Pan Pacific Kanmusu Defense Corp. a Kantai Collection/Pacific Rim Crossover

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First things first, I need to get this out of the way. This is my first fic EVER. So don't go...
Old Prologue

Greek Fire

One of these days, I'll actually start writing.
The Earth Sphere
First things first, I need to get this out of the way. This is my first fic EVER. So don't go expecting a masterpiece right away. Also, just as an FYI, there may end up being a few plot-holes. Those will be unintentional, so if you find one and are bothered by it, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. Anyone and everyone is welcome to spell-check and hunt for grammatical errors. And now that's out of the way, with out further ado...
Edit: putting the old prologue in a spoiler, read it if you wish.
Edit 2: Omakes are welcome!

Pan Pacific Kanmusu Defense Corp.

Kaiju (Japanese): Giant Beast

Jaeger (German): Hunter

Humanity has always known less about the depths its own oceans than what we know about the stars. And while some feared an invasion from the stars, no one ever expected an invasion from the deepest depths of the oceans. And from the depths of the pacific ocean, a new enemy appeared. The Abyssal, a force of unnatural beings that terrorized the oceans. They cut off shipping lanes, shot down airliners, and bombarded cities. Not even the modern warships and all of their advanced technology and powerful weapons could stand against the endless hordes of the Abyssal fleets. But all was not lost. In what seemed like our darkest hour, salvation appeared. Taking the form of young women and girls, the souls of destroyed warships were able to fight the Abyssals on an even playing field. Then the tides turned against us once again. A massive creature of flesh and steel, heavily armored, and armed to teeth appeared. This beast, this behemoth, this Kaiju attacked the city of San Francisco. Not even the ship-girls, now known as Kanmusu, or even the extremely advanced anti-abyssal warships could bring the beast down at first. 3 days, and 2 cities later jets, ships, kanmusu, and nukes finally took the beast down. We mourned our dead, memorialized the attack, and moved on. Then barely 6 months later, a second attack hit Pearl Harbor, then a third hit the joint JMSDF/USN base at Okinawa. Then we finally learned that this was not going to stop. A new weapon was needed to fight these monsters, so the world pooled its resources and its greatest minds. The Jaeger program was formed. Based on DARPA jet fighter technology and designed for Kanmusu pilots, the Jaeger tech was too much for one Kanmusu to pilot. So a two-pilot system was implemented, left hemisphere, right hemisphere pilot control. With the immediate deployment of the Jaegers, we started winning. Jaegers stopping kaiju everywhere, we got really good at it. And with safety, and victory, seemingly within reach the rest of humanity made a profit off of the war, turning the danger into propaganda and the kaiju into toys. But then? Then it ALL changed.

Anchorage Shatterdome

Year 2027

The two young men in the spartan bedroom were fast asleep. Or they would have been if the alarm hadn't gone off. This wasn't your everyday "get out of bed alarm" this was a "WAKE THE FUCK UP THERE'S A GIANT MONSTER" alarm. The younger of the pair, one with short, dark blonde hair that was almost brown, a smug grin on his face, and a slight stubble of an oncoming beard. The older of the two was still asleep. That didn't last very long however as the younger one ran over to the bed and started pounding on it.

"COME ON BRO GET UP!" the younger one shouted "there's a Kaiju!"

"Urg, what category?" the older one groggily asked.

"Its a category 3, the biggest one yet!"

Satisfied with his work, the younger one ran out of the room, in order to get dressed.

"Hey kid," the oldest said "don't get cocky."

The remark caused the youngest to smirk.

A few minutes later the two brothers were walking down a metal lined hallway that was similar to one that would be found on board a warship. The pair was now wearing their own almost skin-tight jumpsuits with bomber jackets worn over the top to ward off the hallway's cold. In front of them, a large set of metal doors cycled open admitting the duo into a room filled with technicians, large computer screens, and two pairs of silver and gunmetal grey boots.

