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Harry Potter and the Tuath Dé

Harry Potter and the Tuath Dé

It was November 2nd​ 1982 at 8:30 am when it happened. A year and a day after one Petunia Dursley found her nephew, Harry Potter, on her doorstep in a Moses basket with naught but his baby blanket and a letter. Since then, Harry learnt that crying brought no comfort, relief, or anything really. Three times a day he'd be fed and have his nappy changed. Outside of that he'd either be stuck in a playpen with the slightly older Dudley, or in the cupboard under the stairs for his naps/night-time sleep. As an up and coming salesman for Grunning's Drills, Vernon Dursley was sent all over the UK and Ireland for demonstrations and face to face sales. As a father with a (two) toddler(s), he was able to take his family with him occasionally, as the company didn't mind shelling out a little extra for a double room rather than a single.

At this time the Dursley family were staying in a small holiday home in Cappeen West in County Cork, Ireland for a fortnight so that Vernon could do a tour of the nearby industrial areas, dentists, and a few other interested companies. They were there rather than in the town of Bandon was due to the fact that the company was able to rent the property for the same price as a single room in the town. Petunia left the front door of the home open while she kissed her husband goodbye for the day. This hadn't been a problem for the previous couple of days, however she'd just changed Harry and hadn't put him in his highchair yet. So when a glint of gold shimmered outside the toddler staggered to his feet and toddled off outside trying to catch it. It would be half an hour before Petunia noticed that Harry was missing, as Dudley took priority and was a messy eater.

Harry ran across the road with his hands outstretched as the golden glow darted into the fallow field through the hedgerow. When he slipped the first time, he pulled himself to his feet silently and carried on running. When he slipped the second time the glow made a sound like bells and he giggled. As he slipped, slithered, and crawled his way across the field his laughter became freer and freer as did his fascination with the golden glow that sounded like bells. The light led him a merry chase into the nearby wood, where his clothing caught on brambles and branches. As and when he got caught, he just wiggled his way out of the offending garment. By the time the light leads him out of the woods into another field, he is as naked as the day he was born. When the light finally enters the fairy fort, Cahervagliar, just before sunrise, Harry is covered in mud and grass, and has just started to shiver, though he was having too much fun to notice. When the golden light reached the centre of the fort, it disappeared, where a normal toddler would have just stopped, a laughing Harry follows it into a forest glade. On any other day, this would have been true of Harry too, however, it was a year and a day to the minute since he was taken in by Petunia.
As many people will tell you, a year and a day has a special significance in magic. It is the first, and often the only, break point in many bindings, curses, and arrangements. In this case it was the only time that Harry could object to the placement at the Dursley's home, and the enchantments that would prevent others from removing him from that place.

There the golden light turns into a tiny person with butterfly wings as it stops and giggles.
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Ephis laughs to herself as it's been decades since she's so much fun with a mortal. Most of them no longer get caught by glowing lights or they have someone looking over them. It's a shame that one is so young, it will probably die before someone finds it given the frost on the ground. The sound of human laughter is all the warning she gets before the mortal tries to catch her.
As she flitters up out of reach of the giggling child, Ephis mutters to herself, "Well that's different."
Turning around she tries to return to the fort, but at that moment the first rays of sunlight land on the centre of the fort, closing the entrance to her for a day.
"Oh bother, what am I going to do with you?"
Harry just gurgles in response and tries to catch her. Sighing she continues to lead the child on a merry dance around the clearing as the temperature warms and dappled sunlight fills the glade. Eventually, Harry gets too tired to continue chasing the fairy and plonks backwards onto his bum before lying down to nap. As she hovers over the sleeping toddler, Ephis comes to a decision and starts to sing and dance in the air. As she does, vines and leaves make their way out of the forest to form a basket with a leaf blanket. Once the basket is finished, it floats up off the ground and starts to bob gently along after the singing sylph. After a short time and many miles, Ephis approaches the abode of Mórrígan, and pauses as a red cap regards her while licking its lips.
"Begone foul creature, I am here to see the Lady with urgent business."
"I smell human child, you may enter if you leave the morsel behind."
"Nay, the child is the business, and that business is with the Lady not with you."
Grumbling the red cap steps to one side, "Very well, though the Lady has been in a mood recently."
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With some level of caution, Ephis flitters into the round house and pauses just inside the entrance. The makeshift basket bobbing behind her, occasionally bumping into her as if it's mirroring her nervousness. As her eyes adjust to the gloom of the interior she is able to make out the skins and cloths that provide decoration and furnishings. The dull red glow of the banked fire in the centre of the house provides almost as much light as the smoke hole in the roof. Out of place in the building, a richly appointed divan sofa on the far side of the fire pulls the eye, shortly followed by the occupant, a tall woman with red hair and short nails. She's wearing a dark linen shift and is reading a paperback book, beside her a clay vessel filled with sweet meats sits, and she idly reaches down to snag a bit of meat before turning the page and chewing on the treat.
The sound of Harry turning over in the basket draws the woman's attention like a gunshot at the far end of an alleyway and her head jerks around suddenly as she flows to her feet, a spear materialising in her hands ready to strike.
"Who dares disrupt my reading time?"
Ephis ducks in the air, "Forgive my intrusion Mórrígan, this sylph has a matter most vexing that must be brought to your attention."
"Speak, and remember I'm not as forgiving as Brighid."
Ephis swallows, "I was playing in the dawn light this morning and I caught the attention of a human child. I led it on a merry chase and brought amusement to both of us."
Using her spear to point, Mórrígan says, "You are bothering me with this why?"
Ephis backs up against the basket and squeaks, "It followed me through the ringfort and then it was sunrise so I couldn't get it back."
Putting the butt of her spear on the floor and leaning on it, Mórrígan says more gently, "Repeat that again, slowly."
"I led the child on a merry chase and returned to the ringfort just before the local sunrise. When I returned here, it followed me. I tried to get it back, but the gate closed."
"I see, show me the child."
With a gesture, the basket moves from behind Ephis and over to the Mórrígan. When it arrives, she reaches through the leaves and lifts Harry out. Sleepily, he wakes up and grasps her braid while saying, "Ma ma", before falling asleep again. Wards created by love, sacrifice, and wild magic; perverted though forbidden blood magic; and anchored to a squib and a baby; move on this most special of days and settle on the one Harry just called mother.
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In a castle tower in Scotland, a silver device that's puffing grey smoke with red streaks hiccoughs and briefly expels a stream of green smoke before starting to puff grey smoke with little autumn-coloured ravens in it.
In a holiday home in Ireland, an irate Petunia straightens up as if a weight was lifted from her shoulders before turning to the phone and calling the police. It won't be long before the police start a manhunt in the area before finding Harry's clothes and tracks. A few weeks later they will come to the conclusion that he fell into a hole in the wood and succumbed to hyperthermia.
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Mórrígan looks down at the toddler in her arms as the weight of the wards settle on her shoulders, implicit with that event is a duty to raise the child and protect him. Compared to her other obligations the weight of this one is a negligible, but still noticeable, drain on her reserves. "Well, it's been a few centuries since we last had a changling" she murmurs before baring a breast and drawing a dagger. With a brief effort of will, the breast starts to lactate. Then, with a slight tighting of her eyes, she draws the dagger across the top of her areole just above the nipple. Jiggling the child, she wakes him up enough to latch onto the nipple and start to suckle on the mixture of milk and blood. As Harry feeds she cleans off her dagger before pointing it at the sylph that's edging closer to the door.
"You, sylph. You will swear your name to this child, to be his companion and teacher in our ways while he grows as my son." – As the sylph looks to be ready to bolt, she adds – "Or I can bind your blood instead in payment for the debt you have incurred in saddling me with him."
Ephis swallows hard before flying over to the suckling child, the audible buzz indicating her irritation and fear. Leaning in to the childs ear, she whispers, "I, Ephis, sylph of the spring court, grant you my name and promise to be your companion until you are grown." She shudders as she can feel her true name settle into the mind of the young child.
Harry opens his eyes and looks at her with his killing curse green eyes, as he does a ring appears around the outside of his iris the colour of fresh arterial blood. Another, unnoticed ring, also appears around the pupil, the colour of a ravens feather.
With the proof that the blood has taken hold looking up at her, Mórrígan puts some of her magic and authority in her voice, "I Morrígu, The Mórrígan of the Tuath Dé name you Yvor and take you as my son."
The only sign of discomfort that Harry makes is tears forming in his eyes, Ephis is not so lucky as she collapses to the floor under the terrible weight of The Mórrígans voice.
"Rise Ephis, at dusk you will return to the human realm and place a simulacrum hidden in the forest. You will then find where the child came from and claim anything that belongs to my son. When you return, we will visit my husband as my son has the smell of fate around him."
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Petunia paced around the living room, distraught, at the thought that her nephew was missing. Without the pressure that had been pressing down on her, or the twinges of pain and fatigue she was inflicted with whenever Harry tried to do some minor accidental magic, she was able to think clearly. What she knew is that her nephew's disappearance had something to do with her feeling better, which made her feel worse. Now he was missing, and she'd been so weighed down it was all she could do to look after Dudley.
There was a police car outside the house, and they had been so understanding even though she felt like it was her fault for not noticing that Harry had run out. A knock on the door startles her, and she rushes to answer it. Almost blotting out the sky, a giant of a policeman stands in the doorway holding a cheap pair of blue polyester trousers.
"Mrs Dursley, one of our men just found this in the wood. Do you recognise them?"
She sags against the wall, tears of hope and dread fill her eyes, "Yes, they're Harry's. When Dudley was born we were gifted with enough clothes to keep him clothed for a couple of years, but he's bigger than Harry, and also harder on his clothes. I picked those up cheap in C&A."
"Thank you for confirming this, it's not too late we might still find him."
"No, thank you for looking. I'm sorry it took me so long to pick up the phone. I was sure he was in the house somewhere just hiding from us. He's done it before at home."
"No, I understand. My sister has a little one, and he went missing once and they looked all over the flat. Eventually they found him asleep on top of the wardrobe."
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Taylor Herbert: Tenno - 1

