Seek Your Destiny


Armed and Ready
OOC Link

One time, certain SV members were doing whatever. Maybe they were at school. Maybe they were at work. Maybe they were asleep. Maybe they're playing Video Games or even slogging through the hit series "Kingdom Hearts" in preparation for the upcoming "Kingdom Hearts III." Then, for a moment, all is dark.

Afterwards, they would suddenly find themselves somewhere else, as someone else. For some, it would be familiar scenery. For others, not so much.

Nonetheless, they may or may not have a good time.


In a white room underneath a mansion, two pods shattered open, revealing a boy (Sora) and an anthromorphic Duck (Donald), startling a small girl in white (Namine) and a blindfolded boy in Black (Riku).

@MS-21H 'Hawke', @MrEgret, @Rei of Sunshine and @Jhin Lemon.​

In a classroom, a boy (Wakka) and girl (Kairi) jolt at exactly the same time.

@grubleafeater and @ForgottonFuture.​

You awaken, kneeling in a desert filled with key-shaped swords, one of them now calls to you.

@Card Captor.​

You sigh, once again staring int the black horizon, trying to hold on to your Light.


You wake up in the middle of the street in a rainy city in pepetual midnight.


You awaken in... a library within a cottage? What?


You stumble as you run down the street, chasing after your three great-nephews.


Kneeling in the Chapel of a once-grand castle, you mourn the loss of your great mother and the insolence of your brother.


You jolt in your throne, a good 10 feet off the ground, drawing nine pairs of eyes to you.

"... Do you have something you wish to raise Number XIII?"

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Realm of Darkness
Eternal Evening
Why me...?

I surface from the comforting darkness of sleep, opening my eyes to... more darkness. Why is it so dark here? Isn't it morning? Where's the sun? Did I wake up too early?

Huh? This isn't my room. Around me is a stone path and a... void all around me, black and gray and purple. Where am I? Is this some kind of dream? It's rather vivid-

Something springs up in front of me, rising from what appears to a dark puddle. A small creature, with sharp claws, a pair of antennae, and two glowing yellow eyes, something I distinctly recognize. A Shadow! A Heartless-

Before I know what I'm doing, my right hand stretches out, holding something large, yet light enough for one hand. A spike of ice hurtles forward from its tip, impaling the dark creature and making it disappear. That was like a Blizzard spell! How'd that happen-

I examine the object I'm holding, a simple, giant key in black, grey and copper, cool to the touch. It's very angular in design, too, featuring a square guard, a straight shaft, and E-shaped teeth. I know this thing! It's Eraqus's Keyblade, the Master's Defender, but why do I have it-

Wait, a dark place? That particular Keyblade? I know of someone in that situation-

I look at my arm holding the weapon, wearing a white, bell-like sleeve that is familiar, but not mine... then I look down at myself, blue clothing and feminine form and all. A strand of blue hair enters my vision, and I lightly brush it away with my hand. That someone I know of is Aqua, and she is... me...

I pinch my arm, and feel the result. Another Shadow comes up, but my newfound instincts go to work, with a chunk of ice, a Blizzaga, putting it down. Oh god, this isn't a dream; this is actually a thing; I'm really stuck in the Realm of Darkness... I inhale and exhale rapidly. I had finally gotten around to watching the trailer for KH3, and... in that dark beach, there was Aqua, wreathed in shadows. Her hair was silver, her eyes amber. She faced Mickey, saying he's too late-

I take deep breaths. No, I will not become that Aqua. I refuse to fall to the darkness. I won't let it take me! I... I need to get out of here!

Yet another Shadow appears and falls to more ice. This is Heartless central, and because they're afraid of the Keyblade, they use it as a homing beacon, and try to attack me, its wielder. Having a Heart up for grabs doesn't help matters either... Knowing those is one thing, but it's going to be annoying experiencing them, isn't it? Why do all this have to be real...?

I have nowhere to go but forward. I'm so far from home, both as myself and as Aqua... but I can't stay here. So I walk, Master Eraqus's old Keyblade in hand and with a guarded posture, aware that more Heartless could be nearby. Dimly lit streets feel safer than this...
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You wake up in the middle of the street in a rainy city in pepetual midnight.

