Out of a Context Solution (Westeros ISOT into Warhammer Fantasy/CKII)

the ascension of the chosen (Cannon)
The Blood of Ages flows so sweet and strong.

I watch as the Chosen gather for the Rituals and Ceremonies.

'Devotion to the Old God's and gratitude for finding Sanctuary here in the North, are but a few of the reasons motivating the Chosen presently preparing themselves.'

Oracle and Warg both are joined in singing and chanting, synchronised and in harmony, the wind rushing around them, excited by the resonance and magic being utilised, as the first cleansing stage begins for the Chosen, annointed oils and sap from Weirwood being daubed in patterns and Old Tongue Runes across their partially clad bodies.

'The Faith of the Seven has long been a hostile thing to any hints of Magic, the actions of the Monsters that laid low our High Druids is something that cannot happen again!'

The Chosen here are slowly being shown the correct steps and rythmn to join the Ritual, their unsure movements smoothing out as they blend into the weaving and looping dancers patterns, the Largest of the Weirwood Trees central to the Ritual, the nearby Babbling Brook and Standing Stones all positioned according to the World's Geomagical Flows.... The Poles of Weirwood bonded with Bronze, the Runes upon them glowing as the Dancers loop and change their Dancing to a newer and faster paced beat.

'The Northerners called the Rods of Sky, Sod and Stone a strange term. That of "Maypole", said they did Dances for feasts, festivals and sometimes weddings.'

The Music matches tempo to the Ritual, the Drums, Pipes and Chimes all reverberating throughout the area, shaking the blood red Weirwood Leaves and stirring up our spirits.

'The Northerners have forgotten far too much of the Old Ways, but it calms me to see the Dances still able to be performed, despite a lack of true understanding needed to weave the Magics of Self and the World. The Chosen are Chosen most meaningfully,, for the Chosen are the Ones who Choose! Sacrifice gives Power, but Self Sacrifice is of a Value that is far too underestimated by those who seek to Sacrifice Others, thankfully to our benefit usually, lest we face far worse foes and far more often than we can bear.'

I watch for my required participation, the moment approaching swiftly as the chanting becomes eerie, making the hairs rise up on the Humans, the Leaves Glow upon my People, while the Giants gain a Spark and Glow to their Eyes.... Tension builds as the Wind becomes charged with Power, the scent of Ionisation clear to those taught as I was.

'The Weirwoods are to do more than Bless the Chosen, they are to be Changed Completely, the Flow of Ages for them will cease, then the Green Vitae and the Animal Vitae will be Channeled through the Chosen, we will gain Living Conduits to guard and walk among us.... Avatars of Sky, Stone, Flowering and Flowing!'

I whirl into motion! My voice joining the chorus of voices and song, the leaping amidst the dancing that then is met with the impact of returning to the soils embrace! Staves and Staffs are waved and twirled, the crack echoing out as dancers clash their implements of Weirwood upon Weirwood, static charges in hair and betwixt leaves flowing between dancers as they spin, loop and move on an almost instinctual impulse.

I spin my own Stave, the Orbs of Weirwood Amber that are shaped into my Instrument of Mana direction begin to glow, their shiny jewel like appearance gaining an ominous Bloody Radiance!

"Hanyo! Og Salai, mehtt ya noi uhsakk! Meheyya om vussi lekk ayna! Yol za xoch, prumm ra nel tai nu che sohum!"

The Chosen move inwards, spiralling in their movements, the cycle of the Ritual echoing in meaning as it symbolises Nature and All within it in motion.

Light trails now form behind other Wargs, Green Seers and the Chosen, even the Musicians can be seen to glow and leave ripples of luminescent colour with each movement and note played by them.

Each movement and twist of Colourful Magic leaves trails of Red and Green light in my own wake. I conduct an Orchestra of Passion, Heart and Power, carefully forming a tapestry of Magic between Trees, Stones, the Musicians and Dancers.

The Ribbons linked between the "Maypoles" of Wood and Bronze, are shining brightly to the point the Runes can no longer be made out as legible. The Ribbons held by the Dancers are now full of Magic, the Dancing binding them into a Weft of many coloured Mana, ready to be brought inwards as the Dance continues on towards the Heart Tree.