Taylor Hebert: Tenno

Taylor's struggles to open the door to her prison became weaker and weaker as despair and exhaustion caught up with her. Just as she was about to black out she sees two enormous beings circling around each other shedding parts of themselves. One of those parts is falling towards her, so she reaches out towards it like you might reach towards a falling star you were making a wish on. As she does she falls into the void between all things and lands on a metal floor before blacking out.
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Taylor's eyes flutter open to the sound of people moving around and the occasional beeping. Above her is a clear canopy through which she can see a patterned blue ceiling. The walls are white with gold highlights and the occasional blue light tracing through it. As she turns her head to one side she can see a row of additional pods, all of which are in a vertical position with the lids open.
"Hello?" she croaks, immediately a man in some sort of uniform and says something incomprehensible to her in a no-nonsense tone of voice.
"I'm sorry, I can't understand you."
The man smiles at her and says something that she assumes is reassuring before reaching up and touching something out of sight. As he does her vision goes black again.
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Taylor wakes up in the pod again to the sound of a couple of men talking "…fascinating. You say that she has had absolutely no genetic modifications or nanite treatments prior to being found on our ship?"
"Yes sir, we were able to take a complete genetic scan as well as a digital copy of her brain without any loss of life or data. Let me introduce you to cephalon Taylor."
She hears her voice coming from a nearby wall, "Hello? Hello? Why is it dark? Where am I?"
The second voice answers her, "Hello Taylor, you're in a computer at the moment as we took a copy of you before we administered the standard nanite treatments and inoculations just in case there were any unknown side effects. You'll be happy to know that your original self is fine and should be waking up soon."
"Oh, is that why I can't feel panic?"
"It is, and congratulations, you're the first cephalon that has ever been created without killing the host. When we place you into a proper vessel you'll have your emotions back and so much more."
"Please, tell me where am I?"
"You are on board the Zariman Ten Zero. I'm going to place you on standby now until we can get you your own cube. It will be like going to sleep."
The first man speaks up again, "Fascinating, and you got her genetic data too?"
"We did, when we get back to real space this will revolutionise the cloning process. Her people still had 28 chromosomes, and absolutely no signs of any genetic tampering. We're not currently sure if she's a time traveller or fell into the void from another world, but what is clear is that she is Orokin, though from an older genetic lineage than anyone currently alive. If we could get hold of a male from the same place it would completely revolutionise cloning. As it stands this should allow us to develop automatic corrections to flash cloned people."
"Good, I need you to classify this data under T0V-oral protocols. We'll inform our superiors when we return to real space. What of the girl?"
"I've given her the required treatments to allow her to survive in our environment. When she woke up last time her vitals were all steady, so I activated the flash learning program to give her the basic knowledge that she'll need to participate in our society."
"Very good, place her with the families in the unshielded parts of the ship. She can be part of the experiment on void exposure. We need to know if void travel is safe for us as it's our only possible advantage against the sentients at the moment."
"I understand sir. We did find one thing though, she had an anomalous growth in her brain that contained non-human mitochondrial DNA. We've excised it just to be safe, but it lends credence to sideways travel rather than time travel. She also had a variety of insect life and additional human DNA around her feet. It was somewhat degraded, but we have enough that we could make viable clones of the female donors."
Whatever the response was going to be is cut off by a beep coming from the wall, "I'm sorry sir, but that's the timer that I activated to indicated when the programming should finish. It's likely that the first thing she'll do when she wakes up is open the canopy, so we shouldn't be talking about anything classified."
"Understood, we really need to develop a way for the computer to tell the difference between training brainwaves and conscious brainwaves."
The second man laughs, "We can, it's just an invasive process to monitor the brain directly and has been shown to lead to death or paralysis in 60% of cases. Till then we have to rely on motion sensors and passive readings."
Taylor decides that this is now a good time to look at the inside of her pod rather than listening in, opening her eyes she's unsurprised that a tone goes off somewhere behind her. As hinted at, everything looks more familiar and she can see the access controls on the inside of the lid. Virtual controls as is normal for Orokin technology, but still there. Reaching up she presses the capsule release button. Reasoning, out of fear, that if they could give her knowledge of the language and technology, they could also take memories away. Taylor decided that she was never going to talk about what she just heard in the presence of anyone that might be military.
"Good evening Miss, I'm Doctor Jae-Hwa and this is Commander Monteiro, you are aboard the Orokin vessel Tamerin 10-zero. We are currently on the way to the Outer Gates, however we've had a drive failure so we're stuck while they try to repair it. What can you remember from before you woke up in the pod?"
Taylor panics slightly as the memory of being pushed into the locker returns with astounding clarity. The Doctor reaches over behind her and suddenly she's not panicking any more, and she's back in the pod rather than her memory.
"What did you do?"
"I instructed the pod to convert cortisol and adrenaline to saline and sugars. It also boosted your serotonin levels to counteract the dip you just experienced. Do you think you can tell us what happened now?"
Taylor takes a deep breath as the knowledge of the nanites floating in her body come to the fore, like something she learned as a child, and how these pods are made specially to interact with them. Taking another deep breath she thinks about the locker, it's strange being able to view it without the feeling of fear or panic. Almost like she'd seen it on TV rather than lived it. "This morning I was shoved into my locker before classes started. The bullies that did it locked the door behind me. I know I was in there for hours, as the class bell rang at least 4 times…"
Dispassionately she describes the feelings and situation she'd been in, as well as the vision she saw just before she landed on the 10-0. With her emotions being artificially levelled and the skillful questioning of the Doctor and Commander, she revealed details about Earth Bet, it's contact with Earth Aleph, as well as para-humanity and the End Bringers. Later, when her emotions were no longer being suppressed, she'd be glad that someone else knew, even if they couldn't do anything to help.
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Some hours later Taylor follows the Commander into the civilian area of the ship, passing through some agricultural areas as well as what seem like parks. Finally they stop at apartment 83402-b.
"Taylor, thank you again for being so patient with us. Once we're under weigh again we'll be stopping at the space station by the outer gates. Until then I think that Kay and her son Rell will be a better fit than the military areas of the ship."
The aforementioned Kay opens the door, which slides into a recess in the wall, "Hello?"
"Good evening Ma'am, we have a last minute berthing change. This is Taylor of Brockton Bay, she has been assigned your unused room."
"Well come in then, do you have any luggage dear?"
Taylor shuffles awkwardly, "Ah, no. My arrival wasn't exactly conventional."
"Never mind, I'm sure that we can get some stuff from the stores. Commander, any idea what's going on with the ships drive?"
"Sorry, all I know is that the mechanics are having to refabricate some parts by hand as the void is playing havok with nanite replicators, and the ones that are working are too small for the parts we need to replace."
Over the next couple of weeks Taylor settles into life abord an Orokin vessel, with all the luxuries and downsides that entails. Even the fact that they have cracked nearly lossless matter/energy transfer and use it so casually becomes a mundane part of her life. Rell introduces her to the other children her age, and they start to teach her how to have friends again. Despite the abrasive nature that Rell gives out due to a complication from being a natural, she tries to keep him included in the stuff the other children are doing.
Kay explained it as a mental development disorder that's a rare side effect of having a non-nanite assisted pregnancy. The closest that Taylor could associate it with is Autism.
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"I remember. I Remember!" Taylor staggers out of her somatic link as the memories from her past are unveiled.
"Operator, what are you doing?" Ordis' voice comes out over the intercom.
"I remember Ordis, I remember."
"Oh dear, you seem to have lost your warframe. Maybe we should retreat to a safer part of the system."
"Tenshin! No, I'm going back for him."
"But how? The somatic link."
"I don't need the link."

