Pokemon Dark Tidings

Chapter 14: Step up Challenger! New
Here's chapter 14: Step up Challenger!

Heads up warning for Pokemon Purists, I outright use a move in a way it isn't supposed to work, live with it, slap an AU tag on it.

And we once again have actual Pokemon battles in this Pokemon fic.

Who would have thunk it?

Also more Whitney, probably the first human being in this world Ezra immediately warms up to.

Named team:

Cheshire - Haunter

Loki - Banette

Nyx - Spiritomb

Rider - Alolan Marowak

Morrigan - Dreepy

Alduin - Deino

Akuma - Annihilape

As usual, I do not own Pokemon or the associated companies that deliver material from it. I'm just playing in the kiddy pool, don't hurt me.


Goldenrod city, Johto.

Ezra and Karen made their way through the bustling streets of Goldenrod City a few days after all the excitement, the smell of food vendors selling freshly baked pastries and the sounds of shopkeepers haggling with the early bird customers filling the air. The city was alive with energy, the largest in Johto and it showed, and today's battle only added to the excitement in Ezra's case.

Even if it was against a normal gym, which he should really not have any issues with… That said, he couldn't push his general cheating trolling asshole move here, he actually liked Whitney.

And not only because she was… Enthusiastic in her affections.

That was just the cherry on top.

He usually found bubbly people to be the most annoying people to interact with, but somehow he didn't actually mind Whitney, probably in the way she was so earnest about it. There was nothing put on or over the top fake about her cheer and excitement.

Ezra was feeling a bit too relaxed for Karen's liking however, he noticed, his hands stuffed in his pockets, a small smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. Meanwhile, Karen was clearly less amused, her arms crossed, and her expression a constant scowl as they approached the gym. So… Typical Karen.

"I still can't believe you're just walking into a gym challenge like this," She muttered under her breath, her silver hair glinting in the sunlight as she shot him a look of disapproval. "It's cheating."

Ezra raised an eyebrow, glancing at her sideways. "It's only cheating if you're caught, Karen." His tone was playful, but there was an underlying sharpness in his words. Really, this was going to be her complaint? He did worse than this every morning when he pilfered the Pokemon centers shampoo and put it in his bag.

What could he say… They had some kickass shampoo.

Just because he was going to be filthy rich didn't mean he needed to be a perfect saint.

Karen glared, refusing to let it slide. "Whitney's gym has a two-week waiting list. Two weeks! And somehow, you're waltzing right in without even needing to ask properly. That's not just 'cutting in line', that's exploiting her gratitude. It's cheating."

Ezra let out a soft scoff, clearly dismissing her concerns. "Gratitude? If I used her gratitude to have her give me the badge without a fight, maybe then you'd have a point. But skipping the line for a battle?" He waved a hand, dismissively. "That's nothing. Inconsequential."

He suspected she was only really complaining because she was off kilter after her almost capture, the bloodbath, and then Whitney's… Aggressive thank you. Because this was kind of silly even compared to her usual ornery behavior.

Karen clenched her fists, clearly frustrated by his flippant attitude, or just generally frustrated. But before she could respond, Ezra continued, his smirk widening as he shot her a teasing look. "Are you sure you haven't been spending too much time around Agatha? You're starting to sound like an old lady." His voice was light, almost mocking.

If he wanted her out of this funk, well… Bully Karen is always his go to anyway.

Karen sputtered, her cheeks flushing slightly. "That's not it!" She snapped, her eyes narrowing as she shot him an indignant look.

Ezra shrugged, strolling casually beside her, Rider his Alolan Marowak keeping pace at his feet, the small ghostly flames on his bone staff flickering as he glanced around the city. Ezra's pace was lazy, but Rider's eyes were sharp, always watching, always calculating.

He patted Rider on the head, good boy, he thought, Rider preening slightly at the touch.

"Well then," He said easily, "Stop complaining about skipping the line. You've seen me do worse things, Karen. This hardly qualifies as 'cheating' in the grand scheme of things."

Karen's glare faltered slightly, her scowl softening just a bit, though she still looked annoyed. "I just don't want to see any more of your flirting with that… Woman!" She bit out, her voice dripping with frustration. "It's indecent!" She hurried out right after, probably realizing what that sounded like.

Heh, so that's your problem? He thought.

Ezra put on a mock-affronted look, his hand resting dramatically over his heart. "Me? Flirting? Karen, please, Whitney is the one flirting with me, not the other way around." He paused, his smirk returning in full force. "Not that I mind. She's a great kisser, you know. Very... Aggressive."

Karen's face reddened instantly, her glare intensifying as she practically growled, "That never happened." Her words were clipped, her fists clenched tightly at her sides as she tried to suppress her growing irritation. But her body language wasn't as stressed in her flushed state.

Ezra's smirk only widened, his crimson eyes gleaming with amusement. "If you say so," He said lightly, enjoying her reaction.

The rest of their walk was filled with idle chatter about training, Karen grudgingly focusing on her own team and their recent improvements. Her tone was still slightly agitated, but Ezra could sense the subtle shift in her mood. She talked at length about her Dark type Pokemon, how they'd grown stronger, faster, more responsive in battle.

"Honchkrow has been dodging attacks like nothing I've ever seen before," Karen admitted, her voice taking on a more thoughtful edge. "And Sneasel… I swear, her speed has doubled in the last week. Even Houndoom seems sharper, more in tune with my commands." Her eyes flicked toward Ezra, studying him carefully. "It's strange, though. They've always been strong, but lately... It feels like they've been pushing beyond their limits, listening to me without the struggle, the inherent need for dominance..."

Ezra gave her a casual glance, raising an eyebrow but saying nothing. He knew what she was getting at. She'd noticed the change, the subtle edge that came with being around him, but she wasn't sure how to ask directly, apparently - her Dark Pokemon were simply boosted by his aura, and more settled, but she wasn't aware of it like Agatha was.

It was definitely noticeable, he was surprised she wasn't outright asking though - although perhaps Agatha had made the right choice in keeping her ignorant, wanting her to figure it out on her own.

Oh well, that aspect wouldn't be the worst for her to find out eventually, Agatha likely held something similar, with how quickly she'd spotted it…

Karen pressed on, her tone more curious now, though still wary. "It's almost like they're feeding off of something. The closer we are to you, the more responsive they become. It's like they're being drawn to your… Presence." She glanced at him, her eyes narrowing slightly. "What's going on, Ezra?"

Ezra simply shrugged, his smirk never faltering. "Maybe I'm just that inspiring," He said, his tone light and playful. He wasn't going to give her a straight answer, not yet. She'd figure it out eventually, but for now, it was more fun to keep her guessing. "Or simply that good looking?"

Karen scowled, clearly unsatisfied with his response, but before she could push further, they arrived at the Goldenrod Gym.

The gym had a vibrant and welcoming feel. It was clear from the design that this gym wasn't just about battles, but also about fostering a community. Inside, the atmosphere was equally warm and friendly, with soft pastel walls and plush carpeting. Trainers of all ages were gathered around, some engaged in battle theory lessons from gym trainers - while others practiced or chatted.

As they stepped through the entrance, they were greeted by the same gym trainer who had escorted them the last time they visited. The young woman looked slightly embarrassed, her face flushed as she approached them with a polite bow.

"Ezra, Karen," The gym trainer greeted, her voice soft but filled with a hint of nervousness. "Welcome back. Please, follow me to the arena, leader Whitney is ready for your battle."

As they began walking, the trainer hesitated for a moment before speaking again, her tone apologetic. "I hope you won't judge the entire gym based on Leader Whitney's… Excessive behavior." She glanced sideways, clearly embarrassed by her leader's more… Exuberant displays.

Ezra's expression darkened almost immediately, his usual smirk vanishing as he shot the trainer a sharp, cold look. "She is your leader," He said bluntly, his voice low and firm. "You should not be disparaging her like this."

It didn't matter what she was doing or how she was appearing. This was her gym, she'd obviously made it a shining pillar in the community, her own trainers should not be talking like that. He scowled further, imagining his own reaction one day if his own gym trainers talked shit about him behind his back.

The gym trainer paled, her eyes widening in panic as she quickly waved her hands, her voice rising in alarm. "Ah, no! I didn't mean it like that! Please, don't take it that way!" She stammered, her face flushed with anxiety. "I only meant -"

Before she could finish, Karen grabbed Ezra by the hand and dragged him forward, scowling as she muttered under her breath, "Stop bullying the trainers."

Ezra, however, only grinned, his eyes dropping to their intertwined hands. "So our relationship has evolved to hand-holding, how ~lewd!" He teased, his voice lilting with amusement, dropping the trainer from his mind.

Karen refused to react, though the tops of her ears turned a distinct shade of red. She pressed forward with determination, her grip tightening slightly as if to keep him in line.

She'd have to evolve far further then hand holding if she wanted to keep him in line, he thought with some amusement, just allowing her to drag him forward.

They arrived at the arena shortly after, the large double doors opening to reveal a brightly lit battlefield. The gym's signature pink-and-white color scheme carried through, with soft lighting casting a gentle glow over the entire space. The arena was spacious, the floor marked with the familiar patterns of a Pokemon battle field. On one side, large bleachers sat empty, though they were clearly designed to accommodate large crowds. The air was filled with the faint scent of flowers and the hum of excitement.

And there, standing in the center of the arena, was Whitney. The pink-haired Gym Leader was bouncing on the balls of her feet, her usual bright and bubbly energy practically radiating from her. She wore her typical pink-and-white workout outfit, her hair tied back in a high ponytail. Her bright pink eyes sparkled with excitement as she spotted them, her entire demeanor screaming anticipation.

Whitney waved enthusiastically, her grin wide and infectious. "Ezra! Karen! You made it!" She called out, her voice cheerful as she jogged over to meet them.

Ezra chuckled softly, giving her a nod as he approached. "Of course. Wouldn't miss it for the world, I'm looking forward to our battle." He said, trying to be smooth and confident.

By Karen's elbow into his side, and hissed, "No flirting!" He'd succeeded.

Whitney beamed, her energy practically vibrating. "I've been looking forward to this battle for like ~months! I can't wait to see what you've got!" She punched the air playfully, her competitive spirit shining through.

The gym leader behind them face-palmed, "You've only known him for a week at most." She muttered, exasperated.

Whitney beamed at her, "It's the thought that counts, Jessie!"

Said Jessie looked heavenward, "My thoughts never count…" She whined.

Ezra looked at her, still remembering her earlier comments, "That's because your thoughts don't matter." He said brutally.

Karen smacked him on the arm immediately, "I said stop it!" At the same time Whitney stared him down seriously, "Ezra, don't bully my cute trainers."

Jessie made a sigh of relief, only to bow her head in depression when Whitney added, tongue out and one eye closed, "That's my job, you know!"

Ezra couldn't help but laugh a little at that, giving her a small nod. Ezra tilted his head to the arena shortly thereafter, "Shall we?"

Whitney grinned and turned about, "Let's!" She agreed.

Soon enough, Whitney stood on the far side of the arena, her usual bubbly energy radiating from her as she gave Ezra a playful wink. "Ready to get physical, Kassian?" She teased, her voice echoing across the polished battlefield. Jessie, who had slotted in as the referee, stood to the side, in a shielded box, raising her hand to indicate the start of the match.

Karen, meanwhile, sat up in the stands, arms held out holding Ezra's Pokedex, which was recording the whole event at his request. Her expression made it clear that she wasn't entirely on board with this, but Ezra, as always, seemed unfazed with her complaints.

Jessie cleared her throat, addressing both trainers with the official rules. "This will be a six-on-six battle. Each side is allowed only two substitutions. This is a star challenge for the Goldenrod Gyms badge. Are the trainers ready?"

Ezra gave a sharp nod, his eyes narrowing with focus as he sized up Whitney. Across the field, Whitney twirled a Pokeball in her hand, her smile never faltering.

"We're ready already, let's goooo," She called, her voice light but tinged with determination. With that, she tossed her first Pokeball into the air, even though the challenger is supposed to go first... "Let's get this party started! Clefable, you're up!"

In a flash of light, Clefable appeared on the field, its round, fairy-like form bouncing slightly as it landed. The pink Pokemon stretched its stubby arms and gave a little twirl, its large eyes focused on Ezra. Ezra responded quickly, sending Rider forward, his Alolan Marowak. Rider announced himself with a low growl, spinning his bone club menacingly as the pale flames flickered at its tip.

"Clefable, use Odor Sleuth and BOUNCE!" Whitney ordered immediately, wasting no time as she examined Ezra's Ghost type. Clefable nodded, its body glowing briefly using the move that nullified usual immunity to Normal type attacks.

Rider had already been moving in for an attack, Ezra having suspected Whitney would have a way to ensure her Pokemon could hit, it would have been different perhaps if he'd come to the gym as a surprise, but now that she knew…

As Rider attempted to strike with Iron Club, Ezra's order prior to the match even beginning, Clefable was literally bouncing across the arena like some sort of demented rubber ball, never staying in the same place for more than a second.

Whitney knew she was at a starting disadvantage, as each of her Pokemon would have to pull off the same kind of move to hit his Ghosts, so theoretically, Ezra would have the advantage of the first hit. Except Clefable had managed to avoid that with some surprising speed and agility.

Whitney winked at him, "You didn't think it would be that easy to slide up my skirt and give me a buggering, did ya?" She tapped her nose, smiling smugly.

"Phrasing, please, leader…" Jessie said long sufferingly.

Ezra clicked his tongue, it was only to be expected really, it just meant a more long range battle for now, which Rider wasn't as suited for, he for a second debated blowing one of his recalls on this, but decided to soldier on, "Rider, Flamethrower."

The Alolan Marowak twirled around spewing flames, shooting out eerie blue flames toward a general area of Clefable's bouncing. The attack hit its mark, barely. The ghostly flames surrounding Clefable and immediately inflicting a burn. Clefable winced, its movements slowing slightly as the burn began to sap its strength.

Whitney's cheerful demeanor didn't falter, though. "Not bad, very hot! But let's see how you handle the power of randomness! Clefable, use Metronome!"

Clefable's stubby fingers wiggled mockingly in the air as it summoned the power of Metronome, a move that could become any Pokemon move, from the worst… To the best. Just random luck, the deciding factor. "Come oooon! Mama wants a Draco Meteor!" Whitney called out, at the same time as Ezra told Rider, "Go into a dodging pattern then Iron Tail."

The anticipation was palpable as both trainers watched, waiting to see what random move would emerge. Then, with a burst of light, Clefable fired off a Hyper Beam, the devastating energy beam barreling toward Rider with unrelenting force.

"Dodge it, Rider!" Ezra called out, his voice tense, a superfluous order, as Rider had already been moving about the Arena in a twisting hopefully unpredictable manner.

But the Hyper Beam was too fast, and Rider couldn't escape it. The beam struck the Alolan Marowak dead-on, sending him flying back across the field. Rider hit the ground with a hard thud, his body motionless as the dust settled around it.

Ezra's eyes narrowed, even with Hyper Beam, he should have survived one hit… How strong is that Clefable?

"Rider is unable to battle!" The referee, Jessie, announced, raising her arm toward Whitney's side of the field.

Whitney gave a playful wink, blowing a kiss in Ezra's direction. "Oops, did I overdo it? Guess that one wasn't up for a Hyper Beam after all." She pouted slightly afterwards, slapping her competitors box, "So boooring though, a normal type move? I could have just used that then!"

Ezra's eyes narrowed, but he kept his cool. Rider losing that quick was unfortunate and a bit of bad luck, but this wasn't over. Far from it. Without missing a beat, he reached for his next Pokeball. "Cheshire, your turn."

His Haunter, Cheshire, materialized on the battlefield, his wide, toothy grin flashing as he floated in midair, his eerie purple body phasing in and out of the shadows. He looked as though it was itching for a good fight.

"Cheshire, SSH!" Ezra said immediately, trying to hide what he was doing from Whitney.

Whitney immediately shot finger guns at her Clefable, who grinned and began bouncing again, slightly hampered by the burn, but still going all over the place, making it hard to pin down. "Sweet Kiss~" She added, winking at Ezra.

Clefable shot a pink heart at Cheshire, but by then he was already gone, the Clefable's minute stop to launch a technique exactly what he needed for Cheshire to perform his orders. Shadow Sneak, and Hypnosis.

Cheshire's glowing eyes locked onto Clefable as he literally grew out of its shadow, sending waves of drowsy energy toward the 'normal' type. Clefable, slower with the burn, couldn't dodge away in time. Its eyes fluttered as the Hypnosis took effect, and within moments, it was fast asleep.

Ezra saw his opening to hit it hard, knowing the burn could make it easier for the Clefable to wake up from the pain anyway, limiting how much time he had the annoying thing still. "Now, Shadow Claw to hold it, hit it with Shadow Ball!"

Cheshire sunk dark claws into the Clefable, making it wake up as it cried out, Whitney quickly calling out, "Light Screen!" trying to offset the damage coming.

