Play a Random Character You Just So Happen To Be Familiar With: The RP: The Movie: The RP


Delusional Aspiring Writer
Hello, prospective players! Here I am, Inter-VersaLoli, starting another Multicross RP* !

And while here, you may still do all the things you could do in a more conventional RP, say, wander around, fight stuff, simulate character development, engage in inter-player politics, converse and experience epic amounts of culture clash, etc, etc, I also added my own twist to the procedings.

Namely, that whatever character you play, will be randomly generated.

Within the bounds of existing characters you are actually familiar with, that is.

Thus, the system I decided upon for deciding your character is thus:

You post that you want to sign up for this RP, and I'll send you a list of four character traits, like such:

Your character is a necrophallic, female elf who is an assassin.

Now, if you just to happen to know a charater/a few characters that matches this description exactly, then you must play this character, or choose among the characters you know that this description describes perfectly.

If, however, you are not familiar with any character that matches this description, you can cross off the left-most trait (each trait is distinctly coloured) of them and then try again, seeing if you know any characters by that description this time!

For example, if you aren't familiar with any fictional character that is a necrophallic, female elf who is an assassin, then you can do this:

Your character is a necrophallic, female elf who is an assassin.

Now, do you know any female elf assassins? If by some chance you completely don't, you can even try again!

Your character is a necrophallic, female elf who is an assassin.

Now, do you happen to be familiar with any characters that are elven assassins (of either gender)? If not, you can whittle the left-most trait so that you are left with any character that is a "assassin". And if you don't happen to be familiar with any characters that kill for a living, you can personally ask me for a new set of traits!

Also, the character must be a pre-existing character from anywhere before this quest. No OCs, I'm afraid!

Also, when you finally post your character sheet, it must written in such a format:

Series: What series/franchise do they originate from?

Name: Self-explanatory

Appearance: You can post a picture or just a link. In lieu of both, you can try describing them in prose. Whichever works for you.

Age, gender, and species: Also self-explanatory (If one is explicitly noted to look older/younger than she is, then would you kindly state both their apparent age and their real one)

Personality: Their usual attitude towards other people, life and it's problems. Their own biases, personal beliefs and life philosophy.

Back story: What was their story before they got sucked into this weird place?

Skills/powers/abilities: What can they do besides the absolute basics like walking, talking, eating, etc? (Doesn't have to be combat-related, can be stuff like diplomacy, being a good listener and counselor, etc.)

Items: What did your character happen to bring along with them into this other place, other than the clothes they wear?

Other: Stuff that doesn't fit into the above categories so neatly.

Trait string given by GM (with crossed-out traits noted)

Like so:
Series: Touhou Project

Name: Marisa Kirisame


Age, gender, and species: Around her early to mid twenties, Female and Human

Personality: Marisa is carefree, straight-forward and informal. She has a blatant disregard for the rules, is a compulsive liar (Although she doesn't usually lie well), and steals almost anything under the excuse that she's "Borrowing it until she dies". She's stubborn and somewhat self-centered, although she's kind enough and can turn up the charm if she needs to. She's a hard worker and fairly intelligent, but she doesn't usually let people know that. It clashes with her style.

Back story: A regular villager from the Human Village in Gensokyo, she ran away from home when her father disowned her for learning magic. Armed with her Mini-Hakkero, a gift from a friend, she learned magic under the tutelage of Mima, a vengeful ghost. After causing and solving a few incidents against or with Reimu Hakurei, she left Mima's employ and struck out on her own, building a house in the Forest of Magic, and lives through her Kirisame Magic Shop and by stealing Reimu's youkai extermination jobs, as well as solving incidents, beating gods and youkai alike despite being an ordinary human with no innate powers.

Skills/powers/abilities: She's an accomplished magician, specializing in heat and light magic. She can fly both under her own power or using her broom, and is one of the faster people she knows. She is incredibly nimble as well, capable of diving through gaps barely big enough for her. Her magic is usually on the flashy end of things, ranging from simple bolts, to lasers, to a barrage of star-shaped projectiles, to the Master Spark, a village-destroying laser if powered up right. She's also an accomplished thief, able to sneak around and pickpocket, and disable magical wards and spells. She can manufacture explosives given the ingredients and tools.

Items: Her magic broom, the Mini-Hakkero (A Miniature Elemental Reactor), a set of spell cards, The Grimoire of Marisa (A compendium of all the spell cards she's seen.), a few mushroom-based explosives.

My character is a mute, redheaded female magic-user.

(Note: The profile above is copied from a user named Luigilewis889, may the Buddha bless his sufficient-velocity-ing soul)

Now, obviously, this is a system that is endlessly ripe for possible abuse. But I know you people, I've lurked around these forums for some time, and I believe an honour system to enforce these rules to be sufficient.