Transferring back to her Titania she activates it to still be under assault from the Kuva Queen as her red psychic spike pushes into her forehead. Forcing the psychic probe out of her mind she soon finds herself in a fight for both her life and the life of Tenshin that stretches her barely remembered void abilities to their breaking point. Eventually though she is able to disarm the queen, which frees Tenshin from the Queens control.
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Taylor Herbert: Tenno - 2

Taylor Hebert: Tenno – 2

"Yes Tenno."
"You can call me Taylor."
"Yes Taylor, you remember?"
"I do, thank you for looking out for us after…"
"You are all my children, I couldn't have asked for better."
"About that, I know I was found on the ship with the others. However, I don't come from this system. Well, that's not quite true, I either came from a parallel universe, or from the past."
"That certainly explains the differences in your genetic profile."
"I, I just want to know. How long has it been?"
"Are you sure?"
Taylor swallows, "I, yes I'm sure."
"The earth has orbited the sun nearly a thousand times since you came into my care."
Taylor sags with the knowledge. She'd always had some hope that she could get home in a human lifetime before they stole her memories. Closing the connection she sags before heading over to the navigation console and entering the coordinates of her private dojo. Once she arrives she transfers out of her warframe and opens a connection to Amaryn of the New Loka. With her memories returned, the conversation reminds her of talking to E88 fanatics at home. When she hangs up the call, she tries to compare what Amaryn was like before the Titania was reformed.
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A few months later Taylor has just finished putting together her first amplifier with Onkko's help. And wasn't that a shock to find out. The "deceased" husband of Saya, the nice woman that she met a year or so ago when she first visited Cetus. Turns out that yes he was being an arse by pretending to be dead, but he was a precog arse. And isn't that an amazing thing.
Thinker, Shaker, Changer, Breaker.
Brute, Blaster, Stranger, Master.
Tinker and Trump round out the rest.
The PRT is the best.

The things that stick in your mind from TV adverts. I wonder how Emma got on after I disappeared.
Whirling around Taylor looks at the person walking away from her. She'd know that body and red hair anywhere. Breaking into a jog, she quickly catches up with her while calling "Emma, Emma!". When she puts her hand on the girls shoulder, they turn around.
"Hello, can I help you?"
Taylor recoils at the Grineer accent, "N No, sorry you look like someone I used to know."
Staggering away, she transfers back into the comforting embrace of her warframe. She needed to check something.
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"Welcome back Operator."
"How many times do I need to tell you to call me Taylor?"
"At least once more. You're just in time, I've picked up a distress call from a red veil."
"Ordis, can you give me a mo. I need you to check something urgently."
"What can Ordis do for the Operator?"
"I need you to bring up a list of all the current assassination jobs."
"Complying, they are bleeding onto your navigation screen now."
"Are you glitching again Ordis?"
"Certainly not Operator."
"Ordis, didn't we kill Tyl Regor last month?"
"Our mission logs say that we did."
"I need to patch me through to the Lotus."
"Are we going to mount his head on a pike taking the contract?"
"No, I think his research has received a boost from the past."
Lotus' face appeared in the communicator, "You wanted to talk Tenno. Taylor."
"Yes, I met Emma Barnes in the Cestus market today. Only she spoke with a Grineer accent."
The Lotus pauses as she considers what I just said, Ordis on the other hand has no such filter, "Error, the operator seems to be malfunctioning."
"I'm not Ordis, I entered the void from a school locker in high school. It was 2011, and Emma Barnes, Sophia Hess, and Madison Clements had been bullying me for a year an a half. The day I arrived on the Zamarin they put the contents of the feminine hygiene bins in my locker. When I opened the door they shoved me in while I was frozen in disbelief. After they healed me on the Zamerin, they ran the basic education package. I suspect that there was more to it than the civilian package as I remember being more knowledgeable than the rest of the children. However, what they didn't know is that I woke up earlier than they expected. That's when I found out that they'd been able to get useable DNA from some of the feminine hygiene products that came with me."
"Ordis has to ask. What is a feminine hygiene product?"
Taylor feels herself flush at the question, "Erm, the earth that I come from didn't have any nanite machines or personal waste recycling technology, and erm, well, you know women menstruate every month? Well, erm, Feminine Hygiene products are specific pads and insertable tampons designed to absorb the blood to make it cleaner to deal with."
"Ordis wonders if this would be a good time to address the distress call."
Lotus shakes her head, "Yes, Ordis play the call."

A breathy voice speaks from behind her, "Rap, tap, tap."
As Taylor looks around for the source of the voice a woman does a good impression of a backstreet medium trying to contact the dead. Her attention snaps back to the call when someone answers.
"Mmm. R-r-r-ellll."
"I know that name, he was the kid I stayed with. I tried to look after him, but the other kids…" – She trails off as the lander becomes suffused with red light – "What's happening to the lights? Ordis? Ordis"
Ordis's voice cuts in, "I'm sorry operator, the message appears to be haunted, halted."
Taylor shakes her head, "I think you were right the first time."
Sounding concerned, Lotus asks, "What did you see Taylor?"

"I, I don't know. Some sort of shaker effect made the whole lander appear to be infused with red light."
"I am not familiar with that word used like that."
"It's a word from home that describes a power that affects an area. Uh, we had super heroes?" Taylor trails off weakly as both of them looked at her through their respective viewports.
"Ordis has analysed the message, it appears to have come from a Red Veil ship, the ship appears to be without power."
"Ordis set a navigation co-ordinate, I'm going in."
The Lotus looks concerned, "Ten, Taylor, are you sure about this?"
"Yes, I want to know why the name Rell came up."
Harry Potter: Tenno - 1

Harry Potter: Tenno – 1

"Yes Lotus?" Harry says absently while looking through a recovered Orokin terminal on the Orcus Relay.
"What is that?"
The that in question is a brown avian with large eyes, sharp claws, and a beak designed for rending flesh. It was also wearing a harness and had a leather tie around one foot.
"According to ancient Orokin records, it's likely to be some sort of owl. Though they don't have much about them on this terminal. I'm still trying to find a translation program that will work on this letter."
"Yes, it was carrying a small scroll, the scanner says that it is made out of skin of an animal. One that we have no records of in our databases. Neither does Simaris, in fact he offered me my pick of his offerings in trade when he found out about the owl."
Lotus is silent for a moment, "Harry, do you want to use the systems on Lua? They are still the originals that were there before I moved it into the void."
"There's an idea, thank you. Maybe they also have a record of the letter I was found with. Margulis used to tell me about it and how the original was being used to create new species for Earth." Harry sounds a little sad when talking about Margulis, though he does pack up and head back to his lander.
"I'm sorry I'm not her Harry"
"Don't be, I've had two wonderful mothers. Even when you were Natah the Sentient for a while, you were still my mother. Did you know that I never had my memory wiped, I don't think I've every mentioned that before. I still remember the look on Margulis' face when I came out of the device that was supposed to seal them away, and then ran towards her shouting 'Mama'"
Lotus considers that for a moment, "I can imagine. You always were an odd one Harry. You had less issues controlling your void energies, and were far more versatile in what they could do."
Harry laughs, "According to Margulis, my existence did more to upend their ideas about souls too. There were some theories before I arrived that they yellow light seen when they convert a cephalon is actually the persons soul. Apparently, I had a fragment of another persons soul in my head."
"I hadn't heard about that."
"Mum, my first mum, used to talk to me about her work when she thought I was too young to understand. Something about the control exercises that they had us learn allowed me to remember everything perfectly. Including when you stood up to Hunhow for us before you took on a human form. Listen, I've just arrived at my lander, give me a day and I'll see you in person."
As he hangs up on the Lotus, he looks at the lander and then at the bird that's perched on his shoulder, "Ordis, do you have any thoughts about how to get an owl onto the orbiter without using the digitisation beam?"
"Ordis wonders if the Operator is Crazy forgetting the docking door."
"Thanks Ordis, I had forgotten. Could you open it for me."
"Ordis will manoeuvre the lander so you can use the door."
"Thank you Ordis."
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When Harry saw the Lotus waiting for him at the landing site he transferred out of his Equinox Prime and launched himself into a hug, "Mother!"
"Ooof. Hello Harry."
"I've missed you. How are you adjusting to being the Lotus again?"
"It is, interesting. Why did you suggest I take up this name again?"
Harry leans back, "Margulis was a woman who's boots you were trying to fill, and Natah is the person that your family moulded. However, the Lotus is the person you chose to be. The name that you took on yourself. Why wouldn't I want to honour that? Every one of us has been shaped by the war, and you allowed us to be our own people, why wouldn't you expect the same?"
"Thank you."
"Besides," Harry adds cheekily, "You're more cuddly like this."
Natah smiles at the most accepting of her Tenno, her children as he disengages and opens the air tight cabin to let the owl out. Using all of her senses she studies the owl trying to divine it's origins, and comes up blank. They then walk together down to the original labs that Margulis used. Loading the scans of the parchment and owl into the labs computers unlocks a previously secured section of the servers. There they find a lot of speculation on DNA divergence points, as well as a translation program for the ancient language the letter is written in. There's copious notes by Silvana about how the differences were enabling her to develop flora and fauna that would be resistant to the pollution that was plaguing the earth. Apparently, all of the things he appeared with were made from organic materials that had retrievable DNA. The last thing they find is thousands of pages of research on the soul using the fragment they extracted from Harry's forehead. As Harry gets lost in the research and speculation about his origins, she takes the time to make some nanites to sustain the owl off of the ambient Orokin energy.