As the two walked in, the younger brother started to get cocky.

"Alright, lets suit up and KICK SOME ASS!" he said happily.

The technicians pulled out plates of grey metal and fastened them to the black jumpsuits that the pair wore. Now that each looked like some form of space-commandos from a sci-fi movie, the technicians pulled a pair of what looked like flat, silver spines out of a container. They were then attached to the pairs backs, and then small lights on the now fully armored suits flickered to life. Each was handed a helmet, ones with large transparent faceplates. After donning the helmets and connecting them to their suits, the pair was led into another room where they both stepped into what looked like boot-locks for snow skis. However, that was far from what was happening. A set of harnesses descended from the ceiling, and attached themselves to the pair's backs. A pair of white disks shot up from the floor and into the pairs hands. The oldest on the right caught it with his right hand, the youngest on the left caught it with his left hand. The process seemingly complete, the two waited. They did not have to wait very long, as they heard the voice they were waiting for.

"So, how are the 'Becket boys' doing tonight?" a joking female voice asked.

"Pretty good, how about you Mutsu?" the younger man asked.

"Despite having to wake up at two in the morning, just fine." the woman replied.

"Cut the chatter, I need them focused." an almost monotone female voice said.

"Alright you two, your mission is to defend a city of 2 million people." Said a deep male voice.

With that, all the chatter stopped. The fact that Admiral Pentecost was here ment that this was not a drill.

"Sir, theres still a civilian vessel out there, its right in the kaiju's projected path." the younger brother said.

"Like I said before, your job is to protect the city, and I will not let you abandon those lives for a boat that holds only 10 men, am I clear?" The admiral asked.

"Crystal." the older brother said.

"You boys ready for The Drop?" Asked Mustu.

"This is Gipsy Danger, and we are ready for the big drop!" The two brothers shouted in unison.

Then the "room" they were in dropped, however, this wasn't just any room, this was a cockpit, better known as a Conn. Pod. As the Pod dropped down the shaft, it fell towards a set of rails. These rails extended from the ceiling, and into the shoulders of a massive gunmetal grey giant. A Jaeger, the Mark III known as Gipsy Danger. The Pod connected to the neck of the machine, forming the head of the mech. As it rotated into place, the massive fan set in the machine's chest began to spin, first glowing blue, white, then a baleful orange. On each shoulder there were massive battleship grade turrets, each with two large cannon barrels extending out of them. "Preparing for Neural Handshake in 3, 2, 1…" Mutsu counted off. Then for the two young men, the world became memories. Each saw the other's life experiences flash by in an instant. Then, at the same moment, the pair witnessed the same memory. The Golden Gate Bridge was completely destroyed, the beast having torn it apart. As his/their bulk cut through the water, he/they was/were aware of another ship, an anti-Abyssal battleship crusing next them/him. The most advanced ships ever created, and there was only two of them. Then their crew's heard the roar and there, in the burning ruins of San Francisco stood the kaiju. Its axe-like head turned towards the approaching warships, along with the turrets growing out of its back. The order was given, both warships fired. their turrets spewed fire and lightning into the night, missile pods disgorged hundreds of missiles into the night sky. all of which exploded against the monster's side and face. The smoke cleared, and then the beast returned fire. Shells ripped into the two massive battleships, damaging weapons, destroying primary systems, taking out propulsion systems, and killing crew members. The remaining weapons on the two ships fired again, belching out fire and lightning into the night sky, sending electromagnetically and chemically accelerated shells at the beast. This voly had an effect. The monster reeled back, almost falling over in pain. But that didn't stop it from firing one last salvo at the ships that had harmed it. Each shell hit, exploding inside the two warships, tearing them in two. The last thing the remaining crew members, and the ships themselves saw, was the bomber flying high overhead, and the flash of light, force, and heat of the nuclear weapon exploding on the monster's head. The two brothers, the long time comrades, jerked back as the memory faded. This was the Drift, the system that allowed the Kanmusu and the rare Ship-Boys to pilot their Jaegers. The pilots had mind melded through their memories, linking their souls to each other. And no two random people could drift with each other, you had to be compatible with your drift partner, and compatible the brothers were. Raising their left hands, they began the routine of calibrating the machine to their movements. They continued by raising their right hands, then when the AI onboard their personal death-mech confirmed that the calibrations were complete, they finished by smashing their fists against their palms. Outside, the machine's arms mimiced the movements although it was slower. As the space-shuttle grade transport crawler carrying the Jaeger started moving forward, the younger brother sent a thought to his older sibling. "Alex, I don't like this, leaving a boat full of men out where that lizard is gonna be able to get it."

