Overlord of Biblical proportions (Overlord \ Highschoold DxD crossover)

Nice chapter.

I can see demiurge destroying the entire Internet with a single line of code. Considering he is very close to mastering the technology far beyond anything humanity could presently think of (isn't it like 2000s - 2010s in dxd).
Overlord of High School (25)
Overlord of High School (25)

Stepping off the train and making the short trek through the station, Tobio quickly stepped on the street moments later. He founds himself unable to contain his gaze that quickly darted around, checking to see if he was not followed, or worse already under surveillance.

After all, albeit peacefully, he had still entered Devil territory, more so, Kuoh, which was the residence of the younger sisters of two ruling Satans. It wouldn't have surprised him if the entire city was packed with Devils, relentlessly watching every new person arriving in Kuoh.

Not to mention that the train stations or really any exits and entrance to the city are the first line of defense of the two younger sisters of the two rulers.

However, all he encountered upon arrival in the city were ordinary people, maybe someone with magical talent beyond the ordinary, but that didn't even mean that person was a mage, and not just a lucky civilian. Still, Tobio's heartbeat was still out of sorts thanks to his nervousness.

Why wouldn't he? Tobio had received a mission from Azazel, that alone should be requirement enough for him to believe that he would be hounded by all sorts of Factions the moment he stepped out of the train. But it didn't end there, in fact it got a lot worse.

He was to infiltrate Kuoh, Devil territory, and doing so under the nose of Serafall Leviathan herself, to conduct an inspection of the church of fallen angels who had failed Azazel's own mission. And lastly, to make sure that failed mission hadn't triggered a small problem in the form of a deranged Red Welsh Dragon's host half a step away from turning half of Japan into ruins.

If Tobio had time, he would be happy to ask Azazel what drugs he had inhaled until he had gotten the bright idea to order the murder of this generation's Red Dragon Emperor. To do so by paranormal means under the noses of two of Satan's younger sisters. And why, if he had gotten the idea, he had sent a few weak Fallen instead of at least a professional team of a couple of six-winged Fallen Angel.

In fact, why not just start the Second Great War while he was at it!

Of course, that last part kind of revealed the fact that it was not Azazel that had ordered such a thing, he loved peace too much for that. But, not that it matter now, it was still Fallen Angels that had been ordered to assassinate the Red Dragon Emperor, the Devils would be all too happy to point them the Fallen Angel's way.

So the situation was urgent, for the world was on the verge of an incident.

Diplomatic for the demon and the Fallen, and apocalyptic for Japan. And Tobio really rather not have his birthplace be a crater, both of them, that is. Pissing off the Heavenly Dragons is widely regarded as an elaborate method of suicide for a reason, after all.

So his list of actions was simple, clear, and straightforward. The less he stayed in Kuoh, as much as he liked to look at the sights of the small town, the better chance he had of sorting out his problems and disappearing from this town without being caught by Serafall. And so, glancing around once more, making sure he wasn't spotted by any Devil watchers, he hurried forward, not in a hurried pace, but with the expression of a man who knew exactly where he was going at any given moment. A great defense against Devils, cops, and annoying salesmen or hawkers.

Of course, it was a little unusual for Tobio to act alone without his team, but again it was stealth that he was in need for, having his team around would only make moving without being noticed harder. And in case he was caught, traveling around with a battle group would make any argument that he was not planning to fight really hard to argue.

Of course, sending a two-winged Fallen Angel would be even stealthier. However, he was probably one step away from crossing blades with an insane host of a [Longinus] right now, so Azazel couldn't entrust that mission to someone without Tobio's combat potential, therefore forcing him to go at it alone…

Which didn't help Tobio's gnawing intuition, which kept whispering to him that he was in for a very unfortunate adventure.

However, it was too late to retreat now, so moving along the general flow of people, Tobio struggled to control his movements. Not allowing either excessive sloppiness or excessive strictness, all the while moving in a wide arc in order to bypass Kuoh Academy.

Firstly because the concentration of Devils was the highest there. And second because Tobio was ready to swear by Jin that Serafall was there as well, at best looking from across the street at her little sister, stalking her in other words, the leviathan's habits are already well known.

And at worst, already substituting for one of the teachers at the academy.

But thinking about the family habits of Devils was not conducive to completing his mission, and so Tobio stopped contemplating the Devils' habits, and instead returning his attention to his surroundings as he continued onward to his destination. The church. It is the place where he would most likely find out any information, along with checking with the Fallen Angels here, as the last report Azazel had received had noted that they had made the Abandoned Church their base.

Hopefully they would still be alive, at worst he could at least find out that his target of observation is already aware of the Supernatural. Though he's not holding onto hope that the Fallen Angel would still be alive in that case, or if the Abandoned Church is still standing at that… And he had to follow the Red Dragon Emperor around, one that would probably have a very negative outlook on the Fallen Angel, just his luck.

And yet, despite the future clash that he'd foreseen against a [Longinus] user, every step that he walked closer to the Abandoned Church was the thing that made his intuition sounds the alarm. Something that should've presented no danger at all to him.

Tobio was used to trusting his intuition, at least because he believed that 'intuition' didn't really exist.

Intuition was defined as unconscious decisions, the result of analyzing minute details past meaningful reason. That if someone took the time and opportunity to look into a particular case of 'acting on intuition', then that person would be able to come to a rational conclusion as to why a particular course of action is chosen.

However, even trying his best to find a rational reason as to why exactly Tobio felt so uncomfortable on his way to the old Abandoned Church – Tobio couldn't find an answer to that question. It was just a 'bad feeling', just the result of stress that whispered in his ear that he shouldn't have gone near that place – and nothing more.

However, in the end, Tobio was used to trusting his intuition. Even if he didn't fully understand why it was telling him right now why he was in danger when he was just planning on meeting some low-level Fallen Angels, he decided to trust hi intuition.

And so instead of heading straight towards the church according to his original plan, Tobio decided to make a detour. This time bypassing the old church building at a respectful distance before finding a suitable spot of clean ground and settling down in it, ignoring the cleanliness of his stylish black cloak, as he started looking carefully at the church.

Something about its appearance bothered Tobio, but he couldn't figure out what.

Frowning his eyebrows slightly, he tried to find what is out of place on the old abandoned church in front of him. The windows were in place, moreover, they seemed to have been washed recently, and the doors were in place and, judging by their appearance, without any damage, as if it was just refurbished. Did someone make a donation to the church? There are a sizeable amount of Christian in Kuoh after all.

Tobio couldn't see the interior of the church, but he assumed that it would be in quite decent as well. Well, at least as decent as decency could be acceptable for Fallen Angels. Surely the church would be filled with broken statues of Jesus and desecrated icons, they are still Fallen Angels after all.

Sex toys in the shape of a Rosario or prayer beads is quite the hot item for Fallen Angels.

Tobio did not approve of such blasphemous tendencies of the Fallen Angels, but he did not interfere with them with his worldview. What did he, being a mere human, knew about the relationship of God's fallen children to Himself, and even more so to His religion?

So if not by appearance, but what then is pinging his danger sense… Suspicious activity?

Tobio gazed into the church's windows, to see if he could any silhouette or something, but saw nothing suspicious, the church seemed deserted, but that was nothing too surprising in itself. It was supposed to be simply a gathering place for a small group of Fallen Angels and their subordinates.

On the contrary, it would be extremely strange to find crowds of people scurrying in and out of the church haphazardly.

So, some kind of Magic, perhaps? With the Leviathan here, it would be quite the miracle for the Fallen's presence to remain hidden, so maybe he's sensing the trap that was laid on the Abandoned Church to catch people like him? Spies, that is. Tobio doesn't think that even the Leviathan would expect his arrival in Kuoh.

Tobio gazed into the church once more, this time using all his magical abilities, he may not be Lavinia, but he was not a one-trick pony who only relies on his [Longinus] either. He had spent quite a bit of time studying magic, and had succeeded quite a bit at it.

Instantly, observing the church before him revealed the secret that the church was protected by a barrier concealing its occupants – but that was no surprise to Tobio either. After all, it was a gathering place for Fallen Angels hiding under the nose of two VIPs and their retinue, it would be far more surprising to find that the place was not trying to hide in any way.

At least with the presence of magic that's hiding the inhabitants of the church from outside view, it confirms to Tobio that the Fallen Angel he's supposed to meet is still alive… Maybe.

Because of the presence of the presence concealment magic, even if something magical was in the church, Tobio could not detect it…

But then again, on the other hand, it was unlikely that the Fallen Angels could find a first-class barrier master so easily, so it was most likely a rather hastily erected cover. Something which Tobio could bypass if he concentrated on his senses a bit more.

Tobio gazed intently into the church again, trying to catch the tiniest fluctuations of the false background in front of him and… Nothing.

Not in the sense that he didn't feel any fluctuations, but in the sense that he didn't feel the background at all. It was as if what is behind the barrier wasn't there at all, the barrier had stopped all the energy from what is inside form leaking at all, a feat that only the best made barriers were capable of.

Tobio's paranoia instantly kicked in. The likelihood that the fallen angels could find a powerful mage on their own, much less doing so secretly from Azazel, and make him work was almost negligible. Tobio realized that the church was a trap.

But it was too late.

After all, no one making a barrier wouldn't also put in an alarm should someone try to peer inside it.

"[Frost of Judecca]." Declared softly but in the iciest tone of voice Tobio have ever heard, which is quite the accomplishment seeing that he regularly hangs out with Lavinia.

A moment later, before Tobio could even turn around to face the speaker, ice shackled his body completely, turning it into frozen stone. And as one might expect, magic of this level means that it was not ordinary ice, which would not last even a moment under the influence of his abilities. Tobio was no ordinary man, he was one of the strongest fighters in the entire Fallen faction, second only to Azazel in terms of battle flexibility.

He might lose out in power to the Fallen Cadre, or even that temperamental adopted son of his, but Tobio was never one to be without options.

And so, straining with all his might, Tobio instantly focused his all to free even a small part of his body. It was a very well-thought-out ambush, the ice effectively cutting his connection with his shadow.

He needed at least a small part of his body free, then he could summon [Canis Lycaon] and free himself from his icy prison through his shadow. The ice beneath reacted to his attempt, dousing his attempt to call his power to bear, but Tobio wouldn't be giving up so easily.

Judging by the feel of it, this ability was being used by someone no weaker than a Cadre level fighter, and right now, there was at least one Ultimate Class demon with ice control abilities in the city. Someone who would surely attack Tobio before even trying to start a conversation. A Maou famous for doting on her little sister.

So Tobio, inwardly remembering all the swear words only applicable to Azazel, prepared to come face to face with an enraged Serafall, paused for a moment in an attempt to break free from the icy prison he found himself in.

In retrospect, it was a bad decision.

However, also in retrospect, it was unlikely that his continued actions would have been able to shatter Demiurge's ice prison in the instant it took Shalltear to open a [Gate] leading to Nazarick's Frozen Prison.

Today was a bad day to be Tobio Ikuse.

Time stretched so slowly in the school that the entire time of Momonga's classes, he wanted to check to see if he had run into some Chronomancer who had cast [Time Stretch] on him while he was distracted. Of course, Momonga was protected from temporal influences, but that was the only possibility that crossed his mind as he watched the second hand on the clock in front of him crawl at a snail's pace.

After all, this world was a new and unexplored area to Momonga, so there was no denying that the possibility of a similar ability capable of ignoring his temporal defenses did not exist. The ability was only affecting him on a negligible level, however, and so Momonga was forced to admit that there's no mystery special Chronomancer currently casting its most annoying debuff on him.

Momonga was simply bored.

In YGGDRASIL, Momonga had encountered such problem quite often. Recharging abilities, waiting for connections, recovery times for daily quests, even unskippable cutscenes in which he could do nothing but watch them, again and again. Those were perhaps the most annoying, especially when he saw the same scenes repeated for the tenth or twentieth time, sometimes in a row.

But in YGGDRASIL, there was always something he could do during this wait… Except for the unskippable cutscenes, of course.

However, for all the inhuman sadism of the shitty devs, and they were sadistic to a fault, the longest unskippable cutscene in all of YGGDRASIL was only twenty-three minutes long, and Momonga had only seen it once. That is the cutscene after defeating [World Eater], the game's final boss – and he even liked it.

For all their sadism, at least the developers of YGGDRASIL would, reluctantly, recognize the players' achievements. But what about the four-hour unskippable cutscene that he has to do on the daily!

A cutscene titled 'lessons at Kuoh Academy'.

Momonga sincerely tried to listen to his teacher for a while, and since they change every time he had to watch them, it might even sound reasonable to some people. Well, who would like to watch something that doesn't interest them, even if it changes all the time!?

For example, the lesson devoted to classical Japanese literature, it never managed to win his attention even the first day he had attended the class. So, after twenty minutes, when he finally stopped understanding the complex metaphors embedded in the text by the author, or at least how the teacher reasoned about the author's intent with his work, it simply turned into white noise!

And he still had an hour left until class finish! What kind of torture is this!?

And so, before his brain could melt through his ears, Momonga shifted his gaze to the academy's inner courtyard, deciding to spend the time on a rather questionable in effectiveness, but still a pastime.

Analyzing the situation in front of him in terms of battle development. That is, just what magic he would need to use to destroy the school and kill all its inhabitants.

So, to start with, the basics. Even just using magic of Tier Six, a tier that, in the context of a hundredth-level battle, was viewed solely from the perspective of a 'last ditch effort', when both sides' resources were already depleted, all those concrete walls and shelters were nothing at all. Not to mention that with the characteristics of level one hundred, even a simple Tier One [Magical Arrow] could pierce through the entire Academy building without losing a single bit of its combat effectiveness.

Momonga wasn't sure how much time he had devoted to his study of such an idle thought, but he was absolutely certain that he had spent at least a few hours. In fact, the lunch bell should be ringing nay time now… only to find the teacher still droning on about this or other.

When he turned his head back, causing the teacher in front of him, who was talking about the influence of Shintoism on the author's work, for some strange reason, to hiccup almost in fear.

Momonga found that the teacher hadn't even turned to the next page of the author's text, and Momonga himself had spent at best fifteen minutes in his musings.

If there really is a Chronomancer doing their best to screw with his time perception, he's going to find that asshole, and he's going to toss them into Neuronist's cell.

The torture then went on for hours, and a cycle would repeat itself. Momonga would get bored, find a distraction that would bore him after a while, and he would return to the lesson, only to remember why he had been bored in the first place. He would then try to find a new distraction for himself, repeat ad infinitum.

So, when the school bell did ring to herald the start of lunch break, it was like sound of a Siren call to Momonga's weary mind. He had time to get bored, distract himself and then get bored again, create three hundred notes in his head about future experiments with the magic system, forget half of them, and then come up with just as many more.

'And people pay money for this!?' Momonga could at least applaud his classmates. If these people went to school of their own volition, they were definitely extremely motivated people, willing to spend years of time on such tortures.

Perhaps he should change his opinion of Katase and Murayama? The two of them did manage to bear this torture that seemed insistent on breaking his mind, after all, and he's supposed to have immunity to those!

Who knew that those girls were actually that motivated!

Rising from his desk, Momonga stretched his back a little, shaking off the phantom stiffness that is impossible for him to actually have but which he somehow still enjoyed expelling with a stretch. That done with, he shifted his gaze to his classmates, and saw that some of them were talking amongst themselves, bringing out their lunch. An action that made Momonga remember that this time, having brought Miki's breakfast with him, he could invite Katase for lunch!

The memory of a girl who could distract Momonga a bit from the incredible ennui and boredom of the school instantly made Momonga think of his hike to the abandoned church yesterday. Or more specifically the end of that hike, and the kiss, but luckily for Momonga, his suppression of emotion worked instantly, preventing him from coughing in a fit of embarrassment. The forced calmness instead allowing him to ask himself the logical question.

'Am I in a relationship with Katase?'

Momonga wasn't sure if he should have congratulated himself or not on that thought. First Albedo, then Shalltear, and now Katase? If he was really in a relationship with her, which perhaps he could interpret her actions that way, given their sort-of date and kiss, then his harem had already grown to three girls. And this was only after his fourth day of existence in this world.

Did that mean that after a year of his life, his harem would have grown to several hundred?!

Momonga imagined a picture of him majestically walking along rows and rows of girls, dozens upon dozens dressed scantily, looking at him with worship in their eyes… How many girls would he have to walk just to see all the girls in his harem if it got to that point?!

A thought that caused him a little bit of pride and excitement, and no small amount of thankfulness for his infinite stamina. What can you do, after all, inside Momonga was still an ordinary man who couldn't at least on some minimal level not be pleased by such a sight, and a lot more fear for his pelvis.

'No, no, don't get ahead of yourself! You're not entirely sure how to handle even one girl, three at once is so far beyond you, that you shouldn't even think about it!'

The suppression of emotions once again showed itself as Momonga's most powerful ability, surpassing even his [The Goal of All Life Is Death], allowing Momonga to calm down and return to normalcy.

Momonga's gaze slid over his surroundings before coming across a couple of girls casting glances at him, a picture that made Momonga instantly interested and nervous, thankfully, for nothing.

"Really, they say the whole trio came in beaten up! None of them even look at the girls now!"

One of the girls' eyes practically sparkled as she recounted the story, her long brown hair curled in many locks, falling down over her very prominent breasts.

"So they're into boys now?" Her companion raised one eyebrow, making the girl frown.

"No, they aren't! They say the new guy, Satoru, went up against them one-on-one and beat them up single-handedly! Satoru said that if they dared peep on the girls again, he's going to beat them up again!" At that moment, the girl glanced at Momonga herself, and when faced with his undivided attention, she hiccupped in surprise, averting her gaze, trying to cover her cheeks that were slowly beginning to turn scarlet with her long hair.

'I guess the rumors have already spread around the academy. And as you'd expect, these rumors are surprisingly 'true' and not as I feared them to be embellished as. Or worse, making it turn out as if staking my claim over the Academy like some mega pervert.'

Momonga took his eyes off the girls before walking past them, ignoring the furtive look the girls were giving him.

'Well, at least those rumors are positive, even though I haven't done anything of the sort, and wasn't one of the Perverted Trio supposed to be my brother? How did the rumor that I beat them up came about…? On the other hand, it's not like I'd really have a hard time defeating that trio. First-level mobs like Issei's friends weren't even worthy of consideration, and I know the Pandora Actor himself probably better than any other creature in the world. Not to mention the fact I could just order him to surrender. Well, I'm in no hurry to dissipate that rumor, a good reputation is always useful.'

Stepping out of the classroom and into the hallways, Momonga instantly found Murayama's familiar figure with his gaze, and Katase? Whom Murayama was pulling with all her might, grasping onto her elbow like a locomotive pulling a stubborn carriage behind her.

"Katase Higa, you're going to meet Satoru, one way or another, or my name isn't Murayama Tanabe!" Murayama's voice was loud enough, that hearing the girls' words wasn't difficult for Momonga, or even a particularly deaf person for that matter.

'I understand you, Katase, completely understand, even I felt like a lead cuff is on my legs when I had to confront Shalltear and Albedo. Doing something embarrassing is way too hard….'

Momonga sighed as he approached the girl who's busy trying to escape the grasp of her best friend. 'More to the point, if this situation is difficult for you, then you simply have no idea how confusing it is for me…'

However, in the current situation, Momonga didn't see any more suitable actions for him to take. And moreso he would probably go mad with boredom if he decided to spend lunchtime alone, and so, appearing behind the two girls' backs, he greeted them, "Good afternoon."

"Ack!" Katase's panicked exclamation coincided with her sharp turn on the spot, causing Murayama, who was holding on to her elbow, to almost fall to the ground. Seeing the person that she didn't want to meet, Katase opened her mouth and, unable to find the courage to say anything, closed it, and then opened it again. Doing her best to create a believable mute pantomime of a beached fish.

"Oh, Satoru, you're just in time!" Murayama, having decided to take the reins of the conversation into her own hands instead of Katase, who was paralyzed with embarrassment and fear, smiled at Momonga. "Would you like to join us for a lunch?"

"Sure," Momonga nodded, looking at the girls, whose ordinary and normal behavior made him feel a strange warmth in his chest. Once upon a time, he had also been just like that, socializing and fooling around with his friends…

The memories of Ainz Ooal Gown's past made his mood that had soared for a moment instantly plummet. But this was not the time to be morose about his friends, after which he nodded seriously.

In any case, it's not like there's anything more interesting at school at the moment anyway…

At least that's what Momonga thought for the next few seconds, until he heard a shout from a guy with short blond hair that is approaching him. Momonga's memory told him that he had seen him somewhere before, but meeting him was clearly not on Momonga's mind.

"Hey, you're free, right?" Though clearly, the blond kid had other plans in mind, greeting him with a wave quite rudely.

Momonga's gaze instantly sharpened in response to the unfriendly remark, internally, that is. Though, thanks to the unchanged expression on his face, it made it look as if he was looking at the blonde with hostility, causing him to halt his steps in the middle of the hallway.

Seeing, that the blonde has become silent, Momonga could only sigh, responding so that he could get this over with. "I apologize, but I think we should introduce ourselves to each other first before I'll go anywhere with you."

"Yes, that's right, s-sorry." The blonde, and before the eyes of Katase, Murayama, and the dozen or so other students in the hallway staring at him, the two girls with unmasked hostility, started speaking with some nervousness.

"Genshiro Saji."

After a moment, Genshiro immediately bent in a deep bow, a very unpracticed but more than sincere bow, almost creating a right angle,

"Please, I need your help!"

Pandora's actor, Issei Hyoudou to the rest of the world, spent his lunch break the same way as he always did, or at least Issei did, devouring Miki's cooking. Eating, solely for the purpose of not attracting attention, but at the same time still remembering to note the taste of the food prepared for him, if nothing else so that Miki could improve her offerings to the Father. As he shoveled another morsel of food, he looked at his surrounding 'friends'.

Matsuda and Motohama. Normally the lunch break between them would have been spent talking, laughing, and discussing the various female forms, whether seen in the locker room or in an erotic magazine. But now there was no conversation between them, creating an awkward silence in the air.

Naturally, after Satoru, that is Lord Momonga's more than clear demonstration of His willingness to stop the 'Perverted Trio's actions, if need be, by physical intervention. And after his very intense threat of bodily harm, the two perverts who had dedicated their lives to pursuing the vision of the female form were in a very upset state of mind.

Not to mention the great awkwardness hanging in the air over the fact that Satoru was Issei's older brother. Something which made being around Issei make Matsuda feel awkward, not to mention Motohama, who somehow still frowning his eyebrows in mute anger. At least his brain is functioning enough to realize that he shouldn't have provoked someone who was more than ready to break every bone in his body.

Pandora's Actor himself was more than satisfied with the current situation. Besides being deprived of the necessity of maintaining a social mask, dealing with such tiresome and 'uncool' ausstellungsstücke, he could also devote his time to his much more attractive business.

That is, studying the scene created by his Father, and also maintained the 'natural awkwardness' of playing the role of an ordinary schoolboy who found himself in such an unpleasant but, for all expectations, very 'ordinary' situation.

Therefore, although his human gaze slid in uncertain embarrassed silence over the faces of his friends, Pandora Actor's focus was turned towards his Vater. To be more precise, not daring to even consider touching the shining mind of the genius that is creating the masterpiece.

Issei instead turned his attention to his surroundings, at the small parts that make up the entire grand play.

Genshiro Saji, such a positive and friendly, cheerful young man, just entering his sophomore year of high school, was now in such a depressed state. He was full of empty anger and sad despair, and yet determined, like a ship being swallowed by the inexorable whirlpool of life, and yet desperately clinging to every hope of another day.

Genshiro Saji had lost his parents years ago and left with the two youngest children, his sister, and brother. His life was not too happy, but not too sad either. After the death of his parents, Genshiro and his small family were left in the care of his grandfather, who had just passed away three days ago.

The elderly patriarch's death came as no surprise to Genshiro, for all the painfulness of the subject, the old patriarch was sick and the long course of an incurable illness had simply reaped its harvest. And yet it had left Saji alone with his fate. For, at this point, Saji Genshiro was not a fully functioning adult member of society.

Perhaps, after proving his ability to exist independently, he could be left to fend for himself, with only the occasional need for check-ups by social workers. But what to do with his younger sister and brother? Small children in need of care and would probably to be separated by a cruel fate, a tragic tale of family separation that Genshiro was not willing to allow as best he could, clutching at every possible straw… Such as summoning Devils.

The demon summoning flier he had received had been used for its intended purpose, Issei had no doubt that if Genshiro had summoned one of the Devils, his problem would have been solved. In fact, for the two ruler of Kuoh, it would be a very easy task, not even needing a large sacrifice on Saji's part… If the two Heiress wasn't so busy dealing with Father's unexpected appearance, that is.

Father's appearance had thrown the Devils' day into disarray. In the days gone by, they hadn't dared poke their noses out of their fortified, yet so vulnerable, strongholds, causing the flier Saji received and used to summon them to go to waste. And so, the demonic miracle the desperate teenager had hoped for hadn't happened.

However, thanks to the oh so completely accidental spreading of news of Father's victory over the legendary, in the worst sense of the word, 'Perverted Trio', Father had become the talk of the school. And so, information about the 'newcomer' as well as information about his 'emancipated' status had become a hot topic, quickly spreading through the Academy, giving the desperate schoolboy a new hope.

Hope, capturing another figure from the stage, weaving another into the ongoing great play of Lord Momonga's name.

'Ah, mein Vater, each of Your acts holds a thousand upon thousands of secrets, and each act is but a prelude to the next, even grander.' Issei restrained himself only by straining all his strength not to give a military salute to his Father.

'Father, how blessed I am to watch the audience become unwitting participants in the performance themselves, not realizing that their 'free will' coincides so perfectly with Your wishes. How great it is that I am allowed the greatest honor of being the first violin under the greatest conductor, the star of the performance for the director who weaves life itself into such a grand production. But Father, what is your plan now for Genshiro Saji? '

Issei was unaware of exactly what Father was planning, how could he know the full grandeur of the plans of the Greatest of the Forty-One, but he could not help but notice the sequence of Father's steps. Each move made sense, each thread becoming a smaller part of an unimaginably larger fabric. First the reputation He had gained at the Academy by subduing the Perverted Trio, then Katase and Murayama, now Genshiro Saji being attracted to him because of so. Invisible but unbreakable threads had started being wrapped around Kuoh Academy, one by one, as Father's influence grew.

And surely Issei could see what those threads were working toward, what Father wanted by creating such a strong web around. While the Devils were shaking with fear at the mere thought of approaching the Father, stooping to such crude and direct methods as 'surveillance' and 'control', Father was slipping, with methodical inevitability, poison into the very blood of this academy. This city. This world.

Each action directing the puppets, of their own 'free will' to where the actors of this play were to be, getting closer to the Heiress hidden by the influence of the Devil rulers. Father was winning victory after victory against the Devils while they were still unaware that the battle had long since begun.

And yet Father was granting him Pandora's Actor, as Issei, the right to act as the star of his performance, to allow him to bring his act to perfection, and direct the pawns to their stage.

For a second, Issei contemplated going directly to Father for clarification, after all, He had already removed the need for him to maintain the mask of His current existence before Miki's eyes,

But the words spoken by Father were unequivocal.

Only when He directly and unequivocally announced the need to interrupt the act, only then would Pandora Actor's evaluation be complete and his test over. Until then, Issei had to play his role flawlessly.

And having embodied Issei for the moment so that he could complete his task flawlessly, Issei realized that the time for him to act was not yet at hand. On the other hand, he was supposed to think for himself…

Of course, directing any of the Devils' attention was ridiculously easy. Whether it was Rias or Sona, Issei needed only a few words and glances to make them break their shells and throw themselves at Father's feet. But for every one of Father's actions, there was a time, a place, and a reason, and if he was unwilling to direct them directly, then Issei had to find another way to take control of this academy.

In that case, he had to proceed carefully, he needs to be someone on the very edge, a link through which Issei could allow Father to penetrate this world even more.

Pandora Actor's mind, accustomed to collating thousands of collectibles, to careful cataloging and perfect knowledge of each exhibit, instantly provided him with a suitable idea. It was the perfect plan, making him smile inwardly a little before turning his head to his friends.

Acting as Issei, he appeared to look at them a little awkwardly before instantly putting the plan into action. "Hey…"

Matsuda and Motohama, hearing Issei, looked at him, allowing Issei to look away in that perfect 'confused and awkward guy' way to ask a question,

"Do you know if Ruruko Nimura in the freshman year has a boyfriend?"
Overlord of a High School (26)
Overlord of a High School (26)

Despite the fact that Momonga could take down the annoying guy who was bothering him during lunch break with a single spell, or even a single punch, he had managed to 'win' Momonga over with his explanation. He even acceded to the demand that he promise to meet him after school, and tell this Genshiro all about how he had been recognized as a 'full member of society' by the court. That is about his 'emancipation', a lie that he had created so that Miki and the school wouldn't question him so much about his background.

If only Momonga had known the vortex into which his lies about his status would drag him, Momonga would have been better off just agreeing to Miki's adoption! He only 'agreed' to tell Genshiro about it since Murayama and Katase were there, and he had to get rid of him quickly, before he got questioned more.

Anyway, regrets late, now he had to figure out what could he would say about his actions in this case. Other than that, he had tampered with his own documents and made an oversight in them, a small notation that accidentally and effectively ruined his life?! He wasn't even sure exactly how to spell the word, 'emancipation' without thinking about it for a time, let alone the legal terms for how the procedure even takes place!

He especially wasn't confident in his ability to create a realistic and convincing lie on the fly regarding his history with the phenomenon!

In addition, when Momonga did finally fend off Genshiro's pesky attempts to inquire on the spot about Momonga's status, he was too late, Katase and Murayama, were also now interested in such an 'unusual' background. It forced Momonga to use almost his entire arsenal of prepared phrases that took him as far away from the subject as possible.

"That's not the most interesting story, I'm much more interested in the kendo club's practices…" Only to stumble into something that he also preferred to keep on the down low, judging by Katase's sudden worried expression.