To Natah, the most important find was the original specifications for her ancestors along with speculation on how they could have incorporated a soul into it. Later investigation would reveal that every single project in that part of the servers had been banned and destroyed by the Orokin leadership at the time. Additionally, all of the scientists involved were put to death the same way that Margulis had been, with the sole exception of Silvana who went missing on Earth, and was presumed dead.
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Harry was absolutely engrossed, and then he came to the research about souls. The more he read, the more he was sickened by what happened to his first mother.
Natah looks over from a mission briefing she's giving, "Yes Harry?"
"Thank you for killing the Orokin."
"Ah, er," She quickly turns back to the briefing, "Sorry to cut this short Tenno, the Grineer and Corpus are arguing about territory again and are willing to pay quite handsomely for your help. Pick a side, and if you see out the campaign then you'll get your pay." She then closes the call quickly before giving Harry her full attention.
"What brought this on."
"I've been reading up on the Jade Light. Those, those, corpus execs, were destroying peoples souls. Not just the Oro, but the soul itself. That's why their Oro, where they've survived in the past, didn't bring them back."
"Harry, have you read the letter yet?"
"I know what you're doing Mum, and no I haven't"
"Well, maybe we should read it together."
__________ School of Witchcraft and ____________
Headmaster: ___________ ____________ (Order of _______, First Class, Grand _______, ___ ___________, Supreme ________, International ___________ of Wizards)
Dear Mr Potter,
We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at __________ School of Witchcraft and ________. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 ___________. We await your owl by no later than 31 ______.
Yours Sincerely,
___________ _______
Deputy Headmistress

Harry shakes his head, "That's a lot of unknown words."
"What was written on the other side?"
"Oh, just the nav-coordinates of my location when the owl arrived. I checked that with Ordis as soon as I got the letter on board the Orbiter."
Natah nods, "Let us craft a reply, and send it on it's way."
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Minerva looks up as one of the long distance school owls appears in her office while she's just sat down to do some paperwork. Which is odd, as she'd just sent off the last batch of school letters. Her eyes widen as the implication sinks in, this is the owl that she sent out with Harry's letter. It is with a sinking feeling that she retrieves the letter from the owls leg, as the only reason the owl would be that quick is if the letter was undeliverable.
She's reaching for her wand to vanish the letter before taking the news to the headmaster when her brain catches up to what her fingers are telling her. This isn't parchment.
Fingers trembling she opens the letter to see printed text in both English and an unknown language.

Dear Deputy Headmistress

We received have your letter, and have translated best as we can. Please could you provide coordinates for navigate us to find you. I am interested in attending your educational establishment, do you have a place where the downloaded buy the books?

We will also compilation need of your calendar and how relates it to your star system, as we share not the same.


Natah (The Lotus), Harry.

Sent at Tau-71324998 Rath-89423843 Vela-13024935 Lemos-24194340 Orion-65732041 Gro-27843519 from Sol, Milky way.

Clutching the letter tightly she scrambles around her desk, catching her thigh on the corner, and fair runs to the headmasters office.
Harry Potter: Tenno - 2
As requested by TheLostArchivist on AO3, more Harry Tenno.

Harry Potter: Tenno – 2

Minerva skids to a halt by the gargoyle and almost collapses from the pain in her thigh. She should have taken it more easily until the muscle recovered on its own. But needs must, and talking about needs.
"Move, unless you want to be a bunny rabbit for the next school year. I have urgent news for the headmaster."
The gargoyle that guards the Headmasters office looks reprovingly at her, but does reluctantly step to one side. Limping up the stairs she pushes open the door to his office without fanfare.
Albus looks up from his own paperwork with some surprise, "Minerva, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
"It's Harry, he's replied to his letter. Though it seems a little odd."
Albus' gaze sharpens, "Odd how?"
"It's like he never learnt English. Here, see for yourself."

She hands over both copies of the letter and waits silently while he reads the letter multiple times. She swears that she can see his hand reach for a quill in order to correct the grammar or word choice, even though there's only a few lines to it. Eventually he puts the letter on his desk before removing his glasses and rubbing his eyes.

"He is 11, and interested in coming. Talk to Aurora and see if she can make heads or tails of this. While you're doing that I'll draft a response. I wonder why he referred to you by your title and not your name."

Pulling his wand he duplicates the letter, then frowns when the copy doesn't have any writing on it. Instead it has black smudges where the text should be. Fixing the image in his mind, he casts the duplication spell again, with the same result. With a sigh he assumes that there's some sort of copy protection on the letter, so he pulls out a sheet of parchment and spells a quill to transcribe the letter onto the new parchment. Once she has the copy, Minerva goes off to find the Astronomy teacher to see if she can shed any light on those numbers.

Once he's alone, Albus casts some detection spells on the letter, trying to find out why he couldn't copy it. Much to his frustration, the letter shows no signs of magic. It also shows no sign of ink either. Even his alchemy spells say that it is a uniform sheet of material with no deviations within standard tolerances1​.

Unfortunately, Aurora doesn't know what the numbers at the bottom of the letter mean. As such, over the rest of the day they draft a letter back to Harry trying to describe calendar. It's over breakfast that Aurora hears them bickering, and comes up with the suggestion that they end up going with. Include a calendar with each day clearly marked, and the summer and winter solstice indicated. They should also indicate when they received his letter, and when they sent the reply.
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It's almost 3 months later, and Harry is in the process of culling the Grineer Ghouls in the middle of Africa when out of nowhere an owl appears and tries to land on his Mesa frame. That lasts all of a couple of seconds before one of the ghouls tries to eat it, and with a disgruntled squark, it takes off. Unfortunately for Harry and the Owl, there's a Dargyn skiff keeping an eye on the fight, looking to take an opportunistic shot at Harry if he disengages. As soon as it finishes it's identification scan of the avian, and comes up with unknown, it's reported up the chain. Much to Harry's disgust, this means that his current location becomes the most coveted vacationing spot for every Grineer within short range radio link. It gets so bad that Harry eventually posts an urgent help bounty using his own carefully hoarded platinum. With the distraction caused by his fellow Tenno, and the onset of night and the sentient fragments rising from the depths, he is finally able to exfiltrate with the owl not only alive, but also intact.

Once behind the Orokin era walls of Cetus, Harry transfers out of his warframe and allows the owl to land on his shoulder.
"Hello there, you've been gone a while. Come on, as we're planetside, let's see Master Teasonai and see if he has any treats that are safe for you to eat."

Walking through the village is an interesting experience, as it seems like everyone wants to look at the owl. Eventually he is able to make his way to see Teasonai, who upon seeing the owl immediately stop talking to his current customer.
"Tenno, what a pleasure. And this fine specimen of a bird, where did you find it?"
"It's an owl, and I didn't find it, it found me. They're apparently used for carrying letters, as you can see."
"Is that what that is, how odd. How do you read it?"
"They've applied a substance to the surface of the animal skin." Harry removes the letter and unfolds it to show the proof.
"That seems widely wasteful, there are so many better things that the components of that letter could be used for."
"Tell me about it, they have an educational establishment that they've invited me to. I'm seriously thinking of going just to find out how they can afford to be so wasteful. Anyway, enough about my mail, can you examine the owl and let me know if there's anything I need to do to care for it properly."
"Hmm, if you'll allow me to look after it for an hour I'll give it a full diagnostic."

An hour later, and a cryptic message from the Quills contact Onkko, Harry returns to see how the owl is getting on.

"Absolutely amazing, the owl shares a lot of similarities with the local wildlife. Which, apart from the insects, seems to have come from a different evolutionary tree to everything else in the solar system. The only animals that seem to share the same evolutionary tree as us are kubrow and kavats of course."
"Um, yeah, there's a pretty good reason for that. However, I'm not really at liberty to talk about it."
"No, no I understand. You Tenno come across secrets all the time, and you trade on your reputation."
"Look, New Loka might have more information if you can sweet talk them."
"Those crazies? I doubt anyone from Cetus could step one foot inside one of their compounds without having weapons pointed at them. If my curiosity becomes bad enough I will send one of my apprentices. Anyway, your, owl was it? Yes, owl. It had some parasites living in it's feathers. We have extracted them and are keeping them for study. It also had no antibodies for any of the illnesses found on the plains. We noticed that it already had some nanites, so we've just reprogrammed them to also act as a second immune system. It should also be safe to transport it the same way you transport your other living companions. Also, you are aware that the harness is made from animal skins?"
"We were, thank you for pointing it out though. I need to get going, as this letter isn't going to translate itself."
"Thank you for allowing me to see such a magnificent specimen of a unique animal that isn't infested."
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Harry makes his way to Lua with the letter, as his lander is coming in to the landing pad he muses that it's almost like having a home. Oh, he has his orbiter and railjack, but they don't have the same feel as working near to his mother. He sometimes wonders whether he'd have been kicked out like Rell was if he was older when he appeared on the Ten-Zero. Then again, it's probably not fair on the other Tenno, who were all going through puberty when the accident happened. As a result, he had a very different experience with Margulis, and then Natah, than they did. He doesn't remember his parents trying to kill him, though there is that memory of a man shooting a green light. Disembarking, he makes his way down to the Lab and his mothers workspace. As he approaches, her pod opens and she disconnects from the computer network.
"Harry, welcome back."
"Mother, it's good to see you." – He indicates the owl – "We have another letter."

Dear Mr Potter _ Natah
Thank you for your prompt response, we have included a calendar with this letter. On the back our Astronomy Teacher has drawn our solar system as well as a diagram of the tilt of earth. We have marked the day with the most daylight as well as the day with the least. These are the Summer _______ and the Winter ________. We have also marked the date we received your letter, and the date that this letter was sent.

It is currently the 24th​ July, and we would like to arrange for a teacher to visit on the 31st​ of July. If possible we would take you to diagonally for your supplies, including an owl for your own correspondence.

