Paradise Lost OOC (Pokemon AU Council Game)

Opening Post


Bat out of Hell

The first mass-produced A.I., the Porygon, were clever Pokémon, capable and bright but a clear mark below human intelligence. Within a few years, that would change. Newer Porygon models out-thought humans by increasingly wider margins. Eventually, human scientists simply gave up and left them to run their research projects. New biological life was also invented, and the first successfully manufactured Reuniclus was met with celebrations around the world.

Concurrent with these developments, humans advanced themselves, augmenting themselves with wetware and uploading their minds to computers – blurring the lines between human and machine. Human scientists could compete once more with A.I. researchers, and many citizens of the time considered humanity to be entering a new Golden Age.

It didn't last.

No one knows exactly how, or even why, but one day the nigh-un-understandable technology created by the singularity of AI and augmented intellect failed. What exactly happened elsewhere is mystery, but in the city of Aniseed contact with the wider world was lost suddenly, without any warning, and every bit of advanced ultra-tech in the city spontaneously failed. Often catastrophically and explosively. There was no warning, no signs of trouble. One minute, everything was working normally. The next moment, the crash. For many, especially the augmented, the blue screen of death became all to literal.

Still, Aniseed seems to have made it out better than basically anywhere else, or so it seems from what the refugees slowly trickling in have been saying. Even in the singularity age there were those who shunned the latest brain implants and other transhuman wonders, and Aniseed had always been a sanctuary for those unable or unwilling to cope with with the fast-paced, rapidly evolving lifestyles of trans-human society. As such, it handled the crash far better then anywhere else, or at least anywhere else currently known or rumored. Oh, it took damage of its own of course, the malfunctioning and breakdowns of most of the Cornucopia Machines merely the most immediately visible of the damage, and entire areas of the city are still no go zones even a month later, but it still survived.

That couldn't be said of any other place people knew of.

Now, to recover from the damage, to push out and reclaim the resources and technology needed for the city to thrive, to maybe even find out the ultimate cause of the disastrous crash, what remains of the city's government has gathered what few actual pokemon trainers were in the city and survived the crash with sanity intact. Now, they are starting the creation of a new pokemon association, dedicated to pushing back the frontier and ensuring the city's survival.

Now, they've approached you to be a founding member of this group. Will you venture out of what sanctuary mankind has left to protect that sanctuary… or not?

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So, as can be read up above, things have gone a little bit to shit in this universe. What was once a thriving post-human civilization is… well, neither thriving nor post-human any more. In this council game, five players will be taking on the role of the poor men and women that what is left of the local city administration has selected to lead attempts to venture out into the world once more and find what the city needs to survive and rebuild. In the face of myrad issues, from Magnemite drones gone feral to the so called 'Glitch Zones' that have descended upon the city, these hopefully plucky trainers must ensure that the city and its inhabitants survive, and even, eventually, thrive once more.

If you happen to be interested in joining me in this rousing adventure, well, the character sheet is right here.

Name :
Trainer Class :
Starting Pokemon :
Background and Picture or Description :

Here's what they are, gone over one at a time.

First off is the name. Look, everyone has a name, right? And while this might not be an RPG, you still have a character and that character will need a name.

Second off is the Trainer Class. This is basically what kind of trainer you are. I'm not going to put up a big list of acceptable classes, because I want to see what people think up themselves, but I will give an example or two so people aren't totally lost, and explain what they should end up with feature wise. Like, for example, you could be a Hiker like the ones in the gameboy games, skilled at traveling over rough terrain and good with rock and ground type pokemon, or a Bug Catcher, skilled with bug and poison pokemon and experienced with forests, or even a Tinkerer, skilled with electric and steel pokemon and able to fiddle with gadgets. As seen in the examples, Trainer Class will have one to two Type Specialties, and one to two Skills, which will add up to three features in all. While I am totally willing to help someone come up with an idea they like, help figure out what the class in question's features should actually be, and so on, I do maintain veto privileges if someone tries to be a Super Duper Pokemon Grandmaster or something. Also, Aura, human psychic powers, and magic are neither currently known in this universe nor are they acceptable features in a character class.