She is lost to me. He was laying on his back, staring into the clouds pouring down the storm's fury. The sky was dark, the city dim... He slowly rolled to his feet, before exploding into leaps to bounce between two of the sky scrapers. Once he reached the peak, he sat on the edge of one with a fine view...

And smiled sadly. "So... It would seem I am the Dark? Ahh but I bear armour beneath black robe... Ahh, the False Darkness! A replicant form... Replicant Mind?"

A peal of thunder.

"Answer enough. I shall find her, and put him to Shame."
I blink as everything changes, my head is pounding. Thankfully I'm at the back of no one noticed.

What the hell is going on?

I looked to the source of the headache, and found memories not my own...oh fuck. Why. Why. Am. I. Kairi?
Aw heck no.

Alright. First things first, who the fuck am I?

A guy. Good start.

Not...sure whether to call this tan or dark skinned. Nonetheless, several shades darker than my normal skin. Next.

Pretty muscular.



Throwing a rather familiar ball at a rather familiar boy with bronze hair.... throwing that same ball at some kid with silver hair....


Aw crap. I'm totally Wakka. The young one from KH. So I am totally at risk if heartless show up.

...Why don't I remember throwing the ball at Sora? If I remember right, he had to fight me at least once...

...Shit, I don't remember him at all?

I intentionally jolt this time, clutching at my stomach with one hand and shooting the other into the air.

"I, I don't feel so hot, can I go to the bathroom please?"

From the moment I opened my new eyes, I knew that I was going to need a stiff drink.

For starters, I was surrounded by a bunch of teenagers wearing some of the most ridiculous clothes I had ever seen. Around my feet were the shattered remains of some sort of pod, which was where I found myself. The decor was nothing to speak of, being nothing but white walls and a white floor.

Oh, yes, and I was now a cartoon duck.

I sighed to myself (trying to ignore my new duck bill), and stumbled out of my pod, landing more or less steadily on my new webbed feet.

"What in the heck is going on?" I asked. And...

Oh god, do I really sound like that now? Christ, I sound like I just ate sandpaper.

There are some jumbled memories coming in. Now, who is this King guy...?


Oh no.

This was going to be one of those days, wasn't it?
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I stumble as I'm running, which isn't good if you don't know, the strangest part was that I was sitting on a couch trying to fix a broken remote and then I fall to the ground.

I look at my hands what is going on? I look at the rest of my body, I'm a duck... Scrooge McDuck if memory serves right.

'Well, at least rent won't be a problem.'
I look down, feeling noticeably different in both mind and body. . . I have a long, white flowing beard, and a white, long moustache. . . I'm sitting down in a chair, and notice that there is what appears to be a staff nearby. Noticing a mirror on a nearby table I put it to my face. . .

'Odd, I don't dream that often, and never of a video game'

The sight before be was impossible not to recognize; the Keyblade Graveyard. The final resting place of the Keylade Wielders who fought in the Keyblade War. As I looked around, I felt some strange kind of tug, not a physical one mind you, but...almost a mental one. Following it, It lead me to one of the many Keyblades here. I reached out my hand, and quickly noticed it was encased in armor 'huh? Well that's weird' I shrugged it off, and picked up the Keyblade. I quickly noticed that it resembled the Keyblade used by Xehanort's past self, but the color seemed off 'man, this dream is strange.' I started swinging it around, and found that the movements came natural to me, then I got a little carried away, and fell on the ground "Gah!" It didn't hurt, but I could still feel it. "...Holy crap, this isn't a dream." I jumped up in the air while fist pumping "Yes! I finally did it right...somehow. Now then, time to screw with cannon...whenever I am" Calling upon the Other memories inside of me (huh, Terra. Didn't expect that), I tossed my new Keyblade into the air, and suddenly had a Keyblade Glider of my very own. Hopping on it, I flew it out of this world and to the Destiny Islands...
Hawke's Guide to not dying horribly.
LOCATION: The Most Animu grouping to ever occur


