Perfectly Normal: A Slice of Life Sim

[x] [Action] He will try to focus on ATTENTIVE LISTENING. School has to be one of the best places to listen in on people, right? (Imagination check, DC 8).

Ok. In the interest of getting an immediate increase (hopefully?). But we are leveling our Gaming right after, side by side with Studying.
[X] [Action] He will try to focus on ATTENTIVE LISTENING. School has to be one of the best places to listen in on people, right? (Imagination check, DC 8).
[X] [Action] He will work on his STRATEGY GAMES fascination. He should have plenty of free time to find someone to play with. Inoue-san, maybe? (Smarts check, DC 8)
[X] [Action] He will try to focus on ATTENTIVE LISTENING. School has to be one of the best places to listen in on people, right? (Imagination check, DC 8).
[X] [Action] He will try to focus on ATTENTIVE LISTENING. School has to be one of the best places to listen in on people, right? (Imagination check, DC 8).
[X] [Action] He will try to focus on ATTENTIVE LISTENING. School has to be one of the best places to listen in on people, right? (Imagination check, DC 8).
[X] [Action] He will try to focus on ATTENTIVE LISTENING. School has to be one of the best places to listen in on people, right? (Imagination check, DC 8).
[X] [Action] He will try to focus on ATTENTIVE LISTENING. School has to be one of the best places to listen in on people, right? (Imagination check, DC 8).
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by LuciDreamer on Jan 2, 2023 at 11:43 AM, finished with 12 posts and 10 votes.

Hi, so I'm an idiot, kindly ignore those first two d100 rolls lol.
LuciDreamer threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Build Habit: STUDYING Total: 58
58 58
LuciDreamer threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Build Habit: LISTENING Total: 74
74 74
LuciDreamer threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Build Habit: STUDYING Total: 16
16 16
LuciDreamer threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Build Habit: LISTENING Total: 16
16 16
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Interlude: I Do This All The Time, Part 1
> FILENAME i_do_this_all_the_time_01.mmem
> TIMESTAMP 1461501540

It was very risky business, trying to infiltrate the Miyao Municipal Intelligence Office.

It wasn't enough to steal a card and try to kitbash one at home. One needed to be thorough. Municipal Intelligence used most of the basic protections for ID Card security that the private sector used—holographic coating, watermarks, laminate. Cheap, yet effective, and rather annoying to fabricate.

And that was just the visual aspect. One's ID Card also doubled as their access to the building. The magnetic strip was a harder aspect to fake than the card itself, that was for sure. And for a local intelligence organization, Municipal Intelligence was surprisingly thorough. Anyone trying to gain illicit access to the building would have to do a lot of work.

Such a person would probably have to remotely crack the in-house software of one of the MMIO's card-printers (without being detected) and acquire a blank copy of the machine; perhaps from the point of distribution. That, in fact, was a large vulnerability in their security—their card printing software may be in-house, but the hardware was a common commercial product. Even GOZO used it. It wouldn't be too difficult to backfill the printer software with a bit of intuition and a compromised laptop.

After filling the card with bogus personal details, they would need to imprint the magnetic strip with appropriate access controls. The machine which did that was physically attached to the building, locked in a secure area and disconnected from the Internet. It was also the only one of its kind in the world. In order to obtain the imprinting software and magnetic patterns, one would have to do something ludicrous, like remotely access the work computer of MMIO's card security technician during maintenance.

And that didn't even touch upon the biggest challenge: Municipal Intelligence was small. They were tight-knit. They talked to each other. It would only take one person noticing a suspicious log for the entire building to go on high alert, but that in itself was actually irrelevant. If someone didn't recognize you, it wouldn't matter if you had a perfect ID with an attached database entry and fabricated work details. Because a worker for MMIO could not just—poof, appear out of nowhere. It was ludicrous. You'd be caught in less than a minute.

The MMIO Complex was probably the most secure place in Miyao, and its Cyberdefense Division was the most secure building in the MMIO. If you weren't supposed to be there, it was basically impossible to get in, at least during work hours.

Which was why Seraphine Yamigawa, Senior Analyst and Chief of Operations of the Cyberdefense Team, was happy to know that she was supposed to be here. No worrying about fabricating identities or making up access data or any of that nonsense. This was her work. Her home away from home.

This was right.

And oh, it was nice to be back, even though she had enjoyed her month-long vacation.

So she took her ID badge, and swiped it against the RFID scanner next to the building, and waited to be allowed in.

She heard a loud beep. Something flashed red. "Hooold it." Her way was blocked by a security guard. His name – Tetsubo Namashita – flickered on his badge.

"Tetsu-chan! It's good to see you again," Seraphine said, grinning politely.

"I… I'm sorry?" His eyes went unfocused for a moment. His face lit up in recognition. "Yamigawa-san! I hardly recognized you! Glad to see you're back from leave. How's your brother?"

"He's doing… well. Thank you" Seraphine tried to smile. "I'm hoping Yamaha Senior High doesn't coddle him as much as I… did."

"Pahhhh. I wouldn't worry. My sister's son goes to Yamaha. It's not a bad school at all, not at all. Certainly better than most public schools." Tetsubo nodded reassuringly. "Now uh… the door is giving me an alert, could you try it again? Must be something with the scanner."