Yet it was too late, as Cheshire had already formed a dark, pulsating orb of energy from it's mouth and shot it point blank at the already reeling Clefable. The Shadow Ball struck Clefable directly, knocking it clean out, with the accumulated damage it had already taken pushing it far enough the Shadow Ball took it the rest of the way.

"Clefable is unable to battle!" Their referee called out, sounding put out.

Whitney didn't seem too bothered by the loss. She returned Clefable to its Pokeball with a smile, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Not bad, holding me down like that and having your way with ~me. But I've still got plenty of surprises for you! Let's go, Dodrio!"

Ezra could only shake his head with amusement. It was your Pokemon, not you, but you do you, Whitney… He thought.

With a flash of light, the three-headed bird Pokemon appeared on the field, its long legs kicking several times at the floor as it stared down Cheshire with all three of its heads. Dodrio let out a screeching cry, its heads bobbing wildly as it prepared for battle.

Ezra immediately snapped out, "Acid Spray around it!"

Whitney at the same time, wasted no time with her own order, having no other choice on her first one. "Dodrio, Odor Sleuth, keep moving!"

Dodrio's three heads sniffed the air in unison, locking onto Cheshire and nullifying his Ghost type advantage for defense against normal type moves, it then immediately began moving, but this time Ezra had been quicker, the Acid Spray spewed out from Cheshire making the Dodrio yelp as it had to run through the poisonous move.

"Cheshire, use Confuse Ray!" Ezra ordered, as the Dodrio faltered slightly, Whitney calling out, "Agility!"

Cheshire's eyes glowed again, and a burst of chaotic energy shot toward Dodrio, except the bird Pokemon shot out of the way, two of the heads cackling as Whitney shouted out, "Now, Trailblaze!"

Ezra cursed mentally, even as he ordered Cheshire to, "Acid Spray right in front of you, now!"

It wasn't really meant to be a defensive move, but the Dodrio, who'd used a grass move that both dealt damage, and further upped its speed again, chose not to run headsfirst into a spray of acid.

Ezra had been working on Cheshire's poison moves lately, as he realized he'd underutilized its versatility, it seemed he'd made the right choice.

"Alright, that was kickass…" Whitney admitted, adding, "Baton Pass~!"

Ezra swore under his breath, Dodrio was fast right now, but also poisoned, so they could play things out, but Baton Pass would switch it out for another Pokemon, and pass any status changes on to the incoming Pokemon!

Notably, speed increases counted, for whatever reason, poisoning did not. "Cheshire, S2, Toxic Spikes." He ordered.

Whatever Pokemon came out would be fast, so he'd prioritize Cheshire getting out of the way, and then laying the field with Toxic Spikes, limiting movement. Unfortunately his double Shadow Sneak to avoid a super fast attack ended up useless, as Whitney had other plans.

"Delcatty! Odor Sleuth, ~Attract!" Whitney called out, throwing a Pokeball forward, a Delcatty appearing on the field, immediately performing the move Odor Sleuth, before catching Cheshire with Attract just as he laid a field of Toxic Spikes, the yellow and purple cat Pokemon winking and purring as it moved almost sensually across the field.

Cheshire got a tint of red across his cheeks, and Ezra's order of "Ignore the cat, Confuse Ray then Toxic!" Was completely ignored. He clicked his tongue irritably.

"Pound him hard, Delcatty, Ice Beam." Whitney said, eyes amused.

Jessie, the referee, moaned loudly, "Leader, please! We're being filmed!" Gesturing to Karen.

Whitney nodded firmly, even as her Delcatty moved, firing off a beam of ice. She glanced at Karen, and then pulled her top more snugly against herself, winking at the camera, "Thanks for reminding me, Jessie, gotta look good so that Ezra can watch me spank him ~over and ~over again!"

Ezra was focused on Cheshire, wincing as the Ice beam did a fair bit of damage, but not enough to be out of the fight. Thankfully 'chilling' him, seemed to have removed his impromptu crush. "Back off, use the Toxic Spikes to keep it away, fire Dark Pulses to herd it." He ordered.

If Cheshire had enough distance, he could dodge another Ice Beam, or simply Shadow Sneak around it, forcing Delcatty to come through his field of Toxic Spikes to get close.

Except of course Whitney had other plans…

"Return." She said simply, before sending Dodrio out again, not needing to add Odor Sleuth, "Fly, then Tri-Attack!" She ordered, completely bypassing his Toxic Spike field.

"The gym leader has used all her allowed substitutions." Jessie piped in with.

Ezra couldn't help but grin, his blood pumping, of all the battles he'd had so far, this was the first time he felt someone really did something other than try using overwhelming force as a means to deal with him. Whitney for all her teasing and cheerfulness, was tactical.

"Confuse Ray, hold your ground." He ordered. Cheshire could survive another hit, but he wanted the Dodrio down now. So confuse it, disrupt it's flying.

He'd either send it down to the Toxic Spikes, excarberating the poisoning it was already suffering from before… Or get another hit in and end it.

The move connected, and Dodrio immediately began wobbling in the air, its three heads bickering and bobbing in confusion. Cheshire looked a little bit more worn however, Dodrio's attack having hit right before.

Whitney frowned, but her cheerful attitude remained. "Come on, Dodrio! Snap out of it!"

But it was too late. "Cheshire, use Thunder Punch!"

Cheshire's ethereal hands crackled with electricity as it glared at the Dodrio, landing a powerful punch that sent the bird Pokemon sprawling across the field, rolling across the Toxic Spikes. Dodrio struggled to stand, its legs shaky and its heads still dazed, but it was too much, the poison ticking away at it, it fell down.

"Dodrio is unable to battle." Jessie called out, sending Ezra a small glare.

Ezra just rolled his eyes, this gym trainer should make up her mind already, he thought. Either she wanted to rag on her leader, or be her little snapping guard dog, she couldn't be both.

Whitney pouted, though there was a playful gleam in her eyes. "Aww, poor Dodrio! Guess I'll have to bring out something a little tougher!" She pulled out her next Pokeball, twirling it in her hand before tossing it onto the field. "Lickilicky, your turn!"

The large, pink, rotund form of Lickilicky appeared, its massive tongue hanging out as it gave a low grunt. The Normal-type Pokemon bounced slightly as it landed, its eyes locked onto Cheshire.

Whitney gave Ezra a playful wink. "I hope Cheshire likes licking games," She teased, her voice full of innuendo, Jessie just sighing, finally just giving up on trying to ride herd on her boss.

Ezra rolled his eyes, but he wasn't about to underestimate Lickilicky. It was bulky and likely hard to take down if anything he'd seen by Whitney so far held true. He had to play this smart.

"Lickilicky, use Odor Sleuth!" Whitney ordered,

"Cheshire, SP!" Ezra called out at the same time. Having an advantage as Whitney's Pokemon was stuck doing her necessary move.

Cheshire appeared in Lickilicky's Shadow with Shadow Sneak, a Dark Pulse already beginning to form, before he shot it straight into the back of the Lickilicky, which unfortunately didn't seem like it did overly much…

Was this her tank? He wondered, even as Cheshire was already backing off.

Whitney grinned. "Nice try! But you're too ~close, Lickilicky, Power Whip!"

Lickilicky's massive tongue lashed out, wrapping around Cheshire and slamming him into the ground with a thud. The impact was hard, and Cheshire winced, struggling to free itself from the grip of Lickilicky's tongue, the move managing to prevent just fading back ghost style.

Ezra however saw his chance for Cheshire to get something out of this setback. "Cheshire, use Toxic, point blank!"

Cheshire, still tangled in Lickilicky's grasp, formed a deluge of poison around itself and fired it directly into Lickilicky's face. The burn of the poison forced Lickilicky to release its grip, stumbling back as it felt the effects of Toxic spreading across its body.

Whitney didn't seem fazed. "Lickilicky, use Flamethrower!"

Ezra could do nothing but call, "Acid Spray!" Hoping Cheshire could get one more in, but the spray was subsumed as the flamethrower hit, Cheshire still right in his opponent's face, finally putting Cheshire down, but somehow not completely out. To his annoyance, Whitney then pointed at his Toxic Spike field, and the flamethrower cleared it while they waited on him to throw his next choice in.

Ezra recalled Cheshire, whispering to the Pokeball, "You fucking nailed it, Cheshire." technically Cheshire wasn't out yet. He did have two returns to use, of which this was one, but he was really on the last legs, and unlikely to make a difference if he came back on the field.

"Challenger, pick your next Pokemon."

"Akuma, you'll have to work hard to show up Cheshire!" He said, sending out his Annihilape.

Akuma landed with a thud, his primal form crouched low, glowing red eyes glaring across the field at Lickilicky. A low growl rumbled from its chest, and Ezra could feel the fury bubbling beneath his calm exterior. "Vacuum Wave!" Ezra ordered.

Whitney raised an eyebrow, her usual playful demeanor softening into something more serious. "Ooh, scary! But let's see how tough you really are, big guy. Lickilicky, ~Earthquake!"

Lickilicky jumped into the air, landing with a harsh glow about it, getting hit by Akuma's attack as he landed, smacking into the ground, it's attack still going off, the field reverberating as Akuma suddenly had the ground beneath him splinter, crushing into him, doing a lot of damage. Ezra could only growl, Akuma's attack was a move that always went first, but in this case it hampered him, leaving him defenseless for the Earthquake, not in position to dodge in time.

It was a small consolation that the force of pure vaccum shot from Akuma's fist had slammed straight into his opponent and given the Lickilicky a full hit as well.

"Akuma, use Body Slam, pound it!" He ordered darkly, knowing that just like him, his Pokemon would be pissed right now.

Akuma's whole body glowed with an intense energy as he charged forward, dodging Lickilicky's tongue as Whitney tried to get it to use Power Whip to grasp Akuma, and slamming its whole body into the Normal type's large form. The blow landed with devastating force, knocking Lickilicky off balance.

"Akuma, finish it! Use Close Combat!" With how Toxic worked, the Pokemon should be sufficiently weakened now, he thought…

Akuma roared as his fists flew in a blur, landing punch after punch on Lickilicky's body. The Normal type Pokemon tried to defend itself, but the relentless onslaught of blows was too much. With a final strike, Lickilicky collapsed onto the battlefield, its tongue lolled out as it fainted.

"Lickilicky is unable to battle!" Jessie declared, raising her arm toward Ezra's side of the field, for once actually acting neutral.

Whitney let out a dramatic sigh, her lips curling into a playful smile. "Well, that was a smackdown. I guess I need to bring in someone who can take a spanking." She pulled out her next Pokeball, grinning. "Let's go, Ursaring!"

The massive bear-like Pokemon appeared with a roar, its eyes locked on Akuma. Ursaring flexed its claws, towering over the battlefield as it prepared to strike. Akuma looked if anything thrilled to be facing off against someone in its weight class.

Whitney didn't waste time. "Ursaring, use Odor Sleuth!"

"Akuma use Bulk Up!" Akuma's muscles tensed and expanded as it powered up, its body glowing with increased strength. The Annihilape's fury was building, and Ezra knew he had to make this next move count. He was fairly damaged, so he needed to make one good hit count.

Besides, for all that the fact Whitney needed to use Odor Sleuth just to be able to hit him with most of her moves, the normal types anyway… He hadn't actually been able to take advantage of it that well, so he might as well buff.

Whitney grinned, looking excited for the fight between the two tough looking Pokemon. "Ursaring, Hammer Arm!"

"Akuma Low Kick!" Ezra ordered quickly.

Ursaring's massive arm glowed with power as it rushed forward, arm swung down toward Akuma, aiming to crush the Ghost/Fighting - type with a devastating blow. But Akuma was just slightly faster.

Akuma darted underneath the strike, narrowly avoiding Ursaring's Hammer Arm. As the bear-like Pokemon stumbled, Akuma retaliated with a powerful Low Kick, its leg flowing with energy. The move hit harder the bigger the opponent was, causing the large Normal type to roar in pain.

Whitney's grin faltered for the first time in the battle. "Come on, Ursaring, use Stomping Tantrum!" She ordered, hand thrown forward beseechingly.

"Dodge back and Seismic Toss!" Ezra countered.

Ursaring roared again, its body glowing with a dangerous energy as it charged at Akuma, throwing its full weight into the attack as it stomped and threw itself around wildly. Stomping Tantrum stronger and more effective after a missed move.

Ezra could only sigh, as he recalled Akuma, who was stomped into the ground, already having taken too much damage from that first Earthquake.

"Akuma is unable to battle." Jessie announced, Whitney doing a little twirl, blowing her Ursaring a kiss.

To everyone's amusement, the Ursaring put its large paw out, mimed capturing the kiss, and pressing it against his chest.

What the fuck is she training her Pokemon to do? Ezra thought, shaking his head, before he released his next Pokemon. "Loki," He said, and didn't bother with pleasantries, "Shadow Sneak, Confuse Ray."

Unfortunately for him, at that exact time, Whitney showed she hadn't been sleeping through their fight, "Ursaring, behind you, Crunch!"

"Abort!" Ezra immediately called out, half a second too late, as Loki appeared behind the Ursaring, only for the bear to crunch down on his Banette, powerful jaws wafting of Dark energy savaging him. "Destiny Bond." He said, just as Ursaring followed Whitney's request to finish Loki.

The Ursaring slammed his claws into Loki, but Destiny Bond had been achieved, and they both fainted.

Ezra sighed, recalling Loki, that had been… Probably the fastest he'd failed so far, but at least he'd gotten something out of it.

Whitney sighed as well, with a smile on her face, snapping her fingers, "Thought for sure I had you bent over and begging on that one."

"Ursaring is unable to battle! Loki is unable to battle!" Jessie announced, waving her hands at both of them, "Release your Pokemon!"

"Go, Delcatty!" Whitney called out, returning the Pokemon that had so charmed Cheshire. At the same time, "Morrigan, counting on you." Ezra called out.

In a flash of light, Morrigan the Dreepy appeared on the battlefield, floating ominously above the ground. Its eerie form flickered in and out of the shadows, its sharp eyes locked onto Delcatty.

The sleek, cat-like Delcatty appeared on the field again as well, its large, violet ears twitching as it eyed Morrigan with a sly grin. Delcatty was smaller, more nimble, but Ezra knew better than to underestimate it after the first time.

Whitney raised an eyebrow, her lips curling into a grin. "Ooh, spooky! Let's see how well you handle this! Delcatty, use Thunderbolt!"

Ezra's eyes widened. "Morrigan, dodge it!"

Morrigan darted to the side, narrowly avoiding the crackling bolt of electricity that shot from Delcatty's jaw. The Dreepy floated higher, keeping its distance as Ezra called out his next move.

"Morrigan, use Dragon Pulse!"

Morrigan opened its mouth, firing a beam of draconic energy toward Delcatty. The attack didn't hit its mark, the Normal type already dodging it before Whitney could even order it.

Whitney smirked, winking at him. "Delcatty, use Attract!"

Delcatty's eyes sparkled as it struck a cute pose, sending waves of charm toward Morrigan. The Dreepy hesitated for a moment, her movements faltering, but then it became infatuated with the feline Pokemon.

"What the hell? She's female! Cheshire was male! Attract shouldn't work on both!" Ezra cried foul. Mentally admitting Morrigan had probably been a bad choice for this battle, young and untested still.

Whitney frowned at him, wagging a finger, "Hey now, Mister! Don't disparage a Pokemon's sexuality like that!"

Pokemon can be gay? Ugh whatever, what the fuck am I even thinking? He thought. He cursed under his breath. He needed to end this quickly if Morrigan was to stand a chance. "Morrigan, snap out of it! Use Dragon Pulse again!"

He was hoping that calling on a draconic move would use some sort of dragon impulse or something, to break out of the Attract. And he really wasn't lucky today, it had about a fifty percent chance to work, but Delcatty had a hundred percent today in her two tries. One miss and it would have been a different battle.

But in the end, Morrigan was too distracted, her gaze locked on Delcatty as she floated aimlessly in the air.

Whitney grinned. "Now's our chance! Delcatty, use Thunder!"

The crackling electricity struck Morrigan before the Dreepy could do anything, not that she was going to try, infatuated as she was, sending her tumbling through the air. With a soft cry, Morrigan hit the ground, unconscious.

"Morrigan is unable to battle!" The referee declared. And yeah, there was the smugness, neutrality lost again.

Ezra's jaw tightened. Whitney was good - better than he'd anticipated. He'd also made too many mistakes today. But he wasn't out of the game yet. He reached for his next Pokeball, his eyes narrowing with determination. "Nyx, you're up."

The Spiritomb materialized on the battlefield, her eerie form swirling with dark energy. Her glowing eyes flickered as she let out a low, haunting wail. She floated ominously above the battlefield, her glowing eyes locked on Delcatty. Ezra could feel the tension in the air, knowing that Whitney was pushing him to his limits. But Nyx was tough, and he still had his tricks up his sleeve.

… As long as Nyx somehow wasn't into girls or something… Or was it that Delcatty was bi? Ugh, this was simpler in the games.

Whitney, ever playful, gave a wink. "I like this one! A little spooky, but cute in a creepy kind of way." She giggled. "Delcatty, let's not waste time! ~Attract!"