"I don't like it either Mitch, so lets do something about it."

Bering Sea, 20 miles from the coast line

The captain of the small fishing boat knew he and his crew were fucked the moment the hurricane hit. And now there was a Kaiju headed right towards them. The radio alerts and now even the damn fish finder confirmed that, yes, they were very, very, fucked. Now the kaiju was looking down at the boat in front of it with a rather hungry look on its ugly face. Perhaps it was going to attempt to eat the boat and the men on it, maybe it was going to simply destroy it and be on its way. It never got the chance to chose, as four 16 inch chemical railgun shells slammed into its face. The beast, now dubbed "Knifehead" by the K-Tech scientists at the shatterdome, looked around for the source of the attack. It didn't have to look very far, as the source of said attack was now charging at it so it could land an uppergut on its lower jaw. Having gotten the upper hand, Gipsy Danger raised its fists high above its head in time with its pilot's. With a blast of its fog-horn it brought its fists down on the beast's head with titanic force, driving its head into the water. Having already recovered, the beast reared up and lunged at the machine's head, aiming to bite it off. This attack was seen from a mile away, and was blocked by the armored forearm of the Jaeger. "SHOOT IT!" Mitch, the younger of the pair shouted.

"I'M DOING IT!" shouted Alex, the older one yelled back.

"SHOOT IT ALREADY!" shouted Mitch again.

With that, Alex held his arm parallel with the floor and pumped it like it was a shotgun. Outside, the right hand of the mech spiraled open, the fingers retracting and the palm opening to reveal the machine's most powerful weapon, the I-19 Plasma Caster. With a burst of lightning and heat, the kaiju reared back, another shot and it went completely vertical, a third shot and it fell over into the churning sea. The beast was dead, so the brothers congratulated each other on their 5th successful kill. However, the mood turned sour quickly as the admiral came on the comm. line. "Gipsy, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" the Admiral shouted. "Job's done sir!" said Mitch happily, "we just finished and bagged our 5th kill!"

"You disobeyed a direct order!" the admiral yelled.

"Respectfully, sir," Alex countered, "we intercepted a Kaiju and saved everyone on that boat."

"Get back to your post, Now!" the Admiral growled.


The admiral ran back the microphone and shouted, "GIPSY! We're still getting a signature, grab the boat!"

The machine looked around, responding to its pilots, searching for the still living kaiju in the water.

"Grab the boat, and get of there NOW!" the Admiral shouted again.

