Name: Elizabeth Jennifer.
Cursed Name: Dunno what this means?
Sex: Girl.
Age: 20.
Appearance: The woman has white skin with freckles, red hair dyed a bit more scarlet, and glasses. She has a thin body and a small chest. She dresses in both modest and more modern styles that show more skin. Her makeups style is typically all out where she uses more dramatic or 'cute' styles. Sometimes can be seen wearing hair accessories, cat ears or headphones.
Character Type: Original.
Powers/Abilities/Link: She is smart because she tried hard in school. The girl is mildly athletic and can walk long distances from not owning a car. She knows how to do makeup and hair and seems a source of fanciful stories, as she is a writer by trade.
Personality: A complicated girl she is both passive and antagonistic, sympathizing with villainesses. She often doesn't have the confidence to go after what she truly wishes in life and chooses writing to live out her fantasies. Especially romantic writing. The girl idealizes relationships a lot and wishes for a princess or prince to 'save her' from her mundane life. Kinda a hipstress and looks down on you for misquoting her fav movies a little. Difficult to tell what lies in her heart because like she's awkward or too quiet.
Equipment: A variety of makeups and hair accessories, purse, cell phone, wallet (With ID and money).