Out of the castle into the world

[Within the fortress, Radius opened her eyes something had turned its attention towards both her monsters and the humans under her care.

She watched as ancient beings played a game with the lives of the denizens of this new world, her eyes watched as many lesser beings toyed with many other beings all the while completely uncaring for the consequences of their actions.

Radius watched as the being simply Known as Truth decided to kill the humans exploring the tunes underneath her fortress, while the being known as Illusion failed to save them.

Her humans would have perished right there and then, but Radius doesn't share her charges, so with a wave of power she joined the game.

Her new name or perhaps it had always been her name was Here\There, she stood in front of the two beings and rolled the dice.]

Guild Girl listened to Goblin Slayer tell the knights everything he knew about Goblins but the truth was most if not all of what he was telling the knights was information everyone knew either from personal experience or things that senior adventurers would tell the new adventurers.

"Hold on, Asuna are you seeing this?" Black Swordsman asked Noble Woman as he graved his head as if he was in pain

"This is Asuna all available units prepare for" Noble Woman declared before stoping as if she had suddenly noticed something

"What do you mean the doors to their rooms suddenly opened and they ran into the tunnels!?" Noble Woman asked someone that wasn't in the Guil

"Klein, I know you're there, talk to me!" Black Swordsman desperately called o someone that wasn't in the room

"Yeah I'm here, they came out the walls suddenly they were everywhere, but the floor bosses killed them all" Klein answered Kirito as he gasped for air.

Guild Girl watched as both Noble Woman and the Black Swordsman let out breaths of relief as if they had just heard something that relieved their worries.

"God, I thought I'd lost you there man," Black Swordsman said to the person that wasn't in the guild

"No, we're just a little shaken up, looks like the bosses are on our side this time," Klein said to Kirito as he watched the monsters kill all of the remaining goblins

'Thank you for telling us what you Know" Noble Woman said to Goblin slayer before leading Black Swordsman out of the Guild, yet as they were about to leave Noble Woman stopped walking turned back, and handed Guild Girl a hand-drawn map.

"Our scouts found that a lot of tunnels led to a lot of the missing villages we found."

"The same tunnels led to the fortress we're living in, and you can imagine where I'm going with this" Noble Woman said to Guild Girl yet as Guild Girl picked up the man, she could feel her heartbeat nearly stop.

The tunnels led to every direction of the frontier that was already mapped and explored, yet there were even areas that no scout had gone to before.

"The map doesn't show the surface of the unexplored areas of the frontier, just how far our teams managed to get before they nearly overwhelmed," Noble Woman said to Guild Girl

Guild Girl felt her boss grave the map and take it from her hands.

"We will pay you back for" her boss began t say t Noble Woman but Noble Woman stopped him from saying anything else.

"Don't, we just want to warn you about what we found," Asuna said to the guild staff

"And what are you warning us about?" the boss of the Guild said to her

"I'm not sure, but we're starting to see a pattern forming and...' Asuna said to the man, before pausing as if realizing that she was about to say too much

"Excuse me," Noble Woman said to the Guild Girl and her Boss, before walking back to the Black Swordsman's side and leaving the guild
"What's going on?" Kirito asked Asuna as they walked to a nearby bench and sat down

"The Guild Leaders are having a meeting about what just happened and they're trying to decide if they should collapse the tunnels that don't lead anywhere or collapse all of them," Auna said as she looked a the townspeople who were just going about their day

"Well I have news for you, our civilians said that the moment the floor bosses left their rooms the pillar started glowing, it's not just a black pillar anymore"

"From the videos, they're sending, the thing created revival stones and divine stones of returning souls, oh yeah the pillar itself has all of the gems and stones colors covering it, so that a thing now," Kirito said to Asuna

He paused for a brief moment and looked at a group of children playing together.

'Hey Auna, do you want to stop being a knight and settle down in one of the villages and you know start from scratch" Kiritosaid to Asuna

"...." Asuna stayed quiet as if considering his words

"....Maye when things calm down, the villages aren't a safe place to raise children," Asuna said to Kirito as she remembered every village the two of them found and built things in.

The two of them watched as a group of elves walked into town, normally the two of them would have prepared themselves to fight for their lives, but the elves weren't doing anything that made them look hostile.

At least if one ignored the way they looked at the humans around them.

"They must be the group that the Army met," Asuna said as she watched the group of elves walk towards the adventurers guild
[ In this universe, the original Sword Art Online, setting before it was turned into the Death Game.