The pilots didn't have to look very far for the kaiju now. It jumped out of the water and backhanded the machine's cockpit. Now disoriented, the machine staggered back, open to attack. The beast took this opportunity to drive its knife-shaped head into the Jaeger's left shoulder. inside the cockpit, alarms sounded, and an alert saying LEFT ARM DISABLED flashed across multiple holographic screens. The beast used its head as a lever to wrench the arm out of its socket, sending it into the sea, the half activated plasma caster flickering out as it fell. Back at the shatterdome, the command room was in full panic. "left arm's gone cold sir!" shouted Mutsu. Nagato, the marshal of the Anchorage Shatterdome, swore. The admiral pounded the console in anger. Back in Gipsy Danger's cockpit, Mitch screamed in pain as the neural feedback ran through his own left arm, making it feel like his own arm was just ripped off. Then, the claw of the beast went through the hull of the cockpit. The brothers stared in disbelief at the man-sized claw that has shredded the armor there. Alex turned towards his injured brother "It went through the hull, look only listen to me, you have to-" He was only able to get those last few words out before the kaiju ripped the side of the cockpit clean off, taking the young man with it. Now in even greater pain than before, Mitch had only one thought on this mind, and that was that the kaiju needed to die. "IT HAS TO DIE IT HAS TO DIE IT HAS TO DIE IT HAS TO DIE IT HAS TO DIE IT HAS TO DIE IT HAS TO DIE IT HAS TO DIE IT HAS TO DIE IT HAS TO DIE IT HAS TO DIE IT HAS TO DIE IT HAS TO DIE IT HAS TO DIE IT HAS TO DIE!" was the only thought running through his mind. Had he been paying attention to the drift, what little remained of it, he would have noticed a burning rage, in the back of his awareness. But he was not paying attention to that, as he was busy activating the last plasma cannon and aiming at the stomach of the kaiju as it slammed the mech against an iceberg and began biting the torn joint that was the left arm, then began to try to stab the very reactor of the machine. The beast was so focused on killing the machine, that it did not notice the cry of vengeance from its remaining pilot, nor the overcharging plasma caster pointed at its chest. Then with a sound like thunder, and flash like lightning, the cannon discharged all of its energy into the kaiju.


Alaska coastline

precise location unknown

The hurricane last night had brought with it a huge snowstorm. However that wasn't going to stop the grandfather and his grandson from going on a little treasure hunt. Walking along the frozen coast, the two search for old valuables with an old metal-detector. All they found was an old, battered wind-up robot toy. Then they heard the thunder, thunder that was getting much closer every second. Then the two looked up to see a battered Jaeger stumble onto the shore. It was missing its entire left arm, half of its cockpit, and had a gaping hole in the armor just below the neck. It was trailing fire from multiple holes in the armor. Nonetheless, it walked forward steadily, until it hit beach. Then it fell over, and with a screech of tortured metal, it collapsed onto its chest, with the cockpit digging into the ground. Then a man stumbled out, the armor he wore was torn and tattered, parts of it hanging off by threads, blood was leaking through the busted seals of the suit. The man was saying a name, Alex, over and over again like a chant. The grandfather knew exactly who this was, and had his grandson run for help. The injured man would be scarred for life, and not just physically. And while the rest of the world believed that this was a one time event, it was really only the beginning of the end.
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Well, this is certainly a start. Though a little close to the way the movie started, like, almost point for point bar a couple changes.
I was going for that. To set the mood for the story. It's going to be very different from here on out. There will be the occasional similar scene, like when stacker recruits Raleigh.
I just noticed that copy-pasting ate my formatting. I'll fix that later.

Edit: formatting fixed!
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I have but a single complaint with Kanmusu exclusive Jaeger. . .

. . . it completely sidelines Marshal Pentecost :mad:
(or sufficiently equivalent Stacker type character)
I have but a single complaint with Kanmusu exclusive Jaeger. . .

. . . it completely sidelines Marshal Pentecost :mad:
(or sufficiently equivalent Stacker type character)
maybe have him as the admiral?
I'm just going to be quiet and enjoy the story now
maybe have him as the admiral?
I'm just going to be quiet and enjoy the story now
He is the admiral... It even says it.

Ok, so the new version of the prologue is about half done. I'll try to get it out tomorrow.
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Prologue 2.0

Pan Pacific Kanmusu Defense Corp.