Please let me know if the date is suitable for you, and feel free to ask me any questions. I will do my best to answer them.

Yours Sincerely

_________ ___________

Harry's eyebrows furrow as he finishes reading the letter, and looking at the associated calendar and diagram.
"Yes Harry?"
"I think they live on earth."
"What do you mean?"
He takes the back of the calendar over to where she's hooked into the computer systems, "Look, the orbits are slightly off, but all the major bodies of the solar system are there. Though they have an asteroid belt for some reason. Then they've got a satellite that's slightly larger than half the size of Mars, just like Lua. Then there's the axial tilt they're describing."
"I see. It is plausible if the owl is using the void to travel. Though, it would be unique amongst all of the known species, as even Tenno need technological aid to transition into the void proper. If that is the case, we will need to construct a void beacon for your railjack to home in on. I don't think we should construct a solar rail, as we do not want the Corpus or Grineer, let alone the infested, to find their way to their world."
"Could we do a series of beacons, like the ones that lead to the derelicts in the void? I know we've now isolated all of the beacons for them now, but if someone decides to follow me I'd rather have a chance to notice and ditch them before I arrive at an unspoiled planet."
"You would make a good Sentient Harry. Seeking to protect a system from those who would only exploit it."
"Thanks Mum, but I like my limbs organic."
"Of course, I'll be coming with you for the first trip. I'm sure that Teshin, can, take over…" Natah trails off as she remembers that Teshin was killed by her brother.
"I miss him too. It wasn't your fault, you were trapped."
"It's just, he took over when I was lost to myself."
"I'm sure there's a copy of Ordis floating around somewhere, and you could always ask Maroo to interact with the organics. She's pretty much neutral."
Natah laughs, "You've made your point. Now Tenno there is an urgent mission to be taken care of. You need to write a reply while I make a small temporal tracker. I want to know exactly how long it takes for the messages to get there and back. The second stage of your mission is to collect 20,000 navigation coordinates so that we can use the information from the tracker to plot a course."
"Do they need to be new coordinates?"
"Oh, goody, here you go."
"No Harry not in here, just send them to me normally."

It takes a few days, but they put together a small tracker that fits unobtrusively inside the harness the owl is wearing. Most of that time is spent working out how to use the Orokin technology to achieve what they want by reading manuals and notes. They also write a letter.
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Just over an hour after she sent the letter, the Owl returns and deposits a new letter to the desk of Minerva McGonagall.
Dear Deputy Headmistress,
We would be delighted to meet the representation of staff. However, as it has already been 3 days since this message received, we request that you send back owl immediately with a note to say what the date is. It is carrying a tracker that calculate a route to your planet should enable us from where we are.

Natah (The Lotus), Harry.

Minerva snorts, of course there'd be time magic involved. Well, nothing for it but to reply assuring them that it's not quite the strangest situation she's seen. Granted, there's no topping Xeno Lovegood's visit and walking in on a fairy orgy with a little time magic mixed in. As she recalls, it took five minutes to get in and then drag the underaged Lovegood out. However, 4 days had passed on the outside. Quickly penning a reply, also including the current time and a note that time magic tends to be very localised. So, if they walk at most a mile from their current location they should return to normal time. Letter penned, she attaches it to the owls leg before sending it off.

1​Unknown to him, in the absence of any form of written communication anywhere in the solar system, and the resources needed to make paper or parchment being so valuable for other things, the solution that Harry and Natah eventually came up with, was to produce an organosilicon sheet of material where the letters were just the same molecule in a different alignment, thus changing the way they reflect light. The result of this is that the document is essentially one giant molecule.
Taylor Herbert: Tenno - 3

Taylor Herbert: Tenno – 3

Walking through an apparently abandoned Steel Meridian ship, Grineer that had broken their programming and were now working on their own, with the lights off, left Taylor feeling like she was in a cheap Aleph horror movie. At least she was a heavily armed protagonist this time. And she's in her wisp so no matter the condition of the vip, she should be able to get them on their feet and moving. On second thoughts, maybe getting her memories back wasn't such a good thing. Dead bodies, check.
"These were killed by knives."
Taylor almost yelps when The Lotus decides to make herself known, "Don't do that, it's bad enough that I'm living the plot of a cheap slasher flick."
"I don't know what that is. Regardless, you should look around, see if there's anything else."
"When I finish here, remind me to tell you what genre aware means. As if I end up fighting some sort of zombies I'm going to call shenanigans."
"What are zombies?"
"Reanimated corpses of the dead, sometimes you didn't need to die, there was just a virus that killed your upper brain functions. The different genres of films were more popular on Aleph. For us on Bet, they were a little too close to possible given Nilbog, Heartbreaker, and half a dozen other famous masters. Oh look, another dead body. Knives again?"
"You are correct."
"Lucky me, Emma's father, Alan, was an officiando and had a secret stash of DVD's. Before she turned on me I used to spend practically every other weekend there, and at some point we'd sneak one of the films and watch it. Some of them were so cheesy, like Superman. I mean, with people like Alexandria actually flying around. Hang on, red feather? That's the Red veil isn't it."
"It is, if they are involved then you need to be careful."
"Oh, believe me I am already being careful. At least won't be the Slaughterhouse 9."
"Who are they?"
"They're a persistent group of villians from Bet, Bonesaw, a precocious girl that gained her powers during one of their attacks. She is a biotinker, able to make virus', bacteria, and modify you into obscene displays that are somehow still alive and aware. Shatterbird, a shaker that can control silicon. All silicon in a 5 mile radius. She is arguably the most famous, as her scream is the first most people know about the 9's arrival. Writing on the wall painted in blood, check."
"You are awfully calm about this Taylor."
"No I'm not, I'm just talking to you about the worst humanity has to offer on my homeworld to keep my mind off of the fact that I'm probably going to be jumped by a mindless red veil operative. Where was I, Shatterbird, yes, her calling card breaks all of the glass and silicon chips in the area."
"What are silicon chips? Do you eat them?"
"What? No, bet isn't as advanced as we are so they sill use silicon to make semiconductors with linear binary logic circuits engraved on them. You can thank Mrs Knott for that titbit. The next most famous one is Crawler, he's a monstrous brute that can regenerate from anything that doesn't kill him. What makes him famous is that he then becomes immune to that form of injury from that point forward. People think he either has a deathwish, or is addicted to the feeling of being hurt. Either way, he makes his way through a city looking for challenges and slaughtering anyone that isn't a challenge. Next is the Siberian, she is a naked white woman with tiger stripes and claws."
"What's a tiger?"
"It's an animal native to earth bet? I've found the vip."
"You need to protect her, I am getting anomalous readings on your scanner."
"Palladino wasn't it? Hi, I'm Taylor Hebert, and I am to be your body guard for the rest of our time on the ship."
As she rounds the corner, Taylor's somewhat surprised to see that it's the high priestess of the Red Veil, along with a black cat.
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"Hey Rell, I'm Taylor. Do you want to play a game?"
"Er, busy."
"That's ok, do you want me to tell you stories about my home while you're drawing?"
"Ok, how about Snow White."
"Ok, Snow White was the daughter of a very popular king and his beautiful queen. However, when she was very young her mother died in childbirth."
"At this time they didn't have medicine like they do now, so when something went wrong they weren't able to fix it. Anyway, after he finished mourning, the king was introduced to a beautiful woman. Over time they married and the woman became the new Queen. Unknown to everyone, the new queen was also a witch."
"What's a witch?"
"A witch is a woman that can do magic, summoning spirits, speaking with the dead, brewing potions, placing hexes and curses, and even being able to heal people. They usually have a familiar, often a black cat. These serve as guardians and spiritual protectors, warning the witch of approaching dangers."
Rell looks up from his drawing, "What happened to them?"
"A long time ago, there was a religious uproar about the supposed evils that witches had caused. So the church, you remember what that is?"
"The church led a hunt for all suspected witches. What actually happened is that lots of people took the opportunity to accuse people they were jealous off, leading to a lot of innocent women being killed. They also caught all of the women that were a bit different through no fault of their own. People are often afraid of differences, and that makes them lash out at them. At the time I left Earth Bet, witches weren't really a thing there, though that was because superheroes and villains took over the public consciousness. On Earth Aleph they apparently had a revival of witchcraft, and started holding seances and doing ritual magic again."
"What's a séance?"
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"Are you a witch?" Taylor blurts.
"I am, how do you know that term?"
"It really is Rell then."
Out of the shadows, red veil operatives start to approach with their knives, "Sisters, you must resist. Come back to yourselves."
When the first one takes a swipe at Taylor, centuries of ingrained instincts kick in and she takes of their head with her whip before moving to set up her fields by Palladino. What followed was a frantic firefight as the mindless followers tried to overwhelm them. As soon as their numbers broke, the two of them made a break for the extraction point along with the kavat. Once she was safely aboard a shuttle home, Palladino called Taylor.
"Tenno, thank you for the rescue. Please could you meet me at our compound on earth, Iron Wake. I've sent the location to your ship."
Taylor Herbert: Tenno - 4