It was supposed to take place during the ancient war, a time when there was a ton of magic and magic users, only that the players weren't able to use any of it, except certain things like the crystals and how the Blacksmiths can fix or make magic items.

This made the player have no choice but to come up with strategies to kill powerful magicians or magical monsters.

If a person didn't have people to help him\her, then he\ she would have to do a bunch of side quests to become strong enough and gain enough items, to be able to beat the monster

The players were meant to be able to eventually kill Gods or Devils when they became strong enough, as such the strongest players can do this but never got the chance to do it, because of the Death Game everyone was thrown into.

For proof of this Radius is the last boss, a god that can stand up to the two players playing the Goblin Slayer Board Game.

The rest of the players can still achieve this level of power but will have to do a lot of fighting to be able to do it.

Also because the players- items and monsters are from Sword Art Online, the players are like a beacon to everything that's from the game, that isn't an animal that needs to live somewhere else to live.

This is the reason why they have all of the items inside the game that would have normally been scattered when they arrive.

Add to his the fact that the floor bosses now live inside their fortress, this made most if not all of the magic inside Aincrad focus itself on the fortress making it into the new Aincrad.

This is why a lot of the items- gold and armors just show up in there, the players have no control over them so they just act as guards for all of it.

They can still use the stuff, but they have both be strong enough to use it and know where to find it inside the fortress]
Guild Girl looked up from the counter and she found herself looking at a small group of elves walking into the guild.

'Yes may I help you" she said to the leader

The woman did not say anything she just looked at her with cold calculating eyes, the rest of the group wasn't any better.

Elves are a race that lives for a long time, so they tend to think that they're better than everyone else, it's only the elves hat chose to leave their forest or the ones that are forced to leave for one reason or another that lose this sense of superiority that they all have.

"We have come to inform you that we will e living in your..."

Guild Girl watched as the Elf Queen stopped herself from saying anything else and took a deep breath, it was as if she was both defeated and disgusted with herself for having to say the next few words.

"Guild Girl watched as the Elf Queen undid a small naught and slightly opened her shirt revealing a gold necklaces, Guild Girl didn't understand what the Elf woman in front of her was trying to say but thankfully the Elf started talking before she could ask any questions.

"I request a piece of land for my people to settle into," the Elf Queen said as she removed her necklace.

As Guild Girl received the necklace her boss came out to see what was going on and to her surprise, he immediately graved the necklace the elf woman had given her and returned it to the elf.

Guild Girl watched as her boss stood up straight and looked at the elf woman in the eyes.

"By the rules of our alliance, we deny any aid to your people, as all of the lands here belongs to us Humans"

"I'm sorry, but we can't repeat the events of[][][][]" her boss said to the elf

Guild Girl watched as the group of elves accompanying the one that was speaking to her boss immediately became angered by her boss's words, yet the woman in front of her didn't react.

'Then we request to be allowed to live in your towns and villages, we will work just as any other villager" the elf woman said to her boss

Guild Girl watched as her boss took a deep breath and swallowed, it was as if he was preparing himself to say something that could easily cause a lot of problems.

'We have nowhere to put you at the moment, a large group of settlers have just arrived and so all of the inns and guild houses are full, either housing the settlers or hearing the sick and injured."

"However, there is a fortress that houses several knights that guard the frontier, perhaps they can help you," her boss said to the elves who left without saying anything else
Heathcliff looked at the report in front f him, things were finally starting to make sense.

People think that when a person is magically moved from one world to another, that they suddenly get aces to everything they were used to having, that's far from true.

For example plumming, they were lucky that the fortress already had a sewer system, a ridiculously big one, but it is a sewer system.

The problem with it is that they had t find out where it led to.

The scout teams eventually found where all of the paths led to but none of them liked what they found.

The sewers are a maze, that if the players didn't have their mas to rely on they would have gotten lost, the situation is as follows, there are several fortresses scattered all over the frontier and those fortresses are connected by the sewers.

Why aren't monsters just using these giant paths to invade, because there are a bunch of powerful monsters that live in the dark.

These monsters act as a deterrent so any fortress that has goblins or any other kind of monster living in it, has them because those monsters entered from the main entrance or a hole in the ceiling.

Why is this important? because the sewers end at the side of a mountain facing the ocean.

The scout teams have been gone for weeks and it's only because they barely rested at all that their journey ended as fast as it did, or else they would have been gone for years.

