled up and napping calmly on the deck next to my own chair, using my discarded jacket as a pillow. Every now and then his tail flicked from side to side, the little star-shaped tuft of fur swinging through the air.

Rubble had taken to the skies, circling the cruise ship and apparently playing around with a couple of other flying pokémon - a Swellow and a Skarmory, so they probably belonged to one of the other trainers on the boat. Need to keep an eye on him, then. Don't want him playing too rough. The Archeops was tough - but he was also the youngest member of my team.

Drift had dived overboard the first chance she had, and was probably swimming alongside the boat, still. The thought didn't really bother me - she'd been with me long enough to know her limits, and I trusted her ability to Aqua Jet back onto the boat when she got tired.

And she knew where we were going, anyway, so even if she had somehow fallen behind, I could have just waited at the port for her to show up. Not like she was going to drown, or anything.

Unfortunately, Challenger and Tyrant had to make do with remaining in their pokéballs - there was no way I was releasing either of them on the boat. They'd probably fall through the deck. Or punch a hole in the hull with their tails. Probably by accident, too.

No, safer they stay contained.

Headcount complete, I sunk back into my chair, content to resume my leisurely sunbathe. I heard the echo of footsteps along the deck and tuned it out, hoping it was just another person coming up the front to see the early morning sights.

Unfortunately, 'twas not to be.

"Hey," a masculine voice called out from somewhere off to my left. "Bit early to be sunbathing, isn't it?"

I groaned and sat up again, casting a glance over my shoulder to look at the uninvited guest. Hiking boots, jeans, a tight-fitting grey shirt and a pretty-boy face framed by wavy blonde hair. A belt holding six pokéballs hung from his waist. A trainer, then. Late teens or early twenties - so about my age or younger.

"Sure, maybe, but what else am I supposed to do? Hike back and forth along the deck?"

The boy laughed lightly. "No, I suppose that's fair. It's hard, for trainers like us. Nowhere to wander, nowhere to challenge ourselves… except, perhaps, the battle arena at the stern of the ship?"

The way he posed the question - and glanced meaningfully at my napping Luxray, - made it plenty obvious what he wanted.

"Are you challenging me to a battle?" I retorted, lowering my sunglasses to look him in the eyes. "Because I'm pretty sure no one else on this boat wants to be woken up at seven thirty by the sounds of your pokémon being beaten into pulps."

Admittedly, the pre-battle slagging was a little harsh on my part, but… the look on his face was absolutely worth it. A mixture of surprised, impressed,and taken aback. As if I'd just threatened to kill his pets whilst dressed in little more than a swimsuit - oh, wait.

I held his stare for half a moment longer before swinging one leg out to the side, nudging Volt with my foot as I did so. The Gleam Eyes woke with a muffled yawn, turning its head lazily to look first at me, and then my apparent challenger.

"I'm kidding, don't worry," I said, waving my hand dismissively towards the trainer. "'Sides, I haven't battled in months. I'm… probably a little rusty."

He tilted his head and raised an eyebrow. "Burnout?"

I nodded sadly. "Yeah…. Not really feeling up to a battle right now. Sorry."

He let out a bark of laughter at that. "Oh, that's alright," he said, in an understanding tone. A smirk split his face, and he continued in a more casual tone. "Besides, like you said, - wouldn't want your Luxray's cries of pain to wake anyone up."

Volt growled menacingly, gnashing his teeth. I nudged him with my foot again, and he fell silent.

"If I set Volt on you, I can guarantee it's not his cries of pain you would be worried about, pal," I retorted, with a smile on my face.

He shrugged and moved over to one of the other chairs closer to mine, Missy floating obligingly out of the way and taking up a new position at the foot of my deck chair.

Don't you think it's been long enough?

"Don't suppose there's anything I could say to convince you? My team's getting a little restless."

And so are we, my Lady.

"Have 'em spar amongst themselves. Your team discipline is none of my concern."

