Still any room?

Name: Unit 633

Gender: None


Species: Porygon-Z

History: As an artificial Pokémon, 633 was not born, instead being brought into existence by scientists from a time long past. 633 does not remember, but whatever cataclysm brought the end of humans caused it to shut down for an indeterminate time. Reactivating many years later in an abandoned laboratory, 633 eventually made its way to a town, where it joined a group of settlers to satisfy its main protocol of assistance in field exploration.

Occupation: Field Research and Exploration
Still any room?

Name: Unit 633

Gender: None


Species: Porygon-Z

History: As an artificial Pokémon, 633 was not born, instead being brought into existence by scientists from a time long past. 633 does not remember, but whatever cataclysm brought the end of humans caused it to shut down for an indeterminate time. Reactivating many years later in an abandoned laboratory, 633 eventually made its way to a town, where it joined a group of settlers to satisfy its main protocol of assistance in field exploration.

Occupation: Field Research and Exploration


That leaves... One spot left?
Let's see.. we've got a Bayleaf, a Lucario, a Porygon-Z, a Pawniard, a Marrowak, an Espeon, and a Wimpod.
Any posting guidelines? You want us to mark our names on the top? What's the area look like? Do we have a camp?


Nothing to explicit.

Names are optional.

The areas like the one you described earlier.

Base of a mountain,with a river running west of the mountain, and a fairly large plain to the east. South if the mountain is a heavily wooded patch of land. (Each one has a dungeon or two.)

Base camp ain't set up yet.

Valentin rolled over so she didn't have to pick up her head, but kept her eyes closed as she hissued her vehement tirade.

"My body is sore where I did not know it could be sore and I am filthy and my head feels like it is stuffed with cotten. I just want this journey to be over already."
I sort of ninja'd you.