Third is what pokemon you start with. Each player can choose to have either two common pokemon, or one uncommon pokemon to start with. No, I'm not going to provide a list of what pokemon is common, uncommon, or super rare. There are way to many pokemon for me to do that, and even if I did I'm sure someone would show up and start poking holes in my list. Use your best judgment and, if in doubt, ask me. Also remember that your pokemon are not starting out as level 100 champion tier ultra baddasses. They're going to be, like, level 20ish at the start. If you were a super elite trainer with a champion tier pokemon, you wouldn't have been hanging around in some backwater mental health settlement. Or if you were, you'd probably have issues that'd make your participation way to troublesome.

Fourth and last is the Background and Image/Description. Look, I'm not asking for a full scale autobiography, just give me a paragraph or a paragraph and a half or so of who your character is, ok?

Player's Character Sheets
Oh I am Slain (Nawaf) - LINK
Wootius (Anties) - LINK
Sinsystems (Solus) - LINK
AnimalKrazed (Ryan McGregor) - LINK
Rictus (Caleb Horn) - LINK

Waitlisted Character Sheets
dunk1010 (Cosmas Nirganatre) - LINK
FancyMolasses (Eddie Rollins) - LINK

Omakes and Other Interesting Things
Rictus - Reflections (Semi-Canon)
Rictus - Missing Pieces (Semi-Canon)

Pokemon Fanworks Discord - LINK
IC Thread - LINK
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Facilities, Assets, and Resources
1 Small HQ (Converted Small Hotel)
Facility : Command Room
–– Feature : City Map
Facility : Tiny Library (Subjects - Pokemon, Gardening)
Facility : Tiny Herbal Garden - Provides 2 Permanent Herbal Remedies. Has a dedicated gardener now, increase it's output from 1 to 2. (Potion level healing item, but widely hated by all pokemon because it tastes really bad.)
–- Attachment: Tiny Berry Grove - Provides 4 Permanent Oran Berries

1 Primitive Tiny Training Field. (Converted Micro-park. Track, Standing Targets, Sparing Ring, Fountain+Benches)

Minions and Assistants
Patrol Team 1 (Recruiter : Eddie Rollins/FancyMolasses)
Members : 1 Bug Catcher, 2 Youngsters, 1 Punk Girl, 1 Lass
Pokemon : Ledyba, Rattata+Hoppip, Rattata+Zigzagoon, Murkrow+Minccino+Vulpix, Cleffa+Pidgey

SCIENCE! Team 1 (Recruiter : Oh I am slain/Nawaf)
Members : Eight Eager Science Students
1x Alolan Rattata

Ranger Team 1 (Recruiter : Sinsystems/Solus)
Members : 5 Rangers
Houndour, Growlithe, Poliwag, Poliwag, Bellsprout

Unassigned Pokemon
1x Magikarp
1x Shiny Jigglypuff
x2 Houndour
x1 Growlithe
x2 Poliwag
x1 Spheal

Special - x1 Crystal Onix (Boss Monster, NOT OBEDIENT)

Item Inventory
1 : Pokeball (Temp), 5 : Great Ball (Temp), 4 : Luxury Balls (Temp), 1 : Quick Ball (Temp)
7 : Oran Berries (Temp)
3 : Chesto Berries (Temp)
4 : Oran Berries (Permanent)
2 : Herbal Remedies (Permanent)
1 Crude Poke-Scanner (Permanent)

Collected Lore
Berry Smoothie : Combine one healing berry and one status curing berry to get a drink that acts as both at once.
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Pokemon Training 101
So, at this point some people will be asking 'but how does all the pokemon stuff work?' And here I am to tell you how I plan on having said pokemon stuff work! First off, I'm not tracking each pokemon by their own individual level and IVs and all that. It's just not going to happen. Way too much book keeping and I'm not a good enough programmer to make something to offload that onto the computer easily.

Instead, each pokemon in ranked in Tiers instead of direct levels. Each Tier (besides the first and the last, which are special) cover an area of around twenty levels, within which it can be assumed that pokemon can be roughly equally effective against each other, typing and all taken into account, and better or worse against stuff in lower or high tiers respectively. This falls apart a little in edge cases where both pokemon are towards the outer edges of their Tier, but it's good enough to be an approximation.

