Paradise Lost OOC (Pokemon AU Council Game)

From an in character point of view, and what Mabolo will suggest, the long term most important goals are to get to the Megamall because it likely has all sorts of stuff, to figure out how to get out of the city because people would like to know what happened to the rest of the world. (even if the answer is 'it blew up too' at least then they'll know...) And to figure out a safe way to get across the river to the sciency part of the city because that's your best bet for finding important info.

Mid term something needs to be done to stabilize the pokecenter, if you have a good enough guard team you could probably extend the fence and the exclusion zone around it but that'd be a big noisy thing. (the fence less then the knocking down houses to make a 'moat' and safety disconnecting the power network to keep the Magnemite from just riding the power lines close enough they'll be tempted to try to hop over the fence.) To get to the Civic Works Station because in the short term that's most likely to have useful machinery (a good concrete maker would make the local goverment's life a lot easier alone, much less anything else you find) and would decrease the local Magnemite density because that's a local hive.

You also can just go out scavenging in general for supplies, which is the fastest short term way to get things like potions and revives and pokeballs even if it doesn't give long term improvements like making a garden does, and there are two pokecenters relatively close by that could be worth investigating and maybe prying out everything that isn't nailed down and then bringing the crowbars in to take the nails out too.

Lastly, a group of engineers would make it a lot easier to, say, fortify a pokecenter to make it harder to break into or to serve as a better outpost, if you could rustle up some scientists you could assign them things like 'was that black Raticate with big cheeks just a shiny or something else?', getting a full time gardener has already been mentioned, and of course more trainers would make longer term or distance trips a lot easier then just doing them on your own. Or you could devote more then one group to guarding the fence, it is a long thing after all, or get some help in defending the pokecenter...

Remember, pokeballs you find don't have to be used to increase your team. They can also be used on NPCs to improve their team or to recruit someone and turn them into a trainer too.
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I have the inklings of a long term plan.

>Turn 2
Need myself or Fancy on helping out the Pokecenter, as we're the ones with Pokemon that are decent against Steel.
Donation drive for Pokeballs, or someone hunts for that cache to find some.

> Turn 3
Need myself or Fancy on helping out the Pokecenter, as we're the ones with Pokemon that are decent against Steel.
Capture some of those Growlithe/Houndour with those Pokeballs, we want two or three.
Expand the Herb Garden, maybe recruit someone for it?

>Turn 4
Train captured Firemons for assault on Civic Works Station if needed, otherwise three or four of us hit that to clear out the nest.
I have the inklings of a long term plan.

>Turn 2
Need myself or Fancy on helping out the Pokecenter, as we're the ones with Pokemon that are decent against Steel.
Donation drive for Pokeballs, or someone hunts for that cache to find some.

> Turn 3
Need myself or Fancy on helping out the Pokecenter, as we're the ones with Pokemon that are decent against Steel.
Capture some of those Growlithe/Houndour with those Pokeballs, we want two or three.
Expand the Herb Garden, maybe recruit someone for it?

