Pancakes and Penguins

Really glad you enjoyed I know K/S is not for everyone. I was going to shelve the Christmas thing but If people are willing to wait a bit I would be happy to write it in January.

Still counts as the holiday season! Looking forward to it:

Kaworu emerges from the bedroom tangled up in a ball of festive wrapping paper

"Can someone please help me? I appear to be stuck."

Asuka perks up

"So you want us to unwrap you?"

"Yes but I'm clothed under here. Wrapping gifts is...very hard and it would appear that my difficulties with bedsheets extend to sheets of paper as well."

"Poor Angel Boy. Shinji! Get the scissors!"
Okay, so, I know I am stupidly, obscenely, unforgivably late to the party on this, but I want to say...I like it. First thing I noticed and appreciated was the non-linear timeline throughout. When you have extreme emotions toward someone, when you love someone, things are fragmented at times and you can be in so many different moments at once. So, props to you, Alex, for nailing that.

Kaworu spoke up. "Heh, Hikari can be quite scary when she wants to be. The way she puffs up when she gets agitated is quite fascinating. She is like...what are those birds from Australia?"
Touji was confused. "Are you calling my fiancee an ostrich?"

Kaworu waved his hands in defence. "I don't mean to insult... I mean she is a very pretty ostrich."

That bit was hilarious.

And more seriously, I'm thinking visually here and the visual you created for Asuka, Shinji, and Kaworu in the future, it reminded me of one of those classical statues that's cracked in a few spots but still beautiful. Because that's kind of where they are at that point. I hope that makes sense and doesn't sound pretentious as all hell.

If you ever did more with this, I would like something where Rei asks about his namesake and his parents tell him.
BnB has sorta eaten a lot of my writing time but i am planning on taking a break soon to work on some other things. If there is a real desire for more pancakes I might do that.
Before you guys get on me, Alex told me I could post here.

This was really good, just a lot of fun to read in general. I liked the interesting concepts you built up and the potential for more that you included without compromising the main work's ability to stand on its own. It was just really cute and comfy. It also used the nonlinear narrative to good effect, which really made the whole thing feel real without the sixty thousand words you'd need to tell the whole story linearly. I second the other people's comments that it'd be fun to see more of this story.