There are six Tiers in all, ranging from Baby/Noncombatant at Tier 1 to Champion at Tier 6. Tier 1 covers levels Egg through 5, Tier 2 covers levels 6 through 20, Tier 3 covers levels 21 through 40, Tier 4 covers levels 41 through 60, Tier 5 covers levels 61 through 80, and Tier 6 covers champion ranked pokemon at levels 81 through 100. I'm sure there is absolutely no truth to the rumors of Tier 7, better known as the Legendary Tier according to gossip mongers.

Each pokemon also has four stats, known as Physical, Special, Status, and Stamina. The first three stats are a pokemon's effectiveness with, well, Physical, Special, or Status moves. The higher the better! Note that status includes moves such as Howl and Minimize or Perish Song as well as things like Poison Powder. The fourth, Stamina, is a combination of a pokemons healthiness and their ability to keep on trucking under heavy exertion. A pokemon with all of his, her, or its points in Special might be able to make one hell of a Fire Blast, but without any points in Stamina it'll only be able to do that Fire Blast once before it needs to take a good long rest to recover it's PP.

Whenever a pokemon ranks up, they gain an additional three stat points that they can distribute amongst their stats as they wish. Mostly, at least. The only rule about stat points is that you can only put half of a rank's gain (rounded up) into a single stat. Because while the idea of a Arcanine with only Special points is an interesting idea, even a specialist should have some Stamina or ability to use Physical moves, right?

Unlike other ranks, both Rank 2 and Rank 6 grant four stat points instead of three. Rank 2 does this because it's the start of a pokemon's journey away from non-combatant and towards being a champion, and so has the most amount of 'low hanging fruit' to claim in the battle for increased effectiveness. Rank 6 does this because… well, look, Champion stage pokemon are just baddass, ok?

To go up in rank, you need experience. And the higher in rank you already are, the more experience you need to go up another rank. Going from Tier 1 to Tier 2 is easy, it only needs two experience points to happen. That can be done in a month of solid dedicated training, assuming you don't slack off very much. Tier 2 to Tier 3 is less easy, but still simple. It needs three experience points, which still go by pretty fast but can't be done as quickly as the other stage. From Tier 3 to Tier 4, you need five experience points, and then from Tier 4 to Tier 5, you need another eight experience points. And then, to reach Tier 6, you need a whole thirteen more experience points!

Of course, not only do you need more experience to get better, the better you already are the harder it becomes to gain experience. Running around in a forest clearing with your Rattata for a few months might be enough for some Youngster with their first Pokemon, but it isn't going to do a single thing for a battle hardened trainer fresh from gaining his sixth badge. But how, exactly does that work you ask? It works by a d6 roll.

Yes, really. A d6 roll.

When you could gain experience, a d6 is rolled for each of your pokemon, and must roll equal or greater then their current ranking. This roll can be effected by modifiers, so if you're regularly fighting your equally powerful rival, well, you've probably got a consistent stream of tasty EXP coming in. Or if you're regularly getting into adventures featuring Legendaries or something, or go off and wrestle giant Onixes with your pokemon. That's always popular with high level trainers for some reason. On the other hand, if you're sitting back on your laurels only fighting to keep the Swallow out of your garden, well, you probably aren't seeing much experience come in.

Experience can also be used for things besides leveling up. For example, it can be used to gain a Move Tutor move instead, or train to bring out the power of one's ancestors and learn an egg move, or perhaps create a special Combo like combining Fire Wheel and Rollout for something that both smashes and burns. In general, the first few tricks you learn aren't that hard, but the more tricks you want to integrate with a pokemon's fighting style, the harder it becomes. And while you are training to master something special, you aren't training to climb up to the next tier.

Of course, if you are already a champion, you might not have anything to do but train in special tricks! Assuming you have some experience coming in at least.

On the other hand, since all pokemon do have some ancestors unless they're a completely fresh clone or something, in general all pokemon do start with one Egg Move for free. Unless something hinky is going on.