My eyes grew to the size of dinner plates as I took in my new surroundings, and more specifically the animu bedecked duck beside me. I didn't play MUCH of Kindom Hearts, the copy I had of 2 was rented and I got stuck on some castle-y part.... Animu Donald was unmistakable though, not to offend anyone in a hypotheticall audience, the style certainly looked cool, but the name Animu stuck because I watched too many lets players. When the duck spoke, my suspicion's were confirmed. The idea of trying to save the Multiverse...or whatever kind of (Blank)-Verse Kingdom Hearts resided in...sounded daunting, but it had to be done... At least this meant I didn't have to go to work on Tuesday, I'll even get to meet some of my favorite cartoon characters. "I have no idea Donald." I said, with all the Youthfull Vigour I could "But we can't stop now."
Hawke's Guide to not dying horribly.
LOCATION: The Most Animu grouping to ever occur


My eyes grew to the size of dinner plates as I took in my new surroundings, and more specifically the animu bedecked duck beside me. I didn't play MUCH of Kindom Hearts, the copy I had of 2 was rented and I got stuck on some castle-y part.... Animu Donald was unmistakable though, not to offend anyone in a hypotheticall audience, the style certainly looked cool, but the name Animu stuck because I watched too many lets players. When the duck spoke, my suspicion's were confirmed. The idea of trying to save the Multiverse...or whatever kind of (Blank)-Verse Kingdom Hearts resided in...sounded daunting, but it had to be done... At least this meant I didn't have to go to work on Tuesday, I'll even get to meet some of my favorite cartoon characters. "I have no idea Donald." I said, with all the Youthfull Vigour I could "But we can't stop now."

Oh lord, I've fallen among anime characters. That was a classic Shonen Hero phrase, and that hair was ridiculously spiky.

I gathered my wits, and looked at the brown-haired lad. "Good to see you too, Sora," I replied. "Now, how about we try to get out bearings here? Why's Riku wearing that blindfold, for one?"

And for that matter, who was that next to Riku? The girl seemed oddly familiar, but I didn't really remember why.

Oh, no, wait wait wait. Now it was coming back to me. But what was Namine doing here?

Adjusting my not-at-all fashionable hat, I groped around in the pod for my Mage's Staff, while waiting for an answer.

@Rei of Sunshine
@Jhin Lemon
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Realm of Darkness
Eternal Evening
Still out here, wandering at night

Images flash in my mind, of spells cast, of skills learned, of battles fought, of Unversed and Heartless destroyed... it's as if I had done those myself. They're Aqua's, yes, but I would need to borrow them to stand a chance in a place like this. Since I find myself filling her shoes, well... I'll fill them as best I can. For Terra, for Ven, for her, for myself...

I put my hand to my heart. I can feel... light and darkness. The former, I can sense in my heart, like a flashlight, a bulwark, a buoy, a lifeline, its warmth the only thing keeping me afloat, so to speak. The latter, I can sense all around me, surrounding me, trying to drown me in its coldness. Actually, it is a bit claustrophobic here, but the darkness is not only felt without. It's also within, deep in my heart, contained by my light. That's not a surprise; everyone but Ventus and the Princesses of Heart have darkness, and I'm no exception. However, mine is not something I dare to touch. I know the darkness is not intrinsically evil, being more of a yin counterpart to the light's yang despite what Master Eraqus believes, but I also know it's unstable, lacking a good safety record. It's like playing with fire; it's easy to be burned by it. One need only look at those who fell, their darkness controlling them, rather than the other way around. Even Riku succumbed to it, hence his temporary possession by Xehanort's Heartless, before he got a handle on it.

The way I see it, the darkness tends to draw on, and amplify, intense emotions, usually negative ones like rage, greed, envy, despair, or grief. If not handled with care, it can become a spiral, a vicious cycle that can consume the user. Without proper supervision and instruction, that could happen to me should I attempt to mess with mine, especially in a place steeped in darkness such as here. So, I leave it alone.

I continue walking, sweeping my senses as I attempt to find another source of light besides myself, a possible way out. It is said that even in the deepest darkness, there would always be a light to guide me, and well, an entire dimension of it could be considered pretty deep already...
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Location: Twilight Town
Time: Unknown
Status: Blind

My head is pounding. I grab my head and open my eyes...umm, I open my eyes. Alllll I can see is blackness. Okay, this isn't good, not in the sli- Wait, I feel something, a blindfold? Why am I wearing a blindfold? Did I get kidnapped? No, that doesn't make sense, why are my arms free then? I begin to take the cloth off my eyes when I suddenly have...a feeling. It's hard to describe, but it feels like it would be a very bad idea to take it off. I decide to leave it alone.