One major issue is that no one knows where this mountain is, because the maps only show the underground path, no one knows how the surface looks like, so the dangers along the way are unknown.

What they do know is that the mountain is somewhere in the unexplored area in the frontier, where no one has gone to in recent history.

The players used teleporting crystals to get back home but their warning didn't go unheard by any of the guild leaders, something is happening in the frontier.

There's a large gathering of ships that don't belong to anything Human the ships haven't touched land yet, but they're close enough for the scout team's eyes to see them, with their farsight skills.

Not only that but something else is happening in the forest.

Animals and even monsters have a way of doing things, for example, if a deer is relaxed a person can tell just by looking at it, the animal is doing what it does because its body isn't alert.

The same goes for any monster and yet all of the animals and monsters seem as if something has spooked them.

At first, everyone thought that Eldat's arrival had caused this, but the goddess herself has left her garden more than once and whenever a monster or animal sees her, they calm down and relax.

Both the animals and monsters sense somethings wrong and so all of the guild leaders agree that they have no choice but to prepare in case something bad is coming their way.

Now another problem has shown itself.

The group of settlers that the Army ran into, wasn't the only one attacked, unfortunately only a small amount of the settlers made it to their destination.

One group was dead long before they even made it to their new homes, while another was captured by monsters, but the Iron Dogs rescued them along with several other villagers from villages around the frontier.

Another group ended up getting lost but had enough sense to stop and wait for the storm to pass despite the dangers o the frontier and rather than keep going forward they all turned around and walked back and were met with one of the guilds that helped them get to their destination.

The last group... it's better not to say what happened to them, but their survivors along with the survivors of the other groups are now living around the fortress, helping out with what they can.

Things are starting to make sense, a picture is starting to take shape and Heathcliff didn't like what he was seeing.

"Asuna as of this moment you're in charge, I'm leaving the fortress for a couple of days," Heathcliff said to Asuna through their help screens

The same words were being said by the other guild leaders as they weren't going to take any chances.
Kirito watched as the smile on Asuna's face vanished and before she could say anything his help screen alerted him that several of the guilds were now under the control of the people that were one step below the guild leaders.

"Asuna?" Kirito began to ask his wife but Healthclif teleported in front of them before looking around and finding Asuna sitting next to Kirito

"Asuna, I need you to take control of the guild while I'm gone, the rest of the guilds are doing the same thing," Heathcliff said to Asuna before turning to look at Kirito

"What's going on?" Kirito asked Heathcliff

"To be honest we don't know, but it looks as if something might be planning to invade. The guild leaders are the strongest amongst the players so we're going to go and deal with whatever treats we can find so we can at least slow down whatever's coming" Hethclif answered Kirito

"Wait if your not sure then wouldn't this cause more problems, if you're wrong?" Asuna asked Heathcliff

"Your right, but here's a question, are any of us mentally prepared to fight a war?"

"Asuna half of the players are still hoping to go back home, the other half have already given up, but both believe that this place might be our new home at least for now"

"Aincrad was our prison, but it was also something familiar to us, now it and our bodies are gone....."Heathcliff didn't say anything after that he and for a long moment the three of them shared a look and an understanding formed between them

Up until now no one voice the real reason why the players didn't just do what players usually did when they play a game, meaning start to explore and then leave an area to get more items or rise in the ranks of a guild.

Even now none of them had dared to say it, but Heathcliff had hinted at the reason.

They were all exhausted, they were told that if someone managed to beat the game then they could all go home, but instead, they ended up here, a place where lizardmen walk amongst humans as if they were friends and where the stuck up elves, weren't stuck up and asked Humans for help rather than chose to die before asking the lower races for help.

None of them were even sure if this place was real or not, for one nothing was indestructible anymore, and everyone could get hurt by anything.

In Aincrad you couldn't just destroy a part of a building, now anything broke if it was hit hard enough, even their powered up bodies could be hurt by anything, for example, someone scratched themselves on a broken tree branch something that shouldn't be possible in a game, not even in the one they are or were traped in.

Yet here, there are magicians and monsters, add to that all of the things that followed the players to this place.

Nither Asuna nor Kirito wanted to admit it but the Guild Leaders were right, none of the players are prepared to fight any battles at the moment, even the players like them who go out and do missions are only doing it because they want to stop themselves from thinking about the situation they're in.