Pokemon Name :
Pokemon Species :
Type/s :
Training Tier :
Stats – Physical : , Special : , Status : , and Stamina :
Ability :
Total Experience :
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Playing the Game 101
Actions and Commands, or, How You Play The Game
Every turn each player has a certain number of actions they can do. At the start of the game, this number is two. Players can write in any desired action they want to try to do, detailing what they want to do, how they want to do it, and what items they want to take with them while doing it, though if they are a fairy type trainer they might want to write in a way to get rid of those poison pokemon that isn't just a direct battle. Besides doing things like exploring, looting, or defending, players can also use their actions to start a training plan for their pokemon.

Training Plans are how you teach your pokemon cool things. To be more precise, they are how you teach your pokemon Move Combos, Move Masteries, and just plain out Move Tutor them. See the Pokemon Training 101 post in the OOC thread for more information.

As well as doing everything yourself, your organization will eventually pick up more people as time goes on. Some of these people will be other trainers. Some of them won't be trainers at all, or at least won't train for battle, but that doesn't mean a team of engineers aren't important when you're trying to set up a new settlement or outpost somewhere.

Minions can be loosely divided into 'Minions loyal to one individual in particular' and 'People that just work for the organization'. Either way, each minion, or team of minions, can be giving one command per turn, which is about the same as a player's action, though a PC is probably gonna be more competent then any of their lesser flunkies. If a minion is loyal to the organization as a whole, everyone gets to vote on what they want that minion to do (or just let one person conscript them for the turn if everyone is in agreement). If they're loyal to one person in particular, that player gets to tell them what to do. Simple, right?

Items and Other Shiny Things
Items and gear come in two different varieties. Permanent Items and Temporary Items. The difference is simple. Permanent Items can only be used once a turn, but replace themselves when used so they can be used again next turn. Most farms or potion making machines or such give Permanent Items, as when you use one you can go back to the berry farm to get more berries at the end of an adventure. Temporary Items, which are what 99% of the items you scavenge are going to be, are used just like Permanent Items but, unlike them, don't get replaced when used up. So think hard on if you want to really take that rare full revive with you on a 'Keep the Rattata out of the berry fields' mission, yes?
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Name : Eddie Rollins
Trainer Class : Punk Guy (Bonus to Dark and Poison-types, knowledge of city terrain)
Starting Pokemon: Elvis the Houndour, Fang the Zubat
Background/Description : Eighteen years old, six feet tall with pale skin. Sharp features with gray eyes and piercing in his left eyebrow. Styles his hair in a flamboyant pink mohawk. Wears a black leather jacket with quilted shoulders, pink shirt, jeans and black combat boots. Eddie has a deep admiration of punk rock and delinquent culture and wishes he had the opportunity to experience the height of those cultures himself. Spent most of his time before the Cataclysm wandering the city participating in small time battles. Believes that he can really make something of himself in the aftermath of the Cataclysm and is working hard to make that a reality. Has some experience in fist fighting.

Pokemon Name : Elvis
Pokemon Species : Houndour
Type/s : Dark/Fire
Training Tier : 2
Stats - Physical : 1 Special : 2 Status : 1 Stamina : 3
Ability : Flash Fire
Total Experience : 2

Pokemon Name : Fang
Pokemon Species : Golbat
Type/s : Poison/Flying
Training Tier : 3
Stats - Physical : 3 Special : 1 Status : 2 Stamina : 4
Ability : Infiltrator
Total Experience : 3
Egg Moves : Brave Bird

Pokemon Name : Laszlo
Pokemon Species : Larvesta
Type/s : Bug/Fire
Training Tier : 2
Stats - Physical : 1 Special : 2 Status : 2 Stamina : 2
Ability : Flame Body
Total Experience : 2
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Name: Nawaf
Trainer Class: Chronicler
Starting Pokemon: Smeargle
Description: 31-year-old man. Average height, tan skin, short black hair. Plain yet pristine brown robes draped around him. Usually smiling. Carries a small backpack everywhere he goes. That, and a curved scar down his left cheek, make his appearance identifiable. Can be recklessly distracted. Likes journaling his thoughts and collecting potentially useful items.
Background: After the Cataclysm, Nawaf has become a prime contributor to the Aniseed archives, Pokemon section. And he helps tutor the bits of knowledge accumulated there. In his youth, he never could focus in the modern digital lifestyle, pre-Cataclysm. He made a visit to Aniseed several years ago, out of curiosity at first. Then he grew to enjoy the slower lifestyle. He is well-known in Aniseed for being a bit scatter-brained yet helpful. Here, he developed two hobbies. One, he enjoyed taking notes on everything. Two, he dabbled in tutoring a few Pokemon moves, with the help of his Smeargle. But now, these are no mere hobbies anymore.

