Over the Hills and Far Away - A British enlisted soldier in the Napoleonic Wars

I mean, Walter's agility and wit are good, so add that with the hopeful ability on raising our sneak, camping and hunting, and I'm sure were fine. Totally.
Then again, our stats are aimed more towards the marksman aspect of light infantry than the ambush/skirmish aspect. Might be a candidate for a transfer to the Experimental Corps of Riflemen as one of the first real British sharpshooter rifle units when that's formed as opposed to ad hoc ones.
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Welcome to the sheep fields

The ship's ropes thunk onto the dock as your ship finally makes port. Coughing away the last of your sick you pick up the bag of your belongings and make your way down the gangplank, the sounds of a port town fill your ears though you pick up something interesting. Aside from the english you expected another language makes itself prominent. It's oddly sing-song and reminds of the one highlander you met several years ago though it's not the same.

Continuing through town you make your way towards the barracks you spotted from the ship. It's a series of buildings near the deteriorating castle that proudly fly a blue flag with the Union Jack in the top left and various symbols decorating the other corners in addition to a white feathered gold crown in the centre. Stopping near the gates you take a moment to compose yourself before stepping up to the pair of soldiers standing post.

"Ah hello, I'm Walter Simon I was recruited in Bremen and put on a ship here. These are my papers." You say, offering the signed bit of parchment that the Recruiting Sergeant had given you. The soldier on your left takes it and squints at the paper, slowly mouthing the words to himself as he reads it.

"Right then, you're in the right place Walter Simon." He turns to his comrade. "Tommy you keep an eye here, I'm off to show the kid around."

As he turns to take you through the door you spot a Corporal's stripes on his sleeves. The door closes behind you and you start to walk along behind the Corporal as he leads you through the barracks.

"I'm Corporal Baines, 8th Company but given your papers say you're slated for the lights you probably won't see me around much outside of garrison." Baines's voice is casual as the two of you walk along. "But Captain Blackwood there used to be a a Lieutenant in my company before he bought up a new commission, and he was a decent sort. Cold bastard sometimes but doesn't flog for no reason." It takes you a moment to understand him given his accent is rather different than the english you're used to hearing. Eventually it makes you curious enough to ask.

"Why does your english sound different?" Comes out of your mouth before you have enough time to consider a better way to ask. Luckily, Corporal Baines seems to take it well laughing at the question.

"I ain't english, I'm cymraes. We're a little different, like the scotch or irish but not as many of us. Given the recruiting spree has mostly been up in the hills a lot of your fellow lads will speak it, might want to learn but all the orders are in english. Anyway this is the Light Company's area, find a bunk and make yourself at home. Whole regiment does roll call for those in garrison half an hour after sunup." With that he leaves you alone, to sit in an empty room, in a country where half the men don't speak one of the two languages you know.


Alright congratulations. The 23rd's current home base of Caernarfon is now host to one Walter Simon.

Mandatory activities you will be participating in are daily roll call parade, sunday mass, weekly equipment inspections, and bayonet, marching, and musket drill. What do you do with your free time?

Please select 3
[] Go to Church
[] Socialize with your new comrades
[] Explore town
[] Physically train yourself
[] Learn to read
[] Attempt to learn Welsh
[X] Socialize with your new comrades
[X] Explore town
[X] Attempt to learn Welsh

Little known fact: if you learn enough languages, the Coalition will automatically commission you as an officer in the Austro-Hungarian army.
[x] Socialize with your new comrades
[x] Learn to read
[x] Attempt to learn Welsh

Edit: Changed to socialization, because we can train our body later. Our mind is a needed muscle and we will need to speak dragon to survive and as others have noted, socialization is helpful for that.
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[X] Socialize with your new comrades
[X] Learn to read
[X] Attempt to learn Welsh

We'll learn Welsh faster socializing with people who speak it.
[x] Socialize with your new comrades
[x] Learn to read
[x] Attempt to learn Welsh
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[X] Socialize with your new comrades
[X] Explore town
[X] Attempt to learn Welsh

I need to get back into my Sharpe books for this quest.
[X] Go to Church
[X] Socialize with your new comrades
[X] Attempt to learn Welsh

What are we some kind of social outcast who doesn't go to church? C'mon guys.
@MaHaL are we to search for a propper lutheran church , a pseudo papist Angelican one or is our poor lad a rare _catholic ?_
As the undecuated boor Walter is all he knows is that churches have got priests. He wouldn't deliberately go to a papist church, pseudo or not, but often he doesn't know better.