Well, Ezra couldn't blame her for trying the same thing again… It was fucking working after all… Arceus… Karen was probably laughing at him that flirting was putting him on the brink.

"Nyx, Skill Swap, then Attract!" Ezra commanded. Well, two could play that game.

Luckily for him, Nyx seemed unaffected by Delcattys flirting, and the skill swap took hold, giving Nyx, Delcattys skills.

It was… Odd, for all of them, to see Nyx try to be alluring. He supposed her usually haunting wail sounded… Slightly less creepy? And the dots that normally made up a creepy smile changed into a heart… So that was a thing.

Whatever, it worked. Even Whitney looked amused as Delcatty sat at attention, face slightly red as it stared dreamily at Nyx.

"Nyx, Thunder, and then just keep doing it until it's down." He ordered, shaking his head. It wasn't how he'd planned to fight this battle, but it was how he was going to win.

Nyx crackled with electricity, and in an instant, a large bolt of lightning shot toward Delcatty. The Pokemon wailed as electricity ran over its form, its fur standing on end, just to take a second Thunder straight to the face as it shook its attraction off, yet caught in paralysis, knocking it straight out.

"Delcatty is unable to battle!" The referee announced, raising her arm toward Ezra's side of the field. "Gym Leader Whitney is down to one Pokemon, Challenger Ezra is down to two." She added.

Ezra could hardly count Cheshire, so it was basically one on one right now…

Whitney pouted as she recalled Delcatty to its Pokeball. "Aww, poor Delcatty. Looks like I'm running out of playmates!" She glanced down at the Pokeball in her hand, her expression turning mischievous. "But don't worry, I've saved the best for last." She tossed the ball into the air, her voice full of energy. "Miltank, let's show them what we're made of!"

With a flash of light, Whitney's infamous Miltank appeared on the battlefield, its pink hide gleaming as it landed with a confident thud. It pawed at the ground, its eyes full of determination as it stared down Nyx. Miltank was known for being Whitney's ace, and Ezra knew this wouldn't be easy.

Whitney gave a playful wink. "Let's roll, Miltank! Use Odor Sleuth!"

Ezra's mind raced. Nyx was strong, but Miltank's bulk would be a problem. He needed to play this smart… The Skill Swap had ended after three moves, so Nyx had her usual skill set back. "Nyx, Curse!" When in doubt, go for status effects, and he did have a free hit pretty much with Miltank using Odor Sleuth, and not being as speedy as a Delcatty or Dodrio on dodging right after.

Nyx's eyes glowed, sending waves of chaotic energy toward Miltank. The move connected, and Miltank was now cursed. It was now a game of time. For every move Miltank used, it would lose twenty-five percent of its life. On the flipside, Nyx lost fifty percent to curse the Miltank.

So could the Miltank take out Nyx in under four moves, and then Cheshire as well? It was a gamble, but he felt it was the best way to handle her ace that gave him a chance. "Dark Pulse." He ordered, wary of using Shadow Sneak to get in closer, as it was becoming a little bit of a go to move, and Whitney had already caught it once.

"Miltank, Rollout." Whitney said at the same time as he gave his own order, a large grin on her face, not seeming to be bothered with the Curse.

Miltank tucked into a tight ball, rolling at breakneck speed across the battlefield, dodging the Dark Pulse as it barreled toward Nyx. The attack hit hard, absolutely barreling over Nyx knocking her down, as Miltank then rolled over her against crushing her into the ground.

Ezra stood there, just glaring at the ground, before he recalled the defeated Nyx, Miltank would have three moves left, against a completely weakened Cheshire. He was probably toast. Yet… It showed that he was still new to this, he wasn't as good as he thought, it wasn't his Pokemon that had failed him. He'd failed them.

He needed to be better. Less predictable. Less… Confident. Morrigan shouldn't have been in this fight for one. He'd misused Loki, one of his most powerful Pokemon had been down and out at first sight…

Even starting with Rider had turned out to be the wrong move.

"Nyx is unable to battle. Challenger, release your last Pokemon." Jessie called out.

"Cheshire… Do your best." He said, sending him onto the field, the Haunter slightly droopy, as he was on his last legs. He could only hope to dodge Miltank for three moves until it fainted now…

Maybe help along with one technique in passing.

At least its Rollout wouldn't grow more powerful, having been stopped by the change in Pokemon, instead of growing increasingly stronger every attack.

"Miltank, use ~Milk Drink!" Whitney singsonged.


Ezra clicked his tongue as Miltank used the healing move, regenerating fifty percent of its life, exactly what it had lost at that point by using its second move. She was good - really good. He was kind of fucked. "Confuse Ray, then Toxic Spikes." He ordered.

Another thing for him to work on, he'd known she'd had a Miltank, but because it was a normal type gym, he hadn't done enough research. He didn't have encyclopedic knowledge of Pokemon. He hadn't known it had a healing move. If he'd studied up, he wouldn't have wasted Nyx on using Curse…

He clicked his tongue again when the Miltank shrugged off the Confuse Ray, but at least the Toxic Spikes should cost it something if she..

Whitney's eyes gleamed as she watched Cheshire hover into the air. "You're not getting away that easily! Miltank, go back to using Rollout!"

Did that…

It would mean she would be locked in for that move if she hit as it would continue on, but if she hit… Cheshire was probably out…

Miltank, still spinning in its ball form, charged at Cheshire with terrifying speed.

"Cheshire, use Hypnosis!" Ezra commanded, face tight, as he glared at the oncoming Miltank.

Cheshire's eyes glowed with a hypnotic light as it stared down the rolling Miltank. The spinning Pokemon faltered for just a moment, its speed slowing as its eyes drooped - but then the Miltank just continued on, not quite pulled out of its move.

"Cheshire!" Ezra yelled at the Miltank impacted with his Haunter, who grasped and fought against it with Shadow Claw, snarling at the Miltank, refusing to give up.

Ezra sent as much as he could of his aura to Cheshire, hoping to boost him for just a little longer, knowing 'that' at least wasn't visible on camera. He could have done it earlier…

But he hadn't wanted to use it against Whitney, but in the face of a loss… He'd cheat one more time for victory.

Cheshire snarled again in the Miltank's face, being slowly pushed back, his Haunter seemingly growing bigger the more under pressure he was.


Growing bigger?

Cheshire's usual mischievous grin had completely faded, replaced by a snarl of determination. The shadows around his form started to thicken, dark energy gathering at its core like a storm ready to erupt. Its glowing eyes narrowed, and a pulse of energy rippled out from its core, causing the very air around it to warp and twist. The arena lights flickered, dimming slightly as if in response to the raw power gathering within the Haunter.

Ezra felt it too, the air around him crackling with energy, pulling on his aura, had he done this by feeding so much into him? "Cheshire..." He whispered. His heart pounded in his chest as he watched, his eyes wide with anticipation.

The black mist surrounding Cheshire's hands began to coalesce, hardening into a tangible force as the Pokemon strained against Miltank's bulk. The two were locked, neither giving an inch now - until the air itself seemed to vibrate with a new intensity. Cheshire's form, which had always seemed so fluid and ghostly, began to change. It was no longer just a cloud of gas and shadow; its body started to solidify, growing more defined, more... Real.

A low, guttural growl escaped Cheshire as the transformation took hold. The Haunter's hands pressed harder against Miltank, his body expanding, becoming more muscular, more tangible. The gaseous trail he once had shortened, becoming a solid, rounded lower body, and his hands, once disembodied, now connected firmly to his newly formed torso. His grin, now wide and terrifying, stretched even further as his eyes gleamed with a fierce, new energy.

Cheshire was a Gengar now!

Whitney's eyes widened in disbelief as she watched the shift in power. "Miltank, pull back!" She shouted, but it was too late.

With a roar, Cheshire pushed forward with newfound strength, his shadowy aura exploding outward in a surge of dark energy. Miltank, despite its sturdy frame, was forced back, broken out of its Rollout, skidding several feet as it struggled to regain its footing. Cheshire, now fully evolved into a Gengar, stood before it - far more solid and imposing than ever before. His purple body gleamed under the lights of the arena, and his once playful grin had transformed into something more menacing, more assured.

He was also… At least twice the size of any Gengar he'd seen before.

Ezra's smirk was sharp, proud. "Good job, Cheshire," He muttered, his voice filled with satisfaction.

It might be an ass pull right now, but he'd take it. Victory was victory.

Cheshire's red eyes flashed as he bounced on his new, solid legs, ready for the next round. With a single, deep growl, he launched forward again, no longer a ghostly presence, but a full embodiment of power - Gengar had arrived.

Ezra's grin was vicious as he called out, "Sludge Bomb, Venoschock!" Capitalizing on Whitney's sudden silence as she processed the large menacing Gengar suddenly in front of them.

Miltank, without a clear order, tried to dodge, but Gengar was fast. The force of the attack, combined with the poison, was too much. Miltank tumbled to the ground, dripping in purple sludge that burned it, and was completely unprepared for the Venoshock that knocked it right out.

"Miltank is unable to battle! The winner is Ezra Kassian!" Their referee announced, raising her arm toward Ezra, sounding absolutely shocked.

Whitney stared at her fallen Miltank for a moment, then let out a long, exaggerated sigh. "Oh, my poor Miltank! She never stood a chance against that cute little Gengar." She gave Ezra a playful wink, her smile returning. "Looks like I'll have to hand over the star studded plain badge after all!"

Ezra smirked, returning Cheshire to his Pokeball. But in the end, his team had pulled through. Mostly… Despite him, instead of aided by him… He definitely needed to work on not being too clever and getting set in patterns as well.

Whitney walked over, holding out a badge with the added stars to denote the holder as having defeated a gym at the highest level. "Here you go, Ezra. You've earned it."

Ezra took the badge, feeling the weight of his victory.

Then Whitney got up really close to him, her eyes twinkling as her lower lip trembled, "You big meanie, make it up to me for spanking me so hard!" She cried out, poking him in the chest, "Take responsibility!"

"Stop filming this!" Jessie screamed at Karen, not even trying to tell her leader off again.

Ezra blinked, "Alright." He could see where this was going… Nice.

Twenty minutes later, he sat with his arms crossed, glaring at her in an ice cream shop, Karen grinning at him as Whitney practically orgasmed over a milkshake the size of her head, with whipped cream, shaved chocolate, caramel syrup, two cherries on top, and three candy straws.

He definitely hadn't seen it going this way.

"...Can I have some?"

Whitney just shook her head rapidly, shoving all three straws in her mouth, and showing off quite some sucking power as she slurped up half the milkshake in one go.

Ezra twitched.

Not at all how he thought it would go.

Stop being smug, Karen!

That night, Goldenrod city, Johto.

Ezra walked silently through the dimly lit streets of Goldenrod City, the soft glow of the street lamps the only light as he made his way toward a quieter part of town. It was well past midnight, and most of the bustling city had gone to sleep. He wasn't too concerned about Karen - his Gengar - and wasn't that a treat to think on - Cheshire - had taken care of ensuring she stayed out of his business for the night. Cheshire's Hypnosis had worked like a charm, leaving her deep in sleep back at the Pokemon Center. She wouldn't be meddling in his business tonight.

Ezra arrived at a small room where Cecile was waiting for him. The teen was perched nervously on the edge of the bed, tapping away at a laptop, his thin frame illuminated by the faint blue light of the screen. His wide eyes flickered toward Ezra as he approached, a mixture of nervousness and anticipation etched across his face. Cecile had been hard at work since Ezra first recruited him a few days ago, and now the results were starting to take shape.

"So, what have you got for me?" Ezra asked casually. Loki on his shoulder, grinning darkly at his employee.

Cecile hesitated for a moment, then turned the laptop toward Ezra. The basic layout for the social media and video-sharing site Ezra had requested was already mapped out, a rough but functional framework. There were menus for battle highlights, Pokemon training tips, and a live stream option for real-time viewing. It was rudimentary, but Cecile had managed to pull it together quickly, and Ezra could already see the potential.

Of course this wasn't something which could go online right now, but it was the framework for how it would work. Still good work for a few days…

He could see why Team Rocket had kidnapped him.

Finders keepers.

"It's... a start," Cecile said quietly, nervously pushing his glasses up his nose. "I'm still working on the backend stuff - the algorithms you wanted to focus attention on specific types of battles and trainers, yourself specifically. But this... This is the skeleton of it."

Ezra studied the screen for a moment, his red eyes flicking across the various tabs and menus. He nodded approvingly. "You've done well," Je said, his voice low and smooth. "This is exactly what I wanted. We're on the right track."

Cecile blinked, looking slightly relieved but still uncertain. He hadn't expected Ezra to be so pleased it appeared. "It's... Going to take a lot more work before it's ready, though," He added quickly. "I need more time, more resources."

Ezra reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a thick envelope, handing it over to Cecile without a word. The teen took it, his fingers fumbling as he opened it. His eyes widened in surprise as he saw the stack of cash inside - more than enough to cover his needs for the next few months.

"What's this for?" Cecile asked, blinking in confusion. His gaze shifted from the money to Ezra's calm expression.

Ezra chuckled softly. "Money for food, clothes, whatever else you need. Can't have my 'employee of the year' starving now, can I?"

Cecile blinked again, his brain seeming to stall for a moment. "Employee of the year? I've only been working for you for, like, days." He protested weakly.

Ezra smirked, crossing his arms and leaning back against the wall. "True. But you're my only full-time employee right now, so it's an easy title to win." He gave a slight shrug, his smirk deepening. "Besides, if we pull this off, you'll be set for life. You'll be my best employee ever - and that means you can have anything you want."

Cecile's face turned slightly pale as he gulped, looking down at the envelope of money as if it were suddenly much heavier. "I'm... I'm not very good with money," He admitted quietly, his voice faltering slightly.

Ezra chuckled darkly, his crimson eyes gleaming in the dim light, Loki chuckled along with him, Cecile shuddering at that. "Well then, it's a good thing I'll always have work for you. You'll never have to worry about going broke as long as you stick with me." He paused, then pointed to a set of tickets tucked into the envelope, which Cecile had only just noticed.

"What are these?" Cecile asked, pulling the tickets out and inspecting them. There were train tickets, ferry tickets, and coach tickets - an entire travel itinerary to get him from Goldenrod to Kanto.

Ezra's voice was calm and measured as he explained. "Those are your tickets to the coast. From there, you'll take a ferry to Kanto, and then a coach to Pewter City. That's where I'm set up right now." He tapped the side of his jacket, where another envelope was tucked away. "Also in there is my lawyer's business card and an employment contract, If you get to Pewter before I do, go see him. He'll have the Porygons ready for you, and give him the contract you will have signed." He handed over the second envelope, sliding it out of his pocket.

Cecile nodded slowly, processing everything. It was all happening fast, and the idea of being shipped off to another region, alone, weighed on him heavily. But he didn't voice any objections. He knew better than to argue with right now, especially when the stakes were this high.

"I guess... I'm going to Kanto," Cecile muttered, more to himself than to Ezra.

Ezra didn't miss a beat. "You're going to Kanto," He confirmed, his tone decisive. "And once you're there, we'll get this platform running. I already have a video ready to upload as soon as the first iteration of the site is live." He glanced down at Cecile, smirking. "Just say the word, and we'll get things rolling."

Cecile nodded again, though his mind seemed to be elsewhere. He was clearly overwhelmed by everything happening, but there was a quiet determination in his eyes. He was starting to realize just how big this could be.

Just as Ezra was about to say more, his Pokedex began to ring, the familiar buzzing cutting through the quiet night. Ezra glanced down at the screen, narrowing his eyes slightly as he saw the name flash across it - Professor Oak.

He hesitated for a moment, then smirked, glancing at Cecile. "Might as well do this now," He muttered, swiping to answer the call. He turned slightly away from the screen, angling his body so that Cecile couldn't see everything but could still hear.

"Professor Oak, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Ezra's voice dripped with sarcasm, though his expression remained neutral.

On the other side of the call, Professor Oak studied Ezra intently, his aging face thoughtful. "Mister Kassian," Oak began, his voice steady but firm. "I've heard many things about you as of late since our last call."

Ezra couldn't resist the urge to mess with him. "I swear, all those Nurse Joys were consenting adults," He deadpanned, his voice completely serious, though a playful glint danced in his eyes. Without turning fully toward Cecile, he winked at the teen, who was now gaping in shock.

Cecile's mouth literally hung open, clearly horrified by what he was hearing. Ezra couldn't help but stifle a chuckle at the reaction.

Professor Oak seemed caught off guard, clearing his throat awkwardly. "Uh... Yes, well... That's not why I'm calling," He managed, his voice wavering slightly. "I was actually calling about your Pokemon. One was entered into League records recently. You call it... An Annihilape?"

Ezra's smile turned sharp, and his eyes gleamed with amusement. He'd known he wouldn't be able to keep Akuma hidden forever, especially once he started making waves in battles. Still, part of him had hoped to surprise Agatha with a surprise raging monkey ghost to the face one day. But Oak? This would be fun. He gave a placid smile, raising an eyebrow. "Yes?" He said, his voice deceptively innocent.