"Kono Ya ontol! Hupp Hupp sealum middu! Yussek laep fuaa vipma assittomun! Tuskati ulshak illa dusky paputu molo! Vishal mirak ussa liapi!"

The weaving of Magic is in Plaits and Patterned Glyphs made up of Mana saturated Wood, Bronze, Fabric and Crystallised Sap.

It is both Real and Unreal, manifested between Dream and Reality both as the Weirwood Network guides me in using Lore and Magic that I was not yet Old enough, to have even had a chance to learn of yet.

'My Elders and Tutors may have been treacherously slain by the Sevenites, but their knowledge lives on!'

"Zalla! Untuim mala secoc na ta udulla!

Eight Colours outshine the Sun as they merge and stabilise into a Colour that is All and None.

The Dancers and Musicians all close their eyes as the Radiance is impossible to bear, yet their movements do not slow even for a moment.

Blindly moving between each other, the Trees and Standing Stones, faster and faster as only I take in the United and Pure vision made up of the true Colour of Magic.

Heart Beating in time with the frantically pounding drums, my arms guide my Stave as I dash amidst the Ritual participants, as the Chosen get closer and closer to the Heart Tree.

"Allarocca! Milishunva! Yarral! Lullella!"

The Chosen all move as one, leaping up and into the Heart Tree, through the Heart Tree.... In a Moment, that lasts an Eternity as Magic Implodes into and through the Chosen while in the Weirwood Realm itself.... Before being disgorged out, changed completely yet still themselves.
to new friends and interesting things
[]kill them all and let the gods sort them out: Purge the night watch of all southerners and 7 worshipers (a diplomat incident with the south they are unlikely to send anyone to help even in an attack)

You stand and watch along with hundreds of other men, giants, and children of the forest as the condemned are dragged out to meet their fate. They are brought out one at a time scoured by two strong men, when they see the stump set in front of a weirwood tree that has a judgemental face carved into it, with lord stark standing their sword drawn. Releasing that their end has come many struggle kicking and screaming others go quietly but others cry and beg to their comrades in the night watch that are required to be their, or lord stark about how they served loyalty.

Young and old those that served decades and those that just arrived before the shift were executed for something they were innocent of but the mass cried out for violence and vengeance. And it was serviced quenching their blood lust.

How the king acts: 98
How the people act:41

A few months later a letter from the king arrives condemning the action but otherwise no action was taken, with the scum of the kingdom rapist, murders, bandits and those that pissed off the wrong people kept arriving to join the nightwatch.

But soon after a bragged of angry letters arrive from nobles who send their sons to the watch only for them to be murdered. In the following month's news from the merchants arrives of rumors of the savages in the north that grows with each telling.

There is also discontent in the white harbor as that is the only location in the north that practice the faith in the seven.

(no direct issues arise but you have a bad reputation. Also, the people from the white harbor are feeling a little nervous )

[] Forts repair: the fortress of the Nightwatch is in poor condition and they are unable to house all the troops that be living in them, we need to fix that.
Rolled 86

With all the men currently camping at the base of the wall, it becomes quick and easy to put them to work repairing and refitting the forts now there are more than enough people to man them all. The builders quickly spring into action being very motivated to make sure everything is up to the highest quality.

They take charge of all the men power available, putting them to work until all the forts are fully repaired, the cracks in the wall fixed and any old or damaged equipment upgraded. Once everything is done the army disperses to reach each fort they be living in from now on.

[] body guards: it's time to get protection details for you and your Kin. there are three options
-[] a lifelong commitment: they swear a life long oath like the night watch, before a weirwood tree. Anyone willing can join and you have no problem mythically enhancing those that will protect and enforce your will.
[] Will of the old gods: + 50 to chosen action
69+20(omake)+50= 139 ok

The chosen those that have chosen to give up everything and devote the remainder of their lives to the protection of the singers. They look a bit nervous as they join the ritual before a manic energy fulls as the magic level rise, before it inters them and reshapes them into a more suitable form for their duty, men and women, freefolk or northerner, noble or bastard born all gained a foot in height plus a great increase in muscle mass. Their strength speed and reflexes are improved beyond even the capacity of the greatest of mankind.

The power flowing throught them forming marking and tattoos on their bodies granting them regeneration where even a lost limb will only take a few days to reform. They are mankinds greatest warriors forged with the sole duty to protest what is sacred and holy. But with the great power handed to them you know its man's nature to abused it so a failsafe is added, with a word the magic will activate and they will drop dead.