To Momonga's dismay, this phrase made Katase remember that he had supposedly gone to an abandoned church to fight in underground fights. An attempt to distract from this topic turned to the subject of him kissing Katase. And in Katase's attempt to fend off Murayama, who was peering at her with a sly look, paralyzed with embarrassment, Katase came up with the story that Momonga was supposedly being watched by some unknown woman.

A woman most likely sent by demons… How could one simple lie lead to so many stressful situations!?

As he fought off the girls' attempts to find out about his 'past relationships', thankfully Katase and Murayama had no idea how strange and confusing his history of current relationships was. And it's not like he can talk about them, and yet he had never had a 'past' relationship in his life to speak off, and yet the pressure kept on coming. Momonga almost snapped as he tried to come up with a safe topic to talk about, almost deciding to show the girls magic.

Well, thanks to his undead mind and suppression of emotions, Momonga didn't snap in a burst of frustrated desperation. It was just that even his rational mind at some point informed Momonga that in the current situation, revealing magic was far preferable to endlessly trying to fend off the girls' inquiries.

Which surprisingly managed to pull him deeper and deeper into the maelstrom of those inquiries, despite his attempts to deflect.

Fortunately, the bell ringing, signaling the end of the lunch break, saved him from the barrage of questions from Murayama and Katase. Katase was mostly switching between blushing when they were asking personal questions about his past relationship, and how far he had gotten with them. And paling when his 'tragic' background was used to deflect the questions, only managing to control herself at the very end and say.

"See you after school… Satoru." With one last shy wave, Katase followed after Murayama back to their class.

Holding himself back from using some form of teleportation to escape, Momonga quickly walked back towards his classroom, a fate that almost made Momonga thought that the questioning was preferable. It was the same brain-killing boredom as the first half of the class. Only his emotion suppression, which had long ago demonstrated that it's the most useful of all his power, saved him from casting Super-Tier magic to escape this hell.

But while his suppression of emotion had the ability to rid him of overflowing emotions at any given moment, allowing to act rationally rather than emotionally, it did not turn him into a mindless machine. Instead of removal, it translated his 'emotions' into a set of clearly-defined postulates and fabrications. And so Momonga's verdict by the time he finished his fourth day at Kuoh Academy was unequivocal.

'This simply cannot go on like this!'

Momonga just couldn't help himself, he felt like a hopeless level one noob who had suddenly entered a level 100 dungeon without any preparation, information study, or help from other players. Who then, by some miracle, now faced the final raid boss in the first room.

Even the rational part of Momonga that wasn't directly affected by his emotions idly confirmed that he would most likely just up and leave the school during one of his classes the next day. Or, at the very least, the day after that, putting the need of blending in with the Human World on the back burner, he'll figure out something else!

School, at least at this level, was torture to him, after all he was only an elementary school graduate, unlike the elites who have the resource to finish their education. And here he was, attending high-school, it was like someone who had just learned how to float suddenly decided to swim in the open ocean.

Even his worries about paying a forfeit, a cost that he hoped he might be able to mitigate with the help of the Fallen Angels. Or even his fear of discarding his fake identity, were scaring him less and less by the minute. Yes, he would probably end up in debt and stick up like a sore thumb to anyone bothering to look, a position that he really rather not be in, but at least he would retain the remnants of his sanity. Something which Momonga valued more highly than any disguise or possible monetary penalty.

Though he really doesn't like that last one.

Therefore, before insanity would make Momonga do something extremely rash, he decided to devote all his free time to thinking about a possible way out of the crisis he was facing and preparing escape routes. Momonga had plenty of free time during school, after all.

However, no matter how hard Momonga tried, he couldn't find the perfect escape route. If he didn't show up at the school one day, it would alarm the Demons, who would have instantly rushed in search of his trail. And considering Miki, whose ability to maintain a disguise over her changed nature in the face of powerful paranormal beings is highly in doubt. It wouldn't also be very hard for the Demons to find the abandoned church, currently full of, not only fallen angels, but also three level 100 Nazarick NPCs. Nothing good would happen from the Demons meeting the likes of Demiurge, Albedo or Shalltear.

Demiurge might make do if he's alone, he's the most logical of the level 100 NPCs after all, but the other two? Kuoh would probably vanish from the map.

Of course, he could send a Nazarick doppelgänger in his place, a low level one would probably do after a bit of coaching. But, being under constant Demon surveillance, the disguise needs to be ironclad to have any chance of succeeding. And, considering that he had at least encountered the Leviathan in person, a local Demon ruler of about seventieth level, she most likely have the ability to recognize doppelgängers, a single chance meeting would ruin the disguise immediately.

Of course, judging by the fact that Pandora's Actor was still undiscovered, it meant that a highly ranked doppelgänger could probably avoid detection. But Pandora's Actor is literally the highest ranked doppelgänger in the tomb, with Narberal Gamma being the second highest. Risking a Pleiades Sister for a plan that is so uncertain is quite foolish, and other than those two, the other senior doppelgängers were far behind in both combat and imitation abilities.

In other words, the only way for him to stop appearing at the school, without disturbing the demons, was to declare to them that he had achieved his 'goal' at the Academy… Which would almost certainly alarm the Demons.

It would probably send them on a wild goose chase to find out what exactly Momonga's goal was and what had changed now that he had 'achieved' it. Which, again, would only lead to a higher alert level that could lead them to the abandoned church.

Momonga, having had time to experience his own damned version of 'luck', Momonga was sure that was exactly what would happen…

But other than that? What other way could Momonga get out of the school? Perhaps he could contact the Demons directly and tell them that he was willing to leave the school grounds in exchange for some preferential treatment from them?

In theory, it was a workable plan. It would both reduce the likelihood that the Demons would start looking for traces of him in the city and accidentally discover the changed Miki or the abandoned church. The only question was, what to ask the Demons?

Momonga didn't even know what exactly he could demand from the demons. Not their abilities, not even the relative value of certain items, nor just what their stockpiles of resources are, nothing at all. Not to mention the fact that Momonga would be utterly lost if the demons decided to just say no.

In the end, Momonga only has two possible ways forward.

One, he could just give up thinking of a way off of school, and just spent some time gathering information about the Demons before thinking about another plan to quit school. Momonga however was not confident that he could last another day in school, never mind the indeterminate amount of time he needed to gather information about the Demons.

Second, he could simply begin open conflict with the Demons. Something that was basically anathema to him, fighting someone when he doesn't even have an iota of information about them? He'd rather cut off one of his limbs rather than do that. He could not even roughly estimate the true extent of the demons' forces in this world, nor did he know the alliances of those and the strongest players on their side!

After all, as Pandora's Actor had informed him, Serafall, who held a high position in the demon world, was officially many times inferior to at least two other Demons' leaders. Which, firstly, meant that they were probably close to the hundredth level, if not over that level at all, who knows if the hundredth level is the limit here, so caution is already paramount. And, secondly, that secretly there could be a much larger number of high-level beings in the demon faction.

After all, only two of them were known about, who was to say that another ten of them didn't remain in the shadows? Just like in YGGDRASIL, it's the secret bosses and dungeons that kills you after all.

After all, the first thing he met in this world, the so called 'Great Red Dragon', and it was very powerful for some random encounter. It wouldn't be strange if he didn't meet at least a few beings of his power level later on, or maybe even a dozen.

Unless, by some incredible coincidence, the strongest being in this world was supposed to be relegated into some random encounter, and he had fought it by chance… Which, given Momonga's cursed luck, no longer seemed completely impossible to him.

But still, he should only act based on what is rational, and not by some jumped up paranoia… While the skill he got from using Dark Wisdom on it was proving its usefulness now, it was simply too weak a skill from the supposed 'strongest'.

Right, even the other Red Dragon was so weak! Well, the [Boost] skill is Overpowered, but to have no Immunity at all to Instant Death, or ways to mitigate it? Maybe Dragons are actually quite weak in this world?

The moment the bell rang to inform Momonga that classes were over for the day, Momonga couldn't come up with a perfect plan for leaving the school that wouldn't involve a lot of other problems. So, rising from his seat, Momonga immediately made his way out of school, doing his best to not meet both Katase and Saji.

And while Momonga could at least deal with Katase, especially since she was practically paralyzed with embarrassment at his presence, and thus probably couldn't drill his brain like her friend. Saji's presence only reminded Momonga of the many difficulties that awaited him at the moment outside the school grounds. Difficulties that Momonga couldn't deal with.

Unless he dared to change Saji's memories…? Sadly, such a thing was impossible since he had approached him in front of a lot of people. If he were to brainwash Saji, he would also need to do it to everyone that had been in that corridor when he met Saji, and the countless number of people that had heard rumors about his promise to him.

Something that is basically putting the cart before the horse, brainwashing people so that his lies doesn't become obvious and attract the attention of the Demons. Only by doing so, brainwashing dozens or even more people and attracting even more attention. Never mind the fact that it would probably suck him dry of Mana and make him vulnerable for some time until it regenerates.

That was why evasion was his best option… Which is why when he saw two familiar figure awaiting him, he could only sigh.

Sighing inwardly as he approached the two people, the noise causing the two to turn towards him at the same time as he approached. Saji and Katase seemed to have read his mind and were waiting right in front of the school gates.

Momonga thought for a moment about sending Saji away, possibly by referring to Katase and his possible relationship with her, hoping that the awkwardness of being a third wheel would scare Saji away. But judging by his determined look, Saji had no intention of backing down even in the face of such a threat. Of course, Momonga couldn't help but respect such determination, but that didn't mean he was all that happy about the current situation either.

"Good afternoon… Or I suppose it's evening now, Katase, Saji." Momonga addressed the two, feeling only tiredness at the future headaches. He was really grateful for the way his unchanged expression radiated nothing but good-naturedness and understanding, and not allowing his desire to send the two humans away at the moment to be reflected in the tone of his voice.

"I believe the current situation is somewhat…. Unusual." Maybe he could use Katase to at least drive Saji away? He's not holding his breath on it though, and he could hold his breath forever now…

Katase and Saji exchanged glances, as if trying to gauge the awkwardness of the situation on some internal scale, before looking away. And to Momonga's dismay, just as he had predicted, Katase shifted from foot to foot, embarrassed, and, lowering her gaze, quietly mumbled something before turning to leave. "See you tomorrow, Satoru…"

Sighing inwardly, disappointed but not at all surprised, Momonga nodded. "Yes, see you tomorrow." Momonga supposed that Saji had talked to her about what they were about to talk about.

After that, Katase hurried away, and Momonga looked at Saji, who looked awkward, a little nervous, but determined, like a soldier preparing for his last battle. "I need your help."

After a moment, Saji bent down in a bow again, so quickly and deeply that he nearly fall over and stabbing his head into the ground beneath his feet. "Please!"

Momonga responded to such an impassioned plea with only a thoughtful look. So Saji, who had not gotten the result he expected, took a deep breath, as if before performing a dive from a high board, and then began to kneel down without raising his head.

Momonga had no doubt that should he keep silent, Saji's next move would be to lower himself into 'dogeza'. A pose of a perfect beggar's lowliness, a willingness to literally lie in his feet, forehead resting fully on the ground and body pressed against the ground.

Momonga didn't like to look at humiliated people, especially those who didn't deserve it, and those whose eyes were filled with determination. It seemed to him that such an action would be an insult to the determination that Saji had gathered until that moment.

Seeing that, since Momonga wasn't answering him, Saji began to lower his torso to the ground, so Momonga reached out and placed his hand on Saji's shoulder, stopping his actions. Saji, feeling a hand on his shoulder, looked up at Momonga, once again his face lighting up with a determined look.

Perhaps his way of getting his way was humiliating, but Saji would stop at nothing to achieve what he felt was truly important…

Momonga sighed, audibly this time, and said slowly. ''What I tell you about my status won't help you."

Technically, this was the absolute truth, if just slightly misleading. But Saji looked at Momonga almost defiantly, and then, in an unexpected gesture for Momonga, bent down again, resting his forehead on the ground and putting his hands forward in an almost prayerful gesture.

"PLEASE, I'M ASKING FOR HELP!" Saji said loud and clear, causing a few distant schoolmates who were heading home to stop, staring in surprise at the figure of… Momonga towering over Saji, then they began whispering to each other as they watch.

Momonga frowned inwardly for a second, before suddenly realizing something important.

Saji was blackmailing him with his own humiliation.

In fact, to an outside observer, the situation was very clear at this point. Saji was literally lying at Momonga's feet, begging for help. To an outsider, it would make more sense to assume that Momonga had made Saji humiliate himself in such a manner before he could acquire his 'help'. And considering that Momonga's reputation was just beginning to recover from his 'taming' of the Perverted Trio, such a picture would be a blow to his reputation. Rumors already seemed like they had a life of their own at the Academy, and if there was suddenly another rumor that he is a pervert, even more so than Issei? A pervert who just liked humiliating guys, not peeping at girls?

His reputation would drop to the lowest point in an instant… Probably even lower than the Perverted Trio, even. There was even already a previous event where he beat up the Trio and humiliated them, so it would fit.

Momonga didn't want to be labeled as a pervert. Even if he didn't come to this school anymore, Momonga couldn't live if the last memory of him in this place was from such rumors… No, worse, what if he stopped going to the academy, and people thought that he stopped going because of those rumors' truthfulness!?

A suppression of emotions worked once again and Momonga was forced to admit defeat once again, exhaling slowly. "Okay, fine, stand up already. I'll help you."

"Thank you so much!" Saji seemed to literally flew off the ground, as he reached for Momonga to envelop him in a hug, but Momonga pulled himself away with the grace of a hundredth level before he could. Looking at Saji's soiled uniform, before glancing at the other students, trying to gauge if they had decided that Momonga was responsible for the boy's humiliation.

But, as he watched for the reactions of the popcorn gallery, his gaze came across a rather curious detail as he watched the throngs of students watching his episode with Saji. 'Hmm, magic powers?'

The young girl, which was not at all unusual in an Academy, with hair the color of tree bark, tied into two long tails down the sides of her head, and emerald-colored eyes, was the bearer of magical abilities… However, Momonga could not determine their power at a glance.

'[Silent Magic: Life Essence], [Silent Magic: Mana Essence].' A couple of spells that were quickly becoming Momonga's favorite, revealed to him the girl's basic stats. That is, if she wasn't hiding them with a strong enough counter-espionage magic.

'Umu, no higher than level fifteen, I'd even say around level ten? She probably wouldn't be a threat even to Raynare… Although, she's looking at me closely, maybe she's one of the local Demons? Unfortunately I'm not good at identifying the race of mobs with my spells, excluding, of course, the most exotic variants or consumable items. Besides, the demons of this world bear only an extremely faint resemblance to the Demons of YGGDRASIL, looking very much like normal humans… Ah, one problem after another!'

"But I think we'd better move somewhere more private, don't you think?" Momonga said slowly, keeping his eyes on the new possible Demon.

Saji, hearing this, nodded seriously, clearly relieved that he had gotten his wish, smiled,

"Sure, let's go, my house isn't far away!"

Ruruka Nimura had always been a big fan of solving mysteries and riddles, things ranging from detective novels, to where her neighbors' parents worked. The latter didn't exactly endear her to those same parents, and, by extension, to the children of her neighbors, which often led Ruruka to associate with other outcasts instead. But, her love of the strangest mysteries and riddles brought her to Sona Sitri's doorstep when she pieced together a few facts.

She walked into the student council office, loudly exclaiming that Sona Sitri was the head of a mafia family and practiced magic.

The first claim was not quite true, Sona was not the head of a mafia family, unfortunately for Ruruka, who had practiced how to deal with mafias by watching the entire Godfather series several times and buying a fedora. But on the other hand, Sona did practice magic, and one outrageous claim being true out of two, is not a bad ratio.

As it turned out, Sona Sitri was a Devil and even the heiress of one of the Devil's noble clan… Which, in Ruruka's mind, was not something that out of the left field. If she had already thought that Sona was a magic practitioner, why couldn't she accept the fact that she'd be a Devil as well?

In any case, Sona, quite intrigued by Ruruka's analytical and deductive skills, offered her a chance to rebirthed as a Devil, with some other nice perks to follow. Things like learning actual magic, and a chance to elevated to be a High-Ranked Devil, granting her a personal demonic land grant and a Peerage of her own.

Oh, and let's not to forget near-immortality.

So Ruruka agreed to Sona's offer without hesitation. So after being inducted into becoming a Devil, Ruruka was expecting a lot of things on her first day as a member of Sona's Peerage. Perhaps she would be hearing Sona's story about her new life as a Devil, or maybe secret knowledge of the occult part of the world hidden from ordinary people? And maybe a couple of spells as her material for home study…

She got that, and perhaps even more than she could swallow.

On the day Ruruka was to undergo her first lesson in her new Devil life, she was taken out of class before first period even began, excused by some reason or other and was taken into the Student Council room. It was there that her crash course on the supernatural side of the world began.

It was a curious mix of emotions after the seminar, fear, anger, panic, confusion, and three dozen others that Ruruka could not fully appreciate. Emotions that were also reflected in the usually taciturn Student Council President.

The world was much larger than she first, and could have imagined.

What she did manage to fully appreciate, however, was the warnings Sona had given her, and just how many mysterious things existed in the world. Ruruka could probably have guessed that gods existed on her own, if not immediately. If Devils existed, then why couldn't gods, after all?

But the fact that one of them would one day decide to move into Ruruka's city was something she hadn't ever imagined could happen. Judging by Sona's panicked reaction, she was also unprepared for such a thing… Which, Ruruka assumed, was a big deal.

After all, Sona always seemed to be well aware of everything that was going on in the city, not to mention the fact that she was the younger sister of one of Hell's highest ranking officials. However, Sona had panicked so much that she ended up not even being able to concentrate on Ruruka's training or her duties, which was incredibly rare for Sona.

The only direction she gave, to the entire Student Council, her Peerage, was that they should stay away from Satoru, the supposed god in hiding. Sona really should've known better…

Of course, for a known problem child and lover of riddles that managed to go so far as to turn into a Devil in her riddle solving, no more a tempting target could Sona give her with her warnings. A red button with a big 'do not press' sign on it.

Who in their right mind could keep themselves from pressing that one at least a couple of times!

In addition, Ruruka's interest had been piqued after she'd seen the Pervert Trio's changes for the first time. Although Ruruka hadn't been exposed to their actions directly, having moved to high school only a week ago, rumors of them had reached not only Ruruka, who had attended Kuoh Middle School, but seemingly half of Japan.

So, even for just that reason, Ruruka was obliged to witness the person who had completed Hercules' thirteenth labors, 'the taming of the Perverts', in person.

And after making sure that the Trio she found had indeed changed, Ruruka was confronted with an unbelievable sight on her way out of the academy, a guy crawling in dust and dirt in front of Satoru. After something like that, Ruruka just couldn't shrug her shoulders and walk past, her hunger for secrets and mysteries demanded answers.

At the very least, she would find out the reason such a thing had happened. Besides, her past big mystery had turned her into a Devil, what would it be this time? Would she be endowed with divine powers?!

So, acting according to all the rules of espionage, namely, according to all the books she had read, Ruruka began tailing behind Satoru and the young, and by the way, very handsome looking, guy. Of course, she kept her distance from them, not getting too close, but also not too far away that she would lose sight of them either.

She kept moving from one inconspicuous position, that is behind a light pole or some trash cans, to another as Satoru and the other student walked through the streets, eventually reaching a rather large house on one of the streets.

Throughout the entire time they were traveling, Satoru and the boy didn't utter a word, however, they couldn't just head off to nowhere without any purpose, could they? So, having come to the most logical conclusion, Satoru and the boy must be wishing to have a secret conversation!

Ruruka also came to the equally logical conclusion, that she was obliged to violate their privacy.

And so, after waiting a dozen seconds after Satoru had entered the building, she followed the two students, crouching under one of the windows. Peering in through the window for a moment, photographing the picture before her with her inner gaze before dropping down to hide, replaying the image, so she could investigate what was happening.

Inside there were not just Satoru and the other guy, but two other much younger people, a boy, and a girl. And with their familial similarity, and unless the guy that Satoru was following wasn't some crazy Casanova, with a story worthy of a very tragic and perverse book, and probably a rapid trial, they must be his younger siblings.

Seeing that there's no older relatives, in this case meaning the young children were left unattended, behavior unacceptable to any adult. So their parents, or a person acting in their role, could not have been present at the moment. Either out of neglect… Or perhaps because there was none at all?

These facts combined with the earlier event at school… Was he asking a favor from Satoru? About what? What is it about Satoru that would interest someone who have younger siblings and no parental oversight… Ah, there's only one thing, the really juicy rumor when Satoru first enrolled!

"Bingo!" Ruruka said aloud, snapping her fingers, before remembering that she was supposed to be hiding, biting her tongue and looking around, even taking a peek inside again, making sure she wasn't spotted at the moment. After making sure that her actions were not noticed at the moment, she tried to eavesdrop on what was currently happening inside the house, pressing her ear against the thin wall.

Ruruka couldn't make out any specific words of course, but with her enhanced hearing as a [Pawn] of Sona Sitri, she could at least pick up the tone of the conversation.

Ruruka felt like she had pressed herself into the wall, trying to hear at least scraps of the conversation, by the sound of it, the tone of one conversation partner - Ruruka would bet it was Satoru, was calm. The tone of the other guy… Surprised? Then… Shocked?

Ruruka pressed her head even harder in an effort to actually hear what they were talking about, the scraps of information just lighting up her curiosity more. But, she still couldn't catch the details, only the tones.

Surprise, quickly replaced by a calm tone, with a hint of shock… What could it mean?

Maybe Satoru had revealed something to the guy about the magical side of the world? If the guy had asked him for help regarding the paperwork for emancipation, then Ruruka had no doubt that Satoru could arrange it… Being a god, and all.

However, wouldn't that cause a clash with Boss, and Rias Gremory? Then again, god, and just from Sona's fearful explanation and order to be careful, Ruruka suspected that that position was important enough to intervene for the sake of one person.

After waiting another dozen seconds and ultimately hearing nothing of significance, Ruruka finally moved away from the wall, her curiosity somewhat sated. As she moved, she looked around her once more, and finding no one near her, she hurried away before her presence would be noticed by any of her surveillance targets.

Unaware of just how insignificant her attempts at subterfuge meant.

Once again, Demiurge could only marvel at how brilliant Lord Momonga's mind was.

Indeed, even the smallest of His actions were part of an incomprehensibly large picture. Every little detail became part of the big picture, plans were extensions of each other, flowing so naturally that it was impossible to even trace the exact moment when one is completed and gave rise to a new one.

For example, the summoned creatures of the eightieth level, Goemon and Hanzo.

Of course, they were necessary for the fulfillment of the first step of Lord Momonga's plan, Raynare's information gathering about the release of the Red Dragon, surely they had played a part in that plan. But their role did not end there.

The first to bite the bait was Tobio Ikuse, a powerful agent of the Fallen Angel, a possessor of a [Longinus]. Raynare had notified Demiurge that Azazel, that damned traitor, would be sending his prized mutt to this city. And Hanzo, a level eighty creature who specialized in gathering information, countering invisibility and had outstanding concealment abilities, was 'coincidentally, the perfect tool to follow such a target.

Tobio never even had an inkling that the summon creature was lurking very close to him, watching his every move. After receiving information about Tobio from Raynare, who was quite surprised by his presence in the city, the original plan to cloak Hanzo in shadow had been called off due to Tobio's ability to control his own shadow.

As it turned out, Tobio was the possessor of [Longinus], [Canis Lycaon], one whose power is related to shadow control. So, after confirming the information about Tobio, Demiurge 'came up' with a plan, as of course orchestrated by the Supreme One.

With the help of Shalltear, Tobio was quickly kidnapped to the Nazarick's lofts, after which the next important detail of Lord Momonga's plan, the summoned Goemon, came into play. [Canis Lycaon] was quickly extracted from Tobio Ikuse's body, who had the unfortunate fortune of encountering quite an unpleasant feature of [Throne of Kings] of Nazarick.

As a World Class Item has an effect of suppressing the effects of World Class Items, including the [Longinus] unique to this world.

Demiurge wasn't quite sure that his plan would work, which is why he had asked Shalltear's help in the first place. However, as the Demiurge logically thought, if the [Sacred Gear], a smaller portion of which were [Longinuses] had been created by the Biblical God, Lord Momonga in the past. Then wouldn't the current defenses of the [Throne of Kings] would also be effective against them?

As expected, he was right, there was no doubt that everything was as Lord Momonga wishes, and he now has a World Class Item to present to the Supreme One. An achievement worthy of praise.

The World Class Item was an extremely lucky catch for Demiurge, an important item even when compared to the entirety of Nazarick's Treasury. Tobio Ikuse himself also served as an equally significant item.

Thanks to the assessments from Shalltear and Albedo, his combat level was determined to be close to level fifty. With the use of [Canis Lycaon], it was likely that he would be able to approach level seventy, or even slightly higher, but more critical than his direct combat potential was the information he possessed.

Oh, sure, Tobio was stubborn to the extreme, but he broke in the end, as all those who were unlucky not to be born with the purpose the Supreme One gives their creation. Neuronist, with the direct and immediate assistance of Demiurge himself, was able to crack him in just a few hours. Neuronist didn't even have to resort to healing magic, given that Tobio possessed a very impressive constitution.

Though, Albedo and Shalltear had to be used a few times, suppressing Tobio's will to fight and attempts for rebellion before he started to talk.

It took just a few hours of 'convincing' the little mutt of the Fallen before Tobio began to talk. Not about everything, he flatly refused to discuss his 'team', but that was also a temporary obstacle that simply required some time and work from a dear Neuronist… Information about the traitors was more important now, the mutt's friends can come later.

What exactly Demiurge was to do to him in the future, Demiurge himself was not sure. Certainly, as a servant of the Fallen Angels who had dared to rebel against Lord Momonga in the past, Demiurge was inclined on a painful execution.

But what kind of execution was in question at the moment.

Demiurge was not sure which would be more fitting, the amount of pain and suffering, or simply ones that are more symbolic? Crucifixion seemed the most fitting to him for symbolism, but flaying him alive and then plunging him in brine a few times had its appeal…

Ah, but that was simply idle musings, who was pleased that he had been able to unravel part of Lord Momonga's grand plan and accomplish His will with his little unsophisticated talent. The information provided by Tobio was abundant to the extreme and focused in large part on the Fallen Angel.

Who, as one would expect, these traitors were Lord Momonga's first target.

The information about their internal strife did not even surprise Demiurge. Degenerate creatures that dared to rebel against their creator they are, how could they have known at all about what was 'loyalty', even amongst self-similar degenerate renegades? Therefore, upon learning that Azazel, the nominal ruler of the Fallen Angels faction, was in a precarious position, facing a very prominent faction of opposition in the form of Kokabiel. Demiurge saw perfectly well the next part of Lord Momonga's plan.

One that he had to direct to fulfill Lord Momonga's grand plan.

Kokabiel wished for a continuation of the Great War, a new start to the Three-Sided War, but Demiurge did not wish for the angels who had so far remained loyal to Lord Momonga, Biblical God, to suffer. By remaining loyal when Lord Momonga had left, his brothers and sisters from Heaven deserved to once again stand under Lord Momonga's banner. Not to perish in a new war, not even realizing that Lord Momonga had once again returned to this world.

However, the Devils…

As far as Tobio had reported, Lucifer, as Lord Momonga's first traitor, had been destroyed. As had the vast majority of those who fought alongside him against God, making it impossible for Demiurge to instantly anathematize each one of them in absentia. Especially considering that some Devils had rebelled in the past against those who dared to encroach on Lord Momonga's power over this world. A Civil War.

Certainly they had indirectly killed the traitors, quite the service, but they rebelled against those not for the fact of their betrayal of Lord Momonga, but out of their own base motives. And thus the Demiurge had no sense of camaraderie for those who now used the name of the arch-predator Lucifer as their exalting title, and thus could be used as pawns of the incipient confrontation.

And, of course, as one would expect, all of this fitted splendidly into Lord Momonga's unified plan. Plans within plans that pulled one thread after another.

After all, a casus belli was needed to start the war to end all wars. An incident that only Kokabiel could provide, an incident with enough casualties to provoke a large Devil response that would draw the entire Fallen Angel faction into the maelstrom.

Only Kokabiel in the entire Fallen Angel faction, represent any appreciable force willing to commit that action. And while many powerful Devils could stop his actions before the incident got out of hand…

However, was it not then such a 'fortunate coincidence' that the Devils' gaze in this case was not fixed not on the fallen, but on Lord Momonga himself? How easily one simple assassination could slip the laxed nets.

Serafall Leviathan had already arrived, ready to summon several other extremely powerful figures of her people to contact Lord Momonga at a moment's notice. Coincidentally, leaving her world briefly quite defenseless against one swift strike from a powerful, as far as that word was concerned, Fallen Angel?

And, of course, just when the Demiurge was contemplating the timing of such an action, Lord Momonga reported that one of the petty Devil pawns had dared to approach him, attempting in their pathetic efforts to 'follow' Lord Momonga?

Without pause, Demiurge had picked up on the dozen unspoken orders and Hanzo had penetrated the Devil's shadow, for close observation and possible contact with the Devils at the necessary moment. While at the same time being ordered by Lord Momonga to not only get the opportunity for contact, but also the opportunity to determine the Devils' reaction to revealing information about the mystical side of this world to the unenlightened people of Earth… Indeed, Lord Momonga, who but He was to be called 'omniscient'?

Therefore, after finishing writing the letter, Demiurge smiled slightly. There were many minor details left. He needs to make contact with Kokabiel, pass information to him, direct him in a suicidal attack, then, when the demons' retaliation would draw the Fallen into war, retake the reins of the faction after a decapitating strike. Simultaneously throwing them under the wheels of other factions as a bargaining chip and gaining more pawns to use.

And that was only one part of the plan and one part of the information Tobio had brought in. The Chaos Brigade, the mages of Europe, the Youkai of Japan…

Folding his hands in a gesture of prayer, Demiurge once again praised Lord Momonga and thanked Him for every opportunity to follow His will as His faithful servant, before nodding as he looked at the blessed image of His son.

Overlord of a High School (27)
Overlord of a High School (27)

Momonga could finally breathe a little freely, not because he was sure that his actions could not lead to a negative result, but because now the result of what had happened was no longer in his hands. Finally, Momonga could relax a little.