Pokemon Name: Dewey
Pokemon Species: Smeargle
Type/s: Normal
Training Tier: 2
Stats - Physical: 1, Special: 1, Status: 4, Stamina: 1
Ability: Technician
Total Experience: ?
Moves: Mimic, Detect, Nature Power (mastered!), Acupressure

Pokemon Name: Oracle
Pokemon Species: Braixen
Type/s: Fire
Training Tier: 3
Stats - Physical: 1, Special: 4, Status: 3, Stamina: 2
Ability: Magician
Total Experience: ?
Egg Move: Hypnosis

- Bonus to Normal and Psychic types
- Archivist: Contributor to the new Aniseed archives, specifically pokemon-related topics. Bonus to analysis, research, or tutoring activities that use knowledge of already-encountered pokemon, moves, and other pokemon-related info.
Turn 4: Added Oracle the Fennekin to the team, caught by Eddie Rollins.
Turn 7: Oracle evolved to Braixen! +2 Special, +1 Stamina.
Turn 7: Dewey mastered Nature Power! Fear the Smeargle!
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Name: Anties
Trainer Class: Explorer(Forest and Mountain terrain affinity, Grass type affinity)
Starting Pokemon: Butterfree, Machop

Description: 27-year-old guy. Tall and lanky, with skin that seems to burn more then tan and cropped brown hair. Taken with old khaki style gear a past age, even if it is cheating with modern fabric. A simple tablet, not advanced enough to have more problems then a on screen avatar that he can't uninstall, is carried around with him every to help map and keep notes on areas.

Background: Even before the fall, Anties enjoyed exploring. Seeing first hand how Pokemon very displacing everything was more impactful seeing it first hand, rather then on VR feeds or drone footage.

Exploring was also a lot safer before the fall too, with help never more then a few seconds away via call, so much so that he didn't bother training anything before it happened. Anties had a few rarer Pokemon in storage, like a rare Clefairy that he found one full moon night, but remote storage access is totally borked now. Maybe one day...

Now exploring is more important and dangerous then ever. Lucky enough to be in Aniseed beforehand, now he helps scouting for input for Cornucopia machines and tracking the movement of Pokemon in the area.

Pokemon said:

Pokemon Name:
Pokemon Species: Butterfree
Type/s: Bug/Flying
Training Tier: 3
Stats - Physical: 1, Special: 2, Status: 4, Stamina: 3
Ability: Compound Eyes
Egg Move: Giga Drain
Total Experience: 5

Pokemon Name: Boney
Pokemon Species: Machoke
Type/s: Fighting
Training Tier: 3
Stats - Physical: 4, Special: 1, Status: 2, Stamina: 3
Ability: No Guard
Egg Move: Counter
Total Experience: 5

+1 to Special, +1 to Status, +1 to Stamina, Evo to Braixen!
Pokemon Name
: Melly
Pokemon Species : Braixen
: Fire
Training Tier : 3
Stats - Physical : 1 Special : 3 Status : 3 Stamina : 3
Ability : Blaze
Egg Move: Heat Wave
Total Experience : 5?
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Selected from applications, though my current three players were around on the discord while I was getting things going/planned out and so had a significant head start. I never do first come first served, it always feels really really unfair to anyone who was unlucky enough to show up five minutes late because of a traffic jam or just having to make dinner or any of the other things mundane life might throw at you.
Looks interesting, and if my PC was currently broken I'd look at joining. Probably will after the PC is fixed in a fortnight or so, or something.