This thread shall serve both as a signup thread, and as a OOC thread.

Now then, let the sign-ups begin!


*Which, if you don't happen to know what they are, are basically forum roleplays, but with pre-existing characters, such as those found in various media, being played rather than characters you made up yourself. Incidentally, if you felt starved for such a game, then here's a more conventional one started by me before this. If RPing as existing fictional characters is all you want, then the game in the link provided is probably a better choice. As you can read above, this RP will be trying something quite different.
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Character Sheet - Kazuma Yagami

Series: Kaze no Stigma
Name: Kazuma Yagami
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Classification: Human, Air Mage, Contractor with the Lord of the Skies
If you ask ten random associates of his, eleven of them will say that Kazuma is a jerk. Yeah, there are no ways around it. Kazuma is arrogant, whimsical and lives by his own rules. He's kind of aloof and doesn't care what anyone else think of him. Kazuma is generally selfish and sticks to his own business. He's kind of good natured but Kazuma's past experiences made him jaded. He has a dry and cynical view of the world and as experiences go he's generally right. He's a jerk to most pople he interacts with and downright cold with his enemies. Kazuma is merciless with anyone who threatens him or the ones he cares about. There are only a few people Kazuma really cares about. He helps them, supports them and protects the ones he cares about. The reason why Kazuma sought strength is to protect the weak and especially to never lose anyone else. He's emphatetic with people who suffered similar to how he did and can provoke him to step up for them. It isn't obvious at first but Kazuma is proud of himself and has fairly decent moral standards. Which is exactly what drives him to not take it easy on scumbags who are in the way.
Back story:
Kazuma was the member of the Kannagi clan, a Japanese family of fire users. Yet even though he was part of the main branch Kazuma was born without the blessing of fire. As a talentless son he was disowned by his father and was exiled out of the country. He traveled around the world for years until one time he suddenly came back to Japan. He changed his name to Kazuma Yagami and revealed to be a Contractor, becoming an exceptionally powerful air mage. While friction remained between him and the Kannagi family Kazuma had agreed to aid them and protect the current heiress of the clan Ayano.. for a hefty sum of money of course. Kazuma spent years in Tokyo and solved numerous cases when at one day he suddenly found himself in strange ship and in a whole different universe.
Kazuma was born as the eldest son of Genma Kannagi as member of the main branch of a clan of fire magi. While normally the Kannagi are blessed by th fire spirits giving them protection and control over flames, Kazuma had none of that. He was bullied by the rest of the clan which in case of fire users meant almost killing him by their powers. Kazuma was a bright kid who in any other family can live proud but among the Kannagi he was a disgrace. The last straw was during the trial for the ownership of the holy sword Enraiha which the then 16 years old Kazuma lost to a girl 4 years his junior. In response Genma disowned Kazuma and he was threatened to never visit Japan again

Disheartened and without goals, Kazuma went to live in a small Chinese town taking up various jobs. Kazuma may had been a failure as a fire mage but the rest of his skills (including his control of ki) made him superior to the average thug. During these times was when Kazuma met Tsui Ling and the two soon fell in love. Kazuma settled down and considered living his mundane yet happy life. Yet his happiness didn't last long. A certain magical cult called Almagest kidnapped Tsui Ling and intended to use her as a sacrifice. Kazuma tracked them down and rushed to her rescue. His enemies were professional mages from the West though who subdued Kazuma without much of an effort. They murdered Tsui Ling and sacrificed her soul in order to summon a powerful demon. After they had their fill of witnessing Kazuma's despair they were about to kill him when something unexpected happened. Power surged through Kazuma as one of the four Elemental Lords contacted him. With his newfound power of the wind he effortlessly defeated the cult's members, showing the same mercy they did to him. Kazuma was in grief and angry yet his hatred for the cult came only second. His powers awakened in the moment his life was in danger. Not when Tsui Ling was captured, tortured and mercilessly murdered in front of him. Above all this realization shocked him. Kazuma was a selfish person who fears his life more the ones close to him. And Kazuma hated himself so much for this.

