[Pathfinder] A Trip Down Memory Lane

Not sure exactly how this works, but we're a biped specie, somewhat related to a quadruped specie. I say we double down on our rodent heritage, but maybe that's just the appearance and unrelated to the current vote? For now, though:

[X] Quadruped.
So I'll give a quick rundown on Eidolons- Its our main summon/pet, whilst we can summon other things this is our most useful ally in combat and the basis of our magic in which we "evolve" our creature into something more and more powerful over time. The base forms are the major starting point for the creature granting base-stats and some automatic evolutions.

Aquatic: Slow Land Speed, fast Water Speed, High armor, has bite attack, Stats go STR->CON->DEX, is potentially mountable.
Biped: Normal Land Speed, 2 Claw Attacks, already comes with "arms," Stats go STR->CON->DEX. Can't be mounted.
Quadraped: Fast Land Speed, Bite Attack, Stats go STR=DEX->CON, is potentially mountable.
Serpentine: Slow Land Speed, Slow (Equivalent to Land) Climb Speed, Has Bite Attack with Reach, Has Tail Attack, Stats go DEX->CON->STR is potentially mountable.

Now the write-in portion is full imagination, as an Eidolon can appear anyway, you want it to appear as a cthulhu-esque monstrosity it can be, you want it to be undead, you want it to be a cartoon character, a moving mass of solid electricity, an insectoid alien, a specific pokemon, all of that is possible. Mechanically speaking you'll probably not start with every feature you want but if we're not making the eidolon in full just go crazy with your imagination our QM will mechanically make it a reality.

I will say I am personally going to suggest Quadrapeded as we have a "slow" land speed so it can be a mobile ally, and eventually a mount for us, doubling our speed.
[x] Serpentine
Because think of all the cool things that can be danger-noodle shaped
Some fairly vague write-in options for inspiration and thievery. Trying to not pick ideas that really require any specific base form.

[] A being seemingly composed of coiled and twisted chains, strange piercing eyes contrast from within its mass eluding to something within. Stray irons thrash and writhe in a dance of fluid ferocity, eager to protect its summoner.

[] A mass of organic diorite, its dalmatian-esque coloration marred by cracks and vents in its flesh where warm orange light bleeds through and plumes of smoke and flame occasional burgeon from. Its body is flecked with the occasional quartz shard that catch the light so that it may dance upon its surface.

[] A grub-like entity with a massive set of yellow stained humanoid teeth in a terrifyingly friendly smile. Barbs cover the terminus of its body glistening with some strange toxin.

[] A furred being, with two sets of massive ears and one set of expressive kind eyes. Wings outstretched to shield its summoner from anything, be it the weather or the slings and arrows of it's enemies.

[] A character wreathed in the coloration of the night sky, a deep violet speckled with aspects of starlight. A face composed solely of a flat mask of pristine marble the depression of its eyes showing an inky black void where arcane runes appear and slide about. One set of long-limbed arms are outstretched ending in humanoid hands with runes upon each joint.

[] A guardian armed with a well-used heavy mace. It is noble and burly in its posture and countenance, ready to turn the summoner's enemies into nothing more than fertilizer, its chitinous armor pristine and embossed with delicate filigree.
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[X] Quadruped.

[X] A cross between a wolf and a raven kinda like a griffin but the front partz are from a raven while the hindquarters are that of a wolf. Its fur and feathers are blue-black and growls like a puppy
[X] Quadruped.

[X] A cross between a wolf and a raven kinda like a griffin but the front partz are from a raven while the hindquarters are that of a wolf. Its fur and feathers are blue-black and growls like a puppy

I'll go with this unless I have a better idea.
[X] An ever-shifting creature made out of a rat swarm, of dozens if not hundreds little critters, all forming a solid mass of wet fur and wriggling tails, arranged in four limbs and a rodent muzzle.
[] A being seemingly composed of coiled and twisted chains, strange piercing eyes contrast from within its mass eluding to something within. Stray irons thrash and writhe in a dance of fluid ferocity, eager to protect its summoner.

is pretty sick, but-

[X] An ever-shifting creature made out of a rat swarm, of dozens if not hundreds little critters, all forming a solid mass of wet fur and wriggling tails, arranged in four limbs and a rodent muzzle.
-[x] arranged in -many- limbs and a rodent muzzle that swarms and scuttles unceasingly in protective coils around its summoner, like a fetid, squeaking salamander with a thousand grasping feet and a thousand glinting yellow eyes.

s a very evocative picture. It's narratively very strong, and the visuals are a mix somewhere between the catacombs scene from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and the wolf pack from the Storks movie.

Also, vote serpentine for that sick natural climb speed and swim speed.
[X] Quadruped.
[X] A being seemingly composed of coiled and twisted chains, strange piercing eyes contrast from within its mass eluding to something within. Stray irons thrash and writhe in a dance of fluid ferocity, eager to protect its summoner.