Definitely interested in seeing where this goes though.
Hmm I am interested in playing, but I have to ask will you allow me to be a Pokemon Ranger? My main skills would probably be something like Law Enforcement and Pokemon Empathy to emulate the Styler mechanic from the Pokemon Ranger games.
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Name: Ranger Solus
Trainer Class: Pokemon Ranger, a new organization built upon practices that people once shunned they have trained extensively in managing wild pokemon and ensuring that no harm comes to the few remaining untouched Wild area of the world. (Bonus to Pokemon Empathy, which is dealing with wild pokemon non-violently and Medicine without advanced tech. Grass Type Affinity)
Starting Pokemon: Catherine, Female Steenee
Description: 26 year old Caucasian male.

Background: Luddites, that is what people called Solus's family ever since the world changed all those years ago and people began to augment themselves. However even from the beginning there were those who refused to do so, arguing that in the ever increasing urge to evolve and upgrade ourselves with the latest tech that something would be lost along the way. Of course they had been ignored, left to manage the ever shrinking reserves as they had for generations even as the city steadily encroached upon those unspoiled plains and forests. A slice of the past that stubbornly held on despite the pressures from the transhuman world.

Then the crash hit and everything changed.

Now those who once shunned them clamored for their help, for they were some of the few who still could. Using the skills that others had previously mocked them for they saved many lives through their knowledge of natural medicine, how to survive without the aid of technology and most importantly of all how to connect to pokemon without any fancy augment.

When the time came and Solus was chosen to be a part of the council he made a vow, he had seen both the destruction man has wrought upon the wild places of this world and the pain of those humans who wandered into the wilds unprepared. Thus on that day he swore to make an order dedicated to preventing such suffering and maintain balance with nature, as the first Pokemon Ranger.
Pokemon Name: Catherine
Pokemon Species: Tsareena
Type/s: Grass
Training Tier: 3
Stats – Physical: 5, Special: 1, Status: 1, and Stamina: 3
Ability: Leaf Guard
Total Experience: 3
Egg Move: Synthesis
Trained Moves: Rolling Kick

Pokemon Name: Bismarch
Pokemon Species: Horsea
Type/s: Water
Training Tier: 2
Stats – Physical: 1, Special: 4, Status: 2, and Stamina: 3
Ability: Sniper
Total Experience: 2
Egg Move: Splash
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Currently writing up a character sheet of my own. In regards to the egg move you say every Pokemon has, does it have to be a conventional one such as in the game or are we following anime guidelines on that (some 'Mon learning moves they wouldn't in the games...ex: Brock's Crobat using SonicBoom).

How are we deciding what Pokemon Trainer class we are and the effects of such? Do we submit to you what we want to take and let you decide the effects? Thinking Forest/Swamp Hiker (usually hikers in the game show up on mountain routes with rock types, so thought why not make variant for forest/swamp areas) but still working on it.

Assuming Physical means both attack/defence like in G.1 and Special the same. Stamina stands for endurance or health right?

Thanks for any help you provide. First time in a council quest :)
Oh ya I almost forgot to mention, my character will not be using Pokeballs. He is a very old school trainer, honestly any capturing I do will involve me bonding with a pokemon the old fashioned way and asking them it they'd like to be a part of my team.
Hmm I am interested in playing, but I have to ask will you allow me to be a Pokemon Ranger? My main skills would probably be something like Law Enforcement and Pokemon Empathy to emulate the Styler mechanic from the Pokemon Ranger games.
I'd be really hesitant to let you be a Ranger because A, I've never played one of the spin off games or seen one of the movie/episode things about them, and B, the system I've got set up for the game isn't designed for catch and release like that...

But the actual main issue is in your background, which assumes this was just the normal pokemon world as seen in the anime before the singularity hit. It isn't. All pokemon in this verse are the creation of posthuman genetically tampering (at best), and any actual ancient tradition of wilderness management that predated posthumanism would also have predated pokemon. If I was going to accept a class based on the anime/spinoff game rangers, it'd probably have something like 1 type affinity because all the classes have at least one, medical training for dealing with hurt pokemon without a magic healing device in the pokecenter, and Empathy for a bonus with dealing with wild pokemon non-violently. (Though do note that in this verse the majority of pokemon are not human level intellects.) And you'd still be using pokeballs.

On the other hand, Steenee is an acceptable starting pokemon, and you've formatted her sheet correctly, if you still want to play.

(If you want to look more closely at the original source document for this setting, even if I've adapted it somewhat, it's the Creative Destruction setting from the Pokemon Tabletop United book Do Porygon Dream of Mareep.)