Kaiju (Japanese): Giant Beast

Jaeger (German): Hunter

Humanity has always known less about the depths its own oceans than what we know about the stars. And while some feared an invasion from the stars, no one ever expected an invasion from the deepest depths of the oceans. And from the depths of the pacific ocean, a new enemy appeared. The Abbysals, a force of unnatural beings that terrorized the oceans. They cut off shipping lanes, shot down airliners, and bombarded cities. Not even the modern warships and all of their advanced technology and powerful weapons could stand against the endless hordes of the Abyssal fleets. But all was not lost. In what seemed like our darkest hour, salvation appeared. Taking the form of young women and girls, the souls of destroyed warships were able to fight the Abbysals on an even playing field. Then the tides turned against us once again. A massive creature of flesh and steel, heavily armored, and armed to teeth appeared. This beast, this behemoth, this Kaiju attacked the city of San Francisco. Not even the ship-girls, now known as Kanmusu, or even the extremely advanced anti-abbysal warships could bring the beast down at first. 3 days, and 2 cities later jets, ships, kanmusu, and nukes finally took the beast down. We mourned our dead, memorialized the attack, and moved on. Then barely 6 months later, a second attack hit Pearl Harbor, then a third hit the joint JMSDF/USN base at Okinawa. Then we finally learned that this was not going to stop. A new weapon was needed to fight these monsters, so the world pooled its resources and its greatest minds. The Jaeger program was formed. Based on DARPA jet fighter technology and designed for Kanmusu pilots, the Jaeger tech was too much for one Kanmusu to pilot. So a two-pilot system was implemented, left hemisphere, right hemisphere pilot control. With the immediate deployment of the Jaegers, we started winning. Jaegers stopping kaiju everywhere, we got really good at it. And with safety, and victory, seemingly within reach the rest of humanity made a profit off of the war, turning the danger into propaganda and the kaiju into toys.

When more modern ships began to manifest as kanmusu, everyone expected them to all be women. No one ever expected that the anti-abyssal ships such as the USS Mitchell and the USS Alexander would come back as men. The entire world was shocked when this happened as all the other Kanmusu were female, so it was quite the surprise. The two "brother" ships had been in service for barely a year before they were destroyed in the first Kaiju attack at San Francisco. After proving their worth again during a massive Abyssal attack on the Alaskan city of Anchorage, fending off 14 destroyers, 8 cruisers, 2 battleships, and holding off a category III Kaiju long enough for the Jaeger Romeo Blue to deploy and kill it. Afterwards, they were immediately chosen to be the pilots of the new mark III Jaeger named Orion Fury. With four kaiju kills under their belts, the brothers are experienced pilots and seasoned warriors when fighting normal abyssal units. But then? Then it ALL changed.

Anchorage Shatterdome

Year 2027

You never knew when a kaiju could attack. It could happen at any time of the day, morning, night, in the middle of a meal, one time there was kaiju attack in the middle of a combat exercise. Because of this, Shatterdomes are always ready, having at least one Jaeger crew awake at a time. This being the case, the pilots of Orion Fury were currently awake, even though it was two-o-clock in the morning. At this point, the two were practicly nocturnal, they rarely got to fight during the day. Which is why the USS Mitchell and the USS Alexander were already in full Drivesuit armor within minutes of the kaiju alert. It was already confirmed that the kaiju was a category III battleship class, which meant that it would it would be even harder to kill than normal. It wasn't that it was a battleship-class that made it more of a problem, it was that they hadn't detected it until just now. It was also heading right towards the Shatterdome, and with no defenses barring the ship-girls stationed there and the two Jaegers, it was paramount that Orion Fury was launched ASAP. The only thing delaying them from getting to their Jaeger was that the person that designed the Anchorage Shatterdome put the pilot armory on the opposite side of the compound. And this is why Orion Fury's pilots were sprinting through the hallways of the Shatterdome at almost inhuman speeds. "So, do we even know anything about what we're going up against?" Mitch, the taller and younger of the pair asked.

"Not much," his brother Alex replied "all we know is that this one's different."

"How so?"

"Don't know, all they said was that its different, they didn't say how."

