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You're not in an instanced zone, it's just in a remote part of the overworld. The buggy is there. Maybe it spawned there. Maybe someone drove it there. Maybe it flew there. You don't know.
Wait a minute...

The comms channel explodes into a flurry of activity. You don't have time to process the conversation, studying the conveniently placed dune buggy that Gwen just happened to find inside the warehouse. What was it even doing there? M was still out there, in a standoff with Sinon up on the ridge. A getaway vehicle planted right in the middle of the warehouse... a sniper rifle with homing bullets...

So far you've been outsmarting M.

But something just...

Feels wrong about this.

>An EXACTO Sniper Rifle is firing upon you from the Cliffside.

We just know that someone is firing at us with an EXACTO Sniper not that it's M and while the starship plating is a key part of his strategy he's decided to go all out what if he doesn't need it? What if he bought a copy gave it to a decoy and is somewhere else with a much better replacement with his Death Gun Persona.
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Okay, so, according to the shop, the Deneb Kaitos does ice damage.

Given that...Urvashi is probably our best bet if we want to try tanking the attack.

Also, I don't think that's M up on the cliff given LLEN's internal thoughts. It might be a hired newbie.

And the 'convenient' buggy? The more I look at this, the more it smells like a setup.

[X] Plan: Flip the script
-[X] Kuro: Witness the Divine
--[X] Shock Nest: Switch to Urvashi, both to mitigate the ice beam from the Deneb Kaitos if it hits her, and to create a rapidly shrinking 'cage' of lightning both to limit Erlkonig's mobility, damage it, and potentially reveal anyone else present.
--[X] Lord's Grace: When able, use Magdalene to heal Pito's true body with Dia. After that, create a series of rotating 'banners' around herself using Kouga to try and blind anyone looking directly at her, and possibly intercept Curse-type attacks.
-[X] Party: Are we alone in this area? (try to figure out if anyone else is here)
--[X] Gwen: After Pito's true body is healed, take LLEN and charge up the cliffside in the buggy toward 'M'.
--[X] LLEN: Fire at Erlkonig as Gwen drives away.
--[X] Sinon: Fire Stun Needle repeatedly, blanketing the cliff and the forest in an attempt to root out anyone hidden there.

So basically this plan is operating under the assumption that the sniper 'M' isn't actually the real M, and that the real M has hired a bunch of PKers to try and gib us using the old Soviet method of 'overwhelm with numbers'.

And, as for a speech:

[X] Speech: Foolishness, Pito, Foolishness
-[X] Kuro: "So that's it, huh? You know, you kind of remind of someone else who used the Black Star. He was just as loony as you. Here's a secret: it's never as pretty as you think it is on the other side. Living moment to moment? Sure! Fantastic! If you're in a position to enjoy it like that. I know from experience that being on the opposite end of the specturm is complete misery! So chew on that food for thought while I kick your ass!"
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That very much does not seem like M. As both LLENN and Pito point out they're acting especially incompetent. He shouldn't need a bullet line and just generally has been fighting very poorly. I'm inclined to agree it's a decoy he hired to pretend to be him. If we want to get really paranoid here, while he did use a similar seeming sniper rifle in SJ2 - it was borrowed from Pito and a slightly different model number than what is shown in the ZASKAR Shop. Pito may still have the original in her arsenal here and either way that wasn't M's primary weapon to begin with.

As for what he's doing if that's the case... I suppose if the idea is to trick us into thinking that's M the questions would be "how/does he expect us to deal with him?" and "where would he want to be to take advantage of that?" You can kind of unify those with the convenient buggy if you assume something like "Hope the team thinks they can take the buggy to charge up the slope to his position, but have the buggy's engine sabotaged so he can kill it at it will so we're stranded on the slope" in which case... I don't know, maybe he would prefer to hide in the District and only reveal himself to snipe us after we've left with the buggy (or just skipped it and headed to the cliffside?) I'd say the Forest is an option too as a likely ambush point because it's another logical place we might choose to go to avoid the decoy's sniping.

Back to the buggy and if it's sabotaged... I do think something like having a remotely triggerable device that cuts the engine or something makes a bit more sense than trapping it to blow up... if it was right next to Pito (True). I think if it was there then making it (extra) explosive would be too risky for him if it ended up blowing up near her if the fight with Erlkoing landed it in the crossfire. Though if it was some distance away then maybe - IIRC there's some flavor text in some of the LN talking about trapping vehicles in such a manner as a reason to be wary of using them though as far as I've read (like Volume 6) I don't think anyone has actually utilized that yet.

If I were to take a guess here at M's plan, he's hiding in one of the District crates, possibly/probably using a Drone to surveil the battlefield remotely to figure when and how he should make his move - though he could use comms with hired help to do something similar and is waiting for us to either: fall for the bait of the Cliffside "M" and then come out "behind" us to catch us in a pincer - ideally when we're on the Slope, run to the Forest to gain cover from said decoy where he may have additional traps/allies set, or if we stick inside the District... you know, I'm not sure what his plan would be then, it might be the most inconvenient for him if we did that, but would allow for his decoy to keep firing on us.