Currently writing up a character sheet of my own. In regards to the egg move you say every Pokemon has, does it have to be a conventional one such as in the game or are we following anime guidelines on that (some 'Mon learning moves they wouldn't in the games...ex: Brock's Crobat using SonicBoom).
If it's not a conventional one ask me about it but something like the example of Sonic Boom on a bat wouldn't be out of the question. But putting Hyper Beam or Overheat or something on would need a really really good argument...

How are we deciding what Pokemon Trainer class we are and the effects of such? Do we submit to you what we want to take and let you decide the effects? Thinking Forest/Swamp Hiker (usually hikers in the game show up on mountain routes with rock types, so thought why not make variant for forest/swamp areas) but still working on it.
You submit what you want and can even say what abilities you want, and then I'll give feedback if I have any problems with said abilities and explain why and we'll continue until we find something both allowable and that you are happy with.
I'd be really hesitant to let you be a Ranger because A, I've never played one of the spin off games or seen one of the movie/episode things about them, and B, the system I've got set up for the game isn't designed for catch and release like that...

But the actual main issue is in your background, which assumes this was just the normal pokemon world as seen in the anime before the singularity hit. It isn't. All pokemon in this verse are the creation of posthuman genetically tampering (at best), and any actual ancient tradition of wilderness management that predated posthumanism would also have predated pokemon. If I was going to accept a class based on the anime/spinoff game rangers, it'd probably have something like 1 type affinity because all the classes have at least one, medical training for dealing with hurt pokemon without a magic healing device in the pokecenter, and Empathy for a bonus with dealing with wild pokemon non-violently. (Though do note that in this verse the majority of pokemon are not human level intellects.) And you'd still be using pokeballs.

On the other hand, Steenee is an acceptable starting pokemon, and you've formatted her sheet correctly, if you still want to play.

(If you want to look more closely at the original source document for this setting, even if I've adapted it somewhat, it's the Creative Destruction setting from the Pokemon Tabletop United book Do Porygon Dream of Mareep.)
Well to be fair the ranger is a class in the pokemon tabletop rpg and they do appear the mainline games, although most as just another trainer type but still. Also i'm not going for a catch and release style, I simply won't be using Pokeballs to obtain my team rather i'd bond with them the old fashioned way. There is even precedent for that style of pokemon trainer, admittedly that precedent is N but regardless it's there. The closest thing to Catch and Release would be things like convincing a wild pokemon to show us what the problem is or at worst getting a temporary ally for a single fight.

As for the issues with the profession predating pokemon, and despite how much I dislike the idea of pokemon all being posthuman creations, we can simply say that due to how the environment changed with the creation of pokemon (since obviously they got introduced and altered the ecosystem) the Rangers were forced to adapt a bit as a result, but still insisted on doing it the old fashioned way.
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One big early game balancing 'feature' is the lack of easily accessible pokeballs preventing people from rapidly hitting six+ mon teams and recruiting lots of minion trainers. I don't mind your character 'catching' pokemon by making friends with them and peacefully convincing them to come along/that your PC is so cool they should join or or whatever, but you'll still need an unoccupied pokeball to actually add them to your team. Is that ok with you?

Also, can I suggest that, if you really want to do pokemon ranger type stuff in this game, instead of having them be some ancient order of nature conservationists that dwindled away in time, why not have them be a type of group your character is interested in founding? I already have one player character who seems likely to found the tradition of pokemon professors, so why not just be a nature liking type person who wants to take advantage of the disaster resetting all sorts of stuff and his new position of responsibility to found a new order that is dedicated to his ideals?
One big early game balancing 'feature' is the lack of easily accessible pokeballs preventing people from rapidly hitting six+ mon teams and recruiting lots of minion trainers. I don't mind your character 'catching' pokemon by making friends with them and peacefully convincing them to come along/that your PC is so cool they should join or or whatever, but you'll still need an unoccupied pokeball to actually add them to your team. Is that ok with you?

