[X] Head for the wormhole, try to outrun it.
-[X] Well shit, its Numenera. There's only one thing to do, run for it. You yell at the crew to turn the ship around as fast as possible and make all haste towards the wormhole, it doesn't matter if you damage the engines doing this,anything is better than letting it get its hands? (claws? tenticles? ...whatever) on you. As the last of the crew of the Wehmun Or pileonto your ship you feel the acceleration push you to the wall. Several people fall over but you don't care, anything to escape the terror that is Numenera. You desperately hope that you can escape before it catches up, you have a head start against it but it might not be enough. Pullingyourself back up you hear the engineers firing up ALL the afterburners, you were only supposed to run at most half of them at once due to safety and maintenance concerns but at this point you were just glad that you had installed the other half as spares. Running down to the deck you joined everyone helping to throw unnecessary weightoverboard. As you tossed empty barrels and crates out into theether you remembered stories you had been told of The Iron Wind, you couldn't fight it, it was an enormous amorphous self regenerating blob that got larger with every ship that it consumed, when it started out it was smaller than a corvette but 100 years and countless fleets later it was large enough to devour entire fleetswhole. You couldn't go through it, its internals were widely speculated on by scholars andmages alike but one thing they all agreed on was that once you were inside it it would shred you, down to the molecular level and use the matter to make itself larger. The only thing you could do was flee, and hope that you were fast enough to reach a wormhole as its own method of FTL, while faster than every system in existence also prevented it from using them.

[X] Abandon it, but insist on bringing the crew with you.
-[X] Maybe it will serve as a distraction. It certainly won't serve as an obstacle, this is space.
-[X] As your crew were turning your own ship around, you were also evacuating the Wehmun Or. The fact that your ship was the faster of the two was all that mattered, if it had been the other way around you would have been sacrificing your ship instead as the distraction. You and the other captain had reached an agreement the moment you had spotted The Iron Wind, anything was better than oblivion and both your crews were agreed. As such the Wehmun Or was currently having its steering mechanism welded into place and being pointed in a third direction, away from the path to the wormhole and away from Numenera. About half a second after you cast off it would start all of its engines and head off at full speed, empty. The fact that it even existed would be enough, it would cause The Iron Wind to split its attention between the two vessels. While it was probably smart enough to realise that it was a feint it had seen ships escape from it by sending a decoy to the nearest wormhole and running to the next nearest while it was distracted. This would cause it to spend effort chasing the Wehmun Or, hopefully buying enough time for you to escape.

[X] Numenera
Aaaand vote closed. Writing frantic chase sequence is go.

Vote tally is a formality, as before.

Page two is here, wahoo!
Adhoc vote count started by Evil Plan on May 15, 2017 at 10:04 AM, finished with 27 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] Head for the wormhole, try to outrun it.
    -[X] Well shit, its Numenera. There's only one thing to do, run for it. You yell at the crew to turn the ship around as fast as possible and make all haste towards the wormhole, it doesn't matter if you damage the engines doing this, anything is better than letting it get its hands? (claws? tenticles? ... whatever) on you. As the last of the crew of the Wehmun Or pile onto your ship you feel the acceleration push you to the wall. Several people fall over but you don't care, anything to escape the terror that is Numenera. You desperately hope that you can escape before it catches up, you have a head start against it but it might not be enough. Pulling yourself back up you hear the engineers firing up ALL the afterburners, you were only supposed to run at most half of them at once due to safety and maintenance concerns but at this point you were just glad that you had installed the other half as spares. Running down to the deck you joined everyone helping to throw unnecessary weight overboard. As you tossed empty barrels and crates out into the ether you remembered stories you had been told of The Iron Wind, you couldn't fight it, it was an enormous amorphous self regenerating blob that got larger with every ship that it consumed, when it started out it was smaller than a corvette but 100 years and countless fleets later it was large enough to devour entire fleets whole. You couldn't go through it, its internals were widely speculated on by scholars and mages alike but one thing they all agreed on was that once you were inside it it would shred you, down to the molecular level and use the matter to make itself larger. The only thing you could do was flee, and hope that you were fast enough to reach a wormhole as its own method of FTL, while faster than every system in existence also prevented it from using them.
    [X] Abandon it, but insist on bringing the crew with you.
    -[X] Maybe it will serve as a distraction. It certainly won't serve as an obstacle, this is space.
    -[X] As your crew were turning your own ship around, you were also evacuating the Wehmun Or. The fact that your ship was the faster of the two was all that mattered, if it had been the other way around you would have been sacrificing your ship instead as the distraction. You and the other captain had reached an agreement the moment you had spotted The Iron Wind, anything was better than oblivion and both your crews were agreed. As such the Wehmun Or was currently having its steering mechanism welded into place and being pointed in a third direction, away from the path to the wormhole and away from Numenera. About half a second after you cast off it would start all of its engines and head off at full speed, empty. The fact that it even existed would be enough, it would cause The Iron Wind to split its attention between the two vessels. While it was probably smart enough to realise that it was a feint it had seen ships escape from it by sending a decoy to the nearest wormhole and running to the next nearest while it was distracted. This would cause it to spend effort chasing the Wehmun Or, hopefully buying enough time for you to escape.
    [X] Numenera
So. I didn't write Monday. I could concievably have salvaged the quest if I had gotten that writing done on Tuesday, but I didn't do that either. It's dead, and I'm not going to make any attempt to resuscitate it.

Since then, I've been avoiding the thread and making this "it's dead" post. (Probably be good for me to ponder why, but for now whatever.)

In principle I would like to do some "post-mortem" posts, looking at what worked (hah!) and what didn't and why. I don't have time for that now, and I probably won't be able to tomorrow. If they happen, they happen, and if they don't they don't.