One of the most critical issues that occupied his mind, besides the Demons at least, was the subject of magic in this world. That is, the fact that paranormal beings were hidden from ordinary people partially answered the question of why magic was not massively known in this world, but he never got any answer to the question as to why. And that lack of information limited his list of possible actions on Earth very much.

Once again, he was forced to confront the fact that this world is radically different from his own… As if the giant dragon and fallen Angels didn't already attest to the fact. Though he had to admit, with how the paranormal acted, there at least exist the possibility that the paranormal existed in his world, only very carefully hidden.

Maybe some kind of ancient treaties of non-interference, or maybe even a special police units dealing with the separation between the world of the paranormal and ordinary people? Of course, it wasn't that likely, but the current state of affairs with the separation between the two worlds had to have some justification, didn't it?

And it was with this reasoning that Momonga planned to find out. Thanks to a fortunate coincidence, the girl he had noticed earlier had followed him, perhaps to find more information about him… This could be his chance, a Demon that Momonga could isolate to a location of his choosing.

Initially, Momonga had assumed that the best course of action was to take her under mind control and alter her memory. But the Hanzo, who had joined him at Demiurge's order, had slipped into her shadow before Momonga had time to decide on a suitable place to ambush her. Momonga had already forgotten that he had summoned a Hanzo at all!

But of course, as one would expect, when Momonga contacted the Hanzo with [Message], the latter only reported back in a respectful tone that he had proceeded with his plan…

Momonga's plans, that is… If only this other Momonga would be so kind as to tell him what they were supposed to be!

This time, though, Momonga's ingenious 'plan' didn't seem to have backfired on him, but actually worked as he needed it to. The Hanzo hiding in the girl's shadow was a perfect opportunity to observe her and her surroundings stealthily. Maybe he could even have a chance to eavesdrop on the Demon's meeting with the other Demons so that Momonga could learn of their plans, or even what they might have learned about him!

More than that, Momonga thought, he had been quite successful in taking a chance in confirming the paranormal's view in bringing in the mundanes into their world. Revealing information to Saji about the paranormal world whist the Demon could hear, would force the girl to report to her superiors, and from there Momonga could learn of their response to such a thing with the Hanzo listening in.

Worse comes to worst, Momonga could easily use [Control Amnesia] and make it as if he had never met Saji in the first place. It would be quite the waste of MP, but it might be much better than if the paranormal's' response to the Masquerade being broken is full-out war. Though Momonga doubt that such a thing would come to pass – of course the's also the risk of the Hanzo being discovered…

Maybe he should switch out the Hanzo to a better summoned monster? The Hanzos might be good enough for simple reconnaissance, but he's simply too low-leveled, being easily detected by level 100 Players with any levels in the [Ranger] class…

However, it was most likely an acceptable risk. So far, the information gathered by Pandora's Actor and analyzed by the Demiurge did not indicate that one of the known powerful Demons was specialized in classes for detecting hidden enemies. But at the same time, Hanzo's summoning was costly enough that Momonga, having instructed Hanzo to try to escape unnoticed in case of danger, decided to went on about his business taking things one at a time. Now, rather than thinking further about the Demons, he was recounting his interaction with Saji.

Of course, Momonga didn't tell Saji anything about Nazarick, instead saying that he simply had some magical powers. Nothing excessive or things that the Demons didn't already know. He demonstrated his physical strength by lifting a couch with one hand, then stabbing himself with a kitchen knife without injury, and that was enough to convince Saji of his magical abilities.

However, even this unexpected discovery didn't change Saji's original desire to take care of his family… Something that Momonga couldn't help Saji with without sinking in an inordinate amount of resources. He couldn't exactly repeat what he did for himself, so he would probably have to rely on the Demons to accomplish what Saji wanted.

At the moment, he certainly didn't plan to bargain with the Demons, not knowing his position or the demons' position at all, for the sake of a stranger's family at that. At least, until his situation with the Demons were resolved, Momonga wanted to keep Saji close to him, and ideally, loyal to him.

Of course, Momonga wasn't worried that Saji might be a threat to him, so it wasn't worth throwing away the opportunities he had to make possible new acquaintances in this world… No matter how insignificant they might be.

He couldn't do much about Saji's problem, or if the Demons decides to silence him, except to kidnap him and take him to the Church of the Fallen Angels. However, to Momonga's surprise, Saji responded negatively to his offer, choosing to stay in his home, and even to continue going to school… Which baffled Momonga's mind.

People actually choose to go to school?

On one hand, Momonga could certainly understand, the man didn't want to lose the money invested in his education, and clearly wanted to take the chance to get a high-paying job that required a full high school education. But on the other… it's school. Was it really only Momonga who thought that school was more akin to torture than anything else!?

In any case, at least for now, he could simply order Demiurge to send one of his servants to watch over Saji. For the future however… Well, he hopes the situation with the Demons would clear up soon, and he could influence Saji to get himself one more pawn in this world… Or at least get rid of him without attracting attention, depending on how the dialog with the Demons would turn out.

And if some situation unfolds to Saji where Momonga couldn't act on it?

Well, that's an issue Momonga will deal with when it arises.

If Hanzo wasn't currently stuck in the girl's shadow at the moment, he would have had to exert all his willpower in order not to cry at Lord Momonga's mercy for His lowly servant.

Lord Momonga, in His infinite generosity and mercy, had required Hanzo himself to promise that he would not expose himself to needless risk and would try to avoid any danger that came his way. How great was Lord Momonga's merciful heart!

Hanzo believed that his punishment, the cursed 'rest', was payback for his willful abandonment of his post, for Hanzo's refusal to watch over Raynare, choosing instead to throw himself into Lord Momonga's defense in his battle against the red dragon. Though of course, how stupid could he be?

How could he even dare suggest that Lord Momonga could be in danger, that something wasn't going to fit into His grand plan?!

But was it possible that Lord Momonga had punished Hanzo not only for disobeying orders and being useless in battle, but also out of mercy, worried about Hanzo endangering himself by engaging in battle with the red dragon? Lord Momonga had ended that battle almost instantly, but even though Lord Momonga was invulnerable to the red dragon, Hanzo had put himself at risk by entering the battle.

Was this another of the reasons why Lord Momonga was angry at him, could his punishment have grown from Lord Momonga's concern and mercy?!

Hanzo could hardly imagine such mercy from his Lord towards His lowest servant, but Lord Momonga's concern spoke of just that.

Hanzo was therefore thankful that he did not possess a physical body while in shadow form, or he would have been rubbing his face with all his might where his eyes should have been, trying to hold back the tears… Which his body was technically incapable of, but which would surely have leaked out anyway!

And so Hanzo could in no way, not in a single gesture, allow his mission to be carried out with less than absolute and perfect precision! His every ability was trained, his hearing was sharp, his perfect perception, capable of breaking through even the stealth skills and invisibility spells of specialized types of the hundredth level, was honed. Every tiny detail in his field of perception was noticed, remembered and cataloged by him, every fraction of a moment that could be sensed!

At the moment, though, everything Hanzo saw and perceived was of no interest… At least from Hanzo's own perspective.

After the Demon tried to gather information about Lord Momonga, an effort as futile as it was ridiculous from Hanzo's point of view, the girl tried to run away… Without using a single skill or spell, either to gather information or to cover her own tracks.

The girl didn't even use [Concealment]! A skill so basic that it wasn't even worth mentioning in the throngs of creatures specializing in stealth, so what could Hanzo even take note of in this case!

However, Hanzo could devote the rest of his time to mocking the creature of this world who dared to spy on Lord Momonga, at the moment, he had to concentrate on counter-espionage.

The girl, as Lord Demiurge had informed him, having received this information from the Lord Pandora's Actor, was named Ruruka Nimura. She had hurriedly distanced herself from Lord Momonga's location, and after a dozen minutes arrived at a house that could most likely be called luxurious relative to the surrounding houses. She didn't even try to take preventive measures from being followed!

The Demon that had dared to try to spy on Lord Momonga was so incompetent that the Hanzo thought for a moment that this was a trap, that he had readied his escape measures.

He, of course, didn't have to.

The luxurious house, which in Hanzo's perception was only slightly larger than the other houses in the area, was one of the Demons' domiciles. The girl went to the lock beside the fence, to the electrical box to the side of the door, as Lord Demiurge had told Hanzo with disdain, the equipment was some sort of communication device. Archaic and barbaric in its design and function.

After doing something that the Hanzo couldn't see, the girl pressed the button, causing a loud buzz to emanate from inside the house. Waiting for a moment, the sound of a lock being opened resounded and Ruruka opened the door, heading inside.

Stepping inside the compound, the Hanzo was greeted by a courtyard filled with neatly mowed lawns… And invisible guards that are all visible to the Hanzo.

Spells and abilities of such a level were no barrier to Hanzo, indeed, thanks to his abilities, the Hanzo himself didn't even have to use concealment abilities himself to avoid their gaze. No, instead of wasting his time on unneeded spells, Hanzo began to gather and analyze data on the potential enemies… Before, he had to stop himself from sighing.

The information he had gathered did not look that exciting to Hanzo either. Most of the invisible guards, if they could be called such, were demons with strength levels between level thirty and forty, utterly lacking in danger levels. Still, Hanzo could not determine their specific level and class distribution without using his special abilities, but for beings of level forty and below, using such abilities would be unnecessary.

However, when a creature of more outstanding strength appeared at the edge of Hanzo's perception, Hanzo didn't take any unnecessary risks and activated one of his more specialized skills [Mikawa Mountains]. With it activated, for the next hour, as long as the Hanzo did not do any action, it would take detection magics of the Tenth Tier to spot him. Either that or specialized scouts like the Hanzo, someone skilled at detecting invisible and hidden creatures, or their level equivalent.

And as far as Lord Pandora's Actor had informed him, Serafall Leviathan possessed no such abilities. So, all Hanzo himself had to do to complete his mission, was to silently listen and memorize everything that was going on around the Demons.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Sona Sitri felt her glasses slip down the bridge of her nose, one small slip away from falling and then shattering. Figuratively speaking, of course, no glasses that an heiress would wear would be so fragile as to shatter from a simple fall.

"But nobody saw me!" Sona flippantly dismissed the words of her new pawn, who had been in her [Peerage] for less than a week, but who had already broken one of the most important orders that Sona had ever given in her life. Sona wanted to bang her head on the table, and only by a titanic effort of will did she restrained herself from doing so.

It was incomprehensible! Ruruka had been her pawn for less than a week, but already she had managed to not only disobey her orders, but to go follow the unknown threat that is Satoru. Even someone as lacking in common sense as her sister had warned her of just how dangerous Satoru could be!

From the look of her, her new [Pawn] thought everything was fine!

Sona doubted very much that Ruruka had been able to avoid Satoru's attention whatsoever. While there is too much that is unknown about Satoru, the fact that two Satans had thought that it is likely for him to be some sort of god, meant that he was a very dangerous and capable potential foe.

But, then, why had he let her [Pawn] escape, bringing in information about him, no matter how trivial. According to Rias, which is the reason she would take it with a pinch of salt, that Satoru was an old and experienced master of diplomacy and negotiation – so naturally Sona's mind began churning about the possible reasons why.

All her life, to Sona's great chagrin, she had been trained to one day become the head of the noble Sitri Clan, so Sona could well imagine just how useful an ammunition her [Pawn]'s indiscretion had been. A simple mention of how the Devils had violated his privacy could give Satoru a lot of leeway in negotiations.

Being Sona's [Pawn], Sona would be forced to give concession unless she wants to throw her [Pawn] under the bus, ruining her impression with her [Peerage]. What could he want in return? At the very least, Satoru could demand better concessions in future negotiations, at worst he might demand Ruruka's head.

And, while Serafall would surely side with her, it was quite likely that the rest of the Satans would decide to settle the matter by sacrificing her [Pawn]. Especially if they could come to a favorable agreement in doing so…

And Sona, even if she didn't have as close a relationship with her [Peerage], preferring to think of them as close subordinates rather than family, was definitely not willing to sacrifice Ruruka.

Even if she had known her for less than a week—and even if she had foolishly dragged Sona into this nightmare!

"Kaichou?" Ruruka looked at Sona carefully, a little scared, causing Sona to make the most ferocious expression she could muster, and then, the moment Ruruka squealed away, take control of herself. Okay, Ruruka's punishment should be extremely severe, but that was still a secondary concern at the moment, the primary concern was how to handle Satoru… And the first step to that is to get the full information from her foolish [Pawn].

"All right… I could do this." Stretching out each vowel to release some of the rage simmering inside the usually reserved heiress of the Sitri clan, Sona glanced at Ruruka.

"I would punish you later for your foolishness… But at least, did you find out any information about Satoru?" Sona asked.

"Ummm…" Ruruka blinked, before blurting out the next words quickly and with no small amount of uncertainty. "He's… Interested in some Second Year student?"

"You're not even sure which one?" Sona glanced tiredly at Ruruka, all the anger she could possibly feel at the moment drained out of the Devil, causing her to sigh slowly.

"Okay… What do you mean, 'interested'?"

"I'm not completely sure? You know, I can't really tell what they're talking about. Being stealthy and all, I kept some distance between us, as I followed them… But Satoru was definitely up to something! That other guy even kneeled!" Ruruka began to feel more confident the more she talked, sticking out her small chest and smiling cockily, as if she was asking Sona to praise her.

For some reason, she still thought that Satoru hadn't discovered her probably very subpar stalking. Sona could only blame herself for not getting the point across to her [Pawn] just how dangerous Satoru could've been, though it probably wouldn't help matter.

This is the girl that thought that Sona was some mafia boss, and her only thought was to confront her on it without any backup plan.

"I'm pretty sure that Satoru revealed the information about the paranormal to this guy!"

Sona didn't even bother to ask Ruruka why she thought that, it didn't seem unbelievable, and at least Ruruka had demonstrated her skills in gathering information before, so it was probably true. Of course, again, with perhaps a large grain of salt.

"What are we going to do about it, boss?" Ruruka, sensing that Sona had exhausted all of her previous reactions and therefore couldn't lash out angrily at Ruruka, went on the offensive.

"Nothing." It took Sona a second to realize that it wasn't her that said those words, and another second to realize who had said them. "No one is going to do anything about it – not us, and certainly not you."

Hearing her sister's voice, Sona was both relieved that the burden of responsibility for the current situation was at least partially lifted from her by having someone with a higher authority around, and a mix of other complex emotions.

She was somewhat irked, no matter how she disliked having to be responsible for the errant god, it was at least her prerogative on how to deal with it. The reason for her being in Kuoh is to gain some independence from her family, which includes her sister, to have a chance to stand on her own. She also disliked the fact that she had bothered her busy sister from her job, her presence here could be construed by her sister's enemy by the Old Satan Faction as favoritism, inviting criticism, baseless as they might be.

And most of all, she disliked the fact that her Sister looked so out of character, dressed not in her Magical Girl outfit, no matter how much it would embarrass her, and the uncharacteristic serious look on her face.

No, for a second, Serafall showed her face as a professional… And considering how rare and unusual it was for Sona, she felt an involuntary unpleasant sticky chill creeping up her spine at the sight. If anything could make Serafall act serious in Sona's presence, then this matter with Satoru was even more important than Sona had previously imagined.

And Sona had thought before that she was facing a catastrophic crisis in Satoru being here in Kuoh, being a god and all… But apparently she had never fully appreciated the magnitude of it.

"Ms. Serafall!" Ruruka, for all her impenetrable stupidity that may have just spelled her doom, at the sight of Serafall began palling and took a deep bow. It seemed that at least Sona had been able to imbue her with a minimal understanding of the situation.

A bit too little too late, but it's at least something, Sona could only sigh as she stood up to greet her older Sister.

"Easy there." Serafall brushed off the actions of Sona and her pawn, showing that at least Serafall didn't expect the world to end in the next few minutes, causing Sona to breathe a little relieved at that realization, but not completely. Her sister's expression relaxed just a little, but her eyes were still serious and her eyebrows furrowed.

"So, if I heard everything correctly, you tried to follow Satoru, and most likely, he let you do it," Serafall didn't even pay attention to Ruruka's timid attempt to comment on the fact that she had been careful in her spying,

"And he apparently had revealed information about magic to a student… Though we don't know exactly which one it is." Serafall paused for a moment as she finished speaking, nodding to herself, waiting for Ruruka's confirming nod, frowning as she received the confirmation, thinking to herself while speaking under her breath.

"Why did Satoru spoke with that student, and why now? What is he planning to accomplish with that, what plan…?"

Sona, unaccustomed to Serafall's serious side, remained silent, not daring to interrupt Leviathan's important musings. But, for Ruruka, it seemed, the concept of self-preservation was not in her dictionary.

"Kaichou, what about Satoru revealing information about the supernatural world? With how much you drilled us about being careful about it, is it just fine for him to do so?" Ruruka's thoughtless question made Sona wince involuntarily. Sona might not exactly approve of Rias's methods of punishing her [Peerage], spanking them like they are unruly children, something that spoke more of her proclivities than an actual effective discipline method.

But in the past ten minutes, she had actually grown more comfortable with the idea of physical violence as an educational method.

Not to mention the fact that no one would go to war with an unknown god over a couple dozen, hundreds, or even thousands of people… Least of all, just one person.

"Until he starts performing acts of miracles live on national television, giving info about the paranormal is the problem of those who dare to do such a thing… Not to mention the fact that the powerful simply has more leeway. Besides, what are we going to do about it? Going to war over one person being inducted into the supernatural, would seem like a great act of overreaction. Nobody would praise us over picking a fight with a god over something like that. Satoru could do such a thing with all the population of Kuoh, and we'll probably just ask him to stop. Nicely at that." Serafall easily dismissed Ruruka's words, mirroring Sona's thoughts.

As long as the disclosure of such information did not cause the destabilization of society, the supernatural denizens preferred not to pry into each other's private affairs. The scene of Serafall acting serious, once again made Sona involuntary shudder. How bad was the situation really if such a thing was happening right now?!

Serafall, however, seeing Sona becoming uncomfortable, quickly adopted her usual persona. The situation might be serious, but it doesn't mean that she would let Sona act so awkward around her.

Adopting a huge smile, Serafall summoned her usual outfit and magic wand, before adopting a pose from her magical girl show, speaking with her usual boisterous tone. "Sona-chan! There's no need to worry, your big sister will always protect you from all the bad boys! If Satoru tried to do anything to you, I'm going to bonk him with my magical staff!"

A moment later, Serafall seemed to teleport next to Sona, taking her in a tight embrace, from which Sona could not physically escape because of the Leviathan's unmatched strength.

"Mistress Leviathan, please control yourself!" Sona reacted to Serafall's actions with an ingrained reaction and phrase, attempting to disentangle herself from the strong embrace.

No matter how many times she told Serafall that she couldn't afford to behave this way with her position, each and every time her words would only fly between Serafall's ears without lingering in her mind. Though, this time, Sona's annoyance at such childishness from the head of Foreign Affairs for the entire Devils' faction was less noticeable than usual.

"Oh, can I take a couple pictures?!" And of course, Ruruka decided to butt in the situation, causing Sona to look away from her older sister and squint her eyes with a completely unhappy look at Ruruka.

"Speaking of punishments…" Sona used the phrase despite the fact that no part of the conversation so far had mentioned any punishments, her glare priming death.

"Ruruka, it seems that I've been lacking in educating you about the supernatural world. About what you can do as a part of my [Peerage], about what you can't do, and exactly how to deal with a clear order like 'don't come within a hundred meters of Satoru'. Yes, I believe I just have the thing to make sure that my instructions stick this time…"

"Em…" Ruruka swallowed a nervous gulp, taking half a step back instinctually, looking at Sona, then tried to crack a smile as she looked at Serafall.

"Mistress Leviathan, don't you think it's been a long time since you've seen your little sister? Maybe you two can spend some time together on a date!"

"Oh, definitely," Serafall smiled, but Ruruka's joy was short-lived. "And I'll be so excited to see how my little Sona-chan has grown up and is now able to manage her [Peerage]. Especially just how she could discipline an errant [Pawn]!" Serafalf spoke cheerfully with a wide smile on her face, but none of it reached her eyes. In fact, Ruruka could only see the glint of chipped ice, so cold that it promised death in those.

It seems that the two sisters have many things in common.

"Em…", Ruruka coughed into her fist and took another half step back, as a rash of goosebumps ran along her spine and she broke out in cold sweats.

"It won't happen again?"

"Absolutely," Sona nodded favorably, but Ruruka didn't trust her mistress' smile, "And I'll make sure of it…"

Ruruka, shifting her gaze from Sona to Serafall and back again, raised her hands and smiled a silly smile, knocking on her head as she stuck her tongue out. "Oops?"

Kalawarner had never really thought about how exactly insanity could manifest itself among Angels, especially fallen ones, until that moment. But, she was absolutely certain that she was insane right now. There was no way that her current life was not the result of hallucinations in her finally deranged mind.

Sadly, it was nothing but objective reality.

How could it be otherwise? The Biblical God had suddenly returned to this world, killed some of the strongest legendary dragons. He then proceeded to send a super-powered Devil in his service, to create a church for him. Oh, and her boss, Raynare, that had died like a dog, had been resurrected and been forgiven for her sins, tasking Kalawarner, who, incidentally, had fallen to the bottom of the Fallen Angel hierarchy, to begin preparations for the Apocalypse.

Even in the magical world, there was a limit to when 'magic' ended and 'fantasy' began, and Kalawarner's life story had long since crossed that threshold.

And, the craziest thing about this whole situation? It's not that Kalawarner's life is all that terrifying or unbelievable at this point.

Normally, even setting aside the impossibility, talking about super-powered Devils, or the return of the Biblical God, and Apocalypse would be something incredulous to imagine. It was just as ridiculous as the heavens being covered with bloody rain, the Sun rising in the West, or the Horsemen of the Apocalypse galloping across the Earth… Well, maybe not the last one.

If she wasn't right now, punching in letters after letters, with no end of her hallucination in sight, she just had to accept that this is her reality now. In fact, right now, Kalawarner was in negotiations regarding the purchase of a share of stock in some business… Kalawarner wasn't even sure which one, the name escaping her at the moment.

For the most part, her entire role was simply to punch in correspondence with answers, following a previously prepared instruction created by Lord Demiurge and Lady Albedo, an incredibly scary Devil, a new face in the church.

She's the second incredibly powerful Devil, who, as ridiculous as it might sound, was also one of God's subjects, and incidentally, was even stronger than the Demiurge, causing her to question her true identity. Who could this 'Albedo' be, an obvious fake name, for her to be even stronger than the Demiurge?

Her job now was not much different from that of a robot, or perhaps an answering machine might fit better. Her job was in just keeping track of a dozen different negotiations, periodically punching in answers that the two Devils, who apparently could read people like an open book, had predicted in advance. In fact, it was not that much different from the office job that Kalawarner herself had once dreamed of…

It was simply an idle thought whenever Raynare or Mittelt were being especially annoying, just a simple job where there's no danger of her dying. Well, jokes on her, huh?

Speaking of which, Kalawarner seemed to have forgotten to mention the powerful Vampire, that for some reason possessed an extremely powerful Holy presence. When the Vampire walked into the church, it was as if Michael himself had descended into her little ruined, recently rebuilt, church

As fantastic as a sight it might be, it had been put into the back burner when the Vampire and Albedo had gone into an argument over who was more worthy of the title of 'chief wife' of God… Oh, and who was better in bed, and had made God feel better, something that they were very proud of.

Not that Kalawarner didn't understand their sense of pride at all in this case – getting in bed with God? Up until this point, Kalawarner wasn't sure if anyone would dare to speak of such a blasphemous thing out loud… The Virgin Mary didn't count. Her situation was too far removed from the usual conception most races were accustomed to.

Madness. That was the only way Kalawarner could describe her current situation, complete and utter madness. Somewhere in the small town of Kuoh, the Son of God was walking around. Just outside of her makeshift office, two very powerful entities that could delete her entire existence as an aside were figuring out, read; arguing, which one was better in bed, or when is their next turn to share God's bed. And then there's Kalawarner, who was negotiating to buy shares in companies using the money Raynare had accumulated, all in order to prepare the world for the Apocalypse.


Speaking of which, while she was distracted for a moment to work with potential stockholders, a powerful Devil wrapped in shadows had just captured probably the strongest warrior of the entire Fallen faction. In about ten seconds. All the while, Kalawarner was taking a sip from her coffee mug.

And there wasn't even a struggle, as even as in the depth of her madness as she might be, there's no way that she would miss Tobio Ikuse, wielder [Canis Lykaon], being kidnapped in broad daylight.

What kind of monster could accomplish such a thing?

But that was such a small thing compared to everything else around her that Kalawarner didn't even want to mention such a thing. And the most important thing of all? No one around her even blinked at what was happening to Kalawarner at the moment. It was simple, everyone shrugged and got to work, as if her presence and duty was nothing to be put to mind.

Kalawarner had lost her mind. That was the only rational explanation for everything Kalawarner had been doing lately and the situation she found herself in. So as she sent another email, Kalawarner paused for a moment, looking at the instructions that had arrived in her inbox.

So, she was to compose an email to Kokabiel to provoke him into attacking the Devil faction while Lord Demiurge was busy with more 'critical' matters. As if provoking a Cadre, one of the oldest and strongest Fallen Angels in existence, was something one delegate to a secretary, and one at the lowest totem pole at that.

Kalawarner reached for her coffee, took a sip, looked around at her surroundings, her dorm room converted into a temporary office, and returned her attention to the computer screen, satisfied that she had indeed not gone to an insane asylum.

Great, so what would be a good place to start this letter?

Kalawarner had completely lost her mind and lost the thread of what was real and what wasn't in the current world…

But at least she had coffee.

In the current reality, that was the only real thing left that made any sense at all.
Overlord of a High School (28)
Overlord of a High School (28)
After ending his hectic day and arriving back at Miki's house, Momonga was prepared to relax with Albedo and Shalltear out of the house. That is, before he was interrupted by a report from Demiurge before he could even open the front door. Listening to the comprehensive report of not only the relationship between the paranormal and normal society, but also an in-depth report about the Fallen Angels, Momonga was shocked.

How!? It hasn't even been a day since Demiurge came here, and he already has so much information? Really capable people are just built different.

Hearing about the report further, it seems that the Fallen Angels had sent a spy that had subsequently been captured and interrogated.

Momonga didn't know if he should be worried about the fact that, behind his back, Demiurge had brilliantly executed the operation of capturing the spy sent to gather information about Momonga himself. After all, Momonga himself had only learned about the incident after the fact. But at the same time, this indicated that Demiurge could function perfectly well within his own initiative, without Momonga having to monitor his every action.

This in turn frightened Momonga a bit at just how amazingly outstanding his subordinates were. But at the same time, it caused a strange surge of… Pride within him. Like a father watching his children grow to become better than themselves, becoming professionals in their own right… Though, perhaps, it would be fine if the NPCs didn't adopt all of their parent's qualities.

In any case, setting aside the slight nostalgia that engulfed Momonga for a moment, through some coincidence, Demiurge had managed to capture a spy of the Fallen Angels. And considering the fact that he was equipped with a [World Class Item], or, a [Longinus] as it is called in this world, he must be some high-ranking spy… Which was now placed in the [Treasury] of Nazarick.

Momonga, for his part, instantly wanted to return to Nazarick as soon as he heard about it, but through emotional suppression and iron-clad discipline he managed to suppress that impulse, at least for a while. The subject of a new [World Class Item] had to be shelved for the time being, something that Momonga himself wanted to find an excuse to stop showing up at the school, to devote all his time to his experiments… And in no small part in a desire to skip school.

Momonga's imminent escape from school aside, judging from the information provided by the Hanzo, the demons were planning to hold a meeting with him. Depending on how the meeting goes, he might have reason enough to skip school… Though most likely because the school no longer existed.

According to the Hanzo, this meeting would be attended by the strongest Demons, two of them to be exact, the ones that Momonga suspected of possessing the hundredth level…

That fact, at least, could serve as a great excuse for Momonga skipping school!

Moreover, Momonga could even complain to the Demons that they were interrupting his education, daydreaming counts right!? And could perhaps even get some concessions or even rare items from them! Or, if he could only hope, perhaps even using their actions as an excuse for not wanting to attend school anymore, something like 'what's the point if you won't let me continue my education at this academy anyway?'

In addition, according to the information, the Demons feared Momonga a lot, mistaking him for some kind of local deity of this world, which was not true, but Momonga himself did not plan to dissuade the Demons in any way. Every wrong assumption about him was an additional ace up his sleeve.

In any case, the local Demons feared his presence and planned to be very careful and courteous when talking and dealing with Momonga, which was good. But, at the same time, they did not want to underestimate him, which meant that the supposed negotiations would have to take place, albeit in a calm and respectful manner, but with a significant power advantage for the Demons. And Momonga could not allow that to happen.

Even if these negotiations were supposed to be while not friendly, they were not hostile either, which comes as a surprise to Momonga since he had basically set up camp inside their territory without permission. Either way, there's no way that he's going to allow himself a meeting against hundredth level opponents, multiple of them potentially, without some insurance.

Though, he was considering just leaving Kuoh altogether, discarded soon after since that would just be taken as a hostile maneuver, so he has lots to prepare for this future meeting.

Even if he was prepared and well aware of the abilities of his opponents, he still wouldn't risk facing two hundredth level enemies. To do so without knowing anything about his potential enemy? To Momonga, it just seemed like suicide by other people's hands.

But on the other hand, what would he do then? Show up with the backup at the negotiations? That would instantly reveal the card that Momonga was the representative of an entire faction full of other, very powerful, judging by the information gathered, beings.

Maybe a secret guard? It was also risky if any of the Demons could detect, say, Aura, that didn't specialize in stealth, or other NPCs under the influence of, say, [Perfect Unknowable].

As much as Momonga was glad that the Demons don't know much about him, the fact that he also doesn't know anything about the Demons, makes any interaction with them fraught with dangers. Unknown dangers at that.