Oak twitched slightly, clearly expecting a bit more cooperation. "Can you share any details?" He wheedled, trying to mask his eagerness behind a calm exterior.

Ezra smiled wider, all teeth. "Of course, Professor," He said smoothly, watching as Oak perked up on the screen. "I named him Akuma. He enjoys long walks on the beach, posing and flexing, and isn't particularly fond of vegetables, or it might just be the color green honestly." He made a thoughtful noise, "I have yet to test if this extends to grass Pokemon."

Oak blinked, visibly thrown by the unexpected response. "I... I'm sorry?" He stammered. "I should have clarified - "

Ezra cut him off, his tone still casual but carrying an underlying edge. "Oh, did you mean information on how he evolved, the specifics of his species?" His smile turned darker, more predatory. "Have you changed your mind about making a deal with me, Professor?"

Oak's face fell slightly, a frown tugging at the corners of his mouth. He slumped a little, looking almost defeated. "No, I'm afraid not," He muttered, his voice carrying a hint of regret. "I don't give out my support easily, young man, not anymore, not after.. " He visibly took a deep breath, before continuing, "Nevermind that, ancient history."

Ezra shrugged, the smirk never leaving his face. "Completely understandable," He said sympathetically. "And, of course, you understand perfectly that I don't give out details on my Pokemon easily either, yes?"

You don't get shit for free, got it?

Oak was silent for a long moment, the tension palpable even through the screen. Finally, he twitched, his face betraying his frustration. "I suppose," He mumbled, clearly displeased.

Ezra's voice remained smooth, his smile never faltering. "I'm always happy to help, Professor. Just give me a ring when you're ready to meet me halfway." He delivered the line with a false cheeriness that only made the tension worse.

Professor Oak stared at him for a moment longer, his lips pressed into a thin line. Then, without another word, he ended the call, the screen going dark. Silence filled the room for a long beat before Cecile finally spoke, his voice trembling slightly. "That was... Professor Oak!" Cecile squeaked, his voice high-pitched and filled with awe, as if he had just seen a ghost.

Well… Perhaps that didn't work as a saying as much, Ezra thought, feeling Loki on his shoulder.

Ezra only smirked and preened at his comment however, his expression full of smug amusement. He gave a casual nod, leaning back against the wall as if what had just transpired was no big deal. "Yes, it was," He confirmed, his tone growing dismissive. "He's growing more and more interested in me and my methods." His eyes gleamed with amusement as he crossed his arms, tilting his head slightly toward Cecile. "Stick with me, girl, and you'll rise to the top."

Cecile blinked, looking even more flustered now. His cheeks flushed, and he shifted uncomfortably. "I'm a guy," He whined, his voice cracking slightly with embarrassment.

Ezra couldn't help but snort, his chuckle rich with condescension. "Not with whining like that, you aren't." He raised an eyebrow, giving Cecile a teasing glance. "Besides, Cecile is a girl's name, you know."

The teen slumped a bit, the weight of his complaint hanging heavy in his voice. "My parents wanted a girl," He muttered, sounding like he'd had to explain this far too many times in his life.

Ezra nodded affably, a devilish grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "And I'm sure they're happy they got one," He shot back, the teasing edge in his voice impossible to miss.

For a moment, Cecile just stared at him, speechless. Ezra, meanwhile, fought to suppress his laugh, enjoying the look of exasperation on Cecile's face. Maybe he should stop bullying his people so much. Then again, they just made it so easy.

Cecile shook his head slowly, still looking a little shell-shocked, but he didn't argue. He shoved the envelope of money and tickets into his backpack along with the second envelope, zipping it up and standing awkwardly. "I'll... I'll get to Kanto, then. Pewter City, right?"

Ezra nodded, satisfied. "That's right. Once you're there, my lawyer will get you set up with the Porygons you need. And don't forget, you're not just a programmer now. You're the architect of the biggest platform the Pokemon world's ever seen. Keep that in mind."

Cecile gulped, looking both excited and terrified by the prospect. "Yeah... I guess I am."

Ezra clapped him on the shoulder, a little harder than necessary, and smirked. "Good. Now I expect you gone in the morning. Do your shopping on the way."

Cecile chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "Right, whatever you say." He adjusted his backpack, glancing over his shoulder toward the door leading out of the small room. He hesitated for a moment, then turned back to Ezra, his voice soft. "Thanks... For trusting me with all this. It's a lot, but I won't let you down."

Ezra's expression softened just slightly, a flicker of something close to sincerity crossing his features. "I know you won't," He said, his voice low. "You're good at what you do, Cecile. Besides, I chose you, even if you dropped in my lap, and that automatically makes you better than other people."

Cecile nodded, looking more resolute as he turned and started to walk away. Ezra watched him go, his eyes gleaming in the dim light. Once Cecile was out of sight, Ezra pulled his jacket tighter around him and started making his way back toward the Pokemon Center, his mind already whirring with thoughts of what was to come.

For now, things were falling into place. Cecile was on his way to Kanto, the platform was coming together, and Oak's interest was piqued which would eventually end up with the man folding once even more evolutions came out. Everything was moving according to plan. He just had to stay ahead of the game, keep pulling the strings, and soon enough, the world would be his for the taking.

As he approached the Pokemon Center, a smirk tugged at his lips. Yes, soon enough.

He'd have all the power, influence, and riches he could ever want.

Undisclosed location, forest somewhere.

Shae pushed through the thick forest undergrowth, her steps light and unhurried, the damp earth soft beneath her boots. The forest was dense, the trees stretching high above her, their dark branches intertwining, forming a canopy that barely let in the moonlight. Shae moved with an ease that suggested she had walked this path many times before. The air was still, heavy with the scent of moss and damp bark, and the sounds of nocturnal Pokemon echoed faintly in the distance. A slight breeze ruffled her hair, but beyond that, the night was silent, almost too silent.

After a while, she reached a small clearing. Here, the trees opened up to reveal a cave, half-hidden by the surrounding overgrowth. Flickering lights floated in the air - small, ethereal candles that cast a soft glow over the area. They swayed gently in the breeze, their flames unnatural but somehow comforting in the otherwise dim forest.

Shae sighed, rolling her eyes at the theatrics. She crossed her arms and called out, her voice dripping with impatience, "Come out already, you old bitch."

The cave's shadows shifted, and after a few moments, an ancient woman hobbled out, her small frame barely reaching up to Shae's waist. Her back was hunched, her skin wrinkled like old parchment, and her wispy gray hair framed a face that looked like it had weathered centuries. Despite her frail appearance, there was nothing weak about the way she moved. She stomped forward with purpose, her gnarled hands clenched into fists. A massive Gengar hovered behind her, its wide, menacing grin glowing in the candlelight, casting sharp shadows across the clearing.

"Whaddya disturbing me for, brat?" The old woman growled, her voice raspy yet strong, filled with the irritation of someone dragged out of bed far too early. "Dontcha know I need my beauty sleep?" She stomped forward, her heavy steps crunching on the grass beneath her feet, the sarcasm in her voice almost palpable.

Shae gave her a look, one eyebrow raised, her lips curling into a smirk. "You'd need more than a hundred years of sleep to even start being able to call it 'beauty' sleep, Ma." The playful insult rolled off her tongue easily, her tone dripping with amusement.

The old woman scowled, waving a hand dismissively. "I ain't your mom, spoiled little shit," She grumbled, but there was a gleam in her eye that betrayed the warmth beneath her irritation.

"I know," Shae said sweetly, her smile widening. "But it annoys the fuck out of you when I say it." There was a glint of mischief in her eyes, and she could tell by the slight twitch in the woman's expression that her words had hit their mark.

The old woman let out a grunt of frustration but then allowed a small smirk to form on her face. "Hmph. I trained you too well," She muttered, almost to herself. Her gaze shifted to Shae's hands, noting the bundle she held. "So... Whatcha got?"

Shae tossed the bundle onto the ground at the woman's feet, the rough cloth barely making a sound as it landed. "Some information on some of the things you wanted," She said casually, brushing off her hands. "Team Rocket seems the real deal, even if they're totally Kanto dick suckers." She wrinkled her nose in distaste, clearly unimpressed by the organization.

To limits yourself to such an extent… Just sad.

The old woman clicked her tongue in disappointment, her Gengar floating closer, its grin widening as it eyed the bundle. "A pity," She muttered, prodding the bundle with her foot, "A more reasonable organization might've been worth speaking to." She glanced at the package, then at Shae, her curiosity piqued. "And about the other thing?"

Shae paused, a slow, smug smile creeping across her face. She ran a hand through her dark hair, pushing it back as if to preen before she spoke. "Totally is him," She said confidently, her tone carrying an air of finality. "No doubts about it - might have quibbled after the first meeting, but it's three times now, it's him."

The old woman stopped moving, her body going unnaturally still. Her sharp, piercing eyes locked onto Shae's, scrutinizing her with a gaze so intense it could have cut through stone. "You're sure?" She asked, her voice low, a hint of something dangerous lurking beneath her words.

Shae met her gaze without flinching. "Absolutely."

The tension between them hung in the air for a moment, thick and heavy like the forest mist. The old woman took a step forward, her face drawn with a mixture of contemplation and anticipation. Gengar's grin seemed to widen even more, if that were possible, its eerie red eyes gleaming in the candlelight.

The floating candles swayed again, casting long, flickering shadows on the cave walls as the ancient woman considered the news. She let out a long, slow exhale, the sound almost like a hiss. "Well now," She murmured, more to herself than to Shae. "It's been a long time since something from a myth crossed my path."

Shae watched her carefully, her smirk fading into a more serious expression. "You gonna tell me what the big deal is?" She asked, her voice casual but laced with curiosity.

The old woman didn't respond right away. She stared at the floating candles, lost in thought for a moment, her fingers twitching at her side as if she were calculating something. Finally, she turned to Shae, her eyes sharp again. "That one you found... He's more than just a… Being I suppose is a good enough word..."

Shae raised an eyebrow. "What does that even mean?"

The old woman nodded slowly, her wrinkled face set in grim determination. "That one's special. Dangerous, if the myths speak any truth." She narrowed her eyes. "And if he's what I think he is, we're going to have to keep a close eye on him."

Shae frowned, crossing her arms. "He's strong, sure, but why the interest? You've never told me what it is, just the signs to watch for…" She paused, a small smirk creeping back onto her lips. "Is the old hag finally scared of something?"

The woman let out a dry laugh, her voice cracking like old parchment. "I don't scare easy, brat. But I don't take chances either. You'd do well to remember that." She glanced at the Gengar floating beside her, its massive form almost blending into the darkness behind her, it almost looked like something else, just for a moment, then it was gone. "There are forces in this world, girl… And he might just be tied to them."

Shae's smirk disappeared entirely, replaced by a more serious expression. "Forces?" She glanced back at the bundle she had dropped, her own little offering, her curiosity piqued on what other meanings lay behind everything. "You think he's connected to something bigger? That's why he's important?"

The old woman didn't answer directly. Instead, she let out a long, slow breath and looked toward the forest beyond the clearing, her gaze distant. "You did well, bringing me this," Dhe said quietly. "But this is just the beginning." She glanced back at Shae, her sharp eyes gleaming with something unreadable. "Keep an eye on him. Don't let him out of your sight."

Shae chuckled, though there was an edge of unease in her laughter. "You're asking me to babysit? Come on, Ma. I've got better things to do."

The old woman's eyes flashed, her tone turning stern. "You'll do as I say, brat. Or you'll wish you had."

Shae rolled her eyes but didn't argue. Instead, she glanced back at the bundle on the ground. "Yeah, yeah. I'll keep an eye on him. But what's the play here?" She asked, her voice growing more serious. "What are we supposed to do with him?"

The old woman's smirk returned, though this time it was colder, more calculating. "We'll figure that out soon enough. But for now, just watch. And be ready for when the time comes."

Shae nodded, though she couldn't shake the strange feeling growing in her gut. She wasn't afraid of much, but the way the old woman was talking... it was enough to make anyone nervous.

Goldenrod City, Pokemon Center, next morning.

Karen sat cross-legged on her bed in the Pokemon Center. The soft hum of the screen of her Pokedex illuminated her face as she stared at it, her fingers drumming nervously on the keyboard attachment. She had been staring at the blank screen for what felt like hours, her mind spinning with conflicting thoughts.

"This is way more difficult than it should be," She muttered under her breath, leaning back against the headboard, arms crossed. She had written reports for Lady Agatha before - tons of them, in fact - but none had felt like this. Usually, they were straightforward, clinical even. Just details about what she saw, what needed to be reported. But now... Now it was complicated.

She bit her lip and glanced out the window for a moment, her thoughts wandering. Ezra was making everything complicated. He had saved her. She didn't ask him to, but he had, and now the simple task of reporting on his Pokemon and activities felt... Wrong.

She scrolled down the screen, trying to find a place to start. "What am I supposed to write?" She whispered to herself. The standard report would cover his Pokemon, their abilities, maybe some tidbits about his battle strategies. Lady Agatha had asked her to keep an eye on him, after all. But what else? What did she leave out? What did she dare put in?

Karen sighed, dropping her head into her hands. Her thoughts drifted, unbidden, to Whitney's over-the-top thank you. Her face flushed bright red, remembering the Gym Leader's lips and tongue and how quickly things had escalated in that area. "Well, I'm definitely not reporting that." She muttered, shaking her head as if to banish the memory. No way she was telling Lady Agatha about that!

Karen leaned forward again, her fingers hovering over the keyboard. Her eyes flicked toward the door, half-expecting Ezra to burst in at any second, some smug comment on his lips. He was always so casual about things, like nothing ever fazed him. But that wasn't true, she knew it wasn't. She'd seen the look in his eyes back in that Rocket base. She knew what he was capable of, even if he tried to act like none of it mattered.

The horrors in that base had been real. She'd only caught a glimpse of the carnage - just enough to understand what Whitney's sister had gone through. But Karen couldn't help but think of herself in that situation. She'd only escaped capture thanks to Ezra. And sure, if captured, she would have only been there for a few hours before Ezra and that Legendary would have broken them out… But what would have happened to her in that time if Ezra hadn't sacrificed his strength to help her? The thought sent a shiver down her spine.

She knew exactly what would have happened…

She owed him. There wasn't a question about it.

Was it really fair to report everything? Lady Agatha had asked for details on his Pokemon, and his abilities, not on everything that had happened… And she didn't even really know anything about his abilities anyway. Surely she didn't care about their personal interactions. Lady Agatha wasn't the type to gossip about people's feelings. No, what she really wanted were facts - battle strategies, insights into Ezra's growing team.

Maybe she'd… Just skip her insights into Ezra himself. It had nothing to do with abilities or Pokemon really.

Karen began typing, her hands moving with newfound purpose. She wrote about the Pokemon he'd used in his battles - Rider, Nyx, Cheshire, and the rest. She detailed their abilities, their strengths, how they worked in tandem with Ezra's sharp battle instincts. She described their training sessions, making sure to emphasize how skilled Ezra's Pokemon had become under his tutelage.

While… Not going very heavy into details on some things… Like her own meteoric rise in success with her own Pokemon.

But when it came to the parts about Shae, about the growing tension with Whitney, about the way Ezra seemed to charm his way into any situation? Karen skipped over those. She couldn't bring herself to include the minor stuff. Lady Agatha didn't need to know about that, surely. Those details weren't important to the mission. Besides, after what Ezra had done for her, she owed him at least that much.

Satisfied with the balance she had struck, Karen reviewed the report once more, tweaking a sentence here and there. She smiled to herself, feeling good about the outcome. She had done her duty, fulfilled her obligation to Lady Agatha, but she hadn't betrayed Ezra. It was the best of both worlds. She hit 'send' on the email, her chest lighter now that the task was finally done.

"There," She said with a nod, sitting back on her bed. "All finished. I can sleep easy tonight."

As if on cue, the Pokedex screen flickered. Karen blinked, her brow furrowing in confusion. Suddenly, a familiar shape popped out of the screen, its jagged, grinning face looming in front of her. The damned Pokemon had just gone through her bed from underneath it, and through her Pokedex!

"Loki!" She shrieked, falling backward in her bed, hitting her head on the headboard as Ezra's Banette floated before her, blowing a loud raspberry. The ghost type cackled mischievously, its glowing eyes sparkling with mischief.

Karen's heart pounded in her chest as she scrambled to her feet, her pulse racing. "Ezra! I'm going to kill you!" She screamed, grabbing the nearest object - a pillow - and throwing it at the cackling Pokemon. Loki effortlessly dodged, his laughter echoing through the room as he phased through the wall, disappearing as quickly as he had arrived.

Karen rushed toward the door, fury bubbling inside her as she glared at the empty space where Loki had been.

Why did I ever want to do him a favor, CHA! She thought harshly, grabbing a Pokeball, intent on pounding some sense into him.

Head trauma could only improve his personality, right?

Author's Note:

I know Skill Swap swaps Abilities not actual moves - but here's where I'm making one of these changes Pokemon Purists will yell at me for. I thought it was funny. So I did it this way.