We should be cute rat lord :)

It would be really Ratty
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Vote update: Quadruped is currently leading the votes handily for form, but it seems we've got a tie between two appearances. I'm currently working on the builds, so voting will be open for a few more hours. You've got until then to vote!
Maybe I should just vote for all of my examples? :V

Rat-swarm is interesting but feels a bit too on the nose (especially since summon-swarm is a spell we get I think), and not the largest fan of Chimeric summons though Raven-wolf isn't one I've actually seen before.
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Small little argument for the chain Eidolon. Mechanically I think it functions very well into evolution point expenditure. Because each loose chain is a "tentacle" that could have reach. If we want pincers, manacles hang on the edge of one tentacle. Mounting it could be literally involve being chained into it, flight could be silly helicopter spinning of chains. It has a ton of variety and doesn't get messed up with the occasional oddness of evolution point exchanges upon level-up where you drop some older evolutions for higher-end evolution. Like a draconic Eidolon loosing its initial wings evolution just so it can get its breath weapon as soon as possible, and then having to wait to get wings again. While no matter what we pick those things will happen eventually, I think this chain being is a bit less frustrating because it can just be explained as different chains being brought to the ever-changing surface of the Eidolon, while others sink into itself.
I don't understand why we didn't just vote for cute, everything else is secondary, as I espoused to @Siberys in voice chat, nought but a few minutes ago.
Character Building: Roles
Eidolon voting has closed. It looks like, regardless of its appearance, it's going to be a quadruped. Since the appearances are still tied, I'm going to have them roll off.

I've pretty much got the builds set up, so in the meantime... choose your initial playstyle(s)! Maximum of two, to account for the more supportive roles.

[] The Melee Striker. Fight side-by-side with your Eidolon in the heat of battle!
[] The Ranged Striker. Pew-pew at your enemies with a crossbow from afar.
[] The Face. It's not like your Eidolon is going to be doing much talking, despite having your languages.
[] The Librarian. Rack up those Knowledge skills, not to mention Spellcraft!
[] The Support. Whether you're buffing or debuffing, you exist solely to maximize your Eidolon's potential.
[] The Utility Caster. For all your non-combat utility needs.

And for the Eidolon:

[] The Defender. Protect your Summoner!
[] The Melee Striker. Demolish your foes.
[] The Scout. Perception is your friend.

Edit: Looks like the ratswarm wins (1-10 for the wolf/raven hybrid, 11-20 for the rat swarm).
Siberys threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Tiebreaker. Total: 18
18 18
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We'll be interesting how you choose the evolutions for a rat swarm familiar.

Once again I'm kinda interested in what other people say on their choices, but I will suggest against being a Melee Striker, its doable, but very risky and likely forces us to take the Weapon Finesse feat, and forced feats are unfortunate. Everything else I say is fully viable as an option.
[X] The Ranged Striker. Pew-pew at your enemies with a crossbow from afar.
[X] The Librarian. Rack up those Knowledge skills, not to mention Spellcraft!

If we're an amnesiac exile, self-sufficiency and avoiding tanking things with our face will be key to success.

[X] The Scout. Perception is your friend.

We can be the ultimate sneaky/perceptive/mobile pair with unparalleled ability to choose terms of engagement. Play to our racial strengths! Be terrifying! Know everything and run away really well outrange everything!
If we're an amnesiac exile, self-sufficiency and avoiding tanking things with our face will be key to success.

I think those keys to success would be better taken care of by, respectively, the Utility Caster option for ourselves and the Defender option for our Eidolon. Not to say your vote isn't a fun and effective combination, just that it addresses different concerns, in my opinion.

I'm not particularly experienced with Pathfinder, so feel free to correct me on anything, of course.

The Summoner's most important ability score seems to be Charisma, so for synergy reasons (and of course also because being good at handling other creatures non-violently opens up a lot of venues), my first pick for ourselves would be the Face.

For the second one, I'd say we'd need something more combat-oriented, which kinda excludes Utility Caster, and to a lesser extent, Librarian. Melee Striker sounds dangerous and not very fitting, so I'd leave that out as well. Between Ranged Striker and Support, both for personal preference and for class-synergy reasons, I'd go with the latter nine times out of ten.

As for our Eidolon, being a Ratfolk makes us decent at scouting by default, I believe, and I envision the rat swarm as somewhat nightmarish, which would be a bit of a waste on something that wants to go unseen, so I'd rather not pick Scout. As a Support, I'm not entirely sure what kind of buffs/debuffs we would start with and reasonably get early on, so I can't say whether it would be easier for us to make our Eidolon tougher or stronger, but based on that, I'd consider picking the opposite option (so Defender if we could make it stronger and Melee Striker if we could make it tougher) to shore up its weakness.

So, for now, my vote would be:

[X] Plan 'Greater than the Sum of Our (Many) Parts'
-[X] The Face. It's not like your Eidolon is going to be doing much talking, despite having your languages.
-[X] The Support. Whether you're buffing or debuffing, you exist solely to maximize your Eidolon's potential.
-[X] The Melee Striker. Demolish your foes.

@Siberys , is plan-voting allowed?
[X] The Face. It's not like your Eidolon is going to be doing much talking, despite having your languages.
[X] The Librarian. Rack up those Knowledge skills, not to mention Spellcraft!
[X] The Melee Striker. Demolish your foes.