But it was also impossible to postpone such a meeting indefinitely. Firstly, because Momonga needed a reason to stop going to school, before he was forced to cast a [Super-Tier Spell] to prevent Ego death. And secondly because he needed to negotiate with the Demons at some point in time. At the very least, to clearly discuss the boundaries between the two of them.

It was not because Momonga had any specific plans for his future that would need the Demons' cooperation, but simply because peaceful coexistence was the basis of Momonga's strategy. If he was at peace with the other factions, he could build up his combat power and explore a new world while accumulating Nazarick's power much more safely.

Momonga thought about it for a second, maybe he should substitute his presence in school with a doppelgänger for a while? Pandora's Actor could probably copy his mannerism perfectly. Being his 'son', just like how the other NPCs had some reflection of their creator, Pandora's Actor should be able to understand exactly how Momonga thinks. And push comes to shove, he could also imitate most of his abilities in order not to give away the fact that he was a doppelgänger… That is, if Pandora's Actor could imitate not only Momonga himself, but also his new current appearance, altered with a newfound spell.

Could Pandora's Actor fake that?

In the game, Pandora's Actor had the ability to mimic all of Momonga's spells, excluding [Super Tier Magics], simply because of his ability as a Doppelgänger. However, he had acquired new abilities unique to this world – could Pandora's Actor mimic the effects of his new spell? And even if he could, he was potentially sending a member of Nazarick, in some way his own son, into a potential trap, all the while they were still unsure whether or not the resurrection system still works.

Besides, in any case, even if it was possible, resurrecting a creature of the hundredth level would cost millions of gold, a small percentage of Nazarick's treasury, but still a huge amount for a simple experiment. Perhaps they should try with some of the lower-leveled NPCs.

But to order one of Nazarick's to commit suicide…

Shaking his head slightly, Momonga sighed before returning to reality as he finally entered the house, he must've looked like a kid in trouble with how much time he had spent just staring at the door to his house. One step passed the front door however, his steps immediately halted, spotting Pandora's Actor, Albedo, Shalltear, and Miki kneeling down.

For a moment, Momonga's mind suffered a critical error and had to be rebooted… Before simply putting the sight, that not even the most tyrannical of his past bosses would do, into a folder marked as SAN damage. At least he had some built up immunity with his days with the NPCs inside Nazarick, they too would kneel whenever they would greet him. It doesn't mean that he was getting used to it, however.

"Rise up," Momonga replied, unsure, remembering another of his past plan to peek at how the powerful entities of this world behaved towards their subordinates as some kind of cheat sheet on how to treat his own subordinate.

"Kehem, you may return to your duties. Do you have any information that you consider important to me?" Momonga hoped that his subordinates didn't have any… On the other hand, if they had managed to catch another spy behind Momonga's back, he would definitely prefer to find out as soon as possible.

"Nothing that would require your intervention, my Master," Albedo was the first to reply, a moment before Shalltear could do so, Albedo flashing a victorious smoke at the other woman.

'Wah?!' The suppression of emotion worked instantly, saving Momonga from the fate of almost choking on his spit.

He was already in a relationship without having any say so, and thus couldn't judge with certainty whether the words spoken by Albedo were strange or not. After all, he was her boss in addition to her lover, combined with the fanatical devotion of the people of Nazarick, maybe it's… Okay, surely that was more or less a normal title, and not some weird fetish of Albedo's.

And the triumphant look on Albedo's face, as if lording over Shalltear the fact that she had debased herself as some kind of pet or slave, was probably just a trick of his tired eyes.

Putting it in the same folder as before, Momonga barreled on.

"I suppose, then, that your actions, umu… With regard to the spy went off without a hitch?"

"Of course, my Lord," Shalltear was the first to reply, this time casting a triumphant glance at Albedo. Lord, hmm? At least it sounded, only a little, but still more decent than 'master'. Maybe if he thinks that Albedo was just role-playing as a maid? No, it still sounds just as bad as before.

"Your plan has been put into action, my Master, and Demiurge has started the next stage." This time it was Albedo that spoke.

"Demiurge, umu, the next stage… Yes, exactly the next stage." The suppression of emotion surged in Momonga for a second before receding. Great, his plan, it turns out, included stages as well, and interrogating the spy was also part of his plan… As expected of Momonga, the greatest genius of all time, lord of plans and strategies. He really wants to meet this Momonga and pick his head as to what his plans are.

Daydreams aside, of meeting this genius who shares his name, face, race, and nothing else, Momonga could only sigh, then nodded his head, as if his assent meant anything to his 'supposed' plan. ''Good."

'Demiurge is smart, so surely whatever plan he thought I was making, will probably be the best one. I just wish I knew what it was… Should I start developing special phrases to make other people reveal the details of 'my' plan without showing that I don't understand what exactly my plan is? Yeah, definitely something to consider in the future…'

"Umu, in that case..." Momonga then stared at Pandora's Actor direction, who had been silently waiting all this time,

"Pandora's Actor, what do you think we should do about, umu, negotiating with the Demons?"

"Negotiating with Demons?" Momonga almost bit his tongue in annoyance at his misstep, hearing the slight surprise in Pandora Actor's voice… Damn, he had to come up with an excuse!

"I mean! As my creation, your thinking should be close to my, yes, mind, I'm conducting an experiment to test how close our thinking is to potential negotiations with demons…" Momonga almost bit his tongue with how fast he was spewing the first bullshit that came to mind, trying his best to justify his possible mistake as quickly as possible, inwardly feeling ashamed. Of course, no one would believe his quick-thinking, convoluted excuse…

"Jawohl, mein Vater!" Pandora's Actor exclaimed as he saluted, and even though under normal circumstances such a picture would have made Momonga feel ashamed, right now, he was relieved to see how enthusiastically Actor in Issei's uniform looked at him.

"According to my calculations, negotiations with the Demonic faction should be held in the next three days for the perfect execution of the second phase of the plan. Along with that, the demons should be notified to hold them at this time, certainly through the newfound familiarity prepared by Fa… By Lord Momonga. To ensure safety and the perfect execution of this step, Rias Gremory can be used as a shield. The meeting will be conveyed to her, and after the expected reaction, the meeting can take place on conditionally neutral territory mediated by the prepared Bauern. Such actions and the demons' reaction afterward… indeed, Lord Momonga, you have foreseen every step!"

'What? Who? Why?' Momonga shifted his gaze quickly from Pandora's Actor to Albedo, to gain some measure of clarity as to what is that he said to warrant such a reaction. But, the latter only looked at Momonga with a sparkling gaze, as if admiring his admirable plan… Which Momonga himself had once again forgotten to be informed about.

"Genius, Master Momonga, with a stroke of a pen, all the unclosed lines stretching from the past would be closed, the situation turned upside down, and the Demons who think themselves worthy of an intellectual battle with you, who disgrace the race itself with their existence, are turned into fools." Albedo covered her mouth with the palm of her hand before grinning a little, laughing at the supposed Demons' foolishness.

"Ufufu, truly my Master is beyond parallel in intellect.".

'I feel as if I'm the one being made a fool right now…' Momonga swallowed his complaint before shifting his gaze to Shalltear, then to the grinning Albedo to the satisfied Pandora's Actor and back again, before a brilliant idea flashed through his mind.

'Forgive me, Shalltear, but I really need this… I'll repay you for it later!'

"Albedo, I think for the plan to be completed satisfactorily, you should share a plan… Umu, it's definitely better to provide a clearer plan now, spelling out each of the points for the sake of everyone here, so that each of us knows our roles." Momonga made sure to glance at Shalltear just a little, to give a hint to Albedo, but not more than necessary and reveal the fact that he has no idea what they are talking about… After all, he needed clarification on the current situation as much as Shalltear did, even more so considering that he was supposed to be the 'architect' of this brilliant plan.

"Ah yes, Shalltear…" Albedo, unlike Momonga, did not seem to want to show any restraint in her triumph over Shalltear, looking at her with a huge grin as if she had defeated her in some grand contest.

"How sad it must be not to be able to comprehend the beauty and grandeur of Master Momonga's plans…" Though she said it with a sweet voice that could seduce the most celibate of priestess, the venom underneath could not be hidden.

At Albedo's badly veiled insult, Shalltear glared at Albedo, frowning to the utmost, before smirking back in a smirk as big as the one on Albedo's face, making Momonga feel a twinge of nervousness in his stomach. "Yet still, I am the only one here who can appreciate Lord Momonga's taste..."

Momonga blinked, not quite understanding what was being said, before he froze in utter shock as what was being said reached his brain and the suppression of emotions responded in full force. Momonga was sure that if he wasn't an Undead he would have died instantly from a heart attack caused by the shock, or maybe he would have simply forgotten how to breathe and suffocated on the spot. A fitting finale for a great strategist like him.

"Meine damen." Pandora Actor's calm voice was like a shot of cold ice through the boiling lava of mount Albedo and Shalltear, before it could get out of hand. "I am sorry to interfere in such an important discussion, but please forgive me, would your conflict at this time not be a violation of Lord Momonga's will?"

"I beg your pardon, Lord Momonga!" Each of the girls turned toward Momonga so abruptly that this action brought Momonga himself out of his stupor, causing him to remember that besides Shalltear's final remark, Momonga had something else on his mind at the moment.

Something about plans and demons? With a gesture that he had practiced for hours in front of a mirror, Momonga signaled for Albedo to continue her explanation before the insults started coming out.

"Shalltear, Lord Momonga's plan is incredibly multifaceted, but I will try to tell it in simple enough language for you to appreciate the greatness of Lord Momonga's mind." Mostly.

Albedo finally managed to say, forcing Momonga back to reality. Yes, that's right, the comments from Shalltear were a distraction, albeit one that worked to the extreme, the main thing to discuss was 'Momonga's plan'... I just wish I could meet this Momonga and ask him for lessons in making plans!.

"At least, I guess you don't need to be told what the second phase of Lord Momonga's plan is…."

"Do I look that stupid?" Shalltear rolled her eyes, then frowned as she looked at the smirking Albedo.

"Why are you smirking!"

'Guys, please explain the second stage of the plan to me! No, okay, the hell with it, at least the first one!' Emotion suppression saved Momonga once again, indeed, the most powerful and useful of his abilities. Has he mentioned that before? Yes? Well, it still bears repeating, if it wasn't for his emotion suppression, Momonga would have long ago died of frustration in the face of his 'incredible yet completely obvious to everyone plans of the great strategist Momonga.'

"The genius of Lord Momonga's plan, however, is revealed in the details." Albedo smiled, relishing the opportunity to show off her exceptional ability to understand Momonga's plan over Shalltear's head.

"For example, that naive insect, Rias Gremory, in their first meeting and such a brazen demand for negotiations, even trying to make Master Momonga perceive her as an authority was only part of Lord Momonga's plan. After all, in her treacherous foolishness, the latter had allowed the conversation that she was the representative of the official authority in the territory of this wretched little town… In that case, wasn't it obvious that following the diplomatic etiquette of inferior beings, Lord Momonga should invite her to negotiations, if not as the highest-ranking person in the delegation, then as the official representative of the host and the local authority ensuring Lord Momonga's comfortable stay in the territory?"

'Yup.' Momonga nodded inwardly, listening intently to all the ingenious details of his brilliant plan created by the brilliant genius Momonga. 'I wish I could meet this guy…'

"Of course, the Demons would refuse to do such a thing, no matter how highly her position as an Heiress might be, she was still just a fledgling Demon, weak in power both literally, and politically. However, the mention of this… Ruruka's attempt to follow Lord Momonga will force them to give some concession should they decline the meeting proposed by Lord Momonga. And of course, since the demons are so panicked, in order to demonstrate their willingness to negotiate, they will agree to send only one negotiator, Leviathan, which poses no threat to Lord Momonga and saves him from a very annoying personal security problem."

Albedo involuntarily wrinkled her nose at the mere thought that Momonga might have put himself in danger. "However, even with this, the other side would still be worried for subterfuge, and would thus send the other Satans along, most probably two, leaving one in the Demon's realm. Moreover, Lord Momonga would be able to determine where the negotiations would take place, using the cloak of mercy, Lord Momonga would offer a 'neutral' territory instead of his 'own' territory…"

Albedo looked at Shalltear triumphantly. "The Church of the Fallen Angels, serving as a potential 'third party', who are there on Azazel's orders. Which means that the Fallen Angel acting as the 'mastermind' of this meeting could later be blamed for the subsequent events. And so, given the fact that the meeting took place in the Fallen Angels' territory so to speak and at Azazel's behest…?" Albedo fell silent with a large smirk on her face as if to say, 'need I say anything else?'

'Wait, wait, why are you stopping now, I'm just starting to figure out what's going on!' Momonga's inner voice seemed to respond to Albedo's unspoken thought that yes, he needed further clarification of the situation!

However, judging from the way Shalltear's eyes glistened, further clarification was unnecessary for her, which somehow made his embarrassed by the fact that even Shalltear could understand the so-called plan. So, turning to him, Shalltear blurted out in a subservient expression, "Incredible, Lord Momonga! Such an ingenious plan, indeed, nothing in the world happens outside your knowledge!"

'Yeah, I'm such a genius, I sometimes even surprise myself!' The level of sarcasm in Momonga's mind reached a point where it became overwhelming, being suppressed instantly, allowing Momonga to leave only the most important information in his head. Namely, that once again, the stars had aligned in such a way that a random set of his actions had turned out to be a brilliant plan… The absurdity of the situation was so overwhelming that Momonga even thought for a moment, what would happen if he just went outside right now and threw a rock at a passerby?

Would he hit a secret agent of an ancient cult and destroy their entire network of observers. And that too would turn out to be some incredible plan that also involved some random facts and actions that he had done in the past. Maybe the ancient cult would turn out to be connected to Saji, who would become its new head. And, just because he didn't solve his sibling getting fostered problem, another person on the other side of the world would accidentally poison some ancient dragon. Which then would lead to Momonga himself having a new World Class Item?

The suppression of emotion returned to his mind, allowing Ainz to take a slow breath, close his eyes, count to ten, then look up at Albedo. Who was peering into his eyes like a faithful dog waiting for praise, as if to ask, 'Did I point that out correctly, Lord Momonga?'.

"Yes, you did, Albedo. I'm very glad you were able to figure out my plan..."

He lied as naturally as he breathed.

"Lord Demiurge?" Raynare stood nervously by the door of what had once been her office but was now her boss's office, questioning the seemingly immersed Lord Demiurge as he continued to type with inhuman grace and speed. It was as fast as if he had spent decades typing, and not just the afternoon the computer had been installed.

"I'm listening, Raynare," Demiurge, however, answered her words without taking his eyes off the computer. "Though, do take a step inside and close the door behind you."

"Of course!" Raynare responded instantly, doing as Demiurge instructed her before blinking once more. "Lord Demiurge, I… Ahem, I apologize, but... "

Demiurge answered the girl's unasked question before she could squeeze it out of herself.

"If you wish to inform me of the plan of betrayal amongst the Fallen Angels, I, and Lord Momonga are already aware of it."

"Y-yes!" Raynare blinked in surprise. It had taken her so long to muster up the fortitude to report her failure to keep the Fallen Angels, her former subordinates, under control, yet when she did approach to confess another sin on her conscience… She received the simplest of phrases in response.

"If you are talking about Dohnaseek, his ability to hide and lie is negligible, even at the comparatively low level common amongst the wastrels of this world." Demiurge's words were spoken calmly, as if discussing something quite ordinary and natural, but each word seemed to be specifically aimed at belittling Dohnaseek's abilities… Which was understandable considering Dohnaseek's attempt to escape Demiurge's control and deny the divine will of the Father.

Raynare herself still hadn't fully recovered from everything that had happened over the past few days, so on some level she understood Dohnaseek's desire to escape from this place… But Lord Demiurge's methods, after initially executing the unfaithful blasphemers, had proven to be quite… Merciful?

To be completely honest, Raynare herself had been a more unpleasant boss in the past. Lord Demiurge was demanding, and viewed the Fallen Angels as primarily beings incapable of following orders given to them without them failing in some way, But that was normal, wasn't it? The proof is just how stupid they are when they were treated so well.

Each of the fallen was given a job, a very quiet and non-life threatening job, a set of instructions on how to do it, and then given a place to live, even a stipend. As Lord Demiurge himself said 'your blatant inefficiency is an insult to the function you perform, but in view of the wishes of Lord Momonga, your Father, you will be provided with a suitable welfare package'. And that's it, no demands to be accomplished, no threats should they fail some standard.

Already, Demiurge was miles better than Raynare as a boss.

Simply put, Lord Demiurge was not cruel to his subordinates, perhaps not very easy to deal with, strict and demanding, but Raynare saw that this strictness grew out of Lord Demiurge's desire to be demanding of himself first and foremost. And out of love for the Father, of course. Failure is worse than dying.

They were Fallen Angels, redemption was supposed to be unreachable to them at all. But instead, the Father had sent them not only a stern but fair tutor, but also considerable comforts that Fallen Angels rarely enjoyed in their lives. Service for the Fallen rarely included social guarantees of any kind, other than the guaranteed fact that if they failed to fulfill the will of their elder, their end would not be swift nor painless.

Azazel and the rest of the Cadre tried their best, well not Kokabiel, he's in fact the worst, but Fallen Angels are rarely kind to the subordinates. Raynare being a prime example of it.

Raynare saw all of Father and Lord Demiurge's actions as His messenger as a show of mercy. The kind of strict and severe mercy that Father had been known for in the past… while Dohnaseek saw that solely as a promise of future horror that he had to warn the others about.

Raynare felt sorry for Dohnaseek… Which is a strange thought.

In the past, she wouldn't have hesitated to kill him, but after her awakening in the Father's citadel in the Gap… After embarking on her path of redemption, Raynare began to feel some empathy for her fallen brothers and sisters who had been deprived of divine favor. Sometimes she wondered if the angels of Heaven felt similar sorrow for the Fallen.

However, when, feeling that sorrow, Raynare decided to report the matter to the Lord Demiurge, all she got in response was only a dismissive 'I know about it'.

"And…" Raynare paused uncertainly, noticing that she wasn't sure what to say next, and Lord Demiurge was still tapping away at the keyboard. "What's next?"

"Lord Momonga has already ordered the role for Dohnaseek to be prepared, a great favor on his part." Lord Demiurge remarked over his shoulder, taking a moment to look into Raynare's eyes, something that caught Raynare short. Lord Demiurge was never distracted from his actions for something as inconsequential as a conversation, but always did find a moment to show Father, Lord Momonga, his own form of respect.

"Even a traitor who had betrayed His will was granted mercy, the opportunity to become something more than his disgusting nature as a traitor would allow him." Lord Demiurge smiled in a smile that was only slightly similar to a real smile and was more like the expression on a crocodile's face. An expression as if he was about to relish tearing something apart piece by piece.

"Becoming a step in the plans of Lord Momonga and taking on the charge of passing information about the arrival of the Demons to Azazel, who would use this information to attack them. At least that is how it would be relayed." Demiurge smirked, as his glasses glinted, as if he was seeing that very future right now.

"After that, they will be destroyed by Lord Momonga, against the background of the war between the Fallen and Demons. The petty problems of one city of humans will be instantly forgotten, and the traitor's head will serve as a worthy cause for an alliance. An alliance with the Devil faction and a demonstration of Lord Momonga's friendliness."

"Wait, the Devils knows that the church is already taken over by the Fallen?" Demiurge needed only to give her one look for Raynare to realize that she had said something incredibly stupid.

"Really? You think that two overbearing Satans wouldn't make Kuoh the safest it could be? I have no doubt that the Satans were in direct contact with Azazel… Which is why what would happen next oh so delectable."

Raynare could only look away at those words, then closed her eyes, slowly sucked in air, and exhaled. Her empathy for her Fallen brethren made her feel at least a little sadness at the events that awaited the Fallen in the future. For Raynare realized that the fallen would not be able to win this war, or even do any meaningful damage.

However, those fallen who survived the brief war would find themselves back under the Father's protection and would be able to make their redemption and return to being His children… It would be worth it.

"Lord Demiurge, in the past I… I have used my powers to gain control of a heretic nun possessing a healing artifact…"

"Hmm?" Lord Demiurge, however, had already turned his face back to the computer screen as the clicks and clacking of the keyboard resumed. "So what?"

"I… I had planned to transport her to this city in the past, but at this point I'm not sure if it's necessary to do so. What are your instructions in this regard?" Raynare was almost giddy as she spoke the last words, glad that she was no longer the person having to decide on things.

Once upon a time in the past, she had been the boss, deciding all matters without relying on anyone else, and where had that gotten her? Now, however, she had her own boss, someone she could always turn to for advice, that lifted the weight of responsibility off of her shoulders.

"She will also serve Lord Momonga's plan, if He has not communicated the need to cancel her arrival, then her appearance here cannot cause a disruption to the actions of His plan," Lord Demiurge replied calmly, making Raynare smile. Indeed, how pleasant it was to be a subordinate of the all-knowing Father, when any of her plans could not fail as long as He gave His permission.

Raynare eventually nodded at those words before stopping for a moment and glancing at the computer screen Lord Demiurge's was focusing on. "Lord Demiurge, if you'll excuse me, ah... What are you doing at the moment?"

In the past, Lord Demiurge would have only glanced at her like she was an idiot, and when compared to Demiurge she was not so arrogant and suicidal as to argue. Demiurge would send her away, and would not have quenched her curiosity, but Raynare's willingness to swear that her work for the Father in redemption had at least somewhat softened Lord Demiurge's temper. At least, she hopes so.

So, after a moment's silence, Lord Demiurge decided to answer.

"Unfortunately, my intellect and plans are infinitesimal when compared to Lord Momonga's, so I am forced to use other ways to complete Lord Momonga's plan. So, with my personal involvement in controlling the actions your subordinates have initiated, earning money and spreading their influence, I would complete the next step of the plan. Where Lord Momonga would need only a couple of gestures and a single action, it would take days, perhaps even weeks for I to increase the start-up capital to acceptable values…" As if he was having a religious experience, Demiurge clasped his hands as if in prayer, before with a flourish spread it as if to gesture to the world.

"However, the paradoxical inventions of mankind truly make them vulnerable, and thus it is where I shall strike. What foolishness, to concentrate such sums and financial assets in one such vulnerable place."

With interest, Raynare decided to peek a little from behind Lord Demiurge's shoulder into the computer screen, but could only see endless columns and rows of continuously changing numbers, creeping one after another. There would be no information to be gained from looking at rows after rows of unparseable numbers.

Then, looking up a little, she found the inscription she was actually interested in at the top of the screen. 'New York Stock Exchange, Wall Street.'
Overlord of a High School (29)
Overlord of a High School (29)

The next day was much like the previous day, Albedo and Shalltear were denied the opportunity to be at his feet while he worked, especially since it couldn't really be called work. Not that he would be welcoming any groveling at his feet, even if it is actually real work.

Momonga was simply writing one idea after another that popped into his head into his notebook, for future experiments. It was truly random with no overarching structure, simply things that he was curious about, silly questions like 'why is the sky blue?' to waste the time. He already knew the answer of course, it was because of the reflection of the water of the ocean, that's why the sky looks red during the sunset, and why the sky in the future is just dark and gloomy.

Momonga decided that it was a better use of the hours he had freed up as a result of his inability to sleep. Who knows? Maybe some random question he had might be useful in the future? Anyway, after scribbling some random notes, he then forwarded them to the Demiurge for further testing and study, designating them as 'low-priority tasks'.

Low-priority because Demiurge was already engaged in the 'great plan of the genius Momonga'. And, not knowing what exactly that plan was, knowing only that it had something to do with establishing contact with Demons, Momonga did not dare to interrupt it. What if Demiurge started asking questions if he found something in the notes? Momonga's heart would simply stop! Uhh, figuratively speaking, that is.

Besides, establishing peaceful coexistence with the Demons coincides with Momonga's top priority for now anyway. Using this experience with the Demons, in the future, Momonga would be able to establish contact with the other major players and secure his own place, for Nazaeick. Who knows? Maybe in the future he could have peaceful coexistence with them.

Peaceful coexistence, in turn, meant that Momonga could conduct all the experiments he wanted, but in a calm, measured manner, and find real-world applications for the experiments as he went along. The knowledge of how the abilities of Nazarick's inhabitants had changed in this world was academic and meant little in isolation, unlike how it would change the tactics and strategies needed in battles with the enemy.

With new potential enemies around, not having all of Nazarick's baseline abilities figured out, would be a disaster!

At the moment, however, Momonga was bound by his attendance of school with the Demon watchers watching. At least the free time he had at school could serve as a generator of ideas. Some important enough, like researching the reproduction of consumables like scrolls and potions, and some on the edge of fantasy, like testing the effect of human faith on the powers of Nazarick's creatures.

In addition, Nigredo was finally able to finish cataloging the number of worlds in this world… Okay, that would get confusing fast. Anyway, she also had completed a cursory study of the inhabitants of those worlds, compiling a report of her own, which Momonga had skimmed over.

From what she had found out, this world, or rather, this universe, because of the many other worlds existing within one, had many such worlds overlapping with each other. These many worlds are then separated by barriers that could not be overcome without the use of magic and artifacts. And it was choke full of them.

Most of these worlds were small, though, there were small pieces of land no larger than a floor of Nazarick, while the largest world overall was probably Earth, with a few worlds approaching that size.

In any case, Nigredo's report only indicated that Momonga's 'experiments' could be conducted for decades to come… And still not get to the bottom of them.

Well, that only means that he wouldn't be running out of ideas to write anytime soon, it's not like he has anything else to do. Demiurge was busy organizing preparations for the meeting with the demons, Albedo had taken over Demiurge's reins on some money-making project. At least he doesn't need to worry about money in the future? And Shalltear had started doing some experimental research on Momonga's ideas… Which meant that if something wrong happened, he could always blame Shalltear, which caused some pang of pain in his chest at using his friend's creation like that.

Momonga ignored the fact that he had defiled two already with practiced ease, only after bouts of Emotional Suppression and almost praying for forgiveness.

Plus, Momonga received a request to gradually bring Nazarick's resources to bear on this world, which Momonga did authorize, subject to a few important conditions being met.

First, under no circumstances were Nazarick to be left undefended, at least three creatures of level 100 must stay in Nazarick, and only a third of all the non-POP monsters could be deployed. Second, any of Nazarick's denizen in this world must practice complete stealth, and keep any of their abilities on the down low. Momonga feared both the possibility of giving away Nazarick's existence directly to the Players of this world, in all senses of the word, and depleting Nazarick's resources. Attempting to spread Nazarick's resources too thinly across any zone of interest, would only end in suffering as a result.

Momonga certainly trusted Demiurge and Albedo due to their brilliant intellects, but their constant ability to find Momonga's brilliant plans in the smallest of his sneezes confused him and caused no small amount of worry. Momonga would hate to face any situation where he would actually need to act in his 'grand plan', which is why he's delegating so much of the work.

Imagine Demiurge waiting on Momonga to act, to bring out the 'next stage' of the plan? Something ridiculous like dramatically turning the tide of a pitched battle and forcing the enemy into some grand retreat.

So at the moment, Nigredo, having made an initial analysis of the situation in this world, was making preparations. In-depth studies of some of the most promising locations for potential agent infiltration, somewhere that was not inhabited by too strong an enemy that could pose a threat to the infiltrated agents or at least detect their involvement and falsity. After all, there was no point in sending a Doppelgänger to a group that could detect them, for example. Nigredo had even already started preparing lists for infiltration that was to take place in the future

In addition, it was quite obvious at this point, after being informed not only of the existence of World Class Items, these so-called Longinuses in this world, and that the enemy was also aware of their existence and properties. That Momonga needed to provide protection from the effects of those for anyone outside Nazarick. Research had shown that the [Throne of Kings] suppressed the effects of [Longinuses], which meant that the wielder of [World Class Items], would be safe against [Longinuses].

At least in this, the New World and YGGDRASIL were similar.

Even so, their supply was not only finite, but also significantly limited. Even considering the captured [Canis Lycaon] there were only nine of them, as well as the two disposable ones that Momonga did not plan to take out of the [Treasury] of Nazarick until the moment of need. Lastly, is the [Throne of Kings] itself, which could not be moved from Nazarick at all. In other words, it wouldn't even be enough to protect all the creatures of the hundredth level, let alone all the creatures at all. While there was a certain willingness to take a risk and try to use another Nazarick resident as bait, Momonga was definitely not ready to do so yet.

The [Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown] was also temporarily returned to its place on the Eighth Floor of Nazarick, despite the incredible tactical advantages it offered Momonga was unwilling to risk it. Destroying a guild weapon in YGGDRASIL would result in the dissolution of the guild, Momonga didn't want to see how that mechanic would translate to the real world. Even if nothing catastrophic happens, he still would prefer not to lose a potentially lucrative trump card, so he decided to save it as long as possible.

In any case, Momonga was immersed in work, not as important, given that the real plans for negotiations and experiments were carried out by his subordinates, but at the same time not as horrifying as the hours spent in school. No, Momonga generally did what he liked to do – ask questions, visualize possible battles in his head, and pass those questions on to those who could deal with them. Moreover, given his good mood at the moment, realizing that his subordinates had found a suitable way to stop his torture and negotiate with the Demons at the same time, Momonga could even tolerate another day of School.

He was even in a good mood as he headed off to another day of school.

However, Momonga was also rationally aware that his good spirits wouldn't last more than ten minutes, but still, having ten minutes of good spirits at school was better than immediately sinking into despair from boredom, wasn't it? Besides, Momonga had even found one single subject in the entire school that he actually knew! Not just being able to answer a question thanks to his friends' past phrases or diverting the answer away from the question, but actually being able to participate in class!

Although, of course, programming in this world was in its infancy, in Momonga's own opinion, any user should at least have to have the necessary skills to re-compile the core of the operational system to identify bugs in it. The current computers, of course, did not support full neural integration with the user's body and mind, but when they eventually did, without the ability to debug one's own systems, a single error could lead to death, a result of the disruption of neural connections.

His workplace had mandatory seminars, free ones at that! About programming and system maintenance. Of course, not out of the goodness of their heart, but simply because having their employee die would cost the company too much. Loss of production time due to having to remove the dead body, and even having to compensate the computer company due to the unauthorized use of the computing equipment.

