Orleans: The Thousand-Years War of the Dragon Witch

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There exists a plane just within the limits of human conception, where within resides the Throne...
1-1: You are Marie Antoinette
AO3 Usually.
There exists a plane just within the limits of human conception, where within resides the Throne of Heroes. Here, the laws of time and space have ceased to exist, for the realm serves as an intermediate between what is conceived, and what is inconceivable. Here, the souls, the essences of the Heroes of Time and Space, who have carved their name into the echelons of history, have transcended into a plane of existence both far and short in the future, always the present, and never the past.

It is here, you have found your fate. It is here, where you, your "youness," the collectivity of the perceptions which make up your 'you,' whether they be past, present, or far into the future, now reside.

It is here, that you have no regrets.

It is here that you shall wait, for an eternity for but a moment, for several eternities in what you can perceive to be seconds. Waiting for a call which may or may not, will or will not, has or has not, is or is not, ever going to come.


MARIE ANTOINETTE sits before the Revolutionary Tribunal. Her face and expressions are impossible to make out, in fact it is as if her face has been blurred out.


"...Who provided the coach you and your family rode to Varennes?"

MARIE hesitates.


"A foreigner."


"What nationality?"

Another pregnant pause. All eyes remain on MARIE.




"Monsieur Fersen, who lived at rue du Bac, Paris?"







The AUDIENCE for the trial begin to murmur amongst themselves.


"...Bring in the witness, Hébert…"


HÉBERT walks confidently before the Revolutionary Tribunal. Cut to MARIE'S face which is still blurred out.


"Name, age occupation."


"Hébert, Jacques René, 36… journalist, and deputy attorney for the Commune of Paris..."


"Testify before the nation without hatred or fear… do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?"


"I do."


"Give your testimony…"

HÉBERT takes a deep breath before speaking.


"...The facts I have to state are of a delicate nature…"


Thrashing, beating, pounding, splitting. That's what the innards of your skull feels like, your eyes feeling like they've been split open whole. Your throat is wretched, and you're lying on your back, upon a stiff, uncomfortable wooden mattress, covered in blankets of shoddy quality. You stir, and that's when the soreness of your muscles hit you.

This bed is much too stiff and hard to be of Versailles, it reminds you of… no, let's not go there. Opening your eyes slowly, your vision burns from exposure to air, and you tear up involuntarily. You can barely make out your surroundings, but from what you can tell, you're in some shoddy Parisian Apartment complex, with only one window to act as ventilation; the world outside is dimly lit.

"Hey-ho! ♪~Gooood Morning~♪" A cheery note comes from your right, and you glance over, only to find yourself forgetting the throbbing pain which is ravaging your body.

You blink a couple of times to make sure you're not dreaming, and before you stands a wondrously dressed boy, wearing a wide grin that shows off the fang of his teeth.

Flowing pink hair, stained by streaks of gold, black, and white respectively, done up in an unmistakably lovely braid, held together by ribbons and ornaments that are of a simple essence; that of a princess, unmistakably. Eyes of a deathly shining gold, but which one could still easily find themselves lost in. His skintight clothing, shaded in colors of black and red reflecting that era of… the Medieval era...? Clearly not that of a mere peasant, judging from the pads he's using as armor he wears. Staring at the waist, you find a familiar emblem adorning the skirt; that of the Double-headed Eagle.

Perhaps a rescuer...?

"I'm so happy to see you woken up instead of thrashing about in your sleep… you must have been having quite the horrible nightmare…" He presses his hands together, lips quivering in sympathy, your attention falls to your reflection, caught in the black luster of his chestpiece.

Your hair is that of a deathly but pure white, a white that manifests an aura of rebirth, rather than old age. Your eyes reflect back a color of a sanguine red, vibrant and cutting like a neon sky, your clothes have switched color palettes to match that of your companion. With one exception; you're missing your crown.

Damn it.

"Ah, forgive me! I forgot you're must be as confused as I, so let me introduce myself. I, Astolfo, one of the Twelve Paladins of Charlemagne," he enunciates his title with a bow, "had woken up in this same room when I found you sleeping upon the bed opposite, separate to me. Since I had no memories of anything that occurred to us beforehand, and still lack these memories now, that leads me to conclude…"

"That we were summoned."

How do you feel right now?

[] Ugh… terrible. You may be the Idol Queen, but screw this. Nobody else is here, and mornings were never your forte, so what wrong with letting off a little steam backstage?
[] Like crap, but you're not going to let that get you down! You are the Idol Queen after all!
[] Amazing! You were always a morning person after all!
[] Write-in.

[Here are the Rules you Clods]

  1. In general, WAFFLE-O. We're All Friends, Friends Love Each-Other. If that doesn't make sense, standard SV rules apply.
  2. Write-ins are lovely, and encouraged.
  3. You are all now in control of the collective decision making faculties of whichever character you control at that point in time.
  4. You theoretically can switch POVs, but for now, you're stuck with Marie. You can unlock others by maxing out bonds with them.
  5. Die, and you get reset back to a chosen point in time. You also get to visit the Tiger Dojo.
  6. Same applies to party characters (unless there is an explicit consensus amongst all of you that you want them to die.)
[Things to Know]