"I hate it when they do that…"

Standard procedure for deploying a Jaeger requires disconnecting the machine's head, better known as the Conn. Pod, for easier pilot access. So stepping into a giant metal head dangling above a shaft that is a couple hundred feet deep is normal for a Jaeger pilot. Getting strapped into the control harnesses is fairly straight forward process as all the pilots have to do is stand on the boot clamps. As the the harnesses connected to the various hardpoints on their suits, the two brothers shared a worried expression. Usually, the scanners would be able to give them a silhouette or sometimes a 3D render of the attacking kaiju. Sure, no two kaiju look the same, but none have ever been "different." However, their musing was cut short by the Conn. Pod's intercom coming on and relaying the voice of their commanding officers. "Ok Orion, we're gonna keep the mission brief short." The two young men shot to attention at the voice of Admiral Stacker Pentecost. "As you already know, there is a category III kaiju on course for this base, your mission is to intercept it before it gets close enough to bombard the Shatterdome."

"Sir," Alex asked "Do we even know anything about this Kaiju?"

"Nagato, the details please, Mutsu prep Orion Fury for launch."

Then the Conn. Pod dropped, riding the rails on the sides of the shaft down to hangar below. The rails extended into the shoulders of the metal giant, right between the massive twin missile pods. As the neck of the Jaeger opened up to allow the Pod to connect, the various running lights and flood lights mounted to the machine's hull slowly flickered to life in time with the orange glow emanating from the vents on its chest. "All systems green, ready to engage neural handshake." Mitch reported.

"Initiating Drift in 3, 2, 1, now." reported Mutsu from her seat at the monitoring station.

Then the two brothers in the cockpit of the mech watched as their world became memories. The two saw each others lives play out before them, then they both experienced the same memory. The Golden Gate Bridge was completely destroyed, the beast having torn it apart. As his/their bulk cut through the water, he/they was/were aware of another ship, an anti-Abyssal battleship crusing next them/him. The most advanced ships ever created, and there was only two of them. Then their crew's heard the roar and there, in the burning ruins of San Francisco stood the kaiju. Its axe-like head turned towards the approaching warships, along with the turrets growing out of its back. The order was given, both warships fired. their turrets spewed fire and lightning into the night, missile pods disgorged hundreds of missiles into the night sky. all of which exploded against the monster's side and face. The smoke cleared, and then the beast returned fire. Shells ripped into the two massive battleships, damaging weapons, destroying primary systems, taking out propulsion systems, and killing crew members. The remaining weapons on the two ships fired again, belching out fire and lightning into the night sky, sending electromagnetically and chemically accelerated shells at the beast. This voley had an effect. The monster reeled back, almost falling over in pain. But that didn't stop it from firing one last salvo at the ships that had harmed it. Each shell hit, exploding inside the two warships, tearing them in two. The last thing the remaining crew members, and the ships themselves saw, was the bomber flying high overhead, and the flash of light, force, and heat of the nuclear weapon exploding on the monster's head. The two pilots had just drifted with each other, linking their minds and souls to each other. As they began to calibrate the machine to their movements, one of the main holographic displays shifted to show the rough silhouette of the monster they were about to fight. It was similar to most Kaiju in the manner of the turrets growing from its back and head, and the anti-aircraft guns lining its arms. However the most striking feature was the blade-shaped head. "So this is the ugly son of a bitch we've been hearing about…" Alex mused.

"K-Science has dubbed it 'butterknife'." Nagato said calmly.

"Really, 'butterknife was the best they could come up with?" Mitch jokingly asked.

"You three can argue about its name later, right now you and your escort have a city of 2 million people to defend."

"Sir, may we ask who our escorts are?" Alex asked.

"Your escort is Iowa, Indianapolis, Johnston, and Hornet." the Admiral replied.

"Now, lets go fishing." the brothers said in unison.