But not only a way to punish for bad behavior but also a way to reward those exceptional few they can form a pact with a child of the forest to become soul brothers. Soul brothers are linked to mind and soul, they can speak mind to mind over many leagues as well always know how each other are feeling and were each other are, plus with the magic they can draw from their partner they are many times stronger and faster than normal chosen and they stop aging.

But there are a few weaknesses that stop every chosen becoming such a champion, the chosen and their partner lives are links and only death can break it, plus if the child dies the chosen will drop dead on the spot but if the chosen dies the child will experience trauma that language can not express. So only with the deepest friendships will the child will ever consider bonding and putting themselves to that risk.

(all chosen are captain america level with troll level regeneration, they are the equal to any chaos knight in combat)

[] New neighbors moving in: now that a massive refugee crisis has crossed the wall we have to figure out where we are going to put them all.

Roll 51

As time goes on you see tribes and clans leave south one after another with soldiers traveling with them to direct them to the chosen location they will settle far away from any northerns they could cause trouble for. Secondly, to help them build their villages and to stop them from getting any ideas on the way to their new homes.

It is a good thing they did as the former freefolk were a bit antsy throughout the journey. Things started going missing from the pit stops along the way, as well there are stories of women being seduced as well the enraged Fathers and husbands response. I think everyone was happy when they reached their destination.

One of your kin that could weld magic was assigned to each group along with their new guards to protect them. Once they use their powers to grow enough food to support the village and the farms are up and running, they leave the newly settled folk behind to return to the wall to complete the process again. You watch as the horde shrinks bit by bit until only the warriors that are bound to serve at the wall for the next few years remain have said goodbye to their families until they in turn move to renovated forts to serve for the next few years.

[]diplomacy: The Dwarf holds Karak Vlag and asks you to help to transport them to their High King so they can report what is happening. This is a chance to make friendly relations with their kingdom as a whole.

Roll 20/40/60/80
Toll 72

The Dawi diplomats leave with a large force of guards to report to their high king what has happened to them. A group of ships left house grover lands traveling along the newly formed coastline updating their maps along the way until they identify a location to beach the ship before marching on the way to everpeak.

The guards were informed of the monster that infested the land that if found will wipe out the small force, And they were found. but not by the monsters but by men, soldiers from westerios wearing colors showing that they came from the westerlands. As they were escorted back to their camp they found out that the men belong to the green faction that supports prince Aegon to take the throne once king viserys the first dies.

Since his father has given him the title warden of the west just like his sister the warden of the east the king has given both a chance to prove themselves to the realm by securing the land bordering either side of westeros to make no threats are able to attack the 6 kingdoms.

Success of the campaign Rolling 86
Army losses rolling 39

The men at the camp decided to pass them up the chain of command and send the delegation to prince Aegon to sort out. As the party marches to the prince's headquarters the Dawi start to look more and more uneasy as they were matching to a known "urk whatever that is" stronghold called grimfang. They kept marching until they reached the base of a mountain that's top is missing along the way the escort narrated their story of the campaign in the dusty bone dry lands.

Then their force arrived in these dead lands after a series of island hopping from one iron island to another. They found a land full of monsters, big and small green brutes, vile and twisted beastmen as well rat men; those armies' tactics are a dark copy of their own.

When pressed for more details about their battles he admitted that they were a meat grinder and the only reason the army did not break and flee to be slaughtered in the first few battles was the dragons both because they set alight a significant piece of the enemy army plus prince Aemond the One-Eye feeding any cowards that retreat to Vhagar his dragon.

The guide goes on to praise the ironborn and hedge knights that covered themselves in glory, the knights and armsmen not so much, in fact they took saver casualties with even a few great houses losing their whole male line. He goes on to explain the battles they fought in the plain were victory after victory until the prince tried to conquer a lone fortified mountain next the sunset sea that the prince wanted to turn into a secure fortified harbor from which they can lurch further invasion into the dead lands.

But then his face turns grim, the Dawi guides nod in somber understanding. Then mention that it is called mount crookback the stronghold of one of the most powerful ratkin clans and to march into their lair is to court disaster.

