Play a Random Character You Just So Happen To Be Familiar With: The RP: The Movie: The RP

You could always play a younger Han Solo from before the time of Episode VII. But ah well. Kelsier is cool too (and from a book I've actually read! Do you know how rare that is for me 'round here?)

BTW, I'm noticing too much testosterone in this here sign-up section! Not blaming any of you, just giving an explanation as to why I've been appending almost all trait strings with "female" at the end recently.

I considered that, but I figured that was an excellent way to get hit with a bunch of Episode VII spoilers, so I went with Kelsier. Besides, I like Mistborn much more than I do Star Wars (please don't shoot me).

Somewhat off-topic, have you read the newer Mistborn trilogy?
You could always play a younger Han Solo from before the time of Episode VII. But ah well. Kelsier is cool too (and from a book I've actually read! Do you know how rare that is for me 'round here?)

BTW, I'm noticing too much testosterone in this here sign-up section! Not blaming any of you, just giving an explanation as to why I've been appending almost all trait strings with "female" at the end recently.
Your fault for trying to get me out of my comfort zone.

Aside from Kars, almost all the characters I play are female. So naturally now I'll be playing a male.......though, he's really only looks like a male.

Q don't really have genders and all, except when they want to have one....and even then....
You could always play a younger Han Solo from before the time of Episode VII. But ah well. Kelsier is cool too (and from a book I've actually read! Do you know how rare that is for me 'round here?)

BTW, I'm noticing too much testosterone in this here sign-up section! Not blaming any of you, just giving an explanation as to why I've been appending almost all trait strings with "female" at the end recently.
Not my fault.Historic swords man wanderer?Few women there,sir.
My normal field record should show you just how out of left field Kane is for me......
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Character Sheet - Yang Xiao Long
Series: RWBY

Name: Yang Xiao Long


Age, gender, and species: 17, Female, Human

Personality: Yang is a very cheerful, blunt, and carefree individual. She is very straightforward, and carefree enough to crack jokes and make (horrible) puns in the middle of combat. She enjoys fighting, almost always fighting with a smile on her face. However, she loses her demeanor when faced with an opponent that she can't defeat easily. She's confident enough to interrogate a man by grabbing (And twisting) his crotch in front of all of said man's minions. (Who she then proceeded to pummel into submission). She is also very fun loving and will do almost anything to avoid boredom.

Back story: Yang is the daughter of Hunters, Taiyang Xiao Long and Raven Branwen. When her mother mysteriously disappeared when she was young, her father married Summer Rose, who later gave birth to her half sister Ruby Rose. After Summer's death, she began obsessively looking for her mother, even going so far as to take a toddler Ruby and embark on a search, eventually this lead to Yang and Ruby being cornered by Beowolves, Creatures of Grimm, just before the monsters descended upon the young girls, they were saved by their uncle, Qrow Branwen. This act of courage, and her desire to find out what happened to her mother, lead her to begin training to become a Huntress.

After an unknown amount of time at Signal Academy, Yang was accepted into Beacon Academy, where she she was partnered with Blake Belladonna, and the two of them were placed on Team RWBY with Ruby Rose and Weiss Schnee. After a rough start, the team became close friends and work well together, even being able to defeat a master criminal in a mecha through teamwork.

Skills/powers/abilities: Yang is a skilled hand to hand combatant, with her fighting style most closely resembling Boxing and Kickboxing. She is extremely agile, able to dodge missiles fired from a rocket launcher bat. She is also strong enough to easily lift an amplifier that was taller than her. Said amp was so heavy that it made nearby objects. (Including a chair containing her little sister) to jump into the air. Yang is also bright, seeing as she was accepted into one of the most academically demanding Hunter Academies in the World.

Her physical abilities are enhanced by her Aura, the physical manifestation of her soul. Her aura manifests as a red/orange flame that surrounds her as she fights. With her Aura she can take hits capable of shattering reinforced concrete pillars, hit with enough force to throw a man out a second floor window from the first floor, and move at extremely high speeds. (A few years back on the Vs wiki it was calculated that at full power she can move at Mach 39, but I don't really know if that's accurate.)