  1. TLDR of the premise; What if Marie Antoinette and Astolfo from Type-Moon were summoned into a grimdark edgy fantasy world, for the sheer purposes so that they could ruin it?
    -The quest takes place in an alternate world based off of the Fate Grand/Order campaign of Orleans, where Jeanne Alter won and brought ruin to France.
    -Your overall goal is to defeat Jeanne Alter. How you go about doing that, idk.
  2. If there's a long gap between updates, it's likely because I'm dying from schoolwork. Or I'm in the mood to write fanfiction about gay space rocks. (SU)
  3. I have biases about what I like to write. Deal with it.
    -No railroading though. My biases will be manifest in this quest in other ways.
  4. You are not a true Servant. You are incredibly weak right now, at Level 1, and you'll have to compensate as such, with Marie's fantastic Charisma and Astolfo's genuine unpredictability. Play smart.
    -Don't expect to level up fast, especially later game. We're in this for the long haul.
  5. Don't expect a truly faithful rendition of Type-Moon mechanics, characters, the such.
  6. Underneath this quest, there lies a story. You can choose to completely ignore everything and force me to ad hoc the entire quest, but I will provide small pushes in the direction of the planning you are free to ignore.
  7. Feel free to ask me questions pertaining to the quest, if you need clarification on game mechanics or story issues. Just be polite.
  8. Most important of all is this question; Who is Marie Alter? The purpose of me using her Alter form (besides looking badass,) is to give Marie a fresh start; is she now a jaded cynic, disgusted by her treatment at the hands of the revolution, but still at heart a Queen of her people? Does she now crave the people's affection, as the Idol Queen, but in a more unhealthy way? Does she resent the world for treating her as such, and her arrival is her opportunity to take revenge? Or perhaps underneath her Alter exterior, she remains the same as she's always been, Queen of Lilies, an unabashedly caring and cheerful soul, a testament to her sheer force of personality? (Maybe she's neither of these and just wants to live her second life out as peacefully as possible.) Whatever the case, it's up to you to decide. But your actions will have consequences. And Marie will have flaws.
    -Astolfo Alter's personality changes are far more subtle, the worst aspects of corruption being lost in his Evaporation of Sanity skill.
    -Astolfo Alter and Marie Alter, have had their alignments shifted to Chaotic Neutral and True Neutral respectively.
    -Your, and your companions' alignments can change throughout the course of the quest.
  9. You can play this quest without understanding any of the math and mechanics. You'll be able to understand what's going on, for the most part. Just play safe.
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Character Sheets
Marie Alter
Level 1 True Neutral Human Ruler

STR 8 DEX 12 CON 8 INT 12 WIS 14 CHA 16
Proficiency Bonus: +2

Weight: 106 lbs
Height: 5'2½
Speed: 30 feet

HP: 6/6
Armor Class: 13
Initiative: +1
Passive Perception: 14
Carrying Capacity: 120/120

Skills: Insight, Persuasion, Performance, Deception, Perception
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma, Constitution
Tools: Lyre, Lute, Viol

Mana Slots
-Level 1- 2/2
Spellcasting Ability: Charisma
Spell Save DC Modifier: 13
Spell Attack Modifier: 5

Weapon: Parasol (1d6 Bludgeoning, 2 AC, Light, 2lb)
Clothing/Armor: Marie's Fine Clothes

Preferred Lifestyle: Aristocratic

Astolfo Alter
Level 1 Chaotic Neutral Human Rider

STR: 10 DEX:14 CON:11 INT:11 WIS:13 CHR:14
Proficiency Bonus: +2

Weight: 110 lbs
Height: 5'4 feet
Speed: 30 feet

HP: 10/10
Armor Class: 14
Initiative: +2
Passive Perception: 11
Carrying Capacity: 150/150

Skills: Insight, Persuasion, History, Deception, Investigation
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma, Intelligence, Constitution
Tools: Thieves' Tools, Disguise Kit, Horn

Spellcasting Ability: Charisma
Spell Save DC Modifier: 12
Spell Attack Modifier: 4

Weapon: Lance
(1d12 Piercing, Reach, Special, 6lb)
Clothing/Armor: Astolfo's Leather Armor (12+DEX)

Preferred Lifestyle: Comfortable

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[X] Like crap, but you're not going to let that get you down! You are the Idol Queen after all!

Head splitting, eyes droopy, you groan internally, but put on your best face for whoever this Astolfo is. Lethargic and potent, you do your best to stretch your poor body out and sit up. Bringing a hand to your head, you burn as if you're running a high fever… which is probably the case, when you think of it. "Summoned?" You ask, motioning for him to elaborate on the jargon.

The paladin nods, forcing you to state your question explicitly.

"I..." You rack your brain for whatever he might mean by the word, but it fails you. "...don't understand what you mean by summoning." You admit.

The paladin does a double take. "You don't know? B-but the Holy Grail should have acclimated us to the rules…"

"Holy Grail?" You interrupt, causing the Paladin to sigh further.

Locking his fingers together, he stretches his arms upwards as a sign of frustration. "You don't know about summoning? About Servants? The Holy Grail Wars?"

You shake your head, raising an eyebrow as a motion for him to elaborate.

Astolfo clears his throat, before giving as quick as a summary of the mechanics of the Holy Grail War he can manage.

"And I, Astolfo, must conclude, that because it was a necessity to explain the mechanics of the Holy Grail to you, who clearly must be a Servant, this means that at the very least that if the Holy Grail is the cause for our presence, then it must not be functioning properly."

He sighs, fidgeting nervously with his hair, "Now that I think about it, I don't know anything of this era… I do know we are in France. At the very least, it feels like it, though a bit off."