In a white room underneath a mansion, two pods shattered open
Huh, is something breaking? I instinctively turn to look at the sound but, well, I can't see. This really sucks. How am I meant to get around Twilight Town without being able to see? Wait...Twilight Town? Where's- I know this place. I don't know how, but I remember this place and I remember being called Riku. I remember jealously attacking my best friend. I remember wanting to atone for a terrible mistake. I remember why I need to keep the blindfold on. I also remember how I've been using my other senses to make up for my blindness for a while now.

Beneath the blindfold my eyes blink a few times as I stand somewhat shocked by the revelation. I'm so distracted I barely snap out of it as I hear my name.
"Good to see you too, Sora," I replied. "Now, how about we try to get out bearings here? Why's Riku wearing that blindfold, for one?"
"Wh- Donald? Sora? How are the two of you awake? We never managed to get all of Sora's memories back yet!" The words leave my lips unconsciously before I even figure out what's going on. Is the (apparently) Riku side of me acting while the rest of me is still shocked?

@MrEgret @MS-21H 'Hawke'

"Wh- Donald? Sora? How are the two of you awake? We never managed to get all of Sora's memories back yet!" The words leave my lips unconsciously before I even figure out what's going on. Is the (apparently) Riku side of me acting while the rest of me is still shocked?

@MrEgret @MS-21H 'Hawke'
I finally found my Mage's Staff, and started twirling it, as I considered Riku's question. "No idea. Maybe we got the wrong memories, and that screwed up the recovery process somehow? I know that my life was different from what I remember before waking up here."

Say, there was a thought. That could explain why we're awake, and not Goofy. He didn't get someone riding shotgun in his head, so he's probably still recovering.


"On a related note, do any of you remember things that never happened here? Stuff like not being the person you are right now?"

@MS-21H 'Hawke'
@Rei of Sunshine
@Jhin Lemon
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The young man sighed, and sat, gazing into the endless abyss. "Look as hard as you are able, you will not find even a glimmer of light." Seated seiza on the edge of the rooftop, he gazed into the emptiness. "I am forced to ask... Where is any glimmer of light. Does a man make righteous actions because the action is righteous, or is it the man who is righteous, make the action such? Was that not what broke you, Avacyn?"

He smiled beneath his good. "Oh my beloved angel, I can see you, fallen, despaired, and unmade. I do not think even with these dark powers, I could return you to life. So my original has me beaten there. But mayhap I can take redheaded madonna he adored, and claim their heart as a man does a woman. His love for them wanes in the face of the Angel, but this would be how I prove myself against my original."

He chuckled, and then gave a laugh, hood falling back, messy silver hair framing and hiding his eyes. "But should it be my beloved Goblin Queen, or the Queen of the Sun?" He paused, eyes closed behind a veil of silver, exhaling, inhaling, and exhaling again, the raindrops a cooling influence on passion wrought humour. "Neither would love me back. But who was more dangerous to the light, as his love of the Angel must be overcome and brought to shadow... Ahh, the Queen of the Sun, for she served Dark Chaos in Sun's guise." He smiled to himself, before rising, leaning, and tumbling, kicking off a wall, and sliding down, summoning black blade, blue jewel accented, in key's form. "Let us walk a road to Oblivion." He kept the dreamy smile as he languidly strode towards a castle cast in white, key resting over shoulder. Teal eyes gleamed. "If I am but a copy, my original, I shall surpass. No child, but the man, for the form makes no difference, the *Mind* the measure."
Hawke's Guide to not dying horribly.
LOCATION: The Most Animu grouping to ever occur