In the following years Kazuma went rouge across the globe. He was a magi for hire, solving cases and taking care of trouble wherever he went. But first off the tracked down the ones responsible for Tsui Ling's death, the magic cult Almagest. He rampaged through many of their hideout and eventually murdered their master, Ervin Lázár. He avenged Tsui Ling's death, yet he felt empty. He continued his freelancer career, his ruthlessness at the job earned him the nickname Grim Reaper. At last after years of self-imposed excile Kazuma chooses coming back to Japan. The news of his return spread quickly especially since he had became the prime suspect of a murder spree on Kannagi members determined to be done by a wind user. Kazuma eventually tracked down the preparator and as par on the course defeated a thousands of years old demon. After these events Kazuma remained in Tokyo where he solved supernatural cases as well as asigned bodyguard for the current heiress of the Kannagi family, Ayano. Over the time Kazuma patched things up with his family a bit and conquered his inner demons as he enjoyed his not so peaceful life in Tokyo. That was when he was suddenly dragged out into another universe and found himself aboard a strange vessel in space.


- Air Magic: Kazuma both extremely gifted and experienced at controlling air spirits which is referrenced as fuujutsushi (air magic). This effectively allows Kazuma to use air like it were an extension of his body. He can sense anything in contact with air, attack with winds of various shape, create barriers (both for blocking attacks and to prevent detection including becoming invisible), allows flight and even more. Kazuma is constantly protected by an invisible layer of winds for protection which he can intensify on demand. Aside from the more obvious physical effects the supernatural origins of the winds allow them to interact with magic directly, bind spirits or elementals, destroy pocket dimensions and do things which would be physically impossible for wind. Expert elemental magicians in general are not bound by the laws of physics like one would expect and their element is closer to a medium to deliver their various forms of magic. This is especially true for Kazuma who turned the weakest of the four elements into a versatile and absolutely deadly tool.

- Contractor Mode: Kazuma's powers are great but with further concentration he can temporarily merge with the Lord of the Skies to gain even greater control. This is the contractor mode which is signified with Kazuma's eyes glowing azure blue. During this time Kazuma's powers increase exponentially and his range grows to the radius of 100km. Kazuma effectively controls a gigantic storm with himself in the center. This isn't the full extend of the Lord of the Skies' power which rules over all air spirits but 100km radius is all Kazuma's mind can take for now. Even then using Contractor Mode exhausts him and he cannot maintain this for longer than 5 minues meaning this is a measure of last resort. Also worths noting that Kazuma has little skill in purifying evil powers or healing others but thanks to the boost he receives during Contractor Mode his winds actively purify any malignant power in contact and with some focus he could heal wounds to an extend.

- Ki Control: Even without his air magic Kazuma has his own ki to fight with. This energy can flow through his body to enhance his physical abilities as well as erect energy barriers. Combined with his martial arts skill there are many enemies Kazuma can easily take down without relying on any air magic. Yet ultimately his ki abilities alone aren't as strong as when he's also using air spirits.

- Experience: Kazuma's deadliest tool is his overall experience with dealing with magic and fighting magic users in general. He has experienced a lot and can see through most kind of magic related issues very quick. He's also good at reading people or goading them to drop their guard. He's smart and his opponents suffer because of it. Kazuma once beat an elemental user close to his level while his own magic powers were disabled at the time.

  • Seven Stars Daggers (ten or so enchanted daggers which can be filled with magical energy to increase their power)
  • Elixir (rare potion which can cure anything less than death though it only has enough for one use)
  • Kokusen (sacred spear of the wind which Kazuma can summon at will, albeit he isn't that comfortable at its use)
  • unnamed glove (which allows him to phase his fingers through one's head and directly extract memories at the cost of killing the victim)
  • Other artifacts and treasures Kazuma acquired during his journeys

Other: None

Your character is a paladin who appears in a Dungeons and Dragons fantasy novel who is a former member of an established religious order.
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Character Sheet - Link
Series: Legend of Zelda (Wind Waker)

Name: Link


Age, gender, and species: T-...Twelve? (Googles) Yeah, he's 12. Male. Hylian. (Basically an elf, right? They have pointed ears and are superior in magic to normal humans.)

Personality: As the bearer of the Triforce of Courage, Link is extremely brave and is always willing to help those in need. He is very determined, refusing to give up rescuing his sister.

Back story: On his birthday, his little sister was kidnapped by the Helmaroc King, a giant bird sent by the King of Evil, Ganondorf, to find any girls with pointed ears. Link gets a ride from a group of pirates to the Forsaken Fortress, where he is caught and ejected out to sea. He eventually gets the Master Sword, beats the Helmaroc King, before finding out that it has lost its power to repel evil. Link restores its power by finding the new sages, gains the Triforce of Courage and goes on to defeat Ganondorf.

Skills/powers/abilities: Swordsmanship, archery, sailing, limited magic through the use of items.


