Voting is open
Have had a bit of a rethink, and with the extra Determination coming in through the lock, I think we can afford a little more investment.

[X] Plan: Thinning The Deck, Take 2
[ ] Arimasen
--[ ] [Mode -EASY-]
--[ ] [Consult//JSDF]
--[ ] Shadow//[Consult//Itsuki's Fanclub]
--[ ] [Administration: BEGINNING]
--[ ] [STRENGTH of Elves]
--[ ] [Higher than SKY Phase]
--[ ] [Work//Titan Movers]
--[ ] [Work//Augma]
--[ ] [Literature Club!]
--[ ] [Farm//PK]
--[ ] [Sleep In]
--[ ] [Cram School!]
--[ ] [Buy a Lock!]
--[ ] [Fix Your Air Conditioner!]
[X]Plan Complain to the Devs
-[X]Major Actions
--[X] [Torment//Hoshiyama Midoriko]
--[X] [SHADOW//Mode -HARD-]
--[X] [LLENN's Bad Day Part 2]
--[X] [A Fool's SWORD]
--[X] [Higher than SKY Phase]
-[X]Minor Actions
--[X] [Work//Augma]
--[X] [Work//CatCafe]
--[X] [Augma Fight!]
--[X] [Augma Fitness!]
--[X] [Cram School]
--[X] [Literature Club!]
-[X]Free Actions
--[X] [Sweets!]
--[X] [Buy a Lock!]
--[X] [Fix your Air Conditioner!]

Net Yen: -55000 (-50k Lock+AC - 5k Sweets - 5k SKY + 5k CatCafe)
Net D: -10 D (-20 Plan -5 SKY + 5 Sweets + 10 Lock)

I will continue pushing trying to get into contact with Zeliska, lol. We have the arrest of XaXa to build on too. Opting to meet her with "official"-like in order to quickly establish we're legit rather than having to go the longer route of convincing her we're really the Edge Punisher and actually trustworthy even if it may be a bit rougher at the start. HARD Mode Blank seems to thread the needle of being a good SHADOW pick and not coming into the relationship at even more of a disadvantage. Give LLENN a sitrep and for S Links work on the Shigemura link (and meet Rinko, especially after yet another Kayaba meeting) and start SKY. Minor actions mostly cover continuing to work on social stats (as do some of the major actions.)

Runs us low on Yen but with the Lock+AC being a 50k payment pretty much any attempt to do so will be.
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[X]Plan Complain to the Devs
-[X]Major Actions
--[X] [Torment//Hoshiyama Midoriko]
--[X] [SHADOW//Mode -HARD-]
--[X] [LLENN's Bad Day Part 2]
--[X] [A Fool's SWORD]
--[X] [Higher than SKY Phase]
-[X]Minor Actions
--[X] [Work//Augma]
--[X] [Work//CatCafe]
--[X] [Augma Fight!]
--[X] [Augma Fitness!]
--[X] [Cram School]
--[X] [Literature Club!]
-[X]Free Actions
--[X] [Sweets!]
--[X] [Buy a Lock!]
--[X] [Fix your Air Conditioner!]

Net Yen: -55000 (-50k Lock+AC - 5k Sweets - 5k SKY + 5k CatCafe)
Net D: -10 D (-20 Plan -5 SKY + 5 Sweets + 10 Lock)

I will continue pushing trying to get into contact with Zeliska, lol. We have the arrest of XaXa to build on too. Opting to meet her with "official"-like in order to quickly establish we're legit rather than having to go the longer route of convincing her we're really the Edge Punisher and actually trustworthy even if it may be a bit rougher at the start. HARD Mode Blank seems to thread the needle of being a good SHADOW pick and not coming into the relationship at even more of a disadvantage. Give LLENN a sitrep and for S Links work on the Shigemura link (and meet Rinko, especially after yet another Kayaba meeting) and start SKY. Minor actions mostly cover continuing to work on social stats (as do some of the major actions.)

Runs us low on Yen but with the Lock+AC being a 50k payment pretty much any attempt to do so will be.
I like this plan the most, but 2 questions:

- Why the gunpla club?
- Is going hardball on Zelinska the best play?
[x] Plan Accelerate!

I think this is a really good plan. NORMAL is the best way to meet Sora and Shiro on even footing, not when we're being thrown into a complicated plan we know nothing about.

If we're going to meet Rinko it's best to do it through an intermediary we trust like Shiroe over upcoming arc villain Shiegemura.

SKY and dream diving are for more personal reasons.