In front of the 80 meter tall mech, the hangar doors opened to reveal the stormy sea. The pilots began to walk in place as if they were use an elliptical machine, and their Jaeger mimicked their movements and began to stride forwards into the churning water. As soon as it cleared the hangar bay, another set of large doors opened, these were nowhere near as large as the ones that Orion Fury had used as these were the doors to the Kanmusu hangar. Four young women skated out of the hangar, gliding on the surface of the water as if they were ice skating. They soon fell into formation behind the Jaeger and they began the hunt for the beast.

20 miles of the alaskan coastline

"aka Miracle Mile"

The kaiju now know as Butterknife was hiding amonst the large icebergs that had collected in the area. It now knew that it was being hunted by one of the machines. The storm was playing havoc with its senses so it had no idea where its hunter was. Until it took four 15 inch chemical railgun shells to face, followed by a salvo of 16 inch shells from Iowa, a burst from Indianapolis, a volley from Johnston, and 3 1000 pound bombs courtesy of hornet's dive bombers. Blinded by the pain, it roared in anger as it tried to find its attackers. It most likely would have kept roaring if it hadn't been thrown against the iceberg it was hiding behind. With the beast now pinned, Orion Fury began to rip of the turrets on the kaiju's back to disarm it. It managed to tear off two of the four turrets before the beast threw the machine off its back and lunged at its head. The attack was blocked by the Jaeger's forearm, but the blow knocked out the ulnar mounted rail guns there. "SHOOT IT!" Mitch shouted at his brother as he struggled to hold the beast back.

"I'M DOING IT!" Alex yelled back.


Now that the jaeger was in range, it could utilize its most powerful weapon, the plasma beam. Alex pressed a button on the control panel and the chest of the mech opened and the massive vent their glowed blue, white, then a stream of pure plasma launched out and into the kaiju's chest, burning into it and pushing it back. With that, the kaiju fell over into the sea. "Orion, have you completed your mission?" the Admiral asked them over the radio.

"Yes sir! Its done, lit it up with the plasma cannon!" Mitch replied.

"Good, now return to base for debriefing."

"Yes sir." the brothers replied.

Then alarms went off in the shatterdome control room, the same alarms that sounded when a kaiju was detected. That could mean only one thing, the kaiju was not dead. "Kaiju signature rising!" Mutsu shouted from her station.

"Orion! We're still getting a signature, grab your escorts and get out of there!" Nagato shouted into the microphone.

However, Orion Fury did not grab its escorts and run, it stood and searched the waters flood lights lancing into the depths, probing for the monster. Then, the kaiju lept from the water and backhanded the Jaeger across the Conn. Pod, staggering it. Now stunned, the pilots could do nothing to stop the kaiju's claw from tearing into the right side of the cockpit. "Oh shit!" Alex turned towards his brother "Look, listen to me, you have to-" He wasn't able to finish his sentence as the kaiju pulled the entire right side of the Conn. Pod off and smashed it against the iceberg it was pinning the Jaeger against. The pain of having his brother torn from the drift and killed overwhelmed Mitch and he nearly fell over in pain. But he did not, he had to focus, had to kill the kaiju, had to avenge his brother. He reached for the radio and pressed the transmit button. "Iowa," he hissed between pained gasps, "Take the others and get out of here, I have to- ACK!" Iowa and the rest of the escorts stared in disbelief at the Jaeger as it was slammed against the iceberg again. Then the chest opened again and the glow build up once more, however it did not discharge immediately like last time, now it kept charging up. Iowa knew what was going to happen, so she gathered the rest of Orion Fury's escort and they sped back to the shatterdome as fast as they could. Mitch kept screaming at the kaiju as it dug its teeth into the Jaeger's left arm and tore it off. If he was paying attention to the drift, what little remained of it, he would have noticed that the machine was almost acting on its own, forcing more and more power into the plasma cannon. Then as the beast lunged towards the cockpit once more, the cannon discharged all of its energy in a flash of light, heat, and force that rivaled that of a tactical nuke.