Taylor Herbert: Tenno – 4

"Ordis, can you set in coordinates for Iron Wake?" – Taylor pauses for a second – "Actually no, given that the cluster fuck is happening I need to do something else first. Patch me through to The Lotus."
"Greetings Tenno."
"Lotus, or would you prefer Natah?"
The Lotus looks defensive at the question, "I left that name behind long ago."
"Look, I'm not Orokin, I never have been Orokin and a few weeks ago I discovered that I'd been mastered into forgetting who I am by the Orokin. So I'm doing something that I wished someone would do when I was being bullied in High School. I'm calling just to see how you're doing and if there's anything you'd like to talk about. We can even meet face to face if you want to talk about it without any recording equipment around."
"But you need to deal with the Red Veil."
"Look, I want to find out what's going on with Rell as much as anyone, probably more than most. However, whatever's going on has been breaking for a long time and they never reached out for help. So I figure that a few hours or a day or so won't make any difference as it's already FUBAR. On the other side of things, it's been less than 6 goddamn months since your father came back from the dead and tried to take you over."
"I haven't thought about it."
"Well that's fairly obvious, I'm guessing you've just pushed it to the back of your mind and are keeping yourself busy."
Taylor interrupts, "No, not Tenno! Taylor. I'm Taylor. Tenno is a title, it's a way of distancing yourself from us. Tenno is what I am, Taylor is who I am. Who are you? Is The Lotus a title or a name?"
"I'm not human."
"Woo Hoo, neither am I if you look at my DNA, I've got a whole extra chromosome compared to everyone else. Also, in the non-human stakes, you're up there compared to some of the people I've heard of. Weld in Boston is literally made of metal, Newter is a lizard that sweats LSD, Gregor the Snail literally looks like a giant snail. Doesn't stop them being people, there are thousands of case 53's where I come from. Not being human doesn't mean you're not a person."
"But we came to destroy the Orokin."
"Not an Orokin, don't care."
"I was supposed to kill the Tenno."
"But you didn't, just proving my point that you're a person too."
"I have my duty to the Tenno."
"When was the last time you took time to do something yourself?"
"I can't."
"What do you mean you… Oh, you're trapped somewhere aren't you. Right, give me your coordinates I'm coming to kidnap you. If you don't I'll have Ordis scan every inch of Lua until I've found you."
"It's fine, I deserve this."
"Oh no you don't. You deserve captivity about as much as I deserved being shoved in my locker. Now give me your coordinates or I'm going to instruct Ordis."
"No, I forbid you to come, it's too dangerous."
"Ordis, locate The Lotus for me, I'm going to kidnap her and take her shopping. Maybe even buy myself a bloody bed while I'm at it too."
"Calculating, signal traced. Are you sure about this Operator?"
"Yes, yes I am. Let's go."
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"Operator, I'm not sure about this."
Taylor was jogging through the ruin on Lua as she responds, "Look, someone needs to treat her as an actual person. To show her that it's who you are and not what you are that matters."
"But Operator, you were created to fight the Sentients."
"No Ordis, I wasn't. Nobody was. I was born same as everyone else in their own way. Margulis stole my memories in a misguided attempt to help me control my powers, her superiors then forced us into being their good little soldiers. Then someone turned us against the Orokin, and finally Natah saved our lives. No more than you were created to be a ships cephalon. If there's one thing I learnt growing up in a city with the E88, it's that nobody is born with any greater destiny. Then my best friend taught me that everything that is good in your life can be taken away and turned against you. Being a Tenno has taught me that you have to fight for your right to be a person. This is me fighting for The Lotus' right to be a person."
"The target is just up ahead Operator."
"Thank you Ordis."

It took Taylor nearly half an hour to unlock the Lotus' pod, especially given that The Lotus seemed to be resisting the effort. Eventually it was done and it opened up like an orchid. Looking unimpressed, the lotus stands there.
"Well, now what?"
"Ordis, where do those cables go?"
"Tracking. Warning, operator I'm sensing a massive Sentient target."
"Right. So, is this your body and the Sentient is like our Somatic pods, or is this a projection and the Sentient is your body?"
The lotus just looks at Taylor stunned.
"Fair enough, it's not like it matters. Come on, I'm glad I brought my Atlas as I'm going to need its strength to carry your body back to my lander." - As she walks in the direction of the signature she looks back over her shoulder, "Coming?"

"Ordis, has your operator always been like this?"
"No Lotus, only since she reclaimed her memories."
The Lotus is still standing there trying to process what's happening when Taylor comes staggering back with her sentient body in a princess carry. Carefully she puts it down on the floor before drawing her Akarius and handing them hilt first to The Lotus.
"I don't know if you've used pistols before, but these don't exactly need an accurate aim, if you can't hit the target hit the floor near by and it will be close enough. I've also brought a spear, not that I'm expecting trouble, but if I've learnt anything in these conflicts it's prepare for the worst and hope for the best."
Gingerly The Lotus takes the pistols and holds them in her hands, like it's a foreign concept having weapons that are separate from you.
"Take a couple of shots if you want. I've got plenty of ammo."
"Why are you doing this?"
"Because you need a friend, you need to see how people live, not just how they fight. You need to live, and you need to see how those without power live. Lord Acton, a famous historian who lived around a hundred years before I arrived here, once said 'Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.' Mouse Protector probably said it better though 'If you don't keep in touch with the little man, then they'll be squashed when you fight the big villans.'" Hefting the Sentient body, Taylor starts to stagger back to the landing pad.
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"Operator, this makes me really uncomfortable."
"Ordis, you can either get over it or I'll replace you with Cephalon Cy and you can run the Railjack. It's your choice. She is my guest and I hope my friend."
The Lotus speaks up, "It's OK, I can go back to Lua."
"No, I meant it. I've seen the result of seeing people as what they are rather than who they are. It's a bit hard not to when you share a city with the E88. If he can't accept you as a person, then I'm not willing to have Ordis as my ships cephalon."
Cy speaks up, "The operator is correct, the primary precept of a ships cephalon is to protect their crew. The Lotus is now part of your crew."
"Ordis will acquiesce, though I reserve the right to say I told you so."
Taylor nods, even as she's manhandling the sentient body into her pod chamber, "Natah."
The Lotus scowls, "I'm not Natah."
"Look, I'm not going to call you 'The Lotus' all the time, as it sounds like a title. If you don't like Natah, pick another name. Here's a few, Alex, Jane, Emma, Sophia, Madison, Mary, Teressa, Sarah, Joan, Annette." She says the last one with a slightly sad note.
"Who was that last one?"
"Annette? She was my mother, she died in a car accident a couple of years before I came here."
"Anet, that will be my name."
"Ok Anet. Quick question, did your connection work like our somatic link does?"
"They are crudely similar."
"How far can you maintain this connection?"
"I can manage orbit, but that's it."
"Right, what I was thinking is that we can see if we can trade for some additional somatic fibers in Cetus. If we are, then we could set up a modified pod attached to the orbiters power supply. We could then place one of my spare warframes in your pod on Lua so that it has a permanent link to your body here. It won't be transference, more like remote control. But it should allow you the freedom you need to explore the solar system incognito while still being able to do your day job."
"Why are you doing this?"
"Because you deserve it, because you're worth it. You've given us so much of yourself, so I'm finally giving back to you."
"How do you know I won't snap and kill you?"
"Given that you brought me to my pod here once I'd woken up on Lua. I think you've more than earned my trust."
"I didn't think you'd remember that."
"You've had multiple opportunities to kill me since I woke up the first time. You could have killed all of us at the beginning, but you didn't. Ordis, set course for earth, Cetus."
"Yes Operator, course laid in."