Hopefully chapter came together somewhat okay, was a bit of a slog to write for some reason.

And yeah, Ezra has had an easy time so far, mostly because almost no one had any idea of his strategies, what Pokemon he'd use. Or what new Pokemon he'd slap them with.

Here, Whitney knew. And the fight evolved very differently. A warning for Ezra to not be lazy. And to continue cheating of course. Also Whitney didn't fight full out this time either.


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Chapter 15: Rock On! New
Here's chapter 15: Rock On!

Here we go, new chappie from the votes of the Patreon overlords.

Who evolves this time? Everyone? No one?

You'll have to read to find out!

Named team:

Cheshire - Gengar

Loki - Banette

Nyx - Spiritomb

Rider - Alolan Marowak

Morrigan - Dreepy

Alduin - Deino

Akuma - Annihilape

As usual, I do not own Pokemon or the associated companies that deliver material from it. I'm just playing in the kiddy pool, don't hurt me.


Pewter city, Kanto.

The night air in Pewter City was crisp and cool, the stars glittering above the quiet expanse of trees that surrounded the makeshift seating area on his property. A roaring fire crackled in the center of the clearing, its warm glow casting flickering shadows over the ground. Karen sat nearby, her legs comfortably curled into her Houndoom and Sneasel, who both lay at her feet. The flicker of the fire danced across her face, giving her silver hair an ethereal shimmer as she absentmindedly stroked Sneasel's sleek fur.

Ezra sat opposite her, staring into the fire with an intensity that seemed almost unnatural. His crimson eyes reflected the flames as he was trapped in his own thoughts, far from the fire and the present. For once, his usual smirk was nowhere to be found, replaced by a contemplative expression. None of his Pokemon were with him tonight - they had been left to train in the nearby woods under his general instructions, giving him a rare moment of solitude.

Karen shifted slightly, growing tired of the prolonged silence. "Are you still hung up about things?" She finally asked, breaking the quiet. Her voice was laced with a mix of curiosity and impatience.

Ezra remained silent for a few moments longer, still watching the fire as if it held all the answers to his inner turmoil. His brows furrowed slightly, replaying his recent battle with Whitney over and over again in his mind as if was playing out inside the flames, the movements of the Pokemon, his choices, his miscalculations. "I'm... Reflecting," He answered slowly, his voice low, as if the weight of the thoughts made it harder to speak. "I did almost everything wrong, and I need to remember that for the future..."

Karen snorted, leaning back and folding her arms. "You still won." There was a trace of annoyance in her voice, her eyes narrowing slightly as she observed him. For someone who had claimed victory, he was being far too serious about the whole thing, she thought.

Ezra shook his head, finally tearing his gaze from the flames to glance at her. "I won because of luck," He corrected her, his tone tinged with self-reproach. "And because Whitney wasn't really fighting with her heart in it. She still 'owed' me in her eyes."

It was annoying to admit. But it was the truth, Whitney could have done much better, and had limited herself. And still, he'd only barely won, Cheshire evolving at the end in a stroke of luck.

Karen growled under her breath, her expression darkening at the mention of Whitney. She looked away from him, her fingers tightening slightly in Sneasel's fur. "How that girl is a gym leader... No sense of decorum at all!" She spat, clearly still harboring her own frustrations about the pink-haired gym leader.

Ezra's lips twitched into the faintest hint of a smile, amused by Karen's obvious jealousy, but he didn't let it distract him from his introspection. "I was arrogant," He admitted, his voice quiet but firm, as the realization had been weighing on him for the past few days. He didn't even take the chance to tease Karen about the kiss she and Whitney shared, truly he was off his game…

Karen shot him a look, raising an eyebrow. "No, really, you? Arrogant?" She said with mock surprise, her words dripping with sarcasm.

Ezra rolled his eyes, but the tint of humor in her voice was a welcome break from his brooding. "There's nothing wrong with arrogance in general," He replied, "As long as it doesn't go to your head. This was a good wake-up call for me because that's exactly what happened." His voice was sharper now, more self-critical. "I didn't do my research, I brought an unprepared Pokemon into the battle, and I failed to utilize Akuma as my trump card."

Frankly, he had done so many things wrong in that battle. Some moves were right, but for the most part, he had been a fool. Wasting Loki immediately, bringing Morrigan into it at all… Starting with Rider instead of leading off with Akuma charging in…

Then failing Akuma by dismissing the threat against him, making him stationary, an easy target…

Karen sighed, her frustration bubbling over as she leaned forward slightly. "Yet you still won," She pointed out again, exasperated. "So you screwed up - every trainer does. Learn from your mistakes, yadda yadda, but you've done nothing but pout for days, and it's getting annoying!"

Ezra tilted his head slightly, his lips curving into a familiar, mischievous smirk. "Oh? Are you saying you miss my usual charm?" He latched onto the opportunity, his tone shifting back to its teasing cadence. "Karen? Why didn't you tell me you were sad that I hadn't flirted with you lately?"

Karen gave him a dry, unimpressed look, though there was a faint flush of color rising to her cheeks. "Of course, that's how you take it, idiot." She scoffed, "At least you're not sounding as mopey now…"

"Don't worry," Ezra continued, his grin widening as he leaned back on his hands, his voice dripping with feigned innocence. "I'll still call you cute when you're ~mad."

Karen scoffed again, but the pink tint on her cheeks deepened. She flicked her gaze toward the fire, trying to hide her reaction. "Your Pokemon flirt better than you," She said brutally, throwing the comment at him with a smirk of her own.

Ezra's smirk faltered slightly at the reminder, his mind flashing back to the battle with Whitney and how Attract had completely messed with his strategy. "Yeah, well..." He muttered, the memory clearly still a sore spot.

It had highlighted another of his faults. He hadn't bothered preparing for his opponent, what tactics and moves they might use. At the very least he'd know better now. He'd already begun studying up on all the known Pokemon and general tactics of the Gym Leaders around this area of Kanto, as a precaution.

Pewter had been easy to figure out. It was all about overwhelming force and steadfast defense. Nothing he couldn't crack, although this time he wouldn't leave it at just that. Not that he planned to hit the gym anytime soon, he had work to do first…

Karen's curiosity got the better of her, and she leaned forward, her eyes gleaming with interest. "What did you do with Skill Swap to make it work that way, anyway?" She asked, her tone probing. "And when? I train with you, and I don't remember that ever happening."

Ezra just tapped the side of his nose, his smirk returning as he remained coy. "A magician never reveals his secrets," He teased, drawing a frustrated groan from Karen as she fell back into her seat.

Inwardly, Ezra was thinking about how careful he had to be. He didn't mind showing off some training techniques in front of her, the ones that didn't matter too much, but there were deeper strategies he practiced when she wasn't around. He always waited until after she was asleep to conduct his more advanced training sessions with his Pokemon - especially the ones involving his aura. Merging moves and abilities together was an edge he wasn't ready to give up, not even to Karen.

Speaking of which... He glanced up at the moon, calculating the time in his head.

"Time for bed, isn't it?" He said casually, as if the idea had only just crossed his mind.

Karen rolled her eyes, stretching her arms above her head as she stood, her Houndoom and Sneasel stirring from their positions. "What, we have a bedtime now, gramps?" She teased, though she couldn't resist the satisfied stretch that tightened her shirt in all the right places, highlighting her chest, before she recalled her Pokemon, fastening the balls to her belt.

Ezra watched, his crimson eyes sharp and amused as he caught the slight smirk on her lips. Karen would have to work harder if she thought he'd be flustered by something so simple. When she left she was swaying her hips just a little as she walked toward the stables and her guest room. "Sweet dreams," She said somewhat tauntingly over her shoulder.

Ezra raised an eyebrow, chuckling to himself. Nice try, he thought, fully aware that she was trying to mess with him. But if she thought he'd be rattled by a little sway of the hips, she'd underestimated him. He made sure to enjoy the sight for a moment, though, before getting up to follow her lead, making his way toward his own room. Not that he was intending to sleep.

As soon as Karen was in fact asleep, he'd have one of his Ghosts use Hypnosis again, ensuring that she stayed in her slumber while he did some real training with his Pokemon. The thoughts flickered in his mind once more as he thought about the way he'd managed to tweak Skill Swap, how he'd cobbled together several techniques to bend it into something new.

Now the question was... What else could he achieve?

Ezra's eyes gleamed with ambition, his thoughts drifting toward the future battles he'd face, and the new strategies he'd need to come out on top.

Tonight, he would push his Pokemon further, beyond what they thought possible. The path to mastery was still long, but every step took him closer.

His aura helping him get across to his Pokemon in a way other trainers couldn't - coupled with how it could boost their stamina, was really the worst cheat of them all…

An hour later,

The night air in the forest around Ezra's stable was alive with the sound of training - cries of exertion, the rush of wind from quick movements, and the hum of energy as his Pokemon pushed themselves through another intense session. Shadows flickered between the trees as the moonlight filtered through the dense canopy, casting an eerie glow over the clearing.

Ezra walked around the edge of the clearing, his arms crossed, his crimson eyes gleaming with intent. Around him, his Pokemon moved in pairs or small groups, engaged in mock battles designed to improve their speed and reflexes while learning to utilize their energy in a new way. Each ghost and dark type was pushed to the limit, their bodies straining under the effort of faster dodges, more fluid attacks, and quicker recoveries. They had no choice but to rely on instinct, their bodies reacting without hesitation.

Ezra thought it was the main reason why Pokemon performed better, grew stronger, and evolved in battle - more than training.

Pokemon didn't think like a human, so training usually only did so much for most trainers he suspected, as the Pokemon couldn't quite internalize it all. But when you worked them to an instinctive level… Like in a battle, that's where they thrived, their bodies made to improve from such instincts.

Of course since he could make himself understood to his 'mon to a level most trainers couldn't… Both ways could work.

Ezra watched closely as Morrigan, his Dreepy, zipped around the clearing in a blur of motion. She had taken well to his coaching, surrounding herself in a shell of her own ghostly energy to propel herself through the air. Something the others were struggling with. It was like using ExtremeSpeed, yet not.

Not a technique in full, or perhaps he was making a new one - energy directed around them to allow them to move and turn in ways they normally couldn't - and boosting their speed in exchange for the cost of stamina.

Her speed was impressive, but her control still needed work. Every few seconds, she veered off course and slammed headfirst into a tree, bouncing back with a dizzy shake before zipping off again. Ezra chuckled softly to himself. Directions were still an issue, obviously, but the raw potential was there.

"Focus on control, Morrigan," Ezra called out, his voice calm but firm. "Speed is useless if you're crashing into everything in sight, you already got the beginnings down, no need to rush."

Morrigan let out a determined cry, spiraling around one of the trees in the distance before quickly correcting herself to avoid a second collision. She zoomed through the clearing like a streak of shadow, moving faster than any of his other ghost types were capable of as of yet.

As Ezra turned his attention to the others, he knew Morrigan was the exception of the training so far. The others were still struggling.

Nyx, his Spiritomb, floated lazily in place, her eerie face peering at him, the Keystone hovering underneath her, which seemed to be what was throwing her off from utilizing the technique the same way. She was attempting to use her ghostly essence around herself to push herself forward, but the movements were sluggish, uncoordinated, and nowhere near the sharpness that Ezra wanted. She was still thinking too much, he realized - trying to strategize, to map out every move before making it.

"No hesitation, Nyx," Ezra advised as he strolled past her. "You're overthinking it. Trust your instincts. When you see an opening, go for it and then just keep moving, just let your energy flow."

Nyx's 'eyes' glimmered as she absorbed his words, trying again. Her essence shuddered, flickering outward as she forced her body to move faster. It was better than before, but still, she wasn't zipping around with the fluidity of Morrigan. Nyx was a more cerebral fighter, methodical, and getting her to simply move without thought was a challenge on its own.

Nearby, Loki, his Banette, darted around as well, his stitched grin stretched wide as he zipped across the field, laughing as he avoided attacks from the Murkrow that swooped above him. While his ghostly energy wrapped around him like a cloak of sorts, almost exactly as intended, Loki still had a penchant for mischief, stopping mid-dodge to taunt his opponent or pull a trick. Ezra sighed softly at the sight, knowing that Loki was more concerned with toying with the Murkrow than actually getting faster.

"Loki, less tricks. More dodging." His voice was sharp even as he was slightly amused. "This isn't playtime."

Loki shot him a wicked grin, but his movements quickened, his body now darting with more purpose as he narrowly avoided Murkrow's attacks. Ezra watched the ghost and dark types clash, each trying to outmaneuver the other. The training was working, though progress was slow.

It would be energy draining… There was no way around that. His 'mon using their energy to constantly be mobile would cost them, but the more they practiced, the less the drain would be in the end. And mobility in combat would be priceless. Both in himself and other trainers, he'd seen too much of the habit of standing still and exchanging techniques.

Hence attempting to get his Ghosts to enhance themselves, coating themselves in a thin layer of their energy, that they then used to propel themselves in any direction, at any time, in hopes of making them truly unpredictable.

His dark types, on the other hand, required a different approach. Unlike his ghost types, they couldn't propel themselves with a shell of ethereal energy, at least not in the same way. Their power came from something more tangible - darkness that fueled their limbs, strength that coursed through their physical forms.

Alduin was zipping around almost as fast as Morrigan, albeit using his energy differently. He'd have to see about battling some regular trainers soon, get Alduin and Morrigan some actual experience before taking them to a gym battle again.

He had his Dark Pokemon working on channeling their energy into their limbs, or out of them, specifically to increase speed and reaction time, and while the results weren't as dramatic as with the ghost types, they were improving steadily. Murkrow, in particular, was already doing well, able to zip through the air with quick bursts of dark energy that allowed his 'mon to change direction almost instantly.

Not only were they enhancing their limbs, Ezra hadn't left it at just that… They were also practicing short bursts of dark energy from said limbs when they needed a burst of movement. Comparable he supposed, to Soru, from the One Piece Anime he'd watched in his old world.

Again, it meant they were doing a sort of bastardized ExtremeSpeed, one they could keep up indefinitely.

Well… Until they ran out of energy.

Which granted, would happen fast. But he could work on that. Or cheat with his aura worst case to refill them a bit.

Ezra kept a close eye on Murkrow as she continued her battle with Loki. Her movements were sharp, her flight patterns unpredictable. Each time Loki tried to grab her or fire off a Shadow Ball, she would twist in the air, banking sharply and avoiding the attack by mere inches. Her growing mastery over dark energy was evident - she'd learned to let the power fuel her wings, speeding her up at critical moments before - now she could also flip on a dime by letting out short bursts.

"Good, Murkrow!" Ezra called out, his voice carrying over the clearing. "Keep it up - don't let him catch you."

Murkrow cawed in response, her form twisting in mid-air as she narrowly avoided another strike from Loki. It was also working to engage Loki into taking things seriously. So Ezra considered it a job well done.

His eyes narrowed in thought, as he watched Akuma move away from attempting to coat himself in a shell like the other Ghost Pokemon, watching his dark brethren instead, stomping his feet on the ground.

Ezra watched for a few minutes, Akuma's partner, Ezra's Houndor, giving him time while working on her own skills.

His Eevee was following him, and he picked her up and pet her, idly thinking he'd need to start using her to battle and train properly soon, their bond hopefully enough for an Umbreon to coalesce.

Suddenly Akuma exploded into the air, dust and earth shooting off as ghostly energies erupted under one of his feet, only for Akuma to bounce midair, letting loose another small blast from his foot, slamming into the ground. "Akuma… Keep practicing that." He ordered, almost salivating at the thought of Akuma becoming that mobile.

That was…

That would give him so many options…

He soon left him to it, keeping an eye on the rest of his 'mon.

The mock battles were doing their job with the rest of them. Ezra had realized long ago that his Pokemon performed better when they weren't given too much time to think. Forced into fast-paced, instinctual fighting, they became more efficient, more dangerous. They were learning through experience, using their bodies to grow instead of relying on mental preparation or repetition of moves and movements.

As he walked behind them, Ezra's own shadow extended and stretched along the ground, slapping away any stray techniques that came too close to him. His eyes darted from one battle to the next, offering advice here and there, adjusting stances, critiquing mistakes. "Never be static," He reminded them. "The moment you stop moving is the moment you lose."

It was a lesson he had failed to enforce with Akuma during the gym battle with Whitney. He'd underestimated his opponent, grown complacent, and allowed Akuma to stand still for far too long, making him a sitting target for that damned Earthquake. It was a failure Ezra would not repeat.

Several 'mon on his team levitated or flew, giving them the advantage of a three-dimensional battlefield - so why keep the rest limited? He wouldn't let that happen again. His Pokemon should always be moving, always looking for their next opportunity, no matter where it came from. He had failed to maximize his advantages. Failed to cover for his weaknesses.

Now, he was determined to fix that.

As he continued to observe, his attention was drawn to a particular mock battle happening nearby. Cheshire, his newly evolved Gengar, was grinning wickedly as he squared off against Duskull. The little ghost Pokemon floated in the air, her single red eye burning with fierce determination as she faced off against her much stronger opponent. Duskull, despite her size and limited abilities, was holding her own better than Ezra had expected.