7 hours later

Anchorage Shatterdome

The mood in the Shatterdome could only be described as grim. They had lost a Jaeger last night, and they almost lost its escort in the blast from its plasma cannon. It was now 9 in the morning, and as soon as the area was cleared safe for salvage, ships had been sent to the site to attempt to bring what was left of the Jaeger back. Only, it wasn't there, the ships found the kaiju's burn corpse, but no Jaeger. The admiral had already returned to Pearl Harbor to file a report. Nagato, the Marshal of the Anchorage Shatterdome, was about to call the ships back when the entire Shatterdome shook. The Dome's scanners came online and showed that the very Jaeger they had thought they lost the night before had collapsed against the hangar doors. The other Jaeger stationed at the Anchorage Shatterdome, Azure Guardian, assisted in moving the damaged machine back to its berth. Then its sole remaining pilot stumbled out of the cockpit and collapsed on the catwalks surrounding the machine's head. His drivesuit armor was burnt, torn, and battered beyond repair, blood was leaking from the busted seals and running down the plates. Scars marred the pilot's skin where the armor had been torn off. The injuries would take months to heal, but the trauma of the death of his brother would never heal. Once the news of this reached the world, it was quickly waved off as a one time event, however it was about to get much, much worse in the years to come.
As interesting as the original prologue was this one is clearly better written. I look forward to the next installment of this series.
As interesting as the original prologue was this one is clearly better written. I look forward to the next installment of this series.
That could take awhile. My internet connection is terrible right now and my parents refuse to have it checked out. So I may be stuck with God awful Internet for a long time. So this fic is currently on forced hiatus. I'm very sorry.
There seems to be Abbysals and Abyssals. Shouldn't they all be Abyssals?
The Abbysals, a force of unnatural beings that terrorized the oceans.They cut off shipping lanes, shot down airliners, and bombarded cities. Not even the modern warships and all of their advanced technology and powerful weapons could stand against the endless hordes of the Abyssal fleets. But all was not lost. In what seemed like our darkest hour, salvation appeared. Taking the form of young women and girls, the souls of destroyed warships were able to fight the Abbysals on an even playing field. Then the tides turned against us once again. A massive creature of flesh and steel, heavily armored, and armed to teeth appeared. This beast, this behemoth, this Kaiju attacked the city of San Francisco. Not even the ship-girls, now known as Kanmusu, or even the extremely advanced anti-abbysal warships could bring the beast down at first. 3 days, and 2 cities later jets, ships, kanmusu, and nukes finally took the beast down.
Two points in the revised prolog:

Could the Hornet's bombers really operate in this storm? :???: If not, would they even send out a carrier?

Nobody noticed the damaged Orion until it fell on the 'dome? Nagato needs to yell at some of her radar operators. :mad:
Two points in the revised prolog:

Could the Hornet's bombers really operate in this storm? :???: If not, would they even send out a carrier?

Nobody noticed the damaged Orion until it fell on the 'dome? Nagato needs to yell at some of her radar operators. :mad:
Giant EMP blast from the plasma cannon remember? Fried everything almost every non essential system on Orion Fury. Also, the sensors are designed to detect kaiju not Jaegers. They work be searching for the unique energy signatures that the kaiju emit. Remember how the lightning was screwing with Butterknife's senses? That energy field is what the kaiju use to detect their enemies. Also, its not a full blown hurricane like in the movie, it was just a lightning storm, and Hornet's planes, along with all the other aircraft carriers, have gotten massive upgrades. I'm also using Pacific Rim's LOL!physics, so the Rule of Cool applies to everything.
Can you please, like, separate the paragraphs and not make them a giant wall of texts? I generally really don't like reading wall of texts. It just... hurts my eyes.
Can you please, like, separate the paragraphs and not make them a giant wall of texts? I generally really don't like reading wall of texts. It just... hurts my eyes.
Sure thing.

Edit: If you're viewing it from a mobile device, it will look like a wall of text regardless.
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