"Anet, if you'll follow me, I'll show you my living room. Sorry about all the plushies, I kinda got carried away."
The Lotus follows somewhat numbly, still in shock from being invited into one of her Tenno's private sanctums. Every single surface was covered with different plushies, excluding a faint trail along the floor from the entrance to the observation window.
"Can you actually see with that helmet on?"
The Lotus jumps as Taylor speaks, "It's fine."
"You know, I looked up the word fine once when I was being bullied. According to psychologists it means Freaked out, insecure, neurotic, and emotional."
"Why do you know these things?"
Taylor looks at her sadly, "I think it's because we didn't have machines that could just turn off emotions and remove them from our memories. That's what they did you know, the Orokin that is, the first thing they did to me when I arrived is switch off my emotions while I was reliving the traumatic memory of what happened to me just before I arrived. They then removed the emotion from that memory. They did it to more of my traumatic memories before I learnt to hide my emotions. I remember they also did it to my memories of being worried about Rell, well until the Bitch decided that I was causing too much disruption amongst the other Ten-Zero survivors, but was to valuable to be kicked out. That's when she stole my memories."
"What does a female kubrow have to do with your treatment as a Tenno?"
"Oh, right, on Earth Bet and Earth Aleph it's also a slur against a woman. I was referring to Margulis. Anyway, it looks like the sun's up in Cetus so we should get going."
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The Lotus looked around at the people milling around in this compound. A huge Orokin tower in the background buzzed with activity. Wordlessly she follows Taylor around the market place as she haggles, barters, and tries samples of things. Occasionally she's handed something to try, meat on a stick that had been held over a fire, A lime green drink, and a model condorac were amongst the things she was given. Though the condorac is the only thing she's still holding. It's texture is soft and slightly squishy, thinking back there were several that looked like this in the private quarters.
It doesn't make sense, she's a sentient and nobody's attacked her. A few of the humans have even tried to talk to her.
"Saya, Konzu, I'd like to introduce you to Anet, a friend of mine that's staying with me for a while."
The Lotus pulls her attention back to the conversation when she hears the name she picked.
Saya looks at her before saying, "Hello Anet, you look a lot like The Lotus the Tenno talk about."
Taylor laughs, "Only when she's not working."
"Oh, I see. What can this old woman do for you Tenno."
"Taylor, my name's Taylor. I need to go to the other side of the planet for a meeting. Would you mind playing tour guide for Anet while I'm gone? Also, if you know anyone that's got any somatic fibers let them know I'm in the market for some and I'm willing to barter handsomely, upto and including platinum."
"Of course, come my dear Anet, let's show you around without the intimidating Tenno around."
The Lotus doesn't resist as Saya takes her hand and pulls her along back into the market while Taylor goes bounding off to the landing area.
"It's interesting, she seems to have changed a lot since her last visit. And then there's you 'Anet'. How did you end up in her company?"
"She has regained her memories from before she became Tenno, and I'm not sure."
"Ah, I see. Forgive an old woman her curiosity, but are you a Sentient?"
The Lotus freezes for a moment before resuming her motion.
"Ah, I see. You feel similar to the remnants that rise on the plains at night. You have nothing to fear from us, life is hard enough here without borrowing trouble."
"But why, we tried to kill you."
"No you didn't, and apart from the weird fellow that mans the Quills outpost, I don't think there's anyone here that you could possibly have tried to kill."
"But the old war."
"Hundreds of years ago you fought against the Orokin. We're not the Orokin, I'm not even sure if we ever were either. I think this dress would suit your skin colour fabulously."
The Lotus looks down at the dress that Saya is holding up against her cheek, "I, don't know."
"How does it make you feel?"
"Good, I can work with confused. What about this colour."
"It, reminds me of stars."
"Are stars a good thing?"
The Lotus thinks for a moment, "Yes."
"Tanzan, can you put this to one side, a Tenno by the name of Taylor will be by later to barter for it. Come Anet, let's go and see the worker in the tower. Maybe they've found some of the fibers that Taylor wants."
Anet squeezes her Condorac, "I think I'd like that."
Saya smiles an nods as the sentient beside her relaxes slightly.
James May buys Authur Weasley's Ford Anglia
Clarkson and Hammond are both bickering about the heat and which car is best while looking at a world map with a route drawn on it in Johannesburg when May turns up with a beaten old Ford Angelia. Looking up they both laugh at him.

"Well, we now know who found the cheapest car, so you win that one. What made you pick that car?"

"Well as you know, the challenge said that in addition to the car we also had to buy everything we were going to use with that money, so I bought the guys old tent and camping stove for a tenner. To cap it off this car has oodles of boot space. I found an old generator, and as I had the cash I also threw in a couple of spare wheels I got at a junkyard, spare engine parts for the most common things that can go wrong. OK, I admit, I actually bought a spare Anglia at the junkyard for a ton, and stripped out anything that I thought could be useful. I did pay for the toolkit though. To cap it all, it's even got space for my golf clubs, and I've still got £600 for food and fuel on the way".

"Yes, well, erm, My car has air conditioning."

"Anyway, on with the challenge." Clarkson opens the envelope.

"Apparently, we are going to be given half a tank of petrol, and we need to drive to *coughing noises* where we can use our own money to fill up. From there we will be given our next destination. It also says that our final destination is Bejing where we will need to put our cars into the car show and score within the top 50. Right, that sounds easy."

10 minutes later

"Right, we've been driving for 10 minutes, and to be honest I was more than a little nervous about this car as I bought it without giving it a test drive. But I have to say it's got the most comfortable seat I've ever been in. Also, the radio works, and it even picks up some strange radio station. The cigarette lighter is a bit off, as the camera goes a bit fuzzy when it's plugged in, but if that's the extent of the problems I have on the journey I'll be very happy. Finally, the previous owner seems to have installed AirCon, as I've not felt the need to open the window once, and as you can see it's the middle of the day."

3 stops later, Clarkson and Hammond are filling up for the second time.

"Aren't you going to fill up the car?"

May stands up holding a fuel level tester. "Na, I've still got half a tank left."

"Didn't you say that last time?"

"Yeh, which is why I just checked the levels manually."

First night

"Well, now to find out if the tent was worth buying, according to the instructions I just need to unfold the tent, peg out the main guy ropes and stand up the poles at either end. Then just peg out the rest of the guy ropes. It says that putting it down is just the reverse, though I need to make sure I push the poles into the tent rather than out. Seems easy enough."

"Right, well that's done, let's see what it's like on the inside, whether there's any damp or milldew".

"OK... I think it's safe to say it's a good tent, if you don't mind I'm just going to go back in and enjoy my evening."

In the middle of the Congo

"Right as you can see we've been pulled over by some local bandits, Clarkson and Hammond are being held at gunpoint and it looks like they're demanding money. I bet they're regretting not buying a cheap-looking car now, no I'm not saying that you're cheap, just that you look cheap, no you're the best car, I'm not just saying that. Look, you're the nicest car I've ever driven, and I'm not going to get rid of you at the end of the show. Yes, I'll get you polished, and valet."

On the Egyptian border - Clarkson's car

"Right as you can see James has been pulled over by some men in robes, and it looks like he's been questioned. I bet he's regretting buying such a cheap car now. And he's being arrested and his car is being taken away. Oh look, he's calling after the car. I guess we'll see if he's released in time to continue the challenge tomorrow."

The next day

"As you can see, I was released after a long night of being questioned. Apparently, the previous owner used some experimental government technology without permission and they needed to track the car down to ensure that it didn't fall into the wrong hands. I had to sign an NDA with a quill where I promised that I wouldn't let anyone outside my family into the car, or inspect it. They also gave me a customs exemption certificate, and I need to bring it in for servicing every 3 years. They were even nice enough to repair Angie's bodywork after the mean men damaged it trying to take it off. Yes, you were a good car, when we get home you can get a paint job of your choice. Yes, yes I know you're excited, but you can't go yet we need to get our destination with the other two."
Helping Hermione
Jude and Ruth took a seat in a small hole in the wall cafe and looked at the menu on the wall.

After Ruth placed their order at the counter, the young waitress went over to the dispensary and typed in a few commands. A couple of minutes later their coffee's and sandwiches were ready and she handed them to Ruth with a tray. As they tucked into their meals Jude made a face, "I wish I could afford to eat anything other than recomb food, as it never tastes right."

While they were chatting a sleek HoverTech 5000 came to a stop outside the cafe, it's ruby red holopaint glistening in the light as the supports lowed and the door hissed open. A man stepped out and shrugged his designer jacket to make it sit on his shoulders properly. He walked in, designer shoes clacking on the floor. Ruth nudged Jude to get her to stop staring and wipe the drool from her mouth as he called out to the waitress, "Molly, can I have my usual please?"

"Sure, 10 minutes. Joe! Need a cook for a mo!"

Ruth watched the man slide into the spare chair warily, as there was no way an upper leveller would ever be interested in undercity folk like them.

"Hi. My name's Rastabian, I hope you don't mind but it's nice to be able to chat to new faces."

"Hi, I'm Ruth, and my starstruck friend is Jude."

"So what do you both do?"

Ruth stamped on her friends foot as there was no way she was going to carry this conversation on her own.


Harry continued chatting to the girls while Hermione did his food. Eventually Ruth noticed the time and dragged Jude out to whatever they were going to be doing. So he just watched Hermione as she busied herself behind the counter. Once she brought over his food and Joe went back upstairs he gently grabbed her wrist.

"Sit with me?"

Sighing she sat down and reached for a crisp.

"When are you going to stop hiding?"

"I'm not hiding."

Harry gave her a look, "Really, the brightest witch I know working at a muggle café in the undercity, and you're not hiding."

"OK, maybe I'm hiding, but they're all dead, even my grandchildren."

"I know, I know. Do you remember what you did when I found out that Ginny was still seeing Dean and Micheal even after we were married?"

"You know I do."

"Or how about what you did when Teddy died young?"

"You know I do." She responded in a weaker voice.

"Or when I had to bury my children because terrorists decided that killing the boy-who-lived would be a way of proving that they were someone to take note of?"


"So why won't you let me do the same for you? You wouldn't let me help with Ron beyond healing the odd broken bone, you wouldn't let me help when your parents died, or when your children finally passed. Why won't you let me help?"

Giving up on holding her emotions back she broke down and cried into his shoulder, "I don't know, it's just that I was always the one to hold you up, I don't know why I can't let you in."

"I'm sorry that I asked you to look after those things when I went to see my parents after the war. If I'd known then the curse they carry together I'd have never done it. But I'm not sorry that you're still here with me. Let me in, let me help you."

