Peace Through Powerplants! (C&C Nod Quest)

[X] Defence
[X] Economic
[X] The city of Jakarta itself lays abandoned and in ruins yet your scout's sensors have detected signs of movement within. It might be prudent to investigate given the close proximity to your base.
[X] Launch expedition force
- [X] Singapore
[X] Black Hand Elites
[X] Attack Cycle
[X] Defence
[X] Economic
[X] The city of Jakarta itself lays abandoned and in ruins yet your scout's sensors have detected signs of movement within. It might be prudent to investigate given the close proximity to your base.
[X] Launch expedition force
- [X] Singapore
[X] Black Hand Elites
[X] Attack Cycle
[X] Defence
[X] Economic
[X] The city of Jakarta itself lays abandoned and in ruins yet your scout's sensors have detected signs of movement within. It might be prudent to investigate given the close proximity to your base.
[X] Launch expedition force
- [X] Singapore
[X] Black Hand Elites
[X] Attack Cycle
[X] Defence
[X] Economic
[X] The city of Jakarta itself lays abandoned and in ruins yet your scout's sensors have detected signs of movement within. It might be prudent to investigate given the close proximity to your base.
[X] Launch expedition force
- [X] Singapore
[X] Black Hand Elites
[X] Attack Cycle
[X] Defence
[X] Economic
[X] The city of Jakarta itself lays abandoned and in ruins yet your scout's sensors have detected signs of movement within. It might be prudent to investigate given the close proximity to your base.
[X] Launch expedition force
- [X] Singapore
[X] Black Hand Elites
[X] Attack Cycle
[X] Defence
[X] Economic
[X] The city of Jakarta itself lays abandoned and in ruins yet your scout's sensors have detected signs of movement within. It might be prudent to investigate given the close proximity to your base.
[X] Launch expedition force
- [X] Singapore
[X] Black Hand Elites
[X] Attack Cycle
[X] Defence
[X] Economic
[X] The city of Jakarta itself lays abandoned and in ruins yet your scout's sensors have detected signs of movement within. It might be prudent to investigate given the close proximity to your base.
[X] Launch expedition force
- [X] Singapore
[X] Black Hand Elites
[X] Attack Cycle
[x] Economic
[x] Unit Production

[x] Crashed Dropship
[x] Launch expedition force
- [x] Singapore
[x] Nod Militants
[x] Artillery
[x] Economic
[x] Unit Production

[x] Crashed Dropship
[x] Launch expedition force
- [x] Singapore
[x] Nod Militants
[x] Artillery

Artillerry>>Non-Artillery. Always. It's good to start with them as they usually aren't cheap. Cycles are probably cheaper than that.
[X] Defence
[X] Economic
[X] The city of Jakarta itself lays abandoned and in ruins yet your scout's sensors have detected signs of movement within. It might be prudent to investigate given the close proximity to your base.
[X] Launch expedition force
- [X] Singapore
[X] Black Hand Elites
[X] Attack Cycle
[X] Defence
[X] Economic
[X] The city of Jakarta itself lays abandoned and in ruins yet your scout's sensors have detected signs of movement within. It might be prudent to investigate given the close proximity to your base.
[X] Launch expedition force
- [X] Singapore
[X] Black Hand Elites
[X] Attack Cycle
June 2031
[X] The city of Jakarta itself lays abandoned and in ruins yet your scout's sensors have detected signs of movement within. It might be prudent to investigate given the close proximity to your base.

"Movement ahead. 20 metres. Fifth story window."

Crawling under a collapsed window, Sergeant Adams highlights the window in question on his HUD. At once the information is disseminated across the scouting team, many of them hidden in the urban decay of the city.

"I got 2 thermal signatures. The walls are blocking the scans. Have to get closer." Says their tech specialist ten metres away. "They got good line of sight on the cross junction ahead."

"Do we know what are we dealing with?" Adams asks. On his display a rocket team had move up on his orders. Just in case.

"Could be mutants, bandits or civilians. Not enough information here."

"Alright we'll skirt around them. Ramirez you stay behind, cover our back. Everyone else back to the previous junction. Mov-"

"Vehicle incoming!" The section on his left warns flagging the vehicle in red icons. At once Adams signals for his troops to stay in cover. Beside him the rocket team crept forward ready to fire on his command.

Ten seconds later, an old battered half track rolls into view. "Mutants." He hear his men muttering in the comms as the half track stopped in the middle of the junction.