"I was hoping I wasn't the only one." I said, looking around the room to see if I could find a way for all involved to get out easily. "I even have memories of some of 'this', but from the reference of a Video Game...." I then remembered that if this was the place that the party awakened in KH2, we were missing a rather big dog-man. Whatever brought our personalities from the greater Multiverse here must have sped up whatever brought Sora and his buddies Goofy might not have someone in his head. "Riku, you want to help Donald Duck and Myself save the Disney Multiverse, that somehow has Final Fantasy Characters and Aesthetics, from the Heartless and whoever the assholes in the Black Robes turned out to be?" I ask Riku, knowing full well it was Organization 13. "But before that, we need to figure out what to do with Goofy, does anyone know if we can move him somehow?"
Archimedes, my companion, who happens to be a talking, educated owl, hurried in to the library on flapping wings with a look of concern on his face. I look to him "Archimedes! It's YOU!" Archimedes looked exasperated. "Merlin! Tell me what's wrong!" Well, if Archimedes looked confused, I looked positively dumb founded. "I'm not Merlin. Archimedes, I'm in Merlin's body, but for some reason I'm here, in a cartoon Wizard's body. How do I get back to my world in my own body?"

You jolt in your throne, a good 10 feet off the ground, drawing nine pairs of eyes to you.
Jolting in a chair 10 feet off the ground after 21 years of paralysis is enough to put anyone on high alert, which, in turn, made me wobble in my seat until I got a grip.

Why is everything white? black coats? high-standing thrones? nine other people... wait, Nine? How many thrones are there? 1, 2, 3, 4... 15! 15 Thrones?! Am I... ?
"... Do you have something you wish to raise Number XIII?"

Number XIII.


Ok, I'm Roxas. But judging by the altered numbers, this is my timeline... Xal's here! Superior this'll be freaky...

Just as I'm about to answer to the negative, I felt it...
summoning black blade, blue jewel accented, in key's form. "Let us walk a road to Oblivion." He kept the dreamy smile as he languidly strode towards a castle cast in white, key resting over shoulder. Teal eyes gleamed. "If I am but a copy, my original, I shall surpass. No child, but the man, for the form makes no difference, the *Mind* the measure."
... a complete absence of Light heading our way. The only time I feel such absences is from Xalgeon, Xemnes, the Heartless and lesser Nobodies.

"Something's coming... and it has no light..."

@Zeroth Jupi
Where Nothing Gathers
Time: Don't care

A nice tall glass of nope

I came to from my annual day of drinking in a snap with a right proper migraine which I would rate about a seven on my migraines suck scale so not the worst thing I've dealt with, but it is not something that can be casually ignored I predict fun times ahead.

Pulling my musing away from my migraine I take a look at my surroundings to see white and grey everywhere Jeebus some color would be nice this much white and grey is beyond boring, it's actively draining the world of happiness and replacing it with dullness.

Whoops, yet another rant in all seriousness some splashes of color would do wonders in this place that is... Oh, well then, that's not good, that's not good at all, I'm in the meeting room of Organization XIII, though why are there fifteen thrones? last I remembered there were only thirteen of them, file that away for later I guess, first I need to determine why the fuck I am Luxord and his rather dapper goatee as the memories that I now feel I can acknowledge tell me, then I need a plan to nope the fuck into nopesville or really anywhere but here, maybe grab read: steal a few black coats while I'm at it because I can and because they'd be useful.

"Something's coming... and it has no light..."

Well ain't this fan-frigging-tastic something's coming, I really don't want to be here when it does but I get the feeling that I will be, well better settle in a bit and see if I can escape later for now, I'll see what is going down.
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Location: Some weird white room
Extra notes: well this is an odd dream

The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was white, white walls to be precise, and then there was some other people standing around one of which looked like Donald duck, the rest looked like Characters from that video game I spent the entirety of my night playing.

"Well that was faster than expected."

@MS-21H 'Hawke'
@Jhin Lemon
@Rei of Sunshine
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Realm of Darkness -> Roxas's Room, Castle That Never Was
Eternal Evening
Out of the frying pan...

((The GM informed me that this would be the result))

Man, the Heartless keep popping up! So far, they're relatively small fry like the small Shadows, the taller Neoshadows and the spherical Darkballs, but still, they're pretty strong. Gratuitous amounts of ice and lightning work wonders, however. They're scary, yes, but that's why I dispose of them as soon as possible from a distance.

A light! There's actually a light here that's not mine. Could it be...?