The show SKY's from is actually good and unlike most of the social links we've been having to deal with lately is actually a decent human being.

Dream diving has been something I've been wanting to do for awhile since it seems like the best way to let Hiyori have an actual conversation with Nyarlathotep.
Subaru nods, seemingly satisfied. He uncaps his pen and puts a tally mark in the margin of his notebook.
Keeping track of our number of part-time jobs I see.

- Why the gunpla club?
- Is going hardball on Zelinska the best play?
Because it seems that's where most people want to go, so I'm trying to accommodate it. I usually try to strike a balance between what I want to do personally and the vibe I get from the thread as a whole. Personally, I wanted to fit DEATH link in here because IIRC Yuuki's link is gated on DEATH progression right now but I couldn't really justify putting it in. Considered taking the 6 Major Action plan but was a bit squeamish on the STRESS disadvantage it would bring with it. I'd replace SKY with it if I only cared about what I think, but I feel like more people would want SKY than DEATH right now. Plus, new Social Link is always interesting.

As for Zeliska, I'm not sure. She should earnestly be trying to prevent GGO from turning into a death game - in game canon she willingly risked her own life in a mini-Death Game to try and catch what she thought was Death Gun at the time. Plus, as I've alluded to before, she was basically the mod/dev in charge of ArFA so she may have insights or open up options with Lievre's whole uprising thing.

Also personally I'm curious if it leads to Kureha, another gamesverse character, who on the surface of things I could see falling into this situation similarly to Sinon.
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He's totally keeping track of our part time jobs, isn't he? lmao
Clearly we should take up the action to work at Agil's bar, now that we have the option. I'm sure he'd love to add another job to his list.

Hiyori has a Death Gun conspiracy board. Subaru has a Kashiwazaka Part-Time Jobs board. They both appear equally insane.

[X]Plan Complain to the Devs
Only now do I realize that our High School's name is a pun on Isekai: (Isei)-(High)

A reference to Persona 2 and its rumor system?


Innocent Sin battle theme intensifies

Anyway, a bit late, but a plan of my own:

[X] Brace for Impact
-[X] Shogonai
-[X] Major Actions
--[X] [Mode -NORMAL-]
--[X] [LLENN's Bad Day Part 2]
--[X] [Shadow//Torment//Hoshiyama Midoriko]
--[X] [A Fool's SWORD]
--[X] [PRIEST and Flock]
-[X] Minor Actions
--[X] [Work//Titan Movers]
--[X] [Work//Augma]
--[X] [Literature Club!] x2
--[X] [Shill MISTCOIN Badly]
--[X] [Augma Fitness!]
-[X] Free Actions
--[X] [Nekoya!]
--[X] [Buy a Lock!]
--[X] [Fix your Air Conditioner!]

We've been told that one of the PRIEST choices is a fire specialist, so I see no reason not to fill in that not-quite-void we have in our elemental coverage. SWORD is to explicitly meet Rinko, as there is no indication that Shiroe would be able to put us in contact with her-by the description, all she's done is give him some kind of offer. Getting the lock and AC fixed because we probably won't get a better opportunity, and doubling down on fitness gains for the next arc. Also finishing the current literature club task so we can get better knowledge gains in the future.

One thing I'm not sure of, when the typhoon intensifies, what happens? Do we lose most action choices on account of not being able to go outside, or do we experience a 'filler' arc similar to what happens in Persona 3?
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I really think we need to consider STRENGTH--we were warned at the start of this arc that he'd be thematically important, and his Persona is bonded to the actual Death Gun! This isn't backburner material.
I really think we need to consider STRENGTH--we were warned at the start of this arc that he'd be thematically important, and his Persona is bonded to the actual Death Gun! This isn't backburner material.

The problem is that means we'll have to deal with Ainz with Nazarick at his back. Him and his crew of sick sycophants make the most vile SAO villains look sweet and cuddly in comparison.
Wait, my hastily put together vote is actually winning? Something is up.

Am I in HEAVEN? Help, dunno if I want to get down from it.