"Looks like we caught them while they're changing guards." Adams observes as a pair of mutants dismount and enter the building to replace their fellows. "Alright new plan. We're going to track that vehicle's route. Should take us to where they're based. Someone radio command, tell them we found our mystery guest."

[Unknown Contact resolved]
[Mutant Enclave discovered]

[X] Launch expedition force
- [X] Singapore

One of the things you quickly learn on the job as an emissary of Kane is that people are quick to say no when asked to commit to something. Especially if they're wearing the emblem of the Brotherhood or even the steel birdy of GDI. No surprise really considering that these people pins much of their current situation on both factions constant warfare.

With that in mind, Sister Alexis simply smiles at the settlement's leadership, a council make up of the various groups that had taken refugee within the fortress city. Convincing them to hear her proposition had been an hour long conversation between runners as she and her guards had waited patiently outside the city's walls. Once that's through it's another half an hour ride in an old TW1 era APC that has clearly seen better days across the city. Followed by another hour of waiting for them to get ready to hear her out while she waits in an enclosed meeting room with broken air conditioning and under armed guard.

Just another day in the life of Kane's emissary she suppose.

Still she's glad that they told her to leave her guards outside the city. A trio of Black Hand bodyguards in full battle order is not very helpful in making friends no matter how reassuring their presences is. Still it does make her job somewhat easier.

"You are not welcomed here, Black Hand." One of the councillors says the moment she enters the room where their meeting is to take place. Charming.

"I would not be so quick to make judgement, at least not before you hear what I am proposing." Alexis replies. "The Brotherhood has many gifts to share with it's fellow wanderers."

"And that is?"

"Clean food and water, medication, protection from those that would harm you."

Hearing those words a low muttering breaks out among them. It's a classic tactics with these groups that Alexis had employ before. For them, uncontaminated food and water, along with medication are rare commodity that few could afford to produce on their own.

"That is a very generous offer." Another member of the council says after several minutes of furious muttering finally subsid. "But there is a reason for it isn't it? What are you after?"

"Your cooperation," Alexis answers "and your permission to establish a base of operations here and to gather recruits among your populace."

That sends them into another round of furious debate. On her part, Alexis simply waits, giving them time to argue back and forth before speaking out.

"If it helps, I can ask that they not be deployed elsewhere but remain here as your protectors. Surely you see the benefits of having trained soliders protecting your settlement. Not to mention no warlord would be foolish enough to challenge a Brotherhood protected settlement. Especially one with a base within it's walls."

"That may be so, but it still doesn't answer one important question. What would happen if one day, GDI comes back?" A female councilor asks.

"Then we can all die together." Alexis says with a smile "But think about it, if GDI really do care about the region, would they abandon such a large base so easily? I know the Brotherhood wouldn't."

As the room explodes into debates again, Alexis mentally sighs. Just another exciting day in the service of Kane.

Two hours later

Finally back in the carryall that had ferry them here, Alexis rapidly put together a report of her meeting. While they have agreed to her terms, it would make things a lot easier if the commander give the relationship time to stabilize before bringing them in as members of the Brotherhood.

[New recruitment ground gain]
[Singapore settlement discovered]


Build Order
[X] Defence
Additional base defences have been constructed around the perimeter of the base. Banks of laser turrets guards every entrance while SAM sites scan the air for threats from the air.
[Home Base Defence increased by 1]

[X] Economic
More refineries and silos have been constructed along with a larger fleet of harvesters.
[Home base economy increased by 1]

[X] Black Hand Elites
[X] Attack Cycle
Brother Vios is thankful of your gift to the Hand. The addition of attack cycles would allow his men to conduct rapid hit and run attacks on their target.
[Black Hand Elite gained Attack Cycle asset]


Turn Actions

With few resources at your disposal you would need to prioritize what aspect of the base you would focus on at this time: (Build Slot 3)

[] Economic
More Refineries and silos. A steady income would be vital for future expansion. (2 Build Slot)

[] Research
With help from your adepts from the Ministry of Science, you can set up a tech lab allowing access to better equipment and technologies. (1 Build Slot)

[] Defence
A strong defence would be important should any unwanted guest visit. (2 Build Slot)

[] Unit Production
Expending existing production lines would make it easier to upgrade your existing units and form new ones. (1 Build Slot)

[] Helipad
A Helipad would allow for the production of air units. A valuable addition to any force. (1 Build Slot)

[] Establish new base in Singapore. (3 Build Slot)

Once again your scouts offers to search for alternate route around it or you can task them to focus on one of the following: (Pick 1)

[] Jakarta City
The city of Jakarta itself lays abandoned and in ruins yet your scout's sensors have detected signs of movement within. It might be prudent to investigate given the close proximity to your base.

