
Armed and Ready
One Heart At Sufficient Velocity

Inspired by my other SI RPs "Digimon: RE:Adventure", "Essveedimension Neptunia" and "Remnants of Team SV" who's original incarnation was inspired by such games as; toxinvictory's "Sufficient Velocity members in Naruto" and "To Reign in Hell", LostDeviljho's "Puella Magi Insert Sui Magica", and ElectromagneticRhapsody's "Full Mental Asylum: Brotherhood". This is a game where SV members find themselves inserted into characters from Kingdom Hearts after Chain of Memories, but mid-358/2 Days.

Aqua, Ventus, Lingering Will, Repliku and Sora are available due to SI shenanigans.

Note: This RP is always open.

House Rules:
  1. The usual sort: Follow forum policies, avoid godmodding, respect each other, avoid controlling someone else's character without permission, etc.
  2. Users inherit all their character's memories and skills, if you try to remember something IC, PM me.
  3. This game is a freeform, narrative one. Mostly because I hate maths, but also because I feel dice rolls cheapen the roleplaying experience. As such, I will be implementing an OOC Three Strike System; if a player portrays their character inaccurately during Combat, they will recieve a Strike, once a player has three Strikes, they will be immediately kicked from the game.
  4. If a player is inactive for 10+ days without notice, they will be kicked.
  5. Research/Studying, Crafting and Training are performed by filling a gauge, set by me, with D100 results for each action taken in pursuit of the objective in question. Explosive die are in effect.
  6. For weapons tied to the heart, every SI gains a new default form, besides Aqua and Lingering Will.
  7. When certain conditions are met, Weapons of The Heart may evolve. Canon examples of this are; Riku's Soul Eater - Way To The Dawn, Roxas' Kingdom Key - Oathkeaper/Oblivion, Terra's Earthshaker - Ends of The Earth, Aqua's Rainfall - Stormfall, Ventus' Wayward Wind - Lost Memory and Data Sora's Fake Kingdom Key - Zero/One.
  8. NPCs are controlled by me, the GM, unless they're in a Player's "Party."
  9. Only Old Man Xehanort, Xemnes, Ansem Seaker of Darkness, Master of Masters, Luxu and Yen Sid are off limits, If you can find a way for the Foretellers or other Dandelions to be around, be my guest.
  10. We aren't stuck to canon, or disney, worlds, just tell me the series and I'll make the world.
@ForgottonFuture has requested to be Kairi, @UbeOne has requested to be Aqua and I shall be Roxas.

Player Roster incoming. DO NOT POST!
Player Roster
IC Link.


  • Sora - @MS-21H 'Hawke'
  • Donald Duck - @MrEgret
  • Goofy - @MedievalParadox
  • Riku - @Jhin Lemon
  • Kairi - @ForgottonFuture
  • Tidus - ???
  • Wakka - @grubleafeater
  • Selphie - ???
  • Terra - LOCKED
  • Lingering Will - @Card Captor
  • Aqua - @UbeOne
  • Ventus - @Pred1059
  • Xigbar/Dusk #14,721,512,210,414 - ???
  • Xaldin ???
  • Replica-Lexeaus/Atlas - ???
  • Saix/Azul- ???
  • Axel ???
  • Demyx - ???
  • Luxord - @Zeroth Jupi
  • Replica Larxane/Felicia - ???
  • Roxas - @Xalgeon
  • Xion - ???
  • "Repliku" - @Seru
  • Namine - ???
  • DIZ/Ansem The Wise - ???
  • Leon/Squall Lionheart - ???
  • Cloud Strife - ???
  • Sephiroth - ???
  • Yuna - ???
  • Rikku - ???
  • Paine - ???
  • Tifa Lockhart - ???
  • Aeris Gainsborough - ???
  • Yuffie Kisaragi - ???
  • Cid Highwind - ???
  • Merlin The Wizard - @Janus
  • Scrooge McDuck - ???
  • Huey - ???
  • Dewey - ???
  • Louie - ???
  • King Mickey - ???
  • Hayner - ???
  • Pence - ???
  • Olette -???
  • Seifer Almasy - ???
  • Fuu/Fujin - ???
  • Rai/Raijin - ???
  • Vivi Omitier - ???
  • ???
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One Heart At Sufficient Velocity

Inspired by my other SI RPs "Digimon: RE:Adventure", "Essveedimension Neptunia" and "Remnants of Team SV" who's original incarnation was inspired by such games as; toxinvictory's "Sufficient Velocity members in Naruto" and "To Reign in Hell", LostDeviljho's "Puella Magi Insert Sui Magica", and ElectromagneticRhapsody's "Full Mental Asylum: Brotherhood". This is a game where SV members find themselves inserted into characters from Kingdom Hearts after Chain of Memories, but mid-358/2 Days.

Aqua, Ventus, Lingering Will, Repliku and Sora are available due to SI shenanigans.

Note: This RP is always open.

House Rules:
  1. The usual sort: Follow forum policies, avoid godmodding, respect each other, avoid controlling someone else's character without permission, etc.
  2. Users inherit all their character's memories and skills, if you try to remember something IC, PM me.
  3. This game is a freeform, narrative one. Mostly because I hate maths, but also because I feel dice rolls cheapen the roleplaying experience. As such, I will be implementing an OOC Three Strike System; if a player portrays their character inaccurately during Combat, they will recieve a Strike, once a player has three Strikes, they will be immediately kicked from the game.
  4. If a player is inactive for 10+ days without notice, they will be kicked.
  5. Research/Studying, Crafting and Training are performed by filling a gauge, set by me, with D100 results for each action taken in pursuit of the objective in question. Explosive die are in effect.
  6. For weapons tied to the heart, every SI gains a new default form, besides Aqua and Lingering Will.
  7. When certain conditions are met, Weapons of The Heart may evolve. Canon examples of this are; Riku's Soul Eater - Way To The Dawn, Roxas' Kingdom Key - Oathkeaper/Oblivion, Terra's Earthshaker - Ends of The Earth, Aqua's Rainfall - Stormfall, Ventus' Wayward Wind - Lost Memory and Data Sora's Fake Kingdom Key - Zero/One.
  8. NPCs are controlled by me, the GM, unless they're in a Player's "Party."
  9. Only Old Man Xehanort, Xemnes, Ansem Seaker of Darkness, Master of Masters, Luxu and Yen Sid are off limits, If you can find a way for the Foretellers or other Dandelions to be around, be my guest.
  10. We aren't stuck to canon, or disney, worlds, just tell me the series and I'll make the world.
@ForgottonFuture has requested to be Kairi, @UbeOne has requested to be Aqua and I shall be Roxas.

Player Roster incoming. DO NOT POST!

I'm interested in joining as Oberon, from Gargoyles.
Why the hell not. Replica Riku/"Repliku"

I'll give them a brush up on their powers once I'm off work.

Ansem, Seeker of Darkness can probably make a damn good pitch to me being his minion.
Can I take Sephiroth if it's not too much trouble? ^^;