I try not to stare at her like a force damned fool, what I really really doubt I'm succeeding. The child in me that I now regretting giving me reins too speaks up on impulse. "Are you a Diathim?" If she doesn't know what that is... well I stuck my foot in it mise well finish the leg is well. It's more than I can do to keep slight embarrassment from my voice. "Their call the angels of the moons of Lego, they're supposed to be the most beautiful beings in the galaxy."

If that will icebreaker doesn't give her asking questions of their own I simply asked her if she wanted to know something.
Padme smiles, and laughs softly.

"No, I'm Human, just like you," she replies. "Where did you hear about them? I've never heard of such beings before." She curtsies slightly. "Forgive my manners. I am Padme; what's your name?"
Padme smiles, and laughs softly.

"No, I'm Human, just like you," she replies. "Where did you hear about them? I've never heard of such beings before." She curtsies slightly. "Forgive my manners. I am Padme; what's your name?"

I fight down my grin at her laugh do something less than besotted fool. "I helped a freighter captain repair his hyperspace motivator a few years ago. After that whenever he stopped off on tattooing, he would share some stories of the places he'd seen. I'm Anakin Skywalker, and I'm the best pilot and engineer that you'll ever meet."
Kit Fisto
Jedi Grand Temple

While waiting for all the technical aspects of the ship's preparations to be completed, I realised that I had forgotten a crucial aspect of our journey. I didn't go take out holocrons for our training.

With this oversight in mind, I turned to Mace and Dooku* and asked them if they would accompany me to the Archives so that we could select Holocrons that would best suit our individual and combined needs.
Kit Fisto
Jedi Grand Temple

While waiting for all the technical aspects of the ship's preparations to be completed, I realised that I had forgotten a crucial aspect of our journey. I didn't go take out holocrons for our training.

With this oversight in mind, I turned to Mace and Dooku* and asked them if they would accompany me to the Archives so that we could select Holocrons that would best suit our individual and combined needs.
Name: Mace Windu
Location: Hangar, Jedi Temple, Coruscant

Realizing from Kit's question that we forgot about borrowing Holocrons for our journey, I agreed to accompany him to the Archives.
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Kit Fisto
Jedi Grand Temple

While waiting for all the technical aspects of the ship's preparations to be completed, I realised that I had forgotten a crucial aspect of our journey. I didn't go take out holocrons for our training.

With this oversight in mind, I turned to Mace and Dooku* and asked them if they would accompany me to the Archives so that we could select Holocrons that would best suit our individual and combined needs.
Name: Mace Windu
Location: Hangar, Jedi Temple, Coruscant

Realizing from Kit's question that we forgot about borrowing Holocrons for our journey, I agreed to accompany him to the Archives.

- Dooku -

Dooku swiftly agreed. He understood that they would be gone for quite some time, far away from the Jedi Temple's resources. So it would be sensible to bring some along.

And while he had long prepared ways to assassinate Sidious in the past, none of them had seemed particularly viable due to the strength of Sidious's preparations and Sith senses. They would need to preempt those somehow.

Kit Fisto
The Grand Jedi Temple

A quick look at the pocket computer told me that the corvette's preparations would still carry on for a while longer, so I set it to alert me for when it completed and then took off to the Archives. Firstly I was looking for the holocrons of Jedi instructors over the years. They didn't have to be masters at their arts, although most Jedi who got to making a holocrons were masters anyway, but during our journey I wanted to incorporate some of the other styles into my own. I was going to focus on Makashi, Niman and Juyo, at least from the holocrons.

I was sure that Mace would share some of his knowledge on Juyo and the more advanced form of Vaapad with me, but I would first focus on mastering the very basics of that form before moving on to the next steps. Djem Sho should also help me in developing my ranged form, so in the end I would just take an intermediate lightsaber training holocron, as well as one focused solely on Makashi. I hoped that it would help me to defend against Sidious' vicious foghting style, while setting my glaive up for distractions.

Another thing that I decided to look for in the Archives was a holocron focused on Force Speed techniques, specifically those based on enhanced perception. At the moment I could move faster than most droids and even vehicles, but only for short bursts. I wanted to be able to speed up my mind enough to be able to deal with overwhelming speed, but at extended durations.

