Original PAX MULTI

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For two centuries, mankind has been at war with the Bugs: Ravening, horrid aliens from the depths of space, they have attacked humanity again and again. Only by working together has humanity held the line - and now, at last, victory is in sight: The Bugs have sued for peace, surrendering and ending the war.

For Prince Louis Benoit, the war has been there all his life. His father fought in it and he has trained for it. Now that it is over, he finds himself thrust into a new role...as peacemaker. His father has arranged for him to ensure that there will be a lasting, continual peace with the Bugs with the oldest, most traditional method that the human race has ever known.

With a royal wedding.

Now, whisked across space to neutral territory, Lou will need to come face to face with a ravenous hive mind that threatened the entire human race with extinction...and marry them.