Cheshire taunted the Duskull constantly, firing off Shadow Balls and flicking his tongue out playfully, trying to goad the smaller Pokemon into making mistakes. But Duskull remained focused. Ezra could sense the intense determination radiating from her, it was almost palpable in the air. She was straining, trying to move faster, to surround herself with ghostly energy and zip around like Morrigan, but she was still struggling. Each time she tried to propel herself, she faltered, her movements jerky and uncoordinated.

Ezra considered stepping in to help, but something held him back. There was a fire in Duskull's eye that told him to wait, to let her push itself. The frustration in her movements was clear - she was desperate to keep up, to match Cheshire's speed. His Gengar, ever still the trickster, was only making it harder, popping in and out of the shadows and flicking Lick attacks at Duskull whenever she got too close.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of taunting, Cheshire managed to land a solid hit, catching Duskull off guard with a surprise Lick coming out of a Shadow Sneak. The smaller ghost yelped, shuddering from the attack as it recoiled backward, her body flickering with ghostly energy. For a moment, Ezra thought the fight was over, that Duskull would retreat.

But then, something changed.

A roar of frustration echoed through the clearing, and Duskull's entire body began to glow. Her ghostly form expanded, growing larger, more defined, as it was enveloped in a bright, white light. Ezra's eyes widened in surprise, recognizing the telltale signs of evolution. He just hadn't expected another one so soon. "Maybe you're next." He muttered to the Eevee in his arms.

Cheshire, equally surprised, backed away, his grin widening as he watched the transformation unfold before him.

Duskull's form stretched and contorted, her body taking on a new, larger shape. The white light grew brighter, pulsing with power as the little ghost type grew, its limbs elongating. Within moments, the glowing figure of Duskull had evolved into something far more intimidating - a Dusclops.

The newly evolved Dusclops let out a low, eerie growl, her single red eye gleaming with power as she floated before Cheshire. The air around her seemed to warp and twist, as if reality itself was bending in response to her presence.

Ezra couldn't help but smirk at the sight. Evolution, especially while training, was always a sign that his training was working. The raw potential that had been simmering beneath the surface had come to the forefront.

This was proof his methods worked.

"Well, well," Ezra muttered to himself, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "That wasn't quite what I had in mind for speed training... But obviously something's working."

Dusclops wasted no time. With a cry of victory, she hurled a much improved Shadow Ball straight at Cheshire, who was still caught off guard by the sudden evolution.

Cheshire pouted at him when he began laughing and praising Dusclops. But really, she deserved the praise.

He'd just have to give Cheshire someone to prank later, that would make him happy again.

Now who was the literally only person always around him available to prank?


A few days later,

The streets of Pewter City were alive with color, sound, and movement. Streamers of black, brown, and white hung between buildings, fluttering in the breeze. Vendors lined the streets, their stands overflowing with sweets, trinkets, and all manner of festival foods. The air smelled of grilled meats and sugary treats, mixing with the faint scent of pine from the nearby forest. Laughter and the excited shouts of children echoed from every corner as people moved through the city, embracing the holiday spirit of Victory Day.

Ezra walked beside Karen, who, oddly enough, was the one with the pep in her step today. She moved with uncharacteristic cheerfulness, her silver hair bouncing slightly as she practically floated through the street. It was strange to see her so buoyant, and Ezra had to admit it amused him.

Usually, she was more inclined to sulking or scowling - mostly because of his actions, to be fair - but two of her Pokemon had evolved in the past few days. It gave her an extra spark of confidence. With his stable available for her as well, she'd been able to bring along more Pokemon then the carrying limit of six, and had gotten some good training done.

Pewter City itself was dressed to the nines for the festival, celebrating a holiday that Ezra hadn't even known existed - Victory Day. It wasn't something they celebrated in Lavender Town, where he'd spent most of his time in this world

But here in Pewter, it seemed to be a major event. Even the outskirts of the city were transformed, with a circus tent set up just outside town limits where a troupe performed with their Pokemon every hour on the hour, focusing on entertainment rather than battles. They were apparently fairly well known, even if Ezra personally had never heard of them. But then, he hadn't even realized there was such a thing to begin with.

He was definitely still lacking in information about the world he inhabited, having not finished his education, as it were, in Lavender.

Still, it was a welcome change of pace after several days of intense training. Ezra had invited Karen to join him for the festival, if only to unwind a bit after the grueling sessions they'd both put themselves and their Pokemon through.

Oddly enough, she hadn't seemed to notice it was sort of a date - something that both amused and slightly frustrated him. He teased her constantly, enjoying how easily she flushed at his words, but the moment he asked her to join him for something that most people would consider a date, she hadn't even blinked.

But Ezra wasn't about to complain. After all, he liked having Karen in a good mood almost as much as he liked having her mad - it made her fun to be around, and today was shaping up to be one of those rare occasions when she was in a good mood.

"So, where to first?" Karen asked, her voice bright as she surveyed the stalls and vendors lining the street. She seemed almost overwhelmed by the sheer number of options.

Ezra smirked, stepping closer to her as they walked. "Let's start with the games," He suggested, nodding toward a section of the festival where several stands were set up for carnival-style activities. "I'd like to see if you're as good with your hands as you are with your Pokemon."

Karen rolled her eyes but didn't seem bothered by the innuendo. "If I beat you, you're buying me whatever I want," She said, her tone challenging.

Ezra raised an eyebrow, inwardly pouting that she didn't bite. "Deal."

The first stall they stopped at was one of the more classic carnival games - a ring toss. The rings were designed to land on the necks of small long necked Pokemon figures, with varying prizes depending on how many rings you managed to land. Of course, the figurines were small, and the rings were designed to bounce off at the slightest touch, making it more of a game of luck than skill.

"I'll go first," Karen declared confidently, stepping up to the booth and taking the rings from the attendant.

Ezra watched as she lined up her shot, the sunlight glinting off her skin as she focused on the figurines in front of her. With a quick flick of her wrist, she sent the first ring flying - and it bounced off the Gyarados figurine, spinning wildly before landing back at her feet. Karen narrowed her eyes, her mouth set in a determined line.

Ezra chuckled softly. "You're going to have to do better than that." He teased her, "Perhaps you aren't as handy as I thought."

"Shut up," She muttered, her cheeks tinting slightly red as she tried again.

The second ring hit the same figurine and bounced off once more, but the third managed to land perfectly, ringing the neck of the Gyarados with a soft clink. Karen grinned triumphantly, shooting a glance at Ezra as if daring him to do better.

"Not bad," He said, stepping up to the booth. He took the rings from her, flashing her a cocky grin. "But watch how it's really done."

Ezra tossed the first ring with a flick of his wrist, watching as it arced perfectly toward the same figurine - only to bounce off in almost the same way Karen's had. He blinked in mild surprise, but Karen's soft laugh made him shrug.

"Beginner's luck."

"Uh-huh," Karen said, crossing her arms, a smug grin on her face.

The second ring was no better, and by the third, Ezra was scowling slightly as it too missed the target. Karen burst out laughing, her eyes shining with amusement.

"Guess you're buying me something after all," She teased, giving him a playful nudge with her elbow.

Ezra grumbled good-naturedly, but the smile on his face betrayed his enjoyment of her mood. "Alright, what do you want?" He asked, glancing at the various prizes lining the shelves behind the booth.

You could win one by getting all three rings on to their targets, but since that likely literally never happened, they also sold the prizes.

Karen considered her options for a moment before pointing to a plush of a Houndour, her expression softening slightly. "That one."

Ezra handed over some money to the attendant, who passed him the plush. He turned to Karen, holding it out to her with an exaggerated flourish. "For the lady with the skillful hands."

Karen rolled her eyes again, though the slight blush on her cheeks remained as she took the plush from him. "Don't think this makes up for your teasing," She warned, though her smile was genuine.

They continued through the festival, stopping at various stalls and trying out different games. One stall featured a game where you had to toss berries into a Whimsicott's fluffy coat from a distance, each berry that stuck earning you points.

Ezra had no idea where they came up with some of these games…

He was staying far away from the toss the Magikarp game, which seemed a recipe for the one in a million chance of sudden Gyarados in your face. He was surprised they allowed it.

Ezra, with his experience in cheating, managed to land several berries with ease on the Whimsicott, by making sure to first land some near the Pokemon's mouth as tribute - while Karen struggled at first, the berries bouncing off the soft wool as the Pokemon kept moving at the last second, appearing to almost snicker at her.

"Why is this so hard?" Karen muttered, narrowing her eyes at the Whimsicott.

Ezra laughed, stepping up behind her to guide her hand. "You've got to have a lighter touch on the throw," He said, his voice low as he leaned in close.

Karen flushed, glancing at him from the corner of her eye. "If you don't move, I'll throw the berry at your head, followed by my fist." She threatened.

Ezra chuckled but didn't back off. "Go ahead. I'll still win."

Despite her grumbling, Karen managed to land a few berries with Ezra's guidance, though she insisted it was more luck than anything else. They moved on to other games, including one where they had to hit targets with a blowgun, while a Pidgey flew in erratic patterns to stop them by snapping up the berries they fired. Karen was surprisingly good at this one, getting several targets with ease, while Ezra only managed a couple.

He narrowed his eyes at the smug looking Pidgey, it had it out for him…

And why was everything done with fucking berries anyway?

Hours passed as they wandered from one part of the festival to the next. They tried carnival food - Ezra laughing with Karen as she dropped her ice cream on a kid's head 'by accident' while it was whining loudly - and they watched a few street performers who used their Pokemon in their acts, dazzling the crowds with synchronized tricks and acrobatics. The energy of the festival was infectious, and even Karen's usual guardedness seemed to fade as they immersed themselves in the festivities.

The streets were packed with people, many of whom were dressed in festival attire, their clothes adorned with the colors of Kanto or Pewter. Banners and streamers decorated every building, and flags bearing the emblem of Pewter City fluttered proudly in the breeze. Everywhere they went, people were laughing, singing, and enjoying the atmosphere of celebration.

Ezra and Karen passed by a group of old men, clearly drunk, their arms slung around each other's shoulders as they staggered down the street, singing loudly. The song they sang was rough, off-key, and could charitably be called a drunken anthem, but the lyrics were unmistakably rude.

"Fuck Johto, the asshole on the body of the world! Fuck Johto, where the rotten trash is hurled! We'll drink to Kanto, and spit on the rest, For Kanto's the only land that's truly the best!"

Karen stiffened beside him, her cheerfulness vanishing as the song reached her ears. As someone from Johto, she apparently couldn't help but feel offended at the casual disregard, and her hands clenched into fists as she growled. Ezra frankly didn't think it was that bad, but he knew Karen had a temper.

One of the drunks, catching her reaction, squinted at her through bleary eyes. "Oi, you! Johto whore, are ya?" He slurred, pointing a wobbly finger at her. "Don't like our song, do ya?"

Karen's eyes widened, shock and anger flashing across her face, but before she could respond, Ezra stepped forward, grabbing her arm and pulling her back. "Ignore him," Ezra said quietly, his voice tight with control. He might not have thought much of the song, but calling Karen a whore…

He usually enjoyed how quick Karen was to lose her temper, but in this situation it wouldn't be good unfortunately. He idly noted just how many drunk people were nearby on this street. A drunken mob could become a problem.

The drunk, however, wasn't done. "Go back to your cesspool of a region!" He shouted, staggering forward. "We don't need Johto scum here!"

Before the situation could escalate further, bystanders stepped in, pulling the drunk back. One of them whispered to him, and the drunk finally seemed to understand that he'd crossed a line. His friends dragged him away, though he continued to grumble under his breath.

Unfortunately he wasn't the only drunk, and some of them were eying him and Karen and muttering.

Ezra kept a firm grip on Karen's arm, holding her steady as she blinked in shock, clearly rattled by the sudden confrontation based simply on her nationality.

"Karen," He said softly, leaning in, "Let it go. He's not worth it, he's just a drunk."

Before Karen could fully process what had happened, another figure emerged from the crowd. Brock, the Pewter City Gym Leader's son, strode forward, his usually calm demeanor clouded with concern. He quickly placed himself between any other drunks and Karen, his broad shoulders and tall frame creating a solid barrier.

"Enough," Brock said firmly, addressing a few of the drunk men who were still muttering slurs. His voice carried authority, and it cut through the noise of the festival like a hot knife through butter. The other men shrunk back, as Brock turned toward Karen, his face apologetic, his brow creased with discomfort.

"I'm really sorry about that," Brock said, shaking his head. "They really didn't mean it like that. And… Tom… The man lost three of his children to Johto during the war, and ever since then... It always comes out on Victory Day, he's perfectly pleasant any other day I promise."

Karen stood there, still tense, but the anger that had flashed in her eyes softened at Brock's explanation. "Three kids?" She whispered, her voice trembling with a mixture of shock and sadness. "That's... Awful." She looked away, rubbing her arm with one hand, "There's nothing worse than losing your entire family…"

Ezra glanced at her thoughtfully, Karen…

Brock nodded solemnly. "Yeah, it is. But I know it's got nothing to do with you, Karen. Please don't take it personally. The war took a lot from a lot of people."

Karen, still visibly rattled, let out a deep breath. She forced herself to relax and gave a slow nod, her silver hair catching the glow from the street lamps. "I'm fine. Thanks, Brock." She looked sad for a moment, but she wasn't one to show weakness for long, her spine stiffening almost immediately, as she forced a smile on her face.

Ezra gave Brock a nod of thanks and then turned to Karen, squeezing her hand gently. "You okay?" He asked to make sure, his voice low enough that only she could hear. He didn't let go of her hand, and she didn't pull away, the tension in her fingers slowly loosening.

Karen nodded, though her expression remained distant. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just... Caught me off guard." Her voice was steady, but her usual fire had dimmed.

Ezra turned his attention back to Brock. "What's this Victory Day all about?" He asked, trying to change the subject, his voice casual but genuinely curious. "I've never even heard of it before. We didn't celebrate anything like this in Lavender."

Brock grimaced, one hand raking through his spiky hair. "That's because most of Kanto stopped celebrating it," He explained with a sigh. "Pryce… When he became champion, he put pressure on a lot of the region's mayors and leaders to stop celebrating the holiday. Said it was a reminder of the war that needed to be forgotten."

Ezra raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "That's a bit heavy-handed, don't you think?"

Although perhaps it had been thoughtless of him to ask about this subject, he realized. Squeezing Karen's hand again.

Brock shrugged, his expression weary. "Maybe, but no one really put up too much of a fight over it. Except my dad." He hesitated, glancing around as if checking to see if anyone was listening. "Pewter's the only city that still celebrates it. It's a tradition here now - one that my dad refused to let die."

Karen, who had been silent during the exchange, muttered, "Kanto lost the war." Her voice was low, almost lost in the noise of the festival, but it was enough to catch Ezra's attention. The cheerfulness she'd carried earlier in the day was now completely gone, replaced by a quiet, reflective sadness.

Ezra squeezed her hand a little tighter, but he didn't push her. Instead, he looked back at Brock. "She's right, though. If Kanto lost, why keep celebrating it?"

Brock looked even more uncomfortable now. His shoulders slumped, and his eyes darkened as if he was struggling with how much to say. "It's... Complicated. This isn't really taught anymore, but I know about it because of my dad." He rubbed the back of his neck, clearly debating how to explain. "There was a massacre in the last year of the war. A lot of Kanto civilians and soldiers were killed. But after that... Kanto struck back in a big way, one last time."

Ezra frowned, his curiosity piqued. "Struck back how?"

Brock shifted his weight, glancing around as if he didn't want to be overheard. "All the different clans and heroes of Kanto came together. They launched a massive counterattack, and for a brief moment, Kanto had the upper hand. That strike... It was the last time Johto was really 'beat' before the end of the war. That's what Victory Day celebrates."

"Your dad must be one hell of a patriot if he's the only one still keeping the festival going," Ezra muttered, his mind turning over the new information. There was clearly a lot more to this war business than he'd thought. Lavender had kept him in the dark about most of it, the isolated nature of the town keeping people removed from the deeper history of Kanto and Johto's conflicts. Or the school system just sucked.

Brock's discomfort deepened. His mouth opened, as if he was about to say something more, but before he could, a deep voice rumbled from behind them.

"Talking about me, son?"

Ezra turned to find himself face to face with a towering figure. Flint, Brock's father and the current Gym Leader of Pewter City, stood behind them, his massive arms crossed over his broad chest. The man was a mountain of muscle, his large graying beard tucked into his belt, and his clothes straining against his powerful muscular frame. He was nothing like the pathetic drifter Ezra had once seen in an old episode of the anime. Here, Flint looked every bit the embodiment of a rock type Gym Leader - a man who could bench an Onix if he wanted to.

The air around him seemed to grow colder, more tense as Flint's piercing flinty eyed gaze swept over them.

"You, girl," Flint said, his voice gruff as he turned his attention to Karen, who had tensed at the sight of him. "You're Agatha's Johto toy, aren't you?"