Passive Perception Check: Why does Astolfo know about the Holy Grail?
Difficulty- Needs Attention (12)
Marie- 14- PASS

You tilt your head, frowning at the omission (purposeful or not,) of one little detail; why he's capable of knowing about the Holy Grail War.

[Option Select]

[] Press Astolfo on the Issue.
[] Don't.
[] Write-in.

Marie has passed a passive perception check. A passive perception check occurs when there is something hidden within the dialogue or environment characters are NOT actively searching for. Passive perception checks use the character's passive perception, which is a base 10 + Wisdom Modifier + Proficiency Bonus if applicable.
Future Passive Perception Checks will NOT be made transparent by the QM, they are for the QM alone, to decide how much information is attained passively by the party.

Q-How does involve me?
A- It doesn't. Literally, this is just for me to decide how much info you get. I mean, you can invest points into wisdom when you level up, but besides that, don't worry about it.
Q- I noticed something the characters/passive perception didn't check/notice. Does this mean I shouldn't say it?
A- You are all in control over the collective decision-making faculties of whatever character you control at the time. If you managed to notice something that neither I wrote, nor Marie noticed, good job!

Table of Passive Perception Difficulty
0-Right in your face
12-Needs Attention
14-Passive Scrutiny
16 Naturally Reading in Between the Lines
18 Always looking, even when I'm not.
21+ Your eyes see all. (Impossible)

I had a longer update planned, but split this part off from it when I realized there was a decision in the midst of it. That happens often in my writing/planning process.
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[X] Press Astolfo on the Issue.

"One moment," you raise a finger indicating your query, "how exactly are you able to recall all this information, and I am not?"

"Mmm," he muses, brushing one of his bangs from his vision, "I'm not sure exactly. I'm not exactly a magus so everything I'm saying is just guesswork?" He admits, without guilt. "It could be that the Holy Grail is only working for one of us?" He asks, lips curving in dissatisfaction as he does. "But... there is something else I completely forgot to tell you!"

Astolfo gives his account of the events of the events of Fate/Apocrypha, and The Great Holy Grail War.

You find yourself learning naturally, easily accepting what he says at face value, as if the knowledge of the Holy Grail War was meant to be there, but for some reason isn't.

"And from that, I must conclude!" He enunciates with vigor, " that neither of us have been affected by the Grail for whatever reason. That though both our summonings were faulty, I managed to retain all my memories of my Holy Grail War somehow."

You nod to confirm your comprehension. "Are servants not supposed to retain memories in between wars?" You asks, to which he shakes his head.

His attention span has visibly fallen to that of a different subject, to that of the bangs of his hair, picking at them again for split ends, before he turns his eyes on you. "Aw man!" He whines, "enough about the Holy Grail! I'm bored!" Taking your hands, he lifts you up and onto your feet. "I've been dying to explore more of where we are." He grins, flashing his fang.

"Astolfo!" You cup his hands to calm him down, "I still may have more questions…"

He looks at you obviously. "Mmm? What might they be?"

You stifle a laugh. "I just require more context as to our situation, that's all…"

"Mmm…" His eyes falter away, "I suppose I should do that. Sorry, sorry."

You let go of his hands to allow him full use of his hand gestures as he speaks.

"We're in some abandoned shelter in the midst of a large town. I was able to gather that much from what little observations I conducted outside this residence before you awoke. I do not know how long we've been asleep however," he admits sullenly. "My memories fail me, as I have said before, and I myself feel… weak. Incredibly weak."

It takes you a second before you realize he's referring to his strength as a servant, which like you, feels incredibly off versus how you two are supposed to be at full strength, as Heroic Spirits.

"I… see. I suppose I should be grateful that you did not abandon me when you woke up."

Astolfo takes mild offense, even scoffing for full effect. "As if! I would never abandon anybody in their time of need! That, is the way of Astolfo. That," he thumps at his heart for emphasis, "is how Astolfo has always been." He clears his throat. "And besides, It was not necessarily a selfless action either. I believe, that we found ourselves here because we will need each other. And even if that wasn't the case, and this is all a series of strange coincidences, we would still need each others' assistance."

You purse your lips. "How so?"

"Do you not feel it?" He gestures upwards, then folds his fingers together to stretch out his limbs.

Roll 1d20: 9 (Rolled 5 + 2 from WIS modifier + 2 from proficiency.)
Partial Failure

Your sense-perceptions are still really, really off, but even your body in this inhibited state can feel it. The taint in the air, the atmosphere of dread which contaminates your vision, tinting it grey… It's not just your corrupted form. You don't know why, but something is terribly, terribly wrong.

"This world… something is off." You realize, to which Astolfo nods.

"I have no idea why." He admits, with a casual shrug. "That's what I would like to investigate upon venturing outside."

He flashes you as best of a smile he can manage, revealing the multitude of fangs which have taken residence "Is there anything else you would like to know?"

[You may ask multiple questions...]

[] Who are you? As a person. (Astolfo appears to be tired of talking about himself for now.)
[] Do you know why the world is like this?
[] What are we going to do?
[] Why are we here?
[] Is there anything else you know?
[] Why are we corrupted?
[] No questions for now.
[] Write-in.
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[X] Why are we corrupted?
[X] Is there anything else you know?

"Is there anything else you know Astolfo?" You ask.

The paladin makes an unreadable noise at the back of his throat, before shrugging, shaking his head. "Meh. I gave you everything I knew." He stops himself. "I think?"

Your head tilts in some sort of curiosity. "I was also wondering about the current status of our forms. About our corruption." You gesture to your body. "Astolfo, did you not notice?"