"OK, I'll try."
Harry Potter: Tenno - 3

Harry Potter: Tenno – 3

Natah looks at the data from her tracking unit with no small amount of consternation. According to the data, it was in an area bounded by no more than 1 rel on a planetary body for 923 seconds after. Before and after that it was in motion. The total journey time was only 2,000 seconds. However, it arrived back with them 146,724 seconds after they sent it. The only way that this should be possible is if the destination was near a black hole. However, the transit times were far to quick for that to have been the case. Also concerning is the fact that the tracking unit had traces of void energy on it. This is also worrying in it's implications, as not even Tenno have been able to reliably manage long distance unassisted void travel. It also means that she'd be unable to travel with Harry to this educational institution. Idly she calls up the research on souls and the speculation on how to give a Sentient a soul. Could that be what she was missing, all of her children have reported seeing phenomenon in the void, but no probes or recording devices have ever reported any such thing. Even her own trip through the void when Harry rescued her was void of such things. If she's right, the it would also allow her to safely traverse the void and provide her with the same protection to void damage that the creatures of this system seem to enjoy.

Reaching over to her helmet, she places it on her head and accesses The Lotus' systems to record a new message.
"Tenno, this is a capture mission. Your target is a Sentient so you will need to immobilise it before you attempt the capture. Use a Kinetic Siphon Trap to immobilise your target for capture. Remember, we need the target alive."
She then sets up a series of bounties on Lua for her Tenno to bring a small variety of sub-sapient Sentient Drones. If she's going to try to give a sentient a soul, she's going to do it with those that don't have the sense of self necessary to complain first. Idly she considers whether she should share this with the others before discarding the idea. She may revisit it in the event she ever returns to her home, no, her place of birth. This is her home now, and the others can't really see that.
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Harry jumps as his communicator activates to show The Lotus, "Tenno, there is a new quest available."
"Hi mum."
"This is official, so Lotus please."
"Yes Lotus." Harry says before opening up the quest information, "Lotus, why do I need to run 20 void mobile defense missions?"
"The tracking cloud was unable to follow the beacon, this suggests the creature is capable of void travel. I will be configuring the amplification arrays to track the signal. Once it is complete we will send the creature out again."
Harry sighs, just his luck she'll need a selection of towers. Not just the lightly contested ones.

A couple of months later he troops into the Lotus' labs wearing a Nezha, "Hey Mum, it's done."
Once she's finished with her call, Natah takes off her "So I see, they're all working perfectly. I was just tracking your progress to Earth. I see you also took the time to take on some of the capture targets."
"I did, what do you need them for?"
"I wanted to visit this planet with you, to see what sort of technology they have that allows them to use animals like that owl to deliver messages safely through the void. Not to mention being able to use animal skins and precious compounds to make a physical record of a message. Their world must be a technological marvel, maybe what the Orokin could have been."
"Well they did send me here safely. Though, apparently here was likely less safe than they expected. I do wonder why they never came to find me though."
"I might have an answer to that, especially if tracing the next letter works. The total round trip time from when you let the owl go to when it returned was 2,000 seconds, to the nearest second."
"And in numbers that the rest of us can visualise?"
"Around 15 minutes."
"Wait, really? It was gone nearly a day."
"146,724 seconds, to the nearest second."
"Mum, now you're just being difficult."
Natah just smiles at Harry.
"Fine, so that's 2… thousand, not quite 21, so that's 20 remainder that. Wait, 20 hours and 31 minutes give or take?"
"Well done Harry, and you didn't use your implants either. I'm impressed."
"Wait, the implants do more than just allow communications?"
"Yes, how do you think Ballas kept doing all the stuff he did, or how he was able to steal my power?"
"Why didn't anyone tell me that."
"Because you were a child, and then because you were a weapon to be used. All Tenno are also Orokin, and have the same implants and nanites as they did."
"That's why you were supposed to destroy us isn't it."
Natah nods.
"So how do I use the implants for more than just communications?"
"You already do. Remember what your orbiter looked like before it was powered on properly?" Harry nods, "That's what it looks like for anyone without implants or sentient systems. What you're seeing is your implants interacting with the systems built into those locations. Once you've learnt to access your implants consciously you'd have been taught how to use them to direct the energy produced by Orokin reactors. Then how to interface with and direct the computers. I've been reading more of the notes from the secured section, and the discussions they were having on whether to teach the Tenno how to actually use their implants. They wouldn't have started until your brain reached full maturity, so it was never on the cards for you. But most of the other Tenno passed that threshold within 5 years, with the youngest of them taking 8 years. You were the only child under the age of 10 to survive, and they weren't sure how you managed to avoid the predations of the adults long enough to be found by the children."
"Are you ok Mum?"
"It is disturbing to read these reports, we thought that the Orokin were all the enemy, and they were. It's just that not everyone we thought was Orokin were Orokin. Most were slaves in all but name, chained by implanted commands or implants like Tenshin was. Or just denied an Oro, or even the implants needed to use their technology. They used their own population in experiments as though they were less than them. Oh, Umbra was a special case, as he was a Dax, one level down from Orokin like Margulis and Ballas. I'm coming to believe that Margulis was an aberration amongst the Orokin, because she seems to have actually cared about you. But even there, she looked at you especially Harry. I've found discussions about how you've got the best genetic reconstructions she's ever seen, and how using your information they've been able to improve the viability of the Grineer clones by 10 years. This is massive, as it suggests that originally Grineer were only expected to live at most 5-10 years. They expected that implementing these improvements would pay for itself within 5 generations in terms of resources saved."
Harry looks sick, he has some friends in the Steel Meridian, and the idea that he was partially responsible for their condition, no matter how indirectly, sickened him. Granted he had more friends in New Loka and the Perrin Initiative, it made balancing his long standing friendship with Cephalon Suda and his standing with New Loka look easy in comparison. Not that he can blame them for it, the Grineer as a whole don't really understand the whole family thing. Something to do with being created in a tube and then programmed with all the skills you need to know. It leads to some odd disconnects, even amongst those free of the hard wired loyalty to their queens.

"Harry, don't think about it too deeply. Apart from the family on Demios, they're all dead now. And all of this happened hundreds of years ago."
Harry laughs humourlessly, "I'm supposed to be a battle-hardened Tenno, and here I am being upset that I was used to increase the amount of suffering the Grineer go through just so that they needed to clone less of them."
"Aren't you the one that keeps telling me that I chose to be The Lotus? What about you? Are you Tenno or Harry?"
"I'm Harry of course."
"Then as Harry, you are allowed to be upset at these things. Anyway, are you ready to send the letter?"
"I am."
"Then I'm activating all of the trace programs, release in 3…2…1…Go!"
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Minerva yawned as she clambers off her bed and heads into the bathroom. As she's crossing her living room an owl swoops down and lands on the back of her armchair by the fire. Absently she unties the letter and summons an owl treat with her wand before continuing into the bathroom. She's just sat down and is staring at the letter when her sleep fogged brain clears enough to realise what just happened. It takes all of her experience not to immediately get up and check the door to her quarters. Instead she opens the letter in a shaky hand.

Dear Deputy Headmistress,

Thank you for your prompt reply, and your suggestion. However, we are currently restricted to the solar system, so we cannot test the idea that moving one M I L E would allow us to leave the effect. We are however trying to plot a route to your location, so if you would return the owl with a letter in a days time it would be greatly appreciated. We think that we will have nearly 90 days to try and locate you during that period.


Natah (The Lotus), Harry.

Numbly she sits there and lets the letter drift to the floor, Solar system, they don't know what a mile is. It looks like they actually drew out the word. Where is Harry? When she finished with her morning ablutions and was dressed. She calmly, collectedly, and unhurriedly made her way to breakfast where she deliberately savoured every bite before making her way to her office. She then wrote a letter to a fellow Master in India that she'd corresponded with about a few articles in Transfiguration Today. Normally she wouldn't expect a reply for a least a week due to the distance the owls had to fly. Restricted to the Solar System. She is only mildly surprised when the owl returns 30 minutes later with a bright red letter in it's talons

"What the hell Professor McGonagall, I was in a meeting and your owl just breezes in as though our wards don't exist. If you are going to run magical experiments again in the future let me know in advance so that you don't cause a panic.

Madhavacharta Ashtikar"

Opening the bottom draw of her desk she looks longingly at the bottle while she tries to decide if it's too early to have a dram or two.
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It's a couple of months later when Natah calls out, "Harry, I think I've got it."
Harry comes over, "Got what?"
"The location of the planet the educational establishment is on." – She points at a graph on the screen that shows a massive dip followed by two small spikes – "See here where the signal redshifts just below the detectable range of the Antenna, and then blueshifts for a few hours twice. I manufactured a drone with a trailing antenna twice as long and launched into the void around Lua. With that I was able to detect the signal. I then sent out a few Railjack missions to deposit copies of these drones in different parts of the void. This allowed me to draw a 4d map of where the signal overlaps and calculate the probable coordinates. Then, taking measurements at different times, I was able to configure the systems here to calculate it's motion relative to us, giving us this 5d plot. It turns out it's not a long distance by Railjack, but you will be going deeper than anyone has ever gone before and returned to tell the tale, at least according to the records here. Not even the Ten-zero went as deep. Because of that we need to ensure that you have a receiver that can pick up the blue shifted signals from here."
"Ok, what does that mean?"
"You're going to need to talk with Cephalon Cy about installing a somatic link into your Railjack, along with designing a lander segment. He should enjoy the challenge. You'll also not have access to the storage on your Orbiter, so if you want to take anything you'll need to make sure it's on your Railjack. And, no that doesn't mean your entire plushie and bobblehead collection."