Yet in all of this, the guild leaders had no choice but to dig their heels into the ground and keep both the players that are exploring and doing missions as well as the none combatants in cheek and give them some kind of direction, so they were being pushed even more than everyone else.

"Okay, do what you have to do," Asuna said to Heathcliff and the man did not say anything he just walked away leaving them behind
The sent of filthy air from inside of the guild mixed with the repugnant stench of the town as they stepped outside of the guild, this was or soon will be their curse, to live amongst lesser beings.

One that she both welcomed with open arms yet was repulsed with at the same time.

Her people as well as herself had brought the hatred of every other race upon themselves with both their pride and complete dismissal of the problems of every other race.

Yet to think that even the other elven kingdoms would turn their backs on them, on her.

The other kingdoms needed someone to shift the blame to and her people were perfect for it, after all in the end out of all of the elven races hers was the only one that didn't have half breeds amongst them and her people kept themselves separate from the rest of the world.

Granted her people as well as herself could have aided the other races in their struggles but they were constantly attending to the other kingdoms' needs, to be able to help any of the other beings in anything.

Perhaps there was the rare fool amongst her subjects that would have helped those that sought her people's aid, but that didn't matter anymore, whatever and whoever her people belonged to or represented was lost now, for even their gods had turned their backs on them.

Yet in these lands filled with dangers, they found a goddess that welcomed them with open arms and helped her people rest- calm down and relax.

Yet the goddess never spoke to any of them she merely greeted her people with simple or overly flamboyant gestures before beginning to hand them food and signaling them to sit and rest next to the human cattle.

For a moment after speaking with the knight that wore the metal armor that had been crafted to resemble stone, she soon saw her people relaxing next to the goddess as he walked amongst them.

For a brief moment, she was tempted to kill and chase off all of the humans that were sitting at the goddesses' side, yet those thoughts were quickly crushed the mommet she felt her heart nearly stop.

It was then that she had the goddesses' complete and undivided attention.

Despite the Goddeses' calm nature, her eyes were anything but calm, as she walked and gently gave both her people and the human's food and water the goddess yes never stopped looking at her.

There was an unspoken threat, no warning and for a brief moment, she swore the goddess called out to knights that wore the same armor like the ones she had left behind.

The men arrived faster than any human should have been able to and stood in front of the goddess who finally averted her eyes and greeted her servants.

No words were spoken, she merely touched the men's faces before her own began to change.

One moment the goddess had the physical appearance of a human woman, the next she looked exactly like an elf queen, no she looked better than an elven queen, finally, she looked almost like a Nymph.

She never changed, one moment a person looking at her saw the face of a human, they blinked and the face of the goddess was now that of an elven woman.

"So that's what's going on," one of the knights said as he stood in front of the goddess.

The man spoke in such a disrespectful manner yet the goddess merely laughed, despite making no sound, both the goddesses' expressions and gestures said she was laughing without restraint.

"Greate now we are all going to end up wondering if the girl we're talking to is your a woman that wants to be with one of us," the man said yet the goddess immediately stopped laughing and seductively moved from one knight to another.

None of the men reacted to her attempts to get them to react yet one of them stepped forward.

"Okay let's do it, I'll marry you but I want you to act like a proper wife, that mean's fulfilling all of the duties of a wife, "the man said as he walked up to the goddess and while placing a ring on his hand

He removed his helmet dropped it on the ground and quickly graved the goddesses hand ad was about to place a ring on her finger.

The goddesses expression changed and she quickly lost her smile, now her expression resembled that of someone that was panicking, and as the knight placed the ring on her finger.

The goddess opened and closed her mouth as if speaking.

'Oh so you were just playing with our hearts" the knight said as he stopped himself and removed the ring from the goddesses hand

Yet as the man turned around he removed the ring he had put on earlier before turning round and graving hold of the goddess once more.

"No,' he said with a serious tone in his voice.

"I ][][][Knight of the Army have decided that you ][][] will be my wife," the knight said as he placed the ring on the goddesses hand

Everyone present watched as the goddess looked at the man and then at the ring in her hand with a shocked expression, then she quickly took a deep breath and pointed at the ground.

Everyone present watched as the knight did as he was told before the goddess of relaxation sat on his lap.

The goddess began to lif one finger after another as if she was setting some ground rules.

"Waite let me stop you there, I'm not wearing my ring so we aren't married," the knights said to the goddess who immediately made the trees around them grave a hold of the knight.

The rest of the knights began to cut away at the branches and tear the trees but they were quickly pushed away.