The paladin raises an eyebrow, before popping his mouth.

"Oohhhh, right!" He motions to his appearance, then shrugs his head with an almost unnerving nonchalantness. "I dunno. That was one of the other facets of our current condition I wished to investigate upon venturing outdoors."

You raise an eyebrow, but it really doesn't feel like he's taking special care to hide something behind that demeanor of his.

"I have been feeling a tad more feverish since I've woken up however..." He continues, clapping his hands together. "I was also wondering as to how you feel, compared to your old situation as well."

You stare at him, a tad confused. "Eh? I am not sure what you mean…"

"I mean how you feel right now versus when you were alive. Before you became a Heroic Spirit."

You purse your lips, and pause for a second, to contemplate and compare how your body feels, in between the two states of existence. "Right now... I feel uncertain. Like I don't know who I am anymore. As if everything about the old me would be misplaced in this form, but every other possibility is wrong. Nothing fits." You let out a sigh. "And I'm not sure who to be, or who I should become."

"That sounds horrible."

"It is, and I don't know what to do about it. I'm not sure what this corruption has done to myself, and I find myself reluctant to find out."

Astolfo's visage visibly sullens at your words, and you finding yourself turning away from his sad face. At least, until he lightly flicks you in the nose.

"H-hey!" You protest, "what's the matter-"

Ignoring you, he groans in frustration. "How frustrating…"

"Eh?" You look back at him, and see that he's grasping at his hair, pacing back and forth in frustration.

"Why do I always attract the kinds of people who are suffering identity crises!" Pouting, he takes your hands. "Knowing what you're supposed to do, knowing who you're supposed to be… none of it means a damn thing! In the end, only you can know and decide who you want to become! Anything else, is just pither-talk and excuses, self-deception and denial!" Performing a twirl, the corrupted paladin gestures as if performing to an audience which he has grown to love throughout his life. "For as long as you exist, life is there! One should grasp at life while they can, for even if they end up back where they began at the end of it all, at least they lived their lives to the fullest extent! Even if we are corrupted from our original forms, does that change the fact that life," he gestures by balling up a fist, "is ours for the taking!?"

You stare at your own hands, protected by a set of black gloves that fit snugly around your palms comfortably, in stark contrast to the paladin's words.

"Life to the fullest… extent?"


MARIA ANTONIA has seen DAUPHIN LOUIS-AUGUSTE for the first time.

MARIA ANTONIA (Inner Monologue)

Him? He seems so stiff, so indifferent, and so ungainly. This is my husband…? One whose eyes are so languid…?


Well, what has become of your gentility! Go and salute your bride with a kiss!

DAUPHIN LOUIS-AUGUSTE mechanically walks over and kisses MARIA ANTONIA on the cheek.

MARIA ANTONIA (Inner Monologue)

Is it going to be just like that? My future consort has just kissed me...yet I cannot feel anything? Will I be spending the rest of my life with him, just like this?


You're not sure how to feel. Nevertheless, it's clear Astolfo poured his whole heart into his little pep talk, and you could at the very least thank him. Could being the key word.

Also, there's the issue of the fact you still have yet to properly introduce yourself.

[Thank him, and give out your True Name?]
[] Thank him…
-[] And give out your True Name.
[] Remain silent.
-[] And give out your True Name.
[] Write-in.

Flashback taken from the manga Rose of Versailles.
[X] Thank him…
-[X] And give out your True Name.

"Astolfo…" You cup his fingers, gently caressing them, smiling warmly. ...thank you." The paladin's grin lights up. You falter, just for a bit. "And, I must apologize. I never properly introduced myself to you in the midst of this confusion."

He scoffs, waving it off. "Oh no worries! You don't have to worry about that, although…" he shifts a bit, trying to hide his excitement and failing, "I would be lying if I weren't curious as to your True Name, though it isn't necessary-"

"My name," you smile, nodding, "is Marie Antoinette, Queen of Lilies. Once, Queen of France and Narvarre. Then, the French." You pronounce your title with a bow. "I do hope we will enjoy working with each other."

"Same!" Showing off his great many fangs, the paladin gives you some approving gesture, sticking his thumb upwards.

You have been granted hold of an abandoned apartment to serve as your hideout, granting Squalid conditions for you to live in. Squalid conditions grant you no resources, no respect amongst others.
Your characters have preferred lifestyles, and will spend every penny you obtain trying to achieve such and such. (On food and drink.) If one wishes to have a surplus of gold, it will be necessary to either amass a large quantity of loot, or find an occupation for the party to occupy.

Astolfo is all too eager to lead the way out of this squalid hole, one which you hopefully won't have to come back to again. Unfortunately, as you step through, it doesn't seem your first excursion outside will be without drama.

"This is a raid! Have your property out, ready for confiscation! Hoarders and resistance will be met with force!"

Stepping outside your miserable complex, you find yourself greeted by a hallway in a similar, dilapidated state, plain and barren. Holes splotched all over the ceiling, the wood foundation giving way to dirt and grime. The windows are boarded up with rotting wood or iron bars coated in an unhealthy degree of rust, the glass having been removed or looted long ago.

You hear whispers behind you. "There's nothing here for them to take… didn't they realize that when they walked in?"

Something seems to have drawn everyone from their respective rooms. Commanding their attention is the presence of a small squadron of three; footsoldiers, fully clad in blackened plate armor, with small patches of corruption visibly showing on their persons. Though intimidating in their aesthetic, their presence threatens to be overwhelmed from the sheer numbers of the residents alone.