I move towards it, blue star-shaped Wayfinder in hand. Holding it and looking at it brings to mind more flashes of Aqua's memories, of friendships made during her journey, of times spent with her two closest friends, they who might as well be her brothers.

There was Cinderella, she who fulfilled her dream despite the harsh treatment from her step-family. There was Snow White, who had awoken from a poison-induced slumber. While it was actually a prince who saved her, she asked me to stay awhile, and while I had more worlds to visit, well, it would had been rude to refuse a gracious host. There was Zack, he who was saved from Hades by Terra. He got the fight he wanted, one where he could give it his all without the power of darkness, and go one step closer to being a hero. There was 626, Stitch, he who was earnest in trying to make friends, even constructing his own Wayfinder after seeing Terra's. He deserved that leniency from that Councilwoman. There was Peter Pan, the fun-loving one who played with the children as we went on, as they called it, an 'expatition', a treasure hunt. There are certainly many kinds of treasures, and for them, it wasn't in the form of gold nor silver. For me, it would be the bonds I share. There was Mickey, who fought with me against Vanitas, and who was by my side here, for a time. So that was how the Kingdom Key D was found... There were Donald and Goofy, who I met while bringing an unconscious Mickey to Yen Sid. However, it was only briefly since I had to go afterwards.

And then there were Terra and Ven... they can be silly at times, enthusiastically competing in this and that, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

I can... feel the bonds I've inherited from Aqua, like threads of light. If need be, I could call upon their power to aid me, something I'm familiar with as they're called Dimension Links, D-Links...

From memories of her time with Mickey, Aqua had seen the Door to Darkness, so KH1 already happened, and Xehanort is already split into his Heartless and Nobody, the former of which was defeated... to this day, she, I, have no regrets saving Riku from that Heartless ambush, even if it denied me, her, a chance to escape from here...

There, the light, it's much closer now, and it's in the form of a... wait, that looks like an oval-shaped portal. It reminds me of a Corridor of Darkness, except it's white instead of black, and I can feel the warm light emanating from it, like an oasis in the desert-

Wait, are those a bunch of really tall Darksides over there in the distance? ...Uh oh, I'd rather not fight those! Picking up my pace, I keep my Wayfinder and run, heading straight for the portal...


The light is rather blinding, forcing me to avert my gaze, but it then dies down, and now, I find myself... where am I? I look around. It's a rather plain-looking white bedroom, with a metallic texture to it. It looks as if someone overdid the minimalism and made the place rather boring-

Wait a minute, that headboard, that black emblem on it, a cross atop an upside-down heart, I'd recognize it anywhere! That's a Nobody emblem! That's not good, not good at all... and what I see out the window makes it even worse. Up in the night sky is a distinctly heart-shaped moon, and that could only be... Kingdom Hearts...

Oh god, this is the Castle That Never Was! I'm in an Organization member's bedroom! I'm so dead-

Wait, I see... seashells on the shelf? ...Oh no, I think I know now whose room I'm in. I remember Xion giving Roxas seashells, one per mission undertaken, while the latter was unconscious...

Oh god, I know Roxas is one of the nicer ones, but he's still part of Xemnas's group! He might tell on me if he finds me here, but if I exit this room, it wouldn't be safe either. This place is crawling with Nobodies, and I might run into an Organization member along the way. What should I do? The light I found was Roxas's!

...Wait, this is The World That Never Was, which is between the Realms of Light and Darkness. That means I could get out using the Lanes Between... but while I have Eraqus's Keyblade Glider to travel on, the Lanes are unsafe to use without a means to protect myself from the darkness. Since this is Roxas's bedroom, I could borrow a Black Coat which gives me the protection I need. Opening the closet and trying on one, however... it's too small and tight for me. For it to work, it has to fit, but it doesn't. I return the coat, leaving it in the same place and state as I found it. Now what?

I pace about the room. I could try to use the Lanes without the Coat. I mean, I've already wandered the Realm of Darkness with only my light for protection, so it wouldn't be so different... right? But is it worth the risk?

...If I get the chance to, it'd be a good idea to pay Master Yen Sid a visit so that my heart can get a checkup. I mean, I've had such a prolonged exposure to darkness, and while I think I'm all right, a second opinion would be nice, just to be sure.