She did. The man flinched as the door control system sent a blip to his earpiece.

"Yeah, no, that didn't fix it. Argh…" He groaned, and touched a button on his suit radio. "Gate B to Control, message, over."

"Gate B, send it."

"Yeah, uh… the door is rejecting Yamigawa-san's badge, please advise."

"Say again?"

"The door won't let Yamigawa-san—you know, the uh, the spook—through. Credentials are failing at the gate."

"Ah. Yeah, I can check that. Wait one… uh…"

There was a short pause.

"...yeah, I have no idea why the door's rejecting her. Just—just let her in. Do a manual override. We'll tell Records to send a temporary pass to her office."

"Roger." He clicked his radio shut, typed a few commands into the terminal next to the gate, and the light next to Sera flashed green. He gestured down the hall. "Sorry about that, Yamigawa-san. I'll yell at the Maintenance Team for ya, next time I see 'em."

"Oh, don't be hard on them. I'm sure they're busy with their own things." Sera giggled softly.

"Damn right. It's good you got here when you did, Yamigawa-san."

She tilted her head. "Oh? Why's that?"

"Shoot. I thought you'd have heard. No one tells me anything, of course. But Cyberdefense has been buzzing like bees since… what, earlier this morning? Maybe last night?" The security guard yawned. "Speaking of which, aren't you late for your shift already? I know you just got off an extended leave, but still…"

Sera looked away. "I got caught up in… my morning routine. I'll make my way to the office now. Thanks, Tetsu-chan."

"See you round, Yamigawa-san." The guard waved her away, and Seraphine made her way to the elevator, slightly perturbed.


The elevator door pinged, and Sera entered her floor. What she found there could only be described as pure chaos.

Stacks of paper, coffee, and energy drinks had piled up throughout the office floor. Technicians moved frantically between the rows of office dividers, shouting instructions to each other, as lower-level staff crowded around computer monitors and argued with each other over incomprehensible things.

As Sera tried to make sense of what was happening on the office floor, someone important-looking practically pushed past her. A middle-aged woman with simple features, wearing an armband and yelling at people with a clipboard. "Ey, you two! What are you doing?"

"Our jobs. Can't you tell? The hell do you want, anyway?"

"I want a bottle of morphine and a nice, stiff rum and coke—this isn't about what I want, do you have anything new about the situation or not?"

"No. Piss off. We will tell you when we have something good to say, Aoki-san."


The woman turned to leave, but Sera stopped her, resting an arm on the tense shoulder. "Acchan, I just got here. I must have missed a memo. What is going on here?"

"'Acchan'?" was the reply. The woman glared at her, wide-eyed and trembling. "Who the fuck are you, anyway?"

That pissed Sera off. "...what do you mean, 'who the fuck am I'?! I wasn't gone that long, was I? Take a leave for a month and it's like people forget your name! What the hell is going on, Acchan?!"

"What's going on is I have a team of useless millennials in the middle of a departmental crisis, and now instead of keeping them in line, I'm wasting my time arguing with some puffed-up, paint-faced… " she paused, and her eyes went wide. "...boss? Is that you?"

"Yes, Acchan. It's me. It's just me. Calm down, will you?"

"I'm sorry, boss, Miku preserve me, it's been a long day…"

"It's alright. You're in the weeds. I get that. But… " Sera looked around. "...are we double-staffed or something? We have three times as many staff as there are computers here."

"Oh, it's… I was part of the morning shift, ma'am. Yesterday morning. Monday was supposed to be my day off, but… well, we couldn't just leave things as they were."

…hmm. Fidgety eyes. Shaky limbs. Unfocused expression. That checked out. And it was completely unacceptable.

"Alright," Sera clapped the woman on the shoulder. "You're going home. You and everyone with your shift."

"What?! You can't! This—the data breach—"

"Aoki-san. To be blunt? You look like shit right now. I don't care what you're working on, you're not doing any good work after twenty-four hours upright."

"I took a half-hour nap!" she snapped back indignantly.

"Good! It'll keep you upright long enough to make it to the parking garage! You're done for the day. Who else is with you? Am I going to have to start calling up names?"

Aoki shook her head rapidly. "No, boss. Sorry, boss. I'll… I'll get everyone together."

"Do that." Sera tightened her grip on Aoki's shoulder. She fixed her with a stern stare. "...will you be alright on the drive home? I can call some taxis for you and the rest of your team. We'll valet your cars back to you."

"I'll be fine, Boss."

"I'm being serious, you know. I'll write-off the cost."

Aoki hesitated, but, to Sera's surprise, she grinned. "...back when I worked for the SDF, Boss, during the Troubles, there was a time I had to drive one of our trucks in the middle of the night, through an occupied neighborhood, after a thirty-six-hours standoff with the Imperial Guard. I'll be fine. We'll be fine. But… thanks anyway, Sera-san."

"Alright, alright, Acchan. You can regale me with your stories later. Goodbye. Safe drive home, yeah?"

"Yeah." And she rested herself from Sera's grip. "Alright! Mizuno-san! Watari-san! Shut it down! All of you, shut it down—"

There was a flurry of movement, and Sera moved fast to find her office. She needed to find somewhere to root herself, and then she could work to make sense of things…


"We discovered it yesterday. Right at dusk."