"What's going on?" You lowly ask to those around you.

"Everybody up against the wall now! This is a raid!"

"It's a raid." A voice behind you whispers. "Followers of the Dragon Witch. You two picked a bad day to wear fancy clothes, cause no doubt they'll take all they can from you."

You swallow hard, looking around you. Opposite of the direction of the raid is an exit, which several fortunate would-be victims are happily exploiting.

[Option Select]
[] Observe carefully.
[] Walk Away.
[] Submit.
[] Intervene.
-[] Try to reason with them.
-[] Attack the raid.
--[] Physically.
--[] Magic. (Specify)
[] Ask the Followers to help with the raid.
[] Ask more questions to the voice behind you.
[] Write-in.

Features (Marie)

Eyes of the Dark- Corrupted by the Grail, Marie's eyes, as sanguine as blood, have been cursed with the ability to see through the darkness.
At 1st level Sorcerery, Marie possesses darkvision with a range of 60 feet. She may see through any darkness magic she uses using this ability.

Between Love & Death- Marie constantly lives in an emotional and physical state that is best described as an unstable mixture of two opposing formulas; the first being that of when she was adored by her people, as the idol queen, and the second being that of when she had hit her lowest point, when her son was confiscated from her, during her captivity in the temple.
Whenever a source of damage reduces her to 0 hp, she may make a Constitution saving throw (DC 5+ damage taken.) On success, she will instead drop to 1 hp. She cannot use this feature if he is reduced to 0 hp by radiant damage, or by a critical hit.

Forsaken by God- Marie has become determined to find a new font of strength, whether it be through her companions, or it being returning to the embrace of her subjects, or even if she has to rely on only herself.
If she fails a saving throw or miss with an attack roll, she may roll 2d4 and add it to the total, possibly changing the outcome.

Supernatural Resilience- The numerous holy incantations and rituals performed on her body during her life, alongside the implementation of the Habsburg Holy Magical Circuit upon her has granted a resilient body.
Her hp maximum increases by 1, and increases by 1 again whenever she gains a level.


Lvl. 0 (Marie)

Gandr Shot: Habsburg Brand- Passed down through the House of Habsburg as a cheap magic to allow the royals to protect themselves, the coding was so well engraved onto Marie's magic circuits, that she requires no metaphysical knowledge of the magic to cast it. The coloring of the blast has changed during her corruption, from a bright red to a deathly black, and the corporeal curses, containing in them the essence of monarchy and domination have manifested in this realm as flames.
Marie uses a protective blast of energy at a creature or object within range.

Casting Time- Instant
Damage Type-Fire
Adjust Lighting- An essential magic for any budding idol, allowing them to adjust the lighting anywhere and make any place a stage for their performance.
Marie creates up to four torch-sized lights within range, making them appear as torches, lanterns, or glowing orbs that hover in the air for the Duration. Each light sheds dim light in a 10-foot radius.

Casting Time-Instant
Duration-1 Hour
Conjure: Royal Hand- An essential magic for any self-respecting noble, used to perform tasks either too dangerous for their being, or too lowly.
A spectral, floating hand appears at a point Marie chooses within a short range. The hand lasts for the duration or until it is dismissed. The hand cannot exceed a short range, not may it be cast simultaneously, with another hand.
She can use the hand to manipulate an object, open an unlocked door or container, stow or retrieve an item from an open container, or pour the contents out of a vial.

Casting Time-Instant
Duration-15 minutes
The hand can't attack, activate magical items, or carry more than 10 pounds.

Party Trick!- A minor magical trick used for purposes of fun, or in Marie's case, to often amplify her physical appearance.
Marie may create one of the following magical effects within range.
-She creates an Instantaneous, harmless sensory effect, such as a shower of sparks, a puff of wind, faint musical notes, or an odd odor.
-She instantaneously lights or snuff out a candle, a torch, or a small campfire.
-She instantaneously cleans or soils an object no larger than 1 cubic foot.
-She chills, warms, or flavors up to 1 cubic foot of nonliving material for 1 hour.
-She makes a color, a small mark, or a Symbol appear on an object or a surface for 1 hour.
-She creates a nonmagical trinket or an illusory image that can fit in her hand.
Casting Time-Instant
Duration-1 Hour

Level 1 (Marie)

Dazzling Gleam (Corrupted)- Holy light, stored away within her magic crest, which only the lineage of the monarchs of Europe may manufacture within themselves, now tainted with Marie's corruption.
A dazzling array of black light springs from Marie's hand, blinding all around her who witness its' presence.
Casting Time-Instant
No Damage
Blinding, Burn

Detect Magic- Being in a state akin to a Servant, the ability to sense the presence of magic nearby comes naturally to her.
Upon casting this magic, if she senses magic in this way, she detects all nearby magic, by sensing faint auras around any visible creature or object in the area that bears magic, and she learns its school of magic, if any.
The magic can penetrate most barriers, but is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt.
Casting Time-Instant
Duration-10 minutes

Alluring Nightingale- Throughout her life, many would fall for the Queen of Lilies, it makes no sense that this wouldn't apply to the new world as well. If her natural charisma fails her (shock,) whose to say that she can't just add a little magic to her charm>
Marie amplifies her charm with her magic, attempting to unwillingly charm a humanoid within range. It must make a Wisdom saving throw, and does so with advantage if anyone in the party is fighting it. If it fails the saving throw, it is charmed by until the magic ends or until Marie or the party companions does anything harmful to it. The charmed creature regards Marie as a friendly acquaintance. When the magic ends, the creature knows it was Charmed.
Casting Time-Instant
Duration-1 Hour