>Turn 4
Train captured Firemons for assault on Civic Works Station if needed, otherwise three or four of us hit that to clear out the nest.
Just to double check when you say expanding you refer to increasing the side of the one I plan on setting up this turn right?
I'm down to chill with Wootius. I can still train Elvis in Dark Pulse while doing this too.
Yeah my plan for this turn is to set up a Berry/Herb farm to help with our current medicine situation and either try to recruit my first Ranger or have Steenee trained in how to use Stomp.
Because it's on the normal movelist for a Steenee, Catherine will learn stomp automatically upon ranking up, and then evolve upon the next rank up (because it's learned at level 29 instead of earlier), without special effort having to be spent to train her in it. You could teach it to her early if you want her to evolve on the next rank up instead of the one after that for some reason, but that'd be the only reason to bother I can think of offhand.
Because it's on the normal movelist for a Steenee, Catherine will learn stomp automatically upon ranking up, and then evolve upon the next rank up (because it's learned at level 29 instead of earlier), without special effort having to be spent to train her in it. You could teach it to her early if you want her to evolve on the next rank up instead of the one after that for some reason, but that'd be the only reason to bother I can think of offhand.
Hmm true, then I think just some general training might be in order instead so that she can get some extra experience.
I have the inklings of a long term plan.
Alright so Wootius and Fancy are going to be on Center duty, trying to figure out what I can have my guys do. I was thinking I could maybe send out both of my 'mon to search for Berries and bring some back to start up a Berry Farm alongside the herb garden that we got. Probably going to have continue training Venoshock. Do you guys think I should use either this turn or next to set up an official training area?
Alright so Wootius and Fancy are going to be on Center duty, trying to figure out what I can have my guys do. I was thinking I could maybe send out both of my 'mon to search for Berries and bring some back to start up a Berry Farm alongside the herb garden that we got. Probably going to have continue training Venoshock. Do you guys think I should use either this turn or next to set up an official training area?
I think I should look for the berries, so if your willing to handle setting up the farm (for herbs and berries) I can get the berries and while I'm at it get a better idea about the park as a scouting action.
Alright so Wootius and Fancy are going to be on Center duty, trying to figure out what I can have my guys do. I was thinking I could maybe send out both of my 'mon to search for Berries and bring some back to start up a Berry Farm alongside the herb garden that we got. Probably going to have continue training Venoshock. Do you guys think I should use either this turn or next to set up an official training area?

Try tracking down that Raticate?
I think I should look for the berries, so if your willing to handle setting up the farm (for herbs and berries) I can get the berries and while I'm at it get a better idea about the park as a scouting action.
Alright, no worries. I'll let you handle the berry scouting.
Try tracking down that Raticate?
Works for me, I'll be right on it.

Any opinions about if I should turn after this one to go about setting up a proper training arena?
Any opinions about if I should turn after this one to go about setting up a proper training arena?

I don't know how much(or rather the quality of?) building we can do until we have the Civics Works taken back, but I think it'd be a worthwhile investment even if it take a couple of turns.
Hmm. So several things I could do this round.

- Help secure the main pokecenter too
- Help out with setting up the berry farms
- Help out with the pokeball donation drive
- Start up some basic pokemon care & defense classes for new or inexperienced trainers, particularly the ones recruited to guard the fence.
- Recruit support minions, whether to help with the berry farms or something else
- Or just train more, in preparation for us clearing out the way to another location

Do y'all have any preferences? Or other ideas for my character to do?
Hmm. So several things I could do this round.

- Help secure the main pokecenter too
- Help out with setting up the berry farms
- Help out with the pokeball donation drive
- Start up some basic pokemon care & defense classes for new or inexperienced trainers, particularly the ones recruited to guard the fence.
- Recruit support minions, whether to help with the berry farms or something else
- Or just train more, in preparation for us clearing out the way to another location

Do y'all have any preferences? Or other ideas for my character to do?
I'd say Pokecenter and Berry Farm would be the best options. Since those are both high priority.
Hmm. So several things I could do this round.

- Help secure the main pokecenter too
- Help out with setting up the berry farms
- Help out with the pokeball donation drive
- Start up some basic pokemon care & defense classes for new or inexperienced trainers, particularly the ones recruited to guard the fence.
- Recruit support minions, whether to help with the berry farms or something else
- Or just train more, in preparation for us clearing out the way to another location

Do y'all have any preferences? Or other ideas for my character to do?

Training is your strength, so helping out the minion would be great. You might also meet that Raticate.

How does Sketch work? Maybe you could learn an electric attack while helping at the Pokemon Center?

Some farm labor wouldn't hurt, but maybe wait until we find grass 'mons?
Alright, I went with this:
[x] Try out a pilot program for teaching the new recruits, using my basic Pokemon training knowledge. Focus on skills to take on local pest pokemon along the fence, and help them enjoy it. And see if any of them can take the lead in running the practice sessions.
[x] Continue training Dewey the Smeargle in using Nature Power for battling and running away.
Dunno if the first action should be simplified.