Karen's eyes flashed with anger at the insult, but before she could respond, Brock stepped forward, looking horrified. "Dad, come on -"

But Karen beat him to it this time. She squared her shoulders, her voice sharp. "Lady Agatha to you, Gym Leader Flint," She snapped, her tone icy. "And I am her apprentice, as you well know."

Flint snorted, clearly unimpressed. "At least there's some fire in you, for a mongrel."

Ezra's expression darkened, his jaw clenching as he stepped forward. "Apologize," He said, his voice low and dangerous. He had seen Karen flinch, and it sent a surge of protectiveness through him. He wasn't sure where it even came from, but he wouldn't allow this rockhead to bully his… Friend?

Flint gave him a bemused look, his lips curling into a mocking smile. "This is my city, brat. I can tell any Johto chit whatever I please."

Ezra's hand hovered over his Pokeballs, his eyes narrowing as he repeated, "You will apologize." He demanded.

The mocking smile on Flint's face widened, and he laughed - a deep, booming sound that seemed to shake the ground beneath them. He leaned forward, towering over Ezra as he looked down at him with condescension. "You gonna take me on, freaky boy?"

Brock looked like he wanted the earth to just swallow him whole.

"Yes," Ezra answered, his voice filled with a cold determination. He didn't flinch, his crimson eyes blazing with anger. Karen tugged at his arm, shaking her head, trying to pull him back, but Ezra remained still, his gaze locked with Flint's.

Brock, looking defeated, let out a long sigh, but before he could say anything, Flint raised his voice, calling out to the festival crowd. "OY, LISTEN UP, YOU ROCKHEADS!" His voice boomed through the streets, drawing the attention of the people nearby. "FESTIVAL'S ABOUT TO GET SLAMMING! GYM CHALLENGE IN TEN MINUTES AT THE OLD QUARRY! THREE VS THREE, MY OWN KICKASS TEAM ON THE LINE!"

The crowd erupted in excitement, and Flint turned back to Ezra, a leer on his face. "Let's show you how we do things in Kanto, freaky boy."

Ezra smirked, his hand still hovering over his Pokeballs. "Gladly."

Minutes later,

As Flint continued to hype up the crowd, his voice booming across the festival grounds, Ezra and Karen trailed behind him. Brock walked beside them, head lowered slightly in embarrassment as he mumbled a quiet apology to the two of them.

"Look," Brock said, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, "I'm sorry about my dad. He... Well, he gets like this sometimes, especially during Victory Day." The quiet added mumble, "Especially if he's been drinking…" Was barely audible.

Ezra waved it off, not particularly interested in blaming Brock for his father's behavior. "It's not your fault," Ezra replied, his voice casual. "I've met worse people." He didn't mention that he also thought Brock's father was a bit of a bully, but the fact that Brock had turned out to be a decent guy despite that... Well, it spoke volumes.

Karen nodded in agreement, offering a brief smile to Brock. "Don't worry about it. Your dad's not your responsibility." She hesitated for a moment before adding, "Though I can see why you've chosen to take a part time job for Ezra if that's what it's like at home… No offense."

Ezra nodded, also remembering that Brock seemed to deal with mostly young trainers at the gym. As if he was staying away from the older trainers, his father's men.

Brock gave a rueful smile. "Yeah, I guess you could say that." He sighed, shaking his head. "But really, this isn't normal. Most of the time, he's just... Strict. Victory Day just... Stirs things up, makes him a little more - "

" - Intolerable?" Ezra offered, smirking. Not that he could talk really.

Brock laughed awkwardly. "Yeah, something like that." He gestured to the quarry ahead, where Flint was already walking toward the makeshift battle arena. "This field... It's where he goes when he wants to play. It's an old quarry, but the people love it. Gives everyone a front-row seat."

As they reached the outskirts of the town, the energy of the festival was replaced with the raw intensity of the old quarry. A large field, cut into the jagged rocks, stretched before them. The upper edges of the place was filled with a throng of spectators who had gathered to watch the match, their voices a hum of excitement that rose and fell with every movement Flint made. The sheer number of people watching made it clear that this wasn't going to be just any normal gym battle.

No wonder Flint took them here if he wanted an audience, the gym arena wouldn't even fit a tenth of the crowd… Ezra was going to enjoy humbling him here…

Ezra surveyed the field, mentally preparing himself. This time, he wasn't going to make the same mistakes he had made in previous battles. His strategy was clear in his mind, his focus unwavering. Flint might have the crowd, the strength, and the reputation, but Ezra had something better - type advantage and an ace up his sleeve.

He muttered under his breath as they walked toward the battlefield, his eyes fixed on Flint's back. "The only one allowed to bully Karen is me!" The comment said with relish, as he realized what his main complaint with the situation was.

Unfortunately for him, Karen had sharp ears. She turned to him, her brow raised in equal parts amusement and annoyance. "Of course that's why," She huffed, letting out a soft snort. "Idiot."

Ezra shot her a grin, but his expression quickly turned back to one of intensity as Flint roared to the crowd, his voice cutting through the air.

"This kid here got his feelings hurt, so let's do a battle and see who was right!" Flint's deep voice carried over the crowd. "Might makes right!"

"Might makes right!" The crowd cheered. Their excitement growing with every word Flint spoke. Brock looked visibly uncomfortable beside Ezra and Karen, his shoulders hunched as the older man continued to rile everyone up.

"They're really not like this usually," Brock mumbled, clearly embarrassed. "It's just Victory Day... It makes the older folks a little... Odd."

Ezra only nodded, his gaze not leaving Flint. "It doesn't matter. I'm going to end this quickly." His fingers traced the outline of the Pokeball in his hand, his mind already running through the battle ahead. That said, the fact Brock had to keep bringing it up to defend them, didn't speak well for all these old drunks stuck in a time that was dead and over.

"What's with the slogan?" He asked.

Brock frowned, "It's something he really shouldn't be saying." He said darkly. "It was Kantos slogan at the beginning of the war, but it's been co-opted by Team Rocket now, so he really shouldn't be saying that… The League will come down hard if they hear about that kind of thing…" He looked worried now.

Ezra looked at Flint with new eyes after that, wondering…

Also, he thought… That creed was just all kinds of stupid. Not that he was generally opposed to the idea, as he certainly would enjoy personal power allowing him to rule his little fiefdom once he achieved his dream…

But if their philosophy was Might makes Right? Then why the sour feelings over Johto winning. Shouldn't their victory have proven their might, Kanto folding to their rightful masters?

It just showed to Ezra that even those espounging the creed, didn't actually follow it, only using it as a call for their own goals. It was no wonder Team Rocket had latched on to it…

It allowed them to hoover up all the suckers.

As Flint reached the center of the field, he pointed at Brock. "My foolish son will be the referee, alright, freaky boy?"

Ezra shrugged, not particularly caring about the formalities, even as he tried to hide the twitch from that particular moniker being used. He twirled a Pokeball in his hand, his voice sharp and cold. "I don't care. Give me your star team, and I'll crush them into the ground. Then, you'll give me your badge and your apology."

Flint roared with laughter, his hand clapping down heavily on Ezra's shoulder, the force of it jarring, as was the smell of alcohol on his breath, making Ezra grimace. "That's the Pewter spirit!" Flint boomed, grinning widely. The crowd echoed his sentiment, cheering even louder.

They lined up on opposite sides of the field. There were no booths or shields, no protective barriers. Just the trainers and their Pokemon in the open, the crowd standing further back to keep a safe distance, also protected by the Quarry walls as they stood well above the fighting. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation, the air crackling with tension. It wasn't a typical gym battle. This was something more personal.

At least to Ezra. Flint seemed entirely too jovial at the moment, but then he was intoxicated..

Brock took his place off to the side, his voice carrying through the field. "This is a star badge challenge of the Pewter Gym! Three versus three! No substitutions allowed. Release your Pokemon!"

Without hesitation, Flint tossed his first Pokeball into the air. With a flash of light, an absolutely massive Onix appeared, towering above the battlefield. The rocky serpent let out a thunderous roar, its stony body shifting as it prepared for battle. It was also absolutely covered in war paint, which appeared to be trying to cover up old scars.

Ezra's cold smirk grew as he released Akuma, his Annihilape, who appeared on the field in a blur of movement, his eyes glowing red with intensity. The crowd gasped at the sight of the ghostly, primal creature, its fists clenched and ready for the fight ahead.

This fight might have been a bit impromptu, but this was exactly what he'd been training for.

Ezra wasted no time. "Just like we trained, Akuma. Move like a butterfly, sting like a bee." His lips quirked at what he was saying, but he'd own it. It was champion talk, after all.

Flint, standing with his hands on his hips, shouted his first command, followed by a thrust of his hips that had the female section of the crowd cheer wildly, "Rock Throw!"

Big surprise, the Rock trainer going for overwhelming force immediately, Ezra thought, not concerned.

Onix immediately slammed its tail into the ground, sending a barrage of large boulders and smaller shards of stone hurtling toward Akuma as the earth split before it. But Akuma was already moving. In the blink of an eye, he shot upward, a burst of energy propelling him into the air as he effortlessly dodged the incoming rocks. His movement was erratic, unpredictable, as he bounced between different points in the air with sharp bursts of energy making it appear like he was kicking the air, zipping back and forth like a living pinball.

Ezra had worked tirelessly on this technique with him during their training for the last few days. While Akuma hadn't yet fully mastered the ghostly propulsion of energy around his entire body he was trying out for the others, they'd found that his workaround worked better than imagined. Ezra likened it to something out of One Piece again, this time Geppo, a rapid burst of energy from Akuma's feet that allowed him to shoot through the air in quick, controlled movements bouncing around like a pinball when he went at his highest speed - It wasn't perfect, but it was effective enough for now - and it was about to be devastating.

Flint's eyes narrowed as he watched the Annihilape move, clearly impressed. But he wasn't about to let that rattle him, ordering his Onix to keep the pressure up, filling the air with a hailstorm of stone.

Both Ezra and Brock had to dodge a few as the storm swept across their areas. It was impressive in its breadth… Against anyone without a solid high tier defense or mobility technique, they'd be buried with this one move.

Akuma darted between the flying rocks and utilized the larger rocks to avoid the shrapnel sized deluge, disappearing and reappearing with every burst of energy, moving too fast for Onix to keep track of. The massive serpent let out a frustrated roar as its attacks missed their mark, its large body too slow to keep up with Akuma's nimble movements.

"Low Kick!" Ezra ordered, his voice sharp and anticipatory.

In an instant, Akuma shot toward Onix, landing a powerful Low Kick to its side that rang out across the quarry. The impact was enough to stagger the giant rock snake, but Akuma didn't stop there. With another burst of energy, he disappeared into the air again, dodging the tail that came crashing down where he had just been.

"Cross Chop!" Ezra called out, his eyes glittering with glee.

Akuma reappeared above Onix, his fists glowing with energy as he delivered a devastating Cross Chop to Onix's head. The sheer force of the blow sent the rock-type reeling, its massive body shaking from the impact as its head slammed into the ground, half buried into the loose rock.

Flint's Onix, to its credit, was incredibly resilient. Despite taking two super-effective hits, it remained in the fight, its eyes burning with determination as it let out another roar, raising its head from the ground, sending another slate of rock forward, a tint of steel visible.

But Akuma wasn't done. "Hammer Arm!" Ezra ordered, laughing as he looked at the Onix with anticipation. With a final burst of energy, he shot into the air once more, rising high above Onix's head. For a brief moment, he hovered there, a silhouette against the fading evening sky, before he came crashing down like a comet.

Akuma's arm glowed with energy as he descended, the force of his descent amplifying the power of the attack. He slammed into Onix's back with a thunderous impact, the ground beneath them shaking from the force of the blow as Onix folded in half, his middle section absolutely buried into the ground.

Onix let out a final, guttural roar before collapsing fully onto the ground, its massive body thudding against the earth. Dust and debris kicked up into the air, settling slowly around the battlefield.

"Onix is unable to battle!" Brock declared, looking shell shocked, raising his arm toward Ezra. The crowd erupted into cheers, though the tone of surprise was clear. They hadn't expected the battle to start so one-sidedly.

Ezra stood tall, his arms crossed over his chest, a satisfied smirk on his lips. Akuma stood beside him, breathing heavily but looking completely unfazed by the battle. Ezra let a trickle of his aura revitalize his 'mon, determined to crush Flint for looking down on him. And for how he acted too, of course.

Flint, however, didn't seem disheartened at all. If anything, his grin grew wider. "Not bad, kid!" he roared, recalling his Onix. "But I've still got more tricks up my sleeve. Let's see how you handle what comes next!"

Ezra's eyes gleamed with anticipation. This battle was far from over, and he was ready for whatever Flint had in store - ready to further showcase Akuma's strength.

Flint, his laughter still echoing from the loss of round one, tossed out his next Pokeball, and with a flash, a Graveler appeared on the field. This wasn't just any Graveler though - it was easily the most muscular of its kind that Ezra had ever seen. Its arms rippled with rocky muscle, veins of stone crisscrossing its body, and its four fists clenched tightly, eager for a fight.

Ezra narrowed his eyes, not underestimating it despite his confidence. Graveler or not, Flint was clearly not to be taken lightly. He'd seen what Akuma could do, no doubt he intended to do something about it with the Graveler.

"Akuma, go in! Don't give it time!" Ezra's voice was sharp and decisive. "Force Palm!" He commanded, his voice cutting through the noise of the crowd.

At the same time, Flint's booming voice roared across the quarry, "Let's kick up a storm, Graveler! Sandstorm Deluxe, now!"

The massive rock Pokemon raised its arms, preparing to summon a swirling vortex of sand and debris, but Ezra's Pokemon was quicker, despite the speed slowdown inherent in having used Hammer Arm.

Akuma, his Annihilape, was already a blur of motion, his glowing red eyes locked on the Graveler. His body tensed as he burst forward with high speed, covering the distance in mere moments. Before the Graveler could finish his move to fully summon the sandstorm, Akuma materialized in front of it, his hands glowing with powerful energy.

The sand had just begun to swirl at that point, and Ezra noticed that rocks were being swept up, a mix of Rock Throw and Sandstorm?

But it was too late.

Akuma's hands glowed bright as he thrust them forward, slamming into Graveler's midsection with a resounding CRACK!

The impact was instant. Graveler let out a deep cry, its rocky body trembling as the force of the blow reverberated through its core. For a brief second, it seemed like Graveler might hold its ground, but then, with a sudden explosion of energy, the boulder-like Pokemon was launched into the air.

The Graveler rocketed back across the quarry, slamming into the side of the stone wall with a loud crash, causing dust and debris to rain down. The Pokemon lay motionless, its body embedded into the rock, its eyes closed, a crack running down its body.

The crowd fell silent. Not a single voice could be heard, not even a murmur. The shock of how fast the battle had ended left everyone in awe.

Flint stood there for a moment, staring at the scene before him. Then, a booming laugh escaped his chest, startling the crowd out of their collective silence. "Hah! You sure showed me, brat!" Flint's voice was filled with genuine amusement as he gazed across the field, his eyes resting on Akuma with admiration. "What a monster..."

Ezra's face remained expressionless, though his mind buzzed with satisfaction at how perfectly executed the attack had been.

Flint scratched his chin thoughtfully, his gaze still lingering on Akuma. Then, to everyone's surprise, he raised his hand and waved it dismissively. "Alright, I forfeit!" He announced loudly, shocking not only the crowd but also Brock and Ezra.

There was an audible gasp from the spectators, a collective intake of breath as they processed what Flint had just said. Flint - the man who had built a reputation on toughness and never backing down - was forfeiting.

"Uh..." Brock stumbled, looking between his father and Ezra, clearly flabbergasted by the unexpected turn of events. "The challenger wins... Via forfeit?"

Ezra felt a surge of frustration rise in his chest. His sharp glare locked onto Flint. "What the hell?" He spat, his voice cold with disbelief. This wasn't how he had envisioned the fight ending. He wanted to crush Flint, to take the win cleanly, not to have it handed to him like some hollow victory.

What was it lately with his wins having all the satisfaction drained out of them?

Even Akuma seemed to share Ezra's irritation, pounding his fists into the ground and snarling in frustration. The primal energy within him was clearly bubbling, ready for more action. Ezra quickly sent calming energy through his aura, trying to soothe Akuma before he lost control. He couldn't afford to let his Annihilape get too worked up.

He'd vastly underestimated how much more potent his attacks were with the backing of extreme speed.

Sure it was against 'mon he had type advantage on, but still…

Flint, however, seemed completely unfazed by Ezra's frustration. He chuckled as he walked closer, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Ah, what I've got left on me isn't enough to deal with that kind of type advantage," He admitted, casually, whistling as he neared Akuma. He gave the Annihilape an appreciative nod, as though admiring a finely crafted weapon. "One day you'll have to take on my starter. Now that'd be a hell of a fight."

He flexed, grinning widely, all earlier antagonism completely absent, "Your guy there could have fit right into the war, not something I've ever said to one of you youngins before."