But our team discipline is.

You know you're free to do whatever you want, Missy. I'm not a Trainer any more. I'm not going to tell you what to do.

The other trainer pouted before nodding. "Well, I suppose that's fair. If you don't want to battle, I can't force you. I know there's at least one other trainer on the ship - I'll just wait for them to wake up, I suppose."

"You do that."

He sat back on his chair, staring up into the sky at the trio of fliers above. "I'm Michael, by the way."

Ugh. Now I have to introduce myself… damn you, courtesy.

You never used to be this grouchy. Maybe some travelling would do you well?

Shut up, Missy.

"Abby. Pleasure."

"No, no, the pleasure is mine. So… how long ago did you give up battling?"

"Couple years, now. Dropped out of the Gym Circuits, stopped travelling… not been doing a lot, really. Technically, until Tuesday I was a Route Ranger, but I never really did anything in that capacity. Route 120's not exactly adventure central. Oh, I helped out with that huge storm that hit Fortree last year, search and rescue, but… that's about it."

Michael nodded. "Yeah, I heard about that. Looked pretty rough - even when I went there there was still some construction going on, and that was a good few months later."

"Yeah, it was bad," I said with a sigh as the memories came flooding back.

Heh. Flooding.


"Luckily, we were able to keep the storm away from the city itself… most of the damage came from the flood, knocking over trees and stuff. That was a right mess to clean up. Had to replant half the forest, or at least it seemed like it at the time."

Michael nodded. "There was a lot of replanting going on when I visited. Ah well, I got my badge out of it, so I'm happy… say, you were on the Gym Circuit, right? How many badges do you have? I've got sixteen, now that I've got the Mind Badge."

"Uh… so, where'd you go for them? I'm guessing Hoenn for one set, what about the second?"

"Oh, Kalos. It's where I was born."

"Ah. Two full sets, then? I've got… hm. Eight from Sinnoh, eight from Hoenn, and eight more from Kalos. Seven from Johto… six each from Kanto and Unova. So… what's that? Like, forty three? Sounds about right, since I'm missing five."

There was a muffled thump off to the side - probably Michael getting something from his bag.

Uh, milady...

"Although… if I'm going to be in Johto, I may as well swing by Blackthorn and take another stab at the Rising Badge… hm. And then, since I'll already be on the eastern border, I might as well get Rubble to fly me over to Viridian, and then.... Michael?"

A Trainer's Guide to the Johto Gym Circuit - Reignite 1.2

Olivine City - The port town of Olivine City has a couple of interesting attractions—the Ampharos-powered Glitter Lighthouse and the home port for the highspeed watercraft, the S.S. Aqua. Besides its role as Johto's premier seaport, Olivine City also hosts its own Pokémon Gym, where trainers can obtain the Mineral Badge from Gym Leader Jasmine!
- an excerpt from "Johto - A Tourist's Guide"

The S.S. Tidal couldn't dock soon enough - before the town was even more than a blur on the horizon, Rubble and Volt were getting antsy, and I'd returned both to their pokéballs for the last day of the trip so they didn't go stir-crazy.

Not that the pokéballs were much better, but I'd rather not have two bored powerhouses roaming around the ship. They were generally pretty well behaved, but… well, Rubble was still a little immature, and Volt had on occasion suffered from anger issues. It was best, I felt, not to leave things to chance.

I'd also asked Missy to find and retrieve Drift - though she was more than capable of meeting me later, Johto had some odd restrictions on pokémon entering and I didn't want to be stuck in port waiting for her to show up. Luckily, my partner had no problem contacting her telepathically and within three minutes the Floatzel leapt from the ocean's surface onto the deck of the ship, showing both me and Michael in what seemed at the time to be a small lake's worth of water, which was why I, at least, had chosen to wear my swimsuit.

Michael was somewhat less happy about the situation. On the bright side, he did leave me alone after that.