Sidious apparently enjoyed the use of copious amounts of lightning, so I decided to look for a holocron on the use of energy absorbtion and redirection. I would also be looking out for miscellaneous holocrons on other interesting subjects, but I wouldn't be searching for them.


When we reached the doors to the Archive I stopped and turned around. A moment of inspection of my two companions later, I addressed them:

"I am looking for holocrons focusing on the following in regards to lightsaber combat, intermediate instruction in every lightsaber form, complete instruction in Makashi, Vuyo and Djem Sho. In regards to the application of the Force, I would like to look for using Force Speed to accelerate my perception of the world around me for extended periods of time, as well ss the absorbtion and redirection of energy through the Force."

I paused for a second, debating on whether or not to broach the next subject, "Other than that, I think that it would be prudent to research Sith techniques and methods of combat, which we would have to venture deeper into the Holocron Vault for. We would have to investigate methods of resisting manipulation through the Dark Side as well.

"Any questions? Which topics would you two like to research?"
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I fight down my grin at her laugh do something less than besotted fool. "I helped a freighter captain repair his hyperspace motivator a few years ago. After that whenever he stopped off on tattooing, he would share some stories of the places he'd seen. I'm Anakin Skywalker, and I'm the best pilot and engineer that you'll ever meet."
"Oh? Best pilot and best engineer? So young and modest." She's teasing you a little, now, but you can't bring yourself to care; her smile is just that radiant and infectious, and you start grinning right back.
Kit Fisto
The Grand Jedi Temple

Holocron Vault

"Hmmm..." I hummed in consideration of Mace and Dooku's choices, before snapping my fingers, "Ah! Tutaminis! That was the term I was looking for!" I smiled and shook my head lightly. "Well, it certainly sounds doable. Perhaps a few forms of telekinteic combat would come in handy as well. We shall see."

With that, I nodded and pushed the doors open.


My first target was the catalogue terminal. I searched for Tutaminis holocrons. There was another terminal further inwards, completely disconnected from any network, that had the information on the current Sith Holocrons in storage, but I would visit that when I was ready.

"Tutaminis... Tutaminis... Aah! Here we go, tutaminis - one of the most useful force techniques ever taught by the Jedi, known in its most basic forms by every padawan in the Order... And sadly fallen into obscurity for all but its nost basic of applications. There are one or two holocrons here, in isles... Three A2, Five C4, and Six B3." I perused the descriptions for each for a few seconds.

"Three A2 contains an octahedral holocron by one Master Alshe Buoc, focusing mainly on countering Sith Lightning and other Sith energy techniques, as well as..." I trailed off and read a bit further, "As well as a comparitively minor level of instruction as to the application of Tutaminis during lightsaber combat."

I looked at Mace, "That sounds like what you and I were after, doesn't it?"

After his answer I carried on reading, "Five C4 holds a cubic holocron, by Master Mevrik Luzidic, covering a broad overview of neutralisation, absorbtion and redirection of most harmful sources of energy such as blaster bolts, lightsabers... and even tutelage on countering flamethrowers!" Reading further, I continued, "Although it seems that that level of instruction is withheld until the final stages of the holocron. It sounds incredibly useful, to be honest, although not completely what we are looking for. I wouldn't mind taking it anyway, but it may be best to leave it for a later date."

I moved on to the final Tutaminis entry, "And finally we have... Master Kkshiik'QShikik's basic instruction in Tutaminis, apparently what the current Padawan curriculum is based on. We should best leave that here, even without considering that we most likely would not benefit much from his tutelage."

I opened a map to unit Three A2 and asked Mace, "Mace, could you collect Master Buoc's holocron from its repository while I search for our next category?
Tutaminis Holocrons
Mace Windu
Archives, Jedi Temple, Coruscant

looked at Mace, "That sounds like what you and I were after, doesn't it?"
I nodded in response.

"Mace, could you collect Master Buoc's holocron from its repository while I search for our next category?"

Aside from getting Master Buoc's holocron, I also collected the holocron of Master Luzidic, since I could use more defensive measures against other sources of harm aside from Sith techniques. Blaster bolts, flamethrowers and the like, when used well, can kill Jedi, after all.