Features (Astolfo)

Divine Sense- Once a paladin of Charlemagne, Astolfo has been trained to automatically sense the forces of The Good and The Evil around him, in their most base forms. He doesn't remember how he learned it (a lot of Christian philosophy & training which he didn't exactly memorize,) but the training is still with him today, even in his corrupted form.
Astolfo can open his awareness to detect celestials, fiends, and undead around him, that are not behind total cover He will know the type (celestial, fiend, or undead) of any being whose presence he senses, but not its identity. Within the same radius, he also detects the presence of any place or object that has been consecrated or desecrated.
He may use this feature a number of times without resting equal to 1+CHA modifier. All uses are replenished at the end of a long rest.
Lay on Hands- Paladins were meant to be trained in the art of divine healing, in that their touch would be blessed enough to heal wounds on their own. While he forgot the magic during his life, and subsequently, during the Great Holy Grail War, his training has resurfaced in his corrupted form, causing him much confusion.
Astolfo possesses a font of divine healing, that replenishes whenever he enjoys a long rest. This pool is equal to ½ his current level, plus his Charisma modifier. With this font, he may restore a total number of hit points equal to his level × 5.
He may touch any creature and draw magic from the font to restore a number of hp, up to the amount remaining in his font.
He may touch a creature and draw power from the pool to restore a number of hit points to that creature, up to the maximum amount remaining in his pool. He may also expend 5 points from his font to cure the target of one disease, or neutralize one poison affecting it. He may cure multiple diseases and neutralize multiple poisons with a single use of Lay on Hands.
This feature has no effect on dead or constructs.

Concentration: If a magic requires concentration, then they may not use it at the same time as any other magic.
Mana Slots: Magic wielding Servants can cast only a limited he or she can cast only a limited number of magics before resting. Granted a limited amount of Prana that they must divide up between fueling their existence and their magic, this is manifested in Mana Slots, which represent how much mana a Servant possesses.

When a Servant uses magic, they expend a slot of that magic's level or higher, effectively "filling" a slot with the magic. Lower level magic can be fueled by higher level mana slots, effectively empowering the magic. A 1st-level magic fits into a slot of any size, but a 9th-level magic fits only in a 9th-level slot.

Finishing a Long Rest (8 hours) restores any expended magic slots.

Marie currently possesses on her, two level 1 slots. They may be used to cast both level 1 or 0 magic, the latter in an augmented form.

Level 0 magic does not require spell slots, and is unlimited in its' re-usability.

These soldiers are of easy difficulty, if one wishes to confront them. However you deal with them, the consequences will be relatively lax, versus that of future encounters.
[X] Intervene.
-[X] Try to reason with them.

You nudge Astolfo, whispering to him, "we should help," as hush-hush as you can.

Astolfo gives off a 'hmm' which gives no indication as to his opinion, but he follows you either way as you take lead.

While their equipment is certainly intimidating, their postures, their formation… is disorganized, sloppy, crotchety, these soldiers wouldn't pass even the most basic of reviews. They'd probably break ranks and run like children at first sight of a cavalry charge, if they knew to form ranks in the first place.

The crowd parts ways for you, without any input on your part. Though failing to notice your approach at first, the would-be raiders eventually meet your eyes as you encroach closer and closer. Steeling your nerves, you clear your throat audibly, putting on as best of a smile you can manage.

The leader pries his attention off of his next would-be victim, who nearly faints as he releases his gaze on him. "Oh what's this… nobles, mingling out with mongrels?" The footsoldier laughs darkly, "this'll make for some good pickings…"

[Argument Select]
[] Persuasion
-[] These people have nothing, you're just wasting your time.
-[] Promise to have a payment for them later.
-[] State they're outnumbered.
-[] You're better than this.
[] Intimidate.
[] Write-in.

[Whichever Persuasion tactic will dictate how the situation turns out, whether you succeed or fail.]
[X] Persuasion
-[X] You're better than this.

Ecouté-moi? Messieurs?"

The would-be marauders appear to be taken enough by you, such that they seen willing to grant you a bit of speaking time, at the very least.

"Messieurs, I must appeal to your better sensibilities."

The greater marauder scoffs. "What for?"

"We demand, that you leave these poor townsfolk alone, and exit these apartments immediately." You present.

You look around you. Astolfo is unusually steely, appropriate for the situation, but seems willing to defer to you, unless you stumble in dissuading them. Those who you would protect look on in silence, as if in shock at your audacity.

He wheezes out a laugh, nearly choking on what appears to be his disbelief. Upon recovering, he approaches you, ripping your personal space away and stars you down.

"Tell me why the hell we should listen to you and your lady friend."

Astolfo stifles a grunt, and you take hold of his hand, squeezing it to keep him calm. Best not to lose control of the situation here.

"Please. You're better than this." You plead, with as beautiful as a stare as you can manage.

He pauses, looking upon you with disbelief.

Roll 1d20: 9
(9+3+2) 14
Difficulty: 14
Barely Passed.

"You must be joking… I haven't seen anyone this foolishly bent on a death wish since…" The marauder laughs, laughs heartily, cupping his forehead with his palm. His lessers join in, and once they're all finished laughing and thoroughly satisfied, the greater motions to his lessers, who put down their weapons in turn. "Come on. I think this one here's entertained us for the day."