The near-omnipresent whine of the engines suddenly intensified as the ship began slowing, pulling carefully into the harbour. I sat up for the first time in three hours, stretching out and trying to ignore the rippling cracks as my body protested.

Based on prior experience, there would probably be some fifteen minutes or so before they allowed people to disembark, so I headed down to my cabin to change out of my swimsuit and grab my bags, slipping through the crowds of people trying to make their way up onto the main deck.

Missy followed behind me, a spectral presence flickering in and out of existence, phasing through the walls in order to keep up with my rapid pace. By the time I reached my own cabin, she'd fallen quite far behind, but after a couple of moments she appeared, phasing through one wall of the cabin and turning to me with a frown.

You could have waited for me, you know?

I shrugged, grabbing a change of clothes from my bed.

You're a ghost, Missy. You kept up fine. Now shut up and let me get dressed.


By the time I was changed and packed, the crew had already begun directing people to disembark, and many passengers already had, making their way on wobbly feet through the port terminal and into the city proper. I lingered on the deck for a moment longer before disembarking myself, staggering into the terminal building on legs unprepared for solid ground. Missy floated behind me, silently observing the huge crowd of people lining up at the passports desk.

I glanced at my watch (ten thirty) and then at the line.

Ugh. I hate this part. Why can't they be like Almia and have a seperate Trainer-Pass Holder's line?

Because Almia has laws against capturing pokémon and Johto doesn't?

Shush, you.

The line slowly filtered forward over the course of thirty minutes, and I made it to the counter at about eleven exactly, by my watch.

The woman behind the desk, perhaps a year or two older than me, looked at me and the Mismagius hovering over my shoulder before smiling.


"Yeah," I said, reaching down into my duffle bag in anticipation of her next request.

"Trainer Card and Passport, please."

I dropped the requested documents onto the countertop before she'd finished asking.

Alright, Missy, I think this is the bit where-

I recall, milady.

"Alright, please return your pokémon and place the pokéballs on the scanner."

I did as she requested, watching the screen as it measured the scanner's progress, showing images of the six pokémon as it examined them - Luxray, Mismagius, Floatzel, Archeops, Tyranitar, Aggron, each accompanied by a small statblock and a green tick.

The clerk nodded her head and gestured towards the scanner, passing my Passport and Trainer Card across the countertop. "Alright, you're clear to come through. Welcome to Johto, Miss Drake."


Customs cleared, I stepped out onto the streets of Olivine proper and glanced around, taking note of the street signs. They'd had to rebuilt Olivine Port after the Cianwood Quake, and the renovated port's entrances and exits had been moved, leaving me a little lost.

Luckily I remembered most of the major street names and enough about the layout of the city to know where they were, so I was fairly confident I'd be able to find somewhere I recognised soon enough.

I moved away from the port's exit, stepping out onto the sidewalk and into the sunlight. The midday sun blazed down, and the few people out and about on the streets were dressed in shorts and t-shirts, clearly unused to the heat.

It wasn't much of an issue for me - I'd lived in Hoenn for two years, so a hot Johto day was basically Tuesday for all I cared. Missy, hovering behind me, seemed equally unfazed, although I suspected that was less because she was used to the heat and more because she was rather lacking in the 'physical body' department. Whilst she could feel that it was hot, it was no more of an inconvenience to her than any other weather.

I took a moment to orient myself before setting off, my vague memories of the city slowly becoming clearer as I saw more and more landmarks I really should have recognised after living here for two months.

Reaching down to my belt, I released Volt from his pokéball with one hand and grabbed out my PokéNav to sent Aunt Thetcher a quick text with the other.

In Olivine now, when's a good time/place to meet?

Volt let out a purr and nuzzled my leg, and I nudged him in the flank. "Come on, Volt. Lunch time."

The Luxray yipped and jumped to his feet, a grin splitting his face. I smirked in return, and looked at Missy, who seemed equally enthusiastic about the prospect of getting food.