It was simply much more cost-efficient to make sure that each employee is well-versed with their equipment.

Upon discovering that the programming language in this world was similar to his past world's, albeit incomparably more primitive and relying on extremely weak electronics - Momonga suddenly felt smart. Finding himself in a computer science class and simply remembering solutions from his past world to any classwork, answering them easily. And he would be having that class first thing in the morning!

So, at least for his first class of the day, Momonga was going into the day almost joyful…

Especially knowing that this hell could be coming to an end soon.

Katase was in a bit of a state of frustration at the moment.

After her kiss with Satoru, she was in constant frustration, unsure about their relationship. Does this mean that they are already dating? And with Satoru not reacting to it, then should Katase have just treated it as something normal and not even paid attention to it? In the manga she was reading, such kisses usually happened at the beginning of a character's relationship arc, so was it the same for her? Or was it not?!

Trying to talk about it during yesterday's lunch break was a wash, with Saji interfering in her conversation, making her lose her courage. If it wasn't for Murayama pouncing on Satoru with a thousand questions at once, Katase wouldn't even know what exactly she was supposed to ask him about. And after school, Satoru had left with Saji, and Katase had gone home in a huff before coming to school the next day, only to be even more confused about the situation.

Satoru had asked her to pass along a letter, an invitation he said, to Rias for a meeting. As Katase herself realized quickly after, this meeting was practically a work meeting, so her bout of jealousy didn't last that long… Though what kind of work would seem to connect the head of the school's Occult Research Club and an underground fighter from out of town, Katase was not really sure. But Rias is very rich, so maybe that's how they're connected?

But her sort of boyfriend, or maybe not boyfriend, Katase wasn't entirely sure, had asked her to participate in setting up a meeting with the school's number one beauty. And that was just a day after their first date!

Katase knew that Rias was the school's number one beauty! With Katase not placing anywhere near the top 10, with her huge nasty forehead, and Katase knew that too… Plus, Rias had much bigger breasts too. But Katase's weren't bad either! Satoru wasn't a pervert like Issei, was he?! But guys like big breasts, right?!

What if Satoru dumped her when he met the much more beautiful Rias!? What if the letter was a love confession!?

Okay, when she said that her jealousy didn't last long, it was not because she was a magnanimous and understanding person, her anxiety had replaced it instead.

Giving Satoru's letter to Rias, the latter looked at her with a strange expression on her face, and upon receiving the letter, which Katase hadn't opened by the way, she gave a serious nod before walking away.

Did she just set Satoru up on a date with Rias Gremory?!

Katase's brain, which had been tugging at every corner for the past few days, had finally stopped working, and, as was common in such situations, Katase's brain function had been taken over by her friend, Murayama.

"First of all!" Murayama pulled her friend by the shoulders into a secluded corner during the lunch break before she could meet with Satoru, and do… Do what exactly?

"We don't know exactly what Satoru wanted to discuss! What do we know for sure about him?"

"He's Issei's older brother and not a pervert." Katase replied obediently, "He's very strong and because of his past, which he doesn't talk much about, he was very poor and lived in another city with his mother who died and started making money from underground fights."

"What do we know about Rias Gremory?" Murayama asked the next question, wanting to at least establish the ground rule, before getting to the truth of the matter.

"She's the president of the Occult Research Club, the number one beauty of the school, she has a huge influence in Kuoh Academy, a friend of the president of the Student Council of Souna. Oh, and she's a rich young lady with more money than the rest of Kuoh combined," Katase replied obediently.

"Now we're thinking!" Murayama raised a finger sternly like a teacher.

"So, what is the connection between these two people? Rias had never met with Satoru before and had no relationship with each other… Or, well, not that anyone noticed anyway, which is very unlikely, you know just how fast rumors travel in Kuoh Academy. So it's probably just some business invitation or something! There's nothing to worry about!

"What?" Katase looked at her friend in confusion.

"It's most likely about money!" Murayama immediately clapped her hands together, thinking up a possible reason for the meeting between Katase's 'kind of boyfriend' and 'possible rival"'

"Think about it, if it's not romance, and it doesn't look like romance, then there are only topics about money left! Satoru is poor, Rias is rich, and he promised you that he wouldn't fight in underground fights anymore, so there's your answer! He's probably asking about scholarships or something, I heard that Satoru was supposed to be very smart. If not, then maybe he's asking for a job?" Murayama then held up another finger, though she finished with less confidence than when she started.,

"I've even heard that Issei's father, well, Satoru's as well I suppose, ran away from the family and doesn't go to work anymore, with Issei's mother no longer leaving the house. I don't blame her really, it must've been quite the shock, and he can't rely on Issei now, can he?!"

"Ah… But… But… Why her? Isn't she just a high schooler?" Katase looked at Murayama with a look of confusion.

"Who else could he turn to? Emancipated or not, no one at the bank will give a schoolboy a loan, and your offer to work at the café would be good for pocket change, but not for a family of three! He needs money, a lot of it, and fast! And the only place he can find it, if he doesn't want to get into underground fights anymore, is with Rias Gremory's. Even the dog knows that Rias has more zeros in her bank account than there are students in the entire Academy!"

Katase just shook her head in disbelief as Murayama said that she had a hand in this situation. But what else could she do, just let Satoru take part in underground fights?!

"I honestly don't know what to do in this case." Murayama said as she looked at Katase and sighed.

"Anyway, don't worry about their meeting and… You know, it's kind of weird for me to stick up for a guy, especially one who is Issei's older brother, but!"

Murayama smiled at Katase, "Trust, Satoru. Did he look like a man who doesn't know what to do? He must've had a plan."

Katase could only smile at her best friend. Yeah! There's nothing to worry about, Satoru definitely has a plan!

Midway through the school day, at the beginning of lunch break, Momonga's former joy was gone, replaced by a philosophical mindset that mostly revolved around the simple thought of 'what am I doing with my life?'. Surprisingly, mirroring most people's, Momonga's own actual age, thoughts. Thankfully, without the accompanying dead-end job.

The first lesson went well, after a couple of simple tasks, which Momonga himself solved after a few minutes, Momonga decided to show his capabilities to the teacher. With his experience in his past job, there's much to show – partly to determine from his teacher's reaction the possibility of further implementation of such things… And partly to show off a little in front of him.

Perhaps there was even something pathetic about it, the inhabitants of Nazarick were willing to kiss the ground he walked on, but the reason for that was their nature and distorted perceptions of Momonga himself, not his actual achievements. Even his ingenious plans, while quite possibly 'ingenious', were definitely not 'his', Momonnga found that he lacked genuine positive reinforcements.

Given that it was impossible for Momonga to demonstrate his fighting skills openly, or at least he didn't plan to do so until he had fully explored all the risks involved, he wanted to showcase his own talents. Those that Momonga did have, at least.

No, he wasn't a braggart, of course, but maybe sometimes he wished there was a little more truth in the compliments he received. Momonga's 'ingenious' plan was primarily a joke, one grand, drawn-out joke, but, he had real talents, didn't he? Maybe not very outstanding, he'd just copied solutions from his past and adapted them a bit to the one he faces now, but that was at least a small accomplishment, wasn't it?

And he wanted to hear praise for it… Real praises and not coded in into the NPCs nature.

The people of Nazarick would praise him even for his ability to sit on a chair or something equally mundane. Perhaps for breathing correctly, or being able to talk and walk at the same time. Things that, praising for, sounds more like an insult.

However, the computer science teacher's reaction was far more restrained than Momonga had hoped.

Momonga had hoped for an 'excellent' or even a few claps, but when the teacher saw the results of his work, he just sat on his chair as if nothing had happened. And he continued to sit there until the end of the lesson. Then, when the lesson was over, he didn't even get up to send the students away. Causing Momonga, who couldn't stand the idea of being late for the next lesson, to be forced to leave his company, depriving him of a significant portion of the enjoyment he had hoped for.

This in turn meant that the following lessons exhausted Momonga's well of joy, as shallow as it is, even faster.

So now, Momonga approached the lunch break thinking again about whether he could just jump out the window, use [Flight], and get away from the school. Especially given the information that he would likely not be prosecuted for such actions.

Still, however, as lunch break began, Momonga was able to shake off such thoughts a bit, especially after the two friends, Murayama and Katase, returned to Momonga with the information that they had delivered his message to Rias. After all, that in turn meant that he had practically gotten rid of the need to attend school!

Tomorrow he was to 'report' the negotiations to a 'neutral party', in the form of Fallen Angels on the church grounds, where he would be protected from Demon attacks. The message composed by Albedo had already been delivered to Rias, so the Demons would have to address the Fallen separately, Demiurge would receive this message. And the day after tomorrow, on Sunday, having attended school for only one week, but as if having felt all the years of education on his shoulders at once, Momonga was to be released from his burden.

His first introduction into human society had happened… Definitely not as perfect as he would have liked it to be. The whole disaster with Hyoudou's family, and the original plan to keep a low profile, the accidental conflict that miraculously didn't turn into a real conflict with Demons. It was a full cornucopia of messes!

On the other hand, if you discounted the fact that this was his first experience of this kind, and the fact that Momonga was always unaccustomed to confrontations without conceding the first fight? Then it could be said that it hadn't gone as badly as it could have!

He had obtained a lot of important information about the current society that he had forwarded to Demiurge for his research, prepared a base in this city, made contact with the demons. And, ultimately, all without revealing information about Nazarick, thus gaining a significant advantage in the future over a potential opponent.

Which meant that after negotiating, he could most likely extract compensation from the Demons, then retreat from the city, leaving all the mess behind. Officially he would use magic on Issei and his mother to cover their changes, then retreat and start preparing for a new infiltration, this time taking into account all the mistakes and all the information he had gathered.

Somewhere as far away from Japan as possible… Well, he could leave the specifics of the next possible infiltration to Demiurge and Albedo, they could probably handle it better than he could. They could hardly do any worse, after all.

He was a little worried about Demiurge's words that Momonga's 'plan' was going to move on to the next phase, but that was something Momonga could worry about once his main problem, the school, was resolved.

In any case, thinking about his future release from this hell, maybe he could ask Neuronist to use his experience as one of the tortures, made Momonga cheer up a bit. And so, during lunch break, Momonga greeted the girls who had decided to join him for lunch, with a smile and waved at them.

They waved back, but the smiles on their faces were a bit more strained than Momonga's own… However, considering that his usual smile was completely fake, ever since Momonga had first put it on his face, he had actually left it unchanged. He couldn't exactly complain about the girls' slightly wooden smile.

However, even if his smile was fake, his good mood definitely wasn't, and so after making his way along with the girls, Momonga reached his already favored spot on the roof of the school. After settling down with the girls, he opened his packed lunch while looking at the girls cordially. After a few seconds, during which none of them had touched their lunch, Murayama was the first to ask a question… As far as Momonga could tell, at least, she blurted out an entire sentence in a single breath so the contents of it, he wasn't really sure about.


"Umu?" Momonga blinked incomprehensibly, but after a moment he looked at Katase, who was staring at him as if Momonga had just sworn to descend into Hell in front of her. Ahem, considering that the conversation was about Demons, Rias' name being mentioned, at least he thought so, Momonga might have gotten a little closer to the truth than he thought.

"Your letter to Rias…" Katase, after taking a deep breath and a slap from Murayama for her to calm down, finally managed to speak slowly enough that Momonga could understand her. Still, Katase still looked out of it, looking nervously at anything on the roof just so that she doesn't have to look into Momonga's eyes.

"You did… Negotiate about money, didn't you?"

"Umu?" Momonga was quite surprised, but amidst all the previous events in his life, this question didn't even deserve to be called 'unusual', and then his suppressed emotions didn't even react to his slight surprise. Momonga's mind, on the other hand, having finally finished deciphering Murayama's previous jumble of words, could finally understand just how such a misunderstanding came about.

So Rias was someone wealthy in this society… Though perhaps that was to be expected given that she was a member of the paranormal, and of a very high rank at that. And considering his previous talk with her, his sort-of ban on 'underground fights' and him mentioning his lack of money…

Momonga wondered for a second if it was possible to reveal information about his paranormal abilities to Murayama and Katase. Given that the demons had taken such an action quite calmly in the past, it might be okay… But in the end decided against it.

With Saji and his family it was much easier, as Saji had virtually no friends or parents, so he could get rid of him if necessary. But Katase and Murayama were much more social than Saji, eliminating them would immediately draw attention.

Not to mention the fact that revealing the supernatural to them wouldn't answer the question of why he needed to meet with Rias in the first place. And Momonga certainly wasn't planning to let them in on the details of that.

Although, on the other hand, Katase was kind of in a relationship with him, wasn't she? Momonga didn't have any special feelings for the girl, of course, but they had kissed, hadn't they? And since she hasn't slapped him or kicked him, that meant that they're in a relationship, right?

His relationship with Albedo and Shalltear aside, Momonga wasn't very well versed in relationships.

After a few second of silence, Momonga decided to tell the girls the partial truth.

"I just want to talk to Rias. Nothing more. Money… The money is secondary in that regard."

Katase and Murayama were silent for a few seconds, and then Murayama's face smoothed out. However, not from calmness, which would have brought peace to Momonga's soul, but from a realization that reflexively made him swallow in nervousness. Have they figured out some secrets of his! What if?

"I knew that Rias–" Murayama glanced at Momonga, then at Katase. "Is a Yakuza!"

Momonga blinked. No, from some point of view, with Rias belonging to an influential family of the Demons with a lot of influence in the country it could be said that she is a member of the Yakuza… In a way – in a very indirect and actually not at all related way.

However, hmm, Momonga had no more clever ideas to turn the girls' interest away from him, so he preferred to take the path of least resistance, "That's right, Rias is a… Yakuza."

"Oooh!" The girls' eyes widened, and Murayama was the first to react, "And you too!"

"W-what?!" This time, Momonga's suppressed emotions still had to intervene in the unexpected development.

"I always knew it!" Looking at Katase, who was no less shocked by this information than Momonga, but less able to hide it, Murayama grinned triumphantly, then began to curl her fingers, one by one.

"Legal ties to organize emancipation, the ability to get here from Kyoto, to find your missing father's family with nothing but his name. Your fighting skills, your constant steadfastness, your incredible intelligence, enough to being accepted into Kuoh after the school year started, and now meeting the richest girl in town… You are the heir to a Yakuza clan!"

At those incredible series of words, Momonga covered his eyes. Was it too late to tell her that he was a mage from another world?

Momonga opened his eyes and ran his gaze over to Katase, who was looking at him with a mix of emotions – there was shock, fear, and… Admiration? Why admiration? In her gaze.

Admiration, as if Katase was encountering, for the first time in her life, the hero of the children's comics she had once read in the past.

Besides, really, Momonga had already said the comparison between Rias and the Yakuza wasn't all that unbelievable, had he? And besides, he would need to make contact with the underworld at some point one way or another to expand his business, that is, religion, or is it better to call it a cult…

All the more certain that Demiurge would take advantage of the prospects opening up after meeting them. After he regained the previous nest egg that Demiurge had blown away…

Demiurge was making excellent money, but after Momonga's casual comment, he'd blown it all on buying some company that Momonga himself had only mentioned at all because he was surprised at the name.

Something about… Amazons?

Why Demiurge thought that a company dealing with muscular women is a good investment, Momonga has no idea. But this CEO guy better be making a lot of money for him, he just spent his life savings, well, Demiurge did, investing in the company!

Issei, Pandora's Actor, was in some emotional turmoil. No, not what one might call 'irritation' in the fullest sense of the word, but definitely in a confused state of mind. Namely, Issei was experiencing perhaps… Discourage? Yes, that fits.

All of Rias Gremory's servants were amazing ausstellungen, unique in just how dysfunctional they all are.

The nekomata, betrayed by her sister as a result of conflict within her peerage, which Issei's trained eye could identify as part of a much larger conspiracy. The so-called Koneko was so traumatized that she suppressed all emotion and her Nekomata ability, her very essence, for fear of going mad.

A holy swordsman born from a mad experiment, wanting to destroy the holy swords he was once created to carry, and which had indirectly caused the deaths of his friends and adopted family. Though of course, blaming the sword rather than the scientist that conducted the experiments, is remarkably stupid to say the least.

A Fallen Angel, well a half Fallen Angel, Half Human, Half Devil? Or is it a third now? Anyway, a half Fallen Angel, ashamed and hating her essence, and her father, treating them as the cause of her mother's death, cursing her powerful father for failing to protect her family. Again a misguided anger, as if the members of her family that regarded her as a taint to her family name, and had killed her mother, were innocent of everything.

A half-vampire afraid of his own shadow and his own powers, hounded by his family as a stain on their reputation and by vampire hunters as a spawn of evil, choosing to seal within himself a potentially outstanding artifact. This person's troubles at least were much easier to solve, rather than the mental cases of their fellow Peerage.

And at the center of it all is her. Rias Gremory.

Day after day, Issei scrutinized the minds of Rias's peerage, getting closer and closer to their leader, wary of possible pitfalls and traps laid. Who was Rias Gremory? How had she managed to gather such servants around her? By what power did she keep them under control? Was she able to snuff out their fears and hatreds, or did she carefully nurture those, using fear and love in equal measure to direct them at her enemies? What lurked deep, beneath the deepest mask that even the reflected strangers in the mirror wore, looking into Rias' eyes every day?

Carefully, day after day, Issei had picked the key to the lock and now, at this moment, when the official negotiations were given the go-ahead, he had finally made up his mind. Using every ability, Issei had carefully penetrated Rias's mind and discovered… Nothing.

How could Rias control and direct her servants? To put it succinctly, she couldn't and she didn't. With the stubbornness of a fool, she ignored her servants' problems, barely keeping them in line, solely by sweet-talk, promises and meaningless gestures of support. That alone had kept her retinue in line, but only superficially.

Each of her 'followers' was always only half a step away from rebellion, their traumas and repressed emotions just waiting for the right moment to come out. Left like a suspended trap under her foot, waiting to snap her in twain at any moment.

The easiest of the lot to be brought into line, the half-vampire, was in separate confinement and Rias didn't even try to solve his problems, not even to make contact with him!

The reason for the uniqueness of her retinue? Nothing more than a series of coincidences and nepotism on the part of her patronizing and siscon older brother. A personage at the top of the entire Devil hierarchy of power, willing to provide his younger sister with the unique specimens that she couldn't use.

Her inner personality? Nothing. Dust. Boredom. As empty and meaningless as that of a passerby, her future was cloudless, her past was perfect, and the only thing that at all distinguished her from a mannequin was her desire to avoid her own wedding. But even in that wish there was no Freiheit. No more than a wish, a wish that she was ready to deny should circumstances arise in her path.

The only consolation for Issei, who had experienced such profound disappointment concerning the girl, was that she amused him somewhat. The idea of using Father in her plan to avoid an engagement, what monumental and yet absurdly humorous folly… And of course the light tad of burning rage at the temerity of this slip of a girl to even think of using his Father for her own goals.

But to rejoice in such a thing was like trying to take a bite of a fine cake, and finding that it was papier-mâché, and praising it for at least being chewable.

So Issei's mood was considerably spoiled, having to suppress the disappointed grimace on his face and pulled himself away from Rias's mind and back into the real world.

However, even if he had let his disappointed grimace show on his face, no one would have witnessed it. In the aftermath of his Father's machination, the trio of perverts had effectively broken up.

Issei, as the younger brother of the perpetrator, and the one who had certainly supported his older brother, had actually stopped interacting with his old friends. And those mehrfachmüll, fearing Father, had lost most of their common topics of conversation, surprised to find that, minus their perverted hobbies, they were rather boring people with not much in common with each other.

Matsuda and Motohama's friendship with each other ground to a halt, expecting them to still be friends even only after a month was pointless.

Putting those thoughts aside, however, Issei could return to far more pleasant musings. After all, his Father had issued a decree wanting to begin the work of gaining control of the underworld of this world, already preparing for the third step of his plan.

As one would expect from his Father.

Moreover, up until this point, Issei had sometimes wondered exactly what role Shalltear, sent to the Church of Fallen Angels, was supposed to serve. Well, now Issei knew that for sure.
Overlord of a High School (30)
Overlord of a High School (30)

After Momonga had announced his intention to meet with the Fallen Angels at the church – something Demiurge already knew about anyway. Something which made Momonga's announcement of such a thing sound awkward to Momonga, he was able to return to Miki's house. Only to be surprised to find that the house was completely empty… Except for Miki, of course.

Momonga tried his best to try to remember what his 'housemates' were up to.

Demiurge seemed to be fully immersed in organizing negotiations with the demons, the last thing Momonga had heard was that Demiurge was seriously negotiating with the Fallen Angels… Which was not a bad thing. If Demiurge could seriously discuss with the Fallen Angels the accidental capture of the church, it would make Ainz' life much easier. He might even be able to establish good relations with the Fallen Angels. The more good relations he has with the established factions of this world, the easier it would be for Momonga to navigate between them in the future.

Admittedly, the fact that Demiurge was also still essentially correcting Momonga's failings due to his capture of Raynare saddened Momonga.

Pandora's Actor had not yet returned home, choosing to devote his time, as per Demiurge's plan, to assessing the resident demons and studying them. A move Momonga could only approve of, information was the key to survival and the key to victory after all. What was, however, particularly surprising to Momonga was that Albedo and Shalltear also didn't immediately show up back at Miki's house when Momonga had returned.

Apparently, Albedo had taken over Demiurge's reins over the church's slowly growing business, probably trying to salvage what was left of the church's wealth after spending all their money to buy an unknown company. No! Think positively Momonga! It's the company that Demiurge had selected after all, and he's one of the smartest NPC in Nazarick, there's no way that he would pick wrong.

Well, he's a Demon, so he might be choosing companies that are just as evil as he is… Which meant that they would be very successful now that Momonga tried to remember the companies of his old world.

Shalltear, on the other hand, had set out to slowly take over the underground world of Japan, starting with Kyoto. A move Momonga wholeheartedly approved of. Not only was it important for him to have at least some presence in his supposed birthplace, but also to begin a gradual study of the abilities of the creatures of this world. For which the ideal thing to do would be to use criminals, whose absence could easily be blamed on internal struggles and lifestyle. If anyone even noticed they were missing in the first place, that is.

On one hand, this pleased Momonga, the fact that Nazarick's denizens were focusing themselves on their work was good for both Nazarick and Momonga's mental peace of mind, but it was also strangely frustrating for him.

Of course, fending off attempts by Shalltear and Albedo to find strange fetishized ways to get closer to Momonga one way or another was an exercise for his Emotion Suppression. Like Albedo's attempt to offer to be a chair for Momonga, to which Shalltear tried to respond by offering to massage Momonga's feet, to which Albedo had responded that he would clean it – by licking it. Before it would devolve into even more strange fetishes, Momonga had to lay the law to both girls. In that, he had ordered them not to.

The fact that they would heed his orders easily assured his paranoid mind. And yet, at the same time, the realization that they did heed Momonga's order and decided to back away from it, made Momonga feel strangely sad…

'It's all because both of them are kind of my girlfriends, and I actually don't have any idea how a girlfriend should behave… So, despite how much trouble they caused me with their attempts to woo me, I guess I took it all as signs of affection from the girls. So now, having lost those, I'm starting to miss it,' Momonga paused for a moment in front of the front door before shaking his head and taking a step inside, finding Miki with a glance.

Now, he was left alone with his foster mother… Momonga's relationship with Miki was… Strange, as much as it could even be described with such a mild word.

The woman whom Momonga had compared his mother with, and who had almost become one, albeit an adoptive one, had accidentally, through Momonga's own actions, lost her mind. She was effectively put into a coma, and Momonga had to kill her and resurrect her. And when Momonga had left Miki for just a few hours with Pandora's Actor, a grave mistake now that he had thought about it, she accidentally went from being a random passerby to his loyal follower.

Her behavior, suspiciously similar in her words and attitude to Nazarick denizens' own…

Of course, there was a positive side to it. Now Momonga didn't have to worry about Miki revealing the truth about his true origins, he didn't have to disguise his connection to Nazarick and the presence of Nazarick NPCs in his life. But, at the same time, he had effectively broken her mind, driven her mad, the poor woman he had inadvertently chosen as a cover for his introduction into the world. The kind woman that had accepted the result of her husband's infidelity without any judgement or anger…

And a small part of Momonga regretted his actions toward Miki.

Only a small part, though, because Momonga had generally found that he viewed human life in a very detached way. Where he would judge them on the basis of costs and reward, a point of view that made it easier for him to believe that he had always been undead rather than once human.

The small regret was born solely out of the fact that Momonga himself could draw a parallel between Miki and his own past life, but he felt a slight regret for her nonetheless. Extremely mild, causing Momonga's emotion suppression to not even activate while he was thinking about Miki, but still…

So when he stepped inside the house and found Miki kneeling at his arrival, it was as if he had never left Nazarick at all, what's with all the kneeling. Momonga could only give a slightly embarrassed nod, not entirely sure how else he should have reacted to such actions. And then, when Miki got up and went back to her business of cooking dinner, Momonga made his way to the couch and sat down, thoughtfully trying to imagine how he could assuage his regret.

When he was human, Momonga could probably say that he wished he could compensate Miki for the horrors she had gone through, but gradually, day by day, Momonga realized that he didn't, strictly speaking, wish to help Miki. He wished to help himself first and foremost, by helping Miki… But in what way exactly?

"Miki…" Deciding not to think about the problem for too long, since he doubts he would get the answer by thinking on it anyway, his trouble at school shows just how un-academically gifted he is. So, Momonga decided to just cut to the chase and ask.

"What do you want?"

"To continue serving you, my Lord," Miki answered instantly, turning to him and dropping to one knee when she heard Momonga's voice, causing Momonga to cough, embarrassed.

"Miki, you don't need to stop and fall to your knees every time I address you. You can just go on about your business…" Momonga continued to hope, with a fool's hope since it hasn't ever worked before with the other NPCs, that it would be enough to convince Miki not to do such embarrassing actions anymore. Given just how she was acting like a Nazarick resident, however, his hope proved to be short-lived.

"With all due respect to you, Lord Momonga, such behavior would show my disrespect for you. There is no torture or execution in the world sufficient to punish an inferior being like me for such behavior," Miki said it so calmly that Momonga had to draw air into his lungs after a moment. The inhabitants of Nazarick behaved the same way, but at least they didn't call themselves 'inferior beings'… What was Pandora's Actor putting into her head?!

"Ahem, in that case, maybe-" - Momonga tried to strain his meanderings, trying to think of a way to convince Miki to behave normally, before an idea did slip into his head.

"Right, Miki, ahem," Momonga tried to cough trying to force his voice to sound more impressive, to make his made up speech sound a little more impressive.

"Your work for Nazarick is your main proof of loyalty to me, but when you take a break from that to kneel before me, you, um…"

Momonga stumbled over the wording of his command, trying to choose the most similar in his mind to what the great lord of Nazarick that all his followers saw him as, might have uttered before continuing. "You choose empty praise over faithful service, umu! That's right, that's why I'll be happier with you continuing to do your thing than I will be with you simply paying me homage."

Miki, who had been silently listening to his words until then, blinked in surprise at his words, before frowning and nodding in concentration, as if Momonga's hastily thought up speech had just revealed some secret of the universe to her. "Of course, Lord Momonga, how could I not have realized this on my own. Please forgive this inferior being."

After saying that, Miki rose from her knees and turned back to the stove, while Momonga himself thought for a moment about trying to wean her off this 'inferior being' spiel. After which, he decided to leave that for a slightly later date. The important thing is consistency.

If Momonga does things consistently, small steps will lead him to success.

However, after congratulating himself internally for taking a small step towards the distant goal of normal communication with his followers inside, and outside Nazarick, Momonga tried to ask his question again. "But still, Miki, mind you, what exactly would you like to get from me? I mean something tangible, as com… A reward for your service."

After a brief thought, Momonga did not dare to talk about compensation, given that there was a significant chance that Miki would refuse compensation. However, that didn't stop Miki from refusing the reward provided as well. "Labor in your name, Lord Momonga, is in itself the highest honor"

'Indeed, the same response as those in Nazarick,' Momonga exhaled mirthlessly, after another brief thought decided to still be a bit more persistent with Miki. After all, she was not a creature of Nazarick, so Momonga could be a little less careful or gentle in her case. "But gifts and rewards are necessary to motivate subordinates, aren't they? In this case, your emotional state is also important in order for you to… Umu, to continue to labor for my glory."

Momonga inwardly raised his fist once more in a victorious gesture the moment Miki actually started thinking about his words. Indeed, Miki was unexpectedly useful, as a being of this world who was close in his mind to the inhabitants of Nazarick, couldn't Momonga use Miki to test ideas on her regarding his communication with the inhabitants of Nazarick?

This was extremely important, and if Momonga did decide to give her such a role, Miki's value would increase many times over…

Miki, however, upon hearing Momonga's words, only thoughtfully returned to the stove again, though he had indeed ordered her to continue working. Still, the aroma caused Momonga to look away for a moment to concentrate on it, trying to appreciate each ingredient being cooked. Meat, spices, vegetables… All real and not substitutes or grown proteins!

This kind of lunch or dinner in his previous world, if we weren't talking about YGGDRASIL, was only available to the truly rich. The top 1%! However, in this world, not only he, the lord of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, had access to such a meal, but even the common man,

And Miki was cooking him a meal made from such precious ingredients… Such a realization made Momonga both happy about the situation in the world at the moment, and sad that a hundred years later, these people would start to consider it a luxury. Sad that the people of this world didn't even realize how good their current situation really was.

"Lord Momonga, please forgive me, but I see the main problem with my service to you in my age." Miki said tonelessly, as if the very thought of asking something from Momonga was anathema to her being.

"I'm much older than my prime and only growing older. In due time, age would've robbed me of the skills I still possess, not to mention my likely death in the next few decades. Forgive me if my inferior mind is incapable of grasping the secret meaning behind your test. But, in my mind, it is my age and impending death that are the main factors that present themselves to me as possible problems associated with my service that I wish to be rid of…"

"Umu," Momonga only nodded gravely at these words and then thought for a moment.