"You're funny lady." One of the lessers speaks. "Alright. There's nothing we can get from these beggars. We're moving on."

Taking their leave, the would-be marauders turn away, exiting from the apartments proper. "Bonne Journée!" You call out to them, hoping that they won't cause anymore trouble for the town.

Most of the crowd disperses, returning to their respective hobbles, or attending to their business for the day. Save for one raggedy-looking man, aged and witherly, armed only with a broom, who approaches you with a look of relief.

"Thanks for getting us out of that shakeup." He greets warily. "But do you two have some sort of suicide wish or something?"

"Oh?" You wonder. "Those weren't the town guard?" You ask.

"We're a bit… confused, as to the political climate, sir." Astolfo raises.

The sweeper raises an eyebrow. "You're travelers, aren't you? Never thought I'd see one of you in my lifetime…" He ruminates. "Poor for you. You two happened to stroll on into town, just in time for the quarantine."

"Quarantine?" Astolfo asks. "Please explain sir, we don't understand what's happening."

The old man raises an eyebrow, staring at you in disbelief, before deciding to answer your question. "Town's been under quarantine since The Followers of the Dragon Witch strolled on in, and made it law. Well, more specifically, our Protector."

"Protector?" You ask.

He shrugs. "Georges. He's supposed to be the one protecting us, but he decided to sell us all out to The Followers the first second they showed up at the front gates. Raids, shake-ups, confiscations, and even dragging people in the middle of the night just to get their kicks in."

You nod in understanding. "How could they be allowed to do this…" You ask.

"Georges does nothing. Just hides in the Fortress, because he's too scared to show his face."

"The Fortress?" You ask.

"Southeast. The fortress, and our walls are the only thing separating our little town from the wastelands and the monsters lingering out there."

"Excuse me sir," Astolfo raises, "But which town and what region would we be in?"

"Moulins." He answers. "What you're saying by region..., I'm afraid I can't help you with that. Never left this town, once in my life. I know that there's another town, Vichy nearby, but you need protection and money to get there. Meaning it's not an option for most of us normal folk."

You… have no idea where Moulins is. You recognize the name, but you have no distinct memories of the town, nor it's geography.

"Who are the Followers of the Dragon Witch?"

"Marauders, murderers, warmongers of the sort. From what I've heard, they're all the way from north. Orleans, I've heard."

"Orleans? What of Paris?" You ask.

He raises an eyebrow. "Paras-what now?"

"Paris? Or…" You nearly say Versailles, before remembering that it shouldn't even exist yet. This man knows little of geography, you observe.

"I could be wrong of course. All I know is that one day they just up and rolled on into town. They usually keep to themselves inside the Fortress, but some of them occasionally head on into town to harass us because they know we can't do anything to them because of their privileges, granted to them by our 'Protector,' Georges." He makes air-quotes around Protector. "On the upside, lot less crime since they've come. Only because everyone's terrified they'll end up impaled or burnt at the stake or something." He scoffs. The sweeper narrows, focusing his attention on something distant. Before you can ask anymore questions, he waves you off. "Listen, I've got business to take care of. Take care now, you hear?"

You want to ask more questions, but he turns away, and begins to head off. You nod in understanding, taking a bow to the kind man. "Bonne Journée!"

"J'espère." With that, he takes his leave, leaving you two alone in the hallway

"Thank you!" Astolfo grants him, waving him off.

Left alone in your rickety apartment complex, the two of you have no desire to linger on inside further. Taking the same path as the sweeper, the two of you take leave from the apartment complex, and enter the town beyond.

Surrounded by walls from all sides, the tone of Moulins matches that of the apartments; decay. Stone foundations have long been worn down by what must be centuries of erosion, you observe that the lack of glass you observed in the apartment complex also afflicts the entirety of the town as well; with no glass to be found anywhere, and their windows respectively either barred, or boarded up with rotting wood.

Dirt roads with the occasional wood plank to mark the main paths. Between every block, there's a guarantee that some structure or two has collapsed, worn down by the passage of time. Without any apparent reparation efforts, you realize that soon, others will join them amongst the ruins. Above you, the grey skies casts a shadow of pestilence and dread that appears to have engulfed the world whole.

Happy place, overall.

You also observe that there are no animals, compared to Paris. Meaning it doesn't stink. Thank goodness...

You take notice of several structures that appear to dominate the town overall...

[Where would you like to go?]
Choose One.

[] The Cathedral. Overlooking the rest of the town, the Cathedral is one of many dominating presences in the town proper. Well furbished, and maintaining a splendor one would expect from a medieval cathedral, you notice how odd it is that the Cathedral is so well kept, versus the rest of the town.
[] The Fortress. The second of dominating structures in the town, there appears to be some sort of Fort overlooking the town proper, connected to the Eastern walls. Though the foundation is seemingly crumbling, it holds the position of tallest structure in this small town, and according to the man, the Fortress functions as the office of Georges, Protector of Moulins. If there's anyone who knows what's going on, he will be a good start at the very least.
[] The Marketplace. You'll probably be able to gather information about the outside world by conversing with the merchants. Perhaps there will be opportunities for work there as well?
[] The Tavern. You know the drill, there must be information, or at the very least, something to do over there…
[] The River. Waterways are the arteries of commerce for civilization. You observe that the river is powered by several water mills, which are in remarkably well-kept shape, in comparison to the rest of the town. There must be something important there.
[] The Northward Estates. You notice that northward lies farmland dominated by the presence of multiple estates of wealth and power, at least relative to the rest of the town. They're nothing compared to the grandeur of 18th century France. Chances are, you'll be able to find something important there.
[] The Westward Sharecropping. To the west, just before the walls lies what must be the peasant farms. Here many of the fields lie fallow and dry. Perhaps the peasantry know something the rest of the town doesn't.
[] The Southward Mines. To the south, lies what you identify to be some a mining operation of some sort. Perhaps you'll find something here by off-chance?