Smiling back at my pokémon, I turned east, towards the lighthouse that loomed over Cape Olivine.

I wonder if that old café with the nice pancakes is still open?


Thankfully for myself and for all my pokémon, the answer to that was yes.

The Grand Glitter Café, so named due to its location just across the road from the Glitter Lighthouse, was one of Olivine's most famous cafés, at least amongst the locals.

Besides the delicious pancakes, the Grand Glitter also provided a huge variety of pokémon food, including Pokéblocks, Poffins, PokéPuffs, Honey Cakes, and all sorts of other confectionaries from across the world - even Lava Cookies, Chansey Eggs, and Lumiose Galettes.

Basically, if pokémon could eat it, it was probably sold here.

The only downside? It was expensive. Very expensive. If it wasn't for the fact that Sinnoh's contests were excellent in regards to prize money, I probably wouldn't have been able to eat here at all.

And even then, it was a stretch, especially given how much my team, two members in particular, liked to eat.

The seven of us - the Glitter Grand being one of the rare places where trainers were allowed to eat alongside their pokémon, - sat on the floor in a wide circle, each with a plate of food before us.

My plate held a stack of pancakes almost a foot high, covered in an overly generous amount of chocolate sauce. It probably contained enough calories to meet my recommended daily intake for several weeks, but after a week and a half of sparse eating on the S.S. Tidal (seasickness, ho!) it was nice to have a filling meal.

Besides, I didn't need to finish it. Tyrant and Challenger would, no doubt, help me deal with any leftovers. Speaking of which...

Tyrant and Challenger had between them a pile of Poffins almost two feet high, and about as wide. It would have been enough to feed the rest of my party several (dozen) times over.

They seemed to view the enormous pile of food as a challenge, both grabbing huge clawfulls of the pastries and shoving them in their mouths as fast as their stubby arms would allow. It was almost comical, seeing the two behemoths munching down on choc-chip pastries and showering the floor around them in crumbs.

Rubble was picking curiously at his plate, as if not sure what entirely to make of the food his fellow rock-types were devouring by the fistfull, but after a quick glance confirmed that Drift, Volt, and Missy had all tucked into their (much smaller) portions, he seemed a lot happier to eat them himself, taking one and swallowing it whole before grunting contentedly.

I grabbed another pancake for myself, carefully sliding it from the stack onto my plate before going at it with a knife and fork. My team looked at me strangely - probably because I wasn't shovelling the food down by the fistful myself, - but quickly went back to eating their own food when I shot a glare their way, still munching on a mouthful of pancake.

Have you received a response from Aunt Thetcher, milady?

Good question.

Putting my plate down, I reached for my PokéNav, checking the Match Call function and noting that I had, in fact, not yet received a response.

Ah well. That just meant I had more time to eat.


As the piles of food grew smaller and my stomach grew fuller, I eventually had to sit back and leave the half-eaten pile of pancakes to the others, none of whom seemed displeased at the notion.

I wondered, as I often had, how the pokémon could have such voracious appetites and yet most of them still weighed less than I did. Challenger and Tyrant excluded, obviously. I wasn't so dense as to compare myself to a Tyranitar and an Aggron when it came to weight.

Heh. Dense.


The heaps of food eventually dwindled down to nothing but crumbs, spread all over the floor where we were sitting. Volt put his head on his paws as if to take a nap, and Drift looked at him enviously before attempting to mimic the action.

Rubble was also curled up on the ground, his wings tucked against his chest and his tail idly scraping the floor behind him, his eyes half-closed and his mouth hanging open.

Missy, who'd eaten maybe three Poffins in total over the course of the hour we'd been there, was the only one of the four who even looked like they were in a condition to even move, really.

Tyrant and Challenger, on the other hand, both seemed completely fine, as if eating several kilos of Poffins was no issue for them.