She is extremely skilled with her weapons, Ember Celica, a pair of Dual Ranged Shot Gauntlets. They normally appear as a pair of golden bracelets, but when activated, they expand into a pair of gauntlets that cover her entire forearm and hand. Each gauntlet holds 12 rounds, and she normally carries two types of rounds. Yellow rounds are close range rounds that fire a blast of kinetic energy, while her red rounds fire a ranged blast that flies several hundred feet and explodes on impact. (I personally believe that she can use other forms of dust in her shells for different effects, but prefers not to.) She can also use the blasts from her yellow shells to enhance her mobility.

What really sets her apart from the rest is her Semblance, an ability tied to her Aura that is unique to her. With her semblance she can transform the damage from blows and turn it into energy to make herself more powerful. As the power builds up her hair begins to glow and she begins emitting a fiery aura. At the final stage of her Semblance all hell breaks loose as her eyes glow red and her flames engulf her and her surroundings. She can control where these flames are emitted from and has been seen using them to increase her speed. She will immediately enter the final stage of her semblance if sufficiently enraged or any damage is done to her hair. In her final state, Yang is strong enough to make a mecha suit literally shatter with one punch. Her biggest weakness in this state is that as the power builds her attack patterns become simpler and much more easy to read. Also, knocking her unconscious before she reaches the last stage of her semblance will dispel any power built up.

Items: Ember Celica, Bumblebee (Her motorcycle), 3 cases (750 rounds) of yellow dust shells, 3 cases (750 rounds) of red dust shells, deck of playing cards, 400 Lein (currency of Remnant), first aid kit, picture of Team RWBY.


Your character has skill with combat, is human, from a setting with sentient races other than human, and is female.
Character Sheet - Euphemia li Britannia
Series: Code Geass

Name: Euphemia li Britannia


Age, gender, and species: 16, Female, Human

Personality: Euphemia is a gentle soul. She treats all people as equals despite her upbringing. She dislikes violence and believes that change can be only truly achieved from within without bloodshed. Her deepest desire is for a peaceful, fair world for all involved.

Back story: Euphemia is the third princess in the Britannia royal family. She journeyed to Japan with her sister Cordelia. There she fail in love with a Japanese local pilot, Suzaku. Also to her horror, she learned of how Britannia treated the Japanese citizens as second class human beings. She vowed to spend the rest of her life to amend this and create a Japan where all are equal. Despite, terrorist attacks and political intrigue, she remained firm to her desire. Eventually, she almost got her wish, creating a special district where the Japanese would be given the full rights of Britannian Citizenship, before a certain incident which she doesn't remember. The rest is best left unsaid.


Charisma - Euphemia is an extremely charismatic individual and is quite capable of swaying others to her side.

Willpower - Euphemia is strong willed. She was able to temporarily resist the powers of Lelouch's Geass.

Items: Royal Dress.

OOC: I am totally going to get killed off aren't I? This is going to be a trick character to write. :V

Your character has no fighting skills, whose source material is an alternate-history Earth, is royalty, and female.
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Character Sheet - Zeratul
Series: Starcraft

Name: Zeratul, Prelate of the Dark Templar


Age, gender, and species: Male Protoss, unknown age but several hundred years at least.

Personality: Zeratul is a wise and honorable warrior, dedicated to his people and to their survival in a chaotic universe. While he prefers diplomacy to outright violence, is is more than capable of defending himself and his people.

Back story: Zeratul served as Prelate of the Dark Templar, leading their forces against the Zerg and other threats. Instead of leaving letting his Khalai brothers fall to the onslaught of the Zerg, he instead allied with them, leading his nethrazim brothers in a mission that killed the Cerebrate Zasz, a feat the Khalai thought to be impossible. After the zerg learned of the location of the Protoss homeworld, Zeratul helped buy time for the survivors to escape while Tassadar, his friend and student, sacrificed himself to destroy the controlling zerg Overmind.