After which the guide composed himself and wiped away a tear that formed, which the group pretended that they did not see as he composed himself before carrying on with his story after a great battle with the green "Orks?" The royals on the back of their dragons followed the retreating army until he arrived at the mountain you see before you, he gestured to the mountain they were climbing.

There they found a massive battle between the ork and skaven in the topless and hollowed out mountain, with the retreating army immediately joining the battle until the royals sweeped in and burnt both armies. Once we marched in and fortified the mountain we found silver , gems and other valuables so much in fact that the army can't physically carry it all because of the weight, even though I have a few kilos of the stuff.

We are going to stay here until we get reinforced, once done I am going home to live like a king and maybe I will be lucky and marry into a noble house that lost their men in the fighting. It should not be to long now prince Aegon has sent a collection of corpses of the enemies defeated back home to scare the smallfolk and get the High Septon to declare a holy war to purge this land plus a example of the wealth collected to spark a interest in those of less religion bent to join the war.

He stops seeing the look of horror on the faces of the northmen at the thought of starting holy wars and the dwarfs apoplectic with anger at the thought of one of their holds being looted. The guide shut his mouth and quickly brought the group to the prince's tent, were he was very interested in learning new things about this new world, the dwarf empire and the many human kingdoms on the other side of the mountains.

The prince was greatly pleased by this news while the amount of silver and the praises of the high septon will dampen the criticism at court caused by the amount of dead noble born, being the point man that introduced friendly relations with their new neighbors should silence them as well help him regain support.

So with the prince's blessing they left and carried on their journey to high kings hall where they were treated like heroes after the dwarf delegation gave their report. The high king too was overjoyed with the fact that his East is secured from further hordes and that the dwarfs of Karak Vlag are in the process of forming a strong connection to the men of the north. High king Kendrak Gottrison confirm that he sent some engineers from Barak Varr to build the new port karak vlag now has access to. Secondly, he sent a message to lord stark about how they have treated his citizens, the high king of the dwarf will like to use the north as the connection between him and the targaryens.

(prince Aegon campaign is very bloody and he lost a lot of men)
(karak vlag will soon have a Port to conduct trade with westerois as well as reconnect with the rest of the dwarf realm.)
(the dwarf are going to give the north the honor of acting as middlemen between them and the targaryens)

[] Finger on the pulse: keep an eye on the former free folk make sure no trouble occurs in their camps

Roll: ???
Roll 18
What happened 1-10
Rolled:5 many of the freefolk regret swearing allegiance to the starks.

Now that death and damnation are no longer a present issue the free folk have started to grumble and complain, many regret kneeling and giving up their freedom. It was but all talk until the cave dwellers that had joined you at the beginning of the journey left to their new home in the mountains just like their old home.

The issue was that the mountains were inhabited by the northern mountain clans every valley nook and cranny is already taken so they would have to share which is an issue as the mountain tribes have a history of being raided by wildings plus the dont have the resources for a increase in the number of people during winters the elders announce they are 'going hunting' and disappear into the wildness but when things get really bad parent have to chose which of their children live and which starve.

The last thing they want is more mouths to feed, especially people they hate. They were not interested in promises that magic will solve their resource issues; they made sure the cave dwellers were not welcome. Fights break out almost daily between the two group and even a few murders accouring before the cave dwellers got up and marched their way back to the wall demanding to be released from their oaths and be allowed passage though the wall so that they join their kin on the other side of the mountain.

The magical forest roll: 58

Throughout the month sounds of screams and cries of battle are heard throughout the nights in the forest that the guards are starting to call the fay woods. From time to time groups of disgusting monsters that are full of taint, most of them look like goat creatures but not all as any discussion animal combination like one example the guards brought was a humanlike with a cat's head with a octopus tentacle for an arm. The guards have been killing his abominations whenever they show themselves.

(this is a limited time event their happen from time to time I roll this to see how this event turns out for you it could be positive or negative, but it give you a chance to swing the outcome in your favor if you want)

Other world events.
A bunch of scout have come racing back to the wall with terrifying news a White walker army was spotted on the march, from what they are able to discern their numbers their are a few hundred cold ones riding their ice spiders followed by two dozen frost giants descendants of those giants in the long night betrayed for immortality and the power to control ice and a few thousands wights.
Before any response could be decided they march through the high pass following the path of the freefolk, may the gods have mercy on the sous of anyone that's run into them.