Gained 50 XP points! The party is 50/100 points towards Level 2.
Moulins Fame gained!

You have gained mild reputation with the town. Reputation is tracked amongst various settlements and factions, and will affect how you are treated amongst them.

Positive reputation is gained by actions benefitting a group, and negative reputation gained by actions harming a group. The drawbacks and benefits of reputation amongst a group vary by group.

You have gained positive karma, and are on the way back to regaining your role as a paragon of society, a good-aligned character.
rma is the reflection of all good/evil choices made during the quest, and manifests itself in how you are perceived by everyone. Highly concentrated auras are noticeable by the general populace. A sickeningly evil aura will cause others to recoil at first sight, while a pure good aura will grant you favor with God, and all those who serve their domain.
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0-8: Cathedral
The plaza of the Cathedral is eerily silent, with no signs of people anywhere, despite the fact that it's centered straight in the middle of the town. It's as if the people of Moulins are going out of their way to avoid the structure of worship.

Something feels strange. You know that someone is waiting for you within. You know that they've been waiting for you. And you have questions.

You step forward, Astolfo following from behind. You open the door.

You're instantly caught off-guard by a blinding array of sunlight, passing through meticulously crafted stained glass. You manage to observe that the insides are mostly unremarkable, by your standards. You've toured so many other Basilicas, Chapels, Cathedrals, Temples, that this one just blends in with the other memories, despite how magnificent it must seem to the average peasant. The insides are just as uninhabited as their surroundings, save for in the corners of your eyes. A beautiful, white-haired priestess performs some kind of oppressive melody upon an organ.

She does not take notice of your arrival, not pausing to direct her attention to what surely must be the first two visitors of the day. Her performance is impeccable, not a single note missed. The piece, although oppressive, is soothing in it's repetition, and you would probably find yourself dozing off, if not for the fact that Astolfo is too impatient to wait for the nun to finish playing.

"Hey! Priest-lady! Yo!"

The performance ends abruptly, and the priestess rises from her post. You take notice of how strange it is that this Cathedral possesses a working organ, and a near-perfect exterior and interior, judging from the current state of the rest of the town.

The white-haired priestess approaches briskly, without emotion.

"Welcome, Servants. Although this place of worship is quite dilapidated, and the Holy Grail War currently active, albeit under… strained conditions, I will waive these normally serious concerns, and do my best to accommodate your needs." She pauses. "If you require it so, for the day, I will prepare refreshments for the two of you."

"Tea would be lovely!" Astolfo sings.

"No tea." The priestess denies, taking slight joy in Astolfo's pouting expression. "Tea was not known in France, nor Europe during this era, Rider. And even if it were, it would be impossible to attain, as of the current socio-political situation."

He frowns. "I see… and you know we are Servants?"

"Yes. I know you are both Riders, at least," she glances over to you, "you are, Astolfo. As for Marie, she is in every way meant to be a Rider, a Caster even, but never a Ruler. A Ruler who was guillotined by her own people…" You frown at her tangent. This is supposed to be a welcome? "Now that I think about it, your fate was perfectly fitting, in comparison to all those of the Ruler-class. I was mistaken, for a moment unfortunately." The conversation suddenly hangs, leaving an awkward silence between the three of you even Astolfo doesn't know how to break. "Perhaps, we should start with introductions. My name, is Caren Ortensia. If you had any questions, then please, feel free to ask."

"So…" Astolfo continues, twiddling his fingers, "what kind of drinks did you have?"

"I possess barley wine. That is the only drink in which I was able to obtain, unless you wish for me to procure ale and beer, the two other refreshments which have I have personally confirmed as available within this dilapidated town. Unless you wish to drink from the river that is. If you do so and survive, I am afraid I will have to begin questioning whether you are actually of Daemonic status, however."

"Who are you Caren, if I may ask?" You find yourself asking. "You feel so out of place here, that I just can't help but feel that something is terribly off about you."

She nods. "Very astute. I am the successor of the Moulins Cathedral to the last priest, who was murdered several centuries ago. A strange position I have found myself under, considering my ties with that of France, specifically that of this era, are quite… limited." She frowns. "Ordinarily, such a position would never be entrusted to someone of my level, but under these special circumstances, I seem to have found myself as it's caretaker."

"Special circumstances?" You interrupt.

"Yes. I ask you to refrain from interrupting; it is unseemly for a Ruler." Continuing, "and yes. Special, unnatural circumstances. I am not supposed to be here, along with you two. That is the natural state of a Servant however, so allow me to clarify. This era is not supposed to exist. It's history was never meant to happen. This possibility should never have been conceived, much less realized.

[Further Questions…]

[] Why is it not supposed to exist?
[] Why are we here?
[] What should we do next?
[] Are you going to help us?
[] What happened to France?
[] Is there a Holy Grail?
[] Further information about Caren...
-[] Who are you (further)
-[] Why are you here?
[] Why are we corrupted?
[] I want to get my corruption removed.
[] What do you think of the current situation?
[] Write-in.

Work, school, be killing me. Oh well.
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