Parallels [Bravely Default/OC/AU/Surprise Crossovers]

Chapter 3: I Guess You Could Say He Was In A Tizzy
[X] Go after Tiz?
- [X] Join him?

Day 1

He was going to die out there.

"Tiz, wait up!" You call out, running towards him.

"Hey, wha-!" He stopped suddenly. Oh no, you were running too fast!

"Argh!" You tried to use your shoes to brake but it wasn't enough! In an almost comical fashion your head collided with his forehead, causing you both to fall on the ground while waves of pain crashed through your skull.


"What was that for?!" Tiz says after standing up again, clutching his head.

"I'm coming with you!" You say, dusting off the dirt on your pants.

"Wha-- No, you won't!" He retorts back.

Sounds like he doesn't want you here.

"Look, it's dangerous out here, especially for someone who doesn't even look like they have fighting experience," you say to him, sighing.

"I can handle myself," he says stubbornly, unsheathing a dagger from a pocket. From the way he was holding it, you don't think he knows how to use it properly.


A goblin was sneaking up behind Tiz, club raised high.

"Now, can you please-"

With one simple and fluid movement you took out your sword, pushed Tiz out of the way, and sliced the steel through the body of the goblin like a warm butter through knife.

"Do you trust me now?" You say.

"I… Uh… Well I don't think I sho-" He says, before cutting himself off.
"You need to trust him, Tiz."
Does he not like finishing his sentences?
"Let him join you."
"Okay, fine, I'll let you come with…" Tiz says, before you realize you didn't give him your name.

"It's Chris. Chris Hughes," you say.

"Well… We're going north, to a village called Norende. To get there, we need to get through the Norende Ravine," Tiz explains.

"Okay~!," you say casually.

"Wait, how long is this going to take?" you ask.

"Oh, two to three days, one if we're fast enough."


It was approaching night already, and you didn't see anything up ahead yet besides just grassy plains and the occasional slime or two. With the suggestion from Tiz to set a fire for tonight in the air you agree, trying to find anything to burn.

Yet, as you stand around with Tiz getting fuel and hunting for food, a distant cry, sounding almost draconic, rung throughout the air.

"What was…" Tiz said.
"Hmm. It's not on Caldis, Tiz. Don't worry about it."
"I don't know…" you say, putting up your guard immediately.

"No," Tiz says to you with complete confidence, "It should be fine."

Who should stand guard first?

[] Tiz?
[] You?

Also, you still have enough time to do something, so…

Choose one.
[] Socialize with Tiz?
[] Hunt for more food?
[] Train?
- [] What skill, and with who?
[] Write In.

AN: You guys are forgetting to do something with these updates~
Something like invisible text for example?
I'm surprised none of you have combed through these posts yet. Also the Rolz room is open, come and roll if you have the time. :p


Manifest Destiny section added!
Last edited:
[X] Tiz?

Choose one.
[X] Socialize with Tiz?

Were lazy, having a lazy person stand guard is a bad idea it leads to bad things.

God bless the invis text reveler.
Jesus Christ, I Need More Puns
[x] You?
[x] Socialize with Tiz?

As you sit down next to the fire with Tiz on the opposite side, you decided to roast the rabbit you caught earlier.

You realize this would be a great time to talk to Tiz, you barely knew anything about him!

"Hey, Tiz," you say to him.

"Yes?" he replies.

"You've never really told me about yourself, if we're going to be traveling together…"

"Hey, I didn't say forever! Just until we get to Norende. Plus, you didn't say anything about yourself!" he complains.

"Fine, I'll tell you my life story
after you get on with yours, deal?"

"Okay… I lived on a farm, in a town named Norende. It was boring and simple, yet… it was nice there. No conflict, peaceful and sweet, everyone loved it there." Tiz looked up into the night.

"I remember this one time my family and I were going out to a village bonfire. There was dancing and food and all around fun. After a while I had to leave for a bit because the festivities were making me tired and I sat out to look at the stars. They were so bright and beautiful, twinkling down on us like that. It felt like… I know it's strange, but it felt like they were reaching down to me, like… an angel."

You could see his eyes sparkling.

"There was someone else with me too, someone that was sitting out there, awed, same as me. My brother-" Tiz then immediately closes his mouth, before continuing on, his brown eyes darkened.

"My brother, Til. Til." Tiz looks down back at the fire. "I think… We should sleep."

"But," you protest, "I have to tell you-"

"No, it's fine, Chris," he says, laying on the ground and shutting his eyes.

A deal was a deal, you'll tell him someday!

You woke up with a start, immediately on alert. There was something in the grass, rustling it with a somewhat loud noise. If you're going to sneak around at least be quiet…

Taking out your sword, you slowly walk towards the patch of shaking grass, waking up Tiz along the way.

"Quiet," you whisper, glad that he takes the hint and freezes. Edging closer and closer, you lift the blade…

Only for a blue slime to pop out.

It takes a few moments before Tiz says, "I'm going back to sleep."

"Hey, slimes aren't that bad," you say to him. "In fact…


Tiz just stares at you in shock before closing his eyes.

He didn't speak to you for the rest of the night.

Or the next day either.

Day 2

The next day it was more or less the same, you ran into a few goblins or two. Although, comparing their skill vs. your experience in fighting…

They died pretty quickly.

You picked up some things to eat, killed anything that was trying to kill you (though it was a very futile effort), and settled for the night.

Tiz had gathered some wild mushrooms, but you decided not to eat them unless they were poisonous. Turns out, they weren't! And then Tiz made it a point to tell you how good they were. Great.

Day 2

The very next, next day you finally made it!

The large opening of a cave stood before you, the ravine waiting inside. Pretty strange how the only way to get to Norende was a narrow path alongside a canyon, but what could you do?

[] Go in now?
[] Do something first, then go in?
- [] What?
[] Wait until night?

AN: I am so sorry for taking so long to get this out. I was just not motivated to write at all and was dealing with other things at the time.

Tiz Relationship Increased