Ezra felt his fists clench at his sides, his jaw tightening. Sure, he had gotten what he wanted - he'd beaten Flint, humiliated him even, not that the crowd seemed to care. But Flint had taken all the satisfaction out of it by forfeiting. It wasn't a true victory. "You forfeited to make yourself look better," Ezra accused, his voice low and simmering with anger.

Flint's grin widened, and he winked at Ezra with a playful glint in his eye. "Ayup. Looks a lot better for an old man like me to say - this kid's promising - than to get my ass spanked three times in a row." He folded his arms, completely at ease with the situation.

Ezra was thrown. He couldn't make heads or tails of this man. Why was he like this? Why did people act so... Confusing? Flint's behavior was so contradictory. It was beyond frustrating. "This is why I don't do people," Ezra muttered under his breath, exhaling in exasperation.

As Ezra stood there, still trying to process everything, Flint turned and made his way over to Karen. To Ezra's surprise, the gym leader stopped in front of her and bowed his head slightly. "I apologize," Flint said, his tone serious and respectful. "I sometimes get swept away and don't think before I speak, you didn't deserve any antagonism on my part or from my people's."

The apology only frustrated Ezra further, even if it was exactly what he'd asked for. He'd wanted to rage and spit at the man, not have him turn around and be… Suddenly reasonable and affable!

Karen, who had been taken aback by the abrupt turn of events, blinked in surprise but quickly composed herself. She accepted the apology with grace, offering a polite nod. "Thank you," She replied, her voice unsure.

Ezra, watching the interaction, was still grappling with the surreal nature of it all. Flint, the loud, brash drunk gym leader, was apologizing with sincerity? It was hard to believe after their first interaction.

Brock walked over, holding a badge in his hand, a runner having brought it from the gym during the fight. His expression was a mix of resignation and embarrassment. "Yeah, don't ask me to explain. Dad can be like this," He muttered, clearly used to his father's antics. He handed the badge over to Ezra, the three stars marking it as a star challenge victory.

Ezra took the badge, still feeling like he'd missed something. "I can't tell if I'm more annoyed or impressed," He muttered to himself, staring down at the badge in his hand. Either way, it was another hollow victory.

Before he could process the thought further, Flint suddenly appeared behind Brock, grabbing him in a playful noogie and ruffling his son's hair. The crowd erupted into cheers, their earlier shock forgotten as Flint's larger-than-life personality filled the quarry once more.

"Alright, you lot!" Flint called out to the crowd, his voice booming. "Go party! Stop standing around like a bunch of rocks! The beers on me!"

The crowd erupted into applause and laughter, many of them turning to leave the quarry, ready to resume the Victory Day festivities. The tension of the battle dissipated as quickly as it had come, leaving Ezra standing there, still bewildered.

Brock palmed his face, "Dad! The budget!" He protested.

Flint waved it away, "Bah, like forty percent of that is like miscellaneous expenses - like buying a few rounds."

"No… That's not it at all." Brock said, looking skyward.

Flint just laughed again, slapping Brock so hard on the back he fell over, "Eh, if the budget goes to crap, that's why I have so many kids who'll work for free!" He continued laughing, standing there with his hands on his hips, even as Brock grew more depressed.

Ezra shook his head in disbelief, turning to recall Akuma back into his Pokeball. "You were kickass," He muttered softly, offering his Annihilape a rare compliment before the Pokemon disappeared in a flash of red light.

Flint turned back to Ezra with a wide grin, his hands still on his hips. "Ah, sometimes my emotions get the best of me, but I'm man enough to handle the consequences. I apologized to the little lady, so no harm done, right?" He shot Ezra a wink.

Ezra stared at him, utterly at a loss. "You... Are a very frustrating man," Ezra breathed out, finally accepting the absurdity of the situation.

Flint threw his head back and laughed heartily, his deep voice filling the quarry. "It's the Kanto way!" He declared proudly, clearly somehow satisfied with how the day had turned out.

Ezra exhaled sharply, still irritated, but he couldn't help but feel a grudging respect for Flint's strange, chaotic approach to life - the man was obviously popular, and from what he'd seen of Pewter, ran a tight ship, for all of his… Eccentricities.

Ezra had gotten his badge in the end, tested Akuma's new style in battle, and put Flint in his place, even if the old man had taken the wind out of his victory. In the end, Ezra supposed, things had turned out alright.

But he still couldn't help muttering to himself as they left the quarry. "People are exhausting..."

The journey back to Ezra's stable was uneventful, save for Brock's repeated apologies for his father's behavior. Flint had been larger than life, and Brock's embarrassment about the entire ordeal was palpable. But Ezra and Karen brushed it off casually at that point, both of them agreeing that Flint's eccentricity wasn't something to hold against Brock. Besides, Ezra had won, albeit with some frustration still there from the manner of victory.

When they arrived at the stable, the familiar sounds of Pokemon rustling in their resting places or playing tag around the buildings greeted them. The stable had become a home away from home for Ezra and Karen both - an unexpected comfort in the chaos of their journeys so far.

Ezra wondered if Karen was even consciously aware of how she'd begun decorating the guest room and leaving some of her things behind whenever they left.

Brock, who had followed them all the way, stood by the door, still looking slightly abashed. Karen had been unusually quiet for most of the walk, her expression somewhere between contemplative and simmering irritation.

But that silence didn't last.

The moment the stable door closed behind them, Karen suddenly whirled around and lunged at Ezra, grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking him violently. "What the hell was that!?" She demanded, her eyes blazing with frustration.

Ezra blinked, feeling slightly dizzy from the unexpected assault. "I defended your honor, my lady," He quipped, offering a wide grin. "Normally the shining knight gets a kiss?" He added as a suggestion.

"Fuck that." She gave him a hard shove, causing him to stumble back. "What the hell was that move? How did you get Akuma to do that? I've been watching you train, and you never showed anything like that!"

Ezra sniffed, brushing off his shirt with a casual, nonchalant air. "Well, if you're going to jerk me around like this, I don't see why I should answer," He replied smugly, glancing at Brock. "Right, Brock?"

Brock, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed, chuckled, clearly amused by the entire exchange. "Doesn't seem conducive to answers, no," He agreed, a wide grin spreading across his face.

Ah, Brock is such a bro, Ezra thought with a small nod at the teen.

Karen shot Brock a dark look. "No one asked you," She muttered, though there wasn't any real bite behind her words.

"My feelings are hurt now," Ezra added, placing a hand over his heart dramatically. "I don't think I can answer your question with how brutishly you assaulted my person."

Karen rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest in a show of unimpressed exasperation. "You're such an idiot." She said, with - dare he say it? - some fondness.

Brock's grin widened, enjoying the banter. "Perhaps a kiss for the guy who fought in your honor would unlock the answers?" He suggested, his tone playful as he exchanged a look with Ezra.

Karen's face immediately flushed bright red, her expression shifting between embarrassment and indignation. She glared at Brock. "You are just as bad as your dad!" She hissed.

Ezra, however, raised a fist toward Brock, and with a grin, the two fist-bumped, silently acknowledging their shared amusement. Brock was clearly relishing being a part of the teasing dynamic.

Karen, meanwhile, looked like she was about to explode. After a moment of internal debate, she groaned in frustration, then quickly leaned in and pressed a brief kiss to Ezra's cheek. Her face was beet red, and she looked like she wanted to be anywhere but in that moment. "There, you degenerates. Now give me my answers!"

Ezra, ever the troll, dramatically patted the cheek she had kissed, his eyes wide with mock horror. "My innocence... It has been stolen," He lamented, his voice thick with exaggerated despair. He even gave his best attempt at a tragic sigh, which only made Brock double over in laughter, barely able to contain himself.

Karen looked like she was about to actually explode. "Answers, now!" She practically yelled, her fists clenched at her sides as she glared daggers at him.

"Ah yes... The secret to my training," Ezra began, leaning in conspiratorially, his tone full of mystery and allure. Karen, despite herself, leaned in as well, eager for whatever wisdom he was about to impart. Her eyes were alight with curiosity, her earlier embarrassment temporarily forgotten.

Ezra's smirk widened as he whispered, "Is a ~secret!"

Karen's reaction was immediate. She let out an almost animalistic growl of frustration, a sound that was somewhere between a snarl and a roar. Without hesitation, she lunged at him, her hands outstretched in fury. "RAWR!" She cried, throwing herself at him in an attempt to throttle the answer out of him.

Ezra laughed loudly, already backpedaling to avoid her grasp. "Away! Away, I say! My innocence is not for you to spoil!" He called out dramatically as he dodged Karen's wild swipes, his grin wide and full of mischief.

Karen chased him around the yard, her face still flushed but her expression determined as she tried to grab hold of him. "Get back here, you idiot!" She yelled, though there was no true anger in her voice at this point. It was playful, and despite the fiery look in her eyes, it was clear that she was enjoying the chase.

Brock, by now, was literally doubled over with laughter. He had to lean against a post to keep from collapsing entirely, tears forming at the corners of his eyes as he watched Karen chase Ezra around the stable yard. "This is... This is too much," He gasped between breaths, clearly entertained by the chaotic energy of the two of them.

Ezra, despite being chased, had a shit-eating grin plastered across his face. There was something incredibly satisfying about messing with Karen. No matter how tough or serious she tried to act, getting her riled up like this always managed to put him in a good mood. Watching her flustered - it was all just too fun.

Eventually, Karen managed to grab him by the back of his shirt, pulling him toward her with surprising strength. "You better start talking," She huffed, though the playful gleam in her eyes remained. "Or I swear, next time, you won't be getting a kiss, you'll be picking teeth off the ground instead!"

Ezra, still grinning, twisted around to face her, his eyes dancing with amusement. "Oh, keep that up and I'll start thinking you're obsessed about my body," He teased, winking at her.

Karen's face turned an even brighter shade of red as she pushed him away again. "You're impossible!" She exclaimed, though there was no denying the smile tugging at her lips.

Ezra laughed, brushing off his shirt once more as if her rough treatment had somehow ruffled his dignity. "I aim to please," He said with a dramatic bow, before straightening and shooting Karen a smug look. "But don't worry. One day, maybe, I'll let you in on my little secret."

Karen rolled her eyes, finally giving up on chasing him. "One day? Hah! You're so full of yourself." But despite her words, there was an undeniable lightness to her tone.

Like the earlier stress of the day had just fallen off.

And as the sun set behind the hills, Ezra couldn't help but think that, no matter how confusing people could be, messing with Karen would always make things better.

The next day,

Ezra sat up in the dim light of his room, his Pokedex buzzing on the nightstand beside him. The small screen lit up, displaying the name Steven Stone. He glanced over, glad that Karen was away, currently soaking in a bath after a long day of training. Her absence afforded him some privacy for the conversation he knew was about to take place.

With a casual swipe, he answered the call, bringing the device up to face him. "Steven. Always a pleasure."

"Ezra. Good to see you. You look well." Steven said pleasantly, as always looking well put together.

Ezra smirked, leaning back in his bed. "And you look as composed as ever, do you sleep in a suit, by chance?"

Steven chuckled, his voice smooth and even. "I think I'll leave such displays to you, young Ezra. But, in all seriousness, I'm calling to let you know our joint business is completed. Facilities are built, security's tighter than Lance's grip on his outdated traditions, and the Pokemon you requested are mostly available. Some are still in transit, but things are coming together."

Ezra's eyes gleamed at the news, his fingers tapping lightly on the Pokedex. "Good. That's what I like to hear." He leaned forward slightly, voice dropping to a more focused tone. "And you're sure everything's secure? If any of your people spread this… It won't work."

The only reason such things as a Milotic farm would work - was that no one yet knew that they evolved from Feebas, or how. Same for many of the other evolutions he'd be selling.

Steven nodded firmly. "More than secure, I assure you. My people are under control, but there's one last thing. I need you to come down to finalize the process, make sure everyone's trained up properly. Especially with the evolution techniques we discussed. You're the expert on that front." His smile was wry, as if acknowledging the ridiculousness of Ezra knowing more than experts in the field.

Ezra sighed, running a hand through his hair. "You realize I'm not exactly welcome in Lavender Town, right? We'll need to be discreet if you want me there."

Steven scoffed, waving a hand dismissively. "Discreet? I can arrange that to not be a problem. You let me worry about the logistics, Ezra."

But Ezra shook his head, his lips twisting into a smirk. "Oh no, Steven. I'm insisting on being sneaky about this one. When I do go back to Lavender, I want it to be an event. Not some half-baked return where I slip into a barn and lecture a bunch of scientists on how to evolve Feebas into Milotics. That's not my style."

His fists clenched as he continued, "I will walk into Lavender one day, like a conqueror of old, powerful, undeniable, and above all else, smug, as I rub all their faces in it!"

Steven raised an eyebrow, though a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "How theatrical. Fine, you can keep your games, but remember - this is a business. As long as we make money on this venture, all is well. But I will not stand for theatrics ruining profit."

A bit rich coming from him, Ezra thought. That said, it wouldn't hurt to assure him, "Steven, trust me. The Milotic farm alone will pay for this project ten times over. Add in the other Pokemon we're working on, and we're sitting on a goldmine. You'll get your in to Kanto, and I'll be swimming in more money than I'll ever need."

Steven leaned back in his chair on the other side of the screen, a thoughtful look crossing his face. "That's what I like to hear, Lance if anything has made it harder to get into the market then old Pryce, and in such a short timeframe... Just make sure you arrive within the week for this. I'll hold you to that promise of profit."

Ezra nodded, already mentally calculating his timeline. "You have my word. I'll be there." He paused for a beat, his tone shifting slightly to a more proud one. "It'll be good to finally show you what I can give to our partnership. You won't be disappointed."

"I'm counting on it," Steven replied, his voice firm. "I'm excited to see all that you have to offer, Ezra."

With that, they exchanged their goodbyes, and the call ended, leaving Ezra alone in the quiet room. The silence felt heavier now, the weight of his coming success pressing down on him. He stared at the blank screen of his Pokedex, letting the implications of the call sink in.

"It's all coming together…" He muttered, his voice barely above a whisper.

He rose from his chair and crossed the room to the window, looking out into the night. The moon hung low in the sky, casting soft silver light over the landscape. In the distance, he could hear the faint rustling of Pokemon in the woods near the stable, the sounds of their nocturnal movements blending into the night.

Ezra's mind buzzed with thoughts of the future. The Milotic farm would be a game-changer on its own, financially speaking. With Steven's resources and Ezra's knowledge, they'd have a monopoly on one of the most sought-after species in the region. The money wouldn't just flow.- it would pour in, and with it, once he expanded, influence. Power.

The dream was becoming reality, one step at a time.

Yet, despite his confidence in the project, his thoughts wandered to Karen. She was just a few rooms away, blissfully unaware of the magnitude of what was happening behind the scenes. He had been trying to build a rapport with her, to get her on his side, but she was getting under his skin more than he expected. She was sharp, stubborn, and fiercely independent in her thoughts. Qualities he admired, but at the same time, they were maddening.

Ezra's fingers drummed idly against the window frame as he considered his next move. Did he take her with him? This was, at least on some level, a public project. The breeding programs were no secret, and Karen was already part of his inner circle, if only by Agatha's machinations. Bringing her along would be the logical thing to do to keep that avenue going.

But logic had never dictated all of Ezra's decisions.

Karen was a wildcard here. While she was useful, there was always the risk that she'd pry too much, ask too many questions about things he wasn't ready to share. And as much as he had come to enjoy messing with her, she had a way of complicating things through her connection to Agatha.

He was… Wary, of the fact Karen was from Johto - not that he gave two shits about that. But from everything he was understanding, Agatha should have. So why had Agatha picked up a Johto kid?

His mind raced through the options, weighing the benefits and drawbacks of each scenario. On one hand, if he left her behind, he could move through the project without distractions, focusing entirely on the task at hand. On the other hand, bringing her along might build the trust he was slowly working toward, solidifying her as a reliable ally in the long term.

Ezra's eyes narrowed as he stared out into the night, lost in thought. Karen was becoming a larger factor in his plans than he had anticipated. The real question was, did he want her to be?

The sound of running water in the distance reminded him that she was still in the bath, oblivious to the decisions being made. He'd have to make his choice soon.

Author's Note:

Yeah, probably a mistake of mine not to focus more on what he was training on before the Whitney fight, but then I'm kind of… Not interested in writing several thousand words every chapter on different training methods and progress, preferring to unveil the progress in the actual battles.

I might have to do a tinier blurb now and then on what he's working on currently since the way I did it has been rightfully pointed out makes it seem like it came out of left field. I don't want to get stuck like some Pokemon fics who basically have training porn being 70-80 percent of their content, so some tiny notes on what he's working on now and then might be best.

The training in this chapter basically came from all of that, although I probably won't do it like this going onwards, just focusing more on specific Pokemon and moves now and then, maybe, I haven't fully thought it through yet…

Give me your thoughts? More training? Or tiny blurbs now and then in the chapters with the odd longer training session?

There will be a bit more training over next chapter or two anyway, as he focuses more on the unevolved Pokemon, like Alduin and Morrigan, and his Eevee and some of the others.

Plus the sneaky return to Lavender for business.