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Realm of Darkness -> Roxas's Room, Castle That Never Was
Eternal Evening
Out of the frying pan...

((The GM informed me that this would be the result))

Man, the Heartless keep popping up! So far, they're relatively small fry like the small Shadows, the taller Neoshadows and the spherical Darkballs, but still. Gratuitous amounts of ice and lightning work wonders, however. They're still scary, though, but that's why I dispose of them as soon as possible from a distance.

A light! There's actually a light here that's not mine. Could it be...?

I move towards it, blue star-shaped Wayfinder in hand. Holding it and looking at it brings to mind more flashes of Aqua's memories, of friendships made during her journey, of times spent with her two closest friends, they who might as well be her brothers.

There was Cinderella, she who fulfilled her dream despite the harsh treatment from her step-family. There was Snow White, who had awoken from a poison-induced slumber. While it was actually a prince who saved her, she asked me to stay awhile, and while I had more worlds to visit, well, it would had been rude to refuse a gracious host. There was Zack, he who was saved from Hades by Terra. He got the fight he wanted, one where he could give it his all without the power of darkness, and go one step closer to being a hero. There was 626, Stitch, he who was earnest in trying to make friends, even constructing his own Wayfinder after seeing Terra's. He deserved that leniency from that Councilwoman. There was Peter Pan, the fun-loving one who played with the children as we went on, as they called it, an 'expatition', a treasure hunt. There are certainly many kinds of treasures, and for them, it wasn't in the form of gold nor silver. For me, it would be the bonds I share. There was Mickey, who fought with me against Vanitas, and who was by my side here, for a time. So that was how the Kingdom Key D was found... There were Donald and Goofy, who I met while bringing an unconscious Mickey to Yen Sid. However, it was only briefly since I had to go afterwards.

And then there were Terra and Ven... they can be silly at times, enthusiastically competing in this and that, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

I can... feel the bonds I've inherited from Aqua, like threads of light. If need be, I could call upon their power to aid me, something I'm familiar with as they're called Dimension Links, D-Links... but I can't sense Terra's. What happened? Is it because of Xehanort?

From memories of her time with Mickey, Aqua had seen the Door to Darkness, so KH1 already happened, and Xehanort is already split into his Heartless and Nobody, the former of which was defeated... to this day, she, I, have no regrets saving Riku from that Heartless ambush, even if it denied me, her, a chance to escape from here...

There, the light, it's much closer now, and it's in the form of a... wait, that looks like an oval-shaped portal. It reminds me of a Corridor of Darkness, except it's white instead of black, and I can feel the warm light emanating from it, like an oasis in the desert-

Wait, are those multiple really tall Darksides over there in the distance? ...Uh oh, I'd rather not fight those! Picking up my pace, I keep my Wayfinder and run, heading straight for the portal...


The light is rather blinding, forcing me to avert my gaze, but it then dies down, and now, I find myself... where am I? I look around. It's a rather plain-looking white bedroom, with a metallic texture to it. It looks as if someone overdid the minimalism and made the place rather boring-

Wait a minute, that headboard, that black emblem on it, a cross atop an upside-down heart, I'd recognize it anywhere! That's a Nobody emblem! That's not good, not good at all... and what I see out the window makes it even worse. Up in the night sky is a distinctly heart-shaped moon, and the only heart-shaped moon I know of is... Kingdom Hearts...

Oh god, this is the Castle That Never Was! I'm in an Organization member's bedroom! I'm so dead-

Wait, I see... seashells on the shelf? ...Oh no, I think I know now whose room I'm in. I remember Xion giving Roxas seashells, one per mission undertaken, while the latter was unconscious...

Oh god, I know Roxas is one of the nicer ones, but he's still part of Xemnas's group! He might tell on me if he finds me here, but if I exit this room, it wouldn't be safe either. This place is crawling with Nobodies, and I might run into an Organization member along the way. What should I do? The light I found was Roxas's!

...Wait, this is The World That Never Was, which is between the Realms of Light and Darkness. That means I could get out using the Lanes Between... but while I have Eraqus's Keyblade Glider to travel on, the Lanes are unsafe to use without a means to protect myself from the darkness. Since this is Roxas's bedroom, I could borrow a Black Coat which gives me the protection I need. Opening the closet and trying on one, however... it's too small and tight for me. For it to work, it has to fit, but it doesn't. I return the coat, leaving it in the same place and state as I found it. Now what?