The Master Sword: The Blade of Evil's Bane. A holy sword that does more damage to those it recognizes as evil.
Mirror Shield: A shield with a surface that can reflect light and some projectiles.
Grappling Hook: Can be used to swing around and steal items off enemies.
Hookshot: A gauntlet with a chain and spearhead mechanism.
Skullhammer: A giant Warhammer with a skull motif.
Deku Leaf: A magic leaf that can be used to glide around or shoot blasts of wind.
Hero's Charm: A mask that can see an opponent's health.
Picto Box: A camera.
Iron Boots: An extremely heavy pair of boots that prevents Link from being blown around by blasts of wind. Don't ask how he can carry them around in his inventory and not be affected.
Power Bracelets: A pair of bracelets that increase Link's strength to the point where he can throw around giant boulders with ease.
Bombs + Bomb Bag
Magic Armor: A magic crystal that covers Link in a forcefield. It fuels itself from Rupees everytime it takes a hit.
x4 Empty Bottles.
Bow and Arrows (and Quiver): Link can use his magic to make Fire Arrows, Ice Arrows, and Light Arrows, which are extremely effective on evil beings.
The Wind Waker: A magical conductor's baton that can be used to change the direction of the wind, change the time of day, and various other songs that are pretty much useless outside very specific scenarios.
Swift Sail: A magic sail that always has the wind behind it.


Your character is blond wandering elf who uses a bow and arrow.

My first thought was Legolas, but I know jack shit about him other than the fact he exists. So Link it is. I chose Wind Waker cause he has the best expressions + it's the game I know the most about. Haven't played Phantom Hourglass, so I'll just ignore it.
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What should be the maximum power level around here. I don't want to really be overpowered.
Don't try to ruin others fun by abusing your powers or flex your superpowered muscles around too much.
There's no wa to balance things without a fail so I think the only measure is if you try to not overshadow your peers. there's no sin in being powerful in an RP or to show off. But leave a breathing room for everyone else.
That's what I think about it.
Damnit, already hooked on the idea because I want to know what character traits I would get if I sign up. Well, in many crossover RPGs I later regret not choosing a different character in hindsight, but in this case I would be comparably blameless for which one I end up picking. Sign me up.
Character Sheet - Vegeta
Series:Dragon Ball Z

Personality: Vegeta is extremely aggressive and cold-blooded. Arrogant and prideful he carries the pride of his former race. He thinks anything below him are ants however is something is much more powerful he is smart enough to avoid and 'serve' the more powerful being. Vegeta loves to fight and train and is not afraid to get his own hands dirty. He is quite intelligent but sometimes gets lapses of stupidity due to his lust for a good fight. He is not a charming person and himself knows it,

Backstory: Vegeta was born on planet Vegeta as a prince of the royal family and quickly jumped into improving his power. How his race was under the Grip of the powerful Tyrant Frieza and their race had to do their bidding for them. One day Frieza grew fearful of his race latent potential and blew up their planet. Vegeta luckily survived being offplanet at the time but was forced to be a attack dog for Freiza. He kept his head down and continued to do Jobs for the Tyrant continuing to improve his power and trying to find ways to overtake Frieza. He heard a Transmission of a backwater planet about these magical wishing artefacts but his journey there was interrupted.

Skills/powers/abilities: He's a trained warrior, faster than the eye can track and can use his inner energy known as Ki into destrucitve energy. He uses Ki in his signature attack the Galick Gun and can also use it in an outward explosion. He can fly with ki and can slo use a bit of Telekinesis with it. His endurance is one of his noteworthy traits, taking attacks that would normally take out one of his power but still keep fighting even though he should most likely be dead. He can also deploy a fake moon which where he look into it transforming into a giant ape. Increasing his power immensely

items: Scouter: Can sense power levels.
Armour: Looks cool and gives him protection. Can also stretch when he turns into a giant monkey.
My character is shapeshifting sociopathic nonhuman that frequently kills other sentient life-forms.
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Series:Dragon Ball Z
I see why were you worried. Well, the GM contacted you in PM, right?
The easiest if you ask him prior. But unless you wish to blatantly flex your powers and kinda god mode I can't see your character ruining things.
Skills/powers/abilities: He's a trained warrior, faster than the eye can track and can use his inner energy known as Ki into destrucitve energy. He uses Ki in his signature attack the Galick Gun and can also use it in an outward explosion. He can fly with ki and can slo use a bit of Telekinesis with it. His stamina is one of his noteworthy traits, taking attacks that would normally take out one of his power but still keep fighting even though he should most likely be dead.
That's rather called endurance.

items: Scouter: Can sense power levels.
Fun item to find people by their Ki, too.
It also offers plenty of protection especially during the Saiyan saga. Oh, and it stretches with your Oozaru form.
My character is shapeshifting sociopathic nonhuman that frequently kills other sentient life-forms.
He turns into a giant monkey. I call that shapeshifting.
Not trying to nitpick, just helping out.