Skills/powers/abilities: Master of fighting with a warp blade, can teleport, possesses powerful psionic shields, cloak for indefinite amounts of time, communicate telepathically, and is apparently stealthy enough to infiltrate a ship in deep space. Protoss biology possesses something the Zel'naga called Purity of Form, being much more resiliant, faster and stronger than a human while subsisting on only sunlight and water*.

Items: His warp blade gauntlet, along with his dark templar cloak and armor. Has a small starship called the Void Seeker capable of atmosphere and interstellar flight.

*This is actually canon. Protoss biology is *such h4x*

Your character comes from a setting with magic, originates from a Video Game, is bipedal, is not a human.
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Series: RWBY

Name: Yang Xiao Long


Age, gender, and species: 17, Female, Human

Personality: Yang is a very cheerful, blunt, and carefree individual. She is very straightforward, and carefree enough to crack jokes and make (horrible) puns in the middle of combat. She enjoys fighting, almost always fighting with a smile on her face. However, she loses her demeanor when faced with an opponent that she can't defeat easily. She's confident enough to interrogate a man by grabbing (And twisting) his crotch in front of all of said man's minions. (Who she then proceeded to pummel into submission). She is also very fun loving and will do almost anything to avoid boredom.

Back story: Yang is the daughter of Hunters, Taiyang Xiao Long and Raven Branwen. When her mother mysteriously disappeared when she was young, her father married Summer Rose, who later gave birth to her half sister Ruby Rose. After Summer's death, she began obsessively looking for her mother, even going so far as to take a toddler Ruby and embark on a search, eventually this lead to Yang and Ruby being cornered by Beowolves, Creatures of Grimm, just before the monsters descended upon the young girls, they were saved by their uncle, Qrow Branwen. This act of courage, and her desire to find out what happened to her mother, lead her to begin training to become a Huntress.

After an unknown amount of time at Signal Academy, Yang was accepted into Beacon Academy, where she she was partnered with Blake Belladonna, and the two of them were placed on Team RWBY with Ruby Rose and Weiss Schnee. After a rough start, the team became close friends and work well together, even being able to defeat a master criminal in a mecha through teamwork.

Skills/powers/abilities: Yang is a skilled hand to hand combatant, with her fighting style most closely resembling Boxing and Kickboxing. She is extremely agile, able to dodge missiles fired from a rocket launcher bat. She is also strong enough to easily lift an amplifier that was taller than her. Said amp was so heavy that it made nearby objects. (Including a chair containing her little sister) to jump into the air. Yang is also bright, seeing as she was accepted into one of the most academically demanding Hunter Academies in the World.

Her physical abilities are enhanced by her Aura, the physical manifestation of her soul. Her aura manifests as a red/orange flame that surrounds her as she fights. With her Aura she can take hits capable of shattering reinforced concrete pillars, hit with enough force to throw a man out a second floor window from the first floor, and move at extremely high speeds. (A few years back on the Vs wiki it was calculated that at full power she can move at Mach 39, but I don't really know if that's accurate.)

She is extremely skilled with her weapons, Ember Celica, a pair of Dual Ranged Shot Gauntlets. They normally appear as a pair of golden bracelets, but when activated, they expand into a pair of gauntlets that cover her entire forearm and hand. Each gauntlet holds 12 rounds, and she normally carries two types of rounds. Yellow rounds are close range rounds that fire a blast of kinetic energy, while her red rounds fire a ranged blast that flies several hundred feet and explodes on impact. (I personally believe that she can use other forms of dust in her shells for different effects, but prefers not to.) She can also use the blasts from her yellow shells to enhance her mobility.