I pace about the room. I could try to use the Lanes without the Coat. I mean, I've already wandered the Realm of Darkness with only my light for protection, so it wouldn't be so different... right? But is it worth the risk?

...If I get the chance to, it'd be a good idea to pay Master Yen Sid a visit so that my heart can get a checkup. I mean, I've had such a prolonged exposure to darkness, and while I think I'm all right, a second opinion would be nice, just to be sure.


I can feel something in... my room? So we manage our own security? But who would... ? We're all here and I can sense a Light, so it's not a Nobody or Hearless, Sora's asleep, Riku's Light would be too overcast for this, Ven's asleep, Terra's dead for now, Namine's too scared of us, Kairi's too bright for this, DIZ is a chessmaster, not a fighter, Mickey has no way directly into my room... In fact, the only direct way in is my personal CoD, but that leaves...


Shaking my head, I stand, preparing a Corridor of Darkness. "Excuse me Superior, it seems my Pathway has been breached again. I need to see to it before it gets out of hand."

Not waiting for a response, I leap into the Dark Realm and back out, leaning against my bed casually, I address my intruder. "You know, if you came to shank Mansex to get Terra back, his room's the other end of the hall."
Where nothing gathers -> Luxord's Room
Time: Still don't care
Commence phase one of operation GTFO

Well then that was unexpected but I can work with that, I have no idea where Roxas went nor do I particularly care right now I've got places to go and plans to set first of which is fucking off from this den of vipers as fast as possible, without delay I unceremoniously open a corridor of darkness to my room and flip off Xemnas as I exit into the corridor post haste.

So this is Luxord's room eh? May the pink haired goddess preserve me it's duller than the office cubicle I call a room at home and that's saying something about the only things of interest is the stack of poker chips and the closet, I don't spend too much time caring about this though as I open my closet and grab a fair few black coats. I probably look weird with the armful of coats I have but I don't care I'll figure out something later when I don't likely have Xemnas or everyone else on my ass, for now, grabbing those poker chips because they are interesting enough to me to be deemed yoinkable and booking it.
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Roxas's Room, Castle That Never Was
Eternal Evening
It's the Ven lookalike!

Eh? That's one of those dark Corridors! Someone spotted me! I reflexively assume Aqua's usual fighting stance, left foot forward, knees slightly bent, body facing the right, Keyblade held back and downward...

Not waiting for a response, I leap into the Dark Realm and back out, leaning against my bed casually, I address my intruder. "You know, if you came to shank Mansex to get Terra back, his room's the other end of the hall."

...Only for me to break into laughter, that anagram of Xemnas's name being very much amusing to me, despite having heard of it before. I know the one before me is the Key of Destiny, black coat and all, but he's also very much a spitting image of Ven.

"Really? That's Xehanort's alias? And Ven, what are you doing here? How are you using darkness?"

Huh, I do sound like Aqua too.

I've just acquired an immense thankfulness for peoples tendency to not look up. Floating above one of the more populated islands among what I will now refer to as Kingdom Hearts Hawaii, I was using my limited light sensing powers to try and find my target. With this sense as weak as it was, it would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Fortunately, said needle was solid gold and gem encrusted, so I should know it when I find it.

'Aha! That has to be her!' I found a source of light so much brighter than any other on this island, I had found her. Before I could question if this was a smart idea, I drove my Keyblade Glider into the wall of the building. Whatevery material it was made out of crumbled in the force of my charge. Looking around, I quickly saw my target, now it was time for action "Kairi! I am your Gaifu's magic zombie/son's second father's best friend's disembodied mind inhabiting my old suit of armor! I have come because your Gaifu's life is in peril, and you need to use your special snowflake magical princess powers to save him! A cabal of magical zombies seeks to exploit him to bring themselves back to life, although they have currently limited themselves to using his magical zombie/son, this may very well change in the future. Are you hardcore enough to inflict heavy crotch centered trauma on these magical zombies to save your gaifu!?"

Freaking solid