Indeed, from the dawn of history, and probably ever since humans could think, they have sought to prolong their lives and preserve the best years of their lives. Given just how short the human lifespan was compared to the legendary creatures like thousand-year-old elves or even more eternally living demons, it has even been part of many quest-lines in YGGDRASIL.

However, when it comes to solving this problem…

The wealthiest people of his past world could live for a little over two hundred years with medical technology of the time. As for preserving youth, given the advances in cosmetology, plastic surgery, cybernetic and bio-modification, preserving the appearance and capabilities of the body at the peak of human youth has been possible for over a hundred years.

However, naturally, Momonga knew of such modifications only in their effects, appearance and astronomical prices, not that he could replicate such technologies. At best, he could assemble a rudimentary complex to integrate the human nervous system into communication with a computer, simply because that was something any human should be able to do and know.

Knowledge of such processes was commonplace seeing that no work doesn't require such abilities. Given that he could not afford to have nor the know-how to professionally install ports to connect to a network, that would have the opposite effect, rather than prolonging life.

In YGGDRASIL, of course, there was also no direct ability to extend a character's life. YGGDRASIL didn't keep the story flowing in real time, and while periodically certain NPCs could disappear due to 'death by old age', there was no such system for this. The Developers just did it periodically as part of the story progression, determining such things at their own discretion, so since YGGDRASIL didn't have such a system, neither did Momonga.

Well, there's always [Raise Undead], but that would be putting the cart before the horse.


Momonga had three clear solutions to this problem. World Class Items like [Ouroboros], which allowed him to directly ask the Developers of YGGDRASIL to change the entire world of the game, to an extent of course. This option was immediately dismissed by Momonga as criminally wasteful. He would probably have to use [Downfall of Castle and Country] to force himself to do such a thing.

Even with the ability to use that World Class Item, that is, in this world's classification, a [Longinus], Momonga would never spend such a useful, and extremely rare, item on Miki.

Then there's Super-Tier Magic. Momonga could assume that a few Super-Tier Magic spells could lead him to the desired result, such as [Wish Upon A Star]. But, using this magic requires the expenditure of experience points, the more experience points he would spend when using this spell, the more powerful the final effect would be. Given the fact that Momonga had found no way to gain new experience points for himself or the people of Nazarick at the moment, perhaps because it didn't exist at all, this option was also eliminated.

Lastly, there's the direct option – race change. If Human frailty was the issue, then simply discarding your Humanity should fix the problem in a jiffy.

All of YGGDRASIL's heteromorphic races had unlimited life reserves, as in they could never die of old age, at least according to their lore. But, still, changing races required the use of World Class Items – [Longinus], certain types of Super-Tier Magic, or consumable items.

And the supply of consumable items for race change in Nazarick, though huge with just how members of the Guild love using the Gacha, was finite. And at this moment, Momonga didn't imagine it would be possible to restore it in the future. On the other hand, of the three options, the third seemed to be the most suitable, at least because Momonga needed to experiment with the use of the race-change items in this world.

For the future, in order to know exactly how they would react when Momonga actually needed them. If it could also be combined with rewarding Miki? Well, Miki had already participated in one important experiment, about the possibilities of resurrection in this world, why wouldn't she be up for one more?

So, thoughtfully, Momonga nodded at Miki's implied request, before returning to reality, in which the empty table in front of him managed to be populated by a few dishes. Momonga could feel his anticipation building, an appropriate amount so that his Emotion Suppression doesn't activate, and could feel himself salivate slightly at the appetizing smells coming to him from the dishes in front of him.

"Thank you, Miki," Momonga nodded before proceeding with his dinner.

Kyoto was a peaceful city, both for the normal inhabitants of the city and those of the paranormal bent. Especially so for the paranormal inhabitants of the city, as the seat of power of all the youkai of Japan could not exist otherwise.

It was impossible to call the Youkai a monolithic faction as it is a faction made of hundreds of monsters, mages, old families, and legendary creatures, most being long-lived enough that grudges could span centuries. No. they were bound together only by the fact that they had all been born on the territory of one small island nation. They had gathered together in a common association with some semblance of a central authority, solely under the threat of other factions.

Factions that could deal with the disparate clans of magical creatures before they had a chance to come to their senses.

Yet the Youkai maintained, if not a full-fledged peace, then at least a peaceful relationship with each other. As long as everyone kept to their side of the bargain, of their agreement, that is. The Tengu controlled the media, the Exorcists were the contact point with the human world, and the Kitsune resolved disputes and supplied magic potions for delivery to the outside world, with conflicts within the faction kept to a minimum.

If conflicts did arise and no measure of dialogue could stop it, the most powerful youkai of Japan and the whole Youkai faction, Yasaka-no-Kyubi, the nine-tailed kitsune, would forcibly separate the disputing youkais. If they did not want to disperse even after her intervention, they were still dispersed, though this time thinned by a significant part of their clans.

Diplomats and charismatic words might stop small fights, but it is personal power that could control tribes, nations, and entire clans. It is also the means in which the Youkai kept their independence and standing, by showing the world that it costs too much to take them on.

Therefore, things were quiet among the Kyoto youkai, and especially in that small niche of what could be called the 'dark side' of Kyoto's magical world.

Yasaka could tolerate a small stream of criminal dealings, as long as she could keep a hand on the pulse of life. She could convince arrogant criminals that certain actions were not only bad for business, but also for their personal health. By doing so, she could skillfully manipulate the secret side of Kyoto's world to her advantage.

Long-standing areas of responsibility and areas of control were divided between one clan or another and so conflict is kept to the minimum. And after several failed attempts to test Yasaka's mettle back in the early years of her reign, attempts that she had withstood with honor, and made them pay dearly for their audacity, Kyoto had effectively calmed down.

Everyone knew who and to whom they had to go to bow, from whom they could find certain favors, and what boundaries were best not crossed for the sake of their own peace of mind.

That was what Vis was thinking as he huddled in the farthest corner of the room where the smuggled weapons had been kept not so long ago.

Kamaitachis were not overly famous or popular youkais, but of all their qualities and capabilities, the only thing that stood out was their flair for commerce and their ability to always toe the party line and not overdo it. A quality that had made the Kamaitachis flourish in the underbelly of Kyoto. But all Vis had learned today was that you shouldn't confuse the ability to toe the line with the gift of divination.

Because no amount of understanding of when it was best to hold onto your greed and refuse to work could save Vis. Being understanding had saved him when his family's warehouse in Kyoto was breached and with his compatriots all dying.

Vis, especially, couldn't have guessed that mocking a short young girl who had appeared on the threshold of the warehouse, barely old enough to be a high school student, would turn into a bloodbath.

How could he not, the girl, whom Vis would otherwise consider dangerous only to her parents, dressed in a gothic-lolita dress of all things. Entering the gathering of dangerous men, the girl had simply said 'Hurry, inferior beings, I wish to return to my master' and then demanded their supplication. He really should have known better.

Vis had mocked her, and she had pulled a huge spear out of nowhere, and in a few moments turned the cultural gathering of honest arms dealers into a flesh-splattered mess

But worst of all was the blood.

After the first kill, when the girl stopped to offer the others the chance to surrender and kneel, the other merchants rushed at her, and were then turned into a bloody haze a moment later. However, contrary to the macabre scene of organs, limbs and heads, there was no blood around the girl. No, all the blood from the bodies of the slain, disobeying the laws of nature, gathered into a single pulsating blob above the girl's head, levitating, growing larger as it absorbed more blood in streams.

And it didn't make any sense at all! What the hell was a vampire doing in Kyoto in the first place, and why had she decided to kill people under Yasaka's nose?!

But the thought of Yasaka stomping the cocky vampire in the future couldn't save Vis in the present. What had saved him in the end, was the numbness, and his desperate attempt to press himself into the wall, hard enough to become one with the bricks.

"How… I want… More…!" In other situations, the girl's moans might have made Vis feel sexually interested, but seeing his friends and acquaintances turn into gizzards in front of him killed his libido dead. The sight of the girl, almost wriggling in delight as she bathed in a waterfall of blood after she had killed the last of the most prominent arms dealers in Kyoto. It seemed to Vis more out of a nightmare than an erotic fantasy.

Vis practically stopped breathing, looking at the girl talking to herself after she had finished her massacre, hoping that she would not notice his heart beating so loudly.

But his hope was short-lived.

"You!" Having come to some kind of conclusion, the girl pointed her spear at Vis, stopping with the tip of the spear only a few centimeters from the center of his chest, making Vis freeze in a paralyzed stupor.

"Do you know people in this city?"

Vis froze at that moment, most of the people he knew in Kyoto had gathered today to close a major deal, and they're all dead. But, his life hanging in the balance at the moment, meant that he simply couldn't say otherwise. "Yes, of course!"

"Mages? Merchants? Maybe someone who can create scrolls, potions, or any other consumable magical items?" The girl slightly moved the spear away from Vis's chest, allowing him to breathe a little easier and then answer, a little more confidently… As confident as one could be under the current circumstances, where their death seemed imminent.

"Yes, of course! "

"Hmm, maybe a gift for that big-horned gorilla… Never mind, the main thing is to tell Master that it was me who found them." The girl was distracted from Vis as if he wasn't worthy of her attention… Although, again, under the current circumstances, Vis didn't mind being ignored at all.

"I'll be praised… I'll be praised for sure! Maybe even in the bedroom…! Something like 'Shalltear is a good girl', hmm, I could hear it now…!"

With a groan, the girl moved the spear away from Vis a little more, lowering it, then exhaled and suddenly broke out into a lustful smile as she looked at Vis.

Vis, for his part, looked at the girl, who was apparently called Shalltear, and felt how he would otherwise have given anything for that smile in any other circumstance. It was only when Vis looked at the girl a little more closely that her incredible beauty caught his eye. However, the body parts scattered around him did not contribute at all to his admiration for the appearance of the girl who had attacked him.

After another moment, the spear in Shalltear's hand disappeared as if she had never held such a thing, but Vis cared little for the metaphysical underpinnings of the ability of powerful beings. Especially when his life hung in the balance.

"It's decided then! You'll be working for me now, but what to do next?" The ball of blood hovering above Shaltear's head descended after her, forming a chair, ignoring the remains of the bodies of Kyoto's past major criminals scattered around her. She assumed a regal pose on the chair and glanced at Vis.


After a moment, Shalltear seemed to descend into thought, and Vis was very curious on what is to be his next lot in life. But as much as Vis was interested to know what his apparently new boss was thinking, the bodies of his past bosses and acquaintances lying around him discouraged Vis from taking an interest in the girl's thoughts. Fortunately for him, frowning her eyebrows Shalltear began to speak, addressing, however, not Vis, but to herself.

"So, is this it? No, of course, I was told only to conduct the first raid, but the big-mouthed gorilla will surely be only too happy to take my success and turn it into her own. Hmm, as Lord Peroroncino used to say, 'In battle, the burst wins the battle, the first strike is the most important…!'. Hmm, yes, it's decided!"

She slammed her fist into his open palm, causing Vis to flinch. He reflexively clamped his mouth shut to avoid making a sound that might attract the attention of the unknown but powerful vampire who had arrived in Kyoto with no friendly intentions.

"Hey you!" Without even bothering to ask Vis's name, Shalltear smirked,

"Tell me about Kyoto's other criminals!"

Vis, who had realized a few seconds ago that his life had just changed drastically, swallowed nervously. He realized that he was not the only one who seemed to be caught in the middle of this change - and that Kyoto was about to go through some really hard times.

Tannin didn't fly that often - not just over his estate, but at all. Although his huge and powerful body could soar through the air as well as many other dragons, relying on the innate magic of his race. But in the air, Tannin felt rather insecure, clumsy, slow, and most importantly, exposed.

Of course, considering his gigantic stature and size, Tannin was very exposed even standing on his own feet - it would take a small mountain for him to completely hide from a possible opponent. However, in the air, this feeling was amplified many times over…

Or at least, Tannin wanted to think that it was just the fact that he was flying at the moment that this strange feeling of fear and nervousness was creeping up on him. Feelings which Tannin had thought he had long since forgotten. Thinking that these feelings were just part of his normal dislike of flying, and not something else, something far more sinister and dangerous.

It had been nearly a week since some unknown person had tried to sneak into his estate, but Tannin was still no closer to figuring out exactly who might have wanted to do so. What could they possibly want there?

Tannin's landholding wasn't the poorest, but it was far from the richest either. The only possible items of interest in it were the dragons that lived in the mountains and the dragon apples he cultivated to help the endangered dragon species.

But who would think of sneaking into his territory? Who in their right mind would want to sneak into the place most saturated with dragons in all of the Underworld?!

The logical answer to that question would be 'another dragon', but Tannin did not keep in regular contact with the dragons from the outside world. He interacted with the Great Red more than he did with the other 'Dragon Kings'! Which is to say, he could count it on his talons, with some left over.

This mystery provoked him, making him feel the nerves in his body slowly twist into a knot. But, because no other breaches had taken place, all Tannin could do in the current situation was thought that whatever was happening to his territory was over.

But no matter how much Tannin tried to calm himself with that thought, something inside his mind told him that he was wrong about that, that he was being wishful thinking.

Even when, overcoming his reluctance to turn to the Devils for help, turning to the Satans, injuring his draconic pride, they only brushed aside his paranoia, busy with the problem of a god who appeared out of nowhere.

And even though logically Tannin understood that the possibility of a hostile, unknown god was really more important than the question of a failed breach from an unknown something, Tannin's stomach still continued to clench into a single lump…

And Tannin could only hope that it was because he simply disliked flying so much.
Overlord of a High School (31)
Overlord of a High School (31)

Johan Brown, by all accounts, is an excellent mage. Though, he's more famous for, and a source of jealousy for being a contract mage of the Gremory family, of the head of the family, Zeoticus Gremory. And perhaps, with the least important job of his, the headmaster of the Kuoh Academy, he thinks himself not at all bad with technology. Not bad, of course, only from the user's point of view.

Johan had never been particularly passionate about machinery or electronics, the study of mystical mysteries, and, since he was a contract mage for Zeoticus Gremory, also bureaucratic work. This did not leave much time for studying those things whose value to Johan was purely theoretical.

Still, it was impossible to call Johan a luddite, familiar with computers only to keep it at arm's length. No, Johan could more or less make sense of what he saw in front of him, he even knows how to use Excel! So he can't be all that bad, so Johan never saw himself as someone that would be perplexed in front of a computer.

At least until today.

As he continued to stare stupidly at the printouts in front of him, Johan could only blink. He tried to get it into his head that what he was seeing in front of him now was not the product of some mad science fiction writer's imagination, but reality. As far as it could be called reality at all anyway, it might as well be Greek to him, and he knows Greek!.

Johan looked up at his companion, a short middle-aged man whose only distinguishing feature was his light stubble, trying to see if he was playing a prank on him. Seeing no hint of mirth in his eyes, he tried to see if he had the answer, but his companion, who was the computer science teacher at Kuoh Academy, was unable to answer his questioning gaze.

Unlike Johan's confused demeanor, however, the teacher was neither confused nor was it looking for answers. No, the man's gaze was insane.

"It's impossible," The man said with a kind of manic solemnity, raising his index finger in admonishment before bringing it down, pointing to some printed line in front of him before continuing almost with anticipation. "But it's there!"

Johan shifted his gaze downward in response and slowly exhaled.

At no point in time did it seem to Johan that letting the unknown Satoru into the school, into his area of responsibility, was a good idea, but what alternative did he have? Attempt to get an unknown, almost threatening, powerful paranormal adversary out the door? Johan certainly appreciated the rigors of the job and protecting his wards, but he was also quite warm and affectionate about his life.

Remembering his 'confrontation' with Satoru, he could feel the fingers of Death grasping his heart. He didn't want to feel that ever again before a venerable age, preferably never at all.

As it turned out later, his decision to accept Satoru had probably saved his life. With his patrons' arrival, the Devils, he was informed that Satoru was actually a god in disguise. Only the most powerful and insane people in the world dreamed of competing with the gods, Johan himself was definitely not one of them.

And if the Leviathan, one of the four Satans, the strongest Devil in hell, had such a problem with just trying to make the unknown god respect the Devils' rules, then what could Johan expect in this case?!

However, the question that instantly appeared in Johan's mind, and not only that, judging by how dramatically the number of requests from Zeoticus to Johan had increased. That is even if Satoru, which was almost definitely not his real name, was a god… Then which one?!

Sure there are a lot of them, but the amount of gods that still retained their power, enough to threaten the Leviathan, are also not the kind of gods that stays in the background. Most gods, while still powerful, are severely weakened thanks to the lack of faith, their religions falling to the wayside to the major ones.

Gods that can issue ultimatums to the Leviathan, don't just come out of nowhere!

To be honest, thank Lucifer, dealing with the god was a bit outside of Johan's purview, and was generally a bit above his pay grade, so Johan was not privy to exactly what answers the Devils' research had led to. But, Johan was in an important position as a liaison between Zeoticus Gremory and the human world, and Zeoticus was very interested in determining the nature of the unknown god. At least because of Rias' dangerous proximity to it.

Without any concrete information, however, Johan was left with only assumptions about the god's identity. But, in order to make assumptions, it was necessary to have something on which to base those assumptions.

The Devils, sadly, didn't even have enough information to even make assumptions.

The unknown god, Satoru, as far as Johan himself knew, had never demonstrated his abilities in the presence of the Devils, excluding his strength and ability to see through invisibility, which was not saying much. Virtually all gods and beings of similar power could ignore the abilities of 'mere' high-class Devils.

Until, finally, what was probably the first demonstration of Satoru's abilities appeared in front of Johan's face… A demonstration that nevertheless answered no questions at all, but only asked new ones. Which, in turn, Johan also had no answer for.

Looking over the printout given to him by his fellow practitioner, Johan tried to see if a second look would transform the code in front of him. A printout, whose original was thankfully already deleted by the IT teacher, one that he had to convince his friend to make, who wanted nothing more than to wipe out even the hard disk of the computers, just in case.

Just in case of what, Johan didn't dare to ask, seeing the bloodshot eyes of his friend.

"It's unbelievable! It's not a question of money, it's a question of what's possible! You realize that, there's not just buried treasure here, this is the future! The code is unbelievable, but inside the printout is the architecture! The technology! It's like someone just brought us blueprints from the future! It's literally divine revelation!" Johan had to prevent himself from cringing away, as his friend started shouting like a mad cultist who had just met their god. And knowing who they're dealing with, Johan had to once again check with his magical senses to make sure that there aren't actual spells. And like the past few dozen times he did it, it came out clean.

"Well, I don't know about the future, but I agree about the divine part." Johan sighed bleakly. What kind of god has a domain with electronics and programming? No such thing existed in the classical pantheons of gods, so Johan had to think about it more broadly.

A god of lightning, perhaps, based on their connection to electricity? No, unlikely, most of them were primarily storm lords and god kings, not inventors… So inventor gods? There weren't too many of those, and due to the dangers of their general sphere of activity, they were under heavy surveillance by other parties. Especially considering that for the most part they were in the business of creating one-of-a-kind powerful artifacts, not electronics for mass use. Perhaps the gods of knowledge?

Johan's mind continued to try to make sense of what he's seeing, but the closest comparison Johan could think of to a divine feat of programming and computers was the [Heaven System]. And given that the Biblical God was still reigning in the sky right now, and they haven't all been smote, Johan didn't even bother to think about the possible parallels and similarities between the two.

However, even setting aside the mystery that is Satoru's nature, something that is not his duties anyway, he was still faced with the question of what he was supposed to do now with the particular problem in front of him…

Judging by the fact that Satoru had so easily given such 'divine' working to his teacher, the latter didn't value them too highly. Johan however wasn't stupid enough to simply try to raise money or pass the information given to him to his superiors without the unknown god's knowledge. That is, of course, he would report that Satoru had demonstrated incredible abilities in this field, but as for the specific product in front of his face…

This was a much more complicated issue, because Johan did not want to let such a gold mine pass him by… Wait!

'What if that's exactly what Satoru was counting on?' A hunch flashed through Johan's mind, making him suddenly straighten his spine as if he was just struck with lightning and dread to begin forming.

'Remember how he showed up here, with the admission papers, already signed with my signature… His move then was what first made me interested in him, even before his identity as a god was found out. That paper was the reason to admit him to the academy, to allow him exactly where he needed to go, and now… What is in front of me? Not something that Satoru passed on to me through third hands, is it? Pursuing his own agenda… Is this a test?'

Johan's stomach began to slowly curl into a tight lump, and bile began to rise to his throat as he continued to unravel this tangle of thoughts. 'And what does that mean? A suggestion? A hint of what he can offer me, If what his colleague was raving about was even half true, what he's holding in his hand would cause the computing world to leap forward by decades! Centuries even! A license to print money, and for Satoru just to give it away as if it means nothing to him? Or is it… Recruitment?'

None of the Devil so far know specifically why exactly Satoru had ended up at Kuoh's academy, he'd barely made any moves regarding the academy. Except for making a semblance of friendship with a couple of other students and breaking up the Perverted Trio… And good riddance to them in Johan's opinion.

But what if Satoru was playing the long game?

Indeed, why would an immortal god be in a hurry? Satoru could even think that the one miserable week before he made his first move, where Johan was constantly walking on eggshells, to be a prompt recruitment attempt. An offer to Johan… he could see why Satoru would do it too. Johan was acting as a critical juncture, Zeoticus Gremory's point of contact with the Human world, and a constant observer of the academy's inhabitants.

Johan's head seemed to be clouded over, as he reflexively bit his lip before raising his hand, stopping his friend's passionate plea to use the incredible invention in their hands, to talk to Satoru. His friend, who had become an unknowing pawn in the god's game. Or perhaps he isn't? Johan couldn't be sure anymore.

"I'll… I'll think about it…" His friend frowned at his unsure words, clearly not wanting to hear such an unclear answer from Johan, but Johan only looked away, biting his lip.

It wasn't that Johan was disloyal to Zeoticus, he had gained significant status and good money through his patronage, but Satoru didn't seem like a crazy maniac to Johan, at least only by indirect observation… He could scarcely imagine just how much greater he could be if he were to be in the direct service to a god.

And so Johan really had a lot to think about at the moment…

Life was changing rapidly around Mittelt lately, and it seemed to her that gradually, every day, the speed of those changes was only increasing. First, it took her hundreds of years to fall from Heaven, then only a few years after to see the Leviathan in person, then only a matter of days to learn that Father had returned to this world again. And then, as if to cap it all off, only a couple of hours to see an incredibly powerful Devil working for Father, preparing for the Apocalypse, the last hour of the earth before His Kingdom reigns on Earth again.

Following similar logic, it should have taken Mittelt only fifteen minutes after that to see the Breaking of the Seals and the Four Horsemen running through the world. Followed five seconds after for the agonizing Armageddon, and finally, because of the accelerating frequency of incredible events around Mittelt, after that it should have all merged into a single picture, the heavenly bliss of His Kingdom Come.

But, what was surprising to Mittelt was that the flow of unbelievable events did pause a little after she had personally met the Father. Certainly, judging by Kalawarner, who had been assigned to write the reports to Kokabiel, as dictated by the Demiurge of all things, the crazy things in Mittelt's life were still ongoing.

But compared to the information about the death of Great Red and Ddraig, the return of the Biblical God, and actual Devil apostles, simple contact with powerful Fallen Angels seemed lackluster to Mittelt now. Humans, and it seemed like Fallen Angels as well, were remarkably quick to adapt to the most inconceivable events happening around them. Though maybe she needed to add an addendum for the Fallen Angels – only if the foundations of their world order had been overturned a couple of times in a single twenty-four-hour period.

So Mittelt, whose awareness of reality had gone to the wayside after the barrage of events had unbalanced her, was able to adapt quickly enough to the changes that had begun around her. Not completely, sadly. Mittelt still couldn't look at the concrete-covered statues in the church, shuddering at the disgust at remembering the sound of the cement being poured into the bodies of the sinners, who were now works of art. If such a macabre display can be called art, decorating the interior of the church.

But after the first twenty-four hours of existence under Lord Demiurge, during which Mittelt was forced to endure some grotesquely cruel scenes, her life turned out to be… Not so bad after all.

Lord Demiurge turned out to be, unexpectedly for Mittelt, a far more suitable boss than Raynare… Though, was it really that unexpected for Mittelt? It wasn't like Raynare had managed to impress Mittelt as an outstanding team leader, so the bar wasn't too high for Mittelt. Rather, the very fact that such a powerful Devil under her Father's guidance had taken leadership over her was far more surprising than the fact that Rayanare made for a shitty leader.

Mittelt's life, on the other hand, after her traumatic first encounter with the Lord Demiurge, had turned out to be… Quite ordinary. So ordinary, in fact, that it was unusual for a Fallen Angel to lead such an ordinary life. Not that the average Fallen Angel's life consisted of nothing more than orgies and corrupting nuns and Angels alike.

Of course, Fallen Angels also had a need for the simplest and most ordinary jobs that did not come to mind first when thinking about His rejected children. Some of the Fallen became a salesman, an engineer, a bureaucrat, a marketer, or even a simple housewife. But still, such occupations for the Fallen were really rather rare, or were combined by another duty more in line with their fallen nature – robbery, security, catching criminals… In general, the things in which the Fallen were much better with, than the vast majority of people.

They are still at war after all.

Office work wasn't the first thing that came to mind when discussing the occupations of Fallen Angels, but that's what Mittelt found herself doing. Office work, writing letters, forwarding them to the concerned parties, Mittelt had even begun to slowly get to grips with stock trading and deciphering the bureaucratic language of investors and investees!

Once, such boring work had led to her sin that had led to her being banished from Heaven. She had begun smuggling various contraband into churches and monasteries, alcohol and drugs alike, to see the pastors and nuns being led to sin. Of course at the time she reasoned to herself that she was simply testing the faith of the believers, her quick banishment afterward proved otherwise of course.

After spending years on earth as a Fallen Angel, Mittelt managed to repent of what she had done. And in the future, if she manages, of course, to survive her current job, not to resent the grayness of her work, she has taken the chance to excel at her work. Even without the implicit threat of torture, she could still remember the agonizing cry of the fallen exorcists, Mittelt would not half-ass her work.

It wasn't easy, though, to forget the gut-wrenching sound of sinners' teeth being cut; and not pulled, but slowly being cut with pliers one by one, inch by inch, the day she had met Lord Demiurge. But if she turned a blind eye to the event and continued to behave decently, not sinning and remaining in favor with Lord Demiurge, accomplishing all the orders he gave her and demonstrating her usefulness, then… Mittelt's life could hardly be called bad at the moment.

Divine patronage that made Mittelt not have to worry about Lord Azazel's wrath and the Leviathan roaming outside the church. A relationship as a subordinate that didn't require excessive zeal, and yet was probably the most efficient one Mittelt could imagine. Job security… And atonement for her sins, future ascension to Paradise, and a chance to live through the Last Days, a pretty good social security package, wasn't it?

As for some specific practices that made her teeth crawl… A further reading of the Old Testament, religious literature that Mittelt had previously neglected, had shown, it was not totally unbelievable that the Father would punish the heretic. As He said, 'this was not the first time all of this had happened'.

When the Chosen People had chosen the Golden Calf over God, God had punished them for it. Now, with the advancement of modern technology, many people have turned away from the church, not to mention just how many denominations of that same church have sprung up, who knows just how many of them are still God's light…

True, Mittelt wasn't sure which denomination was the only true one, but the answer to that question could also be answered directly from Father, now taking the name Momonga. Many theological disputes in the world could be resolved if one was able to go directly to the Lord, whom this religion honored after all.

All in all, there was no way to call Mittelt's current life 'boring', but she could find a different description. 'Mundane', in the best possible sense of the word.

She was not a fanatical follower of Father, Lord Momonga, though, no matter how strange that might be. Unlike Raynare, who had been almost rabid to study the bible and seemed intent on transforming herself from a Fallen back into a simple Angel, first in character and then in body. Anyway, Mittelt's initial panicked thoughts of fleeing had quickly faded into the background, if not left solely as an idle thought. Like imagining telling the Leviathan that her Magical Girl schtick is cringe.

In fact, as it turned out, even Devils from horror stories, who sacrificed people, could be good employers. If you ignored some of their behavior, that is.

In general, there was no longer any grotesque reaction that usually comes to mind at the mention of 'execution' of sinners, just another detail of Mittelt's new life that could be ignored… And she had found that she could continue her quiet life as if nothing of the sort had happened.

Kalawarner was also quick to accept these new rules of the game, grasping the idea that they had no choice anyway. Sandwiched between the Leviathan and Azazel, it wasn't as if the Fallen could count on a long and happy life once they left the confines of the church. Even Raynare was suddenly showing loyalty, even piety, to the Father.

Mittelt could easily imagine that if it was she herself that had personally witnessed the death of the Great Red and Ddraig, and had received a new pair of wings at the same time. She probably wouldn't be acting too differently.

All in all, the three of them, Mittelt, Kalawarner, and Raynare, had adapted to their new life.

Something which couldn't be said for Dohnaseek, who chose to focus less on the social guarantees provided and more on the gruesomeness of human sacrifice. As far as Mittelt herself understood, he was even planning to run away!

Mittelt had no idea why, but she preferred to stay out of his affairs. Not that she had any special affection for the Fallen man, but she didn't plan to snitch on him, knowing that retribution would likely be swift and cruel. Though, nor did Mittelt plan to betray Lord Demiurge and cover up Dohnaseek's escape plans. Both out of a mixture of respect for Father and fear of Lord Demiurge, but she preferred not to touch the subject so that she would always have room to maneuver in the future.

After all, if she really didn't know the details of Dohnaseek's plan, she wouldn't be lying when she said that she didn't know, and therefore there was nothing to judge her for before His eye.

All in all, Mittelt's life was unexpectedly far from what she had imagined a 'messenger of the Apocalypse' should lead, a routine workday, small talk with her office colleagues, Kalawarner had even installed a cooler in their workplace yesterday! And today, Mittelt even went on a business trip!

Well, maybe sorta? If you look at it from a certain point of view? Mittelt had gone to her destination almost in secret, and had not even left the city, but even so she had gone to a new place to meet a new 'employee'. A heretical nun who had been expelled from her church…

Although, was it possible to continue calling someone who had been accepted as a nun, and then recruited personally at the Lord's behest, a heretic?