Also, can I suggest that, if you really want to do pokemon ranger type stuff in this game, instead of having them be some ancient order of nature conservationists that dwindled away in time, why not have them be a type of group your character is interested in founding? I already have one player character who seems likely to found the tradition of pokemon professors, so why not just be a nature liking type person who wants to take advantage of the disaster resetting all sorts of stuff and his new position of responsibility to found a new order that is dedicated to his ideals?
Hmm I suppose I could work with that, also you don't have to worry about me rapidly recruiting a team. One of my personal rules is that if I make a team in these kinds of RPs they have to have a theme around them, so I am not going to be recruiting any pokemon into my team unless they fit the theme I am going for, which in this instance is Royalty/Rulers so that means that the only pokemon I will allow in my team are these ones and their preevolutions
  1. Tsareena
  2. Nidoking
  3. Nidoqueen
  4. Slowking
  5. Kangaskhan
  6. Empoleon
  7. Infernape
  8. Vespiquen
  9. Aegislash
  10. Tyrantrum
If it isn't one of these 10 it isn't going to be in my group. Also for flavor reasons, even if we are using the Pokeball early limitation for mechanics I'll still have my character act in the IC that he doesn't use them.

Edit: Also edited my sheet.
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...Well, if you want to go themed like that who am I to argue against you? Just note that I make no promises about rare pokemon being easy or simple to find, specially ones that need a large herding/hunting area when you are starting inside a city and will need to find safe ways out before you can explore the surrounding zones.

So do the class skills of Grass Type Affinity (because you are starting with a grass type), Medical Training, and Empathy sound good for your pokemon conservationist/ranger class?

Edit : Also because some things (like the game style magic healing trays you can find in pokecenters) do need pokeballs I'd advise just having it so you are one of the trainers who never actually puts their pokemon in a pokeball unless they really really really have to, ala Ash's Pikachu. Instead of pretending the balls don't exist at all I mean.
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...Well, if you want to go themed like that who am I to argue against you? Just note that I make no promises about rare pokemon being easy or simple to find, specially ones that need a large herding/hunting area when you are starting inside a city and will need to find safe ways out before you can explore the surrounding zones.

So do the class skills of Grass Type Affinity (because you are starting with a grass type), Medical Training, and Empathy sound good for your pokemon conservationist/ranger class?
Oh I am well aware, but on the plus side that lack of a team size will likely be balances by Steenee getting all the experience to begin with. Honestly the one which I figured i'd find first is a Slowpoke. Although maybe I'll stumble upon a Female Combee if there was a building using them to produce honey.
Looks good enough to me then. Your sheet is now approved and I'll make choices as soon as other people have had time to make their own submissions too. (though at this rate we might not get more submissions then I have room for players anyway.)

Are you going to give Catherine an Egg Move?
Looks good enough to me then. Your sheet is now approved and I'll make choices as soon as other people have had time to make their own submissions too. (though at this rate we might not get more submissions then I have room for players anyway.)

Are you going to give Catherine an Egg Move?
Nah I'm good, I'm probably going to invest extra xp into combo moves like mixing Razor Leaf with Rapid Spin or maybe do what Diamond did in adventures with the super sonic single razor leaf.
Nah I'm good, I'm probably going to invest extra xp into combo moves like mixing Razor Leaf with Rapid Spin or maybe do what Diamond did in adventures with the super sonic single razor leaf.
No, on the count of 'actually, yes, your pokemon does have parents instead of just being summoned by a random number machine because someone forgot to mow the grass' all pokemon can have a single free egg move if you want her to have one. You just need to spend EXP to awaken your non-immediate heritage and learn more of them, not the learn the first one. It's mentioned on the bottom of the Pokemon Training 101 post.

(Granted most of my other players haven't gotten around to choosing one yet either if you want to delay for a cinematically appropriate point.)
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No, on the count of 'actually, yes, your pokemon does have parents instead of just being summoned by a random number machine because someone forgot to mow the grass' all pokemon can have a single free egg move if you want her to have one. You just need to spend EXP to awaken your non-immediate heritage and learn more of them, not the learn the first one. It's mentioned on the bottom of the Pokemon Training 101 post.

(Granted most of my other players haven't gotten around to choosing one yet either if you want to delay for a cinematically appropriate point.)
Oh well in that case I'll grab synthesis for the self heal, make thematic sense in my mind.