Yet despite all of the insanity happening in front of them none of the humans or elves watching all of this happen felt any sense of danger.

Everyone watched as the goddess forced the ring onto the man's hand before both rings jumped vanished from their fingers, appeared next to the pair, grew pair of tiny legs, and walked away while holding hands with each other.

They stopped walking and pointed at the goddess then pointed at the traped knight.

t was as if the rings spoke in a way no mortal could hear, yet after the words were spoken the goddess freed her trapped knight and sat near him, the rest of the knights quickly surrounded the man before chastising him for playing with the goddesses feelings.

Even as she walked into the human's town she remembered all of this for two reasons, the goddess had sent her a warning in two forms.

She welcomed all to her garden to relax and heal themselves while she was remarkably close to her servants to the point where she would toy with them and they would toy with her as if they were children that didn't take things as seriously as they should.

The goddess would quickly react to any threats to those that sought her aid, the fact that the goddess had split herself into a being that had two separate natures was something she wondered if she had forced the goddess to do or if she had always been this way.

It didn't matter anymore she had left her people behind to rest under the goddess's protection while she came to negotiate with the guild.

As she and her escorts walked out of the town they notice that the two knights banished from where they had been seated, it was no doubt a form of teleportation magic, but to think that the humans could use such blessings as casually as the pair had just done.

As she stepped out of the ton she began to hear whispers in the air.

Magically spoken words were being carried from far away lands to distant kingdoms, as she listened she heard bits and pieces and hart filled with fear.

A dark fleet sails to an unknown place, it brings death to any island or hips it runs across, while twisted horrors march from one land to another, yet they only stray from each other when they need food.

There are warnings that an ancient horror stirs as if reawakened by something someone.

Magicians and cultists alike had begun to move as if someone -something was urging them forward.

Her heart beat faster and faster as the words of the gods that turned their backs on her people reached her ears.

"War," they said before abandoning her once more
lore\ notes
[Further investigation is needed ]
The soul scream or the screaming soul is the result of someone forcefully ripping one of the Lost Knight's souls from his body, the effect was instantaneous.

Unlike the faint glow of a Humans- lizard mans or any other beings soul, except the elves the Lost Knights have a particularly bright soul.

It's now questioned by many priests and clerics if the Knights are even Human at all, for the following were the events witnessed by everyone during the war.

Ghost and specters both willing and forced to serve their dark masters were instantaneously sent to be judged the undead be they humanoid -monster- insects or animals were turned to dust while their souls were cast to the next realm.

All beings that sided with order were either heald or straightened depending on how injured they were, while the exact opposite happened to those that fought on the side of chaos and destruction.

Yet as all of this was happening the Lost Knights near the being stealing the lost knight's soul attacked the one responsible before using a sacred relic to resurrect their fallen brother who immediately joined them in the war as if nothing had happened to him.

Aincrad history]

The Soul Takers were a small team of friends who chose to only fight on floors whose flor guardian was already beaten.

For this reason, they would do the same missions over and over again until they had several of the same items that helped them live comfortably in Aincrad.

That is until for whatever reason they started to attract the undead wherever they went, as such, they began to specialize in dealing with the undead.

One of the items they found was a rosary that was broken, unlike the rosary that immediately destroyed the undead and all monsters around the user.

The broken rosary did this but slower because it was broken its power affected everything else besides the undead, meaning it both healed and got rid of things like ghosts, but was unable to destroy truly strong monsters like an undamaged rosary could.

The broken rosary's power manifested itself as one of the soul takers losing his soul before bursting into a flash of white light.

With the broken rosaries effect, the player would have just about enough life left in them to not die and use whatever items or potions they had on them to heal themselves and not die.

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[ Recently discovered by the players\ Guild leaders]
The reality of Deep Dive Games.

There exist something called the Astral Plane its a place made of pure psychic energy the reason this is important is that deep dive technology somehow accesses this other dimension.

The creators of Sword Art Online created a game that had everything the real world has but t wasn't real, that is until several thousand human minds entered this none existent world.

....Somehow, for reasons we have yet to understand multiple gods took an interest in Aincrad and used their power to strengthen its existence somehow making it even more real.

Perhaps they took pity on the payers for a place that should have been a place where people to go and unwind from their everyday lives, became a hellish prison for all of us, perhaps like one of the gods said, they found Aincrad peaceful and wished to preserve it.

Whatever the reason these gods entered the game doesn't matter, at least not until now...