Given that they usually munched on rocks, I guess it had to be an improvement for them. Probably easier on their stomachs, too.

"Well, guys," I said, earning looks from the entire team, "I think it's time we headed off. Volt, you up for walking?"

The Luxray shook his head no and laid back down with a pained moan.

"Nah, didn't think so." I started grabbing pokéballs, returning my party one-by-one, until Missy was the only one who remained, hovering merrily over a carpet of crumbs.

I stood, my legs aching after such a long period sitting, and gestured at the crumbs. "Do the staff a favour and clean that up, please?"

Missy frowned at me but complied. The plates and crumbs began to glow a pale pink before lifting into the air and piling together - a stack of plates topped by a heap of crumbs.


It was no issue, milady.

I turned away from my seating area to head to the exit, and found my path blocked by a younger trainer - perhaps fifteen or sixteen, - pointing his finger accusingly at me.

"That was at least seventy litres of Poffin Mix your pokémon just ate, you realise?"

I blinked at the boy's non sequitur. "...Yeah? So?"

"Do you realise how much that's cost the staff here?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Do you realise how much it cost me?"

"You think seventy litres of Poffin Mix is cheap?"

"Clearly not," I retorted, "since I just emptied my wallet for it."

"Your excuses don't change the fact that trainers like you are driving this place out of business!"

I stared, dumbstruck.

Oh my god, he's an idiot.

Clearly, milady.

"It's trainers like me who keep this place in business! I payed for my meal in full! Unless you think that the staff here are dumb enough to sell their food for less than it costs to make-"

"Are you calling me a liar?" The teen interrupted, shouting into my face.

"No, I'm calling you a moron!" I shouted back. "Do you even basic economics?"

The kid growled. "Oh, think you're so smart! Throwing around big words! How about you prove it on the arena, huh?"

My jaw dropped. An idle part of my brain noted that we had now drawn the attention of every human and pokémon in the café.

"Are you kidding me?"

"What do you think?" The boy asked, sliding back a step to strike a silly pose. "Step up or admit defeat!"

"My pokémon are in no condition to battle right now…"

"Of course a trainer like you would fail to care for their pokémon!"

My train of thought derailed, screeching to a destructive halt. For a long moment, I simply stood, mouth opening and closing but unable to force a sound out.

"Hah! I guess you're just too much of a coward to fight!"

I closed my mouth and glared angrily at the stuck up teen.

"We literally just finished eating. We have been travelling for over a week. None of my pokémon are really in any condition to battle. And you are a moron. Please, kindly, get the hell out of my way."

The teen didn't move.

Suddenly, a third voice echoed across the now-silent café. "SHUT UP AND FIGHT ALREADY!"

I shot the offending trainer a withering glare, but it was too late. Others around the room had already taken up the cry.

"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Awwww, shit.

Inspired by Overused (and the rewrite, Learnset) this is a story about a trainer who's already gone on her quest, got the badges, and catch'd 'em all (except not really), and is now kinda bored of being a trainer.

And yes, there is a reason that the teen at the end of 1.2 is a moron. Spoilers.

EDIT: I should state that I am not really happy with the ending of 1.2, with the way that confrontation played out. I feel like I coulda done better.
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Oh man, I know you have a bunch of old untagged Pokemon quests, but I'm too lazy to organize their links. Maybe later. :p
Oh, romhacks too?
Well, in that case...
Yup! I presume Romhack patch links (without the core ROM) should be fine; same with ones using RPGMaker. I'll add in your recs, along with EvilPorygon and Pandemonious Ivy's The Game of Champions recs, tomorrow. Busy for most of Saturday.
Oh, sweet, SV has one of these threads now. I don't have to crosspost to SB anymore! Hurrah!
Hurrah indeed! I dunno if this thread will ever reach the activity levels of the SB one. This one also has a broader umbrella of topics. But I, for one, shall be around to give my amateur feedback. ^_^

And I see that you have a second snippet posted! I remember reading and responding to the first on SB. I'll have more time on Sunday, but at a glance, I really enjoyed the second snippet's last scene. I'm maybe unsure about the sudden chanting of "Fight", but drawing that out might ruin the succinctness of the ending. As for the beginning and middle sections of the second snippet, I'm not sure every sentence of those sections were necessary, but I was half-skimming and would need to take another look.
showing both me and Michael
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Your a copycat @Oh I am slain! I am Slain! A copt cat I say!