Anyway, the main goal would be to have some minions be capable of holding off the stray Magnemite sometime soon-ish. That would be enough to protect the Pokecenter for a while, I think? It would give us some more time to do other things, since we'll need some trainers to protect the alpha Pokecenter till the fence includes it.
The first action is ok, 'train the minion squad' action types are perfectly acceptable and it's not like you're trying to train a bunch of fire trainers in deep sea operations when no one has any water pokemon, right?

They'll have issues if you want them to defend the pokecenter though. They aren't PCs, and the only pokemon they have that has a type that isn't ineffective verses steel is the Murkrow. Which is also a Flying type, and will therefor have some minor issues with being electrocuted.

(On the other hand, if you manage to get a few more pokeballs, well, you have found out about the growlithe dominated canine pack hanging around the city park, and steel types don't enjoy being set on fire, right? So if you wanted to recruit a pokecenter defense team that'd probably be the easiest way to do it.)
The first action is ok, 'train the minion squad' action types are perfectly acceptable and it's not like you're trying to train a bunch of fire trainers in deep sea operations when no one has any water pokemon, right?

They'll have issues if you want them to defend the pokecenter though. They aren't PCs, and the only pokemon they have that has a type that isn't ineffective verses steel is the Murkrow. Which is also a Flying type, and will therefor have some minor issues with being electrocuted.
Ah, ok. So, just improving their effectiveness against minor pest pokemon for now. Maybe eventually we can get the minions to capture some Magnemite too. That'll help out against the Zubat.
(On the other hand, if you manage to get a few more pokeballs, well, you have found out about the growlithe dominated canine pack hanging around the city park, and steel types don't enjoy being set on fire, right? So if you wanted to recruit a pokecenter defense team that'd probably be the easiest way to do it.)
Yes! Loyal fire doggos for everyone someday. :)
Ah, ok. So, just improving their effectiveness against minor pest pokemon for now. Maybe eventually we can get the minions to capture some Magnemite too. That'll help out against the Zubat.

Yes! Loyal fire doggos for everyone someday. :)

If I get enough Pokeballs that's the plan. Hoping there's a Vulpix or starter mixed in there.
So now that we have a supply of berries who wants to be the one to set up the farm to keep them coming? Because I sort of want to start recruiting some Rangers and investigate that Gyarados.

Also it seems we need to look into getting proper food production set up before it start impacting our population's moral.
Alright, I have ten spare Pokeballs now! If someone aside from FancyMolasses will come with me to catch some fire 'mons we'll hopefully get four or five of them.

Two to catch Fire types.
One on Pokecenter duty.
1 or 2 looking for some Cornocopia parts at the mall?
(1 helping out the fence?)

possible plan before fire types said:
Wootius: 1 Pokeball, 1 Greatball,
@Sinsystems : 1 Pokeball, 1 Lureball
@FancyMolasses : 2 Pokeballs
@Animapower : 1 Pokeball, 1 Lureball
@Oh I am slain: 1 Premier Ball, 1 Lureball
Alright, I have ten spare Pokeballs now! If someone aside from FancyMolasses will come with me to catch some fire 'mons we'll hopefully get four or five of them.

Two to catch Fire types.
One on Pokecenter duty.
1 or 2 looking for some Cornocopia parts at the mall?
(1 helping out the fence?)
Someone needs to set up the Berry farm, I've gotten all the pieces but we still need to set it up.
If I may post a suggestion, someone should at least attempt to catch one of the 'mutated' ratattas so that the species can be more easily studied. After all, if it's actual typing has been changed, then what else about the species has changed.

Do they get along with their purplish/brown relatives or do they fight each other for territory. If they are mutated, what caused the change?

So much to learn, so few to study it!

Edit: I mean, I would join this myself, but I'm going to need time to make a character sheet and stuff.
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