Sera was sitting in a cozy, bare office. At present, all she had was a spare work laptop, an old desk, a dusty leather chair, some empty picture frames, and a few fidgety-looking managers in front of a hastily-drawn whiteboard.

"Aoki-san and the rest of her team were about to head out for drinks, when one of hers noticed some suspicious network activity. Some sort of rogue program was siphoning data from the smart fridge in the employee lounge. Silly, right?" The man laughed nervously. "They… they were only gonna take an extra hours' overtime to identify and isolate it. But when they did, they realized that… it wasn't an isolated incident. Once they found one, they started to find more, with similar digital signatures. And they were 'talking' to each other."

"Come again?" Sera leaned forward in her chair.

"Yeah, I know, right? It's downright dishonorable that we didn't notice this sooner. The… the sheer volume of data being moved around right under the noses of our ops team was huge!" The man adjusted his glasses, and started to draw on the whiteboard with a piece of chalk. Scritch. Scritch. "We started checking every system that had a network connection with that fridge. Well, the fridge talked to the intranet router on its floor. We checked it—compromised."

Scritch. As he spoke, he drew more and more connections on the board.

"Then we checked everything the router talked to. Work computers, RFID readers, the cleaning robot. All compromised. We started looking deeper—the CCTV system. The card printers. Our own guys' goddamn maintenance tools. Compromised, one and all." Scritch. Scritch. "And one of the data integrity guys realized, holy shit, this thing seems to be spreading like a virus. Our own tools might be a vector. We did an experiment, factory reset one of the work laptops, made sure it wasn't there, connected it to our intranet… and boom. Infected." Scritch.

"Is there anything in this building that isn't compromised?"

The man fidgeted, and his friend stepped in to elaborate. "Chief Yamigawa. Ma'am. That's what our teams are presently trying to figure out, ma'am. We have to move slowly, since, whatever this is, it's capable of infecting any system that has a direct network connection. And the only way we can check if a device has been compromised is direct interface with a networked device. We already fucked up twice. This is risky business, ma'am."

"This is the crux of the problem, actually." The other guy cut his friend off. "The…the scale of this infiltration is harrowing. We don't even know where the point of contact was, if this was a deliberate attack. It's incomprehensible."

"Incomprehensible…" Seraphine repeated, as she sat back in her seat. Her eyes darted around the walls of her bare, dusty office. She took a breath, and exhaled.

"Well, I appreciate you guys' promptness and professionalism during this crisis. I have a question, though." She scowled. "Why wasn't I told about this earlier?"

"You were on leave, ma'am—"

"Unacceptable! If the entire building's been compromised by a hostile actor, your Chief of Staff might want to know! What did the Director say?"

"Director Fuchida? Well, he, uh…"

"We've neglected to inform him, ma'am."

Sera clapped her hands together. "Great! Just great! Biggest cyberattack in MMIO history—nobody knows about it. What kind of circus are we running here, people?!"

"Finest circus in Miyao, I'd say."

"Shut the hell up, dude."

"What? A little levity's important."

"In front of the boss?"

Sera did not dignify that bit of chatter with a response. Instead, she shut her eyes, formed a tent with her fingers, and tried to collect her thoughts. A massive data breach. Biggest compromise of protected systems since probably the 2013 ForgetMeNot Crisis. Something that seemingly spreads via contact like a virus.

No wonder Aoki-san made her team pull an allnighter with change.

Sera opened her eyes. Her two staff were casting furtive, worried glances at each other. She bit her lip.

"Okay. I don't want to interrupt your workflow in the middle of this, but I need to understand what we're dealing with. In the next hour, I want a general report on the progress of what we've done so far, and a report on the capabilities of this… virus. Or whatever it is. One hour. Do you understand me?"

"I'll get it done in half, ma'am."

"I'll match him! You can count on us, Sera-san."

"Good. Good…" Sera tapped her desk with her fingers. "...what are your names, by the way?"

"Wha—you forgot, Sera-san?" the goofy one chuckled nervously. "It's Kentarou. I guess we never did get a chance to meet properly, since I'm usually here for the weekend shifts, I guess, ahaha…"

"Kita Murasame, Chief Yamigawa," said the straight-laced one. "I was transferred here very recently—earlier this month, in fact. Until then, I was serving as a Ship Communications Officer aboard the Yoshino. It's nice to meet you."

"Alright. Don't let me down, you too." She opened her laptop, and went under her table to connect it to an outlet. "Get out of here."

After the two left, Seraphine paced the floor of her office, trying to make sense of it all. Incomprehensible… it was completely incomprehensible. And it happened under her watch. Her supervision. Sure, she was on vacation. Paid leave. It didn't make the sting any worse.

She stopped her pacing, and sat back down. A thin layer of dust shot up as she hit the chair. She'd have to call the janitorial staff to get rid of all the dust—and Corporate, to replace all the damned furniture. But that would be for later. For now… she had to focus on something. Anything.

In the end… she decided to go over the staff rolls. Re-memorize the names and faces of her people. It had been a while, after all.

A good, long while.