Then we can go a level deeper and wonder if the Cliffside "M" being so incompetent is because he wants us to see through that ruse and think along the lines I just described and there's some extra layer to this but I'm not sure I see the advantage to that - him actually faking the incompetence before "getting serious" seems way too risky, because even if we conclude it's not M it's still not the worst idea for us to try and get rid of a sniper.

Also P-chan is the QM's favorite AGGO character.
just the best

But we should not be letting LLENN listen to her right now, IMO.

In a way, I think having Pito (True) in/on the buggy is a fairly good defense against the possibility of it being trapped explosively. I do think we should have someone try to heal her - her dying is a fail condition, we're told Erlkoing can drain, and I still want to test my theory that healing Pito (True) and taking her further away from "death" might weaken Erlkonig. If you think about it, us attacking Erlkonig!Pito and taking it/her closer to the brink of death is kinda what she wants. I think it's plausible that full healing Pito (True) could be an out-of-the-box victory condition - and the health drain Erlkonig has is its way of denying that.

I wonder if the Warehouse might be the ideal battle location provided it is covered from obvious sniper fire. M surely would have considered that kind of contingency but what he could actually have prepared there (like explosives) may be limited given Pito (True) started there? Of course that would mean Pito (True) would be in close range to Erlkonig.
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A thought, a realization. You bring forth your combat knife, the same one that M gave you back in the first Squad Jam. You still have it, a reminder of the day when you truly started playing GGO.

Screw magic, screw ghosts, and screw Pito! You won't be beaten by something like this!

You bring the blade to your throat and press.
Honestly, for a moment there I was expecting the P3 method of awakening a Persona, lmao.
Guys, something came to my head...

One of the items to buy in the shop was the Camouflage that Gwen shares, plus the power armor. Do we really think that Pitohui has an use for them? What if she gave one of them for M, as unlikely as this may be?

Cash shop items are 120% account locked, but she could have bought him some.

Given the thread's suspicion on the buggy though, the Satellite Cannon seems likely. Might want to stay close to Erlkonig rather than setting up a prime target for that.
Money transfer is definitely possible - and again something M did in canon, when she agreed to his SJ2 plan in canon he basically gave her a huge amount of GGO credits to gear up as well as gear up Fukaziroh/Miyu, her IRL friend who teamed up with her to help. He'd absolutely do the same here for any hired help if he felt it necessary.
[X] Plan: Flip the script

Seems pretty good.
I agree that they have funnled funds into M and whatever mercs he hired. It seems likely that M is trying to bait us into a Sat Cannon strategy... Lets make it clear that that would backfire.

[X] Plan: Throughout HEAVENs and Earth, I Alone Am The VTuber One
-[X] Kuro: Embody Archetype [Idol]
--[X] Stay on Helena, mount our Maxim Gun tripod in the back of the buggy. Announce to the world (Wherever M is hiding) that we have M's Skeletal Oshi and that if he takes us out, she'll die too. Use Diarama on Pitohui (True).
--[X] Having just tanked a Dyne level spell and backhanded the Cosmo Dragoon, declare ourselves the invincible Heroine come to this world to save those lost and unable to save themselves. Faux-Megidola Erlkonig with the force of our established legend.
-[X] Party: An Idol's Pyrotechnics Crew
--[X] Gwen: Drive the buggy up the cliffside in the buggy toward 'M' after we load in. Throw some grenades infused with Zionga behind at Erlkonig to give Helena a light show.
--[X] LLENN: Dump as many rounds into Erlkonig as she can.
--[X] Sinon: Attempt to Phantom Bullet 'M' to see if we can get them to abandon their partially broken cover so we can get a better look at them. Then find new cover.

I want to bait M towards us while making it clear that if the Skeletal Pito dies, M's lose condition is met. Hopefully we can avoid the worst of his aggression this way. Playing into the Idol Archetype seems to be our best way of both healing True Pito while trying to piggyback our solid defense last turn into some solid dmg. If we can get Sinon to keep line of sight on Erlkonig we should be able to build up some Hawkeye stacks and then dump a full 7SP PGM barrage to try end the fight.

I would love to Incarnate P-Chan... just not with a Black-Star Persona. As interesting as that would be. If things get desperate, we'll see.

[X] Speech: The Meaning of an Idol
-[X] Kuro: "Look at what you've wrought! Your selfish lust for death has hurt your friends, your manager, yourself, your fans! Look here M, your charge lies a husk. Split in two by their suffering, and your lack of spine."
-[X] "But feat not all those who weap, your Heroine, your Idol shall save all who suffer so. You are not the first, nor shall you be the last I shall save thus. Pito, why do you hide your true face in fear? This death you seek is but a streak of fog. Let this grey rider you have called to attain it dissapear with the light of the dawn. SOUL PUNISHER!"

I'm leaning a bit heavily into the "possessed by the spirit of an ancient Idol" here, I want Helena to buff us as much as possible.
[X] Plan: Throughout HEAVENs and Earth, I Alone Am The VTuber One

[X] Speech: The Meaning of an Idol
-[X] Kuro: "Look at what you've wrought! Your selfish lust for death has hurt your friends, your manager, yourself, your fans! Look here M, your charge lies a husk. Split in two by their suffering, and your lack of spine."
-[X] "But feat not all those who weap, your Heroine, your Idol shall save all who suffer so. You are not the first, nor shall you be the last I shall save thus. Pito, why do you hide your true face in fear? This death you seek is but a streak of fog. Let this grey rider you have called to attain it dissapear with the light of the dawn. SOUL PUNISHER!"