[X] Brace for Impact

Dunno why, but something in the tally is making it appear you're doing BLANK action as both normal Hiyori and Shadow Hiyori. It looks normal from my vision, but dunno, maybe give it a look.
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Dunno why, but something in the tally is making it appear you're doing BLANK action as both normal Hiyori and Shadow Hiyori. It looks normal from my vision, but dunno, maybe give it a look.
If I were to guess it's that the "Shadow//" part is outside the [] brackets around "[Torment//Hoshiyama Midoriko]." I think if it was written "[Shadow//Torment//Hoshiyama Midoriko]" it would fix itself. Not completely sure on that but I know the bracketed words are considered meaningful in how the tally operates.
[X] Brace for Impact
-[X] Shogonai
-[X] Major Actions
--[X] [Mode -NORMAL-]
--[X] [LLENN's Bad Day Part 2]
--[X] [Shadow//Torment//Hoshiyama Midoriko]
--[X] [A Fool's SWORD]
--[X] [PRIEST and Flock]
-[X] Minor Actions
--[X] [Work//Titan Movers]
--[X] [Work//Augma]
--[X] [Literature Club!] x2
--[X] [Shill MISTCOIN Badly]
--[X] [Augma Fitness!]
-[X] Free Actions
--[X] [Nekoya!]
--[X] [Buy a Lock!]
--[X] [Fix your Air Conditioner!]

Made a quick fix and it's showing up correctly now.

Also, why has no one said anything about my plan?

Well, I suppose you used some of my suggestions here, so I can give my two cents over it.

This really is the turn to make worth our Determination to get minor shit done, huh.

Hm...dunno if we should go for Zelinska now, but we're kinda deep in our current bullets. Pitohui seems it's gonna unfold in the next turn or the one after and depending on how our interactions with BLANK go, we may be able to find a way to close that venue as well, so I can't blame you for starting to dig into Itsuki's stuff. On the other hand, the MAXWELL options allow us to improve our Personas without using money, so it's just a question of preference.

Links is the greatest difference. Getting a Fire Persona is nice so I get Priest, but it seems an ideal time to get to Sky, considering the talk about the Wonders. Also, while Sword allows us to talk with Rinko directly, it's common sense in Persona games that getting deeper into SLs is almost as valuable as getting new ones, and this is the first time in a long time Shiroe popped up for us AND it allows us our first taste in whatever pete cooks for the archetypes, so.

Augma work is fine, but I would rather try for Nekoya or sign for Determination recovery or more money respectively. Literature Club speedrun is not bad either, but those Stress rolls are gnawing on me, so getting some rest seems nice for once. I would wait a bit to shill MistCoin for the Devil link next turn and we both chose Fitness so no complaints there - though I would find nice to pass the Incarnation report considering the cat is nearly out of the bag.

No comment about the free actions.
Also, why has no one said anything about my plan?
I mean, it has Zeliska so I like it the most after my own plan! I'm not super focused on patching up fire right this second though is all, plus, as we saw with the Konosuba characters - there's also no guarantee the fire persona will be good. :V

Pitohui seems it's gonna unfold in the next turn or the one after
Pitohui actually is, to my understanding, theoretically something we can pursue at our leisure. Her objective is to participate in the Death Gun Derby so that's our only hard deadline with her. I'm not advocating for waiting to the last moment with her, but I think that's one we will likely initiate by choosing the Challenge option - unless we dig up more info on her and find another way, somewhat like the one option we have this period where we tell her about the supernatural and try to get her to channel her death wish by risking her life by assisting us. An option I oppose, but maybe we can unlock other ones.

My philosophy - not that I think it's won any of these plan votes so far LOL - has been trying to start various bullets to at least make contacts with the individuals in question because I think there's definitely ways they can synergize with the other bullets. Take Zeliska - she's the ArFA sys dev so she may open options with Lievre, she's known Itsuki somewhat basically since he started the game, she doesn't know it but her boss is almost certainly the ZASKAR GM collaborator. Simply meeting with her, even just initially, may allow us to consult with/drag her into any of those other bullet plots or open up options there. I've basically been looking for alternate routes to pursue many of these bullets other than direct brute forcing them like we did with both Kyouji (granted, it seems to have worked) and Blank/NerveGear investigation (where we got blackmailed.)
With the capture of Xaxa, can we do a 1-2 punch by having someone like Lugh, Blank, or maybe ourselves making a public statement that Death Gun is crippled? The risk is that they can use this to get a second wind, but if successful, it should kill the hopes of manifesting their idea further?
The problem is that means we'll have to deal with Ainz with Nazarick at his back. Him and his crew of sick sycophants make the most vile SAO villains look sweet and cuddly in comparison.
Ainz and his crew are stuck in a non-SEED MMO, so instead of actual psychos they're just edgy OCs roleplaying as psychos.

They're just... video game characters.

They're annoying and unpleasant, but not dangerous.

Hell, Rudy is more dangerous than these schmucks.
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Voting is open