Pan Pacific Kanmusu Defense Corp. a Kantai Collection/Pacific Rim Crossover

So, while I'm working on the next scene, have a snip from an upcoming chapter:

The newly repaired and upgraded Orion Fury walked through the city, avoiding cars and overpasses as it stalked its prey. Even though it was a simulation, Mitch believed that it was good practice for his new co-pilot. He also needed some practice as well, given that the new upgrades had made his Jaeger stronger, lighter, and faster. He could sense that his co-pilot doubted this through the drift, and was about to respond when he misjudged the weight of the machine, again, and put its foot through an overpass.
"Shit," he swore under his breath.
Collateral damage, even virtual, tended to attract the attention of the enemy. He tensed up, expecting an ambush fron behind. However, neither pilot expected the ambush to come in the form of a tan and gray Jaeger charging through the building next to them and tackling their machine to the ground.

Edit: Ok, I want to get an idea of the amount of people following this, so if you could leave a like, or any rating you please so I can get a good idea of this fic's "fanbase" that would be nice. Thanks.
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Chapter 1.1 - Love and Loss
Terribly sorry for the delay! Life got in the way of updating, as did my lack of a muse.
Chapter 1.1 Love and Loss

Two weeks later...

The damaged Orion Fury stood in the hanger, technicians and damage control fairies swarming over it slowly repairing the damage dealt to it by the Kaiju that was known as Butterknife. No one noticed its remaining pilot, and one of the few Fleet-Boys in existence standing on the catwalk in front of the machine's head. He stared at the remains of the Jaeger's visor, as if it held the answers to his problems. Mitch was staring at it so intensely that he didn't even notice Iowa until she slapped him, sending him to the floor. Not that the slap actually hurt, given that the Anti-Abyssal Battleships had more armor than the famous Yamato-class battleships, it was that it was Iowa who slapped him.

"You nearly got us killed, you know that right?" She hissed at him.

"I'm aware of that." He grunted as he stood back up.

"Oh! You're aware of it! That makes such a big difference!" She said mockingly as Mitch turned away from her.

"The plasma cannon overloaded, there was nothing I could have done to stop it, even if I had wanted to." He calmly informed her.

"So that's it?! That's not how Alex would have done it!" She yelled.

Mitch spun back around, eyes narrowed dangerously, and a cold fury in his eyes.

"Don't talk about my brother like that," He hissed at Iowa as he pointed at the Jaeger behind them, "He died defending this base, and he would have done the same thing if he was in my place!"

"Oh! So you're assuming you know what he would d-"

"IOWA! Stand down!"
The two turned towards the sound of the voice as Nagato, the marshal of the Anchorage Shatterdome, strode towards them. With that, Iowa huffed and stormed out of the hanger.

"So, how long until they're done?" Mitch asked.

Nagato did a double take, she had not expected him to ask her that.

"Six months" She replied.

"Six months, Why?"

"Orion Fury will be going under a massive refit, it will be the test bed for the new fusion reactors, as well as new weapon systems and armor." Nagato stated calmly as she handed him a sheet of paper. "Upon your return, there will be a group of co-pilot candidates for you to test, and Orion Fury will re-enter active service."

"Upon my return, what do mean?" He asked as he took the paper.

Nagato pointed a line on the paper, underlining the text with her finger.

"Enforced Vacation? For six months?"

"I am giving you time to deal with your loss, that is not an opportunity that most people get." Nagato told him as she walked away.

Mitch turned back to his Jaeger, "I'll be back." He whispered.

6 months later...

Mitch was riding his motorcycle back to the shatterdome when he heard it. The sound of helicopter blades beating the air as they lifted something massive. He looked up as the massive shadow fell over him and saw something he never wanted to see. Hanging from the helicopters was the Jaeger known as Yankee Brawler, the first Jaeger ever built. And it was being taken away to be decommissioned. He had hoped to see the Jaeger enter combat again, even though it was outdated and extremely slow, mainly because he enjoyed working with its pilots. But, there it was, with its reactor powered down, and huge stripes of red paint marking it for decommission as it was flown to Oblivion Bay, the resting place for destroyed or deactivated Jaegers. Now he had to get to the shatterdome as soon as possible, and find out was was going on.
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So, if you guys are wondering, this is what Mitch's rigging resembles:

Because boat power armor.