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So, this is just a small interlude I wrote a while ago, taking place some time during Week 2. There will be more parts as you get closer to unlocking Big Sis as a character, eheh. Also, we may be adjusting the objectives for Midterms a bit, after some recalculations.

Stay tuned~!
The mystery of Sera-neesan just deepens, also at least we know why she seems so tired at home these days.

Testubo-san son also attends the school but we havent met him yet, maybe if we try to introduce Silas to another classmate... Perhaps now that Sera returned to her 'job' the kid may be prompted to introduce themselves to Silas. Also I wonder if joining a club offers bonus points to the midterms or something?

Judging by the rolls we managed to pass the actions, yay for adquiring the Listener habit, the writing stuff may help with taking notes. Plus it could help bonding with Kel, last interlude it seems he was writing something for a play?
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"The door won't let Yamigawa-san—you know, the uh, the spook—through. Credentials are failing at the gate."
"'Acchan'?" was the reply. The woman glared at her, wide-eyed and trembling. "Who the fuck are you, anyway?"
"Good. Good…" Sera tapped her desk with her fingers. "...what are your names, by the way?"
In the end… she decided to go over the staff rolls. Re-memorize the names and faces of her people. It had been a while, after all.

A good, long while.
I'd say raising Silas' imagination needs to get better ASAP, because I have this odd feeling his reality bending powers are not up to the task of filling in all the gaps. Assuming it's reality bending anyway.
"Yeah, uh… the door is rejecting Yamigawa-san's badge, please advise."

"Say again?"

"The door won't let Yamigawa-san—you know, the uh, the spook—through. Credentials are failing at the gate."

"Ah. Yeah, I can check that. Wait one… uh…"

There was a short pause.

"...yeah, I have no idea why the door's rejecting her. Just—just let her in. Do a manual override. We'll tell Records to send a temporary pass to her office."
Forgot to secure your facility against reality warpers smh.

This was a fun little update.
Week 3 | School Actions I: White Noise
Building a Habit: Studying
Studiousness check! (Smarts)
1d20 = 16 vs 10

Building a Habit: Attentive Listener
Social Awareness Check! (Imagination)
1d20 = 16 + 1 (Attribute: Imagination) = 17 vs 10

chk-chk… chk-chk… chk-chk…

This is a public travel advisory. Please note that service has been halted indefinitely for the following stations: Lin Memorial Annex. Akaraki West...

The Miyao Transit Authority is working to fix the problem as soon as possible. We apologize deeply for the inconvenience.

chk-chk… chk-chk… chk-chk…


The train was running late today. Nonetheless, Silas managed to make it to the gate before the first bell rang. He was feeling quite winded, leaning against the gate to catch his breath, so he didn't notice a girl approaching him until she was already upon him.

"Hi!" she said suddenly. "Would you be interested in joining the Student Council?!"


"The Student Council is an important lynchpin of Miyao society! This egalitarian, volunteer-based institution is a great introduction to the modern workplace! We have vouchers for movies on weekends, too!"

"I d-didn't—"

"Do you want a pamphlet? Please, take a pamphlet!" She shoved it in his face. "Our hour-long orientation is on Saturday. After we swear in this year's Student Council Officers for each year, we're planning on holding a presentation for the upcoming festival, and then we'll discuss studying and cram resources! It's very informative!"

They stood there for a moment. The girl stared at him unblinkingly, with a goofy smile that seemed to get more and more strained by the second.

"...take a pamphlet!" She repeated. She looked a bit wild-eyed, bouncing off the left foot, then the right foot. Her expression was faltering. "...please?"

"Um." Silas hesitated. "S-Sure."

She perked up instantly. "Th-Thanks! Whew! I hope to see you on Saturday, senpai! I-If you want, that is! I am neither intimidating nor coercing you to be there!"

The short underclassmen waved him away, but Silas was already inching towards the school building, desperate to escape the confrontation. There was something odd about that girl. However, he couldn't avoid the atmosphere of pep and excitement that seemed to be gripping his school. The halls were decorated with flyers and posters. Hecklers pestered the student body, passing out pamphlets and gift bags and wristbands. Everywhere he looked, armband-wearing Student Council members were running recruitment drives. "Volunteer today!" they said. "It looks super good on your resumè!"

He tried to ignore them. It was a bit... much. He kept the pamphlet, though. Maybe he'd look at it later.

Recruiting season is here! Options to join existing clubs are starting to appear.

Silas can join the Student Council starting this weekend.


Silas kept his head low, trying to stay under the hubbub of the chittering students. There were so many names being tossed around: Gardener's Student Association. Martial Arts Expo. Media Studies Club. Drama Club. Student Council.

Nobody seemed to be bothering him about any of it, at least. He supposed he should be grateful for that. He was trying to focus, after all. But he couldn't help himself sometimes.

And sometimes, when he paid attention, he heard them talking about him.

"Where do you think he's from?"

"I don't know. His face is so… odd. He doesn't look Ambājin, or Chūgojin. The way he wears his uniform is so clumsy, so he can't be Miyaojin, either. A foreigner, obviously!"

"We knew that already. Maybe he's from the Far West?"

"Don't be silly. He's obviously Far East. He's so good at Ambāgo enunciation!"