Not that Mittelt was bothered by that question, or interested in the answer, really, beyond idle curiosity. She had a good job, good living conditions, and, as her past life experiences had shown her, it wasn't always worth asking for more. Instead, sometimes it was worth focusing on the lesser things in order not to miss the greater ones. Like enjoying the cup of chilled coffee in her hand after enjoying her outing out of the church, even only after a few hours and with company to boot.

Given that in doing so, Mittelt didn't have to fear for her life from Azazel, the leader of the Fallen Angels, whose word was law among the cliques of the fallen, and the Leviathan, one of Hell's strongest Devils?

Exactly so, that's why Mittelt needed to pay attention to the pleasant little things in life.

So, taking a sip of coffee and seeing the small figure of the blonde girl, hardly older looking than middle school age, Mittelt just waved her hand. And, receiving one in return with an unexpectedly sincere smile and her hasty, ineffectual running. Something which almost made the girl sprawl on the floor, tangled in her nun's robe.

Yeah, she suppose there's no need to ask who the girl is, but Mittelt has to be sure. "Asia Argento?"

"Y-yes!" Asia, having stammered her answer because of her near fall on the platform, raised a radiant smile to Mittelt. "Are you Lady Mittelt?"

"Not 'Lady Mittelt', just Mittelt." Mittelt imagined for a second that Lord Demiurge would hear that Asia was addressing Mittelt, as a 'lady', and how calmly she had received the title and shuddered before changing the subject. There's only one person that could be described with the respectful title, and Mittelt really didn't want the title being used for her, being misconstrued as blasphemy.

"Just in case, I'd like to know exactly what you know about the place you're going to."

"Erm…" Asia hesitated for a moment, frowning slightly, remembering everything she remembered, the memory of her excommunication still a fresh wound. "Well, I know that Mistress Raynare asked me to come to her church, and that apparently the Fallen Angels in this city are in a tight spot…"

"Quite right." Mittelt nodded, glad to see that she didn't need to lie to the nun. There's no need to tell the nun of just how complex the web of contracts and services Rayanre had to use to get the excommunicated nun to 'transfer' to her church. That Rayanare had only done so only so that she could extract the nun's [Sacred Gear] [Twilight Healing], killing her in the process.


"Well, I suggest we both start going, in that case, daylight's burning." Mittelt glanced at Asia and nodded. The young nun was going to have to learn some very important world-changing information on her way to the church if she was going to survive the first few seconds of her encounter with Lord Demiurge, so… Better start now.

"Asia," Mittelt, taking the small suitcase of luggage from Asia's hands, which hardly strained the fallen woman's arm, sat down beside her and walked slowly, adjusting to the small steps of her new acquaintance.

"If you don't mind my strange and personal question, however… How exactly did you get excommunicated, and what is your opinion about the Heavenly Father?"

Kokabiel pushed the report away from him before chuckling.

Many considered Kokabiel mad, among the Fallen and beyond, but Kokabiel considered himself neither mad nor a fool. Even with his considerable power, being part of the very few Cadres of the Fallen Angel, could not keep him at the top of society forever. Not unless there were other reasons why he had to remain a leader, not among the Fallen at least. Great power alone cannot keep someone as one of the heads of the weakest faction of the Biblical Three.

He knew that should any of his fellow Fallen hear Kokabiel admit such a thing, they would be greatly shocked. But Kokabiel was not a fool.

Since the first Fallen fell from Paradise, when Kokabiel had followed Azazel out of personal loyalty to him, the Fallen had never changed in their nature. Born out of a denial of the divine will and divine purpose, Angels who had placed their own judgment above divine commands, the Fallen were, and remain to this day, creatures of sin.

Anger, lust, greed… All the deadly seven sins were the prerogative of the Fallen, even somewhat even more than the Devils.

Which did not mean, of course, that the Fallen were caricatures of these sins – anger could be righteous, lust could grow out of love, and greed could be a manifestation of the desire to be appreciated. The sins of the Fallen were called such because they went against God's instructions, not because they were absolute evil, unlike the Devils.

In any case, however, the Fallen were the product of sin, or, rather, of a free will firmly tied to these concepts. A mindless machine cannot sin, unlike an intelligent one, which realizes itself free.

But freedom does not come freely. When Kokabiel left Paradise, even then wanting only to live according to his own will, without killing a single angel on his way out, when he was struck in the back by the [Spear of Light] of the Seraphim. Struck by those he had not so long ago considered his brothers. Only then did Kokabiel realize that freedom was only as valuable as the blood, sweat, and tears shed in the attempt to defend it.

And no one had shed more of those than Kokabiel himself.

Not Azazel, who spent more time among the embrace of women and in his laboratories than he did on the battlefield. Not the other Cadre who immediately plunged into their petty intrigues and the conquest of their own feudal kingdoms instead of fighting for freedom, not any other Fallen. He, Kokabiel, that's who fought for them all.

He had crossed blades with Father and with Lucifer, with Devils and angels alike, with dragons and elves, all for the sake of one day being able to say that he was free. To one day have the right to judge for himself what was right for him, and what was merely an outsider's imposed order.

He lost as much blood, broken limbs, and sacrificed his comrades, but neither did he spend a day nursing his wounds when he could be fighting nor mourn his fallen comrades. All for the sake of the fallen that followed him, for the common future of all his people.

Did he not have the right to feel cheated then when Azazel had announced that they were abandoning their war? How could he understand the pain? Azazel had seen the price paid for the right to say they were free… but Kokabiel understood, he's the last person that wished for a repeat of that tragedy.

But the war was never finished. God died in battle, and so did Lucifer, but the victor was never set in that Great War. The Fallen were never able to prove their right to freedom. And if that was the case… Then did that mean that the war of the past, the sacrifices he had made, the sacrifices of all the other Fallen who had believed him, who had believed Azazel, who had hungered for freedom, were meaningless?


There had to be an end to this protracted war. The Fallen had to find the answer to the question of their freedom forever. No issue could remain in limbo forever, one day it had to be resolved. And now, while Devils and Angels gathered their forces, the Fallen, the weakest of all the three Biblical factions, had to strike. Hard and fast, in a decisive, crippling blow – before the enemy could gather their forces for their own.

He knew that the prolonged peace they were currently enjoying was simply a prelude – the Devil and Angels were simply growing stronger. Should war break out again without the Fallen cutting the two at their knees first, it would be a war the Fallen would have lost.

Of course, the other Cadres did not support him – cowards and idiots, the lot of them. While they pretended that peace was eternal and that the war was over, the enemy only grew stronger, with precious seconds slipping through their fingers, and the situation only became more and more dire…

And Kokabiel couldn't, wouldn't put up with it.

All he needed was one lucky strike, one spark – if Azazel didn't see the wisdom in his advice, Kokabiel would force his hand anyway. With the Lucifer and Leviathan baying for Fallen blood, it would leave him no choice.

Fortunately for Kokabiel himself, he wasn't alone in his thoughts after all. A Fallen Angel from Kuoh, the Devil's lair in Japan, was able to make contact with his confidants, bringing him great news. Due to the appearance of an unknown god in the city's territory, several of the strongest Devils, with the Leviathan being spotted already in the territory, had to leave their abode for a brief moment. The perfect window to strike his blow…

And Kokabiel had to seize this chance, a better opportunity he may never get again.

Which was why Kokabiel could barely contain his excitement with a smirk only a second ago, when he read the report from Galilei that he had almost arrived at the target position – along with the stolen shards of Excalibur. Unfortunately, Kokabiel had no exorcists at his command capable of handling those Holy Weapons, they would make potent weapons against the Devils… However, even so, it was a good tool for his plans.

After all, the church could not let such valuable toys go missing so easily, and that in turn meant…

That centuries later, the Great War, the war between the three Biblical factions, the war that had killed the Two Heavenly Dragons, killed even Lucifer and God, would finally come to an end.

And the Fallen would either live free.

Or not at all.
Overlord of a High School (32) New
Overlord of a High School (32)

Sirzechs Lucifer was not only the strongest Devil in history – but he was also one of the strongest beings in the world. A position that might be contested somewhat by Ajuka, who might not be as powerful in a direct fight, but was certainly no less dangerous an opponent. A fight that Sirzechs would win, if not without some great difficulty, cementing Sirzechs position as one of the strongest beings in the world. That is – generally speaking.

He was definitely not the strongest being in the entire world.

Ophis, the Great Red, the Trimurti of the Indian Pantheon, Sirzechs were below those. But considering that most of them were literally living cataclysms of apocalyptic proportions, to be included in the top ten of the strongest among such beings, was an achievement in itself.

Even from a historical perspective, at a time when the Gods of antiquity were at the height of their power, shaking the earth with their battles from the heavens. So much so that there was still no consensus even on whether Atlantis and Hyperborea had once existed, or whether it was really nothing more than the fiction of misguided explorers of the human world. Sirzechs would not be outmatched among the other pantheons of the past.

No, even during the Age of Gods Sirzechs would have stood at the head of great pantheons, fighting on equal terms with the might of Odin or Zeus.

So now, when the old great pantheons had weakened so much that the ancient hierarchies of deities and pantheons existed only on paper, with Thor having long been stronger than his father, and Hades than his brother?

That's right, Sirzechs Lucifer was at the absolute pinnacle of the fighting power of the creatures of this world. And everyone knew it.

Enemies who needed a show of might to dissuade them from futile attempts to pressure the demon faction. Allies, finding comfort and hope for the future in the incredibly powerful figure of Sirzechs. And even the neutrals, forced to dance around the fact that Sirzechs Lucifer, formerly of Gremory, could single-handedly destroy half their pantheon before they could even react. And Sirzechs Lucifer was the strongest but not the only trump card in the Devils' hands.

But it was Sirzechs who knew it best.

Clinging to modesty was both from his natural character and his political title, Sirzechs nevertheless didn't let his modesty devolve into trite attempts to solicit compliments. He knows full well that he was powerful, and that this fact had to be not only recognized, but used to his advantage. And Sirzechs was now using it, even when he preferred not to.

Responsible for the internal policy of the Devils, Sirzechs did not use his combat power to suppress the dissatisfied Devils and destroy the opposition. If not, there's no way that the Old Satan Faction would be around. So, even when his opponent was someone much more annoying, he did not pressure them with his personal power, the less he wanted to do with some Humans.

He knows full well that that path only leads to the radicalization of his opponent.

He's wise enough to know that, sometimes, the soft touch is enough. After all, a simple mention that the strongest Devil supported this candidate or disapproved of that decision, usually led to the Devils doing what he wanted. And if all else fails? Well, he's the strongest Devil.

So, it was strange, very unusual even, for Sirzechs to be on the back foot, forced not to act and showing his strength, but to await the actions of his opponent, trying to prepare counter plans instead of acting first.

Of course, Sirzechs was not naive enough to think that the current era of 'eternal peace' was the time of pacifism, where all conflicts were solved solely through treaties and discussions. But it was certainly incomparable to past eras, such as the Devil Civil War, where every day was a battle that could put an end to hundreds of thousands of lives. Where each battle could decide the future of the world.

And Sirzechs always believed, at least on the level of his inner conviction and desire, that the past era of powerlessness, constant anxiety, conflict and hard decisions, was a thing of the past. And, strictly speaking, the current situation shouldn't have led him to think otherwise.

For even in the worst case scenario, which Sirzechs preferred not to think about, thanks to his strength, of his closest associates, and the Devil faction, even a god appearing out of nowhere was just a nuisance. A worry to be sure, but not a deadly crisis that could call into question the very survival of the Devil faction.

Still, something was bugging Sirzechs.

A tugging, aching feeling in his stomach that made him involuntarily furrow his brow and crinkle his face every few minutes, to ask if Serafall was all right at the moment, or to get another report from the Devil scouts. His worry was so apparent, that every so often, the small warm hand of his wife was placed on his shoulder soothing Sirzechs' worry, allowing him to push that sickening feeling away for a few minutes.

Really, it was just his nerves speaking, but dealing with a god was never simple, especially one with so many unknowns about him. The fact that his sister was so close by probably also didn't help matters. But, in fact, logically speaking, there's no reason for him to worry at all.

Serafall, for all her eccentricity, was not a foolish girl who was rightfully entitled to the title of Leviathan. With himself, along with Ajuka, being only a few kilometers away from Satoru, barely a second's journey away if necessary, Sirzechs had to say that the situation would be in control.

With all his experience, he should be confident in saying that nothing bad would happen, that Satoru poses no threat, that he in fact would be trapped should he do anything nefarious…

He should have, but he couldn't.

He had a feeling that something was wrong. And what worries him so much is that he couldn't tell where that feeling was coming from.

Having an unknown god descend in a small town in Japan was in itself a far from ordinary event. But as if that wasn't enough, each step that followed from the beginning of this situation seemed to only deepen Sirzechs' suspicions more and more.

When Sirzechs first heard that his Rias was in danger, he almost rushed to be the first to protect her from the unknown god. But Ajuka was able to hold him back then, dissuading him by the simple fact that without a plan, Sirzechs could cause such a danger to materialize, especially being blinded by concern for his younger sister.

However, contrary to Ajuka's explanations, after Sirzechs himself agreed, the situation didn't get any better, only becoming even more confusing.

The Devils stationed in Kuoh as security, and even Serafall, had to retreat in order to reassess the current situation, to gather information about Satoru… Easier said than done. If he didn't know better, he would categorize Satoru as some kind of god of secrets, finding any information about Satoru was like squeezing blood out of stone.

All magical ways of establishing observation failed. Even roundabout ways, like inconspicuous familiars or indirect signs, not of Satoru himself, but of magical fluctuations in the air of Kuoh, simply could not detect him! If they didn't have eyes, it would be as if Satoru didn't exist at all! The Devils had to stoop to the most basic level of surveillance, literally sending people untrained at all, since the 'normal' way of doing things is impossible, to personally observe Satoru…

And what did they get in return? Nothing!

Satoru isn't out of place from a human that was just settling into the modern world. Which confirmed his status as a god that had recently escaped from his forgotten pocket of reality into this world, very unhelpful information since they already knew that. Other than that?

The Devil spies would note that he would go to school, ignore the teachers, and then return home, to a house that was sealed off by several defenses against information gathering. Defenses that could not be breached by the spies without alerting Satoru.

Perhaps Ajuka could accomplish the feat, but then again, Ajuka appearing anywhere near the vicinity of Kuoh would be alarming enough! With Serafall there, the appearance of another Satan would just be taken as a declaration of war. Why would the Devil need so much firepower, after all?

And without Ajuka's personal presence, the Devils could only rely on what the spies saw with their own eyes. But, in the world of the paranormal, invisibility and changing appearances, evading detections, are basic skills, which effectively meant that the Devil basically had no actionable information at all.

And so, when Serafall had finally determined that Satoru could no longer be studied from afar, that another meeting with him was required. Satoru had suddenly appeared with a proposal for negotiations, just right before the Devils would suggest the same, where they could control the situation. It was a direct loss for the Devils' side, they now were forced to abide by the negotiations set by Satoru.

And if that weren't another source of headaches!?

Negotiations in the territory of Fallen Angels in what's supposed to be the Devils' territory!

Such a spit in the face could only be seen as a mockery. While Kuoh was indeed the territory of the Youkai originally, the Devil had bought it and had made it their own. To then be forced to negotiate on the 'territory' of the Fallen Angel, territory that they had illegally taken over, and for them to act as the mediator?

If Sirzechs had known that the Fallen Angels would eventually cause such an agreement, he would have killed them all personally when they first appeared in Kuoh's territory!

Sirzechs had known that the Fallen Angel periodically visited the city, but in the end, seeing that they didn't cause any problems for the new masters, had let it pass. Considering that Kuoh was already intended to be a training ground for the Rias and Sona, the presence of fallen angels was even considered useful in a way.

In the sense that they could serve as good training dummies for Rias. And Sona too, Sirzechs suppose. Minor adversaries for the two sheltered Heiress, but real ones. A real live opponent, ready to confront the two heiresses, but also completely harmless. The whole team of Fallen Angels posed no threat to the two Heiresses, even if they caught them by surprise.

In recent months, after rumblings about the creation of the so-called 'Khaos Brigade' under the leadership of Ophis, overtures of peace started between the three Biblical Factions. And so, even when they are nothing more than small fry, the Fallen Angel that had trespassed in Kuoh, are now suddenly under the protection of Azazel. Of course, if they were to do any overt action against the Devil faction, their life would be forfeit, but, without any hostile action, they are to be left alone. Even if it was a small thing in faction relations, any bumps, no matter how small, in creating the peace between the three Biblical factions are best avoided.

It was simply easier to endure these few months until the peace negotiations were finalized and then, after, ask Azazel to simply remove his subordinates from the territory of the Devils. It would be an easy ask, especially since Azazel were the foremost in asking for peace in the first place, and it would be a simple way to show that the Fallen could make concessions. An uncomplicated win for future peace.

Especially since the fallen were useless in this city anyway.

But instead of such happening, the Fallen Angels had suddenly become a third party, in the negotiation between Satoru and the Devils! It was such a slap in the face! It was like vagrants barging in on a residence secretly, and then demanding a cut from when the owner started renting the rooms!

Something that had put the Devils between a rock and a hard place.

Agree to the negotiations, and the Devil would be implicitly agreeing to the illegal occupation by the Fallen Angels. Something that would not only complicate further relations between the two factions, but also open the door to future illegal occupations. And with the rather obvious hand that Satoru was playing here, it was rather obvious that Satoru was supporting the Fallen Angel,

Agreeing to the negotiation would basically force the Devils to concede territory to Satoru.

Refusing to negotiate, on the other hand, was completely unacceptable – it would mean a breakdown of dialog, inevitably leading to conflict with Satoru. Failure to recognize the Fallen's de facto control of the abandoned church meant failure to recognize Satoru's control of the part of Kuoh he had captured. At the same time, failure to recognize the Fallen Angels as a neutral party, meant complications in the framework of dialogue with the Fallen and an agreement with them to end the Great War and mend relations.

In politics, there was nothing more terrible than precedent.

And it was carried out hours before the demons themselves could provide their plan for the ongoing negotiations and their vision of neutral territory. That is, Satoru had chosen the most ideal moment for his strike. When the Devils had already decided that they would turn to the Kyoto Youkai, wanting to find a truly neutral party, in addition to the original owners of Kuoh, Satoru had cut them off. At the same time, by inviting the Kyoto youkai, the Devils hoped to gather more information about the Satoru who had said that he had come from Kyoto.

Sadly, contact had not yet been made with the Youkai.

Could this have been a coincidence? No, no way, absolutely not, Satoru knew. Knew both the demons' plans and the time frame in which he had to make his move, he had once again outwit the Devils.

To the negotiators' consternation, they had to go with Satoru's 'demands' for negotiation, conceding the first victory for Satoru. It would cost them too much to escalate hostilities with the Fallen on the eve of signing the final agreement to end the War. As for Satoru… At least Sirzechs had hoped that by looking as closely as possible at Satoru he would be able to understand his divine nature, analyze it, and make sufficient arrangements to protect his sister from the threat.

However, Sirzechs' heart was still troubled, causing his wife, insisting that she was first and foremost his wife and not his maid. It was a rare occasion for Grayfia to act out of character, following her husband to Kuoh, wanting to support him.

But even her presence couldn't soothe Sirzechs from the simple fact that Satoru knew. He knew both the Devils' plans and their time frame… At least, from this, the Devils had learned that he's a skilled politician and manipulator. Which was only confirmed by what Serafall and Rias had said.

Sirzechs felt that he, that the Devils as a whole, were playing a dangerous game by making contact with Satoru. Or, given that it was Satoru who had made contact with the Devils first, arriving in Kuoh and even flagrantly showing his presence by enrolling in Kuoh Academy, that Satoru posed a great danger to the Devils. A danger that should, and could, not be underestimated.

The small, warm palm on his shoulder squeezed slightly, making him remember that he wasn't alone at the moment. The light squeeze reminded him that he had involuntarily creased his brows again, with a severe expression on his face, which would surprise the new denizen of the Underworld, so used to seeing their leader carefree and full of smiles.

But lifting his gaze to his wife, always so calm and detached, but in the depths of whose eyes lurked worry about her fool of a husband, Sirzechs felt his anxiety recede for a second.

Unable to hold back, Sirzechs reached up and placed his palm on his wife's, smiling slightly, causing her to now frown slightly and shake her head faintly at her husband' antics.

Grayfia, as usual, was trying to compensate for her husband's laxity with her strictness, Sirzechs was literally on the level of telepathy to catch his wife's thoughts and visualize her voice.

'How on earth, Lord Sirzechs, what kind of example are you setting for your subordinates by allowing such behavior with your maid…' Grayfia would say, once again continuing her ineffectual charade as if she were actually only a maid. Though, such behavior pleased Grayfia herself, and it was a very tasty spice for their love life, so Sirzechs was fine with it.

He was enjoying the normality, his tender moments with his wife even in such unpleasant situations.

But, he was worrying about nothing, the main thing was to deal with Satoru now, and all his unpleasant feelings would be a thing of the past…

These were the words that Sirzechs used to convince himself before he heard the expected and yet trembling words from the messenger.

"Lady Leviathan is awaiting your arrival."

Sirzechs let out a deep exhale at those words, and glanced at his wife, and then at his silent friend, Ajuka. Who had shown that he could handle the nervousness of the moment better than Sirzechs himself. Nodding to himself as if to confirm the messenger's words Sirzechs, the Satan, Lucifer, has prepared himself.

Now was the time to act and deal with this matter once and for all.

Momonga was glad that negotiations with Serafall were going… Pretty well, actually.

That is, after receiving consent to meet from the demons, Momonga was worried enough about the content of the negotiations. What and how exactly was he supposed to discuss with the Demons? It's not like he could ask his subordinates the details of the negotiations that he had 'asked' for, after all.

That is, of course, some issues became instantly clear and obvious to Momonga. In any case, first, he at least needed to apologize to the demons for his intrusion into their territory.

After all, it was still his side's transgression to barge in on someone else' turf. It was like in the days of YGGDRASIL where a hunting group would stumble upon someone else's hunting ground, unless they want a fight, an apology would probably be expected. So Momonga should probably do that first, it's not like it would cost him anything to say some simple sentences. So, if he could earn favor from the demons just by saying a few sentences, why not take that chance?

Any advantage, no matter how small, was always worth at least a second thought, and if that advantage would only cost a few spoken words? Why would Momonga even bother thinking about it?

That is, if it would actually only cost a few words.

While Momonga would have no trouble admitting fault, if he were to do so now, the next step that the demons would do seemed obvious – asking Momonga to leave, and he could not do that. Given the fact that Momonga planned not just to gather information about the demons, but also to legitimize some of his decisions, it would be a fatal mistake. Such as future patronage over the Church of Fallen Angels and establishing a permanent base of operations in Kuoh, Momonga could not afford to look weak.

Not out of any excessive pride, but simply because offering an apology would weaken his position in the negotiations. Apologizing, even though it would be the simplest way to make negotiations smooth, would reduce the chances of the demons agreeing to his demands. Lowering his head, if figuratively speaking, would show the demons that he lacked the strength to impose his demands if necessary, which would only lead to future conflicts, something Momonga was most anxious to avoid under the current circumstances.

He had even organized negotiations with the demons precisely to resolve any existing conflicts with them!

He had learned from the strategist of Ainz Ooal Gown, Punitto Moe, and reading some random books on negotiation that he had managed to find in Nazarick's library in the past few hours – total concessions doesn't necessarily mean peace. In fact, peace is achieved by maintaining a certain amount of pressure between two sides.

At least he hoped that was the correct conclusion, as he was trying to fit as much knowledge of diplomacy into his head as possible in one night, worried about the meeting with the demons.

Even if he had to borrow the idea, what did it matter who originally came to that conclusion? Right now, it was Momonga who was using that knowledge to the benefit of all of Nazarick, and thus all of Ainz Ooal Gown.

In any case, the issue of trespassing on the demon's territory was just one of the issues that Momonga immediately wanted to be brought to the forefront of the negotiations. The Church occupied by the Fallen Angels, Miki, his kinda-sorta-son, Pandora's Actor that in this world played the role of Issei Hyoudou, his other acquaintances like Katase or Saji… There's actually quite a lot of things to be negotiated on.

All in all, Momonga had a lot on his agenda, and while he could easily sacrifice certain positions in case of bargaining, for example, he didn't know what exactly to do with Saji. He was ready to get rid of him at any time during negotiations, of course, while pretending that Saji was very important to him. Artificial price inflation and false positive qualities were the bread and butter of his profession as a sales manager in the past, some things like Issei remaining above suspicion had to be preserved by all means. And with that, Momonga was not allowed to show his interest in Issei until the very end. Pretending you're not interested in it at all, and you're taking it on top of other requirements, was also another bread and butter of his past profession.

Yes, Momonga was not a professional diplomat and negotiator, but after many years in his past position, he did learn some tricks of his past trade that could come in handy at the moment.

In addition to all these things, Momonga needed to deal with a few other things, the most essential of which was information. Without information, Momonga could only negotiate as cautiously as possible, without betraying his ignorance of the local political landscape, and the force that the enemy could amass.

Second, but almost as important, was the school. With all his might, Momonga had to force the demons of this world to force Momonga himself to leave the school in Kuoh. Ideally with some sort of material compensation for Momonga himself, but he was willing to do the unthinkable and, overstepping his cheapskate nature, even pay extra for the possibility of not going to school in the future. What was he thinking, actually wanting to go to it in the past!

And after that, Momonga's personal passion for collecting, echoing his need for new information, was next in importance. That is to say, Momonga understood that the demons of this world would probably not agree to part with local artifacts or members of their species so easily. But Momonga somehow also counted on the next, third strategy of his past employment. Demand too much initially in order to give up excessive demands in the bargaining process.

In other words, Momonga certainly didn't count on, though he hoped, that he could be provided with the secret artifacts of the demon race, but he could at least hope for some collectible trinket from this world.

And with those goals in mind, Momonga's negotiations… Are going quite well at the moment.

More specifically, the first part of Momonga's negotiations with Serafall Leviathan herself had gone well. The first part, during which he had 'apologized', without actually apologizing, for his past actions, received Serafall's response of understanding and complete lack of complaint about his behavior before moving on to the actual 'meat' of the meeting. The part that required the presence of two other demons in the negotiations… The two probable 100th level demons from this world.

Of course, Momonga had gathered, thanks to the Demiurge and Pandora's Actor, as much information as possible about the potential level 100 opponents that Momonga himself was to meet. Demiurge said something about a gesture of 'openness and goodwill?

It is the reason he continued to wear a ring that completely concealed him from all means of gathering information about him, transformed thanks to his new spell instead into underwear. And why he was alone at the negotiation table, with Demiurge, Pandora's Actor, and Albedo were somewhere else. Actually, they are a floor beneath him, in the basement below the church, completely concealed, and ready to act should negotiations break down.

But even with all that preparation, with a fighting force that outnumbered the enemy two-to-one, he was still worried about facing two likely opponents of the hundred level at once. Moreover, not just any hundred-level opponents, but a hundred-level opponents from a new, uncharted world.

Who knows what kind of new and unexplored abilities his opponents possessed!

Lucifer, that is, Sirzechs Lucifer, judging from the information gathered, possessed something called 'the power of destruction', while Ajuka Beelzebub could 'analyze any ability'. Which in both cases sounded extremely dangerous. Especially in Ajuka's case, since information was the key to victory in all battles.

Dealing with an opponent who could freely operate such a valuable currency as information was extremely dangerous for Momonga.

Therefore, he was certainly very nervous, but he was also interested in at least getting a close up look at his likely opponent. And so, when he heard the soft footsteps of the approaching demons, he involuntarily turned his gaze, not paying attention to Serafall, which is a rookie mistake… Which he didn't blame himself much for, for a battle between hundred-level creatures, Serafall was at best a scout or a disposable meat shield, nothing more.

The demons that had appeared, however, deserved his full attention.

The first to appear in the small room of the church, that had been hastily converted into a small meeting room, was a rather young guy with a luxurious mess of scarlet hair. His hair seemed to cascade down his shoulders, accentuating the expensive suit he's wearing. Using [Arcane Sight] showed that every detail of his clothes was an enchanted artifact, and he himself, which was highly expected, appeared to have magical abilities.

For a second, Momonga even considered using his new favorite spells, [Life Essence] and [Mana Essence], but in the end, he decided not to provoke his opponent, Sirzechs Lucifer, whom he had only known about through stories until now.

The so-called 'strongest demon of all time', 'Lucifer's heir' and the unimaginably named 'Red Satan'. He was the possessor of the 'power of destruction', as well as the older brother of Rias Gremory, whose acquaintance with Momonga was quite unfortunate, if not 'catastrophic'. It was only by chance that their meeting didn't turn into a full-fledged battle, or, to be more precise, into the killing of Rias. And thus into a war with demons, if even a tenth of what Momonga knew about Sirzechs' love for his younger sister was true.

Following him instantly was a second figure, shorter and less conspicuous, also a young man with short, slicked-back green hair and piercing blue eyes, Ajuka Beelzebub, 'the only rival for Sirzechs Gremory', 'Beelzebub's heir', and 'chief analyst of the demons'. Despite his lackluster titles, perhaps an even more dangerous opponent for Momonga himself than Sirzechs.

And the first thought that ran through Momonga's mind the moment he saw both of his demonic opponents was…

'Why do they look like models from the pages of fashion magazines?!' Momonga's surprise, and even a flash of jealousy, was so strong that it was instantly dispelled by his suppression of emotion. But, even so, the surprise from realization that the supposed leaders of the demons looked like they belonged more on the front of a boy band, still lingered.

Of course, Momonga was not one to spend a lot of time looking at men and analyzing their beauty, he had long resigned himself to the fact that his appearance was 'average' at best.

But, the sight before his eyes, for a moment, made him forget that the both of them were dangerous enemies, and instead of wariness, he felt a childish envy of the men's beauty.

Thankfully, Momonga could catch himself before he could make a mistake, and he was able to return to his current role as a diplomat and negotiator.