[] Crashed Dropship
The ruins of a crashed GDI Dropship has been spotted. It would be interesting to see what it had been carrying before it went down.

[] Infiltrate Mutant Enclave
The Enclave appears to be based in an old mining town. The underground mining shafts have been transformed into a city housing the mutant population. A large herd of Tiberium Fiend appears to guarding them, bolstering their defences considerably.

[] Signs of battle
While mapping out the region around Singapore, your scouts discovered a recently destroyed settlement. Given that it seems to be destroyed by weapon fire, it stands to reason that it's the work of bandits. Getting rid of them should play well with your new recruits.

[] Alternate route
Search for an alternate route around the Veinhole Monster.

You have enough resources to upgrade an existing formation or form a new formation: (Pick 1)
[] 87th Field Testing Division
[] Black Hand Elites
[] Nod Militants
[] Form new formation (Singapore Training Battalion)
[] None for now

The Formation will be upgraded with: (Pick 1)
[] Tick Tank
[] Attack Cycle
[] Artillery
[] Subterranean APC

With the discovery of the mutant enclave, it's possible to establish communications with them. Sister Alexis is on hand to carry out your orders.

[] Establish contact
[] Leave them alone for now
[X] Defence
A strong defence would be important should any unwanted guest visit. (2 Build Slot)

(More defense is good)

[X] Helipad
A Helipad would allow for the production of air units. A valuable addition to any force. (1 Build Slot)

(I want to build air units fast)

(Though, I do want to get our research ready)

[X] Signs of battle
While mapping out the region around Singapore, your scouts discovered a recently destroyed settlement. Given that it seems to be destroyed by weapon fire, it stands to reason that it's the work of bandits. Getting rid of them should play well with your new recruits.

(Everyone! It's Bandit Season!)

[X] Form new formation (Singapore Training Battalion)

[X] Subterranean APC

[X] Leave them alone for now
Last edited:
[x] Economic
[x] Unit Production

[x] Crashed Dropship

[x] Nod Militants
[x] Artillery

[x] Leave them alone for now
[X] Defence
A strong defence would be important should any unwanted guest visit. (2 Build Slot)

(More defense is good)

[X] Helipad
A Helipad would allow for the production of air units. A valuable addition to any force. (1 Build Slot)

(I want to build air units fast)

[X] Signs of battle
While mapping out the region around Singapore, your scouts discovered a recently destroyed settlement. Given that it seems to be destroyed by weapon fire, it stands to reason that it's the work of bandits. Getting rid of them should play well with your new recruits.

(Everyone! It's Bandit Season!)

[X] Form new formation (Singapore Training Battalion)

[X] Subterranean APC

[X] Leave them alone for now
[X] Establish new base in Singapore. (3 Build Slot)
[X] Signs of battle
[X] Form new formation (Singapore Training Battalion)
[X] Subterranean APC
[X] Leave them alone for now

Should get the new base before the locals get second thoughts. More base more production
[X] Economic
[X] Research
[X] Crashed Dropship
[X] Form new formation (Singapore Training Battalion)
[X] Artillery
[X] Leave them alone for now
[X] Economic
[X] Research
[X] Crashed Dropship
[X] Form new formation (Singapore Training Battalion)
[X] Artillery
[X] Leave them alone for now
[X] Establish new base in Singapore. (3 Build Slot)
[X] Signs of battle
[X] Form new formation (Singapore Training Battalion)
[X] Subterranean APC
[X] Leave them alone for now
[X] Helipad.

(Airpower is a nice asset to have)

[X] Crashed Dropship

(Oh... More shiny GDI tech.:whistle:)

[X] Form new formation

(Why not?)

[X] Subterranean APC

(We need these for ambush advantage,protection from tiberium exposure etc.)

[X] Leave them alone for now

(Not now.)
Last edited:
[X] Economic
[X] Helipad
[X] Infiltrate Mutant Enclave
[X] Nod Militants
[X] Artillery
[X] Leave them alone for now

I don't want any Singapore Options yet, the Update even mentions that we should wait.
it would make things a lot easier if the commander give the relationship time to stabilize
The infiltration to get Infos and talk with them next Turn.
[X] Establish new base in Singapore. (3 Build Slot)
[X] Signs of battle
[X] Form new formation (Singapore Training Battalion)
[X] Subterranean APC
[X] Economic
[X] Helipad
[X] Infiltrate Mutant Enclave
[X] Nod Militants
[X] Artillery
[X] Leave them alone for now