"But he's so… pale! That's a Far West thing, isn't it?"

"No, you're thinking of West Pravs—"

"That's Far West, isn't it?"

"Miku preserve me… this is why you failed Geography last year, Haruna-san."

"West Prav is in the West. Tell me I'm wrong. C'mon, tell me I'm wrong!"

"Yeah, but it's not Far West!"

The more Silas listened, the more he realized that his fellow classmates regarded him as some sort of exotic curiosity. Most of it sounded like speculation for the sake of speculation. The current consensus was that he was some sort of inscrutable, distant foreigner. A lot of students seemed convinced that his family must be political refugees, or asylum-seekers, for some reason.

…and there was a minority of people who were insistent that he must be a demon or vampire or fox spirit or some other otherworldly creature. Was silver hair really that uncommon?!

Why wouldn't they just leave him alone? It was hard enough to be here… but for them to be so lively, so loud, he was, he was…

He was envious.

His head sunk a little lower, and he tried to busy himself with his studying. Lower, lower… but even lost in his own thoughts as he was, he still felt the presence of someone looming over him. He also heard them clear their throat, to get his attention.

Silas looked up. Sara Inoue, composed and proper as always, grinned politely at him.

"Hello, Yamigawa-kun. Are you having a good day?"

"Y-Yes." Silas lied. "You?"

"I've been… alright." She sighed. "There's some… stuff I'm dealing with. Work for the Council."

She grumbled something under her breath, but quickly composed herself.

"But anyway… would you be willing to come over to the Student Council office for a game of chess? Or checkers? We have more games, too."

"Oh, uh—" Silas hesitated. That sounded good right now. But he was doing something. "I'm s-sorry, I… I'm busy. Trying to memorize these Civics vocabulary sheets…"

"Oh, that's good. No, no, keep doing what you're doing, then. Sorry for bothering you."

That seemed to be the end of it, so Silas turned back to his notes. But Inoue kept standing there. Confused, Silas looked back up, and she was biting her lip, fiddling with her fingers.

" there's a thing I think you might be interested in."

"I already got a pamphlet to join the St-Student Council," Silas said quickly. "Y-You don't need to… pitch... it to me."

"Pitch?" Inoue blinked. "Oh, you must have met Yuuko-san. But I don't want to talk about the Student Council right now. Actually, I'm trying to start. My. My own. Club."

"...oh?" Silas set down his pencil.

She nodded. "It's a Tabletop Club. Not, uh… not for the pen-and-paper RPG type, but for more traditional games. If you could spare the time, it'd be great if you could join us. Someone transferred out, you see, and the school won't recognize us unless we have at least four members to sponsor the club for this year."

"Oh." Silas blinked. So she was asking a favor of him? "I guess I c-can check it out. When do you meet?"

"Next week. If you're still interested then, I can tell you what day it'll be, and where. It's very informal at the moment."

"That sounds interesting. I-I'll… think about it. I g-guess."

"Of course. No pressure." Inoue nodded her head impassively. "Again, sorry to bother you."

Very suddenly, a severe expression crossed her face, and her head snapped to glare at some students out of Silas's field of vision. "Tammy-chan! Yoshi-kun! Drop it, or I'll put you two on cleaning duty—!"

And she dashed away, her voice becoming submerged in the chittering which surrounded him. Silas felt a bit dazed. Inoue was so kind. Why?

He shook his head, and returned to his work.

Silas can join the Tabletop Club starting next week.



"Hmm? Uh. Hai?" Silas found himself rising from his seat. His eyes were still glued to the notes he had been in the middle of furiously copying.

"What do you believe is the primary cause for the Miyaoan Decline?"

Silas blinked. What did he… think?

Still standing, he leafed through his notes. Commercial stimulation, Taihei Sealanes, religious liberty, stratocratic administration, zaibatsus and keiretsus…

The words were kind of jumbled up in his head, and in the moment, he couldn't make sense of them. He tried to focus.

The teacher coughed. He peered at Silas, not unkindly. "You won't find your answer in the notes, Yamigawa-kun. I'm asking for an opinion. No wrong answers."

"Oh." Silas paused. "...well, the reclamation of the Eastern colonies by the Ambernians and… the closing of tr-tr-trade to the Sea Kingdoms probably had… something to do with it."

"And why is that?"

"B-Because… colonial exploitation is… important? To a coastal Imperial city like Miyao, at least." Silas saw those looks, and quickly corrected himself: "I-I mean, it was."

He heard grumbling.

"That's an interesting way to put it. Thank you for your contribution. Now, Yamigawa-kun, in my class, if you must choose between focusing on your notes and focusing on me, I ask that you do the latter. You'll learn much better if you listen to your teachers."

But I was doing that too! He thought. But he bit his tongue. "Ah… I-I see. I'm s-sorry… Geniichiro-sensei."

"You may sit."

He did so, and continued his note-writing.

"Ahem. As Yamigawa-kun alluded to, pre-industrial Miyao relied heavily on global, and critically, Imperialistic trade…"

But Silas started to zone out. Had he said something wrong? The teacher certainly didn't seem to think so. But the others were starting to mumble under their breath. He could tell. It seemed like he might have struck a nerve amongst some people, as if by speaking too plainly and too honestly about Miyaoan history, he'd stepped on some sort of unspoken taboo.

