Person Blames Harry Potter for "Messing Up Millenials"

I thought it was avocado toast that was to blame for you being the literal worst :(
Let's be honest- If it wasn't for weird foods like 'Pumpkin Juice' and 'Blood Pops' introduced to us by Harry Potter, would we even be interested in 'Avocado Toast'?

Well, probably. But don't be fooled by the facts!

i ate avocado toast while reading harry potter as a kid (yes, before it was cool), and the rest, as they say, is history. it's not my fault, i swear: we are all only the sum of the media and foodstuffs we consume. no more, no less.
very true! on account of being denied Chocolate Frogs as a kid, i became a horrible person. what is even the point if u cant have them????

I know right? If i can't feel the candy jumping in my stomach than i should be allowed to breath fire. Not to mention the fun of stalking chocolate frogs.

Those article typers doesn't know what it's like to be the only kid in school with digimon cards and not pokemon cards. I was playing Yu Gi Oh before it was cool!:V
I know right? If i can't feel the candy jumping in my stomach than i should be allowed to breath fire. Not to mention the fun of stalking chocolate frogs.

Those article typers doesn't know what it's like to be the only kid in school with digimon cards and not pokemon cards. I was playing Yu Gi Oh before it was cool!:V

Our only recourse, @VoidZero, is to kill golf, napkins, movies, the home depot, relationships, class and heirarchy, and the military-industrial complex. That will show them!

But Myers-Briggs must live on because it's the closest equivalent to Sorting that that you can get your boss to sympathetically listen to. "But you see I'm Slytherin​ INTJ and that's why you can't expect me to be kind to my colleagues!"
The "bland white guy hero who gets undeserved victory after undeserved victory" archetype was a thing long before Harry Potter. Harry is also far from the most egregious example.

Heck, remember Odysseus? From The Odyssey? His relationship with Penelope was the only vaguely redeemable aspect of his character, the arrogant murderous shit.
It's true, before Harry Potter I was a good little boy who studied hard and wanted to succeed. Then I read Harry Potter, and my eleventh birthday came and went with no Hogwarts letter. Devastated, I vowed that if I didn't get magic, no one got magic, and resolved to destroy all wizards, vampires, leprechauns, and gods.
It's true, before Harry Potter I was a good little boy who studied hard and wanted to succeed. Then I read Harry Potter, and my eleventh birthday came and went with no Hogwarts letter. Devastated, I vowed that if I didn't get magic, no one got magic, and resolved to destroy all wizards, vampires, leprechauns, and gods.

*gasp* so YOU are the reason magic is dead and i nvr got my letter?! wow, hate u 5eva too!!11!!!!!1!
It's true, before Harry Potter I was a good little boy who studied hard and wanted to succeed. Then I read Harry Potter, and my eleventh birthday came and went with no Hogwarts letter. Devastated, I vowed that if I didn't get magic, no one got magic, and resolved to destroy all wizards, vampires, leprechauns, and gods.

Sounds like another thinly-veiled excuse to beat up the Irish to me.
Given that the Harry Potter books push a message of ambition being bad, this seems like a bit of a stretch :V

There are actually loads of weird, unpleasant messages in the Harry Potter books, but I mean I don't really think anyone who starts from a position of 'those millennials sure are complete egomaniacs who believe themselves to be better than everyone' is really engaging with much of anything, let alone the text.

Maybe this person really believes in death of an author idea.

People see what messages they want to see, and also can be unconsciously affected by stuff to different degrees.

Their interpretation I feel is sort of valid, for them and only them, though I don't really agree with it and don't really like how they're trying to spread around dislike for Harry Potter since I like that series.