However the clause from before the time these gods entered Aincrad remained, defeat the last boss and all of the players get to go free, thereby destroying Aincrad in the process.

According to both the floor bosses and the gods we have been able to speak to, they didn't have a hand on whatever brought the players to this new world, but they have chosen to protect the players because we are by their statements, the gods and floor bosses own words their unwilling children.

It seems as if we have no choice but to accept the reality of our situation, this new world we are all in is our new home, there is no going back for us.

Signed the Guild Leaders
The One Hundred Rooms of the Fortress
This will change further down

The one hundred rooms are miniature realms that were created by beings that rival the powers of both Gods- Devils- and Demons, they were created by beings simply known as the Floor Bosses by the Lost Knights.

Each room is a minor plane of existence and houses all sorts of beings and even settlements within it.

The Floor Bosses rule over each room but remain completely uninvolved with the day-to-day lives of the people and beings living within their realms.

For example, they protect these minor realms from outside threats or major threats from within, but will not interfere with one person killing another.

If a person were to try to enter or exit these minor realms they would have to fight the floor boss responsible for protecting it, according to the floor boss, or perhaps they should be called guardians, they do this to keep people that want to cause harm to the citizens of their realms.

The same can be said for when they prevent people from trying to leave their realm because some people wouldn't be able to stand the reality of their entire world being a single room inside a fortress, surrounded by other rooms that lead to other realms similar to theirs.

This researcher was granted an audience with the floor boss known as Gleaming Eyes, who asked me a question when I asked him why they kept these realms within the fortress.

His question was as follows.

"Why not?"

Gleaming Eyes later pointed out that even if our entire world dies the miniature realms would simply join together with the fortress and escape our world to keep their realms safe, he hinted at something rather disturbing.

According to Gleaming Eyes, there is a chance that this has happened before and the knights are simply the refuges of a world that has died, meaning that the miniature realms are in fact what remains of several worlds that have already died.

Many questions have come up, but I was only allowed to ask one.

Further investigation is needed
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[Green The Vault ]
Will change further down

The Vault was discovered to be under the Lost Knight's possession and has become an object or better said the objects maintained within have become the source of many many arguments.

As we all know the Los Knights are unable to use magic or cast spells in the same way most other people in the world can.

Instead, they wield powerful crystals which they use for a variety of effects along with enchanted armors- weapons and shields.

The importance of what has just been said can not be underestimated, for within the Vault were so many objects of power that when the vault was opened when the fortress was being under siege.

It caused all of the ones responsible to go mad and start killing each other.

The knights answer that this insanity wasn't a spell or any of the treasures doing, that the invaders killed each other because of their greed.

Those that managed to enter the vault to help clear out the bodies of the invaders have said that within the vault was a vast library containing thousands if not hundreds of thousands of grim wards.

Crystals of all kinds that have yet to be used by any of the knights.

Swords and many magical weapons and trinkets such as rings that can only be used by pure-blooded elves.

Automatons that didn't hesitate to fulfill their duty the moment the vault was broken into and began to kill all of the invaders within the vault before joining in the defense of the fortress.

Ancient armors- axes and hammers that were made by Dwarven hands, the list goes on and on but these were just a few things seen.

When word about these treasures reached the various kingdoms, the Knights soon received several ambassadors from each race, however, they were all turned away.

The knight's reason was that these treasures are what remains of Aincrad before its destruction.

Normally this explanation would have been more than enough to deter most f, not all people, but members of the Lost Knights were seen and recorded traveling to distant lands for reasons we have yet to confirm.

Some say it was to weaken the invaders before the war began, others say that they were searching for objects of power to help them in the battles ahead.

Yet some say that they weren't doing either and were instead looking for places that they could move their entire population should they lose the frontier.

Something that is believed by many that they fund.

Regardless of the reason, many believe that some if not all of the treasures within the vault are the objects of power the Lost Knights discovered during their travels and as such simply ask for them back as Humans cant use things that were meant to only be used by elves.

The knights cant use the grim wards because they can't use magic, so it makes sense that the magic schools make good use of them.

And because the armors and weapons were created to only be properly used by dwarves then they should return to their proper owners.

The Knights have until now denied any petitions from everyone including the King of the Green Kingdom any of the treasures that they keep locked away.

Yet tongues loosened by drunken fools in taverns have led the secret of the vault spread and now wizards - thieves and a number fiends have turned their sights towards the vault and the treasures within it.