…but what exactly would they have preferred him to say?

Silas has developed the Habit: Attentive Listening (++Imagination, +Charisma)
Silas has completed the Objective: Silas no Mirai! Consequences to follow... in the next update!


Silas spent the week building the following habits (doubled due to Inspired):
Studying +2 (Now: 3/6)
Attentive Listening +2 (Now: 6/6, 1 point towards next Habit)

Silas has gained the habit: Attentive Listening! ++Imagination, +Charisma.

By paying attention to his surroundings, Silas has accumulated quite a lot of social awareness! An top of being able to pick up on things people are saying about him, he now understands a little more about Conformity! The Unknown Trait in Silas's Conformity is revealed to be Base Conformity, which is increased or decreased based on some of Silas's choices.

Silas spent the week focusing on LIBERAL ARTS classes.
Totally unused to expressing his opinions on history, politics, or humanistic sciences to an audience, Silas is overcome with conflicting emotions. He copes in a somewhat unhealthy way, developing a new Smarts Specialization.

[] [SPEC] He decides that, next time he is put on the spot like that, he needs to be more articulate, so that he can show them why he's right, and they're wrong. It's obvious to him, but not necessarily to anyone else… and he needs to be able to communicate that fact. (Gain new Smarts specialization: Rhetoric)

[] [SPEC] He realizes that he should be more intelligent about what he says out loud. Just because he's right doesn't mean that everyone needs to hear it. In fact, it might be better to learn how to say the truth without "saying" the truth. Truly, he lives in a society... (Gain new Smarts specialization: Tact)

[] [SPEC] He withdraws from expressing his opinions, feeling spurned, but uses his inspiration from that experience to gain a profound respect for history and social science. Maybe no one else appreciates it the same way that he does, and that's their loss! (Gain new Smarts specialization: Curiosity)

[] [SPEC] He decides that his classmates can go fuck off!! He won't say it out loud, though. But he'll be thinking it! Spitefully! (++Pride, Conformity Decreases)

Silas has completed a Habit: Active Listener!

As Silas spends more and more time acting as a fly on the wall to a whole host of interesting conversations, he starts to notice that he is starting to modify his own behavior. What changes about him?

[] [NEW HABIT] Silas starts to collect all of the information he learns. At first, he tries to hold onto to every minor detail he hears within his own memory, and when it becomes too much... he starts to write it all down. The more he learns, the more he writes. Eventually, the nature of his writing becomes more... personal.
Gain a new Habit: Journalling & Introspection (1/10). On completion: ++Imagination, ++Smarts, +Charisma. Rolls for Imagination. Unlocks a special action.

[] [NEW HABIT] The cacophony of conversation has, surprisingly, become oddly comforting for Silas. It's like white noise to him now. He takes up an interest in podcasts, special interest videos on MiiTube, radio shows, and so on. There's just something so stimulating about having something playing in his ear.
Gain a new Habit: Video Essays & Audio Dramas. (1/10). On completion: +++Smarts, ++Imagination. Rolls for Smarts. Unlocks a special action.

[] [NEW HABIT] Silas becomes fixated on the various subtle things that people do when they talk to each other. How they carry themselves; the tone of their voice; what is or is not taboo; the expressions and innuendos and idioms they all use. He starts to wonder if it's really all that hard to fit in. It's just a matter of copying what they're doing, right?
Gain a new Habit: Imitation & Mirroring (1/10). On completion: ++++Charisma, +Physique. Rolls for Charisma. Grants a Trait that helps Silas conduct social rolls.

Silas Yamigawa
Some kid from nowhere. Gray hair, skittish, and a bit standoffish. He has a good heart, maybe, but also a big head.

Conformity: -12
-Base: -2
-Poor Charisma (-1)
-Embarrassing Smarts (-4)
-Poor Imagination (-1)
-Poor Physique (-1)
-Trait: Gray Gaikokujin (-3)

???: ??

Charisma: +
Smarts: /
Imagination: +++
Physique: +

Pride (Charisma): +

Inspired - Silas feels like he could do anything, if only he had the time… (Double progress on actions to build Habits. +1 action. ???. Expires at the end of Week 3)

Daydreaming - Silas spends a lot of his waking hours imagining things: fantastical plots, military engagements, spaceships, tetris blocks, mahou shoujo… that sort of thing. (+Imagination)
Takes Walks - Silas likes to spend his free time pacing his neighborhood… just because. It helps calm his nerves. (+ Physique)
Attentive Listener - Silas seems to have a decent ear for paying attention to people, properly absorbing what they're saying. Sometimes this happens even for things people would rather he forget. (++Imagination, +Charisma)

Studying (2/6) - Silas has learned decent techniques for trying to re-acquire information learned throughout his classes. (On completion: +2 Smarts. Permanent modifier to midterms and finals.)
Strategy Games (0/6) - Silas has been re-learning how to play games like chess against human opponents for fun. They're a decent pastime. (On completion: + Smarts. ???)