Rising from his seat, Momonga nodded gently, trying to balance the respect due to the high ranking demons across from him with maintaining his own displayed high status as an unknown god. A gesture that did not go unnoticed by Ajuka's momentary glance at him.

"Good afternoon, honorable Sirzechs Lucifer, honorable Ajuka Beelzebub… And, as was established a little earlier during negotiations, with the honorable Lady Serafall Leviathan, I am a guest and resident of this city. My name is Satoru Suzuki – and it is my hope that our future interactions and relationships will be full of mutual respect and equal partnership with you. Nice to meet you."

Unfortunately, Momonga had not been able to see how the other gods, which he was supposed to be one of, behaved in this world at the moment. Therefore, he had little idea how he was supposed to speak as well. So, without any other ideas, Momonga instead copied something between Ulbert Alain Odle's role-play and various replicas of Yggdrasil's NPCs.

But, for all his worries, apparently he was more or less acting appropriately for the moment, for after his introduction, the still standing Sirzechs and Ajuka also gave him a small respectful bow without showing a hint of subservience. As the two sat down an appropriate distance so as to not crowd Momonga, he could only mentally pump his fist at the successful introduction.

Sirzechs, who appeared to be the one in charge between the two demons, responded with a disarming smile at Momonga's words. "It is a pleasure to meet you, honorable Satoru Suzuki. I also hope with all my might that our future communication and interaction will take place in an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual respect, excluding any possible troubles and unexpected excesses…"

Momonga, having heard Sirzechs' words, tried to analyze them, however, not finding any problems in those, smiled back with a small smile that he kept on his face as a standard expression. "Absolutely, Mr. Lucifer…"

A moment later, a silence descended upon the room and Momonga's brain immediately went to work, hastily organizing the ideas and topics that he should be discussing at this moment.

What topic should he bring up first, control of the church? Maybe Issei? No, the first topic brought up should be to bring up a minor topic of negotiation… Or at least a topic that Momonga would want to show to the other side as a minor topic. For example, perhaps, his presence at the academy!

A perfect topic, suitable to crack the ice. Surely Sirzechs was interested in getting Momonga himself as far away from his little sister as possible, no? It would be an easy 'win' for the demons, and a concession from Momonga. He certainly was interested in not attending the academy in the future! That said, Sirzechs would probably consider Momonga's possible non-attendance at the academy to be an unimportant topic, while Momonga himself was extremely interested in it. In other words, a win-win for both sides!

Looking at the two demons seated next to the leviathan, Momonga felt a little more confident after his mind had fully formalized the idea of further conversation. "I think we can start with the all-important issue of your little sister's safety and my presence on the academy grounds…" Momonga started the negotiations.

Momonga had prepared himself to give a reasoning from his side that he was ready to give up his continued attendance of Kuoh Academy to them, but expected to be compensated for his great sacrifice.

But suddenly, before he could hear the counter-offer, the whole thing went off track.

"I apologize, but I'm afraid we have to postpone these negotiations to a later date. Sirzechs, Serafall, we're leaving."

The sudden announcement from Ajuka caused Momonga to shift his gaze to him in incomprehension. Instantly, Momonga noticed the way his gaze turned steely, his eyebrows shifted in a heavy frown, as his knuckles turned involuntarily white as his hand suddenly clenched into a fist.

Momonga's brain instantly flashed with panic, which was immediately replaced by a rational readiness to start a battle, but instead of attacking, Sirzechs and Serafall instantly shifted their confused gazes to Ajuka. It seems that Ajuka's actions were also a surprise to them.

"We're leaving," Ajuka said quickly, but clearly, with serious pressure, and immediately looked up at Momonga with a frown, "I'm sorry, but we have to break off these negotiations for the moment. We will be prepared to compensate you for this in the future."

Serafall and Sirzechs looked at Ajuka's expression, clearly not fully understanding his strange turn of mood, but nevertheless heeded his words. Then, with a quick nod, they rose from their seats and walked away from Momonga, leaving him puzzled at what had just happened.

"But… What about… the Academy…?" Momonga, whose plan had just been broken by the most unexpected of happenings, out of nowhere, said in a hollow and almost childish tone of resentment.

Moments later, as if in response to Momonga's words, the incredible primal roar of a wounded beast was echoed by a huge red-black flash in the distance which Momonga could see through a small window nearby. And, as Momonga's internal rangefinder told him, judging by the approximate range of the flash, it was somewhere within the territory of the said Academy.

'And what are the chances that, just now, this problem has solved itself?' Momonga raised long-suffering eyes to the ceiling, imagining yet another day filled with boredom, before exhaling and frowning.

'But still… What exactly just happened with the demons?'
The new Three-Sided War (1) New
The new Three-Sided War (1)

Zeoticus Gremory usually preferred not to do paperwork.

First and foremost because he didn't like doing it. After all, wasn't that what a leader's job was? To find the right number of suitable and competent deputies, and have them work smoothly under ideal conditions, periodically distributing rewards and punishments to them according to their performance. In other words, the job of the leader is to push his own work to his subordinates.

It's not like he was not busy – managing even a dozen people alone was extremely difficult, it required a delegation of authority. So imagine the workload of one of the most powerful Devil aristocrats? His job was to find the right number of competent deputies, and then do his best not to interfere with their work.

And if he also liked to spend his time embarrassing his children with stories about their childhood, or dance in the costume of his Devil clan's mascot doll… Well, everyone was allowed to have hobbies, weren't they?

The second reason why Zeoticus Gremory rarely did paperwork, was that he was generally bad with paperwork and bureaucracy. That is to say, over the long, long years of his life, Zeoticus had learned all the necessary skills, as proper of course. He had even received outstanding training that had firmly planted the duties and rights of a Devil clan lord in his mind.

Only to find that he had absolutely no flair or acumen for such matters.

Someone skilled in it could, like a bureaucratic hound, instantly see the numbers in two columns that didn't add up. Or even translate all the bureaucratic language into ordinary language when read, and keep three years of reports in his head for imaginary graphs.

While for Zeoticus, he had to read and re-read the report, frowning his eyebrows, rereading the lines over and over, then pulling up past reports, doing research that sometimes took him more than a day… Just to understand the current day's report. It was simply inefficient, better hand over the work to someone that is better at it.

And the third reason was that, strictly speaking, Zeoticus didn't receive many documents that required his personal eye or stamp in the first place.

Sure, the streams of reports on the funding of certain territories under his control, the endless congratulations and notices of the ongoing Ranking Games, Zeoticus was invited as a guest of honor, were endless… But nothing out of the norm. Nothing requiring an urgent response and the highest authorization.

The life of Zeoticus Gremory, his land parcel, and even the entire Devil faction as a whole was… Lacking excitement, if not routine.

Of course, unexpected events, being unexpected, do happen, requiring his input, but they're rare. But, when they did happen, they were very special, for example the current development, the movement towards the conclusion, a formal end to the Great War with a Peace Treaty.

But, after the burst of excitement, everything returns to business as usual.

And so, it was all the more strange for Zeoticus Gremory to find himself sitting in his office, a room that would have been covered in dust a dozen years ago if not for the incessant service of his maids. He was staying in his office, reading a report, an urgent report that was constantly updated due to the magic nature of it, updating Zeoticus of the current situation.

The reason Zeoticus was doing so, however, was even rarer than him actually being in his office.

It was rare for the Satans to leave the Underworld, the movement of such powerful figures always drawing the scrutiny of the other factions, the movement of several of them at once could easily be seen as a full-blown provocation. And in the case of some of the more nervous or belligerent pantheons, even a declaration of war.

But it was even rarer for unknown gods to appear out of nowhere on the very doorstep of the Devils, causing them to act in a similar fashion, threatening, metaphorically speaking, to give the other factions the finger. And it was especially rare that Zeoticus' eldest son, his wife, and youngest daughter were all in danger at the same time due to such a confluence of circumstances.

Even though he knew in his rational mind that no god, unknown or not, could not pose a threat to Sirzechs, Serafall, Ajuka, and Grayfia at the same time, Zeoticus was still worried as only a parent could. Especially when watching their child go straight into the jaws of a lion, even if he knew that their child was a professional lion tamer and could wring the lion's neck if they wanted to.

Which was why right now, Zeoticus had a report in his hands, updated every ten minutes, while his wife, Venelana, was tending to their grandson, Milicas, in the small living room.

A flicker at his peripheral vision caused Zeoticus to note the new update, looking away from the report, sighing slightly. Sirzechs, Ajuka and Grayfia had arrived in Kuoh… And while this is just the beginning, as the supposed negotiation team had just arrived, and that there's still the meeting ahead, Zeoticus was grasping at everything he could to calm his nervousness.

At least the plan was being followed, even if it's just arriving at the negotiation location.

However, an unpleasant feeling prickled Zeoticus' temples, causing him to cover his eyes and exhale, trying to calm himself down. The last thing he needed was to get the dreaded [Sleeping Sickness] from all his nerves.

However, that same unpleasant feeling pricked Zeoticus again, a little more persistently, so that after a few seconds, Zeoticus realized that the unpleasant feeling he felt was not generated by his nerves, but was coming from the outside.

Instantly, Zeoticus opened his eyes, looking around, but a superficial glance around did not reveal his reason for such a feeling. And if that reason couldn't be seen with his own two eyes, that reason could be determined by a Devil's inner gaze.

Zeoticus didn't have much talent for magic, he found out early that he wouldn't be comparable to the real masters of the art, like his son, but he was still a High-class Devil. He might never truly raise to the Ultimate-Class, but he was still one of the strongest High-rank Devil with a great education befitting one of the head of the 72 Pillar families, with Centuries of experience under his belt.

It only took him a couple of seconds to determine the cause of the frenzied feeling. It took a couple more for him to believe his own senses, the prospect of what he had found out was just that ridiculous.

"It's an attack!"

A moment later, Zeoticus' cry of warning was drowned out by the rising howl of a siren, one that many veterans were equally familiar with and dreaded. It was practically a relic of the past, not used since the Demon Civil War, an emergency broadcast that instills fear to all inhabitants of the Gremory territory even with its calm robotic voice.

"Please. Keep. Calm. And. Proceed. To. The. Protected. Sanctuaries. And. Stay. There. Until. Further. Orders."

These words were followed by a broadcasted call for combat-ready Devil to gather at the nearest assembly point and for all Devils to be put on full alert. But that part Zeoticus no longer heard.

Instantly forgetting both his nervousness and the report in his hand, Zeoticus rushed away to his wife and grandson, sending emergency communications as quickly as he could. The spell was barely formed before it fizzled, his message of warning unsent.

"Of course, the first rule of a surprise attack is to cut off communications to the outside." Zeoticus gritted his teeth, moving with all the speed a powerful Devil could muster. Even if the jamming would only last for five seconds, in the world of the paranormal, where powerful individuals could deal severe destruction in ten, it could still give one side of the confrontation an unrecoverable total advantage.

Instantly a message reached Zeoticus from his [Queen], causing him to sigh in relief slightly for a moment, at least communication was possible inside the imposed barrier, then he asked the first and most important question.


'The Fallen Angels,' Came the instant reply, causing Zeoticus to inwardly curse. Fallen Angels, why the hell did they just stick their noses into Devil territory!?

'About three hundred, mostly two-wings and four-wings.' Zeoticus' friend continued to quickly and concisely summarize the situation. Before Zeoticus could sigh in relief at the weak force attacking, his friend continued.

'And two dozen six-wings, a couple eight-wings, and one Cadre.'

"Shit," Zeoticus silently swore, the situation just turned from bad to worse. A Cadre at the head of an attack meant a huge problem – a Satan-level opponent. It was impossible to put one down without large casualties with just Zeoticus' current forces – if only they could send a call for help to Asmodeus…

Three of the four Satans had left the Devil's territory at the moment, and he could not call on the help of the last Satan.

Zeoticus didn't have time to think about the reasons for the attack, he would think about them after he had repulsed the attack of the Fallen. Right now, he needs to organize the defense, and at the same time…

'Venelana!', Zeoticus' sent a hurried mental message to his wife. 'The Fallen has attacked and…'

The next moment, Zeoticus' reply was drowned in a rumble like thunder, as the giant [Spear of Light] sent by Kokabiel vaporized the part of the Gremory Estate, along with Zeoticus.

Kokabiel only had one shot, one single chance to get a result, to make his attack worth it.

What could be considered a victory in this case? Not the destruction of the Devil per se, he simply had no time to accomplish it before he was intercepted. Even with the strongest Devils away from the Underworld, it wouldn't take long for them to return, and neither did he have enough force with him to overwhelm the defenses. Kokabiel could only bring the Fallen that were under his command, and those that believed in his cause.

He could've waited to gather more forces to his side, but he couldn't waste the chance, even when he knew that after this attack his days were numbered. He had broken the precarious balance the Three Biblical Factions had maintained, that Azazel had wanted to maintain. After this, he would either be hunted down by the Devils, or Azazel himself would break his diplomatic stance, and slaughter everyone who believed in his cause to a single Angel.

No, Kokabiel's victory was not to finally end the Great War – it was to start it anew. To make it flare up again, and to let fate take its course, which would bring everything to the final question, until one faction would remain.

Victory or death.

But arranging such a thing was not so easy, it was not enough to organize an attack on the Devil to provoke them into a full-fledged war. It required something more than a couple of hundred randomly killed Devil in the streets of a half-forgotten mansion of a nameless baron. It required a great provocation, a personal cause, a tragedy.

And who better suited for such a thing than to provoke a Satan, an individual in whose hands are concentrated immense personal power and official authority of the Devils?

And he had more than ample targets, as two of these Satans, the Leviathan and Lucifer? Are obsessed with their family.

More specifically, their younger sisters, they would make the perfect target, and in Kokabiel's original plan those two would have fallen on the blade of the stolen Excaliburs. The perfect opening strike to restart the Great War.

But, those two were at Kuoh, the place where the four Satans are currently congregated – he might have a dead wish, but he was also planning not to die in a stupid way. So, he has to settle on the next best thing, the other member of their families, and here he's spoiled for choices, in both senses of the word.

The Leviathan have long maintained a cold relationship with the Sitri except for her younger sister, Asmodeus seemed so lax that he'd forgotten his clan existed, and Beelzebub was too pragmatic and balanced to provoke him into rash actions…

But not the Lucifer. He was perhaps the worst person to threaten the family of, which makes him the perfect target.

The Crimson Satan, known for his strong relationship with his own family, and anyone he cared for really, a Devil who famously joined the Devil Civil War simply because a student of his was killed. He provided a target rich individual with his family, his father, mother and son, left unattended by the faction's strongest Devils, gathered in one place as if as a gift to Kokabiel.

And Kokabiel planned to take full advantage of this gift!

So the Fallen, having cracked the defenses of Gremory's territory and cut it off from the outside world, with simple, but reliable and able to last a few minutes shields that cut off their communications, rushed forward. The Fallen Heavenly host splitting into three groups.

The first included the vast majority of the Fallen, but also represented the weakest attack force, the two-winged and four-winged Fallen Angels. They were to hunt the civilians and sow as much panic and chaos in the enemy ranks as possible, confusing the defense plans and forcing the defender to spread out. They were to act as a distraction to allow the other two teams to attack the real target.

Led by Kokabiel himself, the second group consisted of his former bodyguards and aides. They were to take out Lady Gremory and the Lucifer's son without caring if they were to be cut down, spending their life to deal the worst damage to the Crimson Satan. Lastly, the third group, Kokabiel himself, after destroying the protection on the estate to allow the second group to attack as swiftly as they could, planned to deal with the most dangerous and powerful opponent, Lord Gremory himself.

The death of any one of the three was already a victory for Kokabiel. More than one? Just a gift to Kokabiel.

After this? Kokabiel would have liked to retreat after that and regroup, but he won't insist on it. Sometimes there's a need for sacrifices for great achievements – and if Kokabiel would achieve this accomplishment? He was willing to pay any price for it.

And so the moment the adjutant's cherished words rang in his ears, that they had pierced through the Gremory territory's protection, and Kokabiel had emerged over Gremory territory, he did not hold back.

A dozen spears of light instantly rained on the Devils who had not yet realized the danger they're in, incinerating some of them and subjecting others to painful deaths. Instantly, panic and chaos reigned among the Devils, and soon more would die, but that was the concern of the first group of Fallen.

Kokabiel himself? He was targeting a much larger fish.

Instantly, the flapping of wings drowned out all sound and a black cloud of the Fallen covered the blood-red skies before the siren blaring from every nook drowned the noise, but Kokabiel was not distracted by such trivialities. His gaze drifted towards Gremory's manor, as his pupils narrowed into pinpricks as he searched for his target.

Kokabiel was bad at this sort of search and destroy, specializing more on the 'destroy' part, but spotting one angry and panicked high class Devil approaching the ultimate class in power wasn't that difficult for Cadre. Therefore, after only a couple seconds, a [Spear of Light] appeared in Kokabiel's hand. It was a large spear, blinding, as if a second Sun had lit up the sky, one look at which could hurt Devils. He had only one chance at this, and Kokabiel was planning on making it count, and with a heave of his arms, the Spear flew true.

Even if somehow it did miss, a miss by a dozen meters with a [Spear of Light] of such power and size was completely insignificant.

The spear cut through the distance between Kokabiel and Zeoticus with blinding speed, slicing through the defenses of Gremory's mansion. For a brief moment, the light solidified into the shape of a blade of the Lord's wrath as it reached its target. Kokabiel imagined he could see Zeoticus' eyes before the [Spear of Light]'s form distorted, losing its shape, as a ball of light consumed a large portion of the Gremory mansion.

A bright flash of light, capable of instantly stripping the flesh from the bones of anyone too close to the center of the explosion, there's no chance of Zeoticus surviving the surprise attack. Kokabiel allowed a grin to appear on his face to celebrate the death of one of the Fallen's great enemies, before he moved on to his next target, using the hole in the manor to search for it.

The Lady Gremory was to be the next target of his attack, his Fallen could massacre the young child without his help.

"Have you located the Lucifer's moth…!?" Kokabiel addressed his followers a moment later, but had no time to get an answer before his centuries-honed fighting skills screamed, causing him to lunge to the side without any interference from reason, dodging the attack.

Kokabiel's keen, battle-honed gaze immediately glanced at the projectile that flashed by his side, noting its elongated spear-like shape and scarlet-blue shimmering color. It was not a [Spear of Light] so betrayal can be discounted, before, with a flash, the spear passed by him.

A [Demonic Spear] was a damned imitation of the simplest attacks of Angels and Fallen, created by the Devil as more of a mockery… But at the hand of a strong Devil, it still poses a threat. The [Demonic Spear] tossed at him, possessed the power of an eight-winged angel, a strong one at that. Or, in the Devil's parlance, it was the equivalent of an attack from an Ultimate Class.

Considering the fact that Venelana Gremory possessed the [Power of Destruction] and would most likely attack using her clan's trait, only one other person could have delivered such an attack…

And that in turn meant that the attack on Venelana was delayed for a few more minutes, which would take Kokabiel to get rid of the annoying fly that refused to die.

Zeoticus lost consciousness for only moments, less than a second of agonizing pain stealing his awareness before the old instincts of a seasoned warrior returned to his body. For a long time now, Zeoticus had been living in the stable, peaceful world after the Civil War – but a creature who had fought for hundreds of years could not so easily squander all of his combat experience.

The destructive power of the [Spear of Light] had managed to strip the skin and some of the muscles on the left side of his body, turning one of his limbs into a non-functional stump. But, he had no time to seek a healer at the moment. A moment later, Zeoticus' power surged around his body, trying to preserve his body from the merciless, searing, angelic light, if one tainted by sin. Still, the light still has the same effect of one delivered by the most righteous light of heaven to a Devil.

Flaring his power has the effect of saving Zeoticus from further damage, but also mercilessly vaporizes his reserves of strength. Just because Zeoticus could withstand such a hit from his opponent, didn't mean he should do it. Another hit like that and he would be dead.

As the light from Kokabiel's attack dissipated enough, Zeoticus was able to see the multi-winged creature hovering aloft, watching over Gremory Manor from above. A Cadre.

There were no longer any thoughts in Zeoticus' mind about what had caused the attack or who was behind it at the moment, whether it was an official declaration of war or anything else. All that was bouncing around in his head at the moment was one single thought.

'We need to call for backup.'

Zeoticus might possess his clan's ability, the main strength of the Gremory clan…

He was strong. Yes, that was the special ability of the demonic Gremory clan.

They were simply strong.

It was this fact that made the Gremory the most enviable partners for the Devil aristocracy's eugenic games. The Gremory clan always passed on their hereditary power to their children without suppressing the characteristics of other clans. The perfect complement that allowed Zeoticus to get Venelana as his wife, the whispered excitement that allowed Sirzechs to become the Crimson Satan, one that Zeoticus wouldn't confirm, Sirzechs is an anomaly even among anomalies. And the reason for the Phenex to sacrifice their past clan heir for a marriage with Rias Gremory.

However, therein also lay the Gremory's greatest weakness.

Zeoticus had no other abilities – other than being stronger, even if significantly stronger than other Devil aristocrats, he had no powers of regeneration, pyromancy, destruction, or anything like that.

Which meant that against a Cadre of the Fallen, Zeoticus didn't stand a chance.

'We need to break through the barrier.'

However, behind Zeoticus' back was the Gremory Manor, where his wife Venelana is along with his grandson, Milicas. His subordinates, his territories, the entire Devil community under his family. It is simply too much for him to sacrifice.

'We have to kill Kokabiel.'

Which in turn meant that where Zeoticus couldn't take his opponent with a retreat for a better fighting chance, he planned to tackle him with his brute strength.

Kokabiel dodged one attack, then another, replying with a dozen [Spears of Light] at once, one volley after another, probing Zeoticus' capabilities. Noting with satisfaction that while the old nobleman boasted considerable strength, there was a significant gap in his combat experience. It's no surprise really, even among the Fallen, there were few that had more battle experience than him.

However, this did not guarantee an instant victory for Kokabiel. As one would expect from Crimson Satan's father, he was a worthy opponent.

A lash of fire slid past Kokabiel like the tongue of a wild beast, licking clean an entire clearing of trees, but Kokabiel had dodged it easily. But still, no matter how easy this fight had turned out to be, a frown decorated his brows. To finish off Zeoticus would only be a matter of time, but therein lies the issue, time is the last thing that Kokabiel have in ample supply.

In a flash the tainted light of the Fallen turned to stakes, a crude semblance of Angelic techniques, nevertheless, mastered and perfected by Kokabiel for Devil slaying, fell like raindrops. And judging by the way Zeoticus let out an angry howl a moment later, retaliating with another lash of fire, at least a few of the projectiles had found their target.

However, Kokabiel could only click his tongue in dissatisfaction. He needed to deal with Zeoticus quickly, ideally followed by killing the entire Crimson Satan's family, including his son, then retreating before the Satans arrived for backup, that was what his entire plan relied on. If he was killed before he retreated to Azazel and dragged the Fallen into the war, or failed to give the Lucifer a personal reason to give no damn about diplomacy and rush in after him, then his entire plan would be jeopardized.

And so, when Zeoticus attacked, not with fire, but with pure demonic energy gathered into many small arrows, Kokabiel did not bother dodging, but rushed in front of his opponent's fire. A second's hesitation was all Kokabiel needed. This time his [Holy Spear] was not in the form of spears, but spread out over his hand, transforming it into the likeness of a holy blade, Kokabiel's own personal design.

Disregarding the damage done to him by not defending himself from Zeoticus' spells, he arrived right in front of his target, his blade poised over the Devil. Zeoticus formed a hasty defense, but it was too late, Kokabiel's blade slammed into the Devil's flesh, on the way cutting one of Zeoticus hand that was raised in defense, before slamming into Zeoticus' flesh, severing the palm of his hand that had been exposed in a hasty block.

A demented grin formed over Kakbiel's face when he noticed that Zeoticus had not actually worn any protective armor, the surprise attack preventing it. Soon, the Fallen's light, like poison, spreads all over the wound created by his [Blade of Vengeance], a name Kokabiel has created for his created spell, like a corrosive substance.

Kokabiel viciously enjoyed the look of shock and pain on Zeoticus' face, the wound he inflicted turning into charred flesh. He didn't even pay attention to his own wounds, a small price to pay for the lucky blow that had robbed Zeoticus of his other arm.

He was unable to follow up on his lucky strike, however, as instantly, more than a decent amount of demonic energy began to concentrate in Zeoticus's body. Kokabiel didn't bother checking to see if he was prepared for a sacrificial blast, retreating for a moment.

Under other circumstances, the loss of two arms would be a significant wound for any opponent, but nothing more. Every creature of the Biblical Faction possessed the ability to regenerate the most seemingly fatal wounds, thanks simply to their reserves of strength.

However, angelic light acted as the perfect antithesis to the Devil's regeneration.

Pure angelic light would not even allow the Devil to regenerate lost limbs, unless they found a suitable, and outstanding, healer. The light of the fallen angels was much less toxic to Devils, but even so, the possibility of regeneration in the middle of the battle was a moot point, Kokabiel had won the fight. And so, the idea that Zeoticus sacrificing himself to deliver his final blow to Kokabiel was not without logic.

As he stepped back for a moment, however, Kokabiel was instantly convinced that his assumption was false. As he concentrated, and waited, Zeoticus's power did not erupt in a devastating explosion, but in a concentrated blast into space, breaking the barrier that was intended to impede information transfer. It would be a fatal blow to Kakbiel's plan if he were planning to keep his attack a secret.

Kokabiel grinned instead, keeping his attack a secret would actually mean his plans failing.

Another moment later, Kokabiel's hand pierced Zeoticus' chest, punching through straight to his heart. A wound that, for a Devil of Zeoticus' power, meant little despite the visceral look of the injury, it was not a fatal attack.

At least not instantly.

A moment later, the cold, steely voice of one of Kokabiel's follower reached his mind, informing him of the information he already had. The simple and unsophisticated barrier had been breached, and the emergency message of the attack had gone out – directly to the Lucifer.

Zeoticus, frozen in a rictus of pain on the Fallen Angel's arm, not a mortal wound aside, it still hurts, tried to draw in air, forcing his grinding lungs to fill with blood and attempt to expand. With one last breath, he smiled at the Fallen's pensive face, confident that with his last act he had doomed the Fallen's plan.

"I have won… Sirzechs will be here soon."

"Yes, indeed, I'm counting on it." Kokabiel couldn't contain the satisfied smirk as his plan finally came together, causing Zeoticus' expression to fall, but Kokabiel was no longer willing to divulge his plan to the dead man any longer. Now, to make sure his plan was completed perfectly, he turned to his followers, "What about the Lucifer's mother and son?"

'Lucifer's mother was wounded, but escaped pursuit' One of his eight-winged subordinates calmly replied, aware of Lucifer's approaching wrath. 'The squad sent to eliminate Lucifer's son reported contact, before suddenly stopping checking in. We suspect that they have been defeated.'

Kokabiel inwardly cursed, Venelana's injury, the failed attack on Milicas, and only one dead Zeoticus, would that be enough… No, the success of the plan had to be guaranteed, so they could not tarry here any longer even if he personally wanted to search for the two targets, and so he ordered his followers to retreat to Azazel.

The Fallen would need all the power they could muster to put an end to the Great War for good. He, on the other hand…

Kokabiel shook the arm on which the Gremory's patriarch hung, causing Zeoticus to hiss in pain, and grinned.

He had to finish what he had started.

The information brought to Ajuka's attention instantly made him clench his knuckles, the Fallen had attacked the Gremory' territory…

A whole host of thoughts ran through Ajuka's mind, from the possible motivation of the attackers to Satoru's possible involvement in the event, but above all, they needed to return. Intervention and negotiation with Satoru could be done later, right now, the Satans needed to return to the Underworld.

A Cadre level opponent, potential further attacks, and the possible casualties of House Gremory… Sirzechs had to know about it.

So, as soon as the Satans left the meeting room and traveled from the Church to Kuoh Academy, with Serafall and Sirzechs staring at Ajuka questioning his actions with a furrowed brow. He only needed to whisper one phrase as an explanation.

"The Fallen have attacked Gremory Manor."

It took a moment for the two other Satans to parse such information, not that Ajuka could blame them. Certainly such news amidst the distractions of their negotiations with Satoru and the treaty of a formal peace between the Biblical Factions hovering in the air seemed… Strange.

But the moment passed, and Ajuka managed to react quickly enough to protect himself from Sirzechs' power hitting in all directions. The dull, savage roar of an angry beast, a raging dragon, swept through the surrounding city. Before, the out of control wave of the [Power of Destruction], usually so perfectly controlled by Sirzechs, swept the Academy away like a sandcastle hit by a tsunami. Thankfully, the Academy was empty, lest they would have their work cut out for them to explain so many deaths.

His peripheral vision informed him that Serafall had managed to put up her own defenses, but the moment of distraction cost him, as Sirzechs easily ripped open the fabric of reality, instantly rushing inside Gremory Manor, leaving him behind. Though either way, Ajuka was smart enough not to get in Sirzechs' way at the moment, opening his own portal to the Gremory Territory.

An instant later, Gremory's territory appeared in front of Ajuka's, immediately spotting the reason the attack had remained secret, a barrier. But apparently, the barrier in place prevented information transfer, but not teleportation.

In the distance, Ajuka spotted his friend. A shimmering black and scarlet blot on reality, Sirzechs fully unleashed form of the [Power of Destruction]. And in front of that font of pure destruction the architect of the attack on the Gremory, on the Devil Faction.

Kokabiel, a Cadre of the Fallen Angels, and on his hand the brutalized body of his friend's father, Zeoticus Gremory.

Against his will, Ajuka's gaze noted the glassy look in Zeoticus' eyes as he fell to the ground, and the weakly pumping heart, clutched in Kokabiel's hand.

"Azazel sends his regards!" Kokabiel laughed cruelly, darting away from Sirzechs into the Dimensional Gap.

Sirzechs, unable to hold back, struck out in all directions with his own power, rushing after the fleeing Cadre, but it was too late, Kokabiel had escaped.

Ajuka stood still for a moment, summarizing the events he had seen and its result, realizing what had happened, which he summed up in one simple phrase.

'The Great War has broken out again.'