What really sets her apart from the rest is her Semblance, an ability tied to her Aura that is unique to her. With her semblance she can transform the damage from blows and turn it into energy to make herself more powerful. As the power builds up her hair begins to glow and she begins emitting a fiery aura. At the final stage of her Semblance all hell breaks loose as her eyes glow red and her flames engulf her and her surroundings. She can control where these flames are emitted from and has been seen using them to increase her speed. She will immediately enter the final stage of her semblance if sufficiently enraged or any damage is done to her hair. In her final state, Yang is strong enough to make a mecha suit literally shatter with one punch. Her biggest weakness in this state is that as the power builds her attack patterns become simpler and much more easy to read. Also, knocking her unconscious before she reaches the last stage of her semblance will dispel any power built up.

Items: Ember Celica, Bumblebee (Her motorcycle), 3 cases (750 rounds) of yellow dust shells, 3 cases (750 rounds) of red dust shells, deck of playing cards, 400 Lein (currency of Remnant), first aid kit, picture of Team RWBY.


Your character has skill with combat, is human, from a setting with sentient races other than human, and is female.

Hahahahahahahaha yesssssss!

Uuhh, the entire crew of Serenity? (Except maybe Wash and Kaylee). Everybody on Andromeda or Moya?

I presume that seeds are sent out in order of posting?

Never seen Serenity, and I have no clue what you're referencing with Andromeda or Moya.
Character Sheet - Jenny Brandt
Been way too long and I couldn't come up with much, so let's try something a little different. That's the whole point, right?


Series: Law & Order [Season 10/Ep. 2, 'Killerz']

Name: Jenny Brandt


Age, gender, and species: Ten, female, human.

Back story: Jenny doesn't have the most comfortable home life. Her father is in jail for auto theft, and her mother makes a point of sharing all the details of her relationship with her new boyfriend. She tended not to worry about closing the bedroom door.
Jenny developed a deep-seated loathing of men. She fantasized about beating her mothers boyfriend to death, and didn't typically get along well with boys her age. One day, Jenny and a friend met a seven year old boy and lured him out to play by buying him a pretzel. Bringing him to an empty construction lot, Jenny beat the boys skull in with a rock, before placing a battery in his mouth, removing his pants and hiding his body in a nearby pipe. They attempted to pin the crime on an innocent man who'd been visiting the boys building, and insinuated that it may have been sexual assault.
Jenny was ultimately tried for the crime, but was exonerated and released to the custody of her mother.

Personality: Jenny's psychiatrist noted that she shows signs of emotional abuse, possibly physical. She has a tendency to lash out when things don't go her way. She's been thoroughly desensitized to violence, and showed absolutely no reaction when an adult blew up at her in a rage.
Jenny gets along well enough with other girls, but is a serious misandrist. She has admitted to having fantasies of killing men and performed a test run by poisoning a neighbors cat.
Despite everything, Jenny is still a child. Her defense argued that she didn't fully understand what it meant to kill something, and she believed she could revive a corpse by 'giving them electricity' from a AAA battery.
Her psychiatrist said that Jenny's antisocial behavior was only going to escalate. He stated that, having graduated to murder, Jenny was going to kill again, and called her a textbook serial killer that they'd caught early.
Ultimately, Jenny was released into the custody of her mother, and regular appointments were scheduled to ensure that she was behaving.

Jenny was last seen approaching another young boy, and it was strongly implied that she hasn't changed at all.

Skills/powers/abilities: She's pretty good with a rock.

Items: Nothing.

Other: Nothing.

Your character lives in Modern-day Earth, is American, the source material has no supernatural elements, and is in his/her teens or younger.

This could be interesting or terrible. I'm not sure which yet. OH WELL LET'S SEE WHAT HAPPENS.

That 'American' requirement proved surprisingly problematic.
When does this game start? It's been a while and I figure you're still being spawned with PMs but there's barel any life within the thread which doesn't give the best impression to others.
Given this is just a casual game involving characters from the multiverse probably all you need for now is an intro post and the rest will be handled by the players.
Of course, being less familiar with this section nowadays, I could be wrong.
Name: Euphemia li Britannia

I'm hype! Loved the character choice! Although...

Your character has no fighting skills,

OOC: I am totally going to get killed off aren't I?

Also, on a side note, I would verily like to join too! Should be hilarious.