OK, with that out of my system I just want to rec Fanfic: Pedestal Ch 1, Pokémon | FanFiction, it's one of the better OC trainee fics out there in my opinion.

I second this rec as well.

With those three out of the way (Traveler, GoC, and Pedestal), the only other Pkmn fic worth recommending that I've read would be 35th Annual Hunger League, a Pkmn/Hunger Games cross.

Again, on phone so no links right now unfortunately.
Pedestal was really fun to read, back in the day.

I'd like to rec The Sun Soul, a rather grim setting with excellent worldbuilding.

Speaking of sun soul, it reminded me of something I read a while back.

Soul Ablaze, a crossover of Sword Art Online and Pokemon. The solo playing pokemon has meshed quite well with the fantasy medieval mmorpg here.
Traveler by The Straight Elf

My #1 Pokemon fic of all time, only barely beating out Game of Champions. Finished the first book/arc, second book/arc ongoing. Fairly lengthy.

The 35th Annual Hunger League by Steele S. Publishing Company

My #3 Pokemon fic of all time, only barely behind Game of Champions because it's so short. Complete.
Adding my recommendation to Pedestal and Game of Champions, and throwing out... uh, lemme see if I can find it.

Ah, here we go. Clouded Sky, by Negrek. OC centric, somewhat on the dark side, but hella interesting, with a fair bit of neat world building and a few cool fanmons scattered throughout.

That said, it's been a while since I read it so maybe it's not as good as I recall. Either way, I did enjoy it when I first read it, so that counts I guess?
Found this thread on accident. I'm equally happy that I can find my story on the list of recommended - and equally sad that, despite all my prodding, I can't find a way to resurrect it back up.

Despite everything, and the fact that it hasn't been touched in months now, I still want to continue it. I just can't think of a proper way to do so.
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Found this thread on accident. I'm equally happy that I can find my story on the list of recommended - and equally sad that, despite all my prodding, I can't find a way to resurrect it back up.

Despite everything, and the fact that it hasn't been touched in months now, I still want to continue it. I just can't think of a proper way to do so.

"Then everything changed when my... my own mother SHE.... she just lost her mind. She leapt at me and..."

A brief pause.

"I stayed until the last ember faded and then I left what was left of my home behind. So can I stay?"


I have not read your story but I'm sure you can shoehorn this in there, I believe in you!
I have not read your story but I'm sure you can shoehorn this in there, I believe in you!
Seeing that it was based off Gates to Infinity at the time, I don't see a way to match it.


Actually, I can, but then it'd just feel grimderp - and that's not how I wanted the story to go in the first place. Admittedly, it turned on the wrong track when I tried to make a small collaboration effort, and probably went all sorts of downhill there.

The Adventuring Life Chose Me (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon SI) by @Umbra
I'm a Hero? (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon SI) by @Mizu
Ain't We Just [Pokemon Mystery Dungeon SI] by @Dakkaface
A Tangled Mess. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon SI Collab by @cthulhu fartagn
Imposter (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Collaborative SI) by @karmafalcon

They were all written in the same universe, but seeing that some of the characters never met, they could continue if they wanted to without any negative repercussions about my failure at writing.

Which I'm pretty sure was my fault for being way too ambitious about the entire thing. :V

It was my first story I've ever posted on Spacebattles, but it stayed alive for longer than a month with a story update every day - until it slowly died, anyway.
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