I'm gonna back this one. It's more economic than the other plan in that it saves us 2 SP for not switching to Urvashi while also accomplishing most of the same goals.
Okay, so I'm still uneasy about all the plans so far taking the buggy out and towards "M." I still think the more likely trap is that it dies on the road and leaves the team in a completely exposed area to be torn apart. Hell, it doesn't even have to be a sophisticated trap - he could have just emptied most of the gas or did something to the tanks so it just stalls after a short drive.

...Question. How big/heavy are these shipping containers? Could we, oh, I don't know, hook them up to the buggy and tow one around? "How would you do that though?" Well, it turns out we actually have some chains around...

Bronze Toaster (EA): Create a chained censer. If you wrap an opponent in chains, grant 1time BLUNT weakness. Can be thrown for high damage. Visible. 2 Scenes if not thrown. [6 SP]

Granted, they may not be towing-grade but don't take this from me! We can tow around a mobile cover. Cut out holes to fire from with our Gravity Saber!

If we can load up Pito (True) in our makeshift base we can work on healing her (or keep her in/on the buggy I guess it doesn't matter) and continually drive away from Erlkonig if the buggy keeps going, and we at least have the container as cover if it breaks down. I'd have Sinon try and finish off "M" if possible and am a bit concerned about Gwen if she's the target of Erlkonig - Ice Weakness with a weapon that negates one of her mitigation passives. Maybe have Kuro pop the heal, then switch with Gwen as driver (Rosalia "taught" us how to drive, it'll be fine!) - maybe switch to Urmetazoan for the regen/shifting resistance (though with Pito changing weapons that may be of limited use, still is a very tanky Persona though)
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I'm gonna back this one. It's more economic than the other plan in that it saves us 2 SP for not switching to Urvashi while also accomplishing most of the same goals.

The way I wrote my plan, we start with Urvashi to tank the ice beam from the Deneb Kaitos, then switch to Magdalene for the healing and other stuff. Also, because we bought Magdalene's gun (as per YOUR purchase plan, Zog), switching to Magdalene doesn't cost SP, which is why I'm using her and not Helena.
The way I wrote my plan, we start with Urvashi to tank the ice beam from the Deneb Kaitos, then switch to Magdalene for the healing and other stuff. Also, because we bought Magdalene's gun (as per YOUR purchase plan, Zog), switching to Magdalene doesn't cost SP, which is why I'm using her and not Helena.

*Checks* Oh, the Mega Buster does do that. Sorry for forgetting that, so many moving parts and all that.
Okay, so I'm still uneasy about all the plans so far taking the buggy out and towards "M."
Same TBH, but that's because I think we're being baited to group up away from Pito to be Sat Cannoned, which is why I want to make it clear to M that killing Skeletal Pito would kill Pito herself. I'm in effect attempting to use our escort mission as a meat shield. If the buggy just runs out of gas, we can use it as cover.

If we don't want to rely on the buggy though, I'm fond of the PURGE [Magdalene/Villefort] precon. I'm fine denying Pito her deathmatch by forcing her logout, I'm just worried what will happen to someone who's logged out while their consciousness is still manifested as a separate Persona. If it just boots Erlkonig with her then we've done nothing, and if it doesn't it feels like we're getting into mental shutdown territory.

Well, it turns out we actually have some chains around...
I like using Gwen's ult, but I'd like to stick Erlkonig with it. A bind keeping her off of Pito sounds like a good setup for a kill combo.
...Question. How big/heavy are these shipping containers? Could we, oh, I don't know, hook them up to the buggy and tow one around? "How would you do that though?" Well, it turns out we actually have some chains around...

I suppose there's some small crates and whatnot around you can hook up to the buggy, if you want to use that, though it will slow the buggy down since there are no wheels on this stuff.

GGO worldbuilding is at 'shoulder shrug' stage, so the crates/decor is mostly there to create convenient waist-height cover for firefights. There's no like... gas depots, baggage trains or even roads leading to the place.
Plan on updating by tomorrow morning or tonight for voting purposes, so last chance before things close.
I still feel it's Gwen who should be worried about that. Ice weakness and it bypasses her Refraction passive. Add that to her being noted as EXPOSED because she's the driver and well the plans all have her continuing in that role...! Gwen just ran her over too!
So given that the Deneb Kaitos is a FAR/EXTREME weapon, couldn't we theoretically outplay it by staying in CLOSE range? Since everyone's worried about the buggy, perhaps we should just use it as cover to keep True Pito as a meat shield. We could commit to trying to keep a close range fight and use Gwen ult on the kill turn to try and keep Erlkonig out of Melee range with Skele Pito.

I kindof think that our best strategy for this fight is to just burst Erlkonig down before M's plan or it's healing turns into too much of a problem for us to overcome.
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