[x] New Face, New Clothes, New Mannerisms: Sometimes when the fuzz is closing in, you just need to disappear. In those cases, it is extremely useful to be able to seem like a completely different person from your previous identity.
[x] When To Fold: A lot of scammers get caught because they keep trying to wring more money out of their marks even when the house of cards is already collapsing and it's time to disappear. Yeah, no, you've honed your awareness of when it's time to grab the money and GTFO to a razor sharp edge.
[X] Smooth Talk: Sometimes, you just need to talk to someone face-to-face in order to get them to do what you want. As such, you have gotten rather frighteningly competent at manipulating people face-to-face.
[X] Multilingualism: Why restrict your operations to the USA? You've put in the effort to achieve fluency in the top ten world languages, greatly expanding the places where you can scam people.
[x] Favored by Coyote: In your youth, you met Coyote, the trickster deity of Native American legend. Somehow, you convinced Coyote that you'd be more fun to watch if Coyote gave you a little bit of his power to play with. As such, you can muster the occasional bit of supernatural trickery if you need to. Casting illusions, finding shortcuts that don't exist, bodging together the occasional short-lived magical artifact, and making fair dice roll as if they were loaded are all things you can do.
[x] When To Fold: A lot of scammers get caught because they keep trying to wring more money out of their marks even when the house of cards is already collapsing and it's time to disappear. Yeah, no, you've honed your awareness of when it's time to grab the money and GTFO to a razor sharp edge.
[X] Smooth Talk: Sometimes, you just need to talk to someone face-to-face in order to get them to do what you want. As such, you have gotten rather frighteningly competent at manipulating people face-to-face.
[X] Multilingualism: Why restrict your operations to the USA? You've put in the effort to achieve fluency in the top ten world languages, greatly expanding the places where you can scam people.
[x] Favored by Coyote: In your youth, you met Coyote, the trickster deity of Native American legend. Somehow, you convinced Coyote that you'd be more fun to watch if Coyote gave you a little bit of his power to play with. As such, you can muster the occasional bit of supernatural trickery if you need to. Casting illusions, finding shortcuts that don't exist, bodging together the occasional short-lived magical artifact, and making fair dice roll as if they were loaded are all things you can do.