Tabula Rasa - Silas is extremely maladjusted for a person of his age. He's gonna have trouble with… pretty much everything.
Stutterer - Silas punctuates his sentences with awkward mumblings and repetitions. (-1 to social checks)
Gray Gaikokujin - Silas has silver-blue hair, gray eyes, and an uncanny sense of hearing, all the traits of a foreigner not just to Miyao, or even Mihoku, but to the Known World. Nobody knows where people like him come from. They don't even have a name for him. This makes certain folk uncomfortable. (-3 to Conformity. Moodlets which reduce Conformity are twice as severe. ???)
??? - Silas has absolutely no idea why, but he has gained a reputation as someone who actively defies authority. But he hasn't even done anything! (-2 to Conformity. ???)
Mercurial - Silas hates it when things don't go perfectly the first time around. It starts to bother him until it's the only thing he can think about… (Intensified, and usually counterproductive, consequences for experiencing some sort of personal failure.)


Big Sister - Silas's Big Sis and legal guardian. Her real name's Seraphine.
Kel Ibara - An acquaintance. Silas isn't sure what to make of Kel. He seems friendly, at least.
Sara Inoue - Silas's Class Representative. A kind person, but... in an annoying way, sometimes. He isn't sure if they're friends or not.
Silas no Mirai Complete!
Silas is having trouble… conceptualizing who his older sister is as a person, rather than as just his Big Sister. A fog settles in his mind whenever he tries to force himself to recall just these simple things. Perhaps he just needs a new perspective. Or an old one?
Objective 1: Gain Base Imagination +3. Base Imagination is increased by building positive habits, and not through Traits.
Reward: Big Sister becomes an interactable Character, more Objectives. Complete!

Midterms I

Silas needs to make it through his first slate of midterms to avoid being compelled to join remedial classes. Midterms take place at the end of the second week of May.

Each of the following conditions will improve the chance that Silas has a satisfactory result.
Condition 1: Silas has completed the "Studying" Habit. (Add +4 to midterms)
Condition 2: ??? (Add +4 to midterms)
Condition 3: Silas has a Smarts of at least 6 (Add +2 to midterms)
Condition 4: Silas's Charisma, Smarts, Imagination, and Physique combined is at least 12. (Add +2 to midterms)

At the end of the week of midterms, Silas will roll a 1d20, adding his modifiers. If he rolls higher than 12, he will succeed.
Character Database (Current)
  • Neighbors and shopkeepers.

    Eryk Nillis
    Eryk Nillis
    The 'Chief Horticulturist' of the Tenant's Association which owns and manages Silas's apartment tower. Gruff, but frank. He's Amberrish, probably.

    Silas knows almost nothing about this character.
    Miyuki Nillis
    Miyuki Nillis
    Eryk's niece. Somewhat cold. Works at the Greenhouse, probably.

    Silas knows almost nothing about this character.
  • Fellow Yamaha Senior High School students

    Yoshi Mikado ("Mikado-kun")
    Yoshi Mikado
    A student from Class 4-2. Self-conscious about his weight. Seems to be friendly and talkative. He runs some sort of computer club?

    Yoshi Mikado seems to be a bit of a Geek, but he's also Friendly. It might be easier to talk to him if Silas builds his Intelligence. Silas thinks it will be easier to get along with Mikado-kun than most.


    Seems to be on good terms with Ibara-kun?
    Kel Ibara("Ibara-kun")
    Kel Ibara
    A cool guy from Class 4-2. Likes cute things, is kind of aloof. He reminds Silas of a protagonist from an Eastern railroad drama.

    Conformity: -6

    Kel Ibara seems to be a Creative person. Silas might be able to approach him more easily if he is able to reciprocate Ibara-kun's Imaginative way of looking at the world. He also respects Silas's Pride.


    Seems to be on good terms with Mikado-kun?
    Tammy Aomori ("Aomori-san")
    Tammy Aomori
    A loudmouthed student from 4-2 who won't stop talking about the military. Seems like a person with many passions.

    Tammy Aomori seems to have a very Argumentative personality. It will probably be rather hard to get on her level unless Silas learns to be more Charismatic.


    Seems to greatly dislike Inoue-san?
    Sara Inoue ("Inoue-san")
    Sara Inoue
    The resident Class Representative of Class 4-2. A relatively calm seeming person who seems to be a stickler for properness, though she seems to be surprisingly levelheaded and fair when it comes to dealing with her classmates. She likes strategy games.

    Sara is Studious and reserved. (???)
    She is the Student Council Representative of Class 4-2. (???)
    Sara does not care about Conformity in the slightest. (During social roll calculations, ignore all effects from Conformity/Alienation)


    Seems to be greatly disliked by Aomori-san?
    Seems to be friends with Ibara-kun?
    Probably on good terms with Mikado-kun?
  • Whom?
Good mooorning!

(Or good afternoon, night, or evening, etc.)

Hi!! It's been a while!! Terribly sorry about that, I kind of had to change majors! On short notice! It was a very stressful several months, but I can proudly say that I was not kicked out of my university, and that I have no regrets about leaving Computer Science behind. Okay, well, maybe a few regrets. But mostly, I feel relieved.

As always, please feel free to ask questions and/or point out grammar errors, logical inconsistencies, OSHA violations, etc. in the text.
It's good to see from you again.

Made me really happy to see the update.
I need to do some rereading before voting and stuff, so it's appreciated that you gave a long voting window.

Good luck in your new major!

I'm soo glad this is back, and that you're back. I wish you good luck with Uni too; it can be a bit of a wartime effort.

Ah now do we need to start thinking about which club to join? Can we join multiple? Questions for later, I assume!

I see things are going well(ish) for Silas now; better an oddity than a creep!

As for voting, I'm really torn between these great options but.

[X] [SPEC] He realizes that he should be more intelligent about what he says out loud. Just because he's right doesn't mean that everyone needs to hear it. In fact, it might be better to learn how to say the truth without "saying" the truth. Truly, he lives in a society... (Gain new Smarts specialization: Tact)

This is probably what Silas needs most to succeed. Without tact someone like Silas will get eaten alive.

[X] [NEW HABIT] Silas starts to collect all of the information he learns. At first, he tries to hold onto to every minor detail he hears within his own memory, and when it becomes too much... he starts to write it all down. The more he learns, the more he writes. Eventually, the nature of his writing becomes more... personal.
Gain a new Habit: Journalling & Introspection (1/10). On completion: ++Imagination, ++Smarts, +Charisma. Rolls for Imagination. Unlocks a special action.

This was another difficult choice, but writing things down will probably help with shenanigans like memory wipes or reality warps! Let us dive headfirst into this perfectly normal life!
Hello! Nice to see everyone again in this quest.

[X] [SPEC] He realizes that he should be more intelligent about what he says out loud. Just because he's right doesn't mean that everyone needs to hear it. In fact, it might be better to learn how to say the truth without "saying" the truth. Truly, he lives in a society... (Gain new Smarts specialization: Tact)
[X] [NEW HABIT] Silas becomes fixated on the various subtle things that people do when they talk to each other. How they carry themselves; the tone of their voice; what is or is not taboo; the expressions and innuendos and idioms they all use. He starts to wonder if it's really all that hard to fit in. It's just a matter of copying what they're doing, right?
Last edited:
Glad it's back. One of few, if not only active at the time, quest of this specific type.

[X] [SPEC] He withdraws from expressing his opinions, feeling spurned, but uses his inspiration from that experience to gain a profound respect for history and social science. Maybe no one else appreciates it the same way that he does, and that's their loss! (Gain new Smarts specialization: Curiosity)
[X] [NEW HABIT] Silas starts to collect all of the information he learns. At first, he tries to hold onto to every minor detail he hears within his own memory, and when it becomes too much... he starts to write it all down. The more he learns, the more he writes. Eventually, the nature of his writing becomes more... personal.

I just like the synergy here. The focus that is clarifying through current and past choices.
Namely, becoming a spy. Again, I guess. Or an amateur sociologist of sorts?

Attentive Listening + Curiosity + Journalling = A social journal in the making. That is, a journal that describes how other people act, what are their relationships, hobbies, idioms that are floating around, etc. Reminds me of my own social journal (which is probably why I vote for this combo :p ).

Daydreaming may influence this too, potentially allowing him to make his own stories (and going full meta with writing in a writer's quest with at times similar ability as the actual writer of the quest). Same for taking walks, as this is a good way to meet people and listen to their conversations too.
[X] [SPEC] He withdraws from expressing his opinions, feeling spurned, but uses his inspiration from that experience to gain a profound respect for history and social science. Maybe no one else appreciates it the same way that he does, and that's their loss! (Gain new Smarts specialization: Curiosity)
[X] [NEW HABIT] Silas starts to collect all of the information he learns. At first, he tries to hold onto to every minor detail he hears within his own memory, and when it becomes too much... he starts to write it all down. The more he learns, the more he writes. Eventually, the nature of his writing becomes more... personal.
Good to see this quest again and glad to hear you seem to be doing better with the new major!

[X] [SPEC] He realizes that he should be more intelligent about what he says out loud. Just because he's right doesn't mean that everyone needs to hear it. In fact, it might be better to learn how to say the truth without "saying" the truth. Truly, he lives in a society... (Gain new Smarts specialization: Tact)
[X] [NEW HABIT] Silas starts to collect all of the information he learns. At first, he tries to hold onto to every minor detail he hears within his own memory, and when it becomes too much... he starts to write it all down. The more he learns, the more he writes. Eventually, the nature of his writing becomes more... personal.

Tough call between Tact and Curiosity.
[X] [SPEC] He decides that, next time he is put on the spot like that, he needs to be more articulate, so that he can show them why he's right, and they're wrong. It's obvious to him, but not necessarily to anyone else… and he needs to be able to communicate that fact. (Gain new Smarts specialization: Rhetoric)
[X] [NEW HABIT] Silas becomes fixated on the various subtle things that people do when they talk to each other. How they carry themselves; the tone of their voice; what is or is not taboo; the expressions and innuendos and idioms they all use. He starts to wonder if it's really all that hard to fit in. It's just a matter of copying what they're doing, right?
Gain a new Habit: Imitation & Mirroring (1/10). On completion: ++++Charisma, +Physique. Rolls for Charisma. Grants a Trait that helps Silas conduct social rolls.

Silas, Master Spy! Social Chameleon powers activate!

Also